World Health Organization: Regional Office For Africa Brazzaville 2015
World Health Organization: Regional Office For Africa Brazzaville 2015
World Health Organization: Regional Office For Africa Brazzaville 2015
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ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................................................... v
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... ix
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................... x
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
PART ONE................................................................................................................................. 6
1. Financial considerations..................................................................................................................................9
2. Regulatory framework....................................................................................................................................9
3. Organisation of the laboratory system.................................................................................................. 10
4. Laboratory standards ................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Laboratory workforce ................................................................................................................................. 13
6. Quality management systems .................................................................................................................... 15
7. Laboratory infrastructure........................................................................................................................... 15
8. Equipment and equipment maintenance................................................................................................ 16
9. Supply chain management........................................................................................................................... 16
10. Laboratory safety and waste management ........................................................................................... 17
11. Laboratory information management systems .................................................................................... 18
12. Research and development........................................................................................................................ 19
13. Public-private partnerships......................................................................................................................... 19
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................... 23
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 26
Despite this central role, strengthening nationally coordinated laboratory services has, until recently,
received little or inadequate attention in many countries. This has res ulted in laboratory services
having a very low national priority in respect to financing, planning and service delivery.
Given the growing importance of health laboratories and emphasis on evidence-based medical and
public health practices, it is imperative that health laboratories are strengthened to provide critical
inputs to making informed decisions.
To bring the laboratory capacity building agenda as a central component of national health system
strengthening, Resolution AFR/RC58/R2 on Public Health Laboratory Strengthening was adopted by
Member States in the WHO African region during the 58th session of the Regional Committee in
September 2008 in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
The WHO AFRO strategic direction priorities for 2010–2015 highlighted the importance laboratory
quality services through partnerships and harmonization of technical support to countries in building
capacity to respond to diseases of public health importance such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis
and other non-infectious diseases. The development of this document is one of the outcomes of these
important initiatives.
In order for laboratories to provide high quality test results, the following systems must be in place:
human capacity, infrastructure and management of quality systems.
Competent staff who are adequately trained, effective supervision by managerial staff, and
recruitment and retention programmes are required to maintain trained laboratory personnel. Formal,
pre-service training programmes as well as orientation, performance appraisals and in-service training
systems must also be available.
A safe and suitable physical environment with adequate space, power, climate control, water and
transport access is a necessity. There should be uninterruptible power supply (UPS) sup porting
laboratory equipment in case of power surges. Sufficient light, bench space, mains or bore hole water,
and distilled water are also required. In place must be high quality, functioning laboratory equipment
and a supply chain management system to provide adequate supplies of reagents, consumables and
quality control (QC) materials. The laboratory environment should have enough space to perform day -
to-day operations safely and efficiently and to store cold chain and non-cold chain supplies.
Effective laboratory quality systems, including well written policies and procedures, a quality control
(QC) system, quality improvement (QI), external quality assessment (EQA), and accreditation
standards should exist. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) must be understood and implemented
to ensure overall test reliability, which includes test accuracy and precision. Laboratory professionals
should routinely perform QC testing to guarantee that test methods and equipment perform according
to established standards. Laboratory professionals must participate in EQA/proficiency testing (PT)
programmes in order to demonstrate that acceptable systems are in place and that specimens are
collected and processed appropriately.
This document will help countries in their efforts to move away from a disease-specific laboratory
focus towards an integrated, coordinated health laboratory system, promotes efficient use of
resources and improved laboratory service delivery, builds laboratory capacity country -wide, and
ensures laboratories at all levels of the health system contribute to national disease surveillance and
This document, the ’Guidance for Establishing a National Health Laboratory System’’ , is a tool
and resource for strengthening or establishing a national health laboratory system and devel oping a
national laboratory policy and plan.
I recommend the use of such an integrated and coordinated approach to the countries in developing
the laboratory component of their national health policy and strategic plan.
In 2008, during the Fifty-eighth session of the Regional Committee, Member States of the African
Region adopted Resolution AFR/RC58/R2 [1], which emphasises the urgent need to strengthen
public health laboratories in the African Region at all levels of the health care system. The Resolution
calls for major investment in strengthening national policy, capacity-building and infrastructure
development to improve contributions of National Health Laboratory Services in patient
management, and in disease surveillance, prevention and control. The Resolution urges the Regional
Director to provide technical support to countries in their efforts to develop national health
laboratory policies, norms, standards and plans, and to promote the establishment and networking
of national and regional public health laboratories.
