OmniVista AirManager 3600 v6.4 Configuration Guide
OmniVista AirManager 3600 v6.4 Configuration Guide
OmniVista AirManager 3600 v6.4 Configuration Guide
Configuration Guide
Version 6.4
Configuration Guide
Part Number: 0510641-01
© 2009 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.
Specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice.
Originated in the USA.
AOS-W, Alcatel 4308, Alcatel 4324, Alcatel 6000, Alcatel 41, Alcatel 60/61/65, Alcatel 70, and Alcatel 80 are trademarks of
Alcatel-Lucent in the United States and certain other countries.
Any other trademarks appearing in this manual are the property of their respective companies.
Legal Notice
The use of Alcatel-Lucent switching platforms and software, by all individuals or corporations, to terminate Cisco or
Nortel VPN client devices constitutes complete acceptance of liability by that individual or corporation for this action
and indemnifies, in full, Alcatel-Lucent from any and all legal actions that might be taken against it with respect to
infringement of copyright on behalf of Cisco Systems or Nortel Networks."
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 5
Document Audience and Organization..................................................................5
Related Documents ...............................................................................................5
Text Conventions...................................................................................................5
Contacting Alcatel-Lucent .....................................................................................6
Index ..................................................................................................................................... 45
Chapter Description
Chapter 1, “Overview of Alcatel-Lucent Configuration in Introduces the concepts, components, navigation, and initial setup of
OV3600” Alcatel-Lucent Configuration.
Chapter 2, “Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Provides a series of procedures for configuring, modifying, and using
Operations” Alcatel-Lucent Configuration once initial setup is complete. This
chapter is oriented around the most common tasks in Alcatel-Lucent
Related Documents
The following documentation supports the OmniVista3600 Air Manager, Version 6.4 and is accessible
from the Home > Documentation page:
Quickstart Guide
User Guide
Supported APs/Devices
Supported Firmware Versions
Text Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to emphasize important concepts:
Italics This style is used to emphasize important terms and to mark the titles of books.
GUI components Bold, sans-serif font indicates that the OV3600 GUI displays this item exactly as cited in body text.
Commands In the command examples, this bold font depicts text that you must type exactly as shown.
This document uses the following notice icons to emphasize advisories for certain actions,
configurations, or concepts:
Indicates a risk of damage to your hardware or loss of data.
Contacting Alcatel-Lucent
Online Contact and Support
Main Website
Support Website
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Service and OmniVista
3600 Email Support
Overview of Alcatel-Lucent
Configuration in OV3600
AOS-W (AOS) is the operating system, software suite, and application engine that operates Alcatel-Lucent
WLAN switch and centralizes control over the entire mobile environment. The AOS-W Wizards, the AOS-W
command-line interface (CLI), and the AOS-W WebUI are the primary means by which to configure and
deploy AOS.
The Alcatel-Lucent Configuration feature in the OmniVista3600 Air Manager consolidates AOS-W
configuration and pushes global Alcatel-Lucent configurations from one utility. This chapter introduces the
components and initial setup of Alcatel-Lucent Configuration with the following topics:
OV3600 supports Alcatel-Lucent AP Groups, and these are distinct and must not be confused with standard
OV3600 Device Groups. This document provides information about the configuration and use of Alcatel-Lucent
NOTE AP Groups, and describes how Alcatel-Lucent AP Groups interoperate with standard OV3600 Device Groups.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration has the following restrictions in OV3600:
At the present time, Alcatel-Lucent Configuration in OV3600 does not support every AOS-W Network
component. OV3600 supports only IP Mobility and VLANs in the Advanced Services section, for example.
Future versions of OV3600 will support additional AOS-W features, to include Alcatel-Lucent AP Group
and Profile distribution from the Master Console.
Refer also to “Using OV3600 to Deploy Alcatel-Lucent Devices for the First Time” on page 39.
OV3600 users can choose between the existing template-based configuration and new GUI-based
configuration for Alcatel-Lucent devices on firmware and greater. Upon upgrading to OV3600, groups
with all devices in monitor-only mode will automatically use the GUI-based configuration.
