Framework For Infliction Response Management Analytics & Prevention
Framework For Infliction Response Management Analytics & Prevention
Framework For Infliction Response Management Analytics & Prevention
To all of us ready to tackle inflictions by the horns and to inspire those who are
“Unsure which pain is worse, the shock of what happened or ache of what may”.
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C C R : C e r tifie d C r is is R e s p o n d e r ................................................................................................. 16
R C T : R e g is te r e d C r is is T a le n t ...................................................................................................... 16
C C M : C e r tifie d C r is is M a n a g e r ..................................................................................................... 16
C C E : C e r tifie d C r is is E x p e r t .......................................................................................................... 16
S M E : S u b je c t M a tte r E x p e r t .......................................................................................................... 16
M T S : M e d ic a l T r ia g e S p e c ia lis t .................................................................................................... 17
U n s u n g H e r o e s .................................................................................................................................. 17
Building Tools and Resources: ............................................................................................................... 18
S S M : S m a r t S o c ia l M e d ia ............................................................................................................... 18
P S P : P a n d e m ic S a fe ty P r o file ...................................................................................................... 19
C W E B : C o m m u n ity W e b P a g e s .................................................................................................... 19
W R A P : W ir e le s s R e m o te A c c e s s P o in ts ................................................................................... 19
H E A L : H o m e E d u c a tio n A id fo r L e a r n in g .................................................................................... 19
Areas of Research and Clarification: ...................................................................................................... 20
F a c e P r o te c tio n ................................................................................................................................. 2 0
G r o u p s o f T e n a c ity ( G O T ) ................................................................................................................. 2 1
F a m ily a n d L o y a lty ............................................................................................................................2 2
S e lf R e lia n c e ...................................................................................................................................... 2 3
D u a l- S h ie ld P a c k a g in g ................................................................................................................... 2 4
H e a lth c a r e a n d In s u r a n c e ............................................................................................................. 2 4
Rebuilding Communities – Stay local, buy local…: .............................................................................. 25
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T r ia l- w o r th y B r e a k th r o u g h s .......................................................................................................... 3 1
T r ia l C o m m u n itie s ............................................................................................................................. 3 1
Food and Curing Hunger .......................................................................................................................... 32
T r u c k s fo r F o o d V e n d in g ( T F V ) ..................................................................................................... 3 2
P r e s e r v e N P e r s e v e r e ( P N P ) : a n d P N P - F o o d ......................................................................... 3 2
L iv in g O ff th e L a n d ( L O L ) ............................................................................................................... 3 2
Pandemic Orchestrated Distancing for Schools (PODS)...................................................................... 33
Corporate and Small Business Transformations: ................................................................................. 34
C r itic a l In d u s tr ie s : ............................................................................................................................ 3 4
S u p p o r tiv e B u s in e s s e s : .................................................................................................................. 3 5
T r a n s fo r m a b le T r a d e s : .................................................................................................................... 3 5
S ta n d a r d iz e d L e v e ls A n d M o d e s : ................................................................................................ 3 6
S o c ia l R e s p o n s ib ility : .......................................................................................................................3 7
S u p p o r tin g th e F ir s t R e s p o n d e r s a n d F r o n tlin e W o r k e r s : ...................................................3 7
H u m a n R e s o u r c e D e b a c le : ............................................................................................................ 3 8
G r u b O n e W a y ( G O W ) ....................................................................................................................... 3 9
T o u c h le s s P a y m e n ts ( T - P a y ) ........................................................................................................ 3 9
B u s in e s s A n a ly tic s T o H e lp S ta y A flo a t ( B A T H S A ) ................................................................ 4 0
B u s in e s s e s U n ite d fo r R e s o u r c e s a n d S a v in g s ( B U R S ) ....................................................... 4 0
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J o b s a n d E n tr e p r e n e u r s h ip s ......................................................................................................... 4 1
F in a n c e a n d M o r tg a g e s ................................................................................................................... 4 1
Supply Chain: ............................................................................................................................................ 42
S to r a g e : W a r e h o u s in g a n d R e s e r v e s ......................................................................................... 4 3
L o g is tic s , S h ip p in g a n d D is tr ib u tio n ........................................................................................... 4 4
M o b ility a n d p r o x im ity ..................................................................................................................... 4 4
G lo b a l T r a d e ....................................................................................................................................... 4 4
F o r e ig n R e m itta n c e s ....................................................................................................................... 4 5
M o r e o n th e H R D e b a c le ................................................................................................................ 4 5
A n a ly tic s C o r p o r a te P a r tn e r s ...................................................................................................... 4 5
Travel and Tourism ................................................................................................................................... 46
L o c a l T r a n s it a n d V e n d in g ............................................................................................................. 4 6
In te r n a tio n a l T r a v e l ......................................................................................................................... 4 6
S ta y a n d H o s p ita lity ......................................................................................................................... 4 6
Entertainment and Advertising ................................................................................................................ 47
Science and Medicine:.............................................................................................................................. 48
M o r e a b o u t M T S : M e d ic a l T r ia g e S p e c ia lis ts ........................................................................... 4 9
M e d ic a l T e c h n o lo g y ......................................................................................................................... 4 9
Laying Groundwork: Creating and Transforming ................................................................................ 49
Exploring links: between Biomedical with other disciplines ................................................................ 50
Stitching Biomedical with other disciplines ......................................................................................... 50
Biomedical research ............................................................................................................................ 50
Information Technology: .......................................................................................................................... 51
In te r n e t a n d D e v ic e S e c u r ity ......................................................................................................... 5 1
S o m e M o r e o n th e H R D e b a c le .................................................................................................... 5 2
Information Channels: .............................................................................................................................. 53
Fuel and Energy: ....................................................................................................................................... 54
U n e m p lo y m e n t B e n e fits : ................................................................................................................ 5 5
L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t S e r v ic e s : ......................................................................................................... 5 5
V o tin g S o lu tio n s : ............................................................................................................................... 5 6
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E c o n o m ic R e c o v e r y Q u ic k s te p s : ................................................................................................ 5 7
L e g is la tio n a n d P o lic ie s ................................................................................................................. 5 9
Law and Order: .......................................................................................................................................... 60
Faith and Religion: .................................................................................................................................... 61
Phases for capability development: ........................................................................................................ 62
Nationwide Alert levels: to guide deployment capabilities. ................................................................. 63
Resource Development and Deployment pattern: ................................................................................ 64
D e d ic a te d R e s o u r c e s : ..................................................................................................................... 6 4
V o lu n te e r s a n d R e s o u r c e A g e n ts ............................................................................................... 6 4
Locations Development: Research, Resources .................................................................................... 65
R e s o u r c e L o c a tio n s : ........................................................................................................................ 6 5
T e m p o r a r y R e lo c a tio n : .................................................................................................................... 6 5
L o c a tio n im p r o v e m e n ts : ................................................................................................................. 6 5
Prevention, Safety and Standards ........................................................................................................... 66
Conclusion – Planning for Survival: ....................................................................................................... 68
Quotation Credits: ..................................................................................................................................... 70
Quotation Credits (cont’d): ...................................................................................................................... 71
Terminology: From Hex-P Manual........................................................................................................... 72
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We do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard [John F. Kennedy]. After so many
pandemics not a single country, government or individual has ever tried to take a holistic view is just an
amazing fact to fathom. As an IT professional, having led several projects spending tens to hundreds of
million dollars yearly ensuring Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) designs, it came as a
shock to appreciate that governments around the world confessing to lack of cohesive planning. Globally
any pandemic teams that exist today seem to have been built with utter government disinterest; reflecting
back on society as a whole. Is it that governments are run by business minded people if not corporations;
thereby exhibiting a lack of support for projects requiring Billions of dollars yearly but not yielding a break-
even? Is it that biomedical communities tried to raise awareness and were provided some funds to go
away and make it happen in vacuum? We can write volumes on these gaps yet not effectively figure out
any clean point of break because everything is so boxed up, so that blame cannot be pointed to any
particular source; irrespective, our intent is to gather facts, stay positive and extend help regardless of an
identifiable source or blame. Sheer enormity of this task is apparent, but is it really so hard that no serious
attempt has been made? Realization started to sink in that even terminology for something like this does
not exist, bringing us back to basics, as to what question are we answering?
Those who plan do better [Winston Churchill]. From mere wish of pandemic containment, grew a lists of direct
and indirect actionable items and need of a strategy and organization; leading to embrace a time tested
IBM methodology practiced for about half a century, known as Input-Process-Output (I-P-O) model. As
the name suggests, I-P-O model consists of exactly three exclusive parts, namely Input, Process and
Output; those to-do lists became inputs that must be processed to somehow arrive at viable outputs.
Businesses today mandate that all work orders must be associated to a project; because among other
things, that is how tracking and successful completion of each work order is guaranteed. With inputs and
outputs decided, and work on process commenced, we realized each step of I-P-O must be a process
unto itself. WITAMIN manual representing “input” was created firstly to discuss available information be it
scientific data, norms, myths, social, political, religious or special interest positions etc., and secondly to
extract facts and information which can finally be filtered and formatted for the next step. This document
titled FIRMAP is the processing part providing a framework, necessary to build actionable items using
facts received from WITAMIN. Outputs from this document appear as projects listed in the Hex-P
The best thing to hold on to in life is each other [Audrey Hepburn]. COVID-19 has revived a heightened sense
of community and mammalian instinct of social networking. In this framework for Inflection response
(FIRMAP), to build projects we need to ensure capacity, resources and talent availability etc. Realizing
how much talent is being wasted among the jobless, homeless and misfits etc. became one of our goals
to develop those creative talents or manpower, and possibly redistribute some of the very tightly packed
populations. Communication will be the key to success, hence one of our goals. We will reduce several
gaps, single points of failure while pursuing sustainable and healthier quality of life. None of this will be
possible without employing proper technologies; medical, economic, logistic, micro-electronic etc., most of
all hi-tech advances such as data mining, big-data, analytics, internet accessibility and even cutting edge
technologies the likes of drones and 3D-printing can do miracles and prove to be the difference that helps
us persevere even when dealing with surprise attack from a lethal and invisible enemy like COVID-19.
Bottom however is we have to band together just as time and again humans have learned that secret and
power in numbers. We will partner with, and honor other efforts to standardize such as our hallmark
solution to opening schools is very similar to the “Pods” in Easley SC. Honoring to standardize; we
adopted their term with hope to share our vision of safety, technology and other functions we offer.
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A Time of affliction is a time to unite; together we persevere and learn from COVID-19 havoc, erudite from
this experience of a lingering crisis, we must lay down principles to fight large scale threats and infections,
especially ones with an element of surprise. Although we have withered pandemics before, yet once
again we failed to find cohesive leadership efforts! Two questions are pertinent; did we learn of
opportunities within and do we have National-Continuity/Pandemic-Recovery plans to deal with any
reoccurrence. We will address both of those questions with this document, henceforth referred as
Framework for Infliction Response Management Analytics & Prevention (FIRMAP); setting the scope to
guide all aspects from inception till completion and beyond. Under this comprehensive guidance we shall
prepare pathways to make the case, create plans & proposals, leading to solid projects. These steps are
detailed in the document Pandemic prevention pathways, proposals, plans and projects (Hex-P). With a
Non-Government organization Pandemic Response, Analytics and Containment Organization (PRACO)
we expect to start a solid foundation, build supportive infrastructure, develop appropriate skills and finally
execute these projects.
A time of affliction is the time of hope; besides first responders and healthcare professionals, unsung
heroes are found in every cross section of society. Manager of a grocery chain for example repeatedly
disinfecting few thousand carts; in effect accepting quite a hefty risk in the name of customer safety;
taking a big chance to become the very source of infection and possibly fighting a losing battle. Carts sit
in confined environment ideal for pathogen growth, and common disinfectants or application methods
might not be very effective against COVID-19. Could an electrostatic mist, a little sunshine or even
perhaps abrasion from sand particles be a better disinfectant? Such questions are detailed and discussed
in our manual Wisdoms, Ideas, Trials, Activisms, Myths, Influences and Nuances (WITAMIN).
Time of affliction is a time of caution, question arise when if it can be too much? Amidst outbreaks at
Mardi-Gras, a conference in San Francisco, birthday party in Boston, funerals in Alabama etc., concerns
grew regarding spring-break; that trepidation was not backed by data. Could it be water washing away
pathogens, ultraviolet rays or abrasive sand possibly destroying the virus? Those questions we must
address, more so with common sense and widely available solutions. WITAMIN discuss the need to
collect data carefully and ensure sufficient data granularity so as to differentiate data from ocean water,
restaurants, shops, hotels and houses in the area etc. and deduce unbiased facts. Beyond just the
medical concerns, political and socioeconomic permutations create a hailstorm of forces capable of
exodus like multiplication. We must learn nature’s simple solutions of keeping checks and balance.
