주식회사 화인 - 고액분리기 Decanter

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Quality management systems ISO 9001


Fine factory automation

주식회사 화인
w w w . f i n e - t e c . c o m
1989 07. 화인산업 설립 1989 07. Established the FINE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD
11 부산광역시 사하구 구평동 확장이전
11. 11 Extended & Moved to Kupyong
11. Kupyong-dong,
dong Saha-gu,
Saha gu Busan
(세척기 및 자동화 설비 설계.제작) (Started to manufacture WASHING M/C & Automatic Equipment)
1990 06. 중소기업 창업조성 승인 (중소기업 진흥공단) 1990 06. Funded by Small & Medium Industry Promotion Corp.
12. (주)CIGA YAMASHITA 기술제휴 (일본) 12. Had technical tie-up with CIGA YAMASHITA CO., LTD. (Japan)

1991 05. 화인실업(주) (법인전환) 1991 05. Incorporated into FINE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
08. Cylinder Block 최종세척기 국산화 (Ferris Wheel Type) 08. Developed CYL-BLOCK FINAL WASHING M/C
10. Engine Ass'y Line Nut runner Machine 수출 (일본) 10. Started to export ENGINE ASS'Y LINE NUT-RUNNER M/C to Japan

1992 06. 본사·공장 신축 확장 이전 1992 06. Extended and Moved to Shinpyong-Changnim Industrial Complex
08. Technical tie-up with DAINCHI INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (Japan)
(신평 장림공단 기계협업화 단지 내)
11. Designated as the company
p y for military
y service exception
08 DAINICHI INC 기술제휴 (일본)
11. 병역특례업체 지정 1993 02. Developed TIRE WRAPPING M/C
1993 02. 타이어 자동포장기 개발
04. Air Mixing Type 세척기 국산화 납품 (HMC) 07. Developed AL T/M CASE FINISHING LINE
06. 탈사기 및 탕구절단기 개발
07. AL Trans-Mission Case 후처리Line 국산화 납품 (HMC) 1994 04. Changed firm name to FINE CO., LTD.
1994 04. (주)화인 (상호변경) 08. Developed AL CYL- HEAD COOLING LINE
06. Slit Coil 자동포장기 개발 09. Developed AL CYL- HEAD FINISHING LINE
08. Aluminum Cylinder Head 냉각 Line 국산화 납품 (HMC)
1996 06. Started to export ENGINE & T/M LINE WASHING M/C to India
10. 국제 공장자동화기기전 출품 ((COEX))
12 A
12. Awarded
d d th
the prize
i off superior
i enterprise
t i
12. 유망중소기업 지정 (신용보증기금)
(by Small & Medium Industry Promotion Corp.
1996 06. Engine 및 Trans Mission Line 세척기 수출 (INDIA) and The Minister of Commerce & Industry)

12. 중소기업대상 수상 (통상산업부,중소기업진흥공단)