In 2011, Member States ratified a second resolution, AFR/RC59/R11 [2] to strengthen laboratory
capacity to address antimicrobial resistance in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS),
Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria. In addition, Resolution AFR/RC59/R4 [3] requests technical support
for development of a regional network of “Centres of Excellence” as reference centres for disease
surveillance, including the establishment of public health reference laboratories. This Resolution also
advocates for additional resources at national and international levels for the establishment of
centres of excellence for disease surveillance and public health laboratories, among others.
WHO AFRO would like to acknowledge with thanks all those who contributed to the development and
review of this tool, including:
Establishment of a comprehensive National Health Laboratory System provides the framework for
coordinated development and delivery of accessible, quality laboratory services countrywide. This
‘’Guidance for Establishing a National Health Laboratory System‘’ provides technical guidance for the
steps required to develop a National Laboratory Policy and National Laboratory Strategic Plan, and
effectively implement all the key elements of a comprehensive National Health Laboratory System.
These include the organisational and management structure, the regulatory framework, a laboratory
human resources plan, laboratory infrastructure, care and maintenance of equipment, provision of
laboratory supplies, a functional information management system, laboratory quality and biorisk
management systems and overall resource and financial management.
The document also proposes a structure for better coordination of activities among health
programmes, institutions and partners at all levels of the health system.
The document provides examples of resource materials from various countries and suggestions for
further reading to support implementation of the recommendations.
While vertical programmes provide opportunities for laboratory strengthening, they may also lead to
inadequate organization of national laboratory services and neglect of other components of the
laboratory system. Other factors that may impact on laboratory services include diverse funding
sources, inappropriate use of resources, ineffective aid coordination, and most importantly, lack of a
robust and coherent national health policy and strategic plan that incorporates a strong laboratory
component. Failure to implement the national strategic plan and fragmentation of laboratory services
leads to inefficiencies in the health system, and ultimately suboptimal health outcomes.
The laboratory system must be seen as an integral part of the national health system, and a major
contributor to its overall efficiency and effectiveness. A strong laboratory system reflects the
commitment by the Ministry of Health to provide comprehensive health services through effective
use of available resources in the country including those provided by international partners. It is vital
that the laboratory system is appropriately integrated in its development and implementation with
other government sectors that impact on human health, such as the agricultural, veterinary and
environmental sectors.
Moving away from a disease-specific laboratory focus towards an integrated, coordinated health
laboratory system promotes efficient use of resources and improved laboratory service delivery,
builds laboratory capacity country-wide, and ensures laboratories at all levels of the health system
contribute to national disease surveillance and control [8, 9].
The document guides development of a comprehensive National Laboratory Policy and Strategic
Plan, which are the vital first step towards organising, operating and monitoring a national health
laboratory system. Laboratory systems comprise a number of inter-dependent elements, which
frequently overlap and interconnect; for example, biorisk management requires a strong regulatory
Finally, the document promotes an integrated approach to establishing a national health laboratory
system for the most effective use of available human, logistical, and financial resources, and to
enhance networking amongst health programmes and institutions. The document does not describe
all possible ways of achieving success in strengthening national health laboratory systems, but
presents a set of principles to guide national leadership in decision -making. Each country needs to
define the most appropriate path to developing its own national health laboratory system within the
context of local variables and influences.
Health workforce Coverage Improved health (level and equity)
Information Responsiveness
Quality safety Improved efficiency
Source: Everybody’s Business: Strengthening Health Systems to Improve Health Outcomes. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007 [4].
Strong national health laboratory systems provide timely, high quality, cost-effective diagnostic and
informative services to their customers, which include national and local health authorities, health
care providers, patients and communities. Laboratory systems need to employ state-of-the-art
procedures appropriate for different settings to diagnose, monitor, prevent and control diseases, and
provide accurate information for national and local health monitoring and planning. Laboratory
systems need to place emphasis on excellence, complete customer satisfaction and continuous
quality improvement.
