Against Same Sex Marriage Pro-Same Sex Marriage: 1. It Is Not Marriage As To Marriage Is For Man and Woman

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Against Same Sex Marriage Pro-Same Sex Marriage

1.  It Is Not Marriage

Calling something marriage does not Protecting the “traditional” definition of marriage is too
make it marriage. Marriage has always subjective. Obergefell reminds that traditional definitions
been a covenant between a man and a evolve and once prohibited interracial and accepted
woman which is by its nature ordered arranged marriages, and “it is unrealistic to conclude that
toward the procreation and education an opposite-sex couple would choose not to marry simply
of children and the unity and wellbeing because same-sex couples may do so.”
of the spouses.
Human liberty necessarily goes beyond physical liberty,
and includes an unwritten right to make fundamental life
The promoters of same-sex “marriage”
choices. Choosing a life partner is one such fundamental
propose something entirely different.
choice and the decision of two people to formalize their
They propose the union between two
relationship must be accorded utmost dignity.
men or two women. This denies the
self-evident biological, physiological,
and psychological differences between Oscar Tan, July 6, 2015
men and women which find their Source:
complementarity in marriage. It also argument-against-same-sex-marriage#ixzz4SLNG0cmU 
denies the specific primary purpose of
marriage: the perpetuation of the
human race and the raising of children. AS TO PROCREATION
The most common argument, procreation, is also the
easiest to refute. Philippine Family Code author Judge Alicia
Two entirely different things cannot be
Sempio-Diy wrote: “The [Code] Committee believes that
considered the same thing.
marriage … may also be only for companionship, as when
parties past the age of procreation still get married.”
g/10-reasons-why-homosexual- Oscar Tan, July 6, 2015
marriage-is-harmful-and-must-be- Source:
opposed argument-against-same-sex-marriage#ixzz4SLNG0cmU 

It also is important to note that marriage is not a mere

means in relation to bearing and raising children. The
union of the spouses is in itself good and remains good if
procreation is not possible.
Marriage is not just a means toward procreation, but a
multi-leveled (bodily, emotional, spiritual) personal union
that is fulfilled by expanding into family, but remains good
in itself if in a particular case it cannot do so.


This does not mean that the right to marry is less

meaningful for those who do not or cannot have children.
Precedent protects the right of a married couple not to
procreate, so the right to marry cannot be conditioned on
the capacity or commitment to procreate.

Obergefell v Hodges
2. It Violates Natural Law
One cannot solely invoke religious doctrine, even if
Marriage is not just any relationship thinly veiled as secular “morality.” Religious groups
between human beings. It is a relationship may confront this issue but not impose their choices
rooted in human nature and thus governed on others. Their often vindictive tone contrasts
by natural law. sharply with Kennedy’s, and increasingly alienates
millennials who revel in individuality. Those criticized
as religious zealots should at least strive to be up-to-
Natural law’s most elementary precept is
date, more sophisticated religious zealots.
that “good is to be done and pursued, and
evil is to be avoided.” By his natural reason,
Read more:
man can perceive what is morally good or
bad for him. Thus, he can know the end or
purpose of each of his acts and how it is
morally wrong to transform the means that
help him accomplish an act into the act’s

Any situation which institutionalizes the

circumvention of the purpose of the sexual
act violates natural law and the objective
norm of morality.

Being rooted in human nature, natural law is

universal and immutable. It applies to the
entire human race, equally. It commands and
forbids consistently, everywhere and always.
Saint Paul taught in the Epistle to the
Romans that the natural law is inscribed on
the heart of every man. (Rom. 2:14-15)
3. It Always Denies a Child Either a Father Recent last-ditch arguments alleged harm to children.
or a Mother No party to Obergefell contested that same-sex
couples may build nurturing families after adopting or
It is in the child’s best interests that he be tapping medical advances to produce babies with
raised under the influence of his natural related DNA. Prohibiting same-sex marriage harms
father and mother. This rule is confirmed by children by making such families unstable, as only one
the evident difficulties faced by the many parent may legally adopt and have rights in relation to
children who are orphans or are raised by a a child.
single parent, a relative, or a foster parent.
Read more:
The unfortunate situation of these children
will be the norm for all children of a same-
sex “marriage.” A child of a same-sex
“marriage” will always be deprived of either
his natural mother or father. He will
necessarily be raised by one party who has
no blood relationship with him. He will
always be deprived of either a mother or a
father role model.