Only global configuration is supported; OV3600 can work in a master-local or an all-master
Configuration changes are pushed to the switch via SSH with no reboot required.
All settings for Profiles, Alcatel-Lucent AP Groups, Servers and Roles are supported, as is the AOS-W
WLAN Wizard (basic view). Switch IP addresses, VLANs and interfaces are not supported, nor are
Advanced Services with the exception of VPN and IP Mobility.
OV3600 now understands AOS-W license dependencies.
You can provision devices from the AP/Devices > Manage page. You can move APs into Alcatel-Lucent
AP Groups from the Modify These Devices option on the APs/Devices > List page.
You can configure AP names as AP Overrides on the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page.
Support for AOS-W GUI configuration via global groups and the OV3600 Master Console will be added in
a future release.
Changes to dependency between the OV3600 group and folders help customers who want to use the folder
structure to manage configuration; however, users are now be able to see (but not access) group and folder
paths for which they do not have permissions.
For more detailed information about this feature, as well as steps for transition from template-based
configuration to web-based configuration, refer to additional chapters in this user guide. For known issues in
the general OV3600 release, refer to the OV3600 Release Notes.
AOS-W 3.4.0
OV3600 6.4 and later versions support AOS-W 3.4.0 with these additional enhancements:
OV3600 displays Alcatel-Lucent APs with disabled radios as up.
10 | Overview of Alcatel-Lucent Configuration in OV3600 Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
OV3600 supports device IP addresses.
Air Monitor is now a per-radio mode in OV3600.
OV3600 displays the user’s cipher for Alcatel-Lucent clients, as supported in AOS-W 3.4.
OV3600 supports several additional IDS traps.
OV3600 supports additional OmniAccess 4306 WLAN Switch and the OAW-AP105 Access Point.
Refer to the OV3600 6.4 Release Notes for additional information.
Figure 1 Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Navigation Pane (Contracted and Expanded)
Figure 2 Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups Navigation
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups are not to be confused with conventional OV3600 device groups. OV3600
supports both group types and both are viewable on the Groups > List page when so configured.
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups have the following characteristics:
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups are global, and any Alcatel-Lucent switch can support multiple Alcatel-
Lucent Device Groups.
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups are assigned to folders, and folders define visibility. Using conventional
OV3600 folders to define visibility, Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups can provide visibility to some or many
components while blocking visibility to other users for more sensitive components, such as SSIDs.
Navigate to the Users pages to define folder visibility, and refer to “Visibility in Alcatel-Lucent
Configuration” on page 41.
You can import a switch configuration file from AOS-W for Alcatel-Lucent Device Group deployment in
For additional information, refer to the following sections in this document:
“Setting Up Initial Alcatel-Lucent Configuration” on page 20
“General Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups Procedures and Guidelines” on page 30
This document describes WLAN configuration in the following section and chapter:
“Setting Up Initial Alcatel-Lucent Configuration” on page 20
“General WLAN Procedures and Guidelines” on page 33
Profiles Section
Profiles provide a way to organize and deploy groups of configurations for Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups,
WLANs, and other profiles. Profiles are assigned to folders; this establishes visibility to Alcatel-Lucent
Device Groups and WLAN settings. Access Profiles with Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration >
Profiles, illustrated in Figure 5.
Security Section
The Security section displays, adds, edits, or deletes security profiles in multiple categories, to include user
roles, policies, rules, and servers such as RADIUS, TACACS+, and LDAP servers. Navigate to Security with
the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > Security path, illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 7 Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > Advanced Services Navigation
Click the Add icon (the plus symbol) at right to add a referenced profile. Once you Save or Save and
Apply that profile, OV3600 automatically returns you to the original Alcatel-Lucent Device Group
configuration page.
This embedded configuration is also supported on the Additional Alcatel-Lucent Profiles section of the
Groups > Alcatel-Lucent Config page.
Save and Apply —This button saves and applies the configuration with reference to Manage and Monitor
modes. For example, you must click Save and Apply for a configuration profile to propagate to all
devices immediately if the switch is in Manage mode. If you have devices in Monitor mode, OV3600
compares the current device configuration with the new desired configuration. For additional
information and instructions about using Manage and Monitor modes, refer to “Pushing Device
Configurations to Switches” on page 36.