As shown in the figure 2, the health laboratory system comprises a number of key elements that are
cross-cutting across most of its functions. It is vital that all key elements are adequately addressed to
enable the laboratory system to function efficiently and effectively. Weaknesses in any of the key
elements affect the smooth operations of the complete laboratory system, and constrain its ability to
provide quality services in support of the national health system at every level.
As shown in the Figure 3 below, the development of a national health laboratory system can be
considered in three main phases: Inputs, Processes and Outputs to reach the final Outcome. Inputs
include conducting a situational analysis, drawing up the National Laboratory Policy and Strategic
Plan, and establishing the monitoring and evaluation framework. Processes include undertaking
consultations, establishing technical working groups, carrying out monitoring and evaluation,
conducting regular reviews and revisions, and financial accounting. These lead to key Outputs such
as the regulatory framework, management and administrative structures and national standards
addressing all key elements of the national health laboratory system, including the laboratory
workforce, laboratory infrastructure, the equipment and supply management system, information
management, safety, and the overall quality management system. These Outputs are conducted
through Annual Operation Plans that set out clear targets and indicators, responsibilities and
required resources, and are measured through the monitoring and evaluation framework. The
Outcome of the overall process is an integrated, quality laboratory service.
The National Laboratory Policy provides the overall framework and direction for establishing,
strengthening and maintaining the national health laboratory system. The National Laboratory
Strategic Plan provides the framework for the operations of the national health laboratory system,
including establishing measurable indicators to monitor performance over time [10].
The National Laboratory Policy defines minimum standards of diagnostic services in support of
essential clinical and public health services at each level of a tiered health care system; and addresses
the organisational and management structure, regulatory mechanisms, human resource
requirements, and all required support services, within the context of each country’s national health
priorities and health care delivery system.
A Vision statement: The vision defines the desired long-term future of the health laboratory system.
For example: Affordable, accessible, equitable, quality health laboratory services for the people of a
A Mission statement: The mission articulates the overall goal of the health laboratory services and
provides a guide towards achieving the vision. For example: To establish and maintain an effective,
accessible and equitable health laboratory system in the country that supports clinical care of
patients and the prevention, control and surveillance of diseases and public health events of national
and international importance.
Objectives: The overall goal of the National Laboratory Policy is to guide the establishment of a safe,
reliable quality health laboratory system that meets national health priorities. Objectives outline
major areas of focus and guide planning and strategic activities and may include the following:
(a) To develop and implement national policies, supportive regulatory frameworks and effective
organisational and management structures;
(b) To establish systems to assure quality of the national health laboratory services, including
minimum standards at each level of the health system and national accreditation processes;
(c) To build the capacity of the health laboratory system through enhanced human and financial
resources, effective support systems and functional networks;
(d) To establish systems for monitoring and evaluation of the health laboratory system for
maximum efficiency and effectiveness;
(e) To support research and development to continually inform and improve the national health
laboratory system.
The National Laboratory Policy provides the framework for developing the National Strategic Plan
for the Health Laboratory Services. The National Strategic Plan identifies the strategies and activities
3. Process for developing the national laboratory policy and national strategic
The development and implementation of the National Laboratory Policy and National Strategic Plan
is the responsibility of the designated laboratory department or unit in the Ministry of Health, which
provides the leadership function. The National Laboratory Policy and National Laboratory Strategic
Plan are developed in line with National Health Sector Policies and the overall country National
Health Sector Strategic Plan. A carefully designed National Laboratory Strategic Plan that is realistic,
practical and integrated with other relevant national health programmes is most likely to be
sustainable and successful in the long-term. The National Laboratory Policy and National Laboratory
Strategic Plan are living documents that require regular review based on a well-structured
Monitoring and Evaluation System.
The process for developing the National Laboratory Policy and National Laboratory Strategic Plan is
as follows:
Standard assessment tools are available to assist countries to conduct baseline assessments in a
selected number of laboratories at all levels of the health system [11, 12]. Examples of tools to
assess National Health Laboratory Systems are available [13, 14].
Examples of national laboratory policies developed in countries in Africa are available [15, 16, 17].
