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A company is going to build a new manufacturing facility consisting of an input/ output (or

receiving/shipping) station and fi ve workstations as shown in Fig. 14.26.

The machines in a particular station are identical, but the machines in different stations are
dissimilar. (This system is an embellishment of the job-shop model in Sec. 2.7.)

One of the goals of the simulation study is to determine the number of machines needed in each
workstation. It has been decided that the distances (in feet) between the six stations will be as shown
in Table 14.3 (the input/output station is numbered 6).

Assume that jobs arrive at the input/output station with interarrival times that are independent
exponential random variables with a mean of 1/15 hour. Thus, 15 jobs arrive in a “typical” hour.
There are three types of jobs, and jobs are of types 1, 2, and 3, with respective probabilities 0.3, 0.5,
and 0.2. Job types 1, 2, and 3 require 4, 3, and 5 operations to be done, respectively, and each
operation must be done at a specifi ed workstation in a prescribed order. Each job begins at the
input/output station, travels to the workstations on its routing, and then leaves the system at the
input/output station. The routings for the different job types are given in Table 14.4.

A job must be moved from one station to another by a forklift truck, which moves at a constant
speed of 5 feet per second. Another goal of the simulation study is to determine the number of
forklift trucks required. When a forklift becomes available, it processes requests by jobs in
increasing order of the distance between the forklift and the requesting job (i.e., the rule is shortest
distance fi rst). If more than one forklift is idle when a job requests transport, then the closest forklift
is used. When the forklift fi nishes moving a job to a workstation, it remains at that station if there
are no pending job requests (see Prob. 14.12).

If a job is brought to a particular workstation and all machines there are already busy or blocked (see
the discussion below), the job joins a single FIFO queue at that station. The time to perform an
operation at a particular machine is a gamma random variable with a shape parameter of 2, whose
mean depends on the job type and the workstation to which the machine belongs. The mean service
time for each job type and each operation is given in Table 14.5. Thus, the mean total service time
averaged over all jobs is 0.77 hour (see Prob. 14.13). When a machine fi nishes processing a job, the
job blocks that machine (i.e., the machine cannot process another job) until the job is removed by a
forklift (see Prob. 14.14).

We will simulate the proposed manufacturing facility to determine how many machines are needed
at each workstation and how many forklift trucks are needed to achieve an expected throughput of
120 jobs per 8-hour day, which is the máximum possible (see Prob. 14.15). Among those system
designs that can achieve the desired throughput, the best system design will be chosen on the basis of
measures of performance such as average time in system, maximum input queue sizes, proportion of
time each workstation is busy, proportion of time the forklift trucks are moving, etc.

For each proposed system design, 10 replications of length 920 hours will be made (115 eight-hour
days), with the first 120 hours (15 days) of each replication being a warmup period. (See Sec. 14.5.2
for a discussion of warmup-period determination.) We will also use the method of common random
numbers (see Sec. 11.2) to simulate the various system designs. This will guarantee that a particular
job will arrive at the same point in time, be of the same job type, and have the same sequence of
service-time values for all system designs on a particular replication. Job characteristics will, of
course, be different on different replications.

To determine a starting point for our simulation runs (i.e., to determine system design 1), we will do
a simple queueing-type analysis of our system. In particular, for workstation i (where i 5 1, 2, . . . , 5)
to be well defi ned (have suffi cient processing capacity) in the long run, its utilization factor

(see App. 1B for notation) must be less than 1. For example, the arrival rate to

station 1 is per hour, since all jobs visit station 1.

Using conditional probability [see, for example, Ross (2003, chap. 3)], the mean service time at
station 1 is

which implies that the service rate (per machine) at station 1 is jobs per hour.

Therefore, if we solve the equation p1= 1, we obtain that the required number of machines at station
1 is s1= 3.23, which we round up to 4. (What is wrong with this analysis? See Prob. 14.16.) A
summary of the calculations for all fi ve stations is given in Table 14.6, from which we see that 4, 1,
4, 2, and 2 machines are supposedly required for stations 1, 2, . . . , 5, respectively.