Time of an affliction is time of reciprocation, surrounding us are many areas of improvement; technologies
or lessons learned must be communicated and understood in all areas of applicability. WITAMIN explores
examples such as Federal and State governments trying to disburse financial relief for tax-payers and
resorting to a flat payment with hope to cover everyone putting up with crashing websites. Adding a chip
or mag-strip to Social Security Card and using it to settle taxes, SSA payments, Medicare etc., would
have created valuable information, or we can share T-Card technology (Page 39), enabling government
to settle our mortgages and pay fair living expenses quicker, smarter, proportional and precisely. During
crisis, government should be able to focus on messages of hope, contain the panic and therefore the
fallout financially, economically or otherwise. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can
do for your country [John F. Kennedy]; thinking from that American value of self-reliance, PRACO as an NGO
will work with governments, partner businesses/corporations and talented Individuals; together to execute
this framework with confidence, yet empowering individuals to make life choices with little or no risk to
others. Hex-P Manual projects will be instrumental to avoid any future shutdowns.
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Music is all around us, all you have to do is listen [Wendell Berry]. Chaos of an affliction brings clarity that
planning and organization are instrumental to any fight; COVID19 has clarified beyond doubt that
unstructured growth of our cities, daily crisscross of work-home arrangements and a whole lot of
unnecessary travel for business and leisure alike makes contact tracing almost impossible. Are we
expected to remember detailed information for every primary, secondary or tertiary contact/s including
strangers over past few weeks? Above all how many of these leads and subsequent leads can be
followed? Contact avoidance and social distance therefore might be our best tools to fight a pandemic
crisis. Seasoned Chefs will tell you that successful restaurants keep their menus manageable. A business
with lot of SKUs mean swelled up inventory and related costs thereby revenue wastage. Remember in
the aftermath of 911 we learned that massive amounts of data exists and could have generated early
warnings – if we had adequate time and ample staff to process this data expeditiously. WITAMIN details
thought provoking Ideas, Activisms and Myths, discussions on Influences and Nuances, reminders of
time tested Wisdoms while laying-down grounds for new Trials. Without delving into the intricacies of
Data Management which has grown to be a vast discipline; let’s just ask the apparent questions. How do
we manage any system of records, like Books at a library, Medical records, Warehouses etc.? Of course
we classify and organize; that process must inform how we forge our communities and cities in a way that
allows an effective throttling of our contacts. Add to the mix technologies such as Monitoring, Trend-
Analysis, Predictive-Analytics and other techniques of data collection or measuring, even data mining;
and we have makings of a robust repository having useful information with a potential to become our first
line of defense.
A Biologic Pandemic must not become precursor to Social Epidemic, Panic, chaos and stampedes.
Relevant to an Affliction or not, approach to any solution must be balanced. While media performs an
important function to create social distance awareness, calling out violators and beach goers, we must be
nimble enough to catch data oddities; WITAMIN presents test scenarios such as tracking attendees at
two adjacent beaches, one operating normally and the other with shops closed to assess if open waters
might be washing away or diluting the amounts of infection below a threshold value; If abrasive sand and
dust damage the virus, dehydrate the droplet or somehow disinfect. Similarly sunlight may be a natural
inhibitor keeping the virus population in check or may be even weakening the infection so it no longer
overwhelms the body. We intend not only to research such commonsense and simple remedies, but also
create sustainable solutions and models related to various aspects of life. We know for a fact that many
infections hide in remote places such as caves in Wuhan China until human intervention accidently or
purposefully bring it out and that’s when the outbreak spreads. We would extend our learning of natural
solutions to such epicenters and determine how nature might have kept this deadly virus concealed within
a cave. With specific knowledge, PRACO shall bring forth simpler solutions, better plans, detailed projects
and verifiable-successful implementation strategy including post-implementation support.
An affliction cannot be defeated with limited or narrow approach – it must be fully informed and complete.
Since information may not always be readily available, comprehensive planning however is the key.
PRACO as an independent NGO might bring lot of value. Even when people are locked in homes, there
are many unmitigated risks such as pets, birds and critters might carry disease out of trash from infected
homes. Sustained availability of food and other essential services could pose variety of serious
impediments. Closed schools bring even more challenges and risks for working parents, and then there is
the question of how to keep kids locked up inside for extended period. We must also think about failing
businesses and jobs lost, how do we tell people to stay locked away while more hands are required to
help? What plan do we have in place for the most vulnerable? Most importantly, how to worship at a time
when prayers are needed? With these looming questions in mind, this framework should enable us to
have consistent and comprehensive plans to be followed.
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Not Gold but only men can make a nation great and strong [Ralph Waldo Emerson]. Using this framework,
projects listed in Hex-P manual can be implementing in a phased and orderly manner using the principle
of self-reliance; that is how we ensure successful implementation even if a few surprises are
encountered. By this framework, affected industries can transform and not just actually help in this time of
need, but also continue being profitable and bring confidence to stock market. We can fight this only with
an attitude of “no one left behind”, but just saying – is not enough. When we say “to do the right thing”, it
is important to define what that “right thing” is. With this framework, we hope to deliver the very definition;
that if fully implemented, might provide consistent results and confidence.
In midst of COVID-19 crisis, we are reminded that solutions based on smart science are needed with a
proven method of implementation. Tri-term principle will bring forth better chaos management with
immediate help in short-term, paving way for mid-term help in an organized and expeditious fashion,
eventually leading to long-term solutions. Researchers of different areas may drive long-term objectives
to possibly prevent future impact. Consider an overstressed hospital where a nurse felt helpless, trying to
keep patients comfortable in bed, only to learn that best defense against a virus affecting lungs might
have been to fight using breathing exercises. She might wonder if the patients that died in her watch
could have been helped. Our tri-term principle will address exactly that. While mid-term cures are being
researched, a special group of professionals will strive to provide a fighting chance by focusing on quality-
of-life aspect in wellness. If for example lung constriction is a symptom, we can evaluate whether it is
vascular, muscular or neural in nature; to then determine for example if a muscular medicine will provide
the patient a fighting chance even if not directly combating the virus. Quite possible, this little help may be
all the body needs while developing antibodies to finally overcome the ailment.
WITAMIN has an extensive discussion on subjects such as “scientific method” rightfully expecting an
unbiased approach; ironically bias is built in to constructing a hypothesis. A responsible researcher
without any financial or time constraints could still consider other leads or evidence in the sidelines; given
external pressures today, we focus narrowly on financially beneficial objectives being speed up at
comfortable or even pre-determined conclusions while disregarding other leads. Through IT engagements
we see Governments and corporations trying to rush ambitious projects in super tight timelines, very
narrow budgets, dependence on lab like testing and the chaos it wreaks like the crash of
in October 2013 go-live. Projects suffer due to lack of thought, preparation, resources or execution;
however no project succeeds without Planning. Continuous improvement happen while monitoring plans
being tested iteratively, leading to templates capable of handling unforeseen disasters. Implementing Tri-
term principle with continuous improvement, we must recognize that nature is the best teacher bar none.
Living in the year 2020, we do not dress as depicted in the futuristic sci-fi movies, instead we chose
baggy clothes and fashion industry favoring easy and simple; confirms how not only nature drives our
learning process, but when given a choice we also choose simple in every area of our lives including
simplistic innovations of Microsoft and Apple over the IBM white collars.
After an affliction has come to pass, it is Time to rejoice and rebuild. A time to review, apply lessons
learned, lessons proven by nature itself may be applied with urgency and quell any panic. With sobering
recent experience of COVID-19, PRACO shall follow a strategy of empowerment with self-reliance.
Individuals may put their muscle power to use taking control of their basic needs as part of a well-
organized and guided plan rather than be among millions sitting idle and unsure, depending on a
government already overwhelmed by sheer volume of needy; experiencing shortage of resources and
plummeting help. Empowered they shall build small communities and neighborhoods capable of
cooperative living, surviving weeks to months on their own. Self-reliance capabilities may include dietary
needs, schooling, healthcare, basic personal care and perhaps some entertainment etc.
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A mediocre teacher tells, good teacher explains, superior teacher demonstrates and a great teacher
inspires. [William Arthur Ward]; nature does it all. WITAMIN address in length how nature not only inspires, but
actually informs us and provide time tested models such as hierarchy of energy systems within our own
bodies; when Primary reserves (ATP/ADP) are depleted, Phosphocreatine followed by Glucose are
utilized. Sometimes we mimic those models such as hierarchy of top tier resource managers i.e.
President, Governors and mayors, at times we try doing better than nature, for example by pooling
resources under a federation. Pooling may be cost effective but quite incapable of quick and timely
turnaround during an emergency. PRACO can provide methods of resource pooling without stripping
away autonomous rights of locale administrators. Empowering locale administrators to take care of
immediate public needs, may provide buffer for top administrators busy making more pertinent decisions,
thereby not just reducing chaos but also regaining public and market confidence. President Regan said:
Each individual is accountable for his actions; PRACO shall preserve that democratic value of self-
reliance by empowering individuals with personal accountability hence sharing responsibility instead of
scapegoating administrators. Knowing we are empowered to steer our own fate using the tools and
support provided by government agencies, PRACO and socially responsible businesses; should bring a
much needed boost of confidence. HEX-P contains project listings inspired by WITAMIN delving into all
facets and details. It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen [John Wooden].; little
pieces of information help a lot for example dealing with newer strains of flu perhaps custom
temperature/humidity/radiation control could demonstrate value not just by shrinking infection cycle but
possibly overall cost reduction and procedural simplification etc. Decades have been wasted discounting
“it’s just a virus”, PRACO with diligent work and partnerships, shall be ready to fight tougher strains.
We must embrace solutions, not excuses [Jon Taffer]. Amidst the pandemic, it will not be advisable for
infected individuals to show up at a clinic or hospital risking the vulnerable and the staff. Given that
hospitals are sized to handle normal load; the layout, operating procedures and infrastructure may not be
suitable for highly contagious infections. As discussed in WITAMIN, specialized hospitals must be
designed, ideally at least two wings connected by a mid-area. While right wing may consist of well
managed waiting and check-in systems designed to scale for large number of visitors, outpatient areas,
quarantined waiting rooms, Inpatient rooms, ICU/CCU etc. Left wing on the other hand can contain staff
entrance, administration offices, staff accommodations, supplies and cafeteria etc. Mid-area connecting
these two wings must be equipped with showers, disinfect/drying stations, sterilization supplies, dress
change and disposal facilities etc. Since these temporary hospitals are needed only during a crisis,
conversion of stadiums or arenas might be a great option. Stadiums have enough parking and seating
capacity to cater large influx of patients while observing risk distancing* . Adequate showering facilities
will make them more suitable compared to any hospital. Mostly that now sports medicine has evolved into
a specialized discipline, it might just be time to set this discipline where it belongs and provide some ICU
capability alongside covering a larger spectrum of sports related injuries.
The most powerful entities on earth are not governments but multinational corporations [Germaine Greer];
corporations have shaped the way we live, work, shop, travel, eat, or sleep etc., down to very intimate
aspects of our lives. Shift workers and especially workers supporting on-call rotations understand how
schedules are dictated by work driven activities affecting even our relationships. Transmission of
communicative diseases has not changed over time since linked to biological and physiological attributes.
A disease has a level of virulence and populations have levels of vulnerability. What has evolved with
corporate globalization is their epidemiology; the circumstances related to their spread among
populations. Most significant factors include: global travel, wars and conflicts, global trade, Migration,
poverty and medical practices.
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If a problem can be solved, nothing to worry and if it can’t be solved, then useless to worry [Dalai Lama]; as
part of this transformation outline, PRACO offers Singularity of functions in effort to contain infections. In
today’s life each one of us plays many parts”, in fact number of functions each person performs continues
to multiply, thereby causing exponentially increasing points of contact. For example we cannot expect first
responders or healthcare professionals working the frontlines amidst a crisis; to do their job, make a trip
to the market and few other chores along the way, then go home to feed their kids and thereby risk
getting infected outside their workplace. PRACO has plans to provide ample care (more details later) for
their loved ones, so the frontline workers could elect staying close to work and focus on the fight at hand;
knowing their kids are safe, well taken care of and able to video-call multiple times a day. For that matter
if they elect to spend time with family, at the very least we can enable them to avoid a detour to market
and have a restful sleep at home or a THEW (Tiny Home for Essential Workers) parked outside their
home minimizing risk of contaminating family or providing a quarantine area if need be.
Believing there is a bridge from where you are to where you want to go is 99% of the battle, the other 1%
is to cross it [Richie Norton]; PRACO will strive to cover every aspect, every possible scenario or issues to be
encountered during a pandemic, so as to bring confidence that a shutdown is not warranted. We might be
able to help businesses track product movement using analytics and monitoring systems. Alerts by
government agencies can help modify the movement patterns, possibly avoiding swift drain of resource
that may become more valuable in wake of a probable pandemic. Promoting 3D printing for common
household can also be a game changer in dealing with such emergencies; enabling free distribution of
designs so professionals and public can build necessary tools on their own should the market experience
shortage of small items such as masks, swabs, tweezers and other simple but effective tools. PRACO
certifications and other tools will help create desired capabilities and develop knowhow to arrive at a
phased creation of these capabilities and subsequent activation. This framework should illustrate a clear
pathway to empower individuals and groups, bring confidence to stock market that economy can continue
functioning while our leaders can focus on dealing with more pertinent issues at hand.
