Csirt Services: Service Categories

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One of the primary issues to be addressed in creating a computer security incident response team
(CSIRT) is deciding what services the CSIRT will provide to its constituency. This process also in-
volves naming and defining each provided service, which is not always an easy task. Experience has
shown that there is often great confusion about the names used for CSIRT services. The purpose of
this document is to present a list of CSIRT services and their definitions.1 This list provides a common
framework for a consistent and comparable description of CSIRTs and their corresponding services.

Although this white paper focuses on services provided by CSIRTs, many of these same services can
also be provided by system, network, and security administrators who perform ad-hoc incident han-
dling as part of their normal administrative work when there is no established CSIRT. We refer to this
type of ad-hoc team as a "security team." The following service definitions can be used by any of
these organizational teams or others in the computer security field.

A CSIRT must take great care in choosing the services it will offer. The set of services provided will
determine the resources, skill sets, and partnerships the team will need to function properly. The selec-
tion of services should first and foremost support and enable the business goals of the CSIRT's constit-
uency or parent organization. The services provided should be those that the team can realistically and
honestly provide based on the team size and range of expertise. It is better to offer a few services well
than a large range of services poorly. As a CSIRT gains the trust and respect of its constituency, it can
look to expand its services as staff and funding permit.2

Service Categories
There are many services that a CSIRT can choose to offer. Each CSIRT is different and provides ser-
vices based on the mission, purpose, and constituency of the team. Providing an incident handling ser-
vice is the only prerequisite to being considered a CSIRT.

CSIRT services can be grouped into three categories:

• Reactive services. These services are triggered by an event or request, such as a report of a com-
promised host, widespread malicious code, software vulnerability, or something that was identi-
fied by an intrusion detection or logging system. Reactive services are the core component of
CSIRT work.
• Proactive services. These services provide assistance and information to help prepare, protect,
and secure constituent systems in anticipation of attacks, problems, or events. Performance of
these services will directly reduce the number of incidents in the future.
• Security quality management services. These services augment existing and well-established
services that are independent of incident handling and are traditionally performed by other areas
of an organization such as the IT, audit, or training departments. If the CSIRT performs or assists


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with these services, the CSIRT's point of view and expertise can provide insight to help improve
the overall security of the organization and identify risks, threats, and system weaknesses. These
services are generally proactive but contribute indirectly to reducing the number of incidents.

The services are listed in the following table and described in detail below.

Reactive Services Proactive Services Security Quality Management Ser-


• Alerts and Warnings • Announcements • Risk Analysis

• Technology Watch • Business Continuity and Disaster
• Incident Handling • Security Audits or Assessments Recovery Planning

o Incident analysis • Configuration and Maintenance • Security Consulting

o Incident response on site of Security Tools, Applications, • Awareness Building
o Incident response support and Infrastructures • Education/Training

o Incident response coordination • Development of Security Tools • Product Evaluation or Certification

o Vulnerability Handling • Intrusion Detection Services

o Vulnerability analysis • Security-Related Information Dis-

o Vulnerability response semination

o Vulnerability response coordina-


• Artifact Handling
o Artifact analysis
o Artifact response
o Artifact response coordination

It should be noted that some services have both a reactive and proactive side. For example, vulnerabil-
ity handling can be done in response to the discovery of a software vulnerability that is being actively
exploited. But it can also be done proactively by reviewing and testing code to determine where vul-
nerabilities exist, so the problems can be fixed before they are widely known or exploited.

Service Descriptions
This section describes the various services that are available: reactive services, proactive services, and
security quality management services.


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Reactive Services
Reactive services are designed to respond to requests for assistance, reports of incidents from the
CSIRT constituency, and any threats or attacks against CSIRT systems. Some services may be initi-
ated by third-party notification or by viewing monitoring or IDS logs and alerts.

