Tender Publish Civil Surgeon Satara Covid19

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eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra Page 1 of 2

eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra

Tender Details
Date : 04-Sep-2020 05:28 PM


Basic Details
Organisation Chain Directorate of Health Services, Mumbai||Dy. Director of Health Services Pune||District Hospital Satara
Tender Reference
Tender ID 2020_DHS_607958_1
Tender Type Open Tender Form of contract Item Rate
Tender Category Goods No. of Covers 2
General Technical ItemWise Technical
No No
Evaluation Allowed Evaluation Allowed
Is Multi Currency Allowed For
Payment Mode Online No
Is Multi Currency
No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
Allowed For Fee

Payment Instruments Cover Details, No. Of Covers - 2

Online S.NoBank Name Cover
Bankers Cover Document Type Description
1 SBI Bank No
1 Fee/PreQual/Technical .pdf
2 Finance .xls Finance

Tender Fee Details, [Total Fee in * - 10,000] EMD Fee Details

Tender Fee in 10,000 EMD Amount in 1,50,000 EMD through Yes
Fee Payable To via Fee Payable At Online BG/ST or EMD
Payment Exemption Allowed
Gateway EMD Fee Type fixed EMD Percentage NA
Tender Fee Yes EMD Payable To via EMD Payable At Online
Exemption Payment
Allowed Gateway

Work /Item(s)
Title RTPCR Consumable
Work Description RTPCR Consumable
Pre Qualification Please refer Tender documents.
Independent External NA
Show Tender Value in Yes
Public Domain
Tender Value in 1,16,00,000 Product Category Laboratory and Sub category NA
Contract Type Tender Bid Validity(Days) 365 Period Of Work(Days) 10
Location Civil Surgen Pincode 415001 Pre Bid Meeting Place NA
Civil Hospital
NA Pre Bid Meeting Date NA Bid Opening Place

https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=PublishedVie... 04/09/2020
eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra Page 2 of 2

Pre Bid Meeting Civil Surgen

Address Civil Hospital
Should Allow NDA No Allow Preferential No
Tender Bidder

Critical Dates
Publish Date 05-Sep-2020 10:00 AM Bid Opening Date 11-Sep-2020 04:05 PM
Document Download / Sale Start 05-Sep-2020 10:00 AM Document Download / Sale End 10-Sep-2020 04:00 PM
Date Date
Clarification Start Date NA Clarification End Date NA
Bid Submission Start Date 05-Sep-2020 10:00 AM Bid Submission End Date 10-Sep-2020 04:00 PM

Tender Documents
NIT Document
Document S.No Document Name Description
Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf NIT 44.96

Work Item Document

Documents S.No Document Type Document Name Description
Size (in KB)
1 Tender Documents Document.pdf Tender Document 113.45
2 BOQ BOQ_1052228.xls BOQ 237.50

Bid Openers List

S.No Bid Opener Login Id Bid Opener Name Certificate Name
1. rgkatkar@yahoo.in Rajaram Katkar
2. lawganesh1942@gmail.com Ganesh Lawand

Tender Inviting Authority

Name Civil Surgeon Satara
Address Civil Surgen Civil Hospital Satara

Tender Creator Details

Created By Amod Gadikar
Designation Civil surgeon
Created Date 04-Sep-2020 04:59 PM

https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=PublishedVie... 04/09/2020
Sr.No Name of Item Make

Thermo Fisher
1 10ml TP Step MMX NO ROX EA Scientific

TAQPATH RTPCR COVID 19-1000RXN Thermo Fisher

2 each Scientific
Micro AMP optical 96 well Reaction Plate Thermo Fisher
3 (02ml) Scientific
Thermo Fisher
4 Micro AMP optical Adhesive Film Scientific