So far few projects from Hex-P manual were mentioned briefly and a cursory view of some topics
discussed in WITAMIN manual, many facets or details of these discussions and projects are beyond the
scope of this document. Reading of Hex-P and WITAMIN are strongly recommended and feedback is
much appreciated, however it might be worthwhile to familiarize just a bit more with this series of three
manuals. I-P-O model (or Input-Process-Output model) is a milestone in IT history and the reason why it
became basis or our solution to help with Pandemics in particular and any other global disasters in
general. WITAMIN is the document that started it all and defines input portion of the model; for example
human body’s natural ability to fight disease being diminished in these times we live due to food quality,
stress etc., Wisdom of meditation has been a time tested method to reduce stress. Today we know that
stress increases Cortisol and meditation helps to regulate; a meditation study with 120 people revealed
their cortisol levels diminished meaning stress level dropped, and the Immunoglobulin-A (IgA) levels rose
from an average of 51.5 to 83. IgA is the body’s primary defense against pathogens like bacteria and
viruses; astonishingly this IgA increase indicated is greater than any flu shot. WITAMIN then analyze
some Ideas about living healthy, living off the land or close to it, meanwhile not only taking care of
homeless and converting them back to be helpful part of society, but actually moving them away from the
2% heavily populated land (since 82% population in US live on 2% of land). Also discussed is how a
complete lock down is not only against human nature but is unnecessary, generating claustrophobia and
mass hysteria leading to protests and Activisms. Old and new Myths are explored, for example
Influence of media hype regarding beach goers can be put on Trial to gather relevant data to resolve
Nuances such as proving if infection is actually contracted at the beach or nearby shops.
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With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve [M.A.
Jinnah]. PRACO Framework FIRMAP is created using WITAMIN discussions such as the abridged example
above and is the brains where resources and tools are introduced. This framework provides basic
constructs such as Talent, Resources, Tools, Services, Partnership frames, Applicability outlines,
capabilities development and deployment processes. These constructs serve as building blocks for
projects that may entirely be PRACO initiatives, or partnerships with Government, Corporations or
communities. Just as US constitution is the framework ratified to ensure laws designed around it are
cohesive; in a similar fashion Hex-P manual is a lexicon of interconnected plans and projects utilizing
guidance, talents, resources, and other constructs provided in PRACO Framework. Capability
deployment phases and alert levels in HEX-P provide an orderly Pathway to Propose, Plan and execute
these Projects and thereby pre-empting Pandemic Prevention.
Earth is a Single Point Of Failure (SPOF) [Patrick Greenwell]. When lives are at stake, failure is not an option,
Our approach is to create boundaries where possible, identify systems and architectures for their
containment challenges and possibly patch with isolation levels, building zones that might be safer. Part
of that challenge is densely populated areas; we create capacity not only to redistribute but also
anticipating that our model will be successfully embraced by many. In that pursuit we must create extra
capacity to welcome those who may want to witness how PRACO recommendations, can keep the
economy going and businesses afloat, but may also enjoy visiting an economy during a pandemic that
not only continues to function but might actually be on an uptick. SOON TO BE UPDATED from WITAMIN are
a handful of discussion on environment and going green. Many steps we must take regarding fighting
pandemics are really best practices that nature is compelling us to adopt; some happen to be already in
place as part of going green initiatives. Paperwork reduction act of 1980 is a great example that supports
our goal of contact reduction. By providing paperless books to students in schools and colleges, lot of
contact reduction can be accomplished not just by reducing paper, but reducing the overall size of
backpacks as well.
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PRACO Goals:
Following list of concise and clear goals sets the scope for this framework and serves as precursor to the
projects listed in Hex-P document. They are end-goals or stepping stones; offering individual choices
designed to work in unison, yet they can be implemented independently without sacrificing
interdependently. These goals shall deliver a flexible social framework capable of transformations during
pandemics and other disasters, keeping the jobs and economy alive by preserving confidence, staying
functional, and even thrive by creating a model that is inviting and ready to accept influx with caution:
1. Reduce Contact-Points: empower people to channel item movements, transactions, daily crisscross
& commute or moving close to work using projects like SSC, SCN, GOW and T-Pay etc.
2. Reduce SPOF Single-Points-Of-Failure: Comprehensive & failsafe implementation of boundaries &
best-practices, creating isolation levels, containment opportunities & safeguards for individuals,
groups & items using projects like SSC, SCN, GOW and T-Pay.
3. Re-induct homeless, Jobless and poverty stricken: given materials, tools, space & education via
projects like THEW & TFV they become resources not liability, that manpower reengaged will help
build safeguards to protect & cure humanity against infections. Population redistribution helps too.
4. Internet accessibility for all: Internet helps retain social connections even as we practice physical
and risk distancing, Projects like HEAL & WRAP allow individuals & groups to carry out obligations.
Mostly communication is of utmost importance dealing with a disaster.
5. Create SSM Smart-Social-Media: platform where public feels safe, informed & welcomed with Law
& Order, lying penalized no cyber-wild-west for bullies, propagate expert-truth and best practices.
6. Reduce Infliction Hazards: with better equipped homes, lifestyle, Business transformations to
prevent job loss, implement unidirectional flow of transactions, products/items & people using projects
like T-Pay. VITA. Transforming travel, public spaces -- safer & resistant to community spread.
7. Reduce technology gaps: easy accessibility to biomedical, electronic, engineering, agricultural etc.
& other tech, empowering people resist with better health and lifestyle, fight using hi-tech e.g. 3D
printing structures, food & tools using projects like TOS, with downloadable schematics.
8. Reduce social gaps Build NGO, public or private partnerships, support causes that align e.g. hunger
with projects like THEW, TFV and NOSH. Share & survive together helping each other i.e., essential
workers, first responders, other workers, jobless, homeless, misfits and poverty stricken alike.
9. Reduce public gaps when government rules fall short of taking care, e.g. exhausted unemployment,
lapsed insurance etc. Partnership with Federal/State/private programs or projects like NOSH. End
goal is to create a National Continuity Plan; be it assisting or leading such an undertaking.
10. Build resilience: in economy, jobs, & people with projects like BOW, RNR and LOL. Create models
of improved security, sanitation, life quality, wellness & prosperity to resist infection or spread. Use &
improve models, traceability & early detection to forecast and stay ahead of spread
11. Revive Democratic values of choice with free will. No One-fits-all solution. Create framework
encompassing diverse choices towards common goals. WE THE PEOPLE use projects like GOT,
THEW, PODS, LOL etc. helping each other towards self-sufficiency weathering pandemics
12. Support Self-Reliance Retain some production of PPE, technologies and basic supplies via NGO,
public & private partnerships using projects like RIM, RNR. Factor-in Pandemics for insurability,
logistics and trade deals. Have products in-stock and producible when pandemic hits.
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Politicians can't manage. All they can do is talk [Donald Trump]. COVID19 has proved that good leadership
skills are required to overcome a pandemic. WITAMIN manual has detail discussions on diminishing
quality of health starting with the food we eat, air we breathe water we drink and use, daily stress we
inflict on our bodies and brain etc., weakens us and therefore the body is more susceptible to ailments.
We need to be reminded of wisdom behind Mind-body healing, Inner-pharmacy and Mind-body
connection that many cultures are forgetting. COVID-19 has proven that nature is extremely serious
about keeping balances and we risk vengeance by hurting the environment. If however we reduce
poisons and pollutions that we create or dump; and if we get back to being environment cautious; water,
air and food may actually become healing agents. Studies have shown that stress contributes to 90% of
illnesses, and work related stress is a huge contributor. An average worker for instance might be taking
energy away from different parts and areas of their bodies such as gut, elimination systems, immune
system, higher brain centers, etc., and putting it all into muscles fulfilling our work-place responsibilities.
Stress releases endorphins such as adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine etc. Then there is medically
induced stress; most of us are put on medicine regimens that are long-term if not lifelong. To sum-up
what is happening inside our bodies is that not only processed food, pollution and stress are killing off
microbiome, thinning gut walls leading to ulcers, internal bleeding, toxicity and many other ailments, the
medicine we take gives more of the same and then some, but the stress in our lives on top of everything
is really killing us; and all that is just the tip of iceberg. It’s the cerebral component that is way more
concerning as we see riots erupting on things we used to consider sort of normal, public sensitivity level
heightened, jobless individuals sitting at home consuming information that makes them act out in public
and even videos of very public meltdown. Good news is that our bodies have far more healing power than
we are led to believe, so PRACO will create following occupations for the good of humanity, to elevate
both physical and mental health; pandemic or not. Similarly other disciplines will help us prepare better:
Nutritionists: Improving the quality of life, helping us feed and live better reducing overall stress.
Agriculture-scientists: Producing better quality food and water with more yield and nutrition.
Builders: Creating capacity
Survivalists: Teaching Conservation, Resourcefulness, Basic Life Skills, Thriftiness etc.
Trainers: Teaching active lifestyle, body strengthening exercises and other holistic disciplines.
Engineers, IT Professionals, Chemists, Educators, Financial and Life coaches etc.
Talent building is half the battle, planning to deploy all this skillful and ready talent will be the real battle.
Many of these individuals will play critical roles to keep the economy going and help us avoid future
shutdowns. So as we think of deployment levels and phases, we classify the talent accordingly into
deployment groups briefly discussed below:
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C C R : C e r tifie d C r is is R e s p o n d e r
Resourceful first responders and frontline workers trained to gear up and fight pandemics or
similar emergencies. Equipped with GPS enabled communication devices, working closely with
CCMs and CCEs, this group of talented individuals can be a firewall against any crisis.
Shipping/trucking companies, grocery chains, manufacturing, other small businesses and even
communities can register and get their employees trained as group for various CCR programs.
Taught by SMEs and CCEs these programs create backup (secondary/tertiary) skillsets for:
Nurses, Policing, School Teachers, Testers, Contact Tracers, Cooks and Chefs etc.
R C T : R e g is te r e d C r is is T a le n t
Individuals certified for their primary, secondary and/or tertiary skills, working closely with CCMs
and CCEs, this group of various talents will become the backbone support while fighting against
any crisis. Individuals for example having primary skills that are helpful during a pandemic shall
receive training and certification. Training and Certifications will also be available for individuals,
or groups to develop secondary/tertiary skills. Special RCT programs may be conducted to create
primary or backup skillset for the homeless, jobless or individuals/groups who need retraining,
including business/corporate staff willing to support transformation during crisis. SMEs and CCEs
will teach, certify and supervise deployment of such talents as: College Teachers and Teacher
Aids, Grocers and Delivery, Mailers and Shoppers, Lab technicians, Data analysts, Sitters,
Trained Sanitationists, Foodservice personnel etc.
C C M : C e r tifie d C r is is M a n a g e r
Highly connected breed of managers equipped with monitoring and analytical tools, ability to
influence corporate operations and coordinate with government agencies. These managers will
be tasked to provide directions, resources, strategic and operational decisions. Pre-requisites
include SME, CCE, CCR or CCT certifications. CCMs can create and launch new initiative plans
and projects within their locale, which if successful may serve as a model.
C C E : C e r tifie d C r is is E x p e r t
PRACO’s staff of experts in specific areas, functions or tasks performed in a pandemic crisis.
They oversee planning and execution for their particular areas, design quick and detailed training
modules, educate and conduct training exercises, work closely with SMEs, CCMs, CCRs and
MTSs. They can create fun filled survival programs to teach living at minimal and repurpose
things around the house; researching and answering questions such as creating masks with 3D
printers or by repurpose of other items around the house. CCE have option to receive any
certification and can influence, create or implement model projects in their locale.
S M E : S u b je c t M a tte r E x p e r t
Accomplished experts and individuals with unique talents contributing towards better plans, flows
and designs detailing prevention and mitigation step for different disaster levels (listed below).
These could be famous chefs, managers, business or medical professionals, motivators, thinkers
and influencers the likes of Marcus Lemonis, Deepak Chopra, Winfrey Oprah, Dr. Anthony
Faucci, Officers of CDC or FDA etc. SMEs may inspire massive national projects. Senior
technical gurus in fields such as Nutrition, Engineering, IT, Supply Chain, Civil Engineering,
Survivalists, Life Coaches, Economics and even politics etc., may also enroll as SMEs.