1997 03. Started to export ENGINE & T/M LINE WASHING M/C to Romania
1997 03. Engine 및 Trans Mission Line 세척기 수출 (ROMANIA) 07. Developed FC-CYL BLOCK FINISHING LINE
07. 주철 Cylinder Block 후처리 Line 국산화 납품 (HMC) 1998 05. Started to export ENGINE & T/M LINE WASHING M/C to China
1998 05. Engine 및 Trans Mission Line 세척기 수출 (CHINA) 10. Developed CENTRIFUGE (Peeler & Screw Type)
10. 원심분리기 개발 (Peeler & Screw Type) 1999 02. Got the approval of FINE TECHNOLOGY LABORATOR
1999 02. 화인 기술연구소 개설 Awarded the prize of commendation
중소기업청장 표창수상 (by Small & Medium Industry Promotion Corp.)
Corp )
03. 국세청장 표창수상 03. Awarded the prize of commendation
09. (주)TANABE WILLTEC INC 기술제휴 (일본) (by The Office of National Tax Adminnistration)
ISO 9001 품질 System 인증 (중소기업 인증CENTER) 09. Technical tie-up with TANABE WILLTEC INC. (Japan)
Acquired the ISO 9001 Certification
2000 05. 고속 Decanter 국산화 개발
2000 05. Developed DECANTER
2001 08. Rubber Sheet 및 면진장치 개발 (특허출원)
2001 08. Developed RUBBER SHEET
10.벤처기업 대상수상 (부산광역시)
2002 01. Acquired CE Mark Certification
2002 01. CE 마크 인증획득 11. Certified of Clean Factory of Business
고무사업부 분사 : 화인고무(주) 분리 독립 (Ministry of Labor, KOSHA)
11 Clean 사업장 지정 (노동부,
11. (노동부 한국산업안전공단) 12. Certified of Technological innovation Small & Medium Business(SMBA)
( )
12. 기술혁신형 중소기업(INNO-BIZ) 지정 (중소기업청)
2003 04. Awarded the prize of commendation (Ministry of Science & Technology)
2003 04. 과학기술부장관 표창 수상
2004 05. Awarded the prize of commendation
2004 05. 산업자원부장관 표창수상 (Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy)
09. 국무총리 표창수상 09. Awarded the prize of commendation(The Prime Minister)
2005 04. 본사 공장 확장 이전 2005 04. The head office, factory moved to a larger factory
07. 부산 우수중소기업인 우수상 수상 (In the SIN-PYOUNG, JANG-RIM Industrial complex)
07. Awarded the prize of excellence Busan medium-sized enterprises
会社の沿革 公司简介
1989 07. 和寅産業設立 1989 07. 和寅产业 设立
11 釜山廣域市 沙下區 舊坪洞 拡張移轉
11. 11 釜山市 沙下区 旧坪洞 扩张 转移
(洗淨機 及び 自動化 設備 設計.製作) (清洗机和自动化设备 设计.制作)
1990 06. 中小企业 创业组成 承认 (中小企业振兴工团)
1990 06. 中小企業 創業助成 承認 (中小企業 振興公團)
12. (株)滋贺山下 技术提携(日本)
12. (株)CIGA YAMASHITA 技術提携 (日本)
1991 05. 和寅实业株式会社 设立 (法人转换)
1991 05. 和寅實業(株) (法人轉換)
08. 缸体最终清洗机 国产化 (Ferris Wheel Type)
08. Cylinder Block 最終 洗淨機 国産化 (Ferris Wheel Type)
10. 发动机组装线 NUT RUNNER M/C出口 (日本)
10. Engine Ass'y Line Nut runner Machine 輸出 (日本)
1992 06. 公司·工厂 新筑 扩张 转移
1992 06. 本社·工場 新築 擴張 移轉
(新平 长林 工团 机械协业化 团地 内)
(新平 長林工團 機械協業化 團地 內)
08. 大日工业(株) 技术提携(日本)
08 大日工業 技術提携 (日本)
11. 兵役特例业体 指定
11. 兵力特例業體 指定
1993 02. 车轮自动包装机 开发 (中小企业振兴工团)
1993 02. TIRE 自動包裝機 開発
04. Air Mixing Type 清洗机 国产化 交付 (HMC)
04. Air Mixing Type 洗淨機 国産化 納品 (HMC)
06. 脱砂机 和汤口切割机 开发
06. 脫砂機 及び 湯口切断機 開発
07. AL Trans-Mission Case 后处理线 国产化 交付 (HMC)
07. AL Trans-Mission Case 後處理Line 国産化 納品 (HMC)
1994 04. (株)和寅 (商号变更)
1994 04. (株)和寅 (商号変更)
06. Slit Coil 自动包装机 开发
06. Slit Coil 自動包裝機 開発
08. Aluminum Cylinder Head 缸盖冷却线 国产化 交付 (HMC)
08. Aluminum Cylinder Head 冷却 Line 国産化 納品 (HMC)
10. 国际工厂自动化机器展 出品(COEX)
10. 国際 工場自動化機器展 出品 (COEX)
12 有望中小企业 指定 (信用保证基金)
12. 有望中小企業 指定 (信用保證基金)
1996 06. 发动机和变速箱线 清洗机 出口 (INDIA)
1996 06. Engine 及び Trans Mission Line 洗淨機 輸出 (INDIA)