Revert—This button cancels out of a new configuration or reverts back to the last saved configuration.
OV3600 pushes configuration settings that are defined in the GUI to the Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switches as a
set of CLI commands using Secure Shell (SSH). No switch reboot is required.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration includes several settings or functions that are dependent on special licenses.
The user interface conveys that a special license is required for any such setting, function, or profile.
OV3600 does not push such configurations when a license related to those configurations is unavailable.
The following licenses are required for additional functions, profiles, or settings in Alcatel-Lucent
External Services Interface (ESI)
Indoor Mesh Access Points
Ortronics Access Points
Outdoor Mesh Access Points
Policy Enforcement Firewall
Remote Access Points
Voice Service Module
VPN Server Module
Wireless Intrusion Protection Module
xSec Module
Complete the OV3600 6.4 upgrade from a prior OV3600 version. Refer to “Related Documents” on page 5
for installation or upgrade documents. Upon upgrade to OV3600 Version 6.4 or later, Alcatel-Lucent
Perform the following steps to deploy Alcatel-Lucent Configuration when at least one Alcatel-Lucent Device
Group currently exists on at least one Alcatel-Lucent switch on the network:
1. On the Groups > Basic page, enable device preferences for Alcatel-Lucent devices. Figure 13 illustrates
this page.
This configuration defines optional group display options. This step is not critical to setup, and default
settings will support groups appropriate for Alcatel-Lucent Configuration. One important setting on this
page is the Alcatel-Lucent GUI Config option. Ensure that setting is Yes, which is the default setting.
When authorizing the first switch onto a group, you must add the device in monitor-only mode. Otherwise,
OV3600 removes the configuration of the switch before you have a chance to import the configuration, and this
would remove critical network configuration and status.
3. Navigate to the AP/s/Devices > Audit page for the first switch to prepare for importing an existing
Alcatel-Lucent switch configuration file. Figure 14 illustrates this page when all configurations are
current. Much additional information is available if the device is mismatched.
4. Navigate to the APs/Devices > Manage page for this device. Import the Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switch
settings from an Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switch that has already been configured. Click Import and OV3600
advises you with a confirmation page.
Importing this configuration creates all the Profiles and Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups on the Device
Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page. This action also adds and selects the Alcatel-Lucent Device
Groups that appear on the Groups > Alcatel-Lucent Config page.
The folder for all the Profiles and Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups is set to the top folder of the OV3600
user who imports the configuration. This folder is Top in the case of managing administrators with read/
write privileges.
5. After configuration file import is complete, navigate to the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration
This page displays a list of APs authorized on the OV3600 that are using the Alcatel-Lucent Device
The User Role is the OV3600 User Role used in firewall settings.
The Folder column cites the visibility level to devices in each Alcatel-Lucent Device Group. For
additional information, refer to “Visibility in Alcatel-Lucent Configuration” on page 41.
6. Add or modify Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups as required.
a. Navigate to the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups page,
illustrated in Figure 15.
a. Click Add from the Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups page to create a new Alcatel-Lucent Device Group.
To edit an Alcatel-Lucent Device Group, click the pencil icon next to the group. The Details page for
the Alcatel-Lucent Device Group group appears. This page allows you to select the profiles to apply
to the Alcatel-Lucent Device Group, and to select one or more WLANs that support that Alcatel-
Lucent Device Group. Figure 16 illustrates this page.
Figure 16 Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups > Add/Edit Details Page
The following section of this configuration guide provide additional information about configuring
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups:
“General Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups Procedures and Guidelines” on page 30
12. Navigate to the APs/Devices > Audit page for the switch to view mismatched settings. This page provides
links to display additional and current configurations. You can display all mismatched devices by
navigating to the APs/Devices > Mismatched page.