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M T S : M e d ic a l T r ia g e S p e c ia lis t
Licensed medical professionals; bridging the gap between modern medicine, holistic practices
and other areas of sciences. With little if any information available while dealing with a new
disease, we realized that patients themselves are the best resource for information, confirmation
and even medicine. While doctors are busy treating and understanding pending ailments, our
MTS can provide great value by wheeling in secondary or tertiary information; educating patient
for example, how to differentiate between different kinds of pain. Expanding briefly on this
example as discussed in WITAMIN manual; for a particular virus causing inflammation in different
parts of body including heart and lungs; being difficult to understand or predict, if however a
patients are able to differentiate muscular pain from tissue or neural impulses and confirm
remedies – would be a huge leap. This way MTS can ignore any noise to research viral life cycle
etc., and while researchers focus on that, MTS can explore immediate solutions to provide bodies
a fighting chance. They can also look at geography and research obvious questions, such as if
cruise ships and coastal areas exhibit higher concentration of infection, is the moisture
contributing, quantify infection reduction by drying up sneeze droplets etc. MTS guided with this
information could work closely with a technology and corporate partners, transforming offices,
schools and public access points such as stores by installing dehumidifiers and ultra violet
radiators, chemical trace analyzers, while also replacing outdated with safer technologies such as
touch pads with command driven kiosks, pin-pads or fingerprint scanners with facial recognition.
U ns ung H ero es
As we actively develop talent for the greater good of humanity, we cannot forget those who delve
in without hopes of any reward or recognition, we owe it to them and appreciate not just for
thanks but overall health of society. PRACO shall launch appreciation programs such as HIT for
Heroes and Inspirational Talent to recognize those selfless individuals who may or may not be an
active talent; nevertheless they sacrifice.
Note: Because biological warfare is a real threat, we hope at some point these talent building programs
could be offered to our military not just from preparedness perspective, but also adding another level of
crisis management professionals.
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Most of us instantly take a side amidst an ongoing conversation without asking why, and some
without even understanding the issue. Highly technical issues are discussed by uninformed
public. As an example someone may post about kneeling in a bad connotation (exposition);
possibly just a statement without background or explanation. Instantly social media has a conflict
going on; possibly no one asks why a peaceful kneeling is good or bad? If it turns into a riot
(crisis), again it becomes a question of riots being good or bad, some aggressively propose it is
bad, others defensively argue, but rarely does anyone ask the cause and effect question. God
forbid, if catastrophe follows creating a saga with strong words such as “I can’t breathe”
escalating internationally; in the connected world we live in. More memes/text/videos may pop-out
echoing those words but no Catharsis. As detailed in the Hex-P manual, PRACO shall create a
smart social media (SSM) platform that is safe and bully free, where truth triumphs, kindness
prevails, facts matter, opinions valued, ideas flourish, experts cherished, debates are done with
mutual respect and a purpose. In this era of communication explosion misinformation is so much
more prevalent, not just the outright lies, but far more common half-truths, ill-informed opinions,
and the simple lack of knowledge so much blurs the boundaries of truth. Only if a media would
exist where everyone is free to express but also learn as experts can classify prevalent
information on a given subject. Our SSM will not only build goodwill but also bring confidence to
wild-west of today called the Internet.
WITAMIN has an extensive discussion on this age of information and the very central role of
media content we consume so ardently. Hex-P lays out detailed plans regarding web tools
including mobile projects like SSM; few features are listed below:
Fashion: stylistic masks & gear, demos, resources, designs, instructions etc.
Amusement: Parks, Interactive entertainment, games and awareness tools.
Basic necessities: Food, medicine, health, wellness and exercise programs.
Sustenance by land: step by step guides for different shutdown levels & lengths
Socials and events: Tools and aids to safely bring us together virtually and physically.
Products & Design: supplies, 3D printable designs and other DIY information.
Mobile Trace companion: Tools to help create your pandemic safety profile (PSP).
MIC: Multimedia interactive communication, using audio/video/text/live-feed.
Relocation, Jobs, Noiseless Advice, Tools, Services and Guidance, etc.
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P S P : P a n d e m ic S a fe ty P r o file
Limited and disparate systems of contact tracing are being erected, but the fundamental flaws of
inaccuracies incompleteness and uncertainty remains. If a handful of them are connected to other
mostly islandic systems, they may be connected at the data end and not analytics. PRACO
understands that Safety is always bilateral; meaning an individual must be protected from any
contact that might infect, and same way those contacts must be protected from an infected
individual. In other words Individual at top of a contact tree must be safeguarded from ever
widening network of contacts; let’s call them public contacts, and vice versa all public contacts
must be protected from each individual that may be infected. Successful contact tracing will
accomplish both the top down and bottom up contact tracing used by our PSP application; worth
noting that our top down tracing is different from how WHO defines their top down approach.
CW EB: C o m m u n ity W e b P a g e s
In this age of information, Web Pages have become a necessity not just for sales and marketing,
but actually many more reasons including organization and communication. PRACO can provide
configurable templates for Self-Sufficient Communities (SSC), Self-Contained Neighborhoods
(SCN) or other communities not just as a mutual synchronization tool for self-sufficiency, but also
a platform to coordinate with helpful entities, be it doctors, NGOs, Socially Responsible
Corporations (SRC) etc.
W RAP: W ir e le s s R e m o te A c c e s s P o in ts
Self-reliance may not happen without establishing means of proper communication. WRAP will be
a vital project enabling us not only to deliver information, tools and resources but also listen and
learn what works and where adjustments should be made. Of course something that important
won’t be simple and quite a few projects are listed in Hex-P manual to cover this massive
undertaking. Home-WRAP is a project to ensure individual homes are equipped with Wi-Fi. Com-
WRAP is a centralized Wi-Fi configuration for Self-Sufficient Communities (SSC), Self-Contained
Neighborhoods (SCN). Roam-WRAP is specifically designed to support our first responders and
frontline workers, but can also cover communities and neighborhoods where needed.
HEAL: H o m e E d u c a tio n A id fo r L e a r n in g
The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education [Albert Einstein]. A collection of
projects and initiatives closest to our hearts is one ensuring a safe and bright future. One for our
kids’ education but also to collaborate and congregate safely, will create enormous boost of
confidence with parents, communities, businesses and economy. Different projects may deal with
different groups such as Base-HEAL creates level field for different educational institutions to
affiliate, interact and negotiate to then certify common programs and classes. This will allow for
pooling of students, faculties and resources to then create manageable groups, meeting or
exceeding requirements from each partner institution. Grad-HEAL is designed to work with
students in college, filling in any gaps preventing remote study, enabling instructors to create 5
groups per class with properly ordered lectures and staggered on-campus visits (in compliance
with healthcare advisory in effect) for any lab work. Teachers may reduce class sizes to 20% or
even 10%, but also help students follow proper risk-distancing procedures for all classes
collectively. Teen-HEAL is for kids in school using many features from Grad-HEAL but also
incorporating different localized watch options for kids. Kid-HEAL programs incorporate teachers
parents, volunteers and CCTs adequately scheduled to provide fun-filled education.
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F a c e P r o te c tio n
The worst pandemic in modern history was the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed tens of millions of
people. Today, with how interconnected the world is, it would spread faster [Bill Gates]. The term
“face covering”, not only it has so many bad connotations in almost every culture around the
world, and not only does it misrepresent the concept it is supposed to be for, but it probably was
the most ill executed campaign for such an important need to fight so very potent infection we call
COVID-19 that might be more contagious than Spanish flu. The term “mask” is ok but not a whole
lot better especially given the poor presentation of it. Like it or not this is human nature, you have
to sell it, unfortunately nerds don’t know it. Why do you think technical manuals are so boring and
usually useless? User manuals tend to be much better since they are written for the user not
supposed to be technical; technical manuals usually have lots of assumptions and blanks to fill.
That is primarily why we use the term “Face-Saver” instead of mask; however we will like to
present the concept in a way that may be easier to embrace.
We grow up knowing that words alone are not sufficient, in fact we have increasingly moved away
from proper language and grammar, often using simple syllables with facial expressions doing
most of the talking, in fact many a times we do not say a word and let the face say a lot. So
naturally there is lot of apprehension feeling that the mask prevents us from speaking freely.
Many cultures take phrases like “hiding the face” or “not showing face” synonymous with shame
and you pair that with the suggestion of house arrest, you are bound to make lot of people very
uncomfortable. Above all, face is the instant identity that we all spend our lives to preserve;
legacies are born from an identity. PRACO will like to partner with chain stores, independent
businesses and entrepreneurs to offer fabric printing and 3D printing solutions. Printing the
beautiful life-sized face on mask of the person wearing it, might make many of us happy
especially where lot of investment has gone into cosmetics and such. A designer transparent
mask or transparent shield without mask might please our lawyers, politicians and corporate
executives etc., who might depend on facial expressions.
The point here is that as uncomfortable a mask and the lockdown are, even more so together,
people did sign up for it, but there came a time when some called it enough; especially with no
plan, just a directive without giving due consideration to feelings or just the basic human nature.
At PRACO we define Face-Saver as a mask or shield providing bilateral protection to both the
owner and public by full or partial but strategic covering of facial vulnerabilities. This makes a
Face-Saver possibly the most effective tool we have in our arsenal to fight pandemics especially
the new and unknown kind.
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G r o u p s o f T e n a c ity ( G O T )
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders [Classic Jewish Proverb]. Jewish resilience as
we know during times in history when people connected shoulder to shoulder and stood together
during tough times. That grouping for survival is prevalent in animals, especially mammals.
Humans even as cavemen took that basic survival instinct and built communities with fences to
safeguard from other dangers. Today when a computer has maximized its capacity, to add more
computing power we build a “cluster” of two or more computers helping each other. Oddly as we
teach computers to from clusters, farms and networks, in humans though that sense seem to
have been lost; individuals seem to have fenced themselves out of others, and the mutual trust
level seem to have dropped. Modern life we have carved today do not easily lend itself to
anything close and Fast-food culture is a great symptom; as a wise traveler once described: I’m
feeling that my New York fast-food fast-paced culture has missed the boat… The idea of volume
was much more important than quality… Bulk, it explains a lot about our culture [Anthony Bourdain].
Choices we make as individuals with free will, trending for volume rather than quality is what
corporations are busy to provide; exactly what we ask. That bombardment of things, abundant
products and many choices, creating a virtual environment of things that may please us
momentarily, as we do not want to share the fruit of our hard earned money so we build walls to
fortify – lest our precious things be stolen.
Anyway this long context was important to understand that during pandemics the power of
grouping is a huge time tested deal not just to help us survive but actually thrive. Groupings were
used during depression, so the model is there and we know it impacts several aspects of our lives
– financial, economic, geopolitical and emotional to name a few; we addressed different kinds of
groupings earlier, including discussions like Self-Sufficient Communities (SSC), Self-Contained
Neighborhoods (SCN) and Pandemic Orchestrated Distancing for Schools (PODS) etc. Besides
those large scale projects, we cannot forget individuals needing small groups for financial,
economic or just emotional support; Hex-P project Groups of Tenacity (GOT), also known as
“Groups of Trust” – indicates that there are countless combinations; for example an older couple
may want to open their doors for a younger couple, a single mom, a homeless family, another
older couple or a family of working parents with kids and so on. Of course countless possibilities
mean countless issues, some of them being discussed in WITAMIN, however from a short list of
major challenges, a handful of common ones that PRACO might be able to help are:
Hesitation: due to the unknowns and for reaching out to strangers.
Trust: Hard for many families / individuals trusting people they know, let alone strangers.
Match-finding: Grouping the right people for right reasons and educating in the process.
Hoarding: Hard to let go fortification of things, some education may bring reality of needs.
Preservation: A fair legal contract must be agreed by all parties and bind after trial.
PRACO may start with reaching out to government and NGO services, educating and taking
applications for this match making, arrange mingle lunches followed by one on one meetings etc.
Once a match is identified, PRACO has a unique position to organize tryouts in designated
facilities including other PRACO projects such as Self-Sufficient Communities (SSC) or Tiny
Homes for Essential Workers (THEW)s. Once terms are finalized, legal contract will be signed
and escrow account will be setup. On-premise monitoring may be provided including cameras
where needed, on and off-premise recurring meetings might be scheduled, and PRACO may use
analytics or other tools at disposal to decide if and when a rematch is required. If the match works
out, meeting frequency may be gradually reduced.
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This match may be for pandemic readiness or even otherwise; to bring down cost of living,
mortgage bills and other expenditures, or to build a support system for economic, support and
other reasons. Groupings to manage things that are harder to manage by individuals is a time-
tested idea, and PRACO can provide confidence to all parties involved, that the process will be
fair and their investments will be safeguarded. You may ask who can benefit from this
arrangement; it could be family members close or distant, trying to build a legally safe cooperative
relationship. It could also be friends or even complete strangers that PRACO matched up.
F a m ily a n d L o y a lty
As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live [John Paul II].
Loss of family values might be the greatest human tragedy of all times, brought to us courtesy of
the modern life we so much cherish. Expanding on groupings we talked in the previous section,
family is more than just a group. Nitpicking is such a travesty of our times, some of us might
remember how Lewinsky gate changed the map of US politics and the nitpicking of certain words,
questioning how certain terms has been understood historically. Similarly employers nitpicking on
job descriptions eventually turning these jobs into commodity that can now be shipped offshore
for cheaper labor; so let’s take a look because this is extremely important not only in terms of
cultural shift, but also the missed opportunities we talked about in lieu of our preparedness for
COVID-19 or the lack thereof. Family and Loyalty (FAL) may soon be raised to an independent
Hex-P project status, separate from GOT.