Other WHO guidance documents for development of a national laboratory policy are also available
Once the National Laboratory Strategic Plan is developed, Annual Operational Plans are drawn up,
detailing activities, time frames, implementing partners, budgetary allocations and annual funding
(a) Establishes measurable indicators, including output, outcome and impact indicators
(b) Monitors implementation of agreed activities
(c) Ensures regular reporting and review processes
(d) Identifies the need for additional action points
(e) Suggests possible changes and improvements to policy statements and strategic planning
(f) Accounts for all financial expenditures
The National Laboratory Technical Working Group includes a diverse group of stakeholders with
various types of expertise at different levels of the national health system. These include
representatives from other government sectors such as ministries responsible for the environment
(on matters relating to water-borne diseases, environmental events of public health importance);
agriculture (on matters relating to human-animal contact and disease); education, including
universities and technical colleges (on matters relating to human resource development); finance and
donor support (on matters relating to financial resources); non-governmental agencies and the
private sector; and technical experts such as clinicians, pathologists, public health experts, health
economists and biomedical engineers.
1. Financial considerations
2. Regulatory framework
3. Organisation of the laboratory system
4. Laboratory standards
5. Laboratory workforce
6. Quality Management System
7. Laboratory infrastructure
8. Equipment and equipment maintenance
9. Supply chain management
10. Laboratory safety and waste management
11. Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)
12. Research and development
13. Public private partnerships
1. Financial considerations
The financing of the National Health Laboratory System is part of the overall national health
financing plan as outlined in the National Health Sector Strategic Plan. The National Health
Laboratory System requires a dedicated, integrated budget covering the time frame of the National
Laboratory Strategic Plan, utilising all available sources. Sources of funding include: government
budgetary provisions, vertical programmes, user fees, partner organisations and other donors.
Key considerations
A dedicated national budget for the National Health Laboratory System, based on detailed
costing estimates, with adequate financing mechanisms to implement the Strategic Plan.
Mobilisation and coordination of required resources by the Ministry of Health, using key funding
mechanisms, such as global public health programmes, epidemic alert and response
programmes, and disease prevention and control programmes such as Polio, TB, HIV and
Malaria. Governments may explore internal mechanisms of funding, including cost recovery and
insurance schemes.
An efficient, user-friendly, transparent record-keeping and reporting system involving laboratory
managers at all levels of the laboratory network, with regular evaluations and clear lines of
accountability. Laboratory managers at least at central level of the health system require training
in financial administration.
2. Regulatory framework
Regulation provides the legal framework to ensure safe, quality laboratory operations and to protect
the public from substandard and unethical laboratory practices. The national regulatory framework
establishes requirements for registration and licensing of laboratory facilities and the laboratory
workforce. Registration is the official recognition that laboratories and laboratory workers have
Regulations are applicable to all laboratory and testing facilities (public, private not-for-profit, and
private-for-profit), staff, equipment, in-vitro diagnostic medical devices, procurement and supply,
testing methods, data management, sample transportation, biosafety measures, laboratory networks
and ethical issues. Regulatory systems maintain the confidence of health workers and the public in
the laboratory services.
Key considerations
Identification of relevant regulatory authorities, either within the Ministry of Health or
appointed by the Minister of Health and operating independently from the Ministry of Health.
Regulatory authorities are responsible for drawing up relevant regulatory and licensing statutes,
including setting standards for laboratory operations, requirements for pre-service and in-
service laboratory training institutions and courses, registering and licensing of laboratories and
laboratory workers, and regulation of laboratory equipment and in-vitro diagnostic medical
Linkages with regional and international regulatory authorities, such as the Pan-African
Harmonization Working Party that was launched in December 2012 [19].
Linkages with relevant institutions and bodies, such as laboratory training institutions, and the
national environmental protection agency, in drawing up the regulations.
Establishment of mechanisms for the regulatory authorities to monitor performance and
compliance with standards, and recommend disciplinary guidance for non-compliance to the
Ministry of Health. Clearly defined procedures and documentation controls are required to
enable the regulatory authorities to fulfil their functions.
Administration by the national regulatory authorities of a system of continuing education credits
as a requirement for annual registration of laboratory workers. Continuing education is
provided through national training institutes and other approved institutions , such as
professional associations and other implementing partners.