Alerts and Warnings

This service involves disseminating information that describes an intruder attack, security
vulnerability, intrusion alert, computer virus, or hoax, and providing any short-term rec-
ommended course of action for dealing with the resulting problem. The alert, warning, or
advisory is sent as a reaction to the current problem to notify constituents of the activity
and to provide guidance for protecting their systems or recovering any systems that were
affected. Information may be created by the CSIRT or may be redistributed from vendors,
other CSIRTs or security experts, or other parts of the constituency.
Incident Handling

Incident handling involves receiving, triaging,3 and responding to requests and reports, and analyzing
incidents and events. Particular response activities can include

• taking action to protect systems and networks affected or threatened by intruder activity
• providing solutions and mitigation strategies from relevant advisories or alerts
• looking for intruder activity on other parts of the network
• filtering network traffic
• rebuilding systems
• patching or repairing systems
• developing other response or workaround strategies

Since incident handling activities are implemented in various ways by different types of CSIRTs, this
service is further categorized based on the type of activities performed and the type of assistance

• Incident analysis. There are many levels of incident analysis and many sub-services. Essentially,
incident analysis is an examination of all available information and supporting evidence or arti-
facts related to an incident or event. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the scope of the in-
cident, the extent of damage caused by the incident, the nature of the incident, and available re-
sponse strategies or workarounds. The CSIRT may use the results of vulnerability and artifact
analysis (described below) to understand and provide the most complete and up-to-date analysis
of what has happened on a specific system. The CSIRT correlates activity across incidents to de-
termine any interrelations, trends, patterns, or intruder signatures. Two sub-services that may be
done as part of incident analysis, depending on the mission, goals, and processes of the CSIRT,
• Forensic evidence collection: the collection, preservation, documentation, and analysis of evi-
dence from a compromised computer system to determine changes to the system and to assist in


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the reconstruction of events leading to the compromise. This gathering of information and evi-
dence must be done in a way that documents a provable chain of custody that is admissible in a
court of law under the rules of evidence. Tasks involved in forensic evidence collection include
(but are not limited to) making a bit-image copy of the affected system's hard drive; checking for
changes to the system such as new programs, files, services, and users; looking at running pro-
cesses and open ports; and checking for Trojan horse programs and toolkits. CSIRT staff perform-
ing this function may also have to be prepared to act as expert witnesses in court proceedings.
• Tracking or tracing: the tracing of the origins of an intruder or identifying systems to which the
intruder had access. This activity might involve tracking or tracing how the intruder entered the
affected systems and related networks, which systems were used to gain that access, where the at-
tack originated, and what other systems and networks were used as part of the attack. It might also
involve trying to determine the identity of the intruder. This work might be done alone but usually
involves working with law enforcement personnel, Internet service providers, or other involved
• Incident response4 on site. The CSIRT provides direct, on-site assistance to help constituents re-
cover from an incident. The CSIRT itself physically analyzes the affected systems and conducts
the repair and recovery of the systems, instead of only providing incident response support by tel-
ephone or email (see below). This service involves all actions taken on a local level that are nec-
essary if an incident is suspected or occurs. If the CSIRT is not located at the affected site, team
members travel to the site and perform the response. In other cases a local team may already be on
site, providing incident response as part of its routine work. This is especially true if incident han-
dling is provided as part of the normal job function of system, network, or security administrators
in lieu of an established CSIRT.

Incident response support. The CSIRT assists and guides the victim(s) of the attack in recovering
from an incident via phone, email, fax, or documentation. This can involve technical assistance in the
interpretation of data collected, providing contact information, or relaying guidance on mitigation and
recovery strategies. It does not involve direct, on-site incident response actions as described above.
The CSIRT instead provides guidance remotely so that site personnel can perform the recovery them-

Incident response coordination. The CSIRT coordinates the response effort among parties involved
in the incident. This usually includes the victim of the attack, other sites involved in the attack, and
any sites requiring assistance in the analysis of the attack. It may also include the parties that provide
IT support to the victim, such as Internet service providers, other CSIRTs, and system and network
administrators at the site. The coordination work may involve collecting contact information, notify-
ing sites of their potential involvement (as victim or source of an attack), collecting statistics about the
number of sites involved, and facilitating information exchange and analysis. Part of the coordination
work may involve notification and collaboration with an organization's legal counsel, human resources
or public relations departments. It would also include coordination with law enforcement. This service
does not involve direct, on-site incident response.