We can do a similar analysis for forklifts. Type 1 jobs arrive to the system at a rate of 4.5 (0.3 times
15) jobs per hour. Furthermore, the mean travel time for a type 1 job is 0.06 hour (along the route 6–
3–1–2–5–6). Thus, 0.27 forklift will be required to move type 1 jobs.

Similarly, 0.38 and 0.24 forklift will be required for type 2 and type 3 jobs, respectively.
Thus, a total of 0.89 forklift is required, which we round up to 1. (What is missing from this
analysis? See Prob. 14.17.) A summary of the forklift calculations is given in Table 14.7, from
which we see that the mean travel time averaged over all job types is 0.06 hour.

A summary of the 10 simulation runs for system design 1, which was specifi ed by the above
analysis, is given in Table 14.8 (all times are in hours).

Note, for example, that the average utilization (proportion of time busy) of the four machines in
station 1 (over the 10 runs) is 0.72, the time-average number of jobs in the queue feeding station 1 is
3.68, and the maximum number of jobs in this queue (over the 10 runs) is 32. More important,
observe that the average daily throughput is 94.94, which is much less than the expected throughput
of 120 for a well-defi ned system; it follows that this design must suffer from capacity shortages
(i.e., machines or forklifts).

The average time in system for a job is 109.20 hours (107.97 hours for all queues visited and 0.42
hour for all transporter waits), which is excessive given that the mean total service time is less than 1
hour. Note that the total forklift utilization is 0.99. The high forklift utilization along with the large
machine-blockage proportions strongly suggest that one or more additional forklifts are needed.

Finally, observe that stations 2, 3, and 4 are each either busy or blocked 100 percent of the time, and
their queue statistics are quite large. (See also Fig. 14.27, where the number in
queue 2 is plotted in time increments of 1 hour for the fi rst 200 hours of replication 1.)

We will therefore add a single machine to each of stations 2, 3, and 4. (We will not add
a forklift at this time, although it certainly seems warranted; see system design 3.)

The results from simulating system design 2 (4, 2, 5, 3, and 2 machines for stations 1, 2, . . . , 5 and 1
forklift) are given in Table 14.9. The average daily throughput has gone from 94.94 to 106.77, but is
still considerably less than that expected for a well-defi ned system. Likewise the average time in
system has been reduced from 109.20 to 55.84 hours. Even though we added three machines to the
system, the queue statistics at station 5 have actually become considerably worse.
(Why? See Prob. 14.20.) In fact, station 5 is now busy or blocked 100 percent of the time.
Also, the blockage proportions have increased for four out of the five stations.

This example reinforces the statement that it may not be easy to predict the effect of local changes
on systemwide behavior. Since the total forklift utilization is 1.00, we now add a second forklift to
the system.
The results from simulating system design 3 (4, 2, 5, 3, and 2 machines and 2 forklifts) are given in
Table 14.10. The average daily throughput is now 120.29, which is not signifi cantly different from
120 as shown in Sec. 14.5.2. Thus, system design 3 is apparently stable in the long run. In addition,
the average time in system has been decreased from 55.84 to 1.76 hours. Notice also that the average
total utilization of the two forklifts is an acceptable 0.71 (see Prob. 14.21), and the station blockage
proportions are now small. Finally, the statistics for all fi ve stations seem reasonable (see also Fig.
14.28), with the possible exception of the máximum queue sizes for stations 1 and 5. Whether queue
sizes of 39 and 85 are aceptable depends on the particular application. These maximum queue sizes
could be made smaller by adding additional machines to stations 1 and 5, respectively.

Finally, note that average time in system (1.761) is equal to the sum of average total time in queues
(0.861), average total wait for transport (0.075), average transport time (0.059), and average total
service time (0.766)—the last two times are not shown in Table 14.10.

In going from system design 1 to system design 2, we added machines to stations 2, 3, and 4
simultaneously. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask whether all three machines are actually necessary
to achieve an expected throughput of 120. We fi rst removed one machine from station 2 for system
design 3 (total number of machines is now 15) and obtained an average daily throughput of 119.38,
which is significantly different from 120 (see Sec. 14.5.2 for the methodology used).

