Prasanna (Code Division Duplex Ing)
Prasanna (Code Division Duplex Ing)
Prasanna (Code Division Duplex Ing)
Seminar Paper on
Presented by
increasing radio capacity and transmission data rate in the wireless environment.
Frequency division duplexing (FDD) and time division duplexing (TDD). FDD has
been the primary technology used in the first three generations of mobile wireless
efficient technology but has found limited use because of interference and coverage
all kinds of interference. CDMA is the best multiple access scheme when compared
to all others for combating interference. However, the codes in CDMA can be more
than one type of code. A set of smart codes can make a high-capacity CDMA system
very effective without adding other technologies. The smart code plus TDD is called
This paper will elaborate on a set of smart codes that will make an efficient CDD
system a reality. The CDMA system based on this is known as the LAS-CDMA,
where LAS is a set of smart codes. LAS-CDMA is a new coding technology that will
increase the capacity and spectral efficiency of mobile networks. The advanced
technology uses a set of smart codes to restrict interference, a property that adversely
Page No.
1. Introduction 1
2. CDMA Overview 3
Interference and capacity 3
Why reduce interference in a cellular system 4
5. LAS-CDMA 10
12. References 24
considered: one is a multiple access scheme and the other a duplexing system. There
are three multiple access schemes namely TDMA, FDMA and CDMA. The industry
has already established the best multiple access scheme, code-division multiple access
(CDMA), for 3G systems. The next step is to select the best duplexing system.
Duplexing systems are used for two-way communications. Presently, there are only
duplexing (TDD). The former uses different frequencies to handle incoming and
outgoing signals. The latter uses a single frequency but different time slots to handle
appropriate choice, not TDD. Currently, all cellular systems use frequency-division
many technologies has limited the effects of interference but still certain types of
interference remain. Time-division duplexing has not been used for mobile cellular
all kinds of interference. Eliminating all types of interference makes CDD the most
efficiency, or the system capacity, for a given system bandwidth, or sometimes, the
total data rate supported by the system. For a given bandwidth, the system capacity
for narrow band radio systems is dimension limited, while the system capacity of a
traditional CDMA system is interference limited. Traditional CDMA systems are all
self-interference system.
signal itself; MAI, or Mutual Access Interference, which is the interference created by
the signals and their multi-path replica from the other users onto the useful signal; and
ACI, or Adjacent Cell Interference, which is all the interfering signals from the
Hadamard orthogonal codes, jointly with PN sequence, and Gold codes, Kasami
codes, etc. In these systems, due to the difficulty in timing synchronization and the
large cross-correlation values around the origin, there exists a “near far” effect, such
that in some typical system, fast power control has to be employed in order to keep an
uniform received signal level at the base station. On the other hand, in forward
channel all the signals’ power must be kept at an uniform level. Since the transmitting
power of a user would interfere others and even may interfere itself, if one of the
users in the system increases its power unilaterally, all other users power should be
destroyed, and the capacity would be drastically decreased. This is because any radio
due to the multi-path effect, so that the received signal can not be reached at the
receiver simultaneously.
correlation functions are all not ideal, so that the signals at different arrival time can
not be separated properly at the receiver. It is just such effect that makes the
increasing the user’s power when the network traffic load is high.
very high. Today many enhanced technologies have been added together to reduce
interference in FDD systems, but none of these technologies can be used solely and
effectively. The Large Area Synchronous (LAS) Codes are a set of smart codes that
can reduce interference very effectively. The effectiveness of smart codes applied to
TDD makes it the right choice in cellular systems. The application of LAS Codes in a
LAS-CDMA (Large Area Code Division Multiple Access) employs a novel multiple
access scheme, which is different from all the known traditional CDMA. The auto-
correlation functions of all LAS-CDMA codes are ideal, and there exists an IFW
correlation functions of its access codes around the origin. Due to the existence of
IFW or ZCZ, a LAS-CDMA system can have a much higher system capacity and
The code used in today’s CDMA scheme is the Walsh code, which is not too smart.
Walsh codes have the orthogonality property among codes while the time shift t = 0
(i.e., no time shift t or time delay spread). However, in the mobile radio environment
the signal arrival can have a long time shift. The property of Walsh codes cannot
properly be applied to this environment. Now there is a set of smart codes that have
orthogonality among the codes for time shift t ≠ 0. The codes arrive at the terminals at
different time shifts; because of the orthogonal nature, all undesired codes are
blocked. Thus, smart codes are the proper codes to handle this situation. Therefore, in
the future we can use different kinds of codes for CDMA schemes, which we will
name a type of CDMA with a specified code (e.g., CDMA/Code A and CDMA/Code
B). The properties of smart codes have to meet the following requirements:
• Auto-correlation
• Cross-correlation
Where τ0 is a correlation window, δ can be zero or low correlation value. Outside the
correlation window is beyond the time delay spread range of the received signal.
