2020-09-02 Weekly News PDF

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Happy Birthday

Serving Edgewood to:

Week of September 6th September
Autumn Tidwell 03
Sound: ................................ Chris Posey Mildred Hunter 07 Health/Shut-ins
Savannah McGinness 09 Mildred Hunter
Screen: ................................... Kris Jain Stephanie Blackwell 09
Katherine Roark
Rebecca Seese 12
Greeting Cards .... Bethany Tshiupula Rodney Spear 14 Nell Swenson
Brenda Brewer 20 Lee Hartline
Ushers/Greeters;Martha Jane Roark Ariel Tshiupula 22 Susan Knight
J.C. Bray 23
Sanctuary: ................ Virginia Gilmore Julie Ligon 23 Ted Ford
Claudia Wells
......................................... Lisa Youmans Russell Seese 24
Gene Hall 30 Lucile DuToit
Security ............................ Chris Posey Kristina Massey 30

Please be in prayer...
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is
good, for His steadfast love endures
forever. (Psalm 136:1 ESV)

Please Remember in Prayer

Shut-ins Health Grieving
Mildred Hunter Ted Ford The Cosby Family
Katherine Roark Claudia Wells The Middleton Family Hallowed Be Your Name
Nell Swenson Margaret Greene The Welker Family
Lee Hartline Sue Holt The Youmans Family Ex. 33:15-23,
Susan Knight Lucile DuToit The Tidwell Family
Virginia Gilmore The Gilmore Family Matt.6:5-15
The Summers Family
 Choir rehearsals and Joyful Ringers have been cancelled until further notice.
The service will continue to be available online. http://epclife.com/live/

 Don’t forget tonight’s evening bible study zoom meeting at 7:30 pm. Here is
the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87833620759

 You’re invited to join a new Bible Study!

Do you know which Psalm is the longest Psalm in the Bible? It is arranged in an
acrostic pattern. It is a Psalm glorifying God and His word. We will begin a study
of this Psalm via Zoom on September 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Mark your calendars
and watch the newsletter for more details as we approach the start date.
Tithes and Offerings During the Pandemic

We have certainly missed each other while our beloved EPC has had to
rely on online services, meetings, and ministries during this
unprecedented time in our country and world. While we have not been
able to give tithes and offerings in our worship services during this time,
please know that your gifts are so important as we continue to cover the
church’s expenses and begin preparations for re-opening.

During these past several weeks, we have completed repair on the roof of
the sanctuary, purchased upgrades to our broadcasting software
capabilities, covered overhead and salaries, and begun to gather cost data
to take the steps necessary to safely re-open our church for worship

We have an online giving platform through the Presbyterian Mission

Exchange. You may give there by going to the church’s website,
www.epclife.com, and clicking on the “make a donation or pledge” button
near the bottom of the screen. Gifts may be given using bank draft or
credit card and can be set up on a recurring schedule.

If you would rather not use the online method, you may mail your tithes
and offerings directly to the church. Please mark your envelope to the
attention of the Financial Secretary, Wayne Braddy. Wayne will make the
deposit on behalf of the church each week on Thursday. You may also drop
your gift off at the church office and give to Deanna who will forward it to
Wayne. Deanna is in the office in the mornings, Monday through Thursday.

Thank you all for continuing to support EPC. We look forward to

worshiping with you in our sanctuary soon!
Stewardship Committee
Prayer Calendar—September 2020

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Jennifer, Abbie, Megan Thompson Tiffany, Autumn, Dave, Yvette, Marge Welker
Tristen, & Haleigh Stephanie, & Bethany, Ariel, &
Theel Stephanie Tidwell Isaiah Tshiupula

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Bob & Claudia Wells Bob & Karen Walter & Shirley Sheryl & Allen Lisa & Gus Mary Adams Liz Allison
Wetherell Williams Wright Youmans

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Patricia Banks Barry Barrentine Stephanie J.C. Bray Brenda Brewer Rebecca Bush Pat Collins

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Tom Collins Barry, Ginger, & Ursula Crowell Amy Dinsmore Lucile DuToit Debbie Ellison Brian, Gina,
Mariel Cosby Dhavid, Brianna,
& Abigail Evans

27. 28. 29. 30.

Jean Fleisch Ted Ford Lloyd & Cynthia Ron & Susan
Frey Gilbert

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