Establishment of a Code of Ethics that defines standards of conduct of laboratory workers.
Adequate training of staff involved in regulatory functions, including laboratory inspectors, and
members of the regulatory authorities.
Creation and maintenance of a National Laboratory Directory including health facility names
and addresses, contact information, facility categorisations, and facility locations. This
information may be shared with the Ministry of Health and other partners, as required.
Level IV:
National Reference
Level III:
Regional / Provincial
Level II:
County / District
Level I:
Key considerations
Establishment of criteria for the selection and nomination of national reference laboratories
according to the required disciplines within the country [8, 22].
Establishment of Terms of Reference and approved budgets for the safe operation of quality
reference laboratory services.
Periodic review of the performance of reference laboratories against established standards,
including compliance with international quality standards.
Establishment of links with regional reference laboratories and networks for purposes of
providing access to highly specialised testing that may not be available in country, and for quality
assurance purposes.
Establishment of links between the national reference laboratories
Establishment of twinning projects between resource limited laboratories and specialized
Key considerations
Coordination of the national laboratory-based disease surveillance programme through the
national health laboratory system to address priority diseases of clinical and public health
importance in the country.
Optimal use of the national health laboratory system for laboratory confirmation at each level of
the tiered system, with referral of samples to national or regional reference laboratories for
specialised testing.
Establishment of mechanisms for surge capacity testing, including involvement of the non -
government laboratory sector.
Mandatory participation by the private laboratory sector in essential public health functions, such
as submitting disease notification reports.
Laboratory networking
Laboratories at every tier level of the health system are part of the national network in support of
clinical management and public health functions. Laboratory networking at national, subregional,
regional and international levels is essential for the delivery of quality clinical care, for disease
surveillance, for detection and response to events that may be of national and international
importance, such as influenza surveillance or food safety, for quality monitoring, and for continuous
improvement of the laboratory services.
4. Laboratory standards
Minimum packages of essential tests and services are established to meet national clinical and public
health needs in accordance with clinical, laboratory and public health capacities at each tier level of
the health system [27, 28]. Efficient specimen referral systems ensure that patients can access
specialised and confirmatory testing, as required.
Key considerations
Establishment of minimum standard packages for laboratory services, including laboratory
infrastructure and utilities, tests, techniques, equipment and staffing requirements, for each level
of the tiered laboratory system, through a consultative process involving relevant stakeholders
from the Ministry of Health, other ministry departments, non-governmental organisations and
agencies, and the private sector.
Addressing clinical diagnostic and public health functions, including surveillance of diseases of
public health importance, complexity of testing procedures and clinical and laboratory skills,
when developing minimum packages for each tier level of the health system [5].
Recognition of the need for customised packages for selected clinical and public health
laboratories, especially laboratories at central and reference levels that provide specialised
services or laboratory training.
Provision of guidance on appropriate use of minimum diagnostic packages to promote rational
and effective use of laboratory testing by clinicians and other health care workers.
5. Laboratory workforce
The laboratory workforce is the most valuable resource in the national health laboratory system.
The laboratory workforce comprises a number of cadres including laboratory managers,
phlebotomists, technicians, laboratory scientists, pathologists and laboratory support staff. The
laboratory workforce interfaces with a range of professionals including clinicians, nurses, public
health workers, health authorities and staff working in the support services, as well as community
There is a critical shortage of laboratory professional staff with appropriate training to meet the
clinical and public health demands on the African continent. Staff migration across sectors and
countries is a recognised challenge in all African countries, and measures to attract and retain
Key considerations
Development of a comprehensive national laboratory human resources plan to meet projected
requirements, taking into consideration minimum staffing requirements for each tier level of the
national health laboratory system; required cadres of laboratory workers including supervisors
and laboratory auditors; distribution of laboratory workers in urban, rural and remote settings;
and laboratory worker production, recruitment and attrition rates.
Inclusion in the national laboratory human resources plan of adequate numbers of non-
laboratory cadres essential for the operation of the laboratory services, in conjunction with
other ministry departments and units, including logisticians, equipment maintenance engineers,
information technologists and data managers.
