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4. A coal consisting of 72% C, 10% ash, negligible nitrogen 10. The following are usually done in order to make the reaction
and sulfur, and the remainder net hydrogen and water of combustion faster.
(combined and moisture) is burned completely with a. temperature is increased c. pulverizing the coal
dry air. The Orsat analysis of the flue gas is 8.50% CO2, b. liquid spraying the fuel d. none of the above
4.25% CO, 7.45% O2, and 79.8% N2. The flue gases 11. Which of the following will not produce a diffusion flame?
leave at 750 mmHg. Calculate the following: a. diesel engine c. gasoline engine
a. The net hydrogen and water in the coal b. gasoline engine d. gas turbines
b. The partial pressure of water in the flue
gases 12. He drove a rocket powered car which reached a speed of 125
c. The percentage excess air. mph in Germany of 1928.
a. Osamu Nagano c. Tsiolkovsky
5. The products and by products from coal combustion b. Opel d. Goddard
can create environmental problems if the combustion
process is not carried out properly. A fuel analyzing 13. Deflagration means
74% C, 14% H, and 12% ash is burned to yield a flue gas a. combustion reaction c. thin region of rapid
containing 12.4% CO2, 1.2% CO, 5.7% O2, and 80.7% N2 exothermic rxn
on a dry basis. Your boss asks you to determine: b. sudden explosion d. rate of reaction zone
a. The lb of coal fired per 100 lb mol of flue
gas 14. A type of design of boiler where the flue gas flows inside the
b. The percent excess air used tubes.
c. The lb of air used per lb of coal a. fire-tube boiler c. water tube boiler
d. Will the calculations be valid? Explain. b. kettle boiler d. steam turbine
1. A type of gaseous fuel which is said to be clean burning type of 15. He pioneered the work of the first commercial steam turbine
fuel and emits lower levels of potentially harmful by-products into (5 hp).
the air. a. George Herman Babcock c. Gustaf de Laval
a. Producer Gas c. Natural Gas b. Stephen Wilcox d. John Barber
b. Lurgi Gas d. Wood Gas
16. In 1905 the Frenchmen Chrales Lemale and ____________
2. It is made by letting coal partially burn to CO and then using CO used a 25 stage Brwn Bovari centrifugal compressor (running at
as fuel. 4000 rpm, absorbing 325 hp, and giving a 3/1 pressure ratio.
a. Wood Gas c. Oil Gas a. Rene Armengaud c. Gustaf de Laval
b. Natural Gas d. Fossil Fuel b. Stephen Wilcox d. John Barber
3. A manufacture gas from coal by gasification in air and steam. 17. Usually found compressed in porous rocks and shale
a. Lurgi Gas c. Water Gas formations sealed in rock strata below the ground.
b. Blast Furnace Gas d. Producer Gas a. fossil fuel c. peat
b. coal d. natural gas
4. A colorless, flammable gas with an odor similar to garlic.
a. Ethylene c. Nitrogen 18. It is largely produced in the environment which causes global
b. Oxygen d. Acetylene warming
a. carbon monoxide c. carbon dioxide
5. Otherwise known as Blue Gas. b. oxygen d. sulfur dioxide
a. Lurgi Gas c. Water Gas
b. Blast Furnace Gas d. Producer Gas 19. He begun the direct measurements of carbon dioxide at the
Mauna Loa Observatory in 1958.
6. The following are the description of combustion except: a. Rene Armengaud c. Gustaf de Laval
a. oxidation takes place b. Stephen Wilcox d. Charles Keeling
b. reactants are nitrogen and fuel
c. accompanied by the evolution of light and heat 20. This theory originates from the work on the structure of
d. none of the above detonations.
a. Zeldovich-Doring-von Neumann c. combustion
7. Oxygen required for complete combustion to take place. b. Phlogiston d. Laminar flame
a. Theoretical Air c. Excess Air model
b. Theoretical Oxygen d. Excess Oxygen
21. All the energy from earth came from the.
a. man c. star
b. sun d. environment
24. The type of oil that is used as a lubricant prior to crude oil use.
a. spermaceti b. tar oil c. stearin d. whale oil
25. Benjamin Thompson experimented with over ______ different
lamp designs.
a. 1 b. 10 c. 100 d. 1000
27. This is a soft, white odorless solid found in many natural fats.
a. spermaceti b. tar oil c. stearin d. whale oil
33. One of those who developed the first gas turbine in Japan.
a. Hans von Ohain c. Tokiyashu Tanegashima
b. Frank Whittle d. Ernst Heinkel