Life and work were intermingled when businesses were run by families; strong sense of family
values was inculcated generation after generation. Occasionally the family farm or trade will grow
big enough to hire help, and while inheritance stayed in the family, helpers for the most part were
treated as extended family; they were taught the trade and that favor was returned with loyalty.
Industrialization changed it all, since lot more help was needed so work was broken into tasks
and sub-tasks, loyalty was no more a real requirement since the help was only performing a few
tasks without knowing much about the business, nevertheless many older workers with good
work ethics gave their loyalty anyways. As corporation think tanks formed they started asking for
increasingly more loyalty and time, while giving lesser and lesser. Generational workers were still
offering loyalty even as attention was diminishing thanks to overall stress of making ends meet at
work and home. Then came outsourcing, workers wrote SOPs for their jobs they were about to
lose for cheaper labor and loyalty was gone. Corporations had already redrawn community maps
with rapid hiring and firing, creating a perfect environment for epidemics to grow very quickly.
Company towns were gone – between work, home and taking the family out at evening, one is
constantly in contact with many strangers every day.
You don't build a business, you build people, and then people build the business [Zig Ziglar]. Now
that going offshore is not cheap anymore and a whole lot risky, maybe businesses will
understand that. Several of pages below may help us understand the unsustainable modern
lifestyles we have carved and how PRACO might be able to help rectify some of that by
empowering people. As we look at Governments to solve our problems during COVID-19, we
must be realistic; we must understand the tiny little microscopic problem of this corona virus is
way more load than any single entity can handle, no matter how big that entity might be. Humans
have persevered through hard times by creating support groups of mostly family and sometimes
close and trusted friends. Our project GOT allows us to create legally sound support groups that
might keep any heartbreaks or frustration out, however we must recognize that building families
and the love therein goes way beyond legalities of any cooperative.
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S e lf R e lia n c e
To find yourself, think for yourself [Socrates]. As we just discussed in previous section and
throughout this document most of our projects hinge on empowerment and self-reliance. Today
we seem to have constructed our life around a misconception that self-reliance might mean
everyone for them; reality could be no further. As discussed earlier in the introduction on Page 8,
throughout human history and in every culture we know of, people survived in groups; there are
many names for these groups, family, friends, community, town, country and even humanity in
era of globalization. Strength in numbers is one thing, but it’s really Love driving the sanctity and
security in these groups. One learns family values as a kid with love for parents and siblings,
when we grow up, we fight for the love of our kids and family, we sacrifice for the love of
community and risk even our life for the love of our country.
Unfortunately jobs in many disciplines especially technology related have become a commodity
given to the cheapest bidder. Outsourcing is usually the cheapest option at least for the few early
years, so as a result we receive exactly what we asked, and being a professional our IT partner
out might not bother us with irrelevant questions. Although some outsourcing companies are
trying onsite/offsite combination to curb some lack of visibility and emotional investment. Back in
the day computer experts will ask all sorts of questions when we try to buy new software, and
might even suggest a better alternative because they felt ownership of the system they built or
helped. Fast forward to today, different IT companies get involved helping with parts of an
initiative, but apparently nobody technical has a grip on all the moving parts and as a result we
get something like Obamacare website crashing on go-live due to lack of proper testing, or
pandemic preparedness where apparently money was spent on viruses and not so much how
people might survive an outbreak. Even more awkward is when we may have plenty of test kits
but run out of swab or other supplies and definitely ill-fated when our supplier is abroad and their
patriotism requires them to prefer national supplies over catering to our dire needs.
Love for your-self is the key to loving other. Love begins with you [Miguel Angel Ruiz]. Love starts by
respecting ourselves and showing appreciation for the life and liberties we have; we must
recognize – it is this sense of self-empowerment that is the basis of democracy. At PRACO we
want to build on that basic idea that we matter and our decisions made out of love for our family,
our community, our job and our country matter. No single entity can bring back the confidence
that if we do our job, we own it and it will not be stripped away from us. PRACO shall present
formatted data from mega corporations that had at one point outsourced close to 90% of jobs and
show why they decided to reverse the model leaving only 10% offshore, long before COVID-19
hit. PRACO can further emphasize the national interest in retaining at least 25% of production
nationally and ability to scale; for these things however business and public buyout is needed.
PRACO for sure can provide education so everyone in their particular role can start making
choices and feel empowered to know what to do. We can also provide templates as sort of check
lists, some general check lists dealing with what functions are needed during a pandemic, some
specific lists allowing you to customize based on your abilities what you bring to the table and
where you may need help. Then we have the GOT project guiding to choose your survival family
ensuring we shall be ready together with a cohesive national plan supporting with several fall
back levels. You choose to be part of a group to support each other, collectively having all the
skills needed during a pandemic, Your community is there to catch any slack or surprises, your
city shall be there to offer support where your community might feel overwhelmed. Your state and
country not having to deal with each individual might be more responsive helping cities.
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Let’s put it all together now in light of the four areas indicated above, because if we can understand the
overall approach here, rest of the manual will make a whole lot more sense. Let’s take them step by step
going bottom up within these four areas to understand how PRACO can help:
It starts with self-reliance – we must be able to understand our personal strengths and weaknesses,
because it all builds up from there.
Comparing against skills and resources needed during pandemic, we know what strengths we bring,
allowing us partner choices who with their strengths, support us in the areas we feel weak.
We choose partners we can trust, starting with immediate family and friends, and are open to extend
our circle of family or friends recognizing mutual goals and needs.
We are also empowered to choose our preferences and order; if someone from our family or
household can develop a skillset we lack, then we don’t have to look among less familiar faces.
Once we know any changes or transformation to be made or skill-sets we must learn, we can start
preparing, learning and getting certifications where needed.
With knowledge we start building confidence by testing or mock exercises to confirm our level of
preparedness or areas of improvements.
Once we have a successful group of trust, we can now extend our help to other groups in the
community knowing they will do the same for us.
This now provides a platform to educate, starting with facilities that need the most all the way to each
individual, issues such as how to clean and dispose, not reuse wipes, gloves and masks etc.
Also a platform of solidarity, when our individual choices happens to align, we are ready to discuss
and tackle common issues such as wearing Face Savers backed by data and common sense.
D u a l- S h ie ld P a c k a g in g
We thought this might be worth mentioning here, our signature Dual-Shield packaging consists of
a vacuum sealed packaging with a pop-out “safety button” indicating an intact seal from factory till
end-customer; very much like safety button found on some drinks, jars and other packed liquids;
this is known as the “Safety-Shield”. In addition this sealed package is further wrapped by a thin
transparent shrink wrap called “Protective-Shield”, which can be discarded at end-customer’s
door. Safety-Shield can be transparent, opaque or anything in between and can be printed on,
while Protective-Shield is transparent and contain only warnings and instructions.
H e a lth c a r e a n d In s u r a n c e
Another area worth mentioning briefly is the Overall insurance including Healthcare industry. We
leave technical resolutions to insurance experts who may decide what is insurable and how the
coverage might work. Certainly there are areas where this important industry can impact
positively by helping prevent and possibly avert disasters, for example helping food industry to
retain jobs and thereby avoid opening Pandora’s Box worth of problems that comes as jobs start
falling like dominoes. Similarly we may not be able to help a lot with Healthcare insurance costs,
although we would love to when possible; however we may be able to use analytics towards
prevention, quality of life decisions, and negotiations. Similarly using data so we can plan ahead,
creating and improving models so epidemics a predictable science quite like weather forecasting
would be an important undertaking SOON TO BE UPDATED.
Following pages framing discussions from the WITAMIN document are an initial draft and will be reviewed
iteratively as more discussion and information become available. They may also evolve structurally as
classifications may change in WITAMIN. Feedback from Hex-P manual can also impact changes for both
FIRMAP and WITAMIN documents.
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Urbanization tends to correlate positively with industrialization. As of December, 2010, about 82%
population lived within urbanized areas comprising about 2% of land in the United States. Overall density
further increase If you add homeless and undocumented population, and then of course within these
densely populated areas are “heat islands”. Those super compressed communities by themselves are
prone to rapid community spread of epidemics. In addition consider massive amount of traffic and
commuter volumes, individuals hopping among these heat islands for work, shopping, entertainment,
residence or other social activities creating perfect environment to quickly spread pandemics. PRACO
shall focus on restructure and reconstruction efforts preparing our communities and neighborhoods ready
to fight the next wave or future pandemics no matter how long drawn they may be. While the story of
transition from company towns of yester years to corporate housing today is the quintessential American
story and a window into corporate history. Because our communities are complex conglomerates of
decisions made due to various influences such as social, political, economic, financial, historic, cultural,
religious, ethnic, etc., to re-architect we must seek better models driven by scientific data and analytics.
Natural time tested models, while technology inspires proven models, that inspiration led us to create
Self-Contained Neighborhoods (SCN) and Self-Sufficient Communities (SSC) designs.
B u ild in g N e ig h b o r h o o d s fo r “C o n ta c t R e d u c tio n ”:
Company towns, back in the day were self-contained, primarily because towns were built around
some industry (heat island), along with neighborhood market and other small businesses within a
comfortable walking distance. Things have changed drastically in past few decades; Cities today
comprise of many businesses and therefore multiple heat islands. Advent of better roads and
automobiles has exponentially increased daily commute, hence Contact-Points and risk of
community infection. Neighborhoods themselves grew up; high-rising apartments and condos are
almost essential to our downtowns born from the scarcity of downtown real estate. Few questions
however, must be answered; is this growth organic, sustainable, safe and scalable? Besides,
there were several security and networking benefits that we can get back to – by development of
self-contained neighborhoods (SCN). Many elements are already there in various planned
neighborhoods and sub-divisions, just a little attention may provide opportunities to create fun-
filled educational programs for medical and mental sanitation while reducing epidemic/pandemic
risks, brief discussions of various facets discussed later and detailed in the Pandemic prevention
pathways, proposals, plans and projects document also referred as Hex-P document.
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C r e a tin g n e w C o m m u n ity M o d e ls :
It's tangible, it's solid, it’s beautiful. It's artistic, from my standpoint, and I just love real estate
[Donald Trump]. Real estate moguls and our partner corporations may be in a very unique and
influential position of rebuilding our communities to a time before big corporations essentially
restructured how we live. Unemployment caused initially by outsourcing and now compounded
due to COVID-19, has in turn worsened the homelessness problem. PRACO will create
cooperative building projects providing land, material, tools and know-how to build
mobile/modular homes for any citizen; homeless or not. Skillset groupings will then be done so
these groups with mutual cooperation can create self-sufficient communities (SSC) outside any
major metro and sometimes close to national parks, lakes or other areas of low population. These
groups will create moveable accommodations at least thrice their collective needs backed-up to
cultivated lands. Excess spaces may be used for other project for example to promote tourism,
while during a pandemic they may absorb screened population from larger cities especially the
more vulnerable among us. Group members will also engage in cooperative farming as well as
other occupational, heritage and research based projects. A separate document titled Hex-P will
provide charts and details regarding projects such as, pottery, carpeting, bakery, wood or metal
smith and other heritage preservation projects, solar, 3D-masonary, home automation or similar
research based projects. Occupational projects such as furniture building, construction, farming
etc. will also be addressed in Hex-P document along with special projects like building Tiny
Houses for Essential Workers abbreviated (THEW).
C o m m u n ity W e b - P a g e s :
Both SCN and SSC can be supercharged with community webpages having many built-in
templates to choose from, enabling coordination and sharing information such as neighborhood
watch, designated shoppers, event planners etc. This will help minimize contact, create a
supportive infrastructure, conserve resources and greatly reduce the risk of cross community
contamination. These templates are the basic tools of self-sufficiency individually enabling
communities, neighborhoods and cities to start rebuilding themselves in their own unique way. As
communities plan and implement their peculiar ideas using methods of their choice, that diversity
of ideas will help us improve templates and share the best ideas among these communities.
Businesses within the community could now stay operational with confidence because of little if
any connection outside the community, as well as other reliable data to build confidence; such as
testing results from/at these businesses shared on community webpages. Secondary/tertiary
skills developed within the community will be of great value to keep this community self-
contained. Using available templates, coordinated designations can now be observed.
Designated volunteers can perform functions with proper measures and sanitation in place and
proper cautionary networking could be observed.