12. 中小企业 大奖 授奖 (通商产业部, 中小企业振兴工团)

12. 中小企業大賞 受賞 (通商産業部,中小企業振興公團)
1997 03. 发动机和变速箱线 清洗机 出口 (ROMANIA)
1997 03. Engine 及び Trans Mission Line 洗淨機 輸出 (ROMANIA)
07. FC-缸体后处理线国产化(HMC)
07. 鑄鐵 Cylinder Block 後處理 Line 国産化 納品 (HMC)
1998 05. 发动机和变速箱线 清洗机 出口 (CHINA)
1998 05. Engine 及び Trans Mission Line 洗淨機 輸出 (CHINA)
10. 远心分离器开发(Peeler & Screw Type)
10. 遠心分離器 開発 (Peeler & Screw Type)
1999 02. 和寅技术研究所 开设
1999 02. 和寅 技術硏究所 開設
中小企业厅长 授奖
中小企業廳長 表彰受賞
03. 国税厅长 授奖
03. 国稅廳長 表彰受賞
09. (株)TANABE WILLTEC INC 技术提携 (日本)
09. (株)TANABE WILLTEC INC 技術提携 (日本)
ISO 9001 品质 系统 认证 (中小企业认证 中心)
ISO 9001 品質 System 認證 (中小企業 認證CENTER)
2000 05. 高速 Decanter 国产化 开发
2000 05. 高速 Decanter 国産化 開発
2001 08. Rubber Sheet 及免震装置开发(申请专利)
2001 08. Rubber Sheet 及び 免震裝置 開発 (特許出願)
10.Venture企业大奖 授奖 (釜山广域市)
10.Venture 企業 大賞受賞 (釜山廣域市)
2002 01. CE MARK获得 认证
2002 01. CE Mark 認證獲得
橡胶事业部 分设:和寅橡胶(株)分离 独立
Rubber 事業部 分社 : 和寅 Rubber(株) 分離 獨立
11. Crean 事业场 指定(劳动部,韩国产业安全工团)
11 Crean 事業場 指定 (勞動部,
11. (勞動部 韓国産業安全公團)
12. 技术革新型
技 中小企业(INNO-BIZ)指定(中小企业厅)
12. 技術革新型 中小企業(INNO-BIZ) 指定 (中小企業廳)
2003 04. 科学技术部长官 表彰 授奖
2003 04. 科學技術部長官 表彰 受賞
2004 05. 产业资源部长官 表彰 授奖
2004 05. 産業資源部長官 表彰受賞
09. 国务总理 表彰 授奖
09. 国務總理 表彰受賞
2005 04. 本社 工厂 扩建 迁移
2005 04. 本社 工場 擴張 移轉
07. 釜山 优秀中小企业人 优秀奖 授奖
07. 釜山 優秀中小企業人 優秀賞 受賞
1. 자동차 관련 설비 1. Automobile Related Equipment
1) 적용분야 : 엔진 및 트랜스미션 관련 부품. 1) Applications : Engine and Transmission parts.
실린더 블록, 실린더 헤드,크랭크 Cyl-Block, Cyl-Head, Crank Shaft,
샤프트, 트랜스미션케이스,기어류 등 Transmission Case, Gear, etc.
2) 생산설비 2) Equipments
① 각종 자동 세척기 ① Various Washing Machine
② 자동 누설검사기 ② Automatic Leak Tester
③ 자동 조립장치 ③ Automatic Assembly Machine
④ 절삭유 처리 설비 ④ Coolant Filtering Equipment
(사이클론 필터, 드럼 필터, 백 필터, 유수분리기) (Cyclon Filter, Drum Filter, Bag Filter, Oil Separator)
⑤ 자동반송 및 적재 장치 ⑤Transfer, Palletizing, Stock System

