Data Handling Using R

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Which Semantic element is best suitable for content like blog post that is self

contained, independent and can be republished ---article

Which of the following tags are no longer valid in HTML5---p ***
Which of the following tags represents a section of document used for
Which of the following attribute triggers events when a form changes---onformchange
onformchangeWhat are the new form elements introduced in HTML5----datalist,keygen,
onformchangeHow do you embed a video player using---source****
The controls attribute adds audio/video controls like PLAY, PAUSE and VOLUME----
HTML5 audio tag has a number of attributes to control the look and feel and various
functionalities of the audio player. Which of the following is not an attribute of
HTML5 audio element?---stop
Audio element can be programmatically controlled from--Html/css/javascript***
Which attribute of the video tag specifies an image to be shown while the video is
place a canvas element with an ID of canvas1 into a JavaScript variable--


Which of the following command's print a subset of the dataset mtcars? All the
options mentioned
How to find structure of a dataframe - str()
Which of the following is not correct -Length of each vector used to create data
frame should be same*

What is the average horsepower of 4 gear, automatic transmission cars in the R

built-in dataset "mtcars"-----83.875
What is the average mileage(mpg) of 6 cylinder, manual transmission cars in the R
built-in dataset "mtcars" --20.56667
Data table is mainly used for aggregation--False
What is SQL equivalent of "i" in a typical data table query--Where
By default R stores strings in data frames as: --string * char* text* factor
Which function do you use to print the names of all columns in a data frame?
which of the following function can be used to create a dataframe in R--
which command will print the dataset"mtcars" in ascending order of their milage--
a hospital data contains patients age___--tapply
which function can be used wheb a vector needs to be split into groups__--apply
what will following lines of code return
x<-matrix(1:18,6,3)____--vector of 3
for a given matric do you increment every element-- I&II
which of the following is multivariate version of lapply?--mapply
which package is used to import data from SQL server to R--RODBC
which comand can be used to import data from xlsx file in R--read.table()
nrows & skip arguments in the read.table() command can be used to get--All options
The functions write.c() exports dta into file--rownames=F
tbl is an extension of:--dataframe
dplyr is useful for::-all the options
Which of the following functions can be used to find the number or rows and columns
in a dataset?--dim
Which of the following functions lists all columns in a dataset with few values
from each column?--print
Which of the following functions does not list the total number of observations in
a dataset?--glimps,
In the hflights dataset, how many flights were cancelled in the month of January
In the iris dataset, how many flowers havePetal.Length/Petal.Width ratio of less
than 10.--145
What is the average mileage of a car in the mtcars dataset--21.09or 23.09
In the mtcars dataset, how many cars provide a mileage of less than 20 mpg?--18
In the iris dataset, how many flowers of species setosa
havePetal.Length/Petal.Width ratio of less than 10--45
If x and y are two tbls, which of the following joins return all rows from x where
there are matching values in y, keeping just columns from x?--semi join
If x and y are two tbls, which of the following joins return all rows from x where
there are matching values in y, and all columns from x and y?--inner join
If x and y are two tbls, which of the following joins return all rows from y, and
all columns from x and y?--right join
If x and y are two tbls, which of the following joins return all rows from x and y
irrespective of matching values?-full join
If x and y are two tbls, which of the following joins return all rows from x where
there are not matching values in y, keeping just columns from x?--anti join

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