Supply Chain Practices in The Context of An Emerging Economy
Supply Chain Practices in The Context of An Emerging Economy
Supply Chain Practices in The Context of An Emerging Economy
Vijan Bhaumik
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2000
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Certified by ........... . .
r. Edgar Blanco
search Dir or n Executive Director
SCALE Latin-American MI en r or an rtation and Logistics
Thesis visor
Vijan Bhaumik
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2000
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Submitted to the System Design and Management program on June 4' 2010, in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and
The emergence of the BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China as a formidable
economic powerhouse is turning into a reality. The center of the world's economic gravity is
slowly shifting towards these emerging economies. As per research performed by Goldman
Sacs' the BRIC economies could become the four most dominant economies by 2050. As per
their study China and India would become the dominant supplier of manufactured goods and
services while Brazil and Russia would dominate in supply of raw materials. The BRIC economy
today makes up about 25% of the land mass and has 40% of the world's population 2 .
As multinationals scramble to tap into these growing emerging markets, they have begun to
acknowledge that supply chain management is an essential ingredient of a successful business
strategy. Success stories of Wal-Mart, Dell and Toyota have brought in the realization that to
compete and win in the market place a winning supply chain strategy is a must. This has resulted
in corporations trying to benchmark their supply chain strategies against this best in class
strategies. However, this kind of comparison does not always work since there are a multitude of
differences between companies, industries and countries.
The existing practice of developing products and services for the developed economy and then
tailoring these products for other economies around the world will not suffice anymore.
Companies must now learn how to develop products for countries like India, sometimes from
scratch and then tailor them for other geographies. To compete in this space of rapid economic
growth firms need to analyze, design and optimize their product portfolio for emerging markets.
To develop these "no frills" products for emerging economies, the supply chain designed for
developed countries isnot adequate to meet the unique challenges of an emerging economy with
its underdeveloped infrastructure, technology and human capital resources. To be competitive
corporations should re-evaluate their supply chain strategies to customize it for emerging market
IAsk the expert: BRICs and investor strategy from the Financial Times, Monday 2006-11-06
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conditions and in many cases build it from scratch. This thesis examines the unique
characteristics of supply chain by studying successful supply chain strategies employed by
Indian firms and proposes frameworks and strategies to help companies innovate in their supply
chain design.
This thesis develops a generic framework to design effective supply chains for emerging
economies by looking at five key elements or "Five Pillars" of supply chain. The five key
elements were thoroughly evaluated to understand the key challenges in each pillar and develop
effective "Customized Practices "in the context of an emerging economy. The five pillars which
were evaluated were Demand and Supply Planning, Sourcing and Procurement, Operations,
Transportation, Warehousing and distribution. The framework takes a holistic approach by
aligning business strategies with operating principles to develop the customized practices. The
framework was then validated by performing a deep dive analysis of the successful supply chain
case of the Tata Nano small car. Analyzing the Tata Nano supply chain through the lens of this
framework provided key insights into the supply chain challenges faced by firms operating in an
emerging economy and the unique customized practices used by these firms to operate
efficiently. Use of this framework will bring awareness of the supply chain challenges in
emerging economies and the customized practices firms use to help guide organizations in
designing and operating their supply chains.
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I am very grateful to Dr. Edgar Blanco, my thesis advisor, for his support and guidance
throughout my thesis research. I would also like to thank Pat Hale, for his support as the
reader of my thesis and also giving me the opportunity to be a part of the System Design
and Management Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My appreciation
also extends to my classmates and staff within the System Design and Management
Program who made this entire experience memorable. Finally, I owe my degree to my wife
Arinita, who wholeheartedly supported me during my 16 months study at MIT. I dedicate
this thesis to her.
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Table of Contents
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 12
2. Background ..................................................................................................................... 14
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6.1.4. Transportation ............................................................................................... 43
6.1.5. W arehousing/Distribution .......................................................................... 44
6.2. Effect of Business Strategy and Operating Principles on "Five Pillars" of Supply
Ch ain ............................................................................................................................ 46
6.3. Developing Customized Practices for the "Five Pillars" of Supply Chain ............ 47
6.4. "Five Pillar" Model and Framework in Action - Successful Cases ....................... 49
9. Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 89
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List of Figures
Figure 3-1 GDP growth projection (Billion USD) of BRIC and G6 nations ...................... 16
Figure 6-3 Summary of Supply Chain Challenges in the "Five Pillars" in India ............... 45
Figure 6-4 Business and Operating Principles Linked to Supply Chain "Five Pillars" ....... 47
Figure 6-5 Emerging Economy "Five Pillar" Supply Chain Framework .......................... 49
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Figure 7-4 Tata Nano Four Actions Strategy Framework ................................................. 58
Figure 8-1 Process flow for "Five Pillar" Supply Chain Framework .................................... .. 85
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List of Tables
Table 3-1 Demographic Distribution in India ................................................................... 21
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1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
Increased globalization and shift of market dynamics has placed emerging economies
like India and China in an exponential growth trajectory. The harness and profit from
this enormous growth potential of these emerging economies it is essential for
multinationals to reevaluate and redesign their supply chains to be more nimble and
efficient in a different set of market dynamics. The motivation for this thesis is to take a
deep dive into the drivers of efficient supply chain design in the context of emerging
economies. Developing products for these emerging markets needs not only a redesign
of the product portfolio but also a complete redesign of the supply chain network to
leverage the unique characteristics of the emerging economies. Supply chain
management is one of the fundamental issues facing today's organization. Effectively
managing supply chains is critical to the success of a business. Thus it is worth
exploring the structure and internal dynamics of emerging country supply chains to
device effective policies.
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1.2. Objectives
The objective of the thesis is to perform a thorough analysis of the supply chain of an
emerging economy and understand the factors that contribute to its competitive
advantage. This analysis will include evaluation of it's:
o Business Strategy
o Operating Model
o Supply Chain Strategy
o Customized Practices
e Understand the design and structure of the Tata Nano supply chain
" Understand customized supply chain practices used by Indian auto industry and
how they can be used by global OEM's and vice versa
* Provide a framework for key factors which influence supply chain strategy for
emerging economies
1.3. Methodology
The thesis follows a case study methodology. Since the objective is to understand
successful strategies a case study methodology was adopted. A thorough literature
review was done to develop a framework for effective supply chain management. This
framework was then customized to take into account the unique characteristics of the
supply chain of an emerging economy. The framework was then validated with data
from various successful supply chain cases in an emerging economy. A more thorough
case evaluation was also performed to validate the framework. This thesis is based on
the following source of information:
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2. Background
"Greatfirms will fight the war for dominance in the marketplace not against individual
competitors in their field but fortified by alliances with wholesalers, manufacturers, and
suppliersall along the supply chain. In essence, competitive dominance will be achieved by an
entire supply chain, with battlesfought supply chain versus supply chain" - Roger Blackman
"As the economy changes, as competition becomes more global, it's no longer company vs.
company but supply chain vs. supply chain" - Harold Sirkin, VP Boston Consulting Group
The advent of the modern automotive supply chain can be traced back to the era of Henry
Ford and the personal automobile, when he started on his journey to build a car for the
common man. Launched in Oct 1, 1908, it changed the landscape of the American society
forever. Ford embarked on a grand strategy for building automobile for the mass market
with his vision as stated below:
"I will build a motor carfor the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family but
small enough for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best
materials,by the best men to be hired, after the simplest design that modern engineeringcan
devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own
one - and enjoy with hisfamily the blessings of hours of pleasure in God's great open spaces"-
Henry Ford, My Life and Work - Oct, 1908
Since the launch of the Model T the personal automobile industry has expanded in leaps
and bounds, which brought in an exponential growth trajectory for automobile technology
and subsequently a high degree of maturity of supply chain design to support the
burgeoning needs of the industry. However, this expansion was mostly relegated to the
developed western economies and Japan which had the means and wherewithal to be able
to fund and devise complex technology and supply systems.
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And exactly 100 years later after Henry Ford envisioned his dream, Ratan Tata the scion of
India's largest integrated vehicle manufacturer, echoed similar observations about the
need for an affordable personal mass transportation for the common man.....
"Today's story started some years ago when I observed families riding on two wheelers, the
father driving a scooter, his young kid standing in front of him, his wife sitting behind him
holding a baby and I asked myself whether one could conceive of a safe, affordable, all
weatherform of transportfor such a family. A vehicle that could be affordable and low cost
enough to be within everyone's reach, a people's car, built to meet all safety standards,
designed to meet or exceed emission norms and be low in pollution and high in fuel efficiency.