2 알루미늄 주조 후처리 설비
2. 2 Finishing Equipment for post-processing
2. post processing of
1) 적용분야 : 실린더블록, 실린더헤드, 트랜스 Aluminum Castings
미션케이스, 인테이크 메니폴더 등 1) Applications : Cyl-Block, Cyl-Head, Transmission
2) 생산설비 Case, Intake Manifold, etc.
① 냉각 콘베어 및 반송라인 2) Equipments
② 중자탈사장치 ① Cooling Conveyor and Transfer Line system
③ 탕구절단장치 ② Core sand Knock-out Machine
④ 상·하면 황삭가공기 ③ Ingate Cutting Machine
⑤ 트리밍 프레스 ④ Milling Machine
⑥ 로보트 디버링 ⑤ Trimming Press
⑦ 자동 이송장치 ⑥ Robot Deburring
⑧ 제품 적재 장치 ⑦ High speed Gantry Loader
⑨ 칩 콘베어 및 주물사 분리장치 ⑧ Palletizing & Handling System
⑨ Chip Conveyor, Spure, and gate Separator
3. 포장기
1)) 적용분야 : 타이어
타이어, 전선,
전선 호스,
스 슬리트코일
슬리 일 3. Auto Wrapping Machine
파이프, 기타 1) Applications : Tire, Wire, Hose, Slit Coil, Pipe, etc.
2) 생산설비 2) Equipments
① 수직형 포장기 ① Vertical type Wrapping Machine
② 수평형 포장기 ② Horizontal type Wrapping Machine
③ 전후 라인 자동화 설비 ③ IN. Out Line Automation System
4. 원심분리기
1) 적용분야 : 화공, 식품, 제약, 환경, 4 C
4. Centrifugal
t if lSSeparator
하폐수 처리 분야 1) Applications : Chemical, Food, Pharmaceutical
2) 생산설비 Environment, Waste water
① 필러 타입(FDC) 2) Products
② 스크류 타입(FSC) ① Peeler Type (FDC)
③ 고속 데칸타 시리즈 ② Screw Type (FSC)
④ 연삭유 정화 장치 ③ Decanter Series
⑤ 절삭칩 오일 분리기 ④ Cutting Oil Purifier System
⑤ Chip & Oil Separator
營業品目 营业品目
1. 自動車関連設備 1. 汽车关联 设备
1) 適用分野 : エンジン 及び トランス ミッション 關聯部品. 1) 适用领域 : 发动机及变速箱关联配件, 缸体, 缸盖,
シリンダ ブロック, シリンダ ヘッド, ギア 曲轴, 变速箱, 齿轮 等
, クランクシャフト ,トランスミッション ケ―ス
2) 生産設備 2) 生产设备
① 各種自動洗淨機 ① 各种自动清洗机
② リ―ク テスタ 裝置 ② 各种自动试漏机
③ 自動組付 裝置 ③ 自动组装机
④ 切削油處理設備 ④ 切削油处理设备
(Cyclon Filter, Drum Filter, Bag Filter, Oil Separator) (Cyclon Filter, Drum Filter, Bag Filter, Oil Separator)
⑤ 自動搬送 及び 積載裝置 ⑤ 自动传送 和 装载装置

