Training Guide Worknc v23 Cad Surface Advanced

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Training Guide

CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Training Guide Objectives 1-1

2 File Menu 2-1

2.1 Attach a Drawing to the Current File 2-1

2.1.1 Attached File Options 2-1

2.2 Export Points 2-2

2.3 Compare Geometry and Files 2-3

2.3.1 Compare Files 2-3

2.3.2 Exercise : File and Geometry Comparison 2-4

2.4 Clean Drawing 2-5

2.5 Find Duplicated Entities 2-5

3 Create Menu 3-1

3.1 Point Creation 3-1

3.1.1 Point on a Curve 3-1

3.1.2 Point on a Surface 3-1

3.2 Line Creation 3-3

3.2.1 Normal Line to a Surface 3-3

3.2.2 Tangent Lines on Surface Edges 3-3
3.2.3 Lines Normal/Tangent to Surfaces 3-4

4 Copy/Paste Entities 4-1

5 Mold Functions 5-1

5.1 Rebuilding Surface Boundaries 5-1

5.2 Using the Bounding Box to Adjust Part Orientation 5-2

5.3 Pockets 5-5

5.4 3D Grid 5-6

5.5 Cooling Circuits 5-7

5.6 Bill of Materials 5-10

6 Die Functions 6-1

6.1 Sort Surfaces by Radius 6-1

6.2 Adjust Fillet 6-3

6.3 Deform Surface Borders 6-4

6.4 Surface Border Extension 6-5

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International i SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Table of Contents

7 Managing STL Files 7-1

8 Dimensioning 8-1

8.1 Curve Dimension 8-1

8.2 Continuous Dimension 8-2

8.3 Add a Comment 8-3

8.4 Angle Dimension 8-4

8.5 Arc Dimension 8-5

8.6 Origin Point 8-6

8.7 Coordinates 8-6

8.8 XYZ Leader 8-7

8.9 Array 8-8

8.10 Baseline 8-9

8.11 Dimension Attributes Dialog Box 8-9

8.12 Exercise: Dimensioning 8-12

9 Text Functions 9-1

9.1 Text Input Dialog Box 9-1

9.2 Horizontal Text 9-2

9.3 Aligned Text 9-3

9.4 Text Fit in a Rectangle 9-3

10 Symbols 10-1

10.1 Select Active Symbol 10-1

10.2 Add a Symbol to a Drawing 10-2

10.3 Create a Symbol 10-3

10.4 Set Symbol Attributes 10-4

11 Hatching 11-1

11.1 Select Hatch Pattern 11-1

11.2 Hatch by Selecting a Point 11-2

11.3 Hatching a Polygon Area 11-3

11.4 Hatching an Area 11-6

12 Explode Functions 12-1

12.1 Explode Hatch Patterns 12-1

12.2 Explode a Dimension 12-1

12.3 Explode a Symbol 12-2

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Table of Contents

12.4 Explode Text 12-2

13 Enquiries 13-1

13.1 Entity Information 13-1

13.2 Distance 13-1

14 Print/Plot Functions 14-1

14.1 Print/Plot All 14-1

14.2 Print/Plot Window 14-2

14.3 Print/Plot View 14-2

14.4 Print/Plot Parameters 14-2

15 Customization 15-1

15.1 Center Line 15-1

15.2 Preferences 15-2

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Training Guide Objectives

1 Training Guide Objectives

This manual presents advanced key concepts concerning WorkNC G3 CAD mode (formerly known as
WorkNC-CAD in its stand-alone version). The particular examples given in the manual may not concern all
users or applications of WorkNC G3 CAD mode. The main goal of this manual is to provide users with the
tools (knowledge and concepts) that may be applied to specific problems that they may encounter when
working with WorkNC G3.

At the end of the training session, the user should be able to:

 Manage CAD files

 Create points or lines on surfaces
 Copy/Paste entities
 Use mold and die functions
 Add texts and symbols on a drawing
 Hatch areas
 Use the explode functions
 Use the print/plot functions
 Cutsomize the CAD mode


 Pump_body_initial.xdw
 Pump_body.xdw
 Pump_body_skewed.xdw
 Shoe.xdw
 Cooling.xdw
 Sort_radii.xdw
 Adjust_fillet.xdw
 Dimensions.xdw

This training manual, in addition to the CAD Basic training, is not a comprehensive manual. For more help you
can go to our online help or read our other training manuals.

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File Menu
Attach a Drawing to the Current File

2 File Menu

2.1 Attach a Drawing to the Current File


 Select File > Attach a Drawing to the Current File in the drop-down menu.
 Enter ref in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to attach a file to the current model file. An example use of an attached file is when
you want to attach common elements (e.g. logos, references, etc…) to several different drawings.

Activating this function displays the following dialog box allowing you to attach one or several drawing files in
the form of a Reference File.

Reference File Dialog Box

 The reference files are standard WorkNC files (*.xdw) linked to a drawing but they are not
merged with the drawing.
 The reference files may be 2D or 3D files.
 The files are updated automatically whenever you load them. If you modify a reference file,
all the files that use this file are automatically updated on the next load.
E.g.: In your drawings, you use a reference file called Cartridge.xdw. If you modify the
drawing Cartridge.xdw, all files that use the drawing Cartridge.xdw as a reference file will be
updated when you load.


Attach Attaches a new reference file.
Detach Detaches an existing reference file. You will get a message asking you to confirm.
Move Allows you to move an attached reference file in another position of your model file.
Scale Changes the scale of a reference file.
Rotate Performs a 2D or 3D rotation of the reference files.
Layer Displays the usual Layer Management dialog box that shows reference file layers.
Attachment Information
Display Enables display of the reference files.
Snap Enables snap on/off with the reference files.
Select Allows selecting the reference files or not.

2.1.1 Attached File Options

Attach Attaches a new reference file.
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File Menu
2 Export Points

Detach Detaches an existing reference file. You will get a message asking you to confirm.
Move Allows to move an attached reference file in another position of your drawing.
Scale Changes the scale of a reference file.
Rotate Performs a 2D or 3D rotation of the reference files.
Layer Displays the usual Layer Management dialog box that shows reference file layers.

Display Enables display of the reference files.
Snap Enables snap on/off with the reference files.
Select Selects or not the reference files.

2.2 Export Points


 Select File > Export > Export Points in the drop-down menu.
 Enter exppoints in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to export points, which are the centers of circles and linear NURBS curves points or
free points only, to a text file.

1. Select the entities for which you want to export the points (free points, circle centers and linear NURBS
curves) then right click to validate and open the primary Export Points dialog box.

2. Select the file extension (*.txt, *.pts, *.pnt or *.xyz) and the filename in the dialog box then click on the
Save button to open the secondary Export Points dialog box.

Export Points Dialog Box

Export Sections You must activate this option when generating points from circles or linear NURBS
curves. Set the required Precision.
Ordered Sections Activating this option will sort the generated points according to the coordinates on
the perpendicular axis to the sections, if possible.
Export Only “Point” This option is activated when generating a text file from free points only.
Keep Non Trail Zero Keeps the zeros after the decimal point according to the specified Data Format.
Lines Format Allows you to define how coordinate data is recorded in the text file.
Data Format Defines the number of decimal places for the coordinates in the text file.
Line Start Allows you to include a user-defined string at the beginning of each line in the text

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File Menu
Compare Geometry and Files

Start of File Allows you to define a character string to be output at the beginning of the point
End of File Allows you to define a character string to be output at the end of the point file.

If you have selected both free points and circles or NURBS curves in the application you can only
NOTE generate a text file for one of the two types of points.

2.3 Compare Geometry and Files

2.3.1 Compare Files

 Select File > Compare Geometry and Files > Compare Files in the drop-down menu.
 Enter importcompare in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to compare files with the following formats: IGES 2D and 3D, XDW and all native
files. This function is particularly useful for comparing a new file supplied by a contractor when work is in
progress on an existing job to verify if any changes have been made.

1. Open the old file.

2. Activate the Compare File function and select the new file to be compared in the Open File dialog box
that is displayed. The following dialog box is displayed:

Compare File Tolerance Dialog Box

3. Click the OK button to validate and run the comparison.

Tolerance The Tolerance field allows you to define the tolerance between curves in the two
files within which the curves are considered to be identical.
Apply Transformation If a symmetry has been applied to the original file, these options allow you to
before Comparison automatically adjust the new file accordingly.

Example :

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File Menu
2 Compare Geometry and Files

Compare Files - Original File Compare Files - New File

When calculations are finished, the model is displayed in the Viewing Area in three different colors and the
different entities are separated into different layers: SAME (default color = green), OLD (default color = yellow)
and NEW (default color = red). The Layer Manager dialog box is displayed at the same time detailing these
different layers.