Using Alcatel-Lucent
Configurations in Daily Operations
This chapter presents the more common tasks or concepts after initial setup of Alcatel-Lucent
Configuration is complete, as described in the section “Setting Up Initial Alcatel-Lucent Configuration” on
page 20. This chapter emphasizes frequent procedures as follows:
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 29
General Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups Procedures and
Guidelines and Pages for Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups in Alcatel-Lucent
The following guidelines govern the configuration and use of Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups across
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups function with standard OV3600 groups that contain them. Add Alcatel-
Lucent Device Groups to standard OV3600 groups. Additional procedures in this document explain their
APs can belong to a switch's OV3600 group or to an OV3600 group by themselves.
All configurations of Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups must be pushed to Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switches to
become active on the network.
Additional dynamics between master, standby master, and local switches still apply. In this case, refer to
“Using Master, Standby Master, and Local Switches in Alcatel-lucent Configuration” on page 36.
The following pages in OV3600 govern the configuration and use of Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups or
standard device groups across OV3600:
The Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration navigation pane displays standard AOS-W components
and your custom-configured Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups, WLANs, and AP Overrides.
You define or modify Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups on the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration
page. Click Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups from the navigation pane.
You select Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups to associate with OV3600 Groups with the Groups > Alcatel-
lucent Config page.
You modify devices in Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups with the APs/Devices > List page, clicking Modify
These Devices. This is the page at which you assign devices to a given group and Alcatel-Lucent Device
1. Browse to the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page, and click the AP Groups heading in the
navigation pane on the left. The Groups Summary page appears and displays all current Alcatel-Lucent
Device Groups.
30 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Figure 20 Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > AP Groups Page Illustration
Figure 21 Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration > Add/Edit Group Details Page Illustration
3. Click Add or Save to finish creating or editing the Alcatel-Lucent Device Group. Click Cancel to back out
of this screen and to cancel the AP Group configurations.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 31
4. New AP groups appear in the AP Groups section of the Alcatel-Lucent Configuration navigation pane,
and clicking the group name takes you to the Details page for that group.
5. When this and other procedures are completed, push the configuration to the Alcatel-Lucent WLAN
switches by clicking Save and Apply. The principles of Monitor and Manage mode still apply. For
additional information, refer to “Pushing Device Configurations to Switches” on page 36.
What Next?
Once Alcatel-Lucent device groups are defined, ensure that all desired WLANs are referenced in Alcatel-
Lucent Device Groups, as required. Repeat the above procedure to revise WLANs as required. You can add
or edit AP devices in Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups, and you can configure AP Override settings that allow
for custom AP configuration within the larger group in which it operates.
32 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Retaining Unreferenced Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Profiles
OV3600 supports the ability to retain Alcatel-Lucent Configuration profiles even when they are not used.
Perform these steps to define the retention of unused Alcatel-Lucent Configuration profiles.
1. Navigate to the OV3600 Setup > General page.
2. Locate the Configuration Options section and adjust settings as required. The settings in this field
configure whether certain changes can be pushed to devices in monitor-only mode.
3. In the Configuration Options section, adjust the setting for the Keep Unreferenced Alcatel-Lucent
Configuration field as required.
This setting allows OV3600 to retain unused AOS-W configuration profiles pertaining to Alcatel-Lucent
Configuration. With Alcatel-Lucent Configuration, you can define profiles on an Alcatel-lucent switch
but it is not necessary to reference them from a virtual AP configuration or other component of Alcatel-
Lucent Configuration. Normally OV3600 deletes unreferenced profiles, but this setting retains them
when enabled with Yes.
4. Click Save to retain this setting.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 33
2. To add a new WLAN, click the Add WLAN button. To edit an existing WLAN, click the pencil icon next to
the WLAN name. Select Basic to define or modify the settings. Otherwise, refer to the “Configuring or
Editing WLANs with Advanced View” on page 34 for additional information. Figure 26 illustrates the
Basic view.
Figure 23 Device Setup > WLANs > Add > Basic Page Illustration
3. Click Add or Save. The added or edited WLAN appears on the WLANs page. You can now use this WLAN
with one or more Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups.
4. Repeat this procedure or continue to additional procedures to complete WLAN, Profile, Alcatel-Lucent
Device Group or other configurations.
5. Push the newly added or edited WLAN to the desired Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switches. Refer to “Pushing
Device Configurations to Switches” on page 36.