2. アルミニウム鑄造 後處理仕上設備 2. 铝 铸造 后处理 设备

1) 適用分野 : シリンダブロック, シリンダヘッド 1) 适用领域 : 缸体, 缸盖, 变速箱 ,
T/M Case, Intake Manifold, etc. Intake Manifold, etc.
2) 生産設備 2) 生产设备
① 冷却传送带和传送线
① 冷却 コンベヤ 及び 搬送 ライン
② 中子脱砂装置
② 中子砂落裝置 ③ 汤口切断机
③ 湯口切斷裝置 ④ 上下面Milling 加工机
④ 上下面 ミリング 加工機 ⑤ Trimming Press
⑤ トリミング プレス ⑥ 机械人 去毛刺
⑥ ロボット バリ除去裝置 ⑦ 自动 移送装置
⑦ ワ―ク搬送裝置 ⑧ 产品装载装置
⑧ 製品積載装置 ⑨ Chip Conveyor及 铸物砂分离装置
⑨ チップ コンベヤ 及び 鑄物砂分離装置
3. 包装机
3. 包裝機 1) 适用领域 :车轮, 电线, 软管, Slit Coil, 钢管等.
1) 適用分野 :Tire, Wire, Hose, Slit Coil, Pipe, ect. 2) 生产设备
2) 生産設備 ① 竖直型 包装机
① 垂直型 包装機 ② 水平型 包装机
② 水平型 包装機 ③ 前后 线 自动化 设备
③ 前後Line 自動化設備
4. 离心分离机
4. 遠心分離器 1) 适用领域 : 化工, 食品, 制药, 环境,
1) 適用分野 : 化工, 食品, 製藥, 環境, 下废水处理领域
2) 生产设备
2) 生産設備 ① Peeler Type (FDC)
① Peeler Type (FDC) ② Screw Type (FSC)
② Screw Type (FSC) ③ Decanter Series
③ Decanter Series ④ 研削油净化装置
④ Cutting Oil Purifier System ⑤ 切削芯片油分离机
⑤ Chip & Oil Separator

Engine Parts

Trans Mission Parts


Index Lift & Carry IF Washing machine

● Type : Index Lift & Carry IF Washing

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● C
it : 90 piece/hour
i /h
● Dimensions : 10,000L × 5,600W × 4,500H (mm)
● Process : Loading, IF Washing, Turn Washing, Turn Air blow, Air blow, Unloading.

Lift & Carry type IF Washing machine

● Type : Lift & Carry IF Washing

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● Capacity : 90 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 11,400L × 6,400W × 4,000H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Work Turn, Idle, IF Washing, Washing, Turn Air blow, Air blow, Unloading.
High pressure Deburring Washing machine

● Type : Lift & Carry type High pressure Deburring Washing

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● Capacity : 50 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 15,000L × 6,300W × 4,500H (mm)
● Process : Loading,
Loading Deburring(Main hole)
hole), Deburring(Oil hole)
hole), Unloading
Loading, IF Washing, Turn Washing, Turn Air blow, Air blow, Unloading.

Ferris wheel type Washing machine

● Type : Ferris wheel type Washing

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● Capacity : 120 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 4,000L × 4,500W × 4,500H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Washing(6piece), Air blow(6piece), Unloading.
Brushing & Washing machine

● Type : Lift & Carry type Brushing and Washing

● Work : Reaction shaft, Oil pump housing
● Capacity : 90 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 11,000L × 5,000W × 3,500H (mm)
● P
Process : Loading,
L di O
i i Idl
Idle, F
Face D
b i H
l BBrush,
h HHole
l BBrush,
h Idl
Turn Washing, Turn Air blow, Idle, Idle, Unloading.

Pitch Conveyor type Washing machine

● Type : Pitch Conveyor type Washing

● Work : Con-rod, Gear, Shaft
● Capacity : 90 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 7,000L × 4,500W × 3,000H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Idle, Washing, Air blow, Hot blow, Air blow, Idle, Unloading.
Washing & Press machine

● Type : Pitch Conveyor type Washing & Press

● Work : Gear, Shaft
● Capacity : 90 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 9,500L × 5,000W × 3,700H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Idle, Washing, Air blow, Rinsing, Air blow, Hot blow, Idle, Idle,
Gear Press, Unloading

Assembly Line Washing machine

● Type : Top Roller Chain Conveyor type Washing

● Work : Cylinder block/Pallet, Cylinder head/Pallet, Ladder frame, Pallet
● Capacity : 90 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 12,000L × 5,500W × 4,000H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Washing, Washing, Work Turning, Air blow, Air blow, Idle, Unloading.
Slide & Carry type Leak Test machine

● Type : Slide & Carry (Water jacket / Oil hole test)

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● Capacity : 80 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 5,900L × 4,000W × 3,500H (mm)
● Process : Buffer Conveyor, Loading, W/J Leak Test, O/H Leak Test, Unloading & NG Bypass.