Layer Manager Display after Comparison

Compare Files - Display after Comparison

 Each layer is displayed with a different color. In this example, all three layers have been
selected for display.
 You also have the possibility of creating a Text or HTML File after the comparison function.
 When you close the Layer Manager dialog box, all layers will be displayed and the file will
have the default name of the old file which can be saved as required.

2.3.2 Exercise : File and Geometry Comparison

 Compare the two following files using the Compare Files menu:

 pump_body_initial.xdw
 pump_body.xdw
The pump_body_initial.xdw is the initial file, pump_body.xdw the reviewed file.

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File Menu
Clean Drawing

 Now close the files and open the pump_body.xdw file again. Compare it with the geometry in the
pump_body_initial.xdw file.

2.4 Clean Drawing


 Select File > Clean Drawing in the drop-down menu.

 Enter remnullsurf in the User Input Dialog Box.

This command cleans up a drawing which may contain geometry imperfections following Trimming functions
and Import operations.

When the command is run, a Clean Up dialog box with a progress bar is displayed.

Clean Up Result

Information is given on the number of entities which are processed, how many surfaces were deleted and how
many surfaces were eventually placed in a special layer.

2.5 Find Duplicated Entities


 Select File > Find Duplicated Entities in the drop-down menu.

 Enter find_same_entities in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to detect duplicated entities. These entities may be deleted or moved into another
layer. When you launch this function, the application starts the search for duplicated entities then displays the
following dialog box:

Find Duplicated Entities Dialog Box

It indicates the number of entities with duplicates and allows you to select the action to be applied:
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File Menu
2 Find Duplicated Entities

Leave them as they are This option leaves the duplicated entities where they are.
Delete Duplicates Deletes the duplicated entities. Only one of the entities will stay in place.
Move Duplicates to Layer This option allows you to move the duplicates into another layer. Select the
corresponding layer in the layer selection drop-down list or create a new one.
 Click on OK to apply the selected action.

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Create Menu
Point Creation

3 Create Menu

3.1 Point Creation

Create Menu - Points

3.1.1 Point on a Curve


 Select Create > Points > Curve in the drop-down menu.

 Enter curpt in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to draw a point on a curve at a specified distance ratio along the curve determined by
the Parametric T Value. An example of its use is to create a point at a specific position before cutting the

1. Select the curve.

2. Enter the Parametric T Value in the User Input Dialog Box.

The value must be between 0.00 and 1.00 in order to define the point position. 0.00 represents the starting
point of the curve and 1.00 the end point. Specifying a value of 0.5 will place the point on the middle of the
selected curve.

3.1.2 Point on a Surface


 Select Create > Points > Surface in the drop-down menu.

 Enter surfpt2in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to draw a point on a surface. You have to specify the values of the U and V

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Create Menu
3 Point Creation

1. Select the surface on which you want to draw a point.

The Point on Surface Parameters dialog box will be displayed:

Point on a Surface Parameters Dialog Box

2. Select the layer in which you want to save the newly created points on or create a new one.

3. Define the value of the U parameter by dragging the cursor on the cursor bar to the desired position. The
corresponding value is displayed next to the cursor bar.

4. Define the value of the V parameter by dragging the cursor on the cursor bar to the desired position. The
corresponding value is displayed next to the cursor bar.

You may also enter a value between 0.00 and 1.00 in the corresponding U or V parameter input field.
0.00 represents the starting point of the surface and 1.00 its end point. By specifying 0.50, you define
the middle of the surface.

5. If you want the point coordinates to be displayed in the Viewing Area, activate the Show Coordinates

6. Click on OK to create the point.


- The coordinates of the current point location are always displayed in the coordinate fields under the
NOTE cursor bars. If no coordinates are displayed, the point is outside the surface boundaries.
- The coordinates text parameters are those set for Dimension Texts [ 8-9] .

Point on a Surface Coordinate Display

- Points are always drawn in the active plane.

NOTE - They inherit the color attributes of the selected layer.
- While defining the U and V values of the point to be created, the current position on the surface is
dynamically displayed in the Viewing Area by a small cross. The size of this cross depends on the Control
Point Size parameter defined in Preferences pane of the general software parameters.

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Create Menu
Line Creation

3.2 Line Creation

Create Menu - Lines

3.2.1 Normal Line to a Surface


 Select Create > Lines > Normal Line in the drop-down menu.
 Enter normline the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to draw a line that is normal to a surface at a specified point.

1. Click at the point where you want the normal line to start.

2. Click on the surface to which you want to draw the line.

The application will draw a line from the start point which is perpendicular to the selected surface.

Example: Normal Lines

3.2.2 Tangent Lines on Surface Edges


 Click on in the Line/Point Creation toolbar.

 Select Create > Lines > Tangent Lines on Surface Edges in the drop-down menu.
 Enter extendtang in the User Input Dialog Box.

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Create Menu
3 Line Creation

This function allows you to draw lines with respect to surface boundaries which are tangent to the surface.
This function only works with NURBS surfaces. If the surface boundary is a straight line, surface tangent lines
are only drawn at its extremities.

If the surface boundary is not linear, a user-defined parameter sets the spacing between the drawn lines.

1. Enter the line length in the User Input Dialog Box.

2. Define the line spacing for non-linear boundaries.

3. Select the surface boundaries on which to add the tangent lines.


The step value is not effective if the surface boundary is a straight line.

Example: Tangent Lines on Surface Edges

3.2.3 Lines Normal/Tangent to Surfaces

 Select Create > Lines > Normal/Tangent to Surfaces in the drop-down menu.
 Enter xmdsurfaces the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to draw normal or tangent lines to surfaces in different manners.

Selecting this function displays the following dialog box:

Lines Normal/Tangent to Surfaces Dialog Box

You can select among four options:

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Create Menu
Line Creation


1. Enter the length of the normal line to create in the field Length Vectors/Extension.

2. Select the surface where you want the normal line to be drawn.

3. Click on the point(s) where you want to draw the normal line(s).

The application draws the normal line at the points you clicked on.

Example: Normals to Surface by 1 Point


1. Enter the length of the tangent lines to be created in the Length Vectors/Extension field.

2. Select the surface where you want the tangent lines to be drawn.

3. Click on the point(s) where you want to draw the tangent lines.

The application creates two lines that are tangent with respect to the U and V vectors at the selected points.

Example: Normals to Surface by Tangency at 1 Point


1. Enter the length of the normal lines to be created in the Length Vectors/Extension field.

2. Enter the number of vectors to be created along U and V in the corresponding fields.

3. Select the surface where you want the normal lines to be drawn.

The application creates the normal lines along U and V as defined.

Example: Normals along U and V


1. Enter the length of the tangent lines to be created in the Length Vectors/Extension field.

2. Select the surface where you want the tangent lines to be drawn.

The application simultaneously draws all the tangent lines on the boundary edges of the selected surface.

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Create Menu
3 Line Creation

Example: Normals Tangent on Surface Edges

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Copy/Paste Entities

4 Copy/Paste Entities
 Select Edit > Copy Entities or Edit > Paste Entities in the drop-down menu.
 Enter copyvector or pastevector in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to copy entities to the clipboard which can then be pasted into the same or another


1. Select the entities to be copied.

2. Right click to validate.


1. To paste the copy into the current drawing or into another drawing in the application, select the Paste
Entities function.

2. Select the insertion point of the copied entities.

3. Click at the required point.


The manner in which copied entities are pasted depends on how the Edit > Copy/Paste all Entities in the
Original Layer parameter has been programmed in the Preferences of the general software parameters.

 If this option is checked and you use the Edit > Copy/Paste commands, all copied entities
are pasted into their original layers. When copying from one drawing and pasting into
another, these layers are created if they do not already exist. If you leave this option
deactivated the entities will be copied into the current layer.

See also...
 Preferences [ 15-2]

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Mold Functions
Rebuilding Surface Boundaries

5 Mold Functions
WorkNC has many specific functions useful for moldmakers, as well as other tooling trades. These specific
functions make up a lot of what makes WorkNC quick and easy for tooling shops. They are available from the
Mold Design Commands toolbar:

Mold Functions

5.1 Rebuilding Surface Boundaries


 Click on in the Mold Design Commands toolbar.

 In CAD Mode, select Create > Mold Functions > Rebuild Surface Boundaries in the
drop-down menu.

In Preparation Mode, select Create > Boundary Curves > Rebuild Surface Boundaries
in the drop-down menu.
 Enter cleanboundaries in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to reconstruct a surface boundary originating from imported or drawn surfaces.
Independent curves will be regrouped to form a reduced number of curves depending on the Corner Angle.

1. Select the surfaces, then right click to validate and to display the Clean Boundaries Parameters dialog

Clean Boundaries Parameters

2. By default, Use Cusp Angle Only is selected. Enter the desired Corner Angle and click on OK to start

The Corner Angle is the maximum deviation above which the application does not join the boundaries. In the
examples below, if the limiting angle for connection is set at 10°, the curves which form an angle of 15° in A
are not connected, but the curves which form an angle of 8° in B are connected.