Thus, two machines are required for station 2. Next, we removed one machine from station 3 for
system design 3 (total number of machines is 15) and obtained an average daily throughput of
115.07, which is once again signifi cantly different from 120. Thus, we need fi ve machines for
station 3. Finally, we removed one machine from station 4 for system design 3 and obtained system
design 4, whose simulation results are given in Table 14.11. The throughput is unchanged, but the
average time in system has increased from 1.76 to 2.61. This latter difference is statistically signifi
cant as shown in Sec. 14.5.2. Note also that the average and maximum numbers in queue for station
4 are larger for system design 4, as expected.

System designs 3 and 4 both seem to be stable in the long run. The design that is preferable depends
on factors such as the cost of an additional machine for station 4 (design 3), the cost of extra fl oor
space (design 4), the cost associated with a larger average time in system (design 4), and the cost
associated with a larger average
work-in-process (design 4).

We now consider another variation of system design 3. It involves, for the first time, a change in the
control logic for the system. In particular, jobs waiting for the forklifts are processed in a FIFO
manner, rather than shortest distance first as before. The results for system design 5 are given in
Table 14.12. Average time in system has gone from 1.76 to 2.03 hours, an apparent 15 percent

(Histograms of time in system for system designs 3 and 5, based on all 10 runs of each, are given in
Fig. 14.29.) The queue statistics for station 1 have also increased by an appreciable amount, and the
forklifts now spend more time moving empty. It takes a forklift more time to get to a waiting job,
since the closest one is not generally chosen. We therefore do not recommend the new forklift-
dispatching rule.
Finally, we discuss another variation of system design 3 (shortest-distance-first forklift-dispatching
rule), where certain machines break down. In particular, we assume that each machine in stations 1
and 5 breaks down independently with an effi ciency of 0.9 (see Sec. 14.4.2).

The amount of busy time that a machine operates before failure is exponentially distributed with a
mean of 4.5 hours, and repair times have a gamma distribution with a shape parameter of 2 and a
mean of 0.5 hour. The simulation output for the resulting system design 6 is given in Table 14.13.
The average daily throughput is now 119.88, but this is not signifi cantly different from 120 (see
Sec. 14.5.2).

On the other hand, average time in system has gone from 1.76 to 5.31, an increase of 202 percent.
The queue statistics for stations 1 and 5 are also appreciably larger. Thus, breaking down only
stations 1 and 5 caused a signifi cant degradation in system performance; breaking down all fi ve
stations would probably have an even greater impact. In summary, we have once again seen the
importance of modeling machine breakdowns correctly.

14.5.2 Statistical Calculations

In this section we perform some statistical calculations related to the manufacturing system of Sec.
14.5.1. We begin by constructing a 90 percent confi dence interval for the steady-state mean daily
throughput for system design 3, n3, using the replication/ deletion approach of Sec. 9.5.2.

Let Xj = 5 average throughput on days 16 through 115 on replication j for j = 1, 2, . . . , 10

where the warmup period is l= 15 days or 120 hours. Then the desired confi dence interval is

which contains 120. Similarly, we get the following 90 percent confi dence interval
for the steady-state mean daily throughput for system design 6, V6

which also contains 120. System designs 3 and 4 are both well defi ned in the sense of having
steady-state mean daily throughputs that cannot be distinguished from 120. However, our estimates
of the steady-state mean time in system for these system designs are 1.76 and 2.61, respectively,
which appear to be somewhat different. To see if this difference is statistically signifi cant, we

construct a 90 percent confi dence interval for

using the replication/deletion approach (see Example 10.5), where is the steadystate mean time
in system for system design i (where i= 3, 4). We get

which does not contain 0. Thus, is signifi cantly different from .

The results presented in Sec. 14.5.1 (and here) assume a warmup period of 120 hours or 15 days.
This warmup period was obtained by applying Welch’s procedure (Sec. 9.5.1) to the 920 hourly
throughputs in each of the 10 replications for system design 3 (where Yji is the throughput in the i th
hour of the j th run).

The moving average Yi(20) (using a window of w= 20) is plotted in Fig. 14.30, from which we
obtained a warmup period of l=120 hours. We performed similar analyses for system designs 4, 5,
and 6, and a warmup period of 120 hours seemed adequate for these systems as well.

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