Webpages will allow easy transitions and adjustments warranted during a crisis; for example
densely populated communities can make use of alternate locations to lighten their load by
relocating their most vulnerable, homeless or a few with cabin fever etc., to safer zones. These
communities operating independently and yet closely connected, as well informed by government
agencies will bring extremely higher level of confidence to business and stock market that
centrally controlled agencies is difficult. By these measures of self-sufficiency empowering a
sense of self-responsibility we hope should allow us to fight future pandemics with confidence
and without a need to lockdown. Personal discipline however is the key and the website will help
us promoting and implementing best practices
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C o m m u n ity b u ild in g p r o g r a m s :
With neighborhood markets, parks and other amenities in place, communities should gradually
become self-contained. This provides city, state and federal governments a single point of contact
to the community for providing emergency help including food, sanitation, supplies, medicine etc.,
and even possible access to technology and other amenities like internet bandwidth, 3D printing
etc. Socially responsible corporations can also make an impact while creating or supporting
initiatives driven by welfare, research or marketing. Mobile applications can collect data from
subscribing participants and indoctrinate confidence essential to keep businesses operational
during the tough times. These applications can also feed community web pages as part of social
awareness programs. More importantly confidence within the community will build, thanks to
projects inculcating self-reliance; more on this subject in the Hex-P document.
For SSC/SCN, especially new communities, provisioning of services such as social, security,
concierge etc., will be of vital importance. In the current environment with new security models
emerging, and because we want to impress upon a spirit of self-empowerment, models such as
Camden NJ might be offered as templates to build upon. Handful of local services personnel will
bring a familiar face to de-escalate small conflicts and provide other social services within a
SSC/SCN, freeing police to tackle serious situations.
Im p r o v in g H o m e s in th e C o m m u n ity :
Several options can be provided to better manage individual lifestyles. Varying levels of financial,
technical and other help can be extended to professionals by Government, corporations or even
individual contributions and offerings. A nurse, doctor, police officer or a first responder for
example might qualify for a partial remodel creating a quarantine-able zone in their house if they
so choose; having at least one room, one bathroom, preferably connected to a back door with
separate air-conditioning/heating unit. This area could be partitioned off if and when required;
thereby reducing impact of job related risks to their loved ones. Home security systems can
include thermal capabilities for early detection of illness, and radio therapy devices to disinfect.
Need to support our essential workers is so great, that PRACO will like to provide tiny houses or
THEWs where needed, or relocate to SCN/SSC where possible.
T in y H o m e s fo r E s s e n tia l W o r k e r s ( T H E W ) :
The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home [Confucius]. Introducing THEW, a
project detailed in our Hex-P manual. Homeless population and volunteers will be provided with
materials, tools and expert help so they can turn small sized architecture plans into tiny homes.
Once a model is created we can work with cities and states extending this model to other
populations like the unemployed, prisons or other social, retraining and rehabilitation programs,
interested in learning skills for future careers such as builder, plumber, electrician etc. THEWs
can come in different shapes, sizes and functions as they may be pre-customized, semi-custom
or retro-custom, either way we will like to not only build with end-users in mind but actually be
able to deliver as and when needed. We want to show our support for the frontline workers, first
responders and essential workers who sacrifice themselves and assume risks, the least we can
do is give them a confidence their families are safe and taken care of and don’t need to share the
risks they assume for the sake of greater good. They may utilize THEWs parked outside their
homes for family-distancing or quarantine with available solutions such as entrance-showers,
smart-disposal, receive-only windows and other features to reduce risk or contamination.
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R e th in k in g W o r k s p a c e – W o r k in g fr o m / a t h o m e :
At home we spend time with loved ones and catch some sleep; however, most of the effective
day is lived at work. At work we interact with many colleagues and strangers, possibly knowing
very little if any about their lives outside the premises and therefore prone to primary or
secondary contamination. We can design workspaces to minimize social interaction, be it factory
or office cubicles, more on workspace related topics later. Where possible we can help install
remote work options, however education is the tough part. While many employers have
telecommute policies at various stages of implementation, many businesses such as production,
distribution, service industry etc. do not support telecommute policies at all; fearing that field staff
may not like office staff working remotely. PRACO will create awareness so employers feel
comfortable providing options to their employees. This will help employees to create better work-
life balance, while reducing their daily points of contacts, helping the environment by consuming
less energy, save some time, hassle and money etc. There are also cost and other savings on
part of employers like building space, utilities, health risks etc. These savings may be passed on
to employees who have no choice but to show up for work, thereby creating a balance they seek
in their policies. MTP or measureable Telecommute policies is a PRACO project to help provide
employers with information, resources and systems allowing employees to work remotely with a
goodwill and employer confidence in productivity numbers. For employees working a partial or
full-time telecommute PRACO might provide education, tools, resources and support. As
mentioned earlier, WRAP initiative will provide the necessary network access.
R e th in k in g P u b lic E v e n ts – E n te r ta in a t h o m e o r n e ig h b o r h o o d :
It's the advantage of the virus to spread… So if you had 100 percent mortality, the potential
pandemic would almost self-eliminate itself [Anthony Fauci]. Technologies can integrate
theatre/stadium/congregation experience with remote viewing etc. Hologram and related
technologies can show live plays, prayers and other events in several stadiums, cinema halls and
even home theaters simultaneously, thereby greatly increasing seating/parking capacity, while
allowing for risk distancing* without having to cancel an event. Seating arrangements can be
altered during a crisis, for example every 3 row could be locked in folded position therefore
creating some risk distancing* and yet allowing families to sit and enjoy game together.
Decreasing row-width, use of transparent partitions, adding windows, ventilators, roof elimination,
UV Search Lights etc., can help with risk reduction/containment. Similar measures can be
implemented with bleachers and pews along with providing technological and even financial
assistance for prioritized institutions to stream live videos.
PRACO also commit to provide safety training, information, guides or templates to food and other
vendors, including two landmark projects Grub One Way (GOW) and Touchless Payments (T-
Pay). These measures would allow us risk distancing, while maintaining social contacts with
confidence, sometimes with small modification allowing fresh/dry air, perhaps taking it outdoors.
WITAMIN discussions and Hex-P manual shows options and use of technology; empowering us
with more choices of how we want to pray, watch a game or attend any other events. Families
may choose to congregate together availing various virtual options or attend in-person with better
sanitation and lower risk options. By using modern communication options and working together
with a unified plan (centrally or locally administered), shall bring back the confidence of being in
control and knowing how to deal with pandemics and similar situations quicker, smarter and
rather effectively.
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R e d e s ig n C lo s e d a n d T ig h t- S p a c e d C o m m u n itie s :
Today we live and travel in confined spaces, contained communities with tight spaces such as
cruise ships, aircrafts, factories and office buildings etc., may need some rethinking and possibly
operational/structural improvements. Studies show infection spread much quicker in confined
spaces, when possible opening up windows to let-in sunlight and fresh air may go long ways
along with risk distancing* . Studies also show circulating air in a confined spaces increase
chances of infection exponentially and may be controlled via proper filtration and treatments such
as UV light, electrostatic, mixing fresh air and dehumidification etc. Ability to carve out mutually
exclusive zones will bring actual and perceived value and investor confidence. Each zone should
be fully contained with separated facilities such as bathrooms, trash disposal and air returns etc.
PRACO will work with experts and manufacturers to design better air conditioning systems
including treatment options killing any pathogens airborne or suspended in droplets. Temporary
seating adjustments during a crisis would help put passengers mind at ease, for example not
seating strangers together, offer family discounts to sit together. Whether it is thermal cameras or
testing stations at checkpoints, Installing pop-up partitions, pull-down curtains and adjustable
seating etc., should restore public confidence.
H e a lth ie r N e ig h b o rh o o d s :
Most of us don’t realize huge therapeutic value of simple things around us available free of cost;
Sunlight for example produce vitamin D, boosts serotonin making you feel happy, regulates
melatonin for good sleep and so many other ways it helps with circadian rhythm, skin and body
health. Majority of the food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe, exercise we lack and nature
we are disconnected from; has adverse effects to our well-being. Food industry is not putting out
really fresh of healthy choices and pharma industry is made up of corporations or investment
systems to generate money. Fresh blood joins with ideals to help humanity and as they go up the
ranks, thinking change. Many products sell because of fear inspired advertising creating
awareness of problem that may not exist in the first place. If you dig in to the literature of these
products you may realize that many of these products actually create and perpetuate the very
problem they profess to resolve. Reminding of Tobacco industry before, Pharmaceutical industry
seems to be quite selective in the information advertised and seemingly undermines or even
ignores the fact that when you add a drug, there are multiple drug interactions, which are not just
side effects but rather direct effects. Then we have to look at the efficacy rate, do these meds
actually work? Could the risks be worth it? Then we have body of evidence that many
medications are no better than a placebo. Biggest question of all is; what are you sacrificing in
your life money wise, time wise, happiness wise etc.?
Most bottled water in most we drink is toxic in a different sense, and possibly a slow killer; like
pasta or rice cooked in water without added salt pulls out starch and creates a mush, filtered
water with extremely low TDS value drains away minerals, vitamins and other nutrients from our
bodies. Hex-P manual details projects to increase health awareness, grow fresh produce; both
meat and vegetarian by engaging homeless, jobless and others in SSC i.e. self-sufficient
communities. There are other nutrition based projects as well as lifestyle pathways laid out in the
Hex-P manual under supervision of health experts. SSC themselves will be built at comfortable
distance from cities and closer to nature ensuring an overall healthier environment. Building
requirements for SSC will ensure minimal intrusion on nature, sufficient green area distancing
with practical procedures laid out for maintenance and operation.
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T a k in g c a r e o f e a c h o th e r
We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never loose infinite hope [Martin Luther King]. Only
way to make this framework successful is with a spirit of “No One Left Behind”. Common among
Networks, Communities and Neighborhoods is the interdependency; and in order to succeed not
only we must take care of our hungry and homeless, but also empower them to harness their fate
and energy, not spend it all for mere survival. This otherwise wasted muscle and intellect put to
use for greater good, should display an economic confidence actually inviting more visitors during
a pandemic. Anticipating that economic confidence, we would need to pre-build capacity.
Physical, intellectual and even financial contributions may be welcomed from individuals, groups,
families or businesses as part of their economic security planning to develop backup skills
needed during pandemics especially when businesses may need to downsize and several of our
neighbors may become jobless. Remember most of our plans may depend on participation from
all and if a few loose that ability we must provide support so they can remain focused as part of
the team rather than diverting to survive in isolation. A neglected house effects value of the whole
neighborhood – and several projects in Hex-P manual are constructed with that in mind. Children
are the future and whatever the circumstances may be, poor parents, or no parents at all; we
must work with agencies that are constantly overwhelmed and that is how we can provide decent
opportunities and save that talent from going to waste. PRACO will use several projects like
THEW or NOSH etc. to provide all possible help.
The future depends on what you do today [Mohandas K. Gandhi]; At PRACO we are cognizant of what the future
holds and how our actions in present alter the future. We also understand that you get what you put in, so
if you seek love and kindness: Be the change you want to see [Mohandas K. Gandhi]. In true sense of our
multifaceted Hex-P projects, Welcome A Student Home (WASH) allows registered and carefully screened
seniors and families to welcome in their home, students living in dorm or young people working away
from their home and family. Under PRACO supervision, two parties can meet as frequently as they
mutually agree; holidays or weekends etc. Over time we hope to accomplish this matchmaking of families
move from familiarity to sorts of friendships that can be counted on during pandemics, disasters,
tragedies and simply just everyday networking. Networking is how mammals have survived, so in this age
of social media and cyber networks; we are reminded by this pandemic to step back a bit, recognize
immense power of being kind to each other, nature and the environment.
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T r ia l- w o r th y B r e a k th r o u g h s
When we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to come to mind are nuclear
proliferation, rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our
shores, one from nature, not humans - an avian flu pandemic [Barack Obama]. We mentioned earlier
on page 50, a study, found that quickly administering so-called convalescent plasma had a
marked effect on mortality for patients with severe cases of Covid-19. Those who received
transfusions within three days of diagnosis had a seven-day death rate of 8.7%, while patients
who got plasma after four or more days had a mortality rate of 11.9%. The difference met the
standard for statistical significance. There are other areas of research that might be worthwhile,
even if we are late for them to help with COVID-19, Micro-Thrombosis prevention may be one
example; if the virus is using up a certain protein, could we manufacture a variation of that protein
that may not dangerous for humans, but essentially stops the virus from replicating? Targeted
Therapy is another viable candidate currently on trial for cancer treatment, it blocks the growth of
cancer cells by interfering with specific targeted molecules needed for carcinogenesis and tumor
growth, rather than by simply interfering with all rapidly dividing cells as in traditional
chemotherapy. Gene Therapy using viral or non-viral vectors also seems promising to both
strengthen cells against attack from a particular ailment, but also targeting ailments themselves.
In short paying more attention to cancer and other similar researches, might help with pandemics.
T r ia l C o m m u n itie s
Without a plan we reject ideas after ideas looking for that perfect one-fits-all answer that doesn’t
exist. With PRACO’s practical approach we can plan and implement incremental ideas that make
up the whole, which is the democracy at work. We can also use our projects like SSC to test even
the most far-fetched ideas like “Herd Immunity”; to prove or debunk, thereby establishing facts.
Point is PRACO’s projects like SCN, SSC and THEW not only prepares us for pandemics, they
can potentially make it possible to test what today may seem outlandish and risky.