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Mold Functions
5 Using the Bounding Box to Adjust Part Orientation

Clean Boundaries - Corner Angle Definition

Clean Boundaries - Before Cleaning

Clean Boundaries - After Cleaning

5.2 Using the Bounding Box to Adjust Part Orientation

When you create a bounding box for a CAD part, you can use this bounding box to create a new UCS and
reorient the part.

 Open the pump_body_skewed.xdw CAD file.

Skewed Part

This part could be oriented differently in order to be milled with a 3-axis machining strategy.

1. Create a bounding box for this part.

2. In the Bounding Box dialog box, activate the Minimal (Optimal) Box option.

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Mold Functions
Using the Bounding Box to Adjust Part Orientation

3. Deactivate the Dimensions option.

Minimal Bounding Box Options

4. Create the Target Layer for the bounding box.

5. Click on the OK button to validate the bounding box creation.

Minimal Bounding Box Created

Now you can use a corner of this bounding box and create a new UCS for the part.

1. Open the OSnap utility and activate the End option.

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Mold Functions
5 Using the Bounding Box to Adjust Part Orientation

2. Activate the UCS creation function.

3. Select the UCS by 3 Points option.

4. Click on one of the bottom corners of the bounding box, as illustrated below:

Creating UCS by 3 Points

5. Snap other corners of the bounding box to define the X and Y axis of the new UCS.

Axis for the New UCS

6. Right click to validate

7. Close the UCS dialog box.

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Mold Functions

New Orientation of the Part

 You can now create a workzone with the part.

In the Create Workzone dialog box, make sure that the Save Entities in UCS and Export UCS to
Workzone options are selected and that the UCS you have created is selected.

Workzone Creation - Export New UCS

5.3 Pockets


 Click on in the Mold Design Commands toolbar.

 Select Create > Mold Functions > Pocket in the drop-down menu.
 Enter pocket3d in the User Input Dialog Box.

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Mold Functions
5 3D Grid

This function allows you to draw 3D Pockets by simply selecting curves or surface boundaries.

 Open the file shoe.xdw:

Part for Pockets

1. Select the hole edge shown in the above picture and right click to validate.

2. Keep default values in the Pockets dialog box and click OK:

Part with newly created Pocket

 Repeat this operation by changing pocket settings.

5.4 3D Grid


 Select Create > Mold Functions > 3D Grid in the drop-down menu.
 Enter scenclgrid in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to draw a 3D Grid around the part indicating the respective coordinates.

 Open the file shoe.xdw.

1. Select all surfaces and right click to validate.

The Grid Settings dialog box is displayed.

Grid Setting Dialog Box

2. In the Grid Text Settings frame, set the Text Height to 4 and the Text Offset distance from the grid to 6.

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Mold Functions
Cooling Circuits

3. In the Grid Spacing section, set the X and Y interval to 15 and the Z interval to 5.

4. Create a new layer named 3D Grid and click OK.

WorkNC draws the 3D grid around the part where the grid line and text entities in X are drawn in red color, in
Y in green color and in Z in blue color:

Part with 3D Grid

5.5 Cooling Circuits


 Click on in the Mold Design Commands toolbar.

 Select Create > Mold Functions > Cooling Circuits in the drop-down menu.
 Enter cooling in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to create 2D cooling circuits necessary for the mold.


Before creating cooling circuits, you must have previously drawn the external contour curves defining the
NOTE volume of the mold.

 Open the file Cooling.xdw:

Cooling Circuit

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Mold Functions
5 Cooling Circuits

1. Click on the icon to display the Cooling Circuits Creation dialog box:

Cooling Circuits Dialog Box

This dialog box remains displayed as long as the function is active.

2. Click on the New button to add a new cooling circuit. We are going to start with the water circuit drawn in
blue in the pictures.
WorkNC names the circuit automatically: Cooling 1. At the same time, a new layer with the same name is

3. Select the external contour curves defining the space occupied by the mold in the drawing and right click
to validate:

Cooling Circuit: Contour Curves

4. Click on the creation button of the type of channel you want to create. Here, we are going to create both
channel entries (at points A and C): click the end A and the opposite end. Repeat the procedure for the
channel entry C:

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Mold Functions
Cooling Circuits

Cooling Circuit: Entries

5. Click on the icon and continue the creation of the channel by clicking each channel end:

Water Circuits

Note that WorkNC automatically modifies all drilling intersections. We are now going to create the oil

6. Click on the New button, select the contour curves again and right click to validate.

7. Change the line color to orange using the icon and repeat the same operation for the oil circuit
(entries B and D):

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Mold Functions
5 Bill of Materials

Cooling Circuit: Result

8. Click on the Quit button.

As you can see in the above picture, you now have two layers: cooling1 and cooling2 which you can
rename Oil Circuit and Water Circuit.


Chimneys and plugs can be added. They are automatically lined up on drillings.

5.6 Bill of Materials


 Click on in the Mold Design Commands toolbar.

 Select Create > Mold Functions > Bill of Materials in the drop-down menu.
 Enter newbom in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to insert a Bill of Materials into your drawing in a semi-automatic way.

 Click on the insertion point of the Bill of Materials in your drawing to display the Bill of
Materials dialog box.

Bill of Materials - Input Dialog Box

Array Header If this option is activated, the array of the bill of material will include the column

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Mold Functions
Bill of Materials

Simultaneous If this option is activated, reference pointers to the different entities added to the bill
Indexing of materials have to be positioned in your drawing immediately after having filled in
the corresponding line.
Index If the Simultaneous Indexing option is not activated, clicking this button displays the
following dialog box, allowing you to add reference pointers to your drawing which
correspond to the different entries already defined in your bill of materials :

Ref. Enter the reference number which will be displayed with the corresponding pointer in
your drawing and click OK. The application switches automatically to the next
reference number.
Blank Line Adds a blank line to the array.
Configuration When you click on this button, the configuration text file is displayed, which allows
you to set the parameters of the bill of materials.
OK Click OK after having filled in a line of the bill of materials.
Cancel Closes the dialog box.

1. Enter the first Ref. number, on which you want to start indexing the bill of materials.

2. Move to the next field using the [Tab] key to fill in the required text. Repeat this step until having filled in
the whole line.

3. Click OK.
The application creates the Bill of Materials table on the previously selected insertion point.

4. If the Simultaneous Indexing option is activated, click on the corresponding entity in your drawing to
define the position of the arrow head of the pointer. Then click on one or more points to define the shape
of the pointer. Right click to validate.

5. You will see the reference number appear under the mouse cursor. Drag the mouse to form a horizontal
line in front of the reference number and left click when at the desired position.
The application returns automatically to the Ref. field of the BOM input box. The reference number is
incremented by 1.

6. Repeat the preceding steps until you have finished creating your Bill of Materials.

The application adds a line to the table for each new reference entered.

Bill of Materials

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 5-11 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Die Functions
Sort Surfaces by Radius

6 Die Functions
WorkNC has specific mold functions, which were designed as special functions to assist with common tasks to
that profession, but also includes functions specifically for Die makers. These functions are: Sort Surfaces by
Radius, Adjust Fillet, Deform Surface Borders and Surface Border Extensions.

Create Menu - Die Functions

6.1 Sort Surfaces by Radius


 Select Create > Die Functions > Sort Surfaces by Radius in the drop-down menu.
 Enter sort_surf_radius in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to automatically sort the surfaces of a part according to their curvature radii and
moves all corresponding surfaces into a user-defined layer.

This function can be particularly useful for sorting inside fillets to machine using Surface Lists and Groups in
WorkNC for extra relief in Die tooling.

In the following example, we want to separate the different concave, or inside, fillets, i.e. move all fillets
between 4mm and 6mm to a layer named “Radius 5mm” then move all fillets between 9 and 11 mm to a layer
named “Radius 10mm”.

 Open the file called sort_radii.xdw:

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 6-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Die Functions
6 Sort Surfaces by Radius

Part for Fillet Sorting

1. Select the menu Create > Die Functions > Sort Surfaces by Radius.

2. Select all surfaces and right click to confirm your selection.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Sort Surfaces by Radius between 4 and 6 mm

With the parameters as shown, all fillets where at least 50% of the radius is between 4 and 6 mm will
be put into their own layer. Basically, we are separating the 5mm radii.