This then was the dream we set ourselves to achieve" - Excerpts from Ratan Tata's speech at
the Nano unveiling ceremony - Oct, 2008
The race to build cheap cars which the average consumer of an emerging economy can
afford will dramatically change the automotive landscape similar to what the Ford Model T
did a century ago. With demand for expensive mass-market cars in the developed
economies of US, Japan and EU drying up, global automakers are eyeing the emerging
markets for growth opportunities. "The main weakness of today's global automakers is that
they are incapableof delivering a car thatfulfills basic needs at a very low price, "says Carlos
Ghosn Chief Executive of Renault-Nissan. "The people who have these skills are in India and
As the competitive landscape shifts from individual companies to entire supply chains it is
imperative for organizations to have a better understanding of their supply chain
management and have a clear roadmap for supply chain alignment.
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3. Literature Review
Emerging markets are going through a phase of rapid transformation and becoming
centers of wealth creation. Projections by Goldman Sacs Global Economics Paper No:99
how that in 40 years, the BRICs economies together could be larger than theG6 (US,
Japan, UK, Germany, France and Italy). By 2025 they could account for over half the size
of the G6. Currently they are worth less than 15%. Of the current G6, only the US and
Japan may be among the six largest economies in US dollar terms in 2050.3
The chart below shows the GDP projections based on demographic trends, capital
expenditure and productivity growth. It gives a snapshot of how the world economy
w ill look in the coming decades.
MBRICs By 2040:
80,000 2025: BRICs overtake
70,000 economies the G6
over half as
50000 large as the G6
Page 1 16
As the advanced economies of today continue to shrink with respect to the overall
global economy, the spending power would shift to emerging nations and BRICs in
particular 4. This will lead to higher consumption as BRICs middle-class consumers
catch up with their counterparts in richer countries. The chart below shows the
projected rise of per capita income for the BRIC economies.
2007 US$
70,000 - Brazil
- China
60,000- - India
50,000. - Russia
0 -
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
The rise in per capita income would spur demand for goods in these economies. The
penetration of goods is currently low as shown in chart below. As seen from the
chart the penetration of automobile is currently very low and India and China have
the least penetration of automotives. This offers global automakers tremendous
potential for growth. The nature of goods being imported is shifting from low value
added products like agricultural produce to high value finished goods like
automobiles and TV sets. Among the BRIC's Russia and Brazil is further ahead along
Page | 17
the consumption curve whereas China and India are the laggards. This provides a
window of opportunity for global companies to invest in these markets.
As the influence of these countries grow it is essential that businesses are aware of
the opportunities and develop strategies to capitalize on the opportunities. They
should however be cognizant of the risks associated with these markets and take
appropriate steps to mitigate them.
Page 1 18
economic reforms like privatization of government industries and reduction of
tariffs for imported capital goods, resulting in GDP growth of 4 to 7% annually.
Since 2003, India has experienced rapid growth and is among the fastest growing
economies in the world as shown in the chart below.
40- - US Euope
35 - China - India
0 . ....
Figure 3-4, Source: Angus Maddison, The world Economy, Historical Statistics, OECD 2003
This explosive growth has been possible due to effects of increased globalization,
economic reforms, growth in productivity, cheap credit, rising incomes of the
middle class and a growing educated middle class that fuels consumption.
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Current Largest Global Economies
US$ bn
14,000 -
12,000 -
10,000 -
8,000 -
6,000 -
4,000 -
2,000 -
As per projections the Indian economy is expected to be the second largest, ahead of
the US by 2050
Projected Global GDP 2050
GDP 2007
US$ bn
80,000 -
70,000 -
60,000 -
50,000 -
40,000 -
30,000 -
20,000 -
10,000 -
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3.3. Demographic Characteristics of India
India is a remarkably diverse country with 1.17 billion people, more than 1600
languages and dialects, more than 2000 ethnic groups and every major religion in the
world. There is also a great diversity in education, socio-economic status and income
levels. Approximately 72% of the population resides in 638,000 villages and the
remaining 28% in 5100s towns and urban centers.
The median age of Indians is 25.1 yrs with the following distribution6 :
Table: 3-1
As per Goldman Sachs economic research, India is well-positioned to reap the benefits
of favorable demographics, including an 'urbanization bonus,' over the long term due to
the continued movement of labor from rural agriculture to urban industry and services.
India has 10 of the 30 fastest-growing urban areas in the world and, based on current
trends, a massive 700 million people (roughly equivalent to the entire current
population of Europe) will move to cities by 2050. This will have significant
implications for demand for urban infrastructure, real estate, and services.
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Population Projections (Millions)
Table 3-2
Source: Based on P.N. Mari Bhatt, "Indian Demographic Scenario 2025", Institute of
Economic Growth, New Delhi, Discussion Paper No. 27/2001
There is a large and growing middle class of 50 million Indians which is estimated to
grow tenfold to over 500 million by 2025. They have disposable income in the range of
$4,000 to $20,0007.
McKinsey Global Institute, Next Big Spender: India's Middle Class, Retrieved from Business Week May 19, 2007
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income group earns between 2,000 to 20,000 USD and the lowest or BOP group
earns less than 2,000 USD and is the largest group by population8 (*note - the
numbers are adjusted for purchasing power parity). The BOP consumers are cash
strapped and must therefore be accessed differently using new innovative products
and services specifically designed for this market. Getting a foothold in the BOP or
even the middle of the pyramid can provide any corporation with billions of new
customers. The BOP market in India is worth 1.2 Trillion USD and makes up 85% of
the household market. It is comprised on 924 million people of whom 78% are
rural customers. The Indian rural market has been growing at 3-4% per annum,
adding more than 1 million new consumers every year 9.
Bottom of Pyramid Market
$2,000 - $20,000
<$2,000 40
Asia makes up the biggest chunk of the global BOP market with a $3.47 trillion
market, followed by Latin America ($509 billion), Eastern Europe ($458 billion) and
Africa ($429-billion).Sector-wise, food is the biggest BOP market ($2.8-trillion),
followed by energy ($433 billion), housing ($332-billion), transportation ($179
8 Managing supply Chain Operations in India, Pitfalls and Opportunities JayashankarM. Swaminathan
9 IFC and World Resources Institute (WRI) study retrieved from Economic Times of India, April 28, 2007
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billion)' 0 . Many multinationals have started focusing their efforts on the BOP market
which would lead to innovation for the BOP market and also for the developed
world. India is a very diverse country and thus firms which develop successful
supply chain for this environment can position it to be leaders in these rapid growth
Indian consumers are very price conscious and would often gravitate to products
which are low cost but of good quality. The customers are very value oriented and
one of the most discerning customers in the world as per John Hooks, Deputy
Managing Director, Giorgio Armani SpA. They demand quality good at a price they
can afford. This necessitates firms to employ strategies geared towards leveraging
economies of scale to design products and services which are high volume but low
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> FragmentedMarket
The market is characterized by small scale players who lack the necessary capital to
invest in marketing and distribution, thereby constraining their geographical
expansion. Due to lack of large players and budgetary constraints there is limited
brand awareness and loyalty among consumers. This is however changing fast as
big retail chains are emerging bringing brand labels and trying to establish brand
The distribution channels are still weak and still in its nascent stage. There is lack of
modern warehousing and distribution facilities. However with the advent of modern
retailing, the distribution channel is going through a transformational phase by
using latest practices and technology to streamline distribution. Many global third
party logistics (3PL) vendors are establishing operations in India which would help
improve distribution. However, with 70% of the population residing in rural areas,
with limited transportation infrastructure, it would take time to build the
distribution network.
> PoorInfrastructure
India is characterized by its poor infrastructure, cold storage, and transport facilities
which lead to inefficient handling of goods. The weak infrastructure poses several
challenges to efficient supply chain management. The current infrastructure is a
barrier to rapid development and focus. The Indian government has identified
infrastructure development as a key area of focus and taking rapid steps to develop
ports and highways at a pace to match consumer demand.
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the back-office operations of multinational corporations. The cellular
communication network is also advancing in leaps and bounds helping connect
millions of people every day. However, the overall technology infrastructure is still
in nascent stages with very low levels of internet and communication technology
penetration. Although India has a technological advantage with regards to China it
still lacks the infrastructure to manage dynamic supply chain networks with
interconnected assets.
> DemographicDividend
India possesses a unique advantage which very few advanced countries possess.
The demographics of India are very favorably balanced towards the younger
generation which has high level of disposable income. This has been termed as the
demographic dividend and India is poised to reap the benefits of a young productive
population. This young population will help drive an enormous market for
consumer goods in the next few decades.