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T r u c k s fo r F o o d V e n d in g ( T F V )
For all the concern about bodies and weight, 'Baywatch' has three huge catering trucks on the set
at all times; One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food [Nicole Eggert]. Food Trucks being
a vital part of American fabric now, not only cater to lunch needs in many cities, but are a main
attraction in their own rite at games, special events, fairs and festivals etc. Our project Trucks for
Food Vending (TFV) will turn these trucks into Vending machines serving freshly and even
custom cooked food with minimal contact, in compliance with our projects like BOW and T-Pay.
L iv in g O ff th e L a n d ( L O L )
Pre-packaged food may last a little while, but for mid and long-term sustenance we need a
different answer, that is why we have the project Living-Off the Land (LOL). Using a green patch
in your backyard, an oversized planter or even using a green wall, you can cut quite a lot of trips
to the market, therefore reducing the risk of community spread. Think of how many times you had
to go out because of one critical ingredient, may be tomatoes, peppers, rosemary, cilantro or
other similar herbs and vegetables etc., that you can grow right on your porch, patio or backyard.
PRACO will provide templates for you to start easy projects and keep learning till you can be self-
sustained if you so wish. In addition to templates, we intend on using social media, video and TV
channels etc. to provide education, examples and variations to make it fun and easy.
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With oversight of an experienced teacher, prior experience may not be necessary and that confidence will
go a long way in successful implementation of school PODS. Cameras will help create a real extended
classroom; using technology with cameras stitching the class on a single screen, back with their teacher
along with designated instructors. Although physically separated, they can now study collectively, laugh
and have fun in unison, take quizzes and tests jointly, and even celebrate together. Teacher may now ask
and question and watch the whole class respond on a single screen as if the whole class was there
raising their hands to answer. PODS may be different depending on factors such as grade level,
instructor, location and size of class or pod etc., as an example multiple CDI may share a facility ensuring
proper risk distancing, or on the other extreme a CDI not having ample space may be helped by our
THEW project. Colleges may use templates from PRACO website to implement, for example the 4:1
hybrid plan; by dividing a class in 5 groups, each group is on campus one day of the week getting done
any lab or other onsite tasks for the week and concentrating mostly on theory during the 4 remote study
days. risk distancing* will be observed throughout the campus and on transportation. Disinfectants,
Masks, Gloves and other PPE will be provided. Group, sample and volunteer testing will be available. On
PRACO website, layouts will be available for kids to configure their learn-space based on fun and creative
themes. Besides templates and other information on webpages, PRACO will provide necessary
education, tools, equipment and support, possibly including paperless books; because children are the
future. Another landmark project in Hex-P manual is called NOSH or No One Sleeps Hungry project.
Families with Children dependent on school lunches go to the very top of NOSH List; which simply is a
priority list helping us to reach the deserving in an orderly fashion. Because we recognize that in Children
lies our future; so where needed, children will be prioritized for Hex-P nutrition based projects or access
to our nutrition experts. Same network can also be used by Home Education Aid for Learning (HEAL).
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Let’s take a quick look at people running businesses, five functional roles i.e. Crucial, Essential,
Dedicated, Provisional and Assistive may cover most people actively contributing besides the many
unsung heroes that do not fit any mold, but deserve every bit of our commendation and appreciation.
Crucial Personnel directly combat a disaster such as CCR, MTS, doctors, nurses etc., basically anyone
at the forefront of a pandemic; helping humanity while assuming great risk for themselves, these selfless
individuals are usually associated with a Critical Business or Industry. Essential Personnel may or may
not be in frontlines, yet they may assume risks in supporting crucial workers as well as public, they may
include CCE, CCM, first responders, Chefs, Bakers, Grocers, Various Government designations and
Factory Workers producing Critical or Essential gear etc. Dedicated Personnel are people using their
Primary or a secondary talent such as SME, Foodservice and Sanitation workers etc. Provisional
Personnel might include RCT and many temporary openings such as Teachers, City/County workers,
Contact tracers etc. Assistive Personnel can take over supervised tasks because they may not have
developed a particular skill-set that has become high demand due to the disaster. With a jump in and
ready to help attitude, Assistive individuals can assume a role and operate with limited instructions.
C r itic a l In d u s tr ie s :
Critical industries are directly responsible to mitigate a disaster, given type and nature of a
disaster this list may vary; for example healthcare related businesses are deemed critical in case
of a pandemic. At onset of emergency such as a pandemic, first and foremost we must monitor
capacity, staffing, supplies and other data points (DP) with thresholds at different alert levels;
anywhere between 3 to 7 levels or L1 through L7. Appropriate talent will be deployed in proper
order depending on the deployment phase; for example deploying CCR and MTS early on, then
bringing in CCM and CCE at intermediate phases and finally deployment of SME and RCT as the
problem persists or more manpower is required. Everything related to a critical industry including
capacity, talent, supplies, facilities, sanitation and disposal functions must be deemed critical.
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S u p p o r tiv e B u s in e s s e s :
Supportive Business may directly or indirectly help mitigate a disaster. During a pandemic for
example medical suppliers and distributors, food-prep and grocers, Engineers, Medical
Technologists, IT staff etc. are some examples. Deployment pattern will follow as described
above for critical industries. Parts of a supportive business may undergo transformation, or some
businesses may be transformed at onset of a disaster to become a supportive business.
Discussed in WITAMIN manual are possibilities to work with insurance plans that supplement the
steps businesses are taking for their own survival and supporting employees during those
challenging times, SOON TO BE UPDATED.
T r a n s fo r m a b le T r a d e s :
Many businesses may have to undergo transformation with varying degrees, not just to survive
but actually stay profitable and keep manpower employed through tough times. A business will
consider possibilities and make choices forming an appropriate transformative plan that will be
tested for readiness. A bakery for example may choose controlled throttling between shop and
online to varying degrees dependent on the disaster levels, or it may elect to completely
transform into a supporting business providing food (or a completely different product/service) for
a pandemic related entity.
Certain manufacturers may help employees to develop additional skill-sets in-line with
transforming from primary to secondary and even tertiary products or services. An automotive
assembly line for example could switch to produce generators, beds or ventilators etc. An
apparel assembly line could produce scrubs, masks, swabs, wipes etc. Chemical industries
could focus on sanitization products and so on.
Some Businesses may choose a different track; keeping employees on payroll while being a
CCR, CCM, CCE, SME and even RCT helping with various corporate, government or NGO
activities. Partner businesses may also rent equipment such as computers, looms, molding
facilities, knitting machines and 3d printers etc.
Continuity plans for some partner businesses may include Manpower or equipment exchange
in areas such as IT, engineering, training, finance, design, printing/3d-printing, modeling/3d-
modeling etc. Supply Chains may utilize this kind of arrangement.
Some continuity plans may consider size rather than industry of a business; possibly change
in demand or points of contact may be the driver. Large Breweries for example may continue
as normal and even amplified production, while small Breweries might undergo partial or
complete transformation. Vice versa, local businesses such as Bakeries might continue as
long as they keep up with proper certification (periodic epidemic testing and sanitation checks
etc.), while larger brands may undergo partial transformation ensuring Risk distancing. Like
wise local restaurants may seat outdoors with proper distancing, cleaning before each
seating, providing gloves to handle menus and transact with non-touch technologies.
Industries such as Airline and Shipping con develop sponsored partnerships with other
industries such as waste cleanup, logistics, tourism, housing and even waste processing etc.
These could be symbiotic relationships for mutual continuity while fulfilling corporate
responsibility. This could actually upsurge jobs to produce green construction materials,
plastic tables, paper beds, glass bottles, metal/alloy stands and other equipment/parts etc.
Offshore partners may also help businesses ramp-up or throttle-down production creating
new supply chain opportunities and cooperative or symbiotic relationships etc., more on that
later in supply chain discussion.
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Think hundred times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man
[M.A. Jinnah]. Mature businesses use well tested BC/DR plans to address short term disruptions, however
with a pandemic looming, even the most prepared find themselves in unfamiliar territory. Businesses
today have grown enormously with a pin-point focus; unlike yester years when a business owner could
offset profits and losses among different business lines. Bringing back some product diversification or at
least the ability to scale between active and potential products/services may provide much needed
balance. With aforesaid talents, tools and communities in place, attention can now be focused on
secondary set of products and services desirable during an emergency; thereby allowing the business to
remain profitable ensuring continued employment and economic stability. WITAMIN articles discuss these
points in detail, setting baseline for Hex-P projects, however our templates prefer technical people driving
improvements allowing organizations to save cost of hiring non-technical administrators.
S ta n d a r d iz e d L e v e ls A n d M o d e s :
The whole is greater than sum of the parts [Aristotle]. At PRACO we believe that an economy is
sum of many parts working in unison to create many a things including market confidence;
knowing these parts, we will be a step closer putting together the puzzle. Economies are very
complex, for example Industries are one of the many parts within an economy; each industry
might be a collection of many businesses varying from small startups to large corporations. One
at a time, PRACO can start helping businesses within an industry to build continuity plans,
arriving at handful if not a single standardized template, that may be utilized by rest of the
industry. If individuals, communities, industries and even governments etc., can follow these
templates, we have the makings of a national continuity plan. Standardized Levels And Modes
(SLAM) is actually the Hex-P project to help with transformations, and because rules are similar
be it an individual household, community, business or any other grouping, with SLAM we can
build all those templates. The real beauty of this approach is that plans themselves follow an
integrated approach and template rules ensure self-empowerment of each unit with the whole
considered; this way the integration is built-in, even if each continuity plan is implemented
separately. Let’s take a brief example of how we may build continuity plan for an Airline;
reconfiguring the vehicles by replacing alternate seats with bins, and staggering aisles, we will
have increased cargo capacity of planes thereby making them dual purpose. Special software will
reconfigure routes preferring cargo delivery, which may add hops or stops for passengers but
ensure the Airline can stay profitable with fewer cancellations if any. By adding cargo bins in
between seats we are also providing risk-distancing. While travelling may still be reduced at peak
of a pandemic, airlines may utilize this time to do maintenance, health checks and so forth
anticipating huge influx of travelers once restrictions are lifted. Beyond anticipation, future
bookings done by days and not dates will confirm reservations and bring in much needed
revenue. Several other possibilities are discussed in Hex-P including partnering with quarantine-
able extended stay facilities to bring passengers who wish to reduce risk by travelling.
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S o c ia l R e s p o n s ib ility :
If you're not in the business to improve society, you shouldn't be in business [Joe Kaeser]. PRACO
intends to recognize Businesses supporting global, national or community based initiatives
through our SRC (Socially Responsible Corporations) program. Corporations sponsoring
entrepreneurship and other vocational programs can certainly utilize PRACO talent building
programs described earlier, even if they have their own programs to help staff turn viable ideas
into new business lines or even small businesses. Some of these corporations or their business
lines could potentially become a partner or transform for secondary/tertiary business and thereby
a viable money stream for the company. Responsibility awareness is at five distinct levels i.e.
community, environment, employees, industry and business or business lines. More details can
found in WITAMIN such as expanding on community and differentiating between local, city, state,
national and global communities. Similarly discussions on climate start with natural balances,
supportive, dependent and co-dependent systems, early warnings and best practices that could
have and might in future help with pandemics.
What is good for society is also good for business [Petter Stordalen]. Just as is common with
businesses today, PRACO is all about empowering individuals so collectively we can fight
disasters. In that pursuit we will be creating several programs and templates, as well as
partnering with government and corporate partners to benefit employees and customers etc.
Larger corporation in particular must lead their industry in setting examples how to effectively stay
in business, improving templates that smaller businesses in the same industry can benefit from.
Most importantly PRACO can help corporations with multiple business lines to reconfigure
staffing, facilities and equipment, or partner with others forming symbiotic or donor relationships.
We would do our best not only to help businesses retain some production capacity locally, but
also having the ability to scale as needed.
S u p p o r tin g th e F ir s t R e s p o n d e r s a n d F r o n tlin e W o r k e r s :
Every day, first responders put their own lives on the line to ensure our safety. The least we can
do is make sure they have the tools to protect and serve their communities [Joe Lieberman]. At
PRACO we believe that helping the First Responders and Frontline Workers (FR/FW) as they
help us is how we best strategize a win, and every epidemic has been a reminder that taking care
of each other is the best approach. Modern societies consist of highly skilled individuals, moving
away from people being jack of all trades; as FR/FW provides their highly skilled service, best we
can do is to support their families and help resolve some of their daily struggles so they can
concentrate on doing their very important jobs. We talked about THEWs and briefly mentioned
projects to take care of families so FR/FW are not worried about their daily grinds; including care
and feeding of children and their schools when FR/FW are at a 2:2wk schedule explained a bit
more in the section Economic Recovery Quicksteps. When on 2:2wk schedule, not only will the
meals be provided at work, but also at their homes for each family member including any social or
religious considerations, a caretaker can watch over kids if needed besides FR/FW being able to
teleconference and the schooling commute is part of the template as well. Frontline Workers may
also include traveling nurses, out-of-town responders and other called-in help, in which case all of
the above apply including partnership with Hotels and restaurants creating safer traveling zones
away from public for our healthcare professionals and first responders. Vice versa FR/FW can
help create and maintain partitioned out quarantined zones for Hotels, cruise liners, public or
private buildings and even schools etc. dealing with patient overflow from hospitals or creating
capacity for travelers and tourists.