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Vulnerability Handling

Vulnerability handling involves receiving information and reports about hardware and software vul-
nerabilities;5 analyzing the nature, mechanics, and effects of the vulnerabilities; and developing re-
sponse strategies for detecting and repairing the vulnerabilities. Since vulnerability handling activities
are implemented in various ways by different types of CSIRTs, this service is further categorized
based on the type of activities performed and the type of assistance given:

• Vulnerability analysis. The CSIRT performs technical analysis and examination of vulnerabili-
ties in hardware or software. This includes the verification of suspected vulnerabilities and the
technical examination of the hardware or software vulnerability to determine where it is located
and how it can be exploited. The analysis may include reviewing source code, using a debugger to
determine where the vulnerability occurs, or trying to reproduce the problem on a test system.
• Vulnerability response. This service involves determining the appropriate response to mitigate
or repair a vulnerability. This may involve developing or researching patches, fixes, and worka-
rounds. It also involves notifying others of the mitigation strategy, possibly by creating and dis-
tributing advisories or alerts.6 This service can include performing the response by installing
patches, fixes, or workarounds.
• Vulnerability response coordination. The CSIRT notifies the various parts of the enterprise or
constituency about the vulnerability and shares information about how to fix or mitigate the vul-
nerability. The CSIRT verifies that the vulnerability response strategy has been successfully im-
plemented. This service can involve communicating with vendors, other CSIRTs, technical ex-
perts, constituent members, and the individuals or groups who initially discovered or reported the
vulnerability. Activities include facilitating the analysis of a vulnerability or vulnerability report;
coordinating the release schedules of corresponding documents, patches, or workarounds; and
synthesizing technical analysis done by different parties. This service can also include maintain-
ing a public or private archive or knowledgebase of vulnerability information and corresponding
response strategies.

Artifact Handling

An artifact is any file or object found on a system that might be involved in probing or attacking sys-
tems and networks or that is being used to defeat security measures. Artifacts can include but are not
limited to computer viruses, Trojan horse programs, worms, exploit scripts, and toolkits.

Artifact handling involves receiving information about and copies of artifacts that are used in intruder
attacks, reconnaissance, and other unauthorized or disruptive activities. Once received, the artifact is
reviewed. This includes analyzing the nature, mechanics, version, and use of the artifacts; and devel-
oping (or suggesting) response strategies for detecting, removing, and defending against these arti-
facts. Since artifact handling activities are implemented in various ways by different types of CSIRTs,
this service is further categorized based on the type of activities performed and the type of assistance
given as follows:

• Artifact analysis. The CSIRT performs a technical examination and analysis of any artifact found
on a system. The analysis done might include identifying the file type and structure of the artifact,


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comparing a new artifact against existing artifacts or other versions of the same artifact to see
similarities and differences, or reverse engineering or disassembling code to determine the pur-
pose and function of the artifact.
• Artifact response. This service involves determining the appropriate actions to detect and remove
artifacts from a system, as well as actions to prevent artifacts from being installed. This may in-
volve creating signatures that can be added to antivirus software or IDS.
• Artifact response coordination. This service involves sharing and synthesizing analysis results
and response strategies pertaining to an artifact with other researchers, CSIRTs, vendors, and
other security experts. Activities include notifying others and synthesizing technical analysis from
a variety of sources. Activities can also include maintaining a public or constituent archive of
known artifacts and their impact and corresponding response strategies.

Proactive Services
Proactive services are designed to improve the infrastructure and security processes of the constitu-
ency before any incident or event occurs or is detected. The main goals are to avoid incidents and to
reduce their impact and scope when they do occur.