India's market is evolving at a very rapid pace. This rapid growth is providing
enormous opportunities for businesses. New technologies are making rapid inroads
displacing traditional industries and business models. This is evidenced by rapid
spread of cellular services, internet kiosks and adoption of social media by the
younger generation.
The Indian automotive industry has been on a rapid growth trajectory since de-
licensing of this sector in 1991. Global automakers have been flocking to India and most
major auto makers have established manufacturing base in India. The auto industry has
Page 126
seen average growth of 17% in the last few years and the industry turnover is
estimated to be $34 Billion.
Annual production of vehicles has gone up from 2 million in 1991 to 9.7 million in 2006.
In spite of this rapid growth, the Indian auto industry is just 2.5% of global auto
production and exports are a mere 0.3% of global exports.
Exports of auto and auto components have also seen huge increases in the range of 30%
average annual growth in the last few years. Auto exports crossed $ 2 Billion in 2006.
The auto industry in India has grown in clusters with interconnections between the
clusters. The 4 main clusters are Maneswar in the north, Chennai in the south,
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Jamshedpur-Kolkata in the east, Pune in the west and Indore in central India. Low-cost
cars are "the single most important trend in the automotive industry today," says
VikasTibrewala, the Paris-based executive director of the Monitor Group consultancy.
The auto sector is comprised of 500 firms in the organized sector and more than 10,000
firms in the small unorganized sector. The auto component sector is the fastest growing
sector. The quality of the component sector is at par with global standards as evidenced
by many suppliers receiving awards like Deming, JIPM, Japan Quality Medal awards and
numerous quality certifications. Majority of the exports are to the developed markets of
US and Europe which have high quality standards. This indicates that the Indian auto
industry is at a level of quality, productivity and capabilities to effectively integrate into
the global supply chain. As per ACMA the global auto component industry is worth 1.2
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Trillion USD and expected to rise to 1.7 Trillion USD by 2015. There is a general trend to
drive down costs by sourcing at low cost countries. Sourcing from low cost countries is
expected to go up to 375 Billion USD by 2015. Current exports from India are a small
percentage of this market, but India is well positioned to leverage the off shoring trend
to increase its market share of the global auto component sector.
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4. Porters Analysis - Competitive
Advantage of Emerging Economies
To understand what is unique in emerging economy supply chain and what gives its
competitive advantage we need to analyze the four determinants of the nation's
competitive strategy.
> FactorConditions:
Factor conditions are inputs that an industry needs to perform its operations. The
inputs may be in the form of capital, labor, raw materials, favorable climate etc. "A
nation will export those goods which make intensive use of the factors with which it
is relatively well endowed." What provides competitive advantage for a country like
India is the availability of a large pool of knowledge workers at fraction of the cost of
most developed economies. This type of competitive advantage is not inherited but
created over time.
Page 130
the buyer needs, the growth pattern and the influence of international market on
domestic demand.
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The Role of Government
The role of government can significantly influence the competitive advantage of
nations. The influence can be negative or positive as experienced by India after
independence. The country adopted a socialist structure immediately following
independence which stagnated growth. However following liberalization of the
economy by the government, the country has witness a rapid phase of growth and
capital infusion from overseas.
Figure 4-1, Source: Porter, Michael E, The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1998)
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From the determinants above it can be seen why India is emerging as an economic
powerhouse. All the factors which determine national competitive advantage are aligned in
India's favor. Factor conditions are favorable due to abundance of educated workforce
along with a good agricultural production and raw materials like iron and steel, aluminum,
mica, silica etc. Demand conditions are also rapidly improving due to the emergence of a
growing middle class with disposable incomes. FDI investments are flowing in various
sectors like IT, manufacturing, services, infrastructure development etc which is resulting
in development of a robust supply base and supporting industries. Firms are increasingly
competing in the global landscape and thus developing advanced capabilities improving
their competitive ability. The government is also playing a supportive role by liberalizing
the economy and removing trade and other barriers to growth. So overall all the Porter's
competitive forces are very well aligned in India's case to suggest that the country is
experiencing sustainable economic growth.
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5. Description of Supply Chain
Supply Chain management is often referred to as efficient management of the end to end
process, which starts with the design of the product or service and ends with the time
when it has been sold, consumed, and finally, discarded by the consumer (Lee and
Billington 1993, Swaminathan and Tayur 2003)
Page 134
The Supply Value Chain
(e.g. Fnace,.la n
Figure 5-1, Source: Porter, Michael E, The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1998)
The value chain is a superset of a firm's value system which includes its external
ecosystem like suppliers, distributors, retailers. The sum of the internal and external
ecosystem forms the supply chain. Close collaboration between both internal and
external components is necessary to form effective supply chain strategy.
The Supply Value System
Figure 5-2, Source: Porter, Michael E, The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1998)
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6. Supply Chain Design and Analysis
The automotive value chain can be divided into five major value elements. It is essential
to have a thorough understanding of these elements and how they differ in emerging
economy vs a developed economy to properly design and manage the supply chain. The
descriptions below are the functional requirements of the major value elements. Later
on I will analyze how this differs between emerging and developed economy. The
context of this thesis is based on building a foundation on these five pillars of supply
chain, and develops a strategy around how to leverage the knowledge gained on each of
the pillars to build a set of customized practices of effective supply chain management.
Figure 6-1
Page 136
The "FivePillars"are as follows:
Pillar2 - Sourcing/Procurement
This is the process of acquisition of goods or services at the best cost of ownership.
Procurement decisions are based on various factors like price, quality, delivery etc
and could involve economic analysis like cost benefit analysis, Economic Value
Added (EVA) etc. Procurement can be direct or indirect. Direct procurement is
associated primarily with manufacturing settings for the production of goods and
involves raw materials, parts components etc. Indirect procurement deals with
resources which are enablers of operations like office supplies, IT resources, capital
goods etc.
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Procurement strategy can vary between the items being procured. For raw
materials like rubber and steel which are commodities and thus low value added the
strategy employed would be different from higher value added components like
assembled parts.
Pillar3 -Operations
Operations include all aspects of design, manufacturing, and assembly for goods or
services. It consists of converting inputs (raw materials, labor, and resources) into
output (goods or services). Many activities are involved in operations like
production planning, scheduling for manufacturing, equipment maintenance, plant
management, materials planning, cost analysis, labor relations etc. Operations add
value to the process and should be aligned with the market opportunity.
Pillar4 - Transportation
Transportation in a supply chain context is the movement of goods from one place
to another. Mode of transport could be in the form of land, air, rail, water and space.
For transportation of goods the relevant infrastructure needs to be in place like
railways, trucks, airports, warehouses etc. With increased globalization
transportation is taking an ever important role as the point of consumption is
moving farther away from point of production. The demand for efficient
transportation is rapidly growing every day and forms an integral part of the supply
chain. Logistics form an important part of the transport network. It deals with all
aspects of transferring products from producer to consumer which includes storage,
transport, packaging, sorting, material handling, and information processing and
payment transaction.
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> Pillar5 - Warehousing/Distribution
Warehouse is a commercial facility for the storage of goods. It's a critical part of an
organization's supply chain. Warehouse should be easily accessible from railway,
roads ports etc and should have docking and loading facilitates. Typical warehouse
functions include receiving, storage, order preparation, inventory management and
shipping. Modern warehouses are equipped with automated equipment and
software management systems for optimization and order management.
Figure 6-2
The following sections describe in details some of the value chains challenges using the five
pillars framework developed.
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6.1.1 Demand and Supply Planning
Demand and supply planning is critical component for accurate sales planning and
forecasting. This function is very challenging in India due to lack of sales visibility at
the Point of Sale (POS) or end customer. POS data is not well integrated in the
supply chain and in most cases done manually which leads to lost sales and frequent
stock-outs. This also leads to situations where high demand items are not
replenished and slow moving parts are continuously ordered. Sophisticated
techniques like vendor managed inventory and collaborative forecasting are tough
to implement due to underdeveloped technology infrastructure. Lack of POS data
and information causes the planning process to be a push strategy based on the
firm's sales target and also causes other unwanted side effects like "inventory
dump" and "hockey stick phenomenon".
Due to the plurality of cultures, languages and preferences, the product launch
process gets very complicated as firms needs to advertise in multiple languages, and
market and package products based on regional preferences. Lack of dedicated
information technology infrastructure makes planning profess difficult. However
dedicated efforts by governmental agencies facilitated by private partnership are
working towards improving the infrastructure to address the unique challenges
which will serve them well in the long run. The table below summarizes the
progress made in infrastructure development since the economy was liberalized in
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1,000 people)
Air freight (million tons per km) 493.10 547.65 773.22 4.73
Table 3-5, Source: World Development Indicators CD ROM 2007, World Bank
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throughout the country. As per study performed by Sastry and Chandra 2002, only
4% of suppliers are within 3 miles of manufacturing facility, and 50% are located
beyond 300 miles. To account for the unpredictable delivery times, suppliers have
to hold high level of safety stock. Industrial zones at various parts of the country
were not set up taking supply chain issues into consideration.