5 Tipone 10ul Graduated Filter tip sterile Eppendorf

Tipone 10/20ul Graduated Filter tip
6 sterile Eppendorf

7 Tipone 200ul Graduated Filter tip sterile Eppendorf

8 Tipone 1000ul Graduated Filter tip sterile Eppendorf

9 Nitrile powder Disposible Gloves 7 No Any Standered

10 Nuclease Free Water Genei
11 Moleclor Grade absolute alcohol 99.99% Any Standered
12 Tissue role Any Standered
Tipone 0.5-10ul Graduated Filter tip
13 sterile Eppendorf
14 FALCON TUBE Sterile 50 ml capacity Any Standered

1)T Master Mix Should b Optimised for multiplexing up to four

targets simultaneously without a passive refernce dye. 2)The
product should be manufactured in an iso 13485-certifed
facility.3) The master mix should be designed to produce
consistsnt product performance lot after lot.4)This formulation
can be run in either fast or standered cycling conditions with
equivant performance acrossa wide variety of real -time PCR
system.5)The master mix should be labeled for laboratory
use.6) The master mix should be optimised to provide high
specificity & dynamic range for both RNA & DNA targets

1) The kits should use fluorescent dye based multiplex real time
RT -PCR test intended for the specific qualitative detection of
nucleicacd from SARS-COV2.2)The kit should be US FDA/CE-
IVD& DCGI approved.3)The kit should provide assays for SARS
COV2 Genes-N/S ORF1ab /MS2 along with positive
control.4)The assays should use dyes like FAM,VIC,ABY & JUN
with best possible spectral separation.5The kit should have an
extraction contol as internal process controls.6) The vendor
should provide requiredsoftware support for reporting the
results.7) the LOD,specificity & sensitivity of the kit should be
mentioned & supported with required data.8) The vendor
shouldoffer validated protocol on 96 wells& 384 well RT PCR
platform to increasethe throughput.
96 well optical compatible with 0.2 ml PCR blocks from
Thermo Fisher scientific

sealing membrane for 96 well optical plate for RT PCR

Filter tips 10ul volume designed for ependrof pipette

Filter tips 10ul /20ul volume designed for ependrof pipette

Filter tips 200 ul volume designed for ependrof pipette

Filter tips 1000ul volume designed for ependrof pipette

powder free nitrile gloves

RNAse free water f
molecular grade alcohol
Wiping out hands to avoid contamination

Filter tips 0.5-10ul volume designed for ependrof pipette


Government of Maharashtra
CIVIL SURGEON, Civil Surgeon, Satara

Maharashtra State

Website: - https://mahatenders.gov.in

E-mail: – csstoresatar1@gmail.com

Phone : 02162/234104/238494

Tender for Supply

Non Refendable 10,000/-

Tender for Purchasing RT PCR machine conumeble /Reagent

Not Transferable

E- Tender No. /CS Satara/ RT PCRMachine Consumeble/E- Tender No-11/2020-21

Issued to M/s…………………………………………………
- Tender No. /CS Satara/ RT PCR Machine Consumeble /E- Tender No-11/2020-21
Civil Surgeon, Satara on behalf of Govt. of Maharashtra invites e-tenders in two envelope system
from the Recognized Manufacturers for RT PCR Machine Consumeble Works at District Hospital
Satara RT PCR Laboratory for the year 2020-21.

Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information of technical specifications,

required quantities and other terms and conditions applicable for procurement of above items
from the e-tendering website http://mahatenders.gov.in.

All bid related activities (Process) like Tender Document Download, Bid Preparation and Hash
submission, bid submission and submission of EMD and other documents will be governed by
the time schedule given under Key Dates below:

Date of commencement of sale of

: 05/09/2020 to 10/09/2020 10:00AM to 16:00PM

Tender document/Download

Last date for sale of tender document :10/09/2020 16:00 PM

Bid preparation Period : 05/09/2020 to 10/09/2020 10:00AM to 16:00PM

Closing of Bid (By Department) :10/09/2020 16:00 PM

Time for submission of tender : 05/09/2020 to 10/09/2020 10:00AM to 16:00PM

Date and time of opening of Envelope No : :10/09/2020 16:00 PM

Address for communication : Office of the Civil Surgeon,

Contact No 02162/234104/238494
Pin Code 415001

Clause No. Clause Page No.