Jig Change type Leak Test machine

● Type : Jig Change

● Work : Converter housing, Trans mission case
● Capacity : 105 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 4,500L × 3,500W × 3,500H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Work Detection, Leak Test (Jig Change), Idle, Marking, Pallet unloading,
NG Bypass, Unloading
Plug Press & Leak Test machine

● Type : Lift & Carry

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● Capacity : 70 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 7,500L × 3,000W × 3,500H (mm)
● Process : Loading, Idle, Sealant spray & Plug Press(Φ30), Sealant spray & Plug Press(Φ20),
Idle Leak Test,
Idle, Test Marking,
Marking NG Bypass,
Bypass Unloading.

Plug Press / Screw ass’y & Leak Test machine

● Type : Lift & Carry

● Work : Cylinder block, Cylinder head
● Capacity : 70 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 8,500L × 2,500W × 3,000H (mm)
● Process : Loading, 2D-CORD Reader & Plug check, Sealant spray, Plug Press,
Screw plug assembly, Idle, Leak Test, Marking, NG Bypass, Unloading

Trans Mission Case Auto Finishing Line

● Work : Trans Mission Case

● Transfer System : High speed Gantry loader
● Capacity : 60 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 7,000L × 4,000W × 3,500H (mm)
( )
● Process : Loading, Buffer Conveyor, Trimming Press, Trimming Press,
Robot Trimming Press, Unloading.

Cylinder head Finishing Line

● Workk : Cylinder
W C li d h head
● Transfer System : High speed Gantry loader
● Capacity : 36 piece/hour
● Dimensions : 9,200L × 2,500W × 3,000H (mm)
● Process : Loading Conveyor, Knock-out, Cut-off, Upper NC deburring, Trimming press,
Under NC deburring, Unloading.

Horizontal Auto Wrapping Machine Vertical Auto Wrapping Machine

● Work : Slit Coil, Wire, Hose, Weight coil ● Work : Tire, Light coil

Machine Specifications Horizontal Vertical

Flier speed r.p.m 170 200
Feed-roller speed (stepless) r.p.m 15~60 15~53
Paper roll reed mm 40~80 20~50
Machine Body Outside diameter mm Φ600~Φ1300 Φ500~Φ760
Inside diameter mm ΦMin 500 Φ300~Φ400
Width mm 50~320 130~280
Weight kg 500 50
Outside diameter mm Φ800 Φ600
Inside diameter mm Φ53 Φ76
Wrapping paper Width mm 90 60
Tensile strength Kg/㎠ 5이상 5이상
Motor output KW 1.5 1.5
Space mm 2700×3400 2200×2500
Others M/C Weight (about) kg 2500 2000
Air pressure x Hydraulic Kg/㎠ 4×70 4 ×70
Flow height mm 900 800

Centrifuge-FDC Type Centrifuge-FSC Type Decanter

Cutting Oil Purifier System Chip & Oil Separator Oil Separator
韓國 釜山市 沙下區 多大洞 1509-16. 1509 16 #1509-16
#1509 16 Dadae-Dong,
Dadae Dong Saha-Gu
Saha Gu , Busan,
〒604-050 SOUTH KOREA. Zip code 604-050
TEL : (051) 262-1237 (代) TEL : +82-(0)51-262-1237
주식회사 화인 FAX : (051) 262-1278 FAX : +82-(0)51-262-1278
FINE INC. Web site : www.fine-tec.com Web site : www.fine-tec.com
E-mail : fine@fine-tec.com E-mail : fine@fine-tec.com

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