The small and medium scale suppliers also lack in product development capabilities
which cause extended product development cycles and increases development
costs. To overcome this many multinationals enter into joint ventures with Indian
suppliers to help them ramp up their capabilities. This lack of supplier capabilities
results in large supply base for firms. In a survey by Chandra and Sastry, 2002, it
was found that 63% of firms have more than 100 suppliers and 17 percent have
more than 500 suppliers. Many of these suppliers are rural and managing such a
large and diverse supply base is extremely challenging.
One way firms effectively manage the supply base is through creation of
cooperatives which span across various industries ranging from food, textiles,
housing, finance etc. This cooperative scheme helps in empowering the small
suppliers and creating the mechanism of disintermediation. Some great examples of
successful cooperatives are AMUL and e-Choupal. AMUL is a cooperative of 2 million
dairy farmers and rivals the largest US dairy cooperative. E-Choupal is a recent
example of disintermediation where technology was leveraged to form a direct link
between rural supply base (farmer) with the firm (ITC). This resulted in elimination
of several layers in the supply chain and connected more than 3 million farmers to
the e-Choupal network.
Although there are many challenges in procurement process, a firm can still benefit
from taking advantage of the cost differential and availability of abundant human
capital. The government is also taking steps to improve the infrastructure and
opening up the economy from overseas investment. By carefully selecting partners
and forming alliances, a firm can achieve significant growth.
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6.1.3 Operations
Majority of firms in India are small in size and belong to the unorganized sector. The
number of manufacturing firms in the unorganized sector is about 17 million
compared to 127,000 firms in the organized sector. The situation is very similar in
the services sector where mom and pop stores dominate the retail landscape. The
primary operational driver is cost leadership, which Indian firms are increasingly
using to compete globally. A good example of this phenomenon is the software
services sector. Indian IT firms have been able to deliver on software projects at a
fraction of the cost of global competitors from the developed countries. This was
primarily achieved through low cost of operations due to availability of skilled and
cheap workforce. However with time these suppliers have also made dramatic
improvement in delivery and quality and bringing their service levels at par with
best in class suppliers globally. Similar trend is also seen in the automotive industry
where large tier 1 suppliers have been awarded the prestigious Deming awards and
meet the strictest global quality certifications. Today they compete globally with the
other multinationals and generate a large amount of their revenues from exports
around the world.
6.1.4 Transportation
Page | 43
terms of having an organized distribution system. It is estimated that about 87% of
villages in India do not have organized distribution which houses 50% of the rural
population. Thus Indian firms have to set up their own distributed network to help
them sell their products or services. For example, Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL)
which is a large consumer goods manufacturer caters to urban population through
its 1 million retail outlets and to the rural population of 50,000 villages. Its supply
chain consists of 80 factories, 150 outsourcing units, 2000 suppliers and 5000
distributors. This is an enormous logistical challenge especially in the rural sector,
given the poor infrastructure and support facilities.
The trucking industry is very fragmented with very few fleet owners. Majority of
trucks are owned by singe owners.
6.1.5 Warehousing/Distribution
Page | 44
Thus to operate in India a firm has to carefully evaluate and plan their distribution
network so that it can effectively connect with the highly dispersed large population.
Managing the distribution network will be a key driver for business success.
* Crumbling Infrastructure
* Lack of Demand Visibility
* No POS integration
* No Vendor Managed Inventory
* Lack of Technology Infrastructure
e Unorganized Sector
* Mom and Pop dominates
* Lack of Infrastructural
Support like Power,
Roads, Water
* Outdated Manufacturing
Figure: 6-3
As seen in figure above there are many challenges in an emerging economies like
India. All emerging economies face similar challenges like poor infrastructure and
large number of poor people. However with these big challenges come big
Page | 45
opportunities, like access to a high growth economy. The key to success is to covert
these challenges into opportunities. New technologies and distribution systems
6.2 Effect of Business Strategy and Operating Principles on "Five Pillars" of Supply
Supply chain strategy is no longer the drive to minimize cost for the firm. Today
supply chain strategy is driving towards the goal of full alignment with the business
strategy to capture value and enable growth. Business strategy can determine to a
large extent what form the supply chain design might take. Today's supply chain is
designed to not merely to react but align itself to the business strategy. However,
achieving supply chain alignment with business strategy poses many challenges. On
one hand product complexity is forcing suppliers to rapidly develop new
capabilities. On the other hand financial pressure and ever evolving customer needs
is creating conflicting objectives. To be successful in such a difficult environment,
the supply chain and business strategy should follow an integrated approach that
incorporates tradeoffs between business and supply chain elements. This will allow
firms to generate cross enterprise efficiencies to pursue growth opportunities.
Operating principles are set of fundamental practices which do not change with
time. It is crucial to understand the underlying operating principles to achieve
supply chain alignment. Supply chain practices can leverage a number of operating
principles based on how they are implemented.
Companies should not adopt a "one size fit all" cookie cutter strategy to model its
supply chain. Each company and its associated supply networks have its unique
characteristics which would require unique tradeoffs to integrate its supply
network. The strategy should focus on total supply chain management through a
seamless integrated flow. The supply chain strategy should not only support the
business strategy and operating principles but also enhance it. The "five pillars"
should not be seen as independent silos but is heavily dependent on each other.
Page | 46
Change in one of the pillars will affect the other pillar and thus they should all work
in tandem.
Figure 6-4
6.3 Developing Customized Practices for the "Five Pillar"of Supply Chain
Once the business strategy and operating principles have been established,
customized practices are developed to address the unique challenges for each of the
"Five Pillars" of the supply chain. These customized practices should be in alignment
with the business strategy and operating principles. It is important to limit the
number of customized practices that are the most important to the strategic and
operational principles as too many customized practices will dilute the focus.
Page | 47
Customized practices are industry practices specifically designed for a firm. For
example, Wall Mart's customized practice is to leverage economies of scale and use
of automated logistics enabled by a highly developed technology infrastructure. This
is based on its operating principle of "expanding its sphere of influence" and
"increasing transparency" with suppliers". This in turn supports its business
strategy of providing "everyday low prices" to its customers.
Nano also relies on strategy of low prices, but it cannot simply copy Wall Mart's
customized practices as it operates in different set of industry dynamics and
geography. A detailed analysis of Tata Nano's customized practices is presented in
section 7.4
Page | 48
Emerging Economy "Five Pillar"Supply Chain Framework
Figure 6-5
The "Five Pillar" is a generic framework that can be applied to evaluate supply chains to
determine if the business strategy, operating principles and customized practices are well
aligned. It helps to look at the supply chain holistically and creates a systemic framework
on how to evaluate all aspects of the supply chain. The table below summarizes how the
"Five Pillar" framework can be applied to successful case studies in emerging economies.
The table summarizes what the underlying operating principles are for various industries
Page | 49
and customized supply chain practices that are used by specific companies in that industry.
The Tata Nano case will be expanded in further details in Section 7 where each step of the
framework will be applied to develop the complete supply chain.
Table 6-1
Page 150
7. Case Study - Tata Nano
The automotive industry has gone through major transitions since the modern mass
produced automobile was introduced in the form of the Ford Model T. Each transition
brought in its own unique set of characteristics which is detailed in section 7.1. The
latest trend in the industry is the advent of the small inexpensive car for the mass
market which the common man in the middle class can afford. This requires a dramatic
reduction in cost without sacrificing in other aspects like quality, reliability, safety etc.
India is a producer driven model as buyers are just being introduced to cars and
consumers do not need much choices other than basic mobility. This is similar to Ford
Model T when it was launched. However in mature markets like US it is a buyer driven
model where consumer choice is important and sellers differentiate themselves by
additional features and customization they can give to their customers. To build this
next generation of small inexpensive cars it is necessary to make a dramatic departure
from the traditional approach of making cars and building new capabilities from the
ground up. Manufacturers are increasingly evaluating the entire supply chain and
focusing their efforts to streamline all aspects of the supply chain.