1 Introduction

2 Eligibility criteria

3 Cost of bidding

4 Clarification of tender document

5 Amendment of tender document

6 Submission of tenders

7 Deadline for submission of tenders

8 Opening of tender

9 Period of validity of tenders

10 Earnest Money Deposit

11 Prices

12 Technical specifications

13 Evaluation of tenders

14 Post qualification

15 Security deposit

16 Award of contract

17 Delivery period & Place of delivery

18 Liquidated damages

19 Default cause/cancellation on failure to supply

20 Inspections and tests

21 Warranty

22 Force Majeure
23 Confidentiality

24 Payment

25 Corrupt or Fraudulent practices

26 Resolution of dispute

27 Annexure A


1. Introduction

1.1 Civil Surgeon Civil Surgeon, Satara, hereinafter referred to as a “Purchaser “invites
online E-tender in two Envelope systems for Purchase Of RT PCR machine
Consumeable of Satara District.
1.2 Interested eligible Tenderer may obtain further information of technical
specification, and other terms and conditions applicable for procurement of item
from Government of Maharashtra E-tendering website http://mahatenders.gov.in,
(Public Health Department)
1.3 All tender related activities (Process) like Tender Document Download, Tender
Preparation and Hash submission, Tender submission and submission of EMD and other
documents will be governed by the time schedule.
1.4 All activities of this tender are carried out online on Website
http://mahatenders.gov.in,The tender document is uploaded/Released on Government of
Maharashtra, (GOM)e-tendering website http://mahatenders.gov.in,and has to be
downloaded as well as filled up and submit online only. Tenderer are required to submit
online tender cost (Non-refundable) through online payment gateway in A/c of “Civil
Surgeon Civil Surgeon, Satara”. In no case, the tender cost/fee should be mixed with
EMD amount. Tender shall liable to be rejected summarily upon failure to follow
procedure prescribed in the Tender document
1.5 Civil Surgeon, Satara reserves the right to reject the tender or increase /decrease the
quantities to be purchased based on Availability of Fund without assigning any reason
1.6 Manufacturers who qualify the tender conditions and qualification criteria are eligible to
participate and submit their offer against this tender invitation. Manufacturer will be
solely responsible for all types of quality issues even though supplies are made by
1.7 If any tenderer wishes to lodge any complaint against the other tenderer regarding
submission of false documents, information etc. The tenderer has to submit the
complaint before price bid opening along with deposit of Rs.50,000 (Rupees Fifty
Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor Civil Surgeon,
Satarapayable at Satara in terms of deposit. This issue will submit to Purchase
Committee along with facts. The amount so deposited shall be refunded if after
scrutiny the complaint is found to be true by the Purchase Committee. However, if
the complaint found to be false and mala fide the deposit will be forfeited, and
Bidder will be Blacklisted. No interest shall be paid against this deposit. Any
complaint received after price bid opening will not be entertained.

2. Eligibility criteria for this Tender:

2.1 Self-declaration stating about non-inclusion in Blacklist the firm/ company by
any government organizations and not supplying refurbished equipment’s.
2.2 Manufacturer should produce Shop Act License/Factory Registration Certificate.

2.3 If bidder is authorized dealer, authorization letter from Manufacturer Company

is compulsory.
2.4 GST Registration Certificate and latest GST paid receipt of the manufacturer/
authorized dealer.
2.5 Manufacturer/ authorized dealer PAN Number is Compulsory.