3. Click on the Create button and name the new layer RAD5:

Example: Sorting Surfaces: New Layer

4. Click on the Create button.

5. Once returned to the Sorting Surfaces by Radius dialog box, click OK button to run the function.

Hide the layer RAD5 to show which surfaces were affected:

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Die Functions
Adjust Fillet

Sorting Surfaces : Radius between 4 and 6 mm

 Repeat the same operation to sort surfaces with a radius between 9 and 11 mm:

Sorting Surfaces: Radius between 9 and 11 mm

6.2 Adjust Fillet


 Select Create > Die Functions > Adjust Fillet in the drop-down menu.
 Enter deform_surf in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows the user to dynamically “pull” or stretch the centers of concave fillets such that when
machined, they would leave additional clearance for die tools. For illustrative purposes, the surfaces in the
following example are changed to an extreme state of deformation.

 Open the CAD file adjust_fillet.xdw:

Part for Adjust Fillet

1. Select the menu Create > Die Functions > Adjust Fillet.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 6-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Die Functions
6 Deform Surface Borders

2. Select the surface A and right click to confirm your selection.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Example: Adjust Fillet

3. Either highlight the adjustment value and enter 14 (mm) or push the cursor on the cursor bar until you
reach the required value (14).

4. Click on OK to validate and to close this dialog box.

Adjusted Fillet

6.3 Deform Surface Borders


 Select Create > Die Functions > Deform Surface Borders in the drop-down menu.
 Enter modify_surf_border in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to apply a deformation to surfaces by selecting their borders.

1. Select the surface borders that you want to deform and right click to validate. The following dialog box is

Modify Surface Borders Dialog Box

2. Enter the Surface Adjustment Value (in mm). Alternatively, you can drag the cursor on the cursor bar to
the desired value.

3. Define the percentage of the surface to be deformed in the Amount to deform from Border field. You can
drag the cursor on the cursor bar to the desired value.

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Die Functions
Surface Border Extension

4. If you want the surface corners to be included in the deformation, activate the Deform Corners option.
If the Dynamic Preview option is activated, you get a dynamic display of the adjusted surfaces in the
Viewing Area. If this option is not activated, click on the Preview button to display the adjusted surfaces.

5. Click on OK to validate and to close this dialog box.

The application applies the corresponding deformation to the surfaces:

Deform Borders - Surface before and after Deformation

6.4 Surface Border Extension


 Select Create > Die Functions > Surface Border Extension in the drop-down menu.
 Enter surfs_tgt_ext in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function extracts the surface borders and creates tangent extension surfaces in inner or outer directions.
As an option, you may also create additional offset surfaces from the selected surfaces. This function allows
you to manually complete fillet adjustments which were not or not correctly executed by the Adjust Fillet

1. Select the surfaces that you want to extend and right click to validate. The following dialog box is

Surface Border Extension Dialog Box

2. Enter the Extension Length. You can select whether you want to extend the surfaces by a distance in mm
or by a percentage of its radius.

3. Select whether the Extension is to be made in Inner or Outer Direction.

4. Select the Layer on which you want to store the newly created entities.

5. If you want to create an offset surface from the selected surface, activate the Create Surface Offset

6. Enter the Offset Distance that may be either a positive or a negative value, depending on which side you
want to create the offset surface.

7. Click on OK.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 6-5 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Die Functions
6 Surface Border Extension

The application creates the NURBS curves of the extracted surface boundaries, the extension surfaces and, if
this option was selected, the corresponding offset surfaces.

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Managing STL Files

7 Managing STL Files

The CAD mode allows you to handle STL files as a structured triangular mesh in order to recognize primitive
shapes and create workzones from them.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the mesh_model.stl file.

STL File

1. Open the STL file.

2. Click on Transform in the text menu bar and select STL.

You can also enter “stlmesh” in the command input field at the bottom of the interface.

The Mesh Entity Edition dialog box is displayed:

Mesh Entity Edition Dialog Box

The icons at the top of the dialog box allow you to perform the following operations:


1. Click on the icon.

2. Click on the STL model in the Viewing Area and validate.

The color display on the part has changed to indicate the various entities the triangles have been
separated into.

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Managing STL Files

Separating Triangles

3. Use the Face Separation Angle cursor to adjust the number of degrees between faces. If the angle
decreases, the number of separated faces increases, and vice versa. You can also enter the separation
angle in the field above the cursor.
Use the Min. Plane Face Area cursor to define the minimal surface value to filter results. If the value
decreases, the number of separated faces increases, and vice versa. You can enter the surface in the
field above the cursor.
You can also deactivate the option.
For our example, use the default settings.

4. Deactivate the Keep Analysis Colors option in order not to use the color display of the analysis.

5. Click on the Validate button.

You should obtain the following result:

Triangle Separation Result

Once you have separated triangles, you can create a workzone in which you will be able to create Views from
planar surface selection.

Once you have separated the triangles, you can extract the edges of selected surfaces.

1. Click on the icon.

2. Select the surfaces from which you want to extract edges in the Viewing Area and validate.
For our example, select the flat surface at the top of the model.

The Boundary Extraction dialog box is displayed. It allows you to save the extracted edges in the

current layer (use the icon to modify the current layer) or in a new layer.

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Managing STL Files

Boundary Extraction Dialog Box

3. Click on the icon to create a new layer(edges) and validate.

4. Click OK to validate.

If you activate the new layer and hide the others, you should obtain the following result:

Extracted Edges


Once you have separated the triangles, you can extract the axes of selected cylinders.

1. Click on the icon.

2. Click on the cylinder surfaces of the part as illustrated below:

Cylinder Surface Selection

3. Validate.

The Cylinder Axis Extraction dialog box is displayed. It allows you to save the extracted axes in the

current layer (use the icon to modify the current layer) or in a new layer.

Cylinder Axis Extraction

4. Click on the icon to create a new layer(axes) and validate.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 7-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Managing STL Files

5. Click OK to validate.


Extracted boundaries and cylinder axes are exported as Curves when creating a workzone from the STL
NOTE file.


Once you have separated the triangles, you can show a preview of the cylinders and plane surfaces of the

 Click on the icon.

 You should obtain the following result:

Plane and Cylinder Preview

Once you have separated the triangles, you can obtain information about the clicked surfaces on the part.

1. Click on the icon.

2. Click on a surface of the part to display its information in the dialog box.

Face Information

 Click on the Close button to exit the function.

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Curve Dimension

8 Dimensioning
WorkNC has several different dimensioning methods. This section looks at several of those methods.

The dimensioning functions are available from the Dimensions toolbar or the Create menu.

8.1 Curve Dimension


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Curve in the drop-down menu.

 Enter dimh (horizontal), dimv (vertical), diml (length), dimd (diameter) or dimr (radius) in the
User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to display dimensions of lines, curves, NURBS curves and surfaces, circles and arcs.

1. Select the entity to dimension.

2. Select the position of the dimension text by placing the cursor at the required point in the Viewing Area
and click.

According to the type of entity to which you add a dimension, different indications will be obtained:

 If the entity is a line or a curve, you will obtain, according to the cursor position, the length of
the curve or the horizontal or vertical distance between the extremities.
 If the object is a circle, you will obtain its diameter. If you press and hold down the [Shift] key,
the dimension will be output as radius.
 If the entity is an arc, you will obtain the radius of the arc. If you press and hold down the
[Shift] key, the dimension will be output as diameter.
 If the entity is a NURBS curve or surface, you will obtain the curvature radius at the selected

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 8-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
8 Continuous Dimension

Curve Dimensions: Values Obtained for the Selected Entities

 The dimension type (horizontal, vertical or lateral) changes automatically with the position of
the mouse cursor. If you want to "force" a dimension in a particular position, press and hold
down the [H] key for horizontal dimension, [V] for vertical dimension or [L] for lateral
 Pressing the [U] key (switch) activates/deactivates the Auto Arrange option. Auto Arrange
automatically centers the dimension text and places the next dimension according to the
preceding one. When this option is deactivated, you can freely position the dimensions.

 Press the [Tab] key while running a dimension function.

 Select Utilities > Settings >> Dimension in the drop-down menu.

 Enter setdim in the User Input Dialog Box.

In nearly all Dimension functions (except dimensions by coordinates) you can set the Dimension Attributes in
the corresponding dialog box.

8.2 Continuous Dimension


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Continuous in the drop-down menu.

 Enter dimhpt (horizontal), dimvpt (vertical) or dimlpt (lateral) in the User Input Dialog Box.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 8-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Add a Comment

This function allows displaying a series of dimensions by selecting points in your drawing.

1. Select the first point to start dimensions.

2. Select the second point.

3. Place the dimension text by moving the mouse.

4. Select successively the following points.

5. Right click to finish the current dimensions and to start adding dimensions to other entities in the drawing.

Example for Continuous Dimensions

8.3 Add a Comment


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Comment in the drop-down menu.

 Enter dimlead in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to add a comment to an entity.

1. Click on the point of the drawing where you want to add a comment.

2. Click on other points in order to define the shape of the text pointer. You can define as many segments
as you want.

3. Validate the shape of the pointer by right clicking to display the Comment Text Input dialog box.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 8-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
8 Angle Dimension

Comment Text Input Dialog Box

4. Enter the comment text.

5. Click the OK button when you have finished.

6. Drag the text with the mouse into the required position and click to validate.

Three options are available in order to help you enter text.