Although the correlation value outside the range is high, there is no impact on our
eight smart codes are transmitted, as shown in Fig. 6. They arrive at the receiver of
However, many C1 codes can be received due to the effects of the multipaths. This
does not occur though; due to the auto-correlation property, only Code C1 at time t1
is received, as shown in Fig. 6. We do not need the strength of more than one path
signal to be added for increasing carrier-to-interference ratio (C/I) since we are only
receiving carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N), not C/I. The rest of the signals from different
paths do not cause any interference, and there is no need to use any means to collect
them for the purpose of reducing interference. Hence, with this smart code property
Smart code sequences will effectively work in TDD scenarios and become a
CDD system, as shown in Fig. 7. The two different smart codes can isolate
interference at the same frequency and in the same time frame. The capabilities of
smart codes eliminate the known near-far effect in mobile communication systems.
The inherent properties of smart codes eliminate the need for the following
technologies: rake receiver, power control, joint detection, smart antenna, and soft
Any single (unpaired) spectrum band with a bandwidth equal to 1.6 MHz can
be used for the CDD application. The system is simple. The handset is also simple.
Since no duplexer is needed, the handset cost can be lower and the size of the handset
smaller. Power consumption is lower due to only one single spectrum band being
operable. CDD is like TDD, the ideal system for asymmetrical traffic. CDD has the
highest spectrum efficiency and can be used in the new third-generation (3G)
systems. The differences in TDD and CDD for cellular systems can be shown in Fig.
8. In other TDD systems the codes are not smart, so the receiver not only receives its
desired code, but also receives interference (I) from other cells. Sometimes, the
interference is so high it can mask the desired signal. In the LAS CDD system,
because of the smart codes, the receiver only receives the desired code, no
The LAS- CDMA utilizes the LAS codes which are a set of smart codes. The
spreading sequences exhibit zero correlation values, when the relative delay-induced
code offset is in the so-called Zero Correlation Zone (ZCZ) or Interference Free
Window (IFW) of the spreading code. The attractive family of Large Area
of the so-called Large Area (LA) codes and Loosely Synchronous (LS) codes. The
resultant LAS codes exhibit an IFW, where the off-peak aperiodic autocorrelation
values as well as the aperiodic cross-correlation values become zero, resulting in zero
ISI and zero MAI, provided that the time-offset of the codes is within the IFW. In
order to ensure that the relative time-offsets between the codes are within the IFW,
total time-offset expressed in terms of the number of chip intervals, which is the sum
of the time-offset of the mobiles plus the maximum channel-induced delay spread is
timing-advance control has to be used, as it was also advocated in the GSM system.
Provided that these conditions are satisfied, a major benefit of the LAS codes is that
The disadvantage of LAS codes is that the number of codes having an IFW is
limited. For example, when we consider a spreading factor of 151, we only have 32
LAS codes exhibiting an IFW of width 3Tc, where Tc is the chip duration.
typically exhibits a higher value outside the IFW than traditional random codes. More
for example the third-generation W-CDMA system, it will encounter more serious
bound, firstly, it is well known that the side-lobes of the correlation functions,
including both the auto-correlation and the cross-correlation functions, cannot be zero
of the cross-correlation functions are contradicted with each other. In practical system
designs for traditional CDMA systems, trade-off has to be made; people usually
functions are set around G-1/2, with G the processing gain of the system, following
Welch bound. This implies that the interference created mutually by users can not be
totally eliminated, and that the traditional CDMA systems are interference-limited.
families of CDMA codes, LA codes and LS codes. LA codes are a family of pulse
train with carefully designed pulse intervals. LA codes are mainly used to reduce the
ACI (Adjacent Cell Interference). The pulses of LA code are formed by passing
through a LS code to its matched filter at the required pulse positions. LS codes are
used for spreading. The family of LS codes has interesting correlation properties. An
example is shown in Fig.10a, where the auto-correlation is perfect, while some of the
cross-correlation functions are also perfect, most of its cross-correlations only have a
few pairs of side-lobe (Fig.10b). There are some regions where no cross-correlation
side-lobes exist. We define the one around the origin the “Zero Correlation Zone”
system, if the time dispersion (multi-path spread) of the channel is within such IFW,
G – Processing Gain
0 τ
G- Relative delay
-20 -10 10 20
• Auto-correlation:
0 τ a
• Cross-correlations: 0 (Relative delay)
0 τ
τ b
IFW: Interference
Free W indow
LA Codes
Their maximum correlation magnitude is unity and they also exhibit an IFW. Let us
denote the family of the K number of orthogonal ternary codes employing K number
durations between non-zero pulses, while having a total code length of LA chips, as
All the codes corresponding to an LA code family share the same legitimate
relatively low duty ratio, quantifying the density of the non-zero pulses, since this
limits the number of codes available and hence the number of users supported. In the
LAS-CDMA 2000 system, the LA codes used constitute a modified version of the
LA(LA;M;K)=LA(2552, 136, 17) code, where the K = 17 non-zero pulse positions,
{pk}= {0; 136; 274; 414; 556; 700; 846; 994; 1144;1296; 1450; 1606; 1764;
Again, observe in this code construction that the pulse positions are not
exactly equidistant. For example, the distance between the second, third and fourth
Apart from the LA codes , there exists another specific family of spreading codes,
which also exhibits an IFW. Specifically, Loosely Synchronized (LS) codes exploit
let us introduce the notation of LS(N; P;W0) for denoting the family of LS codes
number of zeros both in the center and at the beginning of the complementary pair, as
shown in Figure 12(a). As mentioned above, the polarity of the codes c 0 and s0 seen in
The first set of four LS codes can be generated using the first two rows of a (P * P) =
(4 * 4)-dimensional Walsh-Hadamard matrix, namely using w0 = (+1; +1; +1; +1) and
w1 = (+1;_1; +1;_1), as shown in Figure 12(b). Another set of four LS codes can be
obtained by exchanging the subscripts 0 and 1. Finally, eight additional LS codes can
be generated by applying the same principle, but with the aid of the last two rows of
and w3 = (+1;-1;-1; +1). Hence, the total number of available codes in the family of
Thus the family of LS(N; P;W0) codes can be constructed for almost any
discussed the construction of LA and LS codes, let us now consider how LS codes are
implanted at the non-zero pulse-positions of the LA codes for the sake of generating
LAS codes.
