2020-09-02 Weekly News PDF
2020-09-02 Weekly News PDF
2020-09-02 Weekly News PDF
Please be in prayer...
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is
good, for His steadfast love endures
forever. (Psalm 136:1 ESV)
Don’t forget tonight’s evening bible study zoom meeting at 7:30 pm. Here is
the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87833620759
We have certainly missed each other while our beloved EPC has had to
rely on online services, meetings, and ministries during this
unprecedented time in our country and world. While we have not been
able to give tithes and offerings in our worship services during this time,
please know that your gifts are so important as we continue to cover the
church’s expenses and begin preparations for re-opening.
During these past several weeks, we have completed repair on the roof of
the sanctuary, purchased upgrades to our broadcasting software
capabilities, covered overhead and salaries, and begun to gather cost data
to take the steps necessary to safely re-open our church for worship
If you would rather not use the online method, you may mail your tithes
and offerings directly to the church. Please mark your envelope to the
attention of the Financial Secretary, Wayne Braddy. Wayne will make the
deposit on behalf of the church each week on Thursday. You may also drop
your gift off at the church office and give to Deanna who will forward it to
Wayne. Deanna is in the office in the mornings, Monday through Thursday.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Jennifer, Abbie, Megan Thompson Tiffany, Autumn, Dave, Yvette, Marge Welker
Tristen, & Haleigh Stephanie, & Bethany, Ariel, &
Theel Stephanie Tidwell Isaiah Tshiupula