2.6 Manufacturer/ authorized dealer Balance Sheet audited by Chartered Accountant for last 3

2.7 Manufacturer/ authorized dealer Income Tax Return for last 3 years.
2.8 The Manufacturer/ authorized dealer should have a minimum Average turnover of
Rs. 1 crores in last 3 years.
2.9 Tender Fees Paid Computer generated receipt. Earnest Money Deposited
(EMD) computer generated receipt.
2.10 Manufacturer/ company should have authorized local Service Center in Maharashtra
to provide immediate maintenance services.
2.11 Technical Compliance Chart as per Annexure-A.
2.12 Participant enclose certificate of goods & instrument examination ask in tender
by Government engineering college of Maharashtra.
2.13 The bidder must Produce similar product work experience and performance
certificate document in any Institute in Govt. of Maharashtra.
Note: Tenders are not allowed from manufacturer for the item (s) for which the firm
found guilty of malpractice, misconduct, or blacklisted/debarred either by Public Health
Department, Govt. of Maharashtra or by any local authority, Other State
Government/Central Government's organizations.

3. Cost of bidding

The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their
online tenders and the Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.

4. Clarification of tender document

A prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender document must attend pre
bid meeting at civil surgeon office as mention in tender schedule. Prospective tenderer’s
requiring any clarification over email or phone after pre bid meeting will not be entertained.

5. Amendment of tender document

5.1 At any time prior to the deadline for Sale of tender, the Purchaser may amend the
tender documents by issuing Addenda/Corrigendum.
5.2 Any addendum/corrigendum as well as clarification thus issued shall be a part of the Tender

documents and it will be assumed that the information contained in the amendment
will have been taken into account by the Tenderer in its tender.

6. Submission of tenders:
Tender should be submitted on or before last date of submission.

Tender should be submitted through website http://mahatenders.gov.in and Online

only in two envelopes i.e. Technical Bid in envelop no.1 & Commercial bid in Envelop
no. 2. The EMD as required in the tender documents should invariably be submitted
online only. All original documents should be submitted to the office before sale close
of tender

To prepare and submit the tender/offer online all bidders are required to have e-token
based DIGITAL CERTIFICATE. Digital signature certificate should be obtained from
competent authority. However, the e-tender website or helpline numbers may guide you
for obtaining the same.
6.1 Late tender offers:

Late tender fee, EMD, or other papers to be submitted on or before sale close of tender
on any count shall be rejected summarily. Delay due to Post or any other reason (for
e.g.: electricity/internet/etc.) will not be condoned.
6.2 Envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid):

Technical offer must be submitted online at http://mahatenders.gov.inas per the

instructions on the portal. The tenderer must upload the documents as per e-tendering

6.3 Envelope No. 2 (Price bid):

(a) All Commercial offers must be submitted online at http://mahatenders.gov as per
the instructions on the portal.
(b) Rates should be quoted in the BOQ

(c) Tenderer are strictly prohibited to change/alter specifications or unit size given
in BOQ while quoting.

7. Deadline for submission of tenders

7.1 For Submission of tender tenderer must complete the online bid submission stage as
per online schedule of the tender.
7.2 The Purchaser may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders

by amending the tender document in which case all rights and obligations of the
Purchaser and Tenderer previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject
to the deadline as extended.
7.3 Offers not submitted online will not be entertained.

8. Opening of tender:
On the date and time specified in the tender notice following procedure will be adopted
for opening of tender for which tenderer is free to attend himself or depute an
Authorized officer as his representative.
8.1 Opening of Envelope No.1 (Technical bid)

Envelope No.1 (Technical bid) of the tenderer will be opened in the presence of tender
opening authority and in the presence of tenderer / their representatives through e-
tendering procedure.
8.2 Opening of Envelope No.2

This envelope shall be opened as per e-tendering procedure after opening of

Envelope No.1 (Technical bid). Likely date and time of price bid opening will be
forth working day after completion of technical scrutiny. In case of change in time
and date, the changed time and date will be communicated via e-mail by the
Purchaser separately to the eligible tenderers of Envelope No. 1.