In this case study the "Five Pillar" framework developed in preceding sections will be
used to evaluate the entire process of building an efficient supply chain. Section 7.2
details the business strategy used by Tata for developing the Nano. This is followed by
Section 7.3 which describes the operating principles which Tata leveraged based on the
underlying business strategies. The next section 7.3 describes all the customized
practices used by Tata for the Nano platform which are based on the unique challenges
faced in each of the "Five Pillars". The challenges are specific to the Indian economy and
the Indian automotive market and thus the practices developed are customized for that
specific set of conditions.
Page 151
7.1Chronological Sequence of Innovations in the Automobile Market
The origins of the auto industry dates back to 1893 with the launch of the first one-
cylinder auto engine in the United States. However, automobiles of those times were
unreliable, expensive and outside the buying power of the average consumer. Henry
Ford came along and introduced the Model T which was half the price of the existing
automobile and thus the common man could afford. It was also reliable, durable and
easy to maintain.
Although the pricing was unprecedented at that time, Ford still had a profitable
business model. It could achieve this by introducing a revolutionary assembly model
which replaced skilled craftsmen with unskilled laborers. These workers worked on a
small task which dramatically increased their efficiency resulting in cutting the time to
build a car from 21 days to 4 days and reduced labor hours by 60%12. This allowed ford
to charge a price which the mass market could afford. Ford's Model T created a huge
market for automobiles which replaced the horse drawn carriage mode of
transportation. By 1923, majority of the American household owned a car13 .
Page | 52
in the Us increased from two million to seven million with GM's share rising from 20%
to 50% and Ford's share falling from 50% to 20%14.
The Japanese challenged the auto industry by building small efficient cars in contrast to
the American prevailing taste for bigger and luxurious cars. The oil shock of 1970
precipitated the consumer exodus to small fuel-efficient cars manufactured by the
Japanese. The Japanese gained a strong foothold in the lucrative American market by
producing functional, compact, fuel-efficient cars. The Big three also adopted similar
strategy by following the Japanese, but could not make a strong comeback in terms of
quality and first mover advantage in the field of small cars.
> Chrysler-Minivan
In 1984, Chrysler launched the minivan which was another breakthrough in the US
market and introduced a new category of automobile for mass market. It was a cross
between a car and a van, handled like a car, and catered to the tastes of the nuclear
family. The minivan helped catapult Chrysler into the Big Three automobile club and
generated $1.5 Billion for Chrysler in three years's. The minivan also led to the
popularity of SUV's, with the market for minivans, SUV's and pickups reaching 7.5
million units, closely matching the 8.2 million new cars sold in 199816
The Tata Nano holds a spot in the Guinness Book of world records for the world's
cheapest car at a starting price of Rs 100,000 (Approx $2500). The car was designed for
the working class commuter who currently cannot afford a car and depends on two
wheelers (scooters, motorcycles, mopeds etc) for their daily commuting needs
(Majumbdar). By targeting this user base Tata Motors created a completely new
Page 1 53
customer segment which currently can only afford two wheelers. This new segment is
much larger than the current four-wheeler marketplace. The car boasts not only an
attractive sticker price, but also effectively competes on fuel economy which is a prime
consideration for low income consumers. The car is expected to have average mileage
of 20km/liter (approx. 56mpg) (Autocar). As per CRISIL, the Nano is expected to
expand the Indian four wheeler market by as much as 65%.
Table 7-1
The automotive industry is a very crowded space with many competitors fighting to
get a piece of the market share. The situation is even tougher for the small car
platform where the margins are very small. The key to success in such an
environment is not just to compete in the existing market but create new ones. Such
Page 154
a strategy which Tata leveraged can be termed as "value innovation" or "Blue
Ocean" strategic moves. This strategy is based on an analytic framework and tools
for creating and capturing value. Although the term is new, the strategy has been
used for centuries which gave birth to industries like automobile, aviation, health
care, the internet which blossomed into multibillion dollar industries.
Value Innovation
Figure 7-1, Value Innovation = Low Cost + Differentiation, Source: Adapted from Blue
Ocean Strategy
Value innovation embraces the entire supply chain of the company. It involves aligning the
whole supply chain of the company in the pursuit of differentiation and low cost. To pursue
value innovation, Tata shifted its focus from current competition to alternatives and
Page 155
noncustomers. By looking across alternatives, Tata redefined the redefined the industry by
building a transportation solution which would replace the current reliance of the Indian
mass market on two wheelers. In doing that Tata found an uncontested market of two
wheeler users which was more than five times the passenger vehicle market as shown in
figure below.
Passenger Commercial
Vehicles Vehicles
14% 5%
The value innovation strategy used is based on the Four Actions Framework of blue ocean
strategy developed by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. This framework helps in
developing a new value curve which barrier between differentiation and low cost. Four key
elements are used to determine the competitive strategy as follows:
> What factors in the industry should be eliminated - These are the factors which are
taken for granted but may no longer be relevant for the buyer. This provides insight to
the company on how to reduce its cost structure with affecting the buyer utility.
> What factors should be reduced below industry standard - These are the factors which
are provided to the customers in the quest for gaining a competitive advantage over
the competitors in a red ocean market place. Most of the time these are overdesigned
Page 1 56
features which were added to help a company differentiate itself from the competition
but ultimately do not provide any significant advantage to the customer. They increase
the cost with no or a very small marginal benefit.
> What factor should be raised above industry standards-This helps to determine the
factors that will provide value to the buyers and hence should be the focus of an
organizations effort. The current industry standards are not sufficient to provide the
unique needs of the customers and hence there is an opportunity to add value. This
helps to increase buyer value and hence create demand.
> What factors should be created which is not offered by the industry - This helps to
discover entirely new source of value to the buyer which the industry does not
currently offer. The process of elimination and creation helps reveal new areas for
creating value. In the case of the Tata Nano when it is viewed from the lens of this
strategy canvas it revealed a new outlook for the Indian passenger car industry. In the
current space most of the Indian automakers were competing on similar features which
made the marketplace very crowded and provided little differentiation between each
other. In contrast Tata Nano broke apart from this model and created a new strategy
canvas which stands apart from the industry as shown in graph below.
- - Nano
-o-d1 Hyundai
2 < 0 0 -. C O
2n M
0 ~ _-
00 . -Fiat
2. 0
Figure 7-3
Page 1 57
The Nano provided a no frill platform which gave consumers a basic mode of
transportation at a fraction of the cost of the nearest competitor. It created a blue ocean by
converting non consumers, who currently relied on two wheelers, to consumers who can
afford the Nano. It focused on factors which had very high value for the customer, like
price, fuel economy, reliability and safety. By applying the four actions framework a
company can systematically new create value curves. The framework applied to the Nano is
shown below.
Air Conditioning, Create
Power Steering, Dual Utility, Convenience,
Roomy, Affordable
Wiper, Air Bags
Fuel Economy, Aesthetics,
Cabin Space, Reliable,
Once the strategy canvas is built it is necessary to ensure that it is based on a financially
sound business model. This involves understanding that strategic sequence of determining
buyer utility, price, cost and adoption.
Page 1 58
Buyer Utility - The offering should unlock exceptional buyer utility for mass adoption.
Companies should ensure that the product or service provides the greatest utility across
the buyer spectrum from consumers to non consumers. This utility should be present
across the product lifecycle which includes purchase, delivery, use, maintenance and
disposal. It should create a compelling value proposition for existing customers while
removing all hurdles that stand in the way of converting non customers to customers.
Target Pricing- It is important to understand what price point will help to quickly capture
the mass market. The price should be such that the buyers should not only want to buy it,
but also would be able to afford it. In case of the Nano, Tata looked at the current two
wheeler market. The Nano had the same core utility as the two wheeler (to provide
transportation), but had a different form. However it converted non customers to
customers by providing this form at a price which other competitors could not match and
the mass consumer can afford.
Target Costing-Target costing ensures that the business model is profitable. To get to
target cost, a target profit is determined to get to the target cost. The company then uses
this target cost to drive its operating model and product decisions. To achieve the target
cost it is often essential to come up with cost innovations by streamlining the entire supply
chain. For the Model T, Ford had to scrap the traditional assembly model and adopt the
assembly line. For the Nano, Tata had to build the entire end to end supply chain from
scratch and introduce cost innovation at every step of the supply chain. This is discussed in
more details in subsequent sections.
Page 159
Value Innovation Strategy Sequence
Buyer Utility
Is there exceptional buyer
utility in the business idea? No - Re-iterate
Yes ---------------
Target Price
Is the price affordable for
the mass market?
