Music Therapists: Shona Pottinger & Peter Mutch

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Expo was a huge success for students, families, and agencies

by Stella Shepard

T he Transition Expo 2010 held in Montague for students with

disabilities and their families was a huge success. People of all ages
The Expo is an important
networking and
informational opportunity
passed through a busy auditorium visiting more than 30 agencies and for Debra Whittaker of
services. Georgetown and her son
Josh. “The Expo keeps
“Many agencies were available to talk with students and their families me updated on services
about planning for the future in the areas of education, training, that are available,”
employment, and recreation,” says Shelley Nelson, Community Access says Debra. “I was
Facilitator with the Department of Education and Early Childhood especially interested in
Development. “They also offered information regarding day programs, the information regarding
financial assistance, residential options, respite care, and transportation. the Disability Registered
Savings Plans that
For more information and a list of all the exhibitors, will benefit Josh in the
Josh and Debra Whittaker
contact Shelley at 620-3746.
Some Expo Exhibitors

Mary Jane Webster,

Pauline Kelly, Chair
Voices for Choice advocates on behalf Adult Connections in Education (ACE)
Music Therapists: Shona of families of children with disabilities.
The families of young adults living in the
offered at UPEI provides individualized
academic support for students with
Pottinger & Peter Mutch Montague Regional High family of schools intellectual disabilities. The program also
formed the group in 2008. encourages active engagement on campus
Shona, Owner of Sing Sands Music through pairing the students with other
Therapy, works with people of all ages. “We consult with all levels of government students and through volunteer placement
“We work on a variety of social, and partner with service providers to options.
behavioral, emotional, spiritual, and further develop options for our sons and
physical needs or issues,” says Shona. daughters and give them choices primarily In May, the program offers skill
“Techniques used by an accredited Music in employment and housing,” says Pauline. development workshops that include
Therapist maintain or improve the areas “Our voice is being heard, which has money management, Internet safety,
needing attention, which are different for resulted in positive changes to government relationship development and boundary
each client.” policies that will have an impact on our setting.
Peter, Owner of Mutch Music Therapy, “The program has been very successful,”
says his services were in such great demand “We meet several times a year, develop says Mary Jane. “It provides an inclusive
that he could not accept more clients. Shona projects, host presentations from various and safe environment for adults with
learned of the need for another music groups, share relevant information about intellectual disabilities to mature and
therapist on PEI while living in Ottawa. She programs, resources, positive experiences increase their level of independence to
contacted Peter for more information and and communicate as a group to the decision better their future.
five weeks later, she was in Charlottetown. makers.
“A number of graduates have secured long-
She arrived in September 2010 and started “An unexpected bonus is the sense of term employment as a result of the gains
working the next day. The two music understanding that we get from each other made with their time in the ACE program.
therapists share studio space at The Guild as we all work for what is important for
in Charlottetown. our sons and daughters and the positive “In compliment to his current employment,
social aspect for both the parents and their one student returns to campus two days a
children. week for a volunteer placement to enhance
his employability.”
“The Transition Expo is a wonderful
opportunity for us to share information
with students, parents and agencies.”
For more information, contact For more information, contact
Shona Pottinger at 393-3825 For more information, contact Mary Jane Webster at 566-0790.

or Pauline Kelly at 583-2250 or

2011 Blog twitter Feb 2011

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