A) Flag B) Colorings C) Dry D) Food: Context Clues
A) Flag B) Colorings C) Dry D) Food: Context Clues
A) Flag B) Colorings C) Dry D) Food: Context Clues
Context Clues
1. People used plants to make colorful dyes. The dyes were used to color cloth. What
does the word dyes mean?
A) flag
B) colorings
C) dry
D) food
2. The bird sang from the bough of the tree. Then the bird hopped to another branch and
sang some more. The word bough means?
A) song
B) branch
C) tree
D) trunk
3. Jay came bounding over the flowers and into the yard. He should not jump over the
flowers. The word bounding means?
A) leaping
B) marching
C) stamping
D) crawling
4. When alarmed the puppy hides under the bed. The frightened puppy will not come out.
The word alarmed means?
A) scared
B) catches
C) happy
D) crawled
5. Jennifer had a scowl on her face. She was unhappy about her grades. What does
Scowl mean?
A) frown
B) smile
C) stare
D) grin
6. Bill's voice rose to a holler. His dad heard the yell across the room. What does the word
holler mean?
A) hollow
B) sneeze
C) shout
D) whisper
7. The land was claimed for France. France ruled it for hundreds of years. The word
claimed means?
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7/14/2020 Context Clues
8. The bees buzz, the hen clucks, the sheep bleats, and the cow moos. What does the
word bleats mean?
A) makes honey
B) runs fast
C) say "baa baa"
D) has wool
9. When the flamingo was frightened she flew up in the air. What kind of animal is the
A) rabbit
B) fish
C) monkey
D) bird
10. Adventure stories thrilled the boy. He became very excited. What does the thrilled
A) displeased
B) excited
C) surprised
D) afraid
11. The stories her grandfather told her of his travels were interesting to the child. She
could not wait to hear more. What does the word interesting mean?
A) uninteresting
B) holding a persons attention
C) dull
D) cold
12. In the United States of America there are medows called praires. The land is very flat
in these areas. What does the word prairies mean?
A) dryland
B) hills
C) wetland
D) flat land
13. For a brief moment there was silence. It was a short time. What does brief mean?
A) rude
B) short
C) long
D) noisy
14. I donated books that I no longer wanted. I hope the books I gave will go to someone
who will enjoy them. What does donate mean?
A) dump
B) give
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C) sale
D) read
15. Jesse's grades were outstanding. He made all As. What does outstanding mean?
A) bad
B) really good
C) outside
D) long
Main idea
Answer Key
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D
13.B 14.B 15.B
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