Announcements include, but are not limited to, intrusion alerts, vulnerability warnings, and security
advisories. Such announcements inform constituents about new developments with medium- to long-
term impact, such as newly found vulnerabilities or intruder tools. Announcements enable constituents
to protect their systems and networks against newly found problems before they can be exploited.

Technology Watch

The CSIRT monitors and observes new technical developments, intruder activities, and related trends
to help identify future threats. Topics reviewed can be expanded to include legal and legislative rul-
ings, social or political threats, and emerging technologies. This service involves reading security
mailing lists, security websites, and current news and journal articles in the fields of science, technol-
ogy, politics, and government to extract information relevant to the security of the constituent systems
and networks. This can include communicating with other parties that are authorities in these fields to
ensure that the best and most accurate information or interpretation is obtained. The outcome of this
service might be some type of announcement, guidelines, or recommendations focused at more me-
dium- to long-term security issues.

Security Audits or Assessments

This service provides a detailed review and analysis of an organization's security infrastructure, based
on the requirements defined by the organization or by other industry standards7 that apply. It can also


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involve a review of organizational security practices. There are many different types of audits or as-
sessments that can be provided, including the following:

• Infrastructure review—manually reviewing the hardware and software configurations, routers,

firewalls, servers, and desktop devices to ensure that they match the organizational or industry
best practice security policies and standard configurations
• Best practice review—interviewing employees and system and network administrators to deter-
mine if their security practices match the defined organizational security policy or some specific
industry standards
• Scanning—using vulnerability or virus scanners to determine which systems and networks are
• Penetration testing—testing the security of a site by purposefully attacking its systems and net-

Obtaining upper management approval is required before conducting such audits or assessments.
Some of these approaches may be prohibited by organizational policy. Providing this service can in-
clude developing a common set of practices against which the tests or assessments are conducted,
along with developing a required skill set or certification requirements for staff that perform the test-
ing, assessments, audits, or reviews. This service could also be outsourced to a third part contractor or
managed security service provider with the appropriate expertise in conducting audits and assess-

Configuration and Maintenance of Security Tools, Applications,

Infrastructures, and Services
This service identifies or provides appropriate guidance on how to securely configure and maintain
tools, applications, and the general computing infrastructure used by the CSIRT constituency or the
CSIRT itself. Besides providing guidance, the CSIRT may perform configuration updates and mainte-
nance of security tools and services, such as IDS, network scanning or monitoring systems, filters,
wrappers, firewalls, virtual private networks (VPN), or authentication mechanisms. The CSIRT may
even provide these services as part of their main function. The CSIRT may also configure and main-
tain servers, desktops, laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other wireless devices accord-
ing to security guidelines. This service includes escalating to management any issues or problems with
configurations or the use of tools and applications that the CSIRT believes might leave a system vul-
nerable to attack.

Development of Security Tools

This service includes the development of any new, constituent-specific tools that are required or de-
sired by the constituency or by the CSIRT itself. This can include, for example, developing security
patches for customized software used by the constituency or secured software distributions that can be
used to rebuild compromised hosts. It can also include developing tools or scripts that extend the func-
tionality of existing security tools, such as a new plug-in for a vulnerability or network scanner, scripts
that facilitate the use of encryption technology, or automated patch distribution mechanisms.


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Intrusion Detection Services
CSIRTs that perform this service review existing IDS logs, analyze and initiate a response for any
events that meet their defined threshold, or forward any alerts according to a pre-defined service level
agreement or escalation strategy. Intrusion detection and analysis of the associated security logs can
be a daunting task—not only in determining where to locate the sensors in the environment, but also
collecting and then analyzing the large amounts of data captured. In many cases, specialized tools or
expertise is required to synthesize and interpret the information to identify false alarms, attacks, or
network events and to implement strategies to eliminate or minimize such events. Some organizations
choose to outsource this activity to others who have more expertise in performing these services, such
as managed security service providers.