Same-sex “marriage” ignores a child’s best

4. It Validates and Promotes the No law exists to criminalize homosexual behavior or
Homosexual Lifestyle expressions or parties about homosexual behavior. Indeed,
even if we were to assume that public opinion is as the
In the name of the “family,” same-sex COMELEC describes it, the asserted state interest here that
“marriage” serves to validate not only such is, moral disapproval of an unpopular minority is not a
unions but the whole homosexual lifestyle in legitimate state interest that is sufficient to satisfy rational
all its bisexual and transgender variants. basis review under the equal protection clause.


Civil laws are structuring principles of man's
- versus -
life in society. As such, they play a very
important and sometimes decisive role in
April 8, 2010
influencing patterns of thought and
G.R. No. 190582
behavior. They externally shape the life of
society, but also profoundly modify
everyone’s perception and evaluation of
forms of behavior.

Legal recognition of same-sex “marriage”

would necessarily obscure certain basic
moral values, devalue traditional marriage,
and weaken public morality.
5. It Turns a Moral Wrong into a Civil

Homosexual activists argue that same-sex

“marriage” is a civil rights issue similar to
the struggle for racial equality in the 1960s.

This is false.

First of all, sexual behavior and race are

essentially different realities. A man and a
woman wanting to marry may be different in
their characteristics: one may be black, the
other white; one rich, the other poor; or one
tall, the other short. None of these
differences are insurmountable obstacles to
marriage. The two individuals are still man
and woman, and thus the requirements of
nature are respected.

Same-sex “marriage” opposes nature. Two

individuals of the same sex, regardless of
their race, wealth, stature, erudition or fame,
will never be able to marry because of an
insurmountable biological impossibility.

Secondly, inherited and unchangeable racial

traits cannot be compared with non-genetic
and changeable behavior. There is simply no
analogy between the interracial marriage of
a man and a woman and the “marriage”
between two individuals of the same sex.
6. It Does Not Create a Family but a
Naturally Sterile Union

Traditional marriage is usually so fecund

that those who would frustrate its end must
do violence to nature to prevent the birth of
children by using contraception. It naturally
tends to create families.

On the contrary, same-sex “marriage” is

intrinsically sterile. If the “spouses” want a
child, they must circumvent nature by costly
and artificial means or employ surrogates.
The natural tendency of such a union is not
to create families. Therefore, we cannot call
a same-sex union marriage and give it the
benefits of true marriage.
7. It Defeats the State’s Purpose of
Benefiting Marriage

One of the main reasons why the State

bestows numerous benefits on marriage is
that by its very nature and design, marriage
provides the normal conditions for a stable,
affectionate, and moral atmosphere that is
beneficial to the upbringing of children—all
fruit of the mutual affection of the parents.
This aids in perpetuating the nation and
strengthening society, an evident interest of
the State.

Homosexual “marriage” does not provide

such conditions. Its primary purpose,
objectively speaking, is the personal
gratification of two individuals whose union
is sterile by nature. It is not entitled,
therefore, to the protection the State extends
to true marriage.
8. It Imposes Its Acceptance on All The decision of the Supreme Court is no less
Society democratic than the passing of a law. This is because
the Supreme Court decides the validity of a law based
By legalizing same-sex “marriage,” the State on the Constitution. If a law violates the Constitution,
becomes its official and active promoter. The the Supreme Court is empowered to strike the law
State calls on public officials to officiate at down. And who empowered the few unelected
the new civil ceremony, orders public justices? The people.
schools to teach its acceptability to children,
and punishes any state employee who The people themselves ratified the Constitution,
expresses disapproval. which ordains a division of powers and a system of
checks and balance. Moreover, the people themselves
limited what they as the majority or their elected
In the private sphere, objecting parents will
representatives can do when they laid down the Bill
see their children exposed more than ever to
of Rights, the part of the Constitution which lists the
this new “morality,” businesses offering
basic and fundamental rights which no law can take
wedding services will be forced to provide
them for same-sex unions, and rental
property owners will have to agree to accept
same-sex couples as tenants.
In every situation where marriage affects
society, the State will expect Christians and
all people of good will to betray their
consciences by condoning, through silence
or act, an attack on the natural order and
Christian morality.
9. It Is the Cutting Edge of the Sexual

In the 1960s, society was pressured to

accept all kinds of immoral sexual
relationships between men and women.
Today we are seeing a new sexual revolution
where society is being asked to accept
sodomy and same-sex “marriage.”