Cut Cuts a pre-selected text in the input box in order to paste it elsewhere or to delete it.
Copy Copies a text in order to paste it elsewhere.
Paste Pastes a text previously cut or copied in the application or in any other Windows application.

You can also define the Horizontal Alignment by activating the corresponding option: Left, Centered, Right.

Comment Text

8.4 Angle Dimension


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Angle in the drop-down menu.

 Enter dimang in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to display the dimension of an angle between two straight lines.

1. Select the first line.

2. Select the second line forming the angle to be dimensioned.

3. Move the cursor to place the dimension and click to validate its position.

 Pressing and holding down the [Shift] key will dimension the opposite angle.
 Pressing and holding down the [Ctrl] key will switch the dimension to the next angle.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 8-4 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Arc Dimension

Example for Angle Dimensions

8.5 Arc Dimension


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Arc Length in the drop-down menu.
 Enter dimarc in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to display the dimension of the length of an arc.

1. Select the arc to be dimensioned.

2. Move the cursor into the required position of the dimension text and click to validate.

Example for an Arc Length Dimension

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 8-5 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
8 Origin Point

8.6 Origin Point


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Origin Point in the drop-down menu.
 Enter dimref in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function is used to define the origin point if you want to add dimensions with the Coordinates, Array or
XYZ Leader functions.

1. Click on the point which you want to become the origin point of your coordinate system.

The application automatically activates the Coordinates dimension [ 8-6] function.

This point is not saved with your drawing. If you close your drawing and open it again, you must redefine
NOTE this point.

8.7 Coordinates


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Coordinates in the drop-down menu.

 Enter dimx in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to display dimensions by indicating the X or Y coordinates.

By default, the reference origin point for Coordinate Dimensions is the origin point of the drawing. If you
NOTE want to make reference to another origin point, you must define it before by using the Origin Point
function [ 8-6] .

1. Select the first point to be dimensioned.

2. Drag the cursor in the X or Y direction to obtain the coordinate value of this point. Click to place the
dimension text.

3. Click the next point to be dimensioned. The dimension text is automatically aligned.

4. Right click to start a new dimension or to change the direction of the dimensions.


You can edit the dimension line in order to "break" it, using the menu Edit > Control points > Dimension or the
corresponding button in the Dimensions toolbar.

1. Select the control point in the middle of the line.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 8-6 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
XYZ Leader

2. Drag it to the required position and click.

Example for Coordinate Dimensions

8.8 XYZ Leader


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > XYZ Leader in the drop-down menu.
 Enter tabnotes in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function adds dimensions by indicating the X, Y and Z coordinates.

By default, the reference origin point for Coordinate Dimensions is the origin point of the drawing. If you
NOTE want to make reference to another origin point, you must define it before by using the Origin Point
function. [ 8-6]

1. Click on the point for which you want to obtain the coordinate values.

2. Click on a second point to define the breakpoint of the dimension line.

3. Then click on the point where you want to place the dimension text.

Example for Coordinate Dimensions in XYZ

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 8-7 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
8 Array


If you want the Z-coordinate to appear use the Array Dimension Configuration function from the menu
NOTE and select the option Z for the 3rd column.

8.9 Array


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Array in the drop-down menu.

 Enter tablepoints in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows adding dimensions by coordinates by creating an array.

Refer to the Array Configuration function to define the array layout.

By default, the reference origin point for Coordinate Dimensions is the origin point of the drawing. If you
NOTE want to make reference to another origin point, you must define it before by using the Origin Point
function. [ 8-6]

1. Select the insertion point of the array.

2. Click on the first point whose coordinates you want to appear in the array.

3. Repeat step 2 in order to add all required point coordinates to the array.
The application adds a line to the array for each selected point.

4. Right click to interrupt the function.

Example for Dimensions in a Table (Array)

The array created consists of different text and line entities. You can modify these entities using the
corresponding editing functions.

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Unlike the other dimension functions, dimensions in coordinates are not automatically updated when
NOTE entities are modified.

See also...
 Origin Point [ 8-6]

8.10 Baseline


 Click on in the Dimensions toolbar.

 Select Create > Dimensions > Baseline in the drop-down menu.

 Enter dimhpc (horizontal), dimvpc (vertical) or dimlpc (lateral) in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to add dimensions starting from a constant baseline.

1. Select the starting point for the dimension. It will be the reference for all following dimensions added.

2. Select the second point, which will be the end point of the first dimension.

3. Drag the mouse cursor to the required text position and click.

4. Select successively the following points to which you want to add a dimension.

Example for Baseline Dimensions

8.11 Dimension Attributes Dialog Box

 Press the [Tab] key while running a dimension function.

 Select Utilities > Settings >> Dimension in the drop-down menu.

 Enter setdim in the User Input Dialog Box.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 8-9 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
8 Dimension Attributes Dialog Box

In nearly all Dimension functions (except dimensions by coordinates) you can set the Dimension Attributes in
the corresponding dialog box.

Dimension Attributes Dialog Box

Dimension Format:
Precision Sets the precision of the dimension.
Tolerance Defines whether and how the tolerance is displayed. According to the active
option, one or both of the fields + / - become available for setting the tolerance.
Leading Zero Displays zeros before the decimal point.
Trailing Zero Displays zeros after the decimal point.
Additional Strings:
Prefix String Displays either one of the predefined prefixes (Ø, R or M) or your own prefix text
which you can enter in the field below.
Suffix String Adds either the predefined suffix string H7 or your own suffix text.
Linear or Angular: Activates the corresponding option for each unit of measure.
Text Style Allows you to select the required text style.
Dimension Text:
Font Selects the required font for the Dimension Text.
Height Defines the height of the Dimension Text.
Tolerance Font Height Defines the font height of the displayed Tolerance data (expressed as a
Miscellaneous Parameters:
Units of Measurement Defines the measurement units (mm or inches).
Scaling Factor Defines the scaling factor.
Align to View Aligns the displayed dimensions to the view.
Place Dimensions in Stores dimensions in a user-defined layer.
Special Layer
Change Text: The following two parameters are only available to the users under certain
Comment Text Only valid when you modify an existing comment which was created with the
Add Comment function.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 8-10 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Dimension Attributes Dialog Box

Use Default Affects automatic updating of dimensions when entities are modified. By default,
automatic updating is always valid. Deactivating the Use Default option allows
you to enter text of your own choice and disables the automatic update facility.
Activating this option again restores the dimension display and update.
The following options are available for both new dimension text and comments or when changing existing
dimension text and comments.
None, Box or Balloon: Adds a frame to the dimension texts and comments by selecting Box or Balloon.

Example for the Different Frame Options

The other options allow you to choose the layout of the dimension:
Auto Arrange Automatically centers the dimension in the middle of the dimension line.
Radius Dim Text Automatically aligns a radius dimension horizontally.
Diameter Dim Text Automatically aligns a diameter dimension horizontally.
Internal Dimension Line Draws the inner dimension line.
Force OSnap to None Deactivates object snap while placing the dimension texts.
when placing Dimension

Dimensions (except by coordinates) are automatically updatable. If you move an entity or resize it,
NOTE dimensions are automatically recalculated and updated.

The More button displays the secondary Dimension Attributes dialog box, which offers additional dimension
attributes configuration.

Dimension Attributes - Complementary Options

The different switch buttons of this dialog box allow you to set the options concerning the Extension Line, Text
Orientation, Dimension Line and Arrow Heads.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 8-11 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
8 Exercise: Dimensioning

8.12 Exercise: Dimensioning

 Open the file dimensions.xdw and complete a 2D drawing with all dimensions as in the picture

Exercise: Dimensions

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Text Functions
Text Input Dialog Box

9 Text Functions

9.1 Text Input Dialog Box

The Text Input dialog box is the interface for entering text you want to display in your drawing. There are
several parameters which allow you to control the aspect of the text displayed in your drawing.

Text Input Dialog Box

Cut, Copy, and Paste Allows you to cut, copy, and paste any text originating from another Windows
Font Displays the Set Text Style dialog box which allows you to define the font and its
different attributes.

Set Text Style Dialog Box

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 9-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Text Functions
9 Horizontal Text

Horizontal / Vertical The different buttons in these two dialog box sections allow you to modify the
Alignment position of your text in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Text Attributes:
Height Allows you to control the size of the text font.
Aspect Modifies the ratio between height and width.
Align to View When you activate this option, the text aligned is displayed in the Current View. If
this option is not active, the text is displayed in the Active Plane.

Example of a Text not aligned to View Example of a Text aligned to View

The Alignment option aligns the text in all views, not only in the active view.