9. Period of Validity of tenders:

The tenders shall remain valid for a period of 365 days after the date of opening of
Envelope No. 1 (Technical bid). A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected.

10. Earnest Money Deposit:

10.1 All tenders must be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD online) for
the amount as below

Name of Work Tender Form Total Earnest Time Limit to

Fee Budget Money complete
in Rs. (Lakh) Deposit in Rs. work
RT PCR machine
Rs.10000/- 117 Rs.150000 /- Immediately

(Non- for Covid-19


The EMD shall be submitted online in favor Civil Surgeon, Satara the tenders
submitted without EMD will be summarily rejected.
10.2 Unsuccessful tenderer's EMD will be discharged /returned within a period of 15 days
after award of contract to the successful bidder.
10.3 Tenderer shall not be entitled for any interest on EMD /Security deposit.
10.4 The successful tenderer's EMD will be discharged after signing the Contract
and submitting the security deposit as stipulated.

11. Prices
11.1 The prices quoted and accepted will be binding on the tenderer and valid for a period of
one year from the date of signing the contract and any increase in price will not be
entertained during the contract period.
11.2 Rates should be quoted in Indian Rupees only for each of the required item separately on
door delivery basis according to the unit asked for strictly as per the format of BOQ. The
Purchaser shall not be responsible for damages, handling, clearing, transport charges etc.
will not be paid. The deliveries should be made as stipulated in the purchase order placed
with successful tenderer. Conditional tenders are not accepted and liable for rejection.

12 Technical specifications:
The Tenderer shall carefully read and understand the technical specifications, quality
requirements, packing, applicable standards, Acts & Rules including the Mandatory
requirement for substantiation of their compliance without deviating from tender
13Evaluation of tenders:
13.1 After opening of Envelope No. 1 (Technical bid), on the scheduled date, time and venue,
the Purchase committee shall examine the contents of the tenders received online
through e-tendering process along with all prescribed mandatory documents.
13.2 The Purchase committee shall scrutinize the documents mentioned above for its
eligibility, validity, applicability, compliance and substantiation including post
qualification criteria stipulated in tender document.
13.3 The Purchase committee shall also analyze that there is no collusive or fraudulent
practice involved in the entire tendering process amongst all the tenders received. The
technical scrutiny shall be on the basis of submitted substantiation documents and Rules
including allied standards of BIS codes as applicable.
13.4 Any tender during the evaluation process do not meet the tender conditions laid down
in the tender document will be declared as not acceptable and such tenders shall not
be considered for further evaluation. However, the tenderer can check their tender
evaluation status on the website.
13.5 Tenders which are in full conformity with tender requirements and conditions shall be
declared as Eligible Tender for opening Envelop no. 2 in the website and Envelope No.
2 (Commercial bid) of such tenderer shall be opened later, on a given date and time.

14. Post Qualification:

14.1 The Purchaser will further evaluate the Tenderer's financial, technical, and production
capabilities based on the documentary evidence and information submitted by the
Tenderer as well as other information the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate.
14.2 An affirmative post-qualification determination of the Purchaser will be a prerequisite
for acceptance of Technical Bid (Envelope No.1). A negative determination will result
in rejection of the Tenderer's tender, in which event the Purchaser will proceed to the
next Tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer's capabilities to perform

15. Contract Agreement

15.1 The successful tenderer shall furnish the Contract Agreement on Rs. 100/- non-judicial
stamp paper. The cost of Stamp paper should be borne by the tenderer.

16. Award of contract:

16.1 The Purchaser will award the contract to the successful tenderer whose tender has been
determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as lowest evaluated
tender, provided further that the tender is determined to be qualified to perform the
contract satisfactorily. The Purchaser will place supply orders on staggered basis, if
necessary, during the contract period to the lowest evaluated responsive tenderer and
will be governed by all the terms and conditions stipulated in the tender document.
16.2 The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be purchased and
also reserves the right to cancel or revise or any of the all the tenders or part of tenders
without giving any reasons thereto with no cost to the Purchaser.

