Creative Writing Midterm Exam PDF
Creative Writing Midterm Exam PDF
Creative Writing Midterm Exam PDF
A. Write an essay about yourself. In the first box, write it in a technical manner and in the second box,
translate it to a creative form.
Technical Writing
Creative Writing
B. Create a fictional story that tells something about the scenario show cased in the picture.
Write your story in the box below. Provide an interesting title for your work.
Reference: Buhisan, A.G., & Sayseng A.H. (2016). Creative Writing. JFS Publishing Services.
Technical Writing
Category Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations (4-7 points) Exceeds Expectations (8-10 Score
(1-3 points) points)
Paragraphs are poorly Has introduction, body and Has well-organized introduction,
organized; some paragraphs conclusion paragraphs. Sequence body, and conclusion paragraphs.
Structure, may be missing. Sequence of of paragraphs is for the most part Sequence of paragraphs is logical
Organization, paragraphs is illogical and logical and helps to make and transitional expressions are
Coherence hinders document navigation. document navigation easy. used to allow for easy navigation
through the document.
Ideas are not formulated and Ideas are described adequately but Engaging, clear, elegant, and
described clearly; long-winded some refinement is missing. concise description of ideas.
Focus, Clarity and confusing sentences; does Sentences are occasionally hard to Sentences are well formulated
not focus on task/topic at read but are mostly focused on and use wording appropriate for
hand. task/topic at hand. task/topic at hand.
Document is formatted poorly, Formatting of the document is Document is formatted uniformly
lacks title, author, date and/or mostly consistent and adequate and professionally, and includes
page numbering. Figures and and includes title, author, date and title, author, date and page
Formatting equations are of poor quality. page numbering. Figures and numbering. Figures and
equations are of acceptable equations are of high quality.
Sentences are poorly written; Sentences are generally well- Sentences are well-written; there
there are numerous incorrect written; there are a few incorrect are no incorrect word choices
word choices and errors in word choices and errors in and the text is free of errors in
grammar, punctuation and grammar, punctuation and grammar, punctuation and
Mechanics spelling. spelling. spelling.
Fails to correctly document Most sources are correctly All Sources are correctly and
Sources, References sources and/or to utilize documented; appropriate forms of thoroughly documented;
appropriate forms of citation. citation are generally utilized. appropriate citation forms are
utilized throughout.
Total 100%
Category Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations (4-7 points) Exceeds Expectations (8-10 Score
(1-3 points) points)
Creativity Writing contains many cliché Writing is somewhat creative. Writing is extremely creative.
ideas and an uninspired style. Some new and imaginative ideas. Ideas and style is refreshing and
Good writing. imaginative. Talented writing.
Spelling and Poor spelling and grammar There are a few spelling and Proper use of spelling and
Grammar muddle the overall grammar errors, however it does grammar is employed
effectiveness of this piece. not take away from the overall consistently throughout the
quality of the writing assignment writing assignment.
Word Choice Poor word choice and Strong words and descriptions Strong, vivid words and
descriptions throughout. throughout. Many words are descriptions throughout. Words
Elementary word choices and above average and used are above average, and used
many words misused. appropriately throughout the appropriately throughout the
work. work.
Fluidity No attempt to create a rhythm. There is a rhythm and flow of There is a strong rhythm and flow
Sentence structure not varied. language. Sentence structure is of language. Sentence structure is
often varied. varied throughout piece.
Organization and No creativity, poor Good idea creativity. Organization Excellent idea creativity.
Development organization and no attempt to and use of supporting details Organization and use of
supply supporting details. evident in the work. supporting details evident in the
Total 100%