No - Re-iterate
Target Cost
Can target cost be attained - - -1
Yes -- -------
Value Innovation
Tata Motors supply chain consists of Tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers, OEM, design and
assembly operations and dealer network. To keep operating costs low Tata group
adopted many unique operating procedures. The overarching principle was to keep
costs down without compromising on quality, safety and reliability. One strategy
used by Tata was to use supply base of two-wheeler suppliers and reengineer the
products for four wheelers. For example the CVT (Continuously Variable
Transmission) used in the Nano was developed by Kinetic motors for scooters.
Page 160
Kinetic Motors is the largest manufacturer of CVT equipped scooters in India.
Similarly, Caparo supplied the composite body for the Nano, who primarily supply
the two and three wheeler market. This strategy of leveraging capabilities of a
similar industry was also extensively used by Tata during the development of the
ACE truck which was target replacement for three wheeler auto rickshaws.
Page | 61
Best in Class Global Suppliers
Innovative Product > Joint Ventures
> Streamline Operations
> Efficient New Product Development
> Design Innovations
Uncontested Market > Target Complementary Market (two wheeler)
(Value Innovation > Bottom of Pyramid Market
Strategy) > Leverage Economies of Scale
Table 7-2
The Tata group is one of the biggest conglomerates in India with presence in a wide
variety of sectors from food and beverages to steel. They form subsidiaries with
many leading world class corporations. Although they do not own the subsidiaries,
they benefit from being associated with these subsidiaries to enable a vertically
integrated model. The unique characteristic of Tata Group's vertically integrated
model is that the subsidiaries are not fully Tata owned, but joint ventures between
Tata and other world class manufacturer who have domain expertise in the
component manufacturing sector. Since automotive is a high technology sector, this
type of vertical integration helps keep the cost of monitoring low. Tata took
advantage of its presence in the automotive component sector to form close
alliances with the Nano project team. The subsidiaries who were involved included
Tata Auto Component Systems (TACO), Tata Toyo Radiators, Tata Johnson Controls,
Tata Visteon, Tata Yazaki, Tata Ficossa, Tata GS Yuasa batteries and Tata Ryerson
(for the steel service center and the roll form sections) Tata Bearings for bearings
and Tata Steel Tubes for the engine cradle.
Page | 62
Due to close relationship with Tata group these subsidiaries were willing to set up
operations in the vendor park and form a close knit integrated team from the very
inception of the project. For example, TACO's expertise in engineering,
manufacturing and supply chain management was used by the Nano team to
thoroughly evaluate the complexities of automotive supply chain. The participation
of the subsidiaries in the Nano network helped immensely in building trust and
transparency in the overall project.
Page 163
assemble buses and coaches for mass transit systems. In this venture, Tata will
provide expertise in transmission and chassis, while Marcopolo will provide know-
how in processes and systems in bus body design. For their Information Technology
needs Tata used the services of Tata Technologies Limited (TTL) which provides
Engineering and Design services to the automotive industry. Its client base includes
Ford, GM, Toyota, and Honda to name a few. Many Tata joint ventures and
subsidiaries were part of the Nano's core project and provided their knowledge and
expertise to build the platform.
Government subsidies are another factor governing the choice of location. One of
the drivers for the initial choice of Singur was the high level of subsidies awarded by
the West Bengal government to set up plant in that state. The local government
subsidizes such efforts as it creates jobs for the locality and also helps build the local
infrastructure. The subsidies were in various forms, like 100% exemption of excise
duty for 10 years, 100% exemption from corporate income tax for 5 years and 30%
exemption for the next 5 years, subsidized power, 650 acres of subsidized land
made available through the government which was procured at the rate of Rs 8,000
per year per acre for the first 45 years and at Rs 16,000 per year per acre thereafter.
Tata is expected to save 175 million USD of the estimated 200 million USD it would
pay the government for the acquired land for the project.
The choice of Singur a plant location was to leverage the high level of
unemployment of the region which currently stood at approx. 47%. Opening a plant
of this large a scale would have generated employment to thousands of workers
benefitting both the local economy and building an whole industrial ecosystem
around it. Also due to the high rate of unemployment the supply of labor is high,
Page 164
F - -- 73
thus leading to lower wages. As per the latest estimates about 18% of the employed
people earn less than Rs 1000 per month ($20).
Figure 7-6 Sourcing/Procurement
Page | 65
suppliers spend in the tune of INR 600 crores to set up these dedicated facilities to
support the Nano. Suppliers have been given very challenging targets in terms of
quality and delivery. The target is to have defects less than 100ppm and a 1oX
reduction in warranty costs.
Over 100 suppliers converted from skeptic to partners. They formed strong links to
Tata and developed dedicated ancillary facilities to support the project. Key Tier II
and Tier III suppliers invested INR 600 crores. Logistics has been developed to
transport 250,000 cars to dealerships across the country.
Page 166
> Multifunctional Components
A factor which helps in streamlining supply chain operations is through reduction of
total number of components. It also aids volume contracting as fewer parts means
larger volume for each part number. By designing components which serves
multiple purpose, Tata was able to keep costs in check. For example, the left and
right dashboards are identical for the Nano, resulting in one part number for both
left and right hand drive cards. Similarly, the door handles are same for both the left
doors and right doors.
About half of the vendors are co-locating with Tata in their vendor park and 90% of
the components are being outsourced to external suppliers.
Page 167
> Target Pricing
Tata used a concept called "Target Pricing" or "Target Costing". They set $2,500 as
the price that they thought customers could pay and then worked back to attain this
price level, with the help of suppliers, who were willing to take on the challenge.
Rather than stripping an existing platform of features, they looked at their target
customers' lives for cost-cutting ideas. For example, they opted for a smaller engine
because higher horsepower would be wasted in India's jam-packed cities, where the
average speed is 10 to 20 miles per hour.
The two primary levers Tata used to attain target cost was streamlining all
operations and partnering with suppliers. Once the features and functions were
finalized, the target cost was then given to the engineers and product designers.
Target costs were assigned to each and every component/system of the car like
transmission system, electrical system, and engine management system. The teams
responsible for each system used this cost as the maximum cost to be incurred for
the materials and other resources needed to design and manufacture the product.
They thoroughly analyze every component of the system to drive down cost of the
system. It was their responsibility to create the product at or below its target cost.
Page 168
Target Pricing Schematic
Bosch, one of the world's biggest automotive OEM suppliers, supplied a stripped
down version of its engine management system specifically tailored for the Nano.
Bosch also developed a sensor system at a fraction of the original cost by
reengineering one of its existing sensors. Similarly, Delphi designed an instrument
cluster that weighs just 14 oz, compared to 2.2 lb for the models it sells in North
America and Europe. These and dozens of other small incremental innovations
helped yield a car that weighs just 1,322 lb, less than half the weight of a Honda
Page | 69
Suppliers were advised to start from scratch, rethinking every component to
minimize cost without sacrificing basic performance, comfort and style. Many world
class global suppliers were part of the integral supply team from the very inception
of the project. Below is a list of global suppliers involved in the project and the
component they provided for the Nano. As can be seen from the list many of the
suppliers are world class and brought in cutting edge technology even for a low cost
platform like the Nano
Clutch Bearings
Gasoline injection system, starter, alternator, brake
Page | 70
Clutch sets
Engine mounts
Air induction system
Table 7-3, Source: "India's Tata low-cost Nano took a lot of high-tech" AE-Plus
Even after Tata had to move to Gujarat from their original base of Singur due to
political unrest, all suppliers agreed to move with them and can accommodate the
capacity requirements. To ensure smooth relationship and redress any supplier
grievances in a timely fashion, Tata has set up supplier councils. This council helps
resolve majority of issues include payments.
Figure 7-8
Page | 71 Operations
> Design
The Nano at a price point of $2,500 is equivalent to the price of a DVD player option
in a luxury car. The strategy adopted by Tata to drive down the cost to such low
levels is by designing the vehicle from scratch. It is estimated that 70% of the cost of
the supply chain is fixed at the design stage.
The car was not over engineered like some western models, but is an example of
frugal cost-effective and relevant engineering. It was designed by challenging
conventional wisdom and a principle of deep frugality, which some analyst have
described as "Gandhian Engineering". Many of the standard features in western cars
like air conditioning, power brakes, radios, ABS etc were eliminated from the base
model to drive down cost. The car is smaller in overall dimension than the smallest
car in the market; the Maruti 800, but offers 20% more interior space. This was
achieved by the designers by placing the wheels at the extreme edges of the car. It is
also reduced usage of steel by minimizing weight and using an aluminum engine. It
achieved this without compromising any safety standards and meets all regulatory
requirements. Few other examples of design innovation or "Gandhian Engineering"
used in the Nano are:
> Use of one wiper instead of two which is the industry standard
> Snap on instrument clusters which eliminates the needs for screwing it in place
> Use of variable transmission instead of gearbox
> Use of tubeless tires, which is used worldwide, but is a new concept in India. By
using these tires they saved Rs 50 per tire or Rs. 250 on the car
> Two cylinder non-opposed engine with a balancer shafts in the engine
> Central instrumentation console
> Trunk does not open, instead the rear seats can be folded down to access the
trunk space.