Identification of adequate financial resources to meet the national laboratory human resources
Rational distribution of qualified laboratory workers to peripheral levels of the health system as
part of the process of decentralisation of health services to provide access to quality health care
to all the population.
Establishment of schemes of service, career progression and optimal working conditions for
laboratory workers of all cadres.
Establishment of measures for retention and motivation of laboratory workers, especially for
staff working in remote and under-served areas, including appropriate benefits, opportunities
for career advancement, continuing education programmes, and special recognition.
Coordination with universities, colleges and laboratory training institutions to maintain
standards of pre-service training of the laboratory workforce through regular updating of
tutors, training curricula and facilities, to ensure laboratory graduates are adequately prepared
for laboratory practice.
Establishment of appropriate training courses for ancillary laboratory workers including
phlebotomists, information technologists, data managers and equipment maintenance engineers;
and for non-laboratory health workers conducting point of care laboratory testing.
Identification, establishment and coordination of continuing professional development
programmes for laboratory workers of all cadres, including distance learning programmes.
Laboratory workers at every level of the health system and in all geographical locations require
access to continuing professional development programmes, which may be provided by national
training institutions, professional associations and other implementing partners.
Establishment of continuing professional development programmes to address special training
needs such as laboratory and financial management for laboratory heads, and for quality
managers and safety officers.
Establishment of a staff record system including regular appraisal of staff performance, and
mandatory participation in continuing professional development programmes, linked to annual
registration through a credits system.
Establishment of an effective supervisory strategy, including plans for regular, integrated
supervision to laboratories at every level of the tiered health system, the use of comprehensive
structured checklists, training of supervisors, effective reporting systems and mechanisms for
providing adequate feedback, remedial action and required resources. Supervision may be
planned in collaboration with vertical disease control programmes and partners.
Strengthening the clinical and laboratory interface, including promoting the rational use of
laboratory services to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of health care.
Quality and competence in laboratory services are defined by standards established to guide all
laboratory functions. Standards for specific aspects of laboratory work may be internationally
recognised, such as the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
including ISO 15189 for Quality and Competence for Medical Laboratories, ISO 17043 for General
Requirements for Proficiency Testing, and standards set by the Clinical Laboratory Standards
Institute (CLSI) for Quality Management Systems for Medical Laboratories. Countries may develop
their own national laboratory standards to meet their own specific needs. In 2011, the World Health
Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) introduced the WHO Guidance for the
Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) which outlines a
framework for a phased laboratory quality improvement process towards achieving accreditation [30
33]. A number of tools for implementing laboratory quality improvement at all levels of the national
health laboratory systems are available free of charge [31, 32, 34, 35].
Key considerations
A national commitment to establishing and maintaining quality management systems at all
laboratory levels, with provision of adequate support, including logistical and financial resources.
Establishment of laboratory standards for in use in the country with involvement of regulatory
authorities, professional bodies and other stakeholders, to avoid co-existence of conflicting
Development of national Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all laboratory levels to
support quality services, including the routine use of internal quality control procedures.
Participation by all laboratories in appropriate External Quality Assessment (EQA) schemes.
Appointment of appropriately trained quality managers at all laboratory levels.
Mandatory compliance by national reference laboratories with internationally recognised quality
management standards, including participation in internationally recognised External Quality
Assessment (EQA) schemes.
Inclusion of Quality Management Systems in all pre-service and in-service laboratory training
Inclusion of laboratory quality standards as part of national registration and licensing
requirements, including private not-for-profit and private for-profit sectors.
Building national capacity for laboratory assessment, audit, certification and accreditation.
7. Laboratory infrastructure
Adequate laboratory workspace and facilities are essential to enable laboratory functions to proceed
without compromising quality of work and safety of laboratory workers, other health care
personnel, patients and the community.
Key considerations
Establishment of standard designs for physical infrastructure appropriate for each laboratory tier
level, addressing minimum dimensions of laboratory rooms, ventilation, power and water supply,
lighting, drainage, sewage and sanitation, storage including cold storage, waste management and
security, in compliance with national or international occupational health, safety and
environmental standards.