17. Period of Contract:

The period of contract shall be One year from the date of execution of the contract

18. Delivery Period & Place of delivery:

The goods should be delivered Immediately for Covid-19 Patient from the date of
receipt of supply order to the consignee. The consignees may be Medical
Superintendent/Civil Surgeon in the State as per quantity indicated in the supply order
on door delivery basis.

19. Liquidated damages:

If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the period(s) specified in
the Contract, the Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the
Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to
0.5% of the delivered price of the delayed goods for each week or part thereof of
delay until actual delivery, up to a maximum deduction of 10%. Once the maximum
is reached, the Purchaser may consider for termination of the Contract.

20. Inspections and tests

Pre-dispatch inspection will be carried out in the premises of the manufactures by a team
of officers nominated by the Purchaser. If goods are offered for Inspection in the factory
premises all expenditure shall be borne by the tenderer. The entire store ordered shall
have to be offered for inspecting team for inspection in open condition. Inspection
charges, including the expenses for the experts, will be payable by the tenderer.

The supplies will be deemed to be completed only upon receipt of the quality
certificates from the laboratories wherever necessary.

21. Warranty
The warranty shall remain valid for 24 months from the date of installation at consignee
Annual maintenance Contract & CMC
(a) The tenderer will have to agree to enter into comprehensive maintenance contract
(CMC) @ 5% per year of the ordered value of the equipment for the period of 5 years
after completion of Warrantee Period.

(b) Tenderer will have to agree for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) 2%
after completion of CMC period.

(c) Payment for AMC/CMC on yearly basis will be made by the end user at the end
of year after satisfactory performance report.
22. Force Majeure:
“If, at any time, during the continuance of this contract the performance in whole or in part
by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented of delayed by reason
of any war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods,
explosions, epidemics, quarantine restriction, strikes, lock-outs or acts of God (hereinafter
referred to as “events”), provided notice of happening of any such eventuality is given by
either party to the other within 21 days from the date of occurrence thereof,
neither party shall by reason of such event, be entitled to terminate this contract nor
shall either party have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such
non-performance or delay in performance; and deliveries under the contract shall be
resumed as soon as practicable after such event has come to an end or ceased to exist,
and the decision of the purchasing officer as to whether the deliveries have been so
resumed or not, shall be final and conclusive, provided further that if the performance in
whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of
any such event for a period exceeding 60 days, either party may at its option terminate
the contract PROVIDED ALSO that it the contract is terminated under this clause, the
purchaser shall be at liberty take over from the contract at a price to be fixed by the
purchasing Officer which shall be final all unused, undamaged and acceptable materials,
bought out components and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the
contractor at the time of such termination or such portion there of as the purchaser may
deem fit accepting such material, bought out components and stores as the contractor
may with the concurrence of the purchaser elect to retain.

23. Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of
tenders, and recommendations for the award of a Contract shall not be disclosed to
tenderer or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the
notification of Contract award is made.
Any effort by the tenderer to influence the Purchaser in the Purchaser's bid evaluation, bid
comparison, or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the Tenderer's bid.

24. Payment

The Payment shall be made upon submission of following documents:

(i) 3 copies of supplier's invoice.
(ii) Receipt certificates issued by the consignees.
25. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices
“corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything
of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or
in contract execution;

The Purchaser as well as Tenderer shall observe the highest standard of ethics during
the procurement and execution of such contracts.
26. 1 Resolution of dispute:
In the event of any question, dispute or differences in respect of contract or terms and
conditions of the contract or interpretation of the terms and conditions or part of the terms
and conditions of the contract arises, the parties may mutually settle the dispute amicably.

26.2 Arbitration:
In the event of failure to settle the dispute amicably between the parties, the same shall
be referred to the sole arbitrator (insert name and designation of the officer),
Government of Maharashtra.