> Some exterior parts of it are glued together, rather than welded
Page | 72
> No power steering
> Three lug nuts on the wheels instead of the statutory four nuts.
> Only one side view mirror
> Use of inexpensive polymers or biodegradable plastics instead of a full metal
> Mounting the engine, exhaust and gearbox in a single module in the rear for ease
of assembly.
* Instead of a long-lasting bulb which lasts for 10 years, a standard-life bulb was
used to keep cost down, while meeting all regulatory and warranty
o The door handle itself has 70% fewer parts than western counterparts
o Seat sliding mechanism inspired from helicopter mechanism
ak W~s
TATAjd '
11W 49W
CeM& Io*af
Figure 7-9, Source: Forbes Industry Reports
All throughout the design process, three key requirements were taken into
consideration - cost, regulatory requirement, and acceptable performance
Page 173
standards. Tata has filed 34 new patents on the Nano, most of which are related to
the engine technology. As per analysts most of the breakthrough innovation are still
in the pipeline, and will debut with the diesel version of the Nano. The Nano's design
strategy contrasts with other manufacturers in the way it integrates various
functionality. Most western manufacturer tightly couples various functionalities
resulting in a "black box" type of design for its end customer. Kathleen Franz, in her
book "Tinkering: Consumers Reinvent the Early Automobile, points out how the open
nature of early automobile designs, led to the wave of innovations later on in the
auto industry. Tata, by following an open and modular approach, is engaging its
customers to customize the product to their needs and at the same time providing
valuable insights to their latent needs.
Page 174
assembly operations and also minimizing the number of suppliers to
streamline the process
> Seamless Integration - Tata worked with components suppliers from the very
early concept phase. This ensured the early capture of design issues and
accurate forecasting.
> Implementation of SAP 3.1 and 4.6c was implemented to manage the complete
life cycle of the product. The SAP implementation was the largest of its kind at
that time in the Asian subcontinent.
> Tata implemented SAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) for end to end
supply chain integration). This gave it a host of benefits as explained below:
> Tata worked with its component suppliers to virtually integrate and
simulate the complete manufacture and assembly of the Nano using
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) platform
Page | 75
Use of PLM ensured that data was shared seamlessly between Tata and
its various suppliers. This helped reduce the development lifecycle,
streamline workflows, reduced costs and improved collaboration
between various disparate entities.
> Use of Product Data Management (PDM) systems ensured that most
accurate and up to data is shared among suppliers and ensure real time
integration of suppliers to business requirements and promote use of
user-friendly process automation tools.
> E-procurement was used throughout to get the best pricing, create an
efficient marketplace for supplier bidding and obtain significant
reduction in procurement cycle time.
> Knowledge based Engineering (KBE) in design with KNEXT (in-house software)
> Use of customized KBE systems enabled Tata automate many standard
processes and reuse existing design information like example from the
highly successful Tata ACE platform. This allowed them to get a head start
on the design process and helped them drive an almost 30% reduction in
design cycle time
> Use of KBE also ensures the best practices are shared across the
organization and all the design information and knowledge is captured.
Page 176
Operations Customized Practices
Figure 7-10 Transportation
> FacilityLocation
Facility location plays an important role in supply chain network design. This is
especially more critical for the Indian subcontinent where infrastructure is poor and
undependable and the transportation network is not very well developed and the
country lacks the modern heavy movers found in western countries. To overcome
the infrastructure challenges and also leverage location to optimize supply chain
dynamics, Tata Motors adopted various strategies as outlined below:
Page 177
Due to political opposition Tata had to move their plant from Singur to
Sanand in the state of Gujarat. Again they had many alternate sites as many
states were giving them attractive options to locate their plant. However Tata
very carefully evaluated all their alternatives to choose their final site. In
doing so, they paid high importance to infrastructure and connectivity. Some
of the prime drivers in choosing the state of Gujarat to locate their plant
> Sanand is well connected to many neighboring states which are important
source of raw materials. This includes the state of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh,
Orissa and Jharkhand through NH-6
> It is well connected to the New Delhi Kolkata highway through NH-2 and
connected to Rajkot and Ahmadabad through NH-8
> The site is also close to the Dholera port, which is a special infrastructure project
being set up to as part of the Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor. This port will help
facilitate overseas export.
> Another big factor influencing the site location was its proximity to India's
largest auto ancillary unit at Rajkot. This hub would supply parts for the Nano.
Currently there are about 100 ancillary units in Rajkot GIDC of which 50 supply
to Tata and would also support Nano is some way. Availability of schools and
hospitals in the vicinity was also a factor in the decision making process
Page 178
third party vendors to cater to rural customers and tailor products and services to
meet their unique needs and environment. In this process these firms build a long
term relationship with the customers by involving them in the development
process. This allows them to get much detailed insights into the customer's needs
and help to create customized solutions.
To facilitate open distribution and faster product development lifecycle, firms are
increasingly adopting a modular approach to product development. Open
distribution is facilitated by:
This is being adopted in fields ranging from diesel engines and agricultural products
to financial services. Cummins successfully leveraged this concept when it launched
its "Gensets" (power generation sets) to cater to the lower end of the market. The
sets were sold in modules and was specifically designed to lower distribution costs
and made it easy for distributors and customers to tailor it to their specific needs
and environment. This strategy helped them become the market leaders in this
segment and they are using this concept to spread their footprint globally in other
emerging economies like Africa, Latin America and Middle East.
Page 179
Transportation Customized Practices
Figure 7-11 Warehousing/Distribution
One of the very innovative aspects of the Nano, which has not garnered much
attention, is its modular design approach to facilitate distributed assembly. The
components that go into the Nano has been constructed in such a manner that it can
be transported as separate kits, just like a bicycle, and assembled locally at point of
sale. The kits would be assembled and serviced by local entrepreneurs.
As per an interview with Ratan Tata by Times of India here is his vision of how a
distributed assembly would work:
"Thefirst thing I would like to do is get a mature product in the Indian market and
seed this market effectively. My aim was that I would produce a certain volume of cars
and create a very low cost, very low break-even-point plant that a young entrepreneur
could buy. A bunch of entrepreneurs could establish an assembly operation and Tata
Page | 80
Motors would train theirpeople, would oversee their quality assurance and they would
become satellite assembly operationsforus. So we would create entrepreneursacross
the country that would produce the car. We would produce the mass items and ship it
to them as kits. That is my idea of dispersing wealth. The service person would be like
an insurance agent who would be trained,have a cell phone and scooter and would be
assigned to a set of customers. This is just a concept.He will deal with their problems
on a self employed basis and would be paid by the assembler and the customer.It
would be satisfying if the small car created 10-15 satellite groups ofyoung engineers
who could get together and do a business. They would never be able to get normally
into assembly of cars. I think it will be a very satisfying thing for me to see them
succeed. What we will do outside India will be a conventional distributionsystem. Find
an assembly plant and assemble the productin the conventionalform."
Also as per Tata "Nano, designed with lot of replicability,modularity and reliability.
The engine can be replacedfrom the cradlefrom underneath and changed if necessary.
The design is extremely modular, extremely interchangeable,and packaged for left
hand drive and righthand drive to meetfuture export requirements".
As per the plan developed by Tata, Completely Knocked down (CKD) kits from Tata
plants in Pant Nagar, Pune and Sanand would be ferried to warehouses throughout
the country to be assembled. The dealers would then assemble, warehouse, display
and sell the cars. On firm order they would withdraw, assemble and sell the car. The
company would provide tools to assemble the car in existing garages and also
facilitate the setting up of new ones in rural locations. This resembles to the
modular furniture business pioneered at IKEA. It also provides a social dimension
by promoting rural entrepreneurship. They are also in talks to set up warehousing
facilities in class A and Tier II cities. Tata won't elaborate on the exact details of this
innovative distribution scheme, and will only say "the distribution system will be a
variant from the norm. It will remove some of the layers in distribution and service."
The end goal is to design a low breakeven point assembly kit for local
Page | 81
> ShorterLead Times
Lead time reduction helps to reduce inventory and improve responsiveness of the
supply chain, reduce waiting times and delays. Strategy adopted by Tata to reduce
lead time and facilitate JIT (Just in Time) manufacturing was to locate many of the
critical component suppliers in their vendor park which is located adjacent to their
assembly plant. 97% of the vendors are local and the plan is to have almost half of
them located in the vendor park. This is to ensure that JIT can be implemented given
India's poor and unreliable infrastructure.
