EE323-Computer Network
EE323-Computer Network
EE323-Computer Network
Period Topics Remarks
Week 1 Computer Networks Overview
Week 2 Application Layer: HTTP and FTP, Socket Programming
Week 3 Application Layer: Email and DNS
Week 4 Application Layer: P2P
Week 5 Transport Layer Overview and Reliable Data Transfer
Week 6 TCP and Congestion Control
Week 7 Network Layer, Virtual Circuits, Datagrams, and Forwarding
Week 8 Mid-term exam
Week 9 IP and ICMP
Week 10 Routing Algorithms and Protocols
Week 11 Link Layer, Error Detection and Multiple Access
Week 12 ARP, Ethernet, Hubs and Switches
Week13 Wi-Fi
Week 14 Email Security and SSL
Week 15 IPSec, VPN, Wireless LAN Security
Week 16 Final exam
* Laboratory topics should be given in Remark for courses with lab hours.
Name of Professor :
Chairman : Sign