9.2 Horizontal Text


 Click on in the Text Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Text > Base Point in the drop-down menu.
 Enter texth in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to add a horizontal text starting at a user-specified point in the drawing.

1. Click at the position in the drawing where you want the text to start. This will display the the Text Input
dialog box [ 9-1] .

2. Enter the text.

3. Set any relevant parameters.

4. Click the OK button in the Text Input dialog box to return to your drawing and display the text.

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Text Functions
Aligned Text

9.3 Aligned Text


 Click on in the Text Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Text > Align in the drop-down menu.

 Enter texta in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to create a text in alignment with two user-defined points which form a baseline.

1. Click at the desired position to define the start point of the baseline.

2. Click at the position of the end point of the base line. This will display the Text Input dialog box.

3. Enter the text in the text window and set any parameters that you may need to modify (refer to the
section about the Text Input dialog box for further information [ 9-1] .

4. Click the OK button in the Text Input dialog box to return to your drawing and display the text.

9.4 Text Fit in a Rectangle


 Click on in the Text Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Text > Fit Rectangle in the drop-down menu.
 Enter textf in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to enter a block of text that is automatically adjusted to fit in the rectangle that you
define Viewing Area.

1. Place the cursor at the position of the first corner of the rectangle in which the text should appear and

2. Drag the cursor to the opposite corner and click. This will open the Text Input dialog box.

3. Enter the text in the text window and set any parameters that you may need to modify (refer to the
section on the Text Input dialog box for further information [ 9-1] ).

4. Click the OK button in the Text Input dialog box to return to your drawing and display the text.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 9-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Select Active Symbol

10 Symbols
Symbols are Geometry files that can be inserted into your drawing. This is useful for common parts or data
which is used multiple times. They are available from the Symbols toolbar or the Create menu.

10.1 Select Active Symbol


 Click on in the Symbol Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Symbol > Active Symbol in the drop-down menu.
 Enter actsym in the User Input Dialog Box.

Before adding a symbol to your drawing you must first select the required symbol from the Symbol Library
using the Active Symbol dialog box.

Set Active Symbol Dialog Box

The Symbol Library list on the left displays the library filenames of symbol groups along with the directory in
which they are stored.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 10-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
10 Add a Symbol to a Drawing

You must select the corresponding symbol group library in which the symbol you want to insert in your
drawing is contained.

Selecting a Symbol Library displays its contents in the Available Symbols list on the right.

1. Click on the symbol that you wish to insert in your drawing in the Available Symbol Selection list.
A preview of the symbol is displayed in the Preview section and a description in the Description box in
the same frame.

2. Click the OK button in order to activate the symbol or double click on the symbol name in the list.

The application replaces the active symbol by the newly selected symbol.

This symbol is added to the drawing when you quit the Active Symbol dialog box and each time you use the
Add Symbol tool.

You can place the symbol and recall the Symbol Selection dialog box by right clicking in order to select
NOTE another symbol.


Unpacked Symbol / If none of these options is active, the symbol will be inserted into your drawing
Grouped Entities as a single symbol entity.
- If you activate the Unpacked Symbol option, the symbol will be exploded into
independent entities when inserted into your drawing.
- Activating the Grouped Entities option allows you to insert the symbol as a
group of entities which can be manipulated like a symbol entity but you can also
carry out other operations such as stretching, globally change their color or use
them to cut or stretch other entities.
Layers / Colors / Allows you to affect either the original or current attributes to the symbol or the
Linestyles attributes of a specific layer.
Edit button Clicking the Edit button displays the Edit Symbol Name & Description dialog
box. It allows you to edit the symbol name and description.

Edit Symbol Name and Description Dialog Box

10.2 Add a Symbol to a Drawing


 Click on in the Symbol Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Symbol > Add in the drop-down menu.

 Enter addsym in the User Input Dialog Box.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 10-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Create a Symbol

This function allows you to add the pre-selected Active Symbol [ 10-1] to your drawing.

1. If required, define the symbol attributes. [ 10-4]

2. Click on the Add Symbol icon and click again at the position in the drawing where you want to place the

10.3 Create a Symbol


 Select Create > Symbol > Create in the drop-down menu.

 Enter createsym in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to create customized symbols that you may save in a library.

1. Create your symbol using the available entity creation functions.

2. Activate the Create Symbol function.

3. Select the entities that constitute your new symbol then right click to validate.

4. You are prompted to specify the origin of the new symbol.

This origin point is used when you add the symbol to the drawing. For example, you may create a
symbol that contains a circle and specify that its origin is the center of the circle. When you add this
symbol to the drawing using the Add Symbol utility, the symbol will be positioned by placing the center
of the circle at the point you select in the drawing.

5. Click at the position that is to be the origin of the symbol. The Select Symbol Library dialog box is then

Select Symbol Library File Dialog Box

6. The current symbol library and all available symbol libraries are displayed in the File Name section.
Double click on the symbol library to which you wish to add the symbol or replace the name of the library
by your own library name.
If the required library is not displayed, you may access other locations on the disk or the diskette using

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 10-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
10 Set Symbol Attributes

the Folder and Drives fields. If you create a new library name, the Create New Symbol Library dialog box
will appear.

Create New Symbol Library Dialog Box

7. Enter the New Symbol Library name, and, optionally, a description of the new Library then click OK to
The Create New Symbol dialog box is then displayed.

Create New Symbol Dialog Box

8. Click in the Symbol Name field and enter a name for the symbol.

9. Optionally, click in the Description input box and enter a description for the symbol.


If you create various symbols, the application adds all of them to the library you have selected for the first
NOTE symbol. If you wish to store the new symbol in another library, you must click on the Change Library
button in the Create New Symbol dialog box.

10.4 Set Symbol Attributes


 Click on in the Symbol Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Symbol > Set Attributes in the drop-down menu.
 Enter setsym in the User Input Dialog Box.

The default attributes apply to all symbols when you add them to the drawing. In order to apply modifications
to all symbols you wish to add, you must first modify the attributes and then add the symbols. Activating the
Set Attributes function will display the Symbol Attributes dialog box.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 10-4 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Set Symbol Attributes

Set Symbol Attributes Dialog Box

Indicate the new attribute values using the following options:

Rotation Angle The angle with which the symbol is inserted. E.g., when the angle is 180°, the
symbol is inverted when inserted in the drawing.
- Click on the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the value of the angle or enter
the rotation angle in the field.
Scale Determines the scale of the symbol in three dimensions, through the X, Y and Z
- Click on the corresponding arrow buttons to increase or decrease the value of the
axial factors or click on their value and enter the factor using the keyboard. To
enlarge a symbol, enter a value greater than 1. To shrink a symbol, enter a value
between 0 and 1. You cannot enter zero (0.00).
 If you wish to change the scale factor along all three axis directions simultaneously, click on

the switch button to close the switch ( ).

 To change the values individually, click again on the switch to open it.

All symbols that you now add will have the attributes you have just defined.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 10-5 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Select Hatch Pattern

11 Hatching
WorkNC contains some ability to create hatching on a model.

11.1 Select Hatch Pattern


 Click on in the Hatch Functions toolbar.

 Select Utilities > Settings > Hatch Pattern in the drop-down menu.
 Enter hatch in the User Input Dialog Box.

Before hatching an area in your drawing you must first select the required Hatch Pattern. This command
displays the Hatch Pattern dialog box.

Hatch Pattern Selection Dialog Box

Current Pattern Displays the current Hatch pattern and its name.
Pattern Selection Displays the choice of Hatch Patterns in the currently loaded Hatch Pattern
Library. To select another pattern, click on the desired icon in the list.
Load Displays the Hatch Pattern Library Manager.
Scale This field allows you to change the scale of the hatch pattern. Hatch line spacing
will increase as the value is increased.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 11-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
11 Hatch by Selecting a Point

Rotation Angle This field allows you to increase or decrease the rotational angle of the hatch
pattern lines. When the inclination angle is zero, the hatch pattern lines are drawn
as they appear in the Current Pattern box. When the rotational angle is modified
the hatch lines will be rotated by that value in an anti-clockwise direction.


If you click on the Load button in the Hatch Pattern dialog box, the following dialog box is displayed:

Hatch Pattern Library Manager

It allows you to select another Hatch Pattern Library.

Loaded Library Lists the currently loaded libraries.

Available Libraries Lists all available libraries.
Hatch Pattern Preview Displays the contents of the currently selected library (loaded or available).
Add >> Loads a selected available library.
Add All Loads all available libraries making the contents of every library available for
insertion in your drawing.
<< Remove Transfers a selected loaded library into the Available Library zone.
Remove all Transfers all loaded libraries into the Available Library zone.

11.2 Hatch by Selecting a Point


 Click on in the Hatch Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Hatches/Fill > Point in the drop-down menu.

 Enter hatchpt in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to hatch an area by clicking on any point in the area. This function only works on
closed contours.