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H u m a n R e s o u r c e D e b a c le :
The value of a business is a function of how well the financial capital and the intellectual capital
are managed by the human capital. You'd better get the human capital part right. [Dave Bookbinder].
Human Resource Managers (HRM) and their practices have been a huge catalyst for outsourcing
and more. First of all HRM proved their value to businesses wanting to grow by acquisitions, and
boy did they grow into corporations. Second phase in HRM takeover was the trinity of becoming a
business partner, a shaman and a wizard all rolled into one. The hardest challenge being an HR
is that sometimes you have to be the LAWYER, the JUDGE and the HANGMAN [Hassan Choughari].
HRM flexed their Hire-&-Fire muscle to gain superhero status while the financial capital managers
felt empowered to take risks playing number games, knowing HRM are there to save the day and
fix their number when and as needed. Most prevalent role HRM played in outsourcing was
conversion of technical roles into commodities. Not only Procedure documentation for Production,
Services and Technology jobs were stressed in the name of Intellectual Property, employees
were made to train their cheaper outsourced replacements prior to being fired. Impact of that
outsourcing is now being realized in many areas such as economic destabilization,
unemployment, biomedical nightmares, but mostly risks to national security on multiple levels. On
a different note, many HRM especially with production facilities purposefully stayed away from
adopting remote-work or tele-commute policies; COVID-19 has provided a strong push to
embrace this long-coming change and make effective use of available technologies.
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G ru b O ne W ay (G O W )
Transformed or not, to survive an epidemic businesses must adopt the policy that products and
transactions must flow in one direction only, therefore limiting any spread of infection, as stated in
Grub One Way (GOW), a Hex-P project also implying that there is an underlying assumption;
both products and transactions, cannot be handled by the same person since they flow in
opposite directions. Since Bars have become a hot topic; let’s use that as an example.
Bartenders and Runners must give out food, drinks, condiments, invoices, handkerchiefs, salt,
pepper and other supplies, in sachets and other disposables TO the bar or table, but NEVER
attempt to pick-up anything FROM table or bar. Cleaners with proper gloves, pick-up FROM the
bar or tables, disinfect the surfaces and frequently change/disinfect the gloves in a proper way,
cleaners must not handle food, drinks or payments. Payments must be done via a tablet, kiosk or
at the payment counter as described in the T-Pay section below. We strongly recommend
downsizing menus, ideally listing items to fit one page or less thereby not only simplifying the
preparation, handling and cooking, but also making possible to handout disposable menus
printed on a single paper. Similarly disposable utensils are highly recommended to keep it simple
unless proper disinfection procedures are implemented and certified.
T o u c h le s s P a y m e n ts ( T - P a y )
Every business must get paid for the sale of its products or services, and to make this process
safe we have the Touchless Payments (T-Pay) project in Hex-P manual. As the name suggests,
touchless methods of payment would be ideal, however our projects tend to be realistic and
comprehensive, therefore this is a blanket project to make payment process as safe as possible
using multiple methods. PRACO intends to partner with banks to create the T-Pay system using a
technology driven by T-Code which is somewhat similar to QR-Code. A mobile App will connect
to your bank account for transactions, and the home screen will show your specific T-Code that
the shop can use to get paid. You will instantly receive an electronic receipt confirming the
charges so you do not need to request a paper receipt. Transactions done via T-Code can be
stored for a period of your choice and receipts can be printed directly from the phone or via
website. Apple-Pay, Pay-Pal and similar non-touch technologies will be supported. Although T-
Code software installed on cell-phones is device authenticated, for those rare occasions where
device-less authentication is needed, we have contactless cards called T-Cards using tap-and-go
technology combined with our T-Code technology for enhanced security. Providing methods of
secure transactions is important, but so is ease of use, and by interfacing technologies we
accomplish multi-level security as well as simpler methods of authentication.
Hex-P manual also provide guidelines for Payments done via a tablet, kiosk or paper etc. We
however strongly discourage manual transactions using tangibles like paper receipts, all sorts of
cards, paper money or coins etc. In case of paying via a bank card, self-operated kiosks, whether
mobile or fixed are preferred, however if a shop employee has to operate customer’s card, we
can help install window-tray technology to use passing the card through, using correct intensity
and frequency of light to disinfect without being harmful to humans or electronics contained within
the card. Setting up a shop loyalty system, establishing shop credit and bulk payments with
promotions and discount offers will also be available. A separate project will focus on providing
disposable covers for existing touchpads in the market. Another research based project will
evaluate antibacterial and antiviral liners for applications where touch is unavoidable.
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B u s in e s s A n a ly tic s T o H e lp S ta y A flo a t ( B A T H S A )
The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight [Carly Fiorina]. Using available
data and case studies, PRACO intends to build insights for the local and federal governments,
demonstrating impact on the economy, not only when businesses shut down, but even as
businesses struggle, and are forced to buy less; creating a domino effect. These fact based
insights called Business Analytics To Help Stay Afloat (BATHSA) may be helpful convincing
governments to offer breaks, incentives and even stimulus creating a market trust and retaining
jobs. For small businesses, there could be easy term loans, grants or other gestures of financial
aid such as payment deferments, partial of full forgiveness of loans etc.
B u s in e s s e s U n ite d fo r R e s o u r c e s a n d S a v in g s ( B U R S )
Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation,
which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off . [Franklin D. Roosevelt].
Similar to our project GOT described on Page 30 is well established practice of agricultural
cooperatives, where farmers pool their resources in certain areas of activity including crop and
livestock. They are of two major types; production cooperatives share resources such as land,
machinery etc., while service cooperative could be for reasons of credit, marketing or supply etc.
PRACO has designed templates for farmers who want to pool resources and survive through
hard times using this time tested approach; these templates will walk us through economic, legal,
technical and other aspects. The concept of cooperatives in business happens to be quite a bit
different than described above, therefore our project Businesses United for Resources and
Savings (BURS) describes both Business and Agricultural unions and provides templates, for
mutual cooperation and cost savings.
BURS templates are kind of like a balance sheet, so if you have two businesses coordinating,
your template are three columns spread over three pages, one for each business and one for
BURS, covering what each side contributes, responsibilities and rights including legal and
ownership issues etc. Cooperatives can be on a large scale among corporations, or even larger
scale between two or more industries in which case PRACO can provide templates or active
partnership. Same is true on small or medium scale for business entities coming together. Unions
are for main reasons besides others; i.e. resource pooling, resource lending or continuity
Resource pooling: happens when similar businesses join forces to reduce cost and improve
safety. Some of their employees have secondary skill sets that are needed during a
pandemic, remaining employees band together to continue reduced operations. As an
example two or more restaurants might merge cash register, dining area prepared for risk
distancing, take-out counter; further separating cooks from any public interaction.
Resource Lending: is when one business anticipating partial loss of business during
pandemic, may partner with an entity sure to be busy, leasing staff and equipment etc.
Continuity Investment: can be explained with an example: When a restaurant experience
declining clientele, they will continue ordering produce at a lower cost pre-negotiated as part
of pandemic transformation, providing continuity to the supplier so long as they are certified
for food handling safety during pandemics. To follow its own continuity plan, the restaurant
undergoes certification process for PNP Project discussed on page 43, followed by
Packaging. Storage and distribution could be carried out by another partner business,
Governments, charities or investors etc. nevertheless this is an investment into making sure
we have a fighting chance at least against hunger when the tough gets going.
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J o b s a n d E n tr e p r e n e u r s h ip s
When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the
closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us [Alexander Graham Bell]; that pretty
much describes our approach with COVID-19. Of course lack of a plan has a lot to do with this
knee-jerk reaction we had with several economies. FIRMAP allows us to seek and see the doors
opened as others are partially or fully closed. If we had well-planned and tested guidelines in
place, not only could we rebalance our resources, employment and other aspects of life, but
actually lead and thrive showcasing how to keep the economy going and expect many visitors
eager to witness our success story. Just like when it comes to making money, saving costs is just
as viable as generating revenue; similarly saving jobs at the onset of pandemics may not only
inject a dose of confidence in economy, it will keep the human infrastructure resource intact; the
trick is to have a workable and tested business continuity plan. For example with schools out,
many kids are feared of going hungry, we are looking at the government not realizing that even if
there was a plan, there is no government based infrastructure to feed these kids.
PRACO has created programs to replace lost sales with pandemic related private or public
projects and funding; jobs such as educators, delivery staff, contact tracers, infection testers and
a whole list of talent listed at page 15. As an example let’s look at series of events when a Pizza
shop registers as our partner business. As the clientele starts to drop due to pandemic, we
encourage to get certified if that has not happened yet, and keep making frozen pizza with our
signature Dual-Shield covering and thereby retain employees because the busy time is right
around the corner. As pandemic sets in orders starts pouring in from pods, hospitals and even
individuals trusting the fact this particular establishment is certified. Orders can be for hot or
frozen pizza, because frozen pizza may have been stored for a few days, they are protected by
Dual-Shield wrapping, the outer “Protective-Shield” can be discarded at the door when order is
delivered to greatly reduce if not eliminate the chance of contamination. Similarly Gyms can be
helped in several ways, machine-less exercises such as matt or ball based can be taken outdoors
helping gyms to operate at near full capacity with a small potion retained indoors. Similar to
Gyms, other businesses like Hairdressers, Beauty supply, kitchen equipment, Florists, Arts &
Crafts stores, even Vape shops etc., can be allowed to bring part of their operation outdoors
during a pandemic. Grocery stores, general stores, home improvement stores etc. can bring
some items outside and implement one way rows inside to decrease crisscross. Earlier we
discussed in our projects for food related businesses such as TFV, PNP, LOL and NOSH etc.
F in a n c e a n d M o r tg a g e s
When a debtor defaults, usually the bank moves to reclaim assets, but in doing so both parties
are at a loss; this is especially true In a time of crisis when people are increasingly defaulting and
banks understand they might be holding on to reclaimed assets for a while, moreover some of
these assets may deteriorate and devalue as they sit. Using appropriate data and analytics we
can help to illustrate three breakeven points i.e. minimum, median and maximum, where the
actual breakeven point rests somewhere inside that range. With data we can convince the bank
that it is in their interest to prolong default up to an appropriate break-even point. Even after the
Max-Break Even Point has reached, Banks may be able to use equity and help owners retain
their property. Finance may come from other public, corporate or NGO programs. With analytics
we can show industries like travel, leisure, tourism, entertainment, fashion, Automotive etc. how
their generous donations and promotions create confidence in economy and good for business.
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Supply Chain:
To whom is an international corporation answerable? Often they do not employ workers. They outsource
manufacturing to places far away. If wages rise in one place, they can, almost instantly, transfer
production to somewhere else. If a tax regime in one country becomes burdensome, they can relocate to
another. To whom, then, are they accountable? By whom are they controllable? For whom are they
responsible? To which group of people other than shareholders do they owe loyalty? The extreme
mobility, not only of capital but also of manufacturing and servicing, is in danger of creating institutions
that have power without responsibility, as well as a social class, the global elite that has no organic
connection with any group except itself [Baron Sacks]. Prior to COVID-19, adverse effects of outsourcing
were already being felt in so many ways; offshore partners were using borrowed technologies to take
away North-American and global business, simply due to their head-start at online presence.
Unfortunately for corporations, the very trade deals that erected mega-supply chains of today in favor of
companies growing by acquisitions and outsourcing, has now become the reason for their bankruptcies.
This actually worked out in favor of small business with lower overheads and ability to survive at smaller
margins; many investors were supporting entrepreneurs and startups – until COVID-19 arrived like a flood
wiping away those small Brick and Mortar (B&M) shops.
“But wait! There is more”; we have all heard that infomercial line so many times that it quit being
annoying, in fact some of us watch infomercials when most channels seem to have conspired putting on
boring shows at the same time. TV Infomercials brought massive product movement for the mega-supply
chains by allowing us to shop in our pajamas, and there is more; by adding Internet… we can now shop
in pajamas whenever we want. We realized power of Internet at the expanse of Blockbuster who allowed
Netflix to grow from a tiny startup to this monster that eventually obliterated such a blockbuster giant of its
time, and that was just the beginning. Never before in the history of mankind have we seen a mega-giant
of sales and distribution like Amazon, that started as a small front-end of supply chain and became the
first trillion dollar company in the world, with sales continuing to soar even as businesses struggle and fail
with COVID-19, validating Amazon strategy to use robots in distribution and drones for delivery.
Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion [W. Edwards Deming]. Data from WITAMIN manual
help create realistic framework around the issues, especially for a discipline that has developed rapidly
over the last decade or