Inventory reduction efforts ultimately helps drive down cost as it reduces working
capital requirements, reduces warehousing and obsolescence costs. To help reduce
inventory various schemes, like use of real time RF tracking in the warehouses, were
devised to minimize demand fluctuation, improve inventory replenishment
accuracy and improve inventory record accuracy. Lead time maps and truck
optimization software was used to improve truck utilization. Similarly, to improve
warehouse utilization, simple techniques like increasing storage space height,
addition of mezzanine level was used to improve storage capacity for a given
footprint. Beyond the initial plant at Sanand, Gujarat, Tata is planning to build
additional plants across the country to leverage logistics and taxation structure of
various states.
Page | 82
> Local 3PL
The Third Party Logistics (3PL) scenario in India lags significantly behind most
western economies. The Nano ecosystem is however set to bolster the demand for
sophisticated 3PL vendors who can service the stringent delivery and quality
requirements of the automotive OEM like Tata. With the advent of 3PL providers
manufacturers can expand their distribution capabilities across the country, even to
remote rural locations. According to Frost & Sullivan "the encouraging growth in
global and intra-Asian level trade of Indian auto components sector has created many
avenuesfor 3PL adoption and more can be expected due to India's active participation
in the regionalfree trade agreements. This is bound to improve prospects for auto
components' 3PL market."Improved logistics can help reduce waste by reducing
damage to components during transport and enhance the overall value of the supply
chain. This sector faces numerous challenges. Hence, Frost & Sullivan says that 3PL
service providers need to effectively tackle the challenges to meet customer
expectations and deal with existing players in the unorganized sector to establish
their market presence.
To tap into the enormous logistics potential of the country, many domestic players
are partnering with multinationals to bring in cutting edge 3PL services to the
country. For example, Transport Corporation of India (TCI) has partnered with
Matsui to provide end-to-end logistics management to leading manufacturers of the
automotive industry. "Today, every new small car that is launched brings with it new
technology and car parts,which are mostly imported. This has not only increased the
scope of services offered by the logistics sector but has also led to a paradigm shift in
the various dimensions of auto logistics," says P K Jain, Director, Transystem. As per
industry estimates, logistics account for 2-3% of sales for automobile industry and 3
- 4% for the auto component industry. This market was pegged was INR 35 Billion
in 2006-07. Given the high demand, other big logistics players like Allcargo Global
Logistics, is setting up logistics parks across the nation to streamline logistic service
for the auto industry.
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8. Discussion
Emerging economies like India are rapidly developing into hotbeds of innovation. The
Tata Nano is not a product of any dominant technologic innovation. The underlying
technologies in the Nano have been there for decades. Even contrary to popular belief,
the assembly line pioneered by Ford for the Model T was adopted from the
meatpacking industry 8 . Companies like Tata are redesigning entire supply chains and
business processes to reduce cost not just by few percentage points but at an order of
magnitude to their counterparts in more developed economies. The resulting "no frills"
product promise to touch more people's lives than ever in the history of mankind.
These resulting advances termed as "frugal engineering" is not just about exploiting
cheap labor, but redesigning entire supply chains to cut out unnecessary costs. The Tata
Nano is an example of dozens of cost cutting tricks employed all across its supply chain.
This was made possible by rethinking all aspects of supply chain from demand and
supply planning, to procurement, operations, transportation and distribution (or the
"five pillars").
Just as Henry Ford redefined the automotive industry, the Tata Nano is applying
principles of supply chain re-engineering, technology and business model innovations
and economies of scale to unlock vast new markets. Majority of the innovations in
emerging economies are incremental in nature and targeted at the "bottom of the
pyramid" market. It consists of innovative ways of redesigning supply chain and
processes to reach billion of new consumers in the emerging markets. Just as Henry
Ford ushered in the assembly line, Japanese the lean production methodology, the
emerging economies are bringing in a new wave of "no frill's products. This new supply
chain paradigm will help fulfill the needs of some of the world's poorest people who
were previously excluded from the market economy. Just as the Japanese invented JIT
Page 1 84
to compensate for the lack of storage space, these emerging economies are cutting costs
to the bone and eliminating all but the most essential features of a product or service.
The framework proposed in the thesis helps to identify the critical characteristics that
will govern the success of supply chains in emerging economies. It helps to map out the
process, which systematically steps through the business strategy, operating model,
supply chain strategies to the set of customized practices. It is important to note that
there is each of the steps is an integral part of the overall framework and a holistic
approach is needed to be successful. There is no silver bullet which will lead to an
effective strategy, and the framework will provide the guiding principles that will
determine supply chain superiority. The supply chain should support, enhance and be
aligned with its business strategy and operating model. To do so, it should come up with
its own list of customized practices based on the guiding principles underlying the
proposed framework. These customized practices are unique to the firm and the
industry and cannot be ported to other firms and industries.
Figure 8-1
To design of the Nano supply chain is shown with the help of the process flow above. It
works sequentially as shown and starts with the business strategy and then moves to
Page 185
the operational strategy. Based on these strategic and operational objectives a set of
customized practices are developed to address each of the strategic pillars of the supply
chain. In the course of the exercise the process might need to be reiterated to ensure
that all the building blocks are in perfect alignment and support each other. For the
Nano project the table below summarizes the operational challenges and how Tata
designed customized practices to address each of the operational challenges to arrive at
a balanced supply chain design.
Page | 86
> Complicated product launch due
to plurality of cultures
Warehousing/ > Lack of Organized Distribution > Distributed Assembly
Distribution > Lack of Modern Warehouses > Short Lead Times
> Additional Distribution tiers > Optimal Transport
> Complicated tax structure Network
Table 8-1
Figure 8-2
Page | 87
This "Five Pillar" framework developed is a generic framework which can apply across
industries and companies. As shown in Table 6-1 the framework can be applied to a variety
of industries ranging from Banking (Grameen Bank) to Delivery Service (Mumbai
Dabbawallas) to Co-Operatives (Amul). In the case of the Mumbai Dabbawallas the key
underlying principle was to leverage the low cost human network (Dabbawallas) to build
an efficient distribution system. A key challenge in this case was how to manage this
complex distribution system without having access to sophisticated technology
infrastructure. The customized practice used to address this challenge was to design a
unique identification system (a simple color coding system) which the low cost human
network can use to determine the destination of the "Dabbas" (lunch boxes).
Use of this framework can thus provide strategic insights into developing highly efficient
supply chains.
Page 188
9. Conclusions
The thesis establishes a framework for developing and building supply chains in emerging
economies. A study was performed to understand the unique challenges and complexities
of emerging economies. These challenges were then mapped to the "Five Pillars" of supply
chain strategy and to address each of the challenges customized practices were developed.
These practices were then evaluated to ensure that they were in alignment with the
business strategy and operating principles of the firm. The "Five Pillar" framework was
validated with multiple case studies and a thorough evaluation was performed to map this
framework to the Tata Nano car.
Page 189
11. References
1 Supply Chain Redesign, Transforming Supply Chains into Integrated Value Systems by
Robert B. Handfield and Ernest L. Nichols. Jr.
9 Library of Congress - Federal Research Division Country Profile: India, December 2004
10 Development of the Indian Automotive Industry into a Global Hub - Ministry of Heavy
Industries & Public Enterprises Government of India
Page | 90
14 Innovation On the Edge, Retrieved February 27, 2008 Learning from Tata's Nano, by
John Hagel and John Seely Brown
15 Tata Nano and the Supply Chain, Retrieved February 2, 2008
18 the-pyramidmarketstandsat_12_tr
19 Building Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging Economies by Hau L. Lee and Chung -
Yee Lee
21 Sloan Management Review: Moving a Slow-Clockspeed Business into the Fast Lane,
Charles Fine, Roger Vardan, Robert Pethick, Jamal El-Hout
22 Supply Chain Management Review, Retrieved November 1, 2007, How Unilever Aligned
its Supply Chain and Business Strategies, By Sean Monahan and Robert Nardone
23 The World's Cheapest Car Debuts in India, Time Magazine, By JYOTI THOTTAM / PUNE
Monday, Retrieved Mar. 23, 2009.,8599,1887070-1,00.html#ixzz0klUd1CrY
24 Strategies for High Volume Supply Chains in India by Don. J. Palathinkal, June 2008
Page | 91
25 The new masters of management, The Economist, Retrieved April 15th, 2010
Page | 92