1. Define the hatch pattern. [ 11-1]

2. Click on any point inside the area you want to hatch.


The area to be filled must be at zero Z-level and the Active Plane must be XY.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 11-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Hatching a Polygon Area

11.3 Hatching a Polygon Area


 Click on in the Hatch Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Hatches/Fill > Polygon in the drop-down menu.

 Enter hatchpoly in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to hatch an area which is not bound by curves. You define the area to be hatched by
clicking at various points in order to form a polygon. The polygon is then filled with the current hatch pattern.


To hatch an area that does not have a closed contour:

1. Define the hatch pattern. [ 11-1]

2. Select the End option in the OSnap function.

3. Select the Hatch/Fill Polygon function.

4. Click the extremity of one of the open ends in the drawing.

5. Successively select the extremities of each line using the OSnap End option.

6. Form a closed polygon by clicking at the start point (to close the open side)

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 11-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
11 Hatching a Polygon Area

7. Double right click to hatch the area formed by this polygon.

You may also define several polygons simultaneously. When polygons overlap, the overlapping areas are not
hatched. Similarly, if one polygon is enclosed in another, only the zone between the two polygons is hatched.

Example of enclosed polygons:

1. Click on the points of the drawing which correspond to the outer polygon (enable Intersection and End
modes in the OSnap function).

2. Right click to validate the polygon.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to define the inner polygon.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 11-4 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Hatching a Polygon Area

Creating a Hatching Polygon on Existing Line Entities in the Drawing (using the Intersection Option in OSnap)

Creation of a Hatching Polygon on Existing Inner Polygon

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 11-5 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
11 Hatching an Area

4. Right click a second time to fill the area between the two polygons that you have defined.

The application hatches the zone using the current hatch pattern.

11.4 Hatching an Area


 Click on in the Hatch Functions toolbar.

 Select Create > Hatches/Fill > Area in the drop-down menu.

 Enter hatcharea in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to hatch an area bound by curves using the current hatch pattern.

1. Define the hatch pattern. [ 11-1]

2. Click on the curve(s) that delimit the area to be hatched. The curves change color to indicate they are

3. Right click to validate and hatch the selected area.

Contour curve points must join, not intersect, in order to hatch the area. This function only works on an
NOTE XY plane and with Z=0.00.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 11-6 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Explode Functions
Explode Hatch Patterns

12 Explode Functions

12.1 Explode Hatch Patterns


 Click on in the Explode Functions toolbar.

 Select Transform > Explode > Hatch Pattern in the drop-down menu.
 Enter exphatch in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to explode hatch patterns into separate lines. You may then select each curve
individually and apply all relevant curve operations to it.

1. Select the hatch pattern you wish to explode then right click to validate.

The application decomposes the hatch pattern.

12.2 Explode a Dimension


 Click on in the Explode Functions toolbar.

 Select Transform > Explode > Dimension in the drop-down menu.

 Enter expdim in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to explode (break down) a dimension into basic entities. After exploding a dimension,
each part becomes a separate entity. For example, the arrows are broken down into various entities according
to their style. You may select any entity that results from the breakdown and subject it to all the usual
operations for this type of entity. E.g., you may select, edit and move the text.

Exploded dimensions lose their relation with the entity to which they were attached. It is not possible to undo
the Explode function.

1. Select the dimension to explode and right click to validate.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 12-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Explode Functions
12 Explode a Symbol

12.3 Explode a Symbol


 Click on in the Explode Functions toolbar.

 Select Transform > Explode > Symbol in the drop-down menu.

 Enter unpacksym in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to explode an entity which was placed in a drawing as a symbol. You may then select
each curve individually and apply all relevant curve operations to it.


It is possible to insert what is apparently a symbol but is in reality a group of entities, just as it is possible
NOTE to insert an already exploded symbol. Refer to the documentation section about Symbols for further
details. [ 10-1]

To explode a true symbol:

1. Select the symbol you wish to explode then right click to validate.

The application now explodes the symbol and creates separate entities.

12.4 Explode Text


 Click on in the Explode Functions toolbar (CAD Mode) or in the Text Functions toolbar
(Preparation Mode).

 In CAD Mode, select Transform > Explode > Text to Curves in the drop-down menu.

In Preparation Mode, select Create > Texts > Text to Curves in the drop-down menu.
 Enter texttocur in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to explode text into curves. When you explode text it inherits all relevant curve
properties. This allows you to modify a text just as easily as you modify a normal curve. This function is
particularly useful to project a text onto a surface.

It is not possible to explode a text in the standard font of the application. You may only decompose a text in a
True Type font, e.g.: Arial.

1. Select the text you wish to explode then right click to validate.

The application now explodes the text into curves.

You may then select each curve individually and apply all relevant curve operations to it. E.g., you may modify
the text using control points.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 12-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Entity Information

13 Enquiries
Getting information about different entities can be important to continuing work on CAD models. WorkNC
provides different measuring tools for accomplishing this task.

13.1 Entity Information


 Click on in the Enquiries toolbar.

 In CAD Mode, select Utilities > Enquiries > Entity Information in the drop-down menu or
in the context menu accessed by right clicking on the entity in the Viewing Area.

In Preparation Mode, select Utilities > Enquiries > Entity Information in the drop-down
 Enter enq in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to select an entity in the Viewing Area and view and edit its parameters in the
corresponding dialog box. Depending on the kind of entity selected, you will get all relevant information about
this entity.

Spherical Surface Information Dialog Box

 In this dialog box, you can modify all the parameters of the entity. If you make any changes,
click the Apply button. Changes will be immediately applied in the Viewing Area.


If you accessed this function through the context menu obtained by right clicking on the entity in the
NOTE Viewing Area, you are in "QuickInfo" mode. In this case, it is not possible to make changes or to save the
entity information.

13.2 Distance


 Click on in the Enquiries toolbar.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 13-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
13 Distance

 In CAD Mode, select Utilities > Enquiries > Distance in the drop-down menu.

In Preparation Mode, select Utilities > Enquiries > Distance in the drop-down menu.
 Enter dist2p in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to select two points in the Viewing Area in order to obtain information about distances
separating them.

1. Click on the two points for which you want to obtain distance information.

Distance Information Dialog Box

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 13-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Print/Plot Functions
Print/Plot All

14 Print/Plot Functions
The Print/Plot commands allow you to print out a file or selected elements of the file.

Print / Plot Menu

Allows you to print all the objects of the drawing/part according to the orientation of a user-selected view.

Allows you to define a rectangular window and prints all objects within that window.

Prints the selected view as it appears in the Viewing Area.


Allows you to define the line width and color for output to a printer/plotter.

14.1 Print/Plot All


 Select File > Print/Plot > All in the drop-down menu.

 Enter printall in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to print all the entities in the drawing according to the orientation of a user-selected

1. Activate the function.

2. In the Viewing Area, click on the View that you want to print. The Print/Plot Parameter dialog box is
displayed. [ 14-2]

3. Define the parameters and click on OK to send the file to the printer/plotter.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 14-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Print/Plot Functions
14 Print/Plot Window

If you want to print another view, repeat steps 2 and 3.


14.2 Print/Plot Window

 Select File > Print/Plot > Window in the drop-down menu.
 Enter printwin in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to print the part of a drawing or part defined by a rectangular window according to the
orientation of a user-selected view.

1. Activate the function.

2. In the Viewing Area, click on the first corner of the rectangular zone to be printed.

3. Drag the cursor diagonally and click on the second corner of the zone to be printed.

4. Click on the view to define the orientation of the printed zone.

This does not need to be the view in which you defined the rectangular zone.

5. The Print/Plot Parameter dialog box is displayed. [ 14-2]

6. Define the parameters and click on OK to send the file to the printer/plotter.

If you want to print another view, repeat steps 2 to 6.


14.3 Print/Plot View

 Select File > Print/Plot > View in the drop-down menu.
 Enter printview in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to print all the visible entities of a user-selected view.

1. Activate the function.

2. In the Viewing Area, click on the View that you want to print. The Print/Plot Parameter dialog box is
displayed. [ 14-2]

3. Define the parameters and click on OK to send the file to the printer/plotter.

If you want to print another view, repeat steps 2 and 3.


14.4 Print/Plot Parameters

The following dialog box allows you to set some parameters for printing/plotting:
SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 14-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
Print/Plot Functions
Print/Plot Parameters

Print/Plot Parameters Dialog Box

Fit to Paper Adjusts the drawing to fit on the paper.

Scale Adjusts the scale of the printout by a percentage.
Center Align Centers and Aligns the drawing with respect to the paper size.
Print to File Allows you to record the drawing in a file instead of outputting to a printer or
Copies Defines the number of copies to print.
Margins Sets the margins for printed pages in mm or inches.
Setup Displays your computer’s normal setup window to define printer/plotter

 You may adjust the print scale for dimensions.

