Job Description Action Verbs: Definitions Referring To Oxford Dictionaries
Job Description Action Verbs: Definitions Referring To Oxford Dictionaries
Job Description Action Verbs: Definitions Referring To Oxford Dictionaries
The following is a list of commonly used action verbs for describing positions. Definitions come from the
Merriam-Webster Dictionary unless otherwise noted. This list should be used as a guide when
completely the Essential Functions of the PDQ. Note that this list is a sample of potential verbs, and not
meant to be an exhaustive list of all verbs to be used.
Definitions referring to Oxford Dictionaries
Documents1 To record (something) in written, photographic, or other form
Draft To draw the preliminary sketch, version, or plan
Edit To alter, adapt, or refine especially to bring about conformity to a standard or to suit a
particular purpose
Educate To train by formal instruction and supervised practice especially in a skill, trade, or
Establish To train by formal instruction and supervised practice especially in a skill, trade, or
profession; to cause (someone or something) to be widely known and accepted
Estimate To give or form a general idea about the value, size, or cost of (something); to make an
estimate of (something)
Evaluate To judge the value or condition of (someone or something) in a careful and thoughtful
Examines To look at (something) closely and carefully in order to learn more about it, to find
problems, etc.
Facilitates To make (something) easier; to help cause (something); to help (something) run more
smoothly and effectively
Formulate To put into a systematized statement or expression; to prepare according to a formula
Gather To bring (things or people) together into a group; to choose and collect (things)
Guide To direct, supervise, or influence usually to a particular end
Implement To carry out, accomplish, especially to give practical effect to and ensure of actual
fulfillment by concrete measures
Inform To give information to (someone)
Initiates To cause the beginning of (something); to start or begin (something)
Integrates To combine (two or more things) to form or create something; to make (something) a
part of another larger thing
Interact To make (something) a part of another larger thing
Interpret To explain the meaning of (something)
Investigates To observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry
Issue To put forth or distribute usually officially
Maintains To keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity); to preserve from failure
or decline
Manage To have control of (something); to take care of and make decisions
Modifies To change some parts of (something) while not changing other parts
Monitors To watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose
Motivate To give (someone) a reason for doing something
Negotiate To discuss something formally in order to make an agreement
Obtain To gain or get (something) usually by effort
Order To put in order (arrange); to give an order to (command)
Organizes To arrange or form into a coherent unit or functioning whole
Oversees1 Supervise (a person or work), especially in an official capacity
Participate To be involved with others in doing something; to take part in an activity or event with
Plan To think about and arrange the parts or details of (something) before it happens or is
Prepares To make (someone or something) ready for some activity, purpose, use, etc.
Definitions referring to Oxford Dictionaries
Present To formally talk about (something you have written, studied, etc.) to a group of people;
to make (something) available to be used or considered
Processes1 To subject to or handle through an established usually routine set of procedures
Produces To cause (something) to exist or happen; to cause (a particular result or effect)
Provide To make (something) available; to supply (something that is wanted or needed)
Recommends To say that (someone or something) is good and deserves to be chosen; to suggest that
someone do (something)
Reconcile To find a way of making (two different ideas, facts, etc.) exist or be true at the same
Records To write (something) down so that it can be used or seen again in the future; to
produce a record of (something)
Recruit To find suitable people and get them to join a company or an organization
Research To search or investigate exhaustively
Responds To say or write something as an answer to a question or request
Review To examine or study again; to study or look at
Scans To look at (something) carefully usually in order to find someone or something
Schedules To plan (something) at a certain time; to appoint, assign, or designate for a fixed time
Searches To carefully look for someone or something; to try to find someone or something
Selects To choose from a number or group; pick out
Serves To furnish or supply with something needed or desired
Solicit To approach with a request or plea
Solve To find a way to deal with and end (a problem)
Submit To give (a document, proposal, piece of writing, etc.) to someone so that it can be
considered or approved
Supervise To be in charge of (someone or something); to watch and direct (someone or
Supply To make (something) available to be used; to provide someone or something with
(something that is needed or wanted)
Test To use a set of questions or problems to measure someone's skills, knowledge, or
abilities; to apply a test as a means of analysis
Train To form by instruction, discipline, or drill; to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or
Translate To change words from one language into another language; to explain (something) in a
way that is easier to understand
Verifies To establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of
Definitions referring to Oxford Dictionaries