If homosexual “marriage” is universally

accepted as the present step in sexual
“freedom,” what logical arguments can be
used to stop the next steps of incest,
pedophilia, bestiality, and other forms of
unnatural behavior? Indeed, radical
elements of certain “avant garde”
subcultures are already advocating such

The railroading of same-sex “marriage” on

the American people makes increasingly
clear what homosexual activist Paul Varnell
wrote in the Chicago Free Press:

"The gay movement, whether we

acknowledge it or not, is not a civil rights
movement, not even a sexual liberation
movement, but a moral revolution aimed at
changing people's view of homosexuality."
10. It Offends God
Many religious leaders and churches support gay marriage
This is the most important reason. and say it is consistent with scripture. Gene Robinson,
Whenever one violates the natural moral openly gay former Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New
order established by God, one sins and Hampshire, stated in Sep. 2012: "Scripture says where love
offends God. Same-sex “marriage” does just is, there is God also. And they [religious people] see that
this. Accordingly, anyone who professes to love in our families, and I think people can't help but be
love God must be opposed to it. supportive." Lee Jefferson, Assistant Professor of Religion
at Centre College, wrote that the Bible makes no mention of
same-sex marriage at all, nor does it make reference to
Marriage is not the creature of any State. sexual orientation as it is understood today. Reform
Rather, it was established by God in Paradise Judaism, which comprises about 80% of the American
for our first parents, Adam and Eve. As we Jewish population, endorses same-sex marriage, and the
read in the Book of Genesis: “God created Central Conference of American Rabbis has supported gay
man in His image; in the Divine image he marriage since 1996. The Episcopal Church stated in
Resolution A095, made in 2006, that it "oppose[s] any state
created him; male and female He created
or federal constitutional amendment that prohibits same-sex
them. God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fertile civil marriage or civil unions." The Presbyterian Church
and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.’” (USA) voted in June 2014 to allow its pastors to marry same-
(Gen. 1:28-29) sex couples. The United Church of Christ General Synod
voted in July 2005 to affirm "equal marriage rights for
The same was taught by Our Savior Jesus couples regardless of gender." The 1996 General Assembly
of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopted "a position
Christ: “From the beginning of the creation, in support of legal recognition for marriage between
God made them male and female. For this members of the same sex."
cause a man shall leave his father and
mother; and shall cleave to his wife.” (Mark

Genesis also teaches how God punished

Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of
homosexuality: “The Lord rained down
sulphurous fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah.
He overthrew those cities and the whole
Plain, together with the inhabitants of the
cities and the produce of the soil.” (Gen.

 Vagueness – parental authority

 Detrimental Effects on the Psychological Well-being of the child

Even accepting those premises, it is not clear that one must oppose the legal recognition of same-sex
marriage, because it is not “homosexuality” that threatens to destroy families, but rather
“homophobia” that does so. This fear of homosexuality destroys families by causing conflict between
parents and children. Nuclear families are torn apart when children realize that they have same-sex
attractions or that they deviate from commonly-accepted standards of masculinity and femininity in
any way.
Friday’s Supreme Court decision not only affirms the right for same-sex couples to get married, but also
squashes any lingering doubts about what that marriage will do to the children. As scientific studies have
shown for years, the gender composition of parents has nothing to do with how successfully their kids will
be raised.
In his majority opinion, Justice Anthony Kennedy cited recent Census figures estimating that roughly
120,000 same-sex couples are raising more than 200,000 children nationwide. “Without the recognition,
stability, and predictability marriage offers, their children suffer the stigma of knowing their families are
somehow lesser,” he wrote.

Gay couples make good parents. A June 2014 peer-reviewed University of Melbourne study showed that
children raised by same-sex parents score about six percent higher than the general population on measures
of general health and family cohesion. A study published in Pediatrics on June 7, 2010 found that children
of lesbian mothers were rated higher than children of heterosexual parents in social and academic
competence and had fewer social problems. A July 2010 study found that children of gay fathers were "as
well-adjusted as those adopted by heterosexual parents." As former Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein
wrote, "We should be begging gay couples to adopt children. We should see this as a great boon that gay
marriage could bring to kids who need nothing more than two loving parents." In the United States, around
115,000 children are waiting to be adopted.

 Detrimental to one’s health – Constitution

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