systems are related to their low duty ratio and to the resultant small number of
available codes. A specific family of LAS codes mitigates this problem by combining
the LA codes and the LS codes. More specifically, LS codes are inserted between the
spreading codes are inserted into the LA code's zero space, as shown in Figure 13.
Let us denote the combined code generated from the LA(LA;M;K) and
so-called absolute encoding method. For the sake of preserving the original IFW size
employing the absolute encoding scheme, the length of the LS code, including W0
number of trailing zeros, should not exceed the minimum pulse spacing M of the LA
Perspectives of LAS-CDMA for the 4G wireless systems
have a much higher capacity as well as a higher spectral efficiency than a traditional
interference limited, that would drastically limit its capacity, in studying 4G systems,
for MIMO channels, smart antennas, etc., rather than the “Waveform Division”
over multi-path fading channel with time variant scenarios, which represents the most
CDMA capability of resisting multi-path fading thanks to the special properties of the
LAS CDMA codes, i.e., LA codes and LS codes for radio transmission and access
each OFDM symbol, which insures the orthogonality between the main path
component and the multi-path components, provided that the length of the cyclic-
prefix is larger than the maximum multi-path delay. In a LAS-CDMA system, the
between the spread symbols using LS codes. If the maximum delay of the multi-path
is within the length of the time gap, the multi-path components will all fall in the IFW
or ZCZ, either vanishing totally, if only the main path component is processed by the
receiver, or more advantageously all the multi-path components are combined with
differently to a Rake receiver, the second approach will drastically improve the
suppressed by a factor equal to the processing gain. This means that the more the
available bandwidth that the signal can occupy, the better the capability of the
resistance of interference for the system. This property is not shared by the systems
based on OFDM waveforms. If in 4G systems, bandwidth will be larger, LAS-CDMA
alternatives for access schemes would remain a very promising candidate for the
future. Finally, OFDM scheme was not proposed for multiple accesses by its nature.
Recently OFDMA has been developed for the systems to have the multiple access
will share all the properties with FDMA, both the advantages and the shortcomings.
The key to a proper system operation is how to keep the orthogonality between sub-
wireless IP network solution highly desirable. The iBTS connects to the IP core
network, as shown in Fig. 14. The function of the switch is broken down into two:
mobility management and call processing. The handoff function is carried by the
selective distribution unit (SDU). The separated functions are placed on the gateways
to the core network. The demo of carrying voice over IP from mobile to mobile and
mobile to landline was successful. This event was a historical milestone. The CDD
system’s future IP core network will follow this approach. The cost will be lower, and
TDMA networks. After 1989, CDMA was a breakthrough technology for maintaining
the same frequency being used in all the cells. Until today, all three multiple access
The LAS smart codes are the next breakthrough technology. Applying LAS
technology to a TDD system becomes a CDD system. The benefit of using a TDD
system for communications is that the sending and receiving are alternating in time at
a single frequency. Without the sending and receiving occurring at the same time we
can use the same smart code for both sending and receiving; thus, LAS + TDD =
CDD. CDD is no more like TDD and is a better system for cellular.
Before 1989, cellular systems were using multiple cells with multiple
environment. After 1989, multiple cells used the same frequency. Although the
environment. Now, the CDD system is developed. This system changes the
We are convinced that CDMA is the best multiple access scheme when
compared to all others for combating interference. However, the codes in CDMA can
be more than one type of code. A set of smart codes can make a high-capacity CDMA
system very effective without adding other technologies. The smart code plus TDD is
called CDD, which is a new 3G technology. A CDD system is simpler in design and
lower cost. CDD is an ideal system for a total IP network solution: new 3G
technology + IP core network. Hopefully, a CDD system will be the system of choice
March 2003