Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Maynila: Background
Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Maynila: Background
Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Maynila: Background
With the enactment of RA10029 or the Psychology Act of 2010 the regulation of
psychology as profession warrants a strong academic preparation. At present, despite the
fact that our graduate students are competitive there is still a need to upgrade and
improve the existing curriculum for both clinical and industrial psychology programs.
This is to ensure that they would qualify for the licensure exams and PLM graduate
students meets the learning competencies expected of them.
I. Rationale
CHED Memorandum 39 Series of 2010 “Policies and Standards for Graduate Programs
in Psychology” stipulates the program specifications and competency standards in offering such
graduate degree program. Considering that there is a need to align our curriculum with the
prescribe competencies of Psychological Association of the Philippines, CHED and PRC.
Specifically, this proposed curricula aims to abide with the competency standards
specified in Article IV Section 7 of CHED CMO 39 S 2010 (please see attached copy).
The Curriculum
This proposed curriculum adopts the basic requirements of CHED. However,
enhancement has been made to ensure that our proposed curriculum is at par if not is superior to
the demands of the industry. This new curriculum intends to strengthen three facets which are
research, instruction and practice.
From 3 units of research methods, this new curriculum will provide advanced courses in
research methods which will cover quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Research journals
both local and abroad will also be used to keep our students abreast with the current trends in the
field of psychology. Competencies in statistical analysis will also be taught among graduate
students through usage of statistical software packages.
Subjects that capture learning and thinking as well as training development were
incorporated to prepare our graduates with the rudiments of teaching psychology. This is based
on the fact that most of our students in the program were teaching in different levels from basic
education to tertiary level.
The curriculum also desires to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Hence,
an increase number of contact hours in the field were proposed. From 150 hours in the
field to 300 hours of practicum or internship. This is also aligned with the suggested
number hours by CHED.
II. Objectives
1. to update with relevant information on the current trends and issues in the field of
2. for the students to fully comprehend the psychological foundations of human
behavior and apply psychological theories in their field of specialization.
3. to utilize the use of the psychological tools and instrument for better
understanding the individual differences and human dynamics.
4. to adapt ethical standards of the profession consistent with the code of ethics of
American Psychological Association, Psychological Association of the
Philippines in lined with the vision, mission and objectives of Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Maynila.
Graduate level statistical analysis with emphasis on the following statistical techniques: chi-
square, t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) up to 3 way factorial design, multivariate analysis
of variance correlation and regression up to multiple regression and factor analysis.
Credit: 3 units
This course will provide an introduction to the major alternative theories of personality that have
been proposed in the 20th century. It will review variety of theories, empirical literature, clinical
applications, and personality measures that contribute in understanding “personality.”
Credit: 3 units
This course is designed to study the developmental process over the lifespan, from prenatal to
death. Various theories and stages of development are presented. Application of developmental
theories to child and adolescent psychopathology and the counseling/therapy process is explored.
Credit: 3 units
MAIP 604 - Psychological Test Development
The course provides a survey of key areas relevant to psychological assessment across a variety
of settings. As an introduction to psychological assessment, the course tackles the fundamental
goals and principles of psychological assessment in both applied and theoretical contexts.
Credit: 3 units
This course will introduce major approaches, debates, and theories of individual, interpersonal
relationship and group interactions.
Credit: 3 units
This course addresses the structure and function of the Philippine court system, both civil and
criminal. The pertinent rules of criminal and civil procedure, the applicable rules of evidence as
well as other legal/ psychological concepts such as competence, criminal responsibility and other
defenses (insanity, syndrome, etc.) are covered. This course focuses on psychology as applied to
Credit: 3 units
This course is designed to provide an overview of I/O Psychology including individual, group,
and organizational issues resulting in enhanced understanding of the world of business and
related career concerns.
Credit: 3 units
The course will emphasize the theory of training and development, research to determine needs,
types of programs, practicum in conducting a training and development session,
Credit: 3 units
This course is designed to allow students to acquire an understanding of the choices available for
and processes involved in conducting program evaluation by giving them hands-on experience
conducting a small scale evaluation of a study relevant to their interests.
Credit: 3 units
This course focuses on the existing Philippine Labor laws as it translates to the work load of a
practicing industrial/HR practioner. Other basic laws of labor and relation of other countries will
also be examined as it relates and justify why the existing law is present in the land, how the law
influences the industrial psychology as a whole.
Credit: 3 units