34 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Figure 24 Device Setup > Alcatel-lucent Configuration > WLANs > Add > Advanced Page Illustration
3. Click Add or Save. The added or edited WLAN appears on the WLANs page. You can now use this WLAN
with one or more Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups.
4. Repeat this procedure or continue to additional procedures to complete WLAN, Profile, Alcatel-Lucent
Device Group or other configurations.
5. Push the newly added or edited WLAN to the desired Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switches. For additional
information, refer to “Pushing Device Configurations to Switches” on page 36.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 35
General Switch Procedures and Guidelines
Using Master, Standby Master, and Local Switches in Alcatel-lucent Configuration
OV3600 implements the following general approaches in relation to switches.
Master Switch—This switch maintains and pushes all global configurations. OV3600 pushes
configurations only to a master switch.
Standby Switch—The master switch synchronizes with the standby master switch, which remains
ready to govern global configurations for all switches should the active master switch fail.
Local Switch—Master switches push local configurations to local switches. Local switches retain
settings such as the interfaces and global VLANs.
OV3600 is aware of differences in what is pushed to master switches and local switches, and automatically
pushes all configurations to the appropriate switches. Device provisioning is pushed to the switch to which
a device is connected.
You can determine additional details about what is specific to each switch by reviewing information on the
Groups > Alcatel-lucent Config page, and the Groups > Monitor page for any specific AP that lists its master
and standby master switch.
If you click Save and Apply when a device is in Monitor mode, this initiates a verification process in which OV3600
advises you of the latest mismatches. Mismatches are viewable from the APs/Devices > Mismatched page.
NOTE Additional Audit and Group pages list mismatched status for devices.
Normally, devices are in Monitor mode. It may be advisable in some circumstances to accumulate several
configuration changes in Monitor mode prior to pushing an entire set of changes to switches. Follow these
general steps when implementing configuration changes for devices in Monitor mode:
1. Make all device changes using the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page and the Groups >
Alcatel-lucent Config page. Click Save and Apply as you complete device-level changes. This builds an
inventory of pending configuration changes that have not been pushed to the switch and APs.
2. Review the entire set of newly mismatched devices on the APs/Devices > Mismatched page.
3. For each mismatched device, navigate to the APs/Devices > Audit page to audit recent configuration
changes as desired.
4. Once all mismatched device configurations are verified to be correct from the APs/Devices > Audit page,
use the Modify Devices link on the Groups > Monitor page to place these devices into Management mode.
This instructs OV3600 to push the device configurations to the switch.
5. As desired, return devices to Monitor mode until the next set of configuration changes is ready to push to
36 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Supporting APs with Alcatel-Lucent Configuration
AP Overrides Guidelines
The AP Override component of Alcatel-Lucent Configuration appears in the navigation pane of the Device
Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page. This component operates with the following principles:
AP devices function within groups that define operational parameters for groups of APs. This is standard
across all of OV3600.
AP Overrides allows you to change some parameters of any given AP without having to remove that AP
from the configuration group in which it operates.
The name of any AP Override that you create should be the same as the name of the AP device to which
it applies. This establishes the basis of all linking to that AP device.
Once you have created an AP Override, you select the WLANs in which it applies.
Once you have created the AP Override, you can go one step further with the Exclude WLANs option of
AP Override, which allows you to exclude certain SSIDs from the AP override. For example, if you have a
set of WLANs with several SSIDs available, the Exclude WLANs option allows you to specify which
SSIDs to exclude from the AP Override.
You can also exclude mesh clusters from the AP Override.
In summary, the AP Override feature prevents you from having to create a new AP group for customized
APs that otherwise share parameters with other APs in a group. AP Override allows you to have less total AP
groups than you might otherwise require.
Figure 25 Device Setup > Alcatel-lucent Configuration > AP Overrides Page Illustration
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 37
Figure 26 AP Overrides Add or Edit Page Illustration (Non-scrolling View)
3. Click Add or Save. The added or edited AP Override appears on the AP Overrides page.
4. Push the newly added or edited AP Override configuration to the desired Alcatel-Lucent WLAN
switches. Refer to “Pushing Device Configurations to Switches” on page 36.