Key considerations
Establishment of standards for equipment selection based on specifications appropriate for each
level of the tier laboratory system, capital cost and cost per test, availability, shelf-life and
storage conditions of reagents, and availability of user and service manuals in an appropriate
Establishment of national protocols, policies, procedures and checklists for procurement,
acquisition, distribution, installation and disposition (retirement) of laboratory equipment, in line
with the national medical equipment management system, with provision of adequate logistical
and financial resources.
Establishment of a national medical equipment preventive maintenance and repair system
supported by qualified service engineers and availability of adequate tools and spare parts.
Inclusion of training in user care and preventive maintenance of laboratory equipment in all pre-
and in-service training programmes for laboratory workers [34].
Establishing service contracts with local agents for major items of equipment. Consideration
may be given to establishing rental agreements with local agents for large, expensive items of
Establishment and adherence to national guidelines for acceptance of donated equipment. [36]
Case studies of national laboratory logistics systems are available [37]. An example of a functional
procurement and supply management process is given in figure 5
Laboratory workers face a number of risks including bio-hazards (when the source of harm is a
biological agent or toxin), chemical risks and fire risks. A risk is a combination of the probability of
occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm. Laboratory managers are required to recognise
risks, implement measures to minimise risks and respond appropriately to events that may occur
[43, 44, 45].
Key considerations
Establishment of national policies and regulations on laboratory safety and waste management,
in compliance with national or international occupational health, safety and environmental
standards, using a consultative process, including the national environmental authority.
Establishment of special biosafety or biosecurity regulations for specific high containment
laboratories handling highly dangerous pathogens.
Promotion of compliance with policies and regulations by ensuring adequate resources for
developing and disseminating appropriate safety manuals and guidelines, and supporting
infrastructure development.
Inclusion of laboratory safety and waste management procedures in all pre- and in-service
laboratory training programmes.
Appointment of appropriately trained safety officers at all health facilities.
Inclusion of compliance with laboratory safety and waste management policies and procedures
as part of national registration and licensing requirements, including the private not-for-profit
and private for-profit sectors.
Disease surveillance data is generated using the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR)
data management system managed by the disease surveillance unit of the Ministry of Health. Disease
surveillance data is also obtained from the national LIMS during routine laboratory reporting.
Key considerations
Establishment of a standardised national laboratory information management system, addressing
both management and operational issues, which may be adapted to meet the current and future
needs of the national health laboratory system.
Research is vital to continually inform national policy, improve the functions and quality of the
national health laboratory system and address emerging health challenges.
Key components
Promotion of research at all levels, including strategic collaborations and partnerships between
academic and private sector partners, research institutions and the service delivery sector.
Establishment of a National Research Plan outlining priority areas and collaborating partners.
Research may include operational research and laboratory-based research, such as complex
laboratory testing in emerging areas of laboratory science including molecular genetics, drug
resistance and pathogen discovery.
Establishment of comprehensive Memoranda of Understanding with research partners
addressing shared tasks, ownership and protection of specimens and data, and intellectual
property rights. All research on human and animal subjects must adhere to national
requirements for scientific and ethical clearance.
Establishment of a national laboratory research database to track on-going research and
promote relevant application of research results into policy and practice.
Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are collaborative endeavours that combine resources from the
public sector with resources from the private sector to maximise efforts to accomplish laboratory
Key components
Identifying PPPs to undertake a number of laboratory system strengthening activities, such as
quality improvement and training.
Ensuring partnerships are supported by signed agreements, joint oversight committees and a
structured monitoring and evaluation plan.
Sharing of resources, risks and results during programme implementation.
o Home page:
o Laboratory page:
o Home page:
o Laboratory strengthening team:
o Diagnostic and laboratory technology home page:
o Laboratory biosafety programme:
o HIV diagnosis unit:
o Home page:
o Laboratory topics:
o Home page:
o Laboratory topics:
o Home page:
o Laboratory topics:
o Home page:
o Documentation centre:
on%20series (and choose “Laboratory” in the topic drop down list)
Division of laboratory systems, home page:
Division of laboratory systems, documents:
Pasteur Institute
Website: (in French)
Website: (in English)
Pasteur network website: (in French)
Pasteur network website: (in
Other institutions:
o Website:
o Laboratory division:
5. World Health Organization. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health
Laboratory Quality Systems. Lyon, France. 2008.