Security-Related Information Dissemination

This service provides constituents with a comprehensive and easy-to-find collection of
useful information that aids in improving security. Such information might include
• reporting guidelines and contact information for the CSIRT
• archives of alerts, warnings, and other announcements
• documentation about current best practices
• general computer security guidance
• policies, procedures, and checklists
• patch development and distribution information
• vendor links
• current statistics and trends in incident reporting
• other information that can improve overall security practices

This information can be developed and published by the CSIRT or by another part of the
organization (IT, human resources, or media relations), and can include information from
external resources such as other CSIRTs, vendors, and security experts.

Security Quality Management Services

Services that fall into this category are not unique to incident handling or CSIRTs in particular. They
are well-known, established services designed to improve the overall security of an organization. By
leveraging the experiences gained in providing the reactive and proactive services described above, a
CSIRT can bring unique perspectives to these quality management services that might not otherwise
be available. These services are designed to incorporate feedback and lessons learned based on
knowledge gained by responding to incidents, vulnerabilities, and attacks. Feeding such experiences
into the established traditional services (described below) as part of a security quality management
process can improve the long-term security efforts in an organization. Depending on organizational


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structures and responsibilities, a CSIRT may provide these services or participate as part of a larger
organizational team effort.

The following descriptions explain how CSIRT expertise can benefit each of these security quality
management services.

Risk Analysis
CSIRTs may be able to add value to risk analysis and assessments. This can improve the organiza-
tion's ability to assess real threats, to provide realistic qualitative and quantitative assessments of the
risks to information assets, and to evaluate protection and response strategies. CSIRTs performing this
service would conduct or assist with information security risk analysis activities for new systems and
business processes or evaluate threats and attacks against constituent assets and systems.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning

Based on past occurrences and future predictions of emerging incident or security trends, more and
more incidents have the potential to result in serious degradation of business operations. Therefore,
planning efforts should consider CSIRT experience and recommendations in determining how best to
respond to such incidents to ensure the continuity of business operations. CSIRTs performing this ser-
vice are involved in business continuity and disaster recovery planning for events related to computer
security threats and attacks.

Security Consulting
CSIRTs can be used to provide advice and guidance on the best security practices to implement for
constituents' business operations. A CSIRT providing this service is involved in preparing recommen-
dations or identifying requirements for purchasing, installing, or securing new systems, network de-
vices, software applications, or enterprise-wide business processes. This service includes providing
guidance and assistance in developing organizational or constituency security policies. It can also in-
volve providing testimony or advice to legislative or other government bodies.

Awareness Building
CSIRTs may be able to identify where constituents require more information and guidance to better
conform to accepted security practices and organizational security policies. Increasing the general se-
curity awareness of the constituent population not only improves their understanding of security issues
but also helps them perform their day-to-day operations in a more secure manner. This can reduce the
occurrence of successful attacks and increase the probability that constituents will detect and report
attacks, thereby decreasing recovery times and eliminating or minimizing losses.

CSIRTs performing this service seek opportunities to increase security awareness through developing
articles, posters, newsletters, websites, or other informational resources that explain security best prac-
tices and provide advice on precautions to take. Activities may also include scheduling meetings and
seminars to keep constituents up to date with ongoing security procedures and potential threats to or-
ganizational systems.


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This service involves providing information to constituents about computer security issues through
seminars, workshops, courses, and tutorials. Topics might include incident reporting guidelines, ap-
propriate response methods, incident response tools, incident prevention methods, and other infor-
mation necessary to protect, detect, report, and respond to computer security incidents.

Product Evaluation or Certification

For this service, the CSIRT may conduct product evaluations on tools, applications, or
other services to ensure the security of the products and their conformance to acceptable
CSIRT or organizational security practices. Tools and applications reviewed can be open
source or commercial products. This service can be provided as an evaluation or through
a certification program, depending on the standards that are applied by the organization
or by the CSIRT.

