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Hiba Baraz

GO TOs 09/03/2020

Core Values (TIU3)

Knowledge Family

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Visual * Style:
Auditory Style: Kinesthetic

Talking while reading or ex.

ex. ex. studying
Power point presentations Demonstrating procedures

ex. ex. Repeating material over and ex.

Written notes with pictures over Moving while reading

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. Relationship 4. Retrieval 7. Re-exposing

2. 5. 8.
Rigor Routing Rehearsing
3. 6. 9.
Relevance Retaining Recognizing

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Repetitive exposure to words. 3. Indirect learning of vocabulary, for example, using

vocabulary words in numerous different contexts.

2. 4.
Learning vocabulary words prior to Learning vocabulary in both written text and oral
reading text. speech.

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

1. Tiered Instruction 3. Flexible Grouping

2. 4.
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of
Anchoring each
Compacting Curriculum
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Think-pair share Jigsaw

Venn Diagram Charts

Analogy Expository

Content vs. structure Medium vs. multimedia

Cornell notes 3,2,1 summary

Can you explain what must have happened Can you see a possible solution to...?

Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)

Create Collect, plan, prepare, synthesize, design.

APPS: Presenting and designing.

Evaluate Predict, explain, summarize, conclude, describe.

Skype and google+


Produce, solve, modify, apply, and prepare.

Outlining and structuring.

Solve, modify, construct, use, and sketch.
Google drive and editing.
Remember, indicate, select, locate, and estimate.
Organizing and alert.
Convert, identify, label, list, and match.
Google docs and google search.
Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)

1. Follow directions always.

Be on time with your materials ready.

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Actively participate in class activities.

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the Adapt the time allotted and allowed Increase the amount of personal assistance to keep
learner is expected to learn, or number for learning, task completion, or the student on task or to reinforce or prompt use of
of activities student will complete testing. specific skills. Enhance adult-student relationship.
prior to assessment for mastery. use physical space and environmental structure.
Example Example Example
I will reduce the number of science I will give the students more time to Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants, peer
terms a student must learn, and I complete the assigned work or they can tutors,
will add more practice activities or finish it at home. or cross-age tutors. Specify how to interact with
worksheets. the student or how to structure the environment.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to the learner. the rules on how the learner may instruction.
Example approach the work.

The students will work in Example Example

cooperative groups to finish the The student will create Venn diagram The students can verbally tell the
class work and for the online on paper instead of using one of teacher what he/she learned at the end
activity, they will be given a Bloom’s taxonomy app on iPad. of the lesson.
worksheet instead of iPad.

Participation Notes:
Adapt the extent to which a learner
is actively involved in the task.
The students will be encouraged
and asked to share some of the
ideas written in Venn diagram.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

Do not make comments about your students’ clothes or Keep your expectations for poor students high.
belongings unless they are in violation of the dress code. Poverty does not mean ignorance.
Provide access to computers, magazines, newspapers, and books so
Do not require costly activities. For example, if you low-income students can see and work with printed materials. School
require students to pay for a field trip, some of them will may be the only place where they are exposed to print media.
not be able to go.
Students who live in poverty may not always know the
Be careful about the school supplies you expect students to correct behaviors for school situations. At home, they
purchase. Keep your requirements as simple as you can for may function under a different set of social rules. Take
all students. time to explain the rationale for rules and procedures
in your classroom.
Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Fluency Before the experiment/ as a group The ability to read text accurately
and quickly.

Vocabulary Before the lesson/ during group work Words we must know to
communicate effectively.

Comprehension During lecture/ cooperative learning Purposeful and active

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson

Graphic organizer, outlines, and highlighted text.
2. Build background
Concept definition map, visual vocabulary, personal dictionaries.
3. Make verbal communication understandable
Explanation of academic task, use of variety techniques, appropriate speech.

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)

Learning strategy, questioning techniques, scaffolding techniques.
5. Opportunities for interaction
Cooperative learning activities, clarify key concept in L1, fostering student-student interaction.
6. Practice and application
Application of content and language knowledge, integration of language and skills, hands on material.
7. Lesson delivery
Content objectives, language objectives, student engaged.

8. Review and assess

Providing feedback, assessment of lesson objectives, review of key content concept.

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