5. Repeat this procedure or continue to additional procedures to complete WLAN, Profile, Alcatel-Lucent
Device Group or other configurations.
38 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Changing the Alcatel-Lucent Device Group for an AP Device
You can change the Alcatel-Lucent Device Group to which an AP device is associated. Perform the
following steps to change the Alcatel-Lucent Device Group for an AP device:
1. As required, review the Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups currently configured in OV3600. Navigate to the
Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page, and click Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups from the
navigation pane. This page displays and allows editing for all Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups that are
currently configured in OV3600.
2. Navigate to the APs/Devices > List page to view all devices currently seen by OV3600.
3. If necessary, add the device to OV3600 using the APs/Devices > New page.
To discover additional devices, ensure that the switch is set to perform a device poll period.
4. On the APs/Devices > List page, you can specify the Group and Folder to which a device belongs. Click
Modify Devices to change more than one device, or click the Wrench icon associated with any specific
device to make changes. The APs/Devices > Manage page appears.
5. In the Settings section of the APs/Devices > Manage page, select the new Alcatel-Lucent Device Group to
assign to the device. Change or adjust any additional settings as desired.
6. Click Save and Apply to retain these settings and to propagate them throughout OV3600, or click one of
the alternate buttons as follows for an alternative change:
Click Revert to cancel out of all changes on this page.
Click Delete to remove this device from OV3600.
Click Ignore to keep the device in OV3600 but to ignore it.
Click Import Settings to define device settings from previously created configurations.
Click Replace Hardware to replace the AP device with a new AP device.
Click Update Firmware to update the Firmware that operates this device.
7. Push this configuration change to the AP switch that is to support this AP device. For additional
information, refer to “Pushing Device Configurations to Switches” on page 36.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 39
1. Define communication settings for Alcatel-Lucent devices pending discovery. Use the Device Setup >
Communication page. This assigns communication settings to multiple devices at the time of discovery,
and prevents having to define such settings manually for each device after discovery.
2. Add or discover new Alcatel-Lucent devices with OV3600. You can do so with the following pages:
Device Setup > Add
Device Setup > Discover
3. Click New Devices In the Status section at the top of any OV3600 page, or navigate to the APs/Devices >
New page, illustrated in Figure 27.
If the list of Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups are not there, ensure you either create these Alcatel-Lucent device
groups manually on the Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration page, wherein you merely need the device
NOTE names and not the settings, or import the configuration from one of your switches to learn the groups.
12. Wait another five to 10 minutes to observe the changes on OV3600. The changes should be observable
within one or two minutes on the switch.
40 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Using General OV3600 Device Groups and Folders
OV3600 only allows any given AP to belong to one OV3600 device group at a time. Supporting one AP in two
or more OV3600 device groups would create at least two possible issues, to include the following:
Data collection for such an AP device would have two or more sources and two or more related
A multi-group AP would be counted several times and that would change the value calculations for
OV3600 graphs.
As a result, some users may wish to evaluate how they deploy the group or folder for any given AP.
Alcatel-Lucent devices can also belong to Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups, but each AP is still limited to one general
OV3600 device group.
You can organize and manage any group of APs by type and by location. Use groups and folders with either
of the following two approaches:
Organize AP device groups by device type, and device folders by device location.
In this setup, similar devices are in the same device group, and operate from a similar configuration or
template. Once this is established, create and maintain device folders by location.
Organize AP device groups by location, and device folders by type.
In this setup, you can organize all devices according to location in the device groups, but for viewing,
you organize the device hierarchy by folders and type.
Be aware of the following additional factors:
Configuration audits are done at the OV3600 group level.
OV3600 folders support multiple sublevels.
Therefore, unless there is a compelling reason to use the folders-by-device-type approach, Alcatel-
Lucent generally recommends the first approach where you use groups for AP type and folders strictly
for AP location.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 41
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration entails specific user role and security profiles that define some
components of visibility.
OV3600 continues to support the standard operation of folders, users, and user roles as described in the
OV3600 User Guide.
Figure 28 APs/Devices > Add New Folder > Folders Page Illustration
c. Click Add. The APs/Devices > List page reappears. You can view your new folder by selecting it from
the Go to folder drop-down list at the top right of this page. Figure 29 illustrates an unpopulated
device page for an example folder.