This document outlines and defines various incident handling services and several other services that
can be provided by a CSIRT. Some teams may offer many services from this list; others may only be
able to provide a few; still other teams may share the responsibility for providing these services with
other parts of their parent or host organization, or they may outsource some services to an incident re-
sponse or managed security services provider. As mentioned at the beginning of this document, to be
considered a CSIRT, a team must provide one or more of the incident handling services: incident anal-
ysis, incident response on site, incident response support, or incident response coordination.

Experience has shown that whatever services a CSIRT staff chooses to offer, the parent organization
or management must ensure that the team has the necessary resources (people, technical expertise,
equipment, and infrastructure) to provide a valued service to their constituents, or the CSIRT will not
be successful and their constituents will not report incidents to them.8

In addition, as changes occur in technology and internet use, other services may emerge that need to
be provided by CSIRTs. This list of services will therefore need to evolve and change over time.


1. The list was originally based on the example CSIRT services on page 20 of the Handbook for
Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) [1]. An extended and updated list was de-
veloped by Klaus-Peter Kossakowski in the book Information Technology Incident Response Ca-
pabilities [2]. When Kossakowski became involved with the Trusted Introducer for CSIRTs in
Europe [3], the new list was utilized to help teams describe themselves based on established ser-
vice names. In an effort to consolidate CSIRT service terminology, the Trusted Introducer service
worked with the CSIRT Development Team of the CERT Coordination Center, Pittsburgh, PA, to
produce this updated and more comprehensive list of CSIRT services.


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2. More information on selecting services can be found in the Handbook for Computer Security Inci-
dent Response Teams (CSIRTs).

3. Triaging refers to the sorting, categorizing, and prioritizing of incoming incident reports or other
CSIRT requests. It can be compared to triage in a hospital, where patients who need to be seen
immediately are separated from those who can wait for assistance.

4. Note that "incident response" is used here to describe one type of CSIRT service. When used in
team names such as "Incident Response Team," the term typically has the broader meaning of in-
cident handling.

5. A vulnerability is the existence of a flaw or weakness in hardware or software that can be ex-
ploited resulting in a violation of an implicit or explicit security policy.

6. Other CSIRTs might further redistribute these original advisories or alerts as part of their services.

7. Industry standards and methodologies might include Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and
Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE), CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method (CRAMM),
Information Security Forum's Fundamental Information Risk Management (FIRM), Commonly
Accepted Security Practices and Regulations (CASPR), Control Objectives for Information and
(Related) Technology (COBIT), Methode d' Evaluation de la Vulnerabilite Residuelle des Sys-
temes d'Informa (MELISA), ISO 13335, ISO 17799, or ISO 15408.

8. If the CSIRT does not provide the services but outsources the activities to another organization
such as a managed security services provider, it must still ensure that the same standards for staff-
ing, equipment, and infrastructure are adhered to, in order to protect the CSIRT and organizational
data and services.

[1] West-Brown, Moira J.; Stikvoort, Don; & Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter. Handbook for Computer
Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) (CMU/SEI-98-HB-001). Pittsburgh, PA: Software
Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998. Note that this document was super-
ceded by the 2nd edition (CMU/SEI-2003-HB-002), published in April 2003.

[2] Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter. Information Technology Incident Response Capabilities. Hamburg:

Books on Demand, 2001 (ISBN: 3-8311-0059-4).

[3] Kossakowski; Klaus-Peter & Stikvoort, Don. A Trusted CSIRT Introducer in Europe. Amers-
foort, Netherlands: M&I/Stelvio, February, 2000. (see "Appendix E, Basic Set of Information").

The CSIRT Development Team thanks all those in the CSIRT community who reviewed and provided
comments on this document. Your valuable insight and contributions helped to improve the quality
and usefulness of this document.


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This material is based upon work funded and supported by the Department of Defense under Contract No.
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Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability EvaluationSM



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