 The last settings of the printer/plotter configuration are used.
 You may print on a plotter/printer that is directly connected to your computer or on a
plotter/printer in a network.
 The Print/Plot function uses the standard Windows drivers.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 14-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
Center Line

15 Customization

Utilities Menu - Settings

15.1 Center Line

 Select Utilities > Settings > Center Line in the drop-down menu.
 Enter cenlns in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to add center lines to circles, arcs and ellipses. Activating this function displays the
Center Line dialog box allowing you to define function parameters.

Center Line Dialog Box

Center Line On/Off This checkbox activates/deactivates the function.
Group Lines with Entities Groups the lines with the drawing entities.
Center Line Length Defines the line length expressed as a ratio of the diameter.
Style Selection The drop-down list below the previous parameter allows you to select the layer
in which you want to place the center lines and thus the Center Line style as
defined for this layer.
Preview Displays a preview of the currently selected style.
Edit existing Entity:
Apply All Applies the selected style to all existing entities of the selected type.
Apply Selection Applies the selected style to user-selected entities in the Viewing Area.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 15-1 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
15 Preferences

Entity Type Allows you to select the type of entity to which the center line style is applied.
These can be arcs, circles, ellipses or elliptical arcs (only one entity type can be
selected at one time).

15.2 Preferences

 Select Utilities > Settings > Preferences in the drop-down.
 Enter pref in the User Input Dialog Box.

This function allows you to define a wide range of parameters for the surface CAD mode of the WorkNC

Activating this function displays the Preferences dialog box.

Preferences Dialog Box

Rubber Band This option is useful when drawing entities with the mouse. As you drag the mouse
to draw an entity, e.g. a circle, the progression of the entity is shown by a rubber
band which follows the mouse pointer.

Deactivating this option limits the use of the mouse when creating entities. In this case you must enter
NOTE certain parameters in the User Input Dialog Box.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 15-2 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International

Speed This parameter allows you to set the speed of the dynamic rotation of the
workpiece in the Viewing Area. Enter a value between 0.1 and 1 in the
corresponding input field.
Center on Grid If this option is activated, the dynamic rotation of the workpiece in the Viewing
Area will be made with respect to the center of the dynamic grid. If this option is
left deactivated, dynamic rotation will be made according to the center of the View.

Auto Save File Activating this option automatically creates a backup file, which is saved regularly
at the Time Interval defined in the box below.
The backup file is saved in the same directory as the main drawing file (*.xdw) but
with a .bak extension.
Save Warning Delay Defines the delay (in minutes) after which WorkNC will alert the user by an
acoustic signal that he has not yet manually saved the current drawing. If you do
not want to be alerted, set the value to zero.

Entity Selection This parameters allows you to set a distance between the cursor and the
Proximity Distance selectable entities. When the distance between the entities and the cursor is below
the defined distance, the corresponding entities are automatically highlighted.

PreSnap Size Defines the size of the symbol displayed in WorkNC when an entity PreSnap is
PreSnap Thickness Defines the thickness of the symbol displayed in WorkNC when an entity PreSnap
is active.
Letter Width Defines the width of letters displayed in WorkNC when an entity PreSnap is active.
Letter Height Defines the height of letters displayed in WorkNC when an entity PreSnap is

The different combinations of how these two parameters are programmed determine the OSnap operating
mode, as explained below :

No option activated No beep.

Snap at a point defined by the OSnap mode only. In this case
no random point selection is possible when drawing an entity.
Snap any Point activated No beep.
Snap at any position in the Viewing Area allowing you to
randomly draw entities anywhere in the Viewing Area.

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International 15-3 SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)
15 Preferences

Beep if no Osnap Point activated Beep is activated if the selected point is not defined by OSnap
Snap at a point defined by the OSnap mode only.
Both options activated Beep is activated if the selected point is not defined by OSnap
Snap at any position in the Viewing Area.

Rotation Angle Defines the angle by which you can dynamically rotate a symbol in the active
plane by pressing the [F12] key. Each time this key is pressed, the symbol will
rotate by the defined angle. Default direction is clockwise, holding down the [Shift]
key at the same time as pressing the [F12] key will make an anti-clockwise
The default value is 15°.


X-Zoom Scale The value entered in this field determines the magnitude ratio which is applied
when using the Space Bar zoom function (default value = 8).

Edit > Copy/Paste Entities in Current Layer
If left deactivated and you use the Edit > Copy/Paste commands, all copied entities will be pasted into their
original layers. When copying from one drawing and pasting into another, these layers will be created if they
don’t already exist. If checked they will be copied into the current Layer.

Transform > Copy Entities in Current Layer

If left deactivated and you use the Transform > Copy commands, all copied entities will be pasted into their
original layers. If checked they will be copied into the current Layer.

Smart Selection Entity Number

The value entered for this parameter will determine the display mode in WorkNC when a multiple entity
selection is made.

Set Control Point Size

This parameter allows you to set the size of Control Points when they are displayed in the Viewing Area. Enter
a value between 2 and 10 in the input box. To check the result, activate the Edit > Control Points >> …
function to display entity control points.

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) 15-4 Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International


3 Explode Text, 12-2

3D Grid, 5-7 Export Points, 2-2
Add a Comment, 8-3 File Menu, 2-1
Add a Symbol to a Drawing, 10-3 Find Duplicated Entities, 2-5
Adjust Fillet, 6-3 H
Aligned Text, 9-3 Hatch by Selecting a Point, 11-3
Angle Dimension, 8-5 Hatching, 11-1
Arc Dimension, 8-6 Hatching a Polygon Area, 11-3
Array, 8-9 Hatching an Area, 11-9
Attach a Drawing to the Current File, 2-1 Horizontal Text, 9-3
Attached File Options, 2-2 L
B Line Creation, 3-3
Baseline, 8-10 Lines Normal/Tangent to Surfaces, 3-5
Bill of Materials, 5-11 M
C Managing STL Files, 7-1
Center Line, 15-1 Mold Functions, 5-1
Clean Drawing, 2-5 N
Compare Files, 2-3 Normal Line to a Surface, 3-3
Compare Geometry and Files, 2-3 O
Continuous Dimension, 8-3 Origin Point, 8-6, 8-10
Cooling Circuits, 5-8 P
Coordinates, 8-7 Pockets, 5-6
Copy/Paste Entities, 4-1 Point Creation, 3-1
Create a Symbol, 10-3 Point on a Curve, 3-1
Create Menu, 3-1 Point on a Surface, 3-2
Curve Dimension, 8-1 Preferences, 4-1, 15-2
Customization, 15-1 Print/Plot All, 14-1
D Print/Plot Functions, 14-1
Deform Surface Borders, 6-4 Print/Plot Parameters, 14-3
Die Functions, 6-1 Print/Plot View, 14-2
Dimension Attributes Dialog Box, 8-11 Print/Plot Window, 14-2
Dimensioning, 8-1 R
Distance, 13-2 Rebuilding Surface Boundaries, 5-1
Enquiries, 13-1 Select Active Symbol, 10-1
Entity Information, 13-1 Select Hatch Pattern, 11-1
Exercise : File and Geometry Comparison, 2-5 Set Symbol Attributes, 10-5
Exercise: Dimensioning, 8-14 Sort Surfaces by Radius, 6-1
Explode a Dimension, 12-1 Surface Border Extension, 6-5
Explode a Symbol, 12-2 Symbols, 10-1
Explode Functions, 12-1 T
Explode Hatch Patterns, 12-1 Tangent Lines on Surface Edges, 3-4

Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International i SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced)

Text Fit in a Rectangle, 9-4 U

Text Functions, 9-1 Using the Bounding Box to Adjust Part Orientation, 5-2
Text Input Dialog Box, 9-1 X
XYZ Leader, 8-8

SESINT_EN_CAD2 1606 14 - CAD Surface Mode (Advanced) ii Copyright 2014 © Sescoi International
(c) Copyright 1998-2014 Sescoi International. All rights reserved.


This work is registered at the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (Agency for the Protection of
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It is protected in France by the intellectual property Code and, abroad, by the international conventions on
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France under the article 335-2 of the intellectual property Code and to imprisonment and/or payment of a fine.
The APP is appointed by the holder of the rights to apply sanctions for any unauthorized copy and/or use.

Use of the WorkNC software program is subject to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement.
This software can only be used on or from the computer and at or from the address defined on the License
It is prohibited to move, copy, resell, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or modify this software.
The user is authorized to make a single backup copy of the software.
The user is responsible for the physical protection of this copy.

Sescoi and WorkNC are registered trademarks of Sescoi International.

Other product names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective companies.

The WorkNC software is a dual-use item (Category: 2D001): “item submitted to the export authorization in
case of export outside the European Community”.

Portions of this SOFTWARE are owned by Siemens Product Lifecycle Management SOFTWARE Inc.

© 1986 - 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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