The award passed by the sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The
arbitration proceedings shall be carried out as per the Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules made hereunder.

6.3. Governing Language:

English language version of the contract shall govern its interpretation.

26.4 Applicable Laws:

The contract shall be governed in accordance with the law prevailing in India, Act,
Rules, Amendments and orders made thereon from time to time.
26.5 Indemnification:
The contractor shall indemnify the purchaser against all actions, suit, claims and
demand or in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by contractor in
connection with the contract and against any losses or damages to the purchaser in
consequence of any action or suit being brought against the contractor for anything
done or omitted to be done by the contractor in the execution of the contract.

26.6 Jurisdiction
All the suits arising out of the contract shall be instituted in the court
of competent jurisdiction situated in Satara only and not elsewhere.
26.7 Saving clause
No suits, prosecution or any legal proceedings shall lie against the Civil Surgeon,
Sataraor any person for anything that is done in good faith or intended to be done
in pursuance of tender


(Incomplete annexure is liable for Rejection)

(Do not write simply Yes or Complied, if written then bid will be rejected)

Technical Compliance Chart

Sr.No Name of Item Make Specification

1)T Master Mix Should b Optimised for multiplexing up to four targets simultaneously
without a passive refernce dye. 2)The product should be manufactured in an iso 13485-
certifed facility.3) The master mix should be designed to produce consistsnt product
performance lot after lot.4)This formulation can be run in either fast or standered
cycling conditions with equivant performance acrossa wide variety of real -time PCR
system.5)The master mix should be labeled for laboratory use.6) The master mix
10ml TP Step MMX should be optimised to provide high specificity & dynamic range for both RNA & DNA
1 NO ROX EA Thermo Fisher Scientific targets
1) The kits should use fluorescent dye based multiplex real time RT -PCR test intended
for the specific qualitative detection of nucleicacd from SARS-COV2.2)The kit should be
US FDA/CE-IVD& DCGI approved.3)The kit should provide assays for SARS COV2 Genes-
N/S ORF1ab /MS2 along with positive control.4)The assays should use dyes like
FAM,VIC,ABY & JUN with best possible spectral separation.5The kit should have an
extraction contol as internal process controls.6) The vendor should provide
requiredsoftware support for reporting the results.7) the LOD,specificity & sensitivity
TAQPATH RTPCR of the kit should be mentioned & supported with required data.8) The vendor
COVID 19-1000RXN shouldoffer validated protocol on 96 wells& 384 well RT PCR platform to increasethe
2 each Thermo Fisher Scientific throughput.

Micro AMP optical

96 well Reaction
3 Plate (02ml) Thermo Fisher Scientific 96 well optical compatible with 0.2 ml PCR blocks from Thermo Fisher scientific

Micro AMP optical

4 Adhesive Film Thermo Fisher Scientific sealing membrane for 96 well optical plate for RT PCR

Tipone 10ul
Graduated Filter
5 tip sterile Eppendorf Filter tips 10ul volume designed for ependrof pipette
Tipone 10/20ul
Graduated Filter
6 tip sterile Eppendorf Filter tips 10ul /20ul volume designed for ependrof pipette

Tipone 200ul
Graduated Filter
7 tip sterile Eppendorf Filter tips 200 ul volume designed for ependrof pipette
Tipone 1000ul
Graduated Filter
8 tip sterile Eppendorf Filter tips 1000ul volume designed for ependrof pipette
Nitrile powder
Disposible Gloves 7
9 No Any Standered powder free nitrile gloves

Nuclease Free
10 Water Genei RNAse free water f

Moleclor Grade
absolute alcohol
11 99.99% Any Standered molecular grade alcohol

12 Tissue role Any Standered Wiping out hands to avoid contamination

Tipone 0.5-10ul
Graduated Filter
13 tip sterile Eppendorf Filter tips 0.5-10ul volume designed for ependrof pipette
Sterile 50 ml
14 capacity Any Standered

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