2. Add Alcatel-lucent switch devices to that folder as required. Use the Device Setup > Add page following
instructions available in the OV3600 User Guide.
3. As required, create or edit a user role that is to have rights and manage privileges required to support
their function in Alcatel-Lucent Configuration.
a. At least one user must have administrative privileges, but several additional users may be required,
with less rights and visibility, to support Alcatel-Lucent Configuration without access to the most
sensitive information, such as SSIDs or other security related data.
b. Navigate to the OV3600 Setup > Roles page, and click Add New Role to create a new role with
appropriate rights, or click the pencil (manage) icon next to an existing role to adjust rights as
required. The Role page appears, illustrated in Figure 30.
42 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Figure 30 OV3600 Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Role Page Illustration
c. As per standard OV3600 configuration, complete the settings on this page. The most important fields
with regard to Alcatel-Lucent Configuration, device visibility and user rights are as follows:
Type—Specify the type of user. Important consideration should be given to whether the user is an
administrative user with universal access, or an AP/Device manager to specialize in device
administration, or additional users with differing rights and access.
AP/Device Access Level—Define the access level that this user is to have in support of Alcatel-
Lucent WLAN switches, devices, and general Alcatel-Lucent Configuration operations.
Top Folder—Specify the folder created earlier in this procedure, or specify the Top folder for an
administrative user.
d. Click Add to complete the role creation, or click Save to retain changes to an existing role. The
OV3600 > Setup page now displays the new or revised role.
4. As required, add or edit one or more users to manage and support Alcatel-Lucent Configuration. This
step creates or edits users to have rights appropriate to Alcatel-Lucent Configuration. This user inherits
visibility to Alcatel-Lucent WLAN switches and Alcatel-Lucent Configuration data based on the role and
device folder created earlier in this procedure.
a. Navigate to the OV3600 Setup > Users page.
b. Click Add New User, or click the pencil (manage) icon next to an existing user to edit that user.
c. Select the user role created with the prior step, and complete the remainder of this page as per
standard OV3600 configuration. Refer to the OV3600 User Guide, as required.
5. Observe visibility created or edited with this procedure.
The user, role, and device folder created with this procedure are now available to configure, manage,
and support Alcatel-Lucent Configuration and associated devices according to the visibility defined in
this procedure. Any component of this setup can be adjusted or revised by referring to the steps and
OV3600 pages in this procedure.
6. Add or discover devices for the device folder defined during step 1 of this procedure. Information about
devices is available in the OV3600 User Guide.
7. Continue to other elements of Alcatel-Lucent Configuration, described in this document. Early emphasis
entails creation or editing of Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups and WLANs with which they are associated.
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4 Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations | 43
44 | Using Alcatel-Lucent Configurations in Daily Operations Alcatel-Lucent Configuration Guide | Version 6.4
Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) ..................... 38
Advanced Services
defined ............................................................ 15
Alcatel-Lucent Configuration
Advanced Services ........................................... 15
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups .......................... 12
commences in OV3600 in 6.4 ............................. 9
components of ................................................. 18
Folders, Users, and Visibility ............................ 19
initial setup ...................................................... 20
initial setup procedure ...................................... 21
navigating ....................................................... 11
prerequisites .................................................... 20
primary OV3600 pages .................................... 11
Profiles ........................................................... 14
requirements .................................................... 10
restrictions ....................................................... 10
Security ........................................................... 15
WLANs .......................................................... 14
Alcatel-Lucent Device Groups
defined ............................................................ 12
general procedures and guidelines ..................... 30
Alcatel-Lucent devices .......................................... 39
deploying with OV3600 for the first time .......... 39
AP Overrides
guidelines ........................................................ 37
using in groups and folders ............................... 41
APs/Devices > List ............................................... 16
APs/Devices > Manage ......................................... 17
APs/Devices > Monitor ......................................... 17
device groups
using with APs ................................................ 41
Device Setup > Alcatel-Lucent Configuration ......... 11
Encryption ........................................................... 38
defined ............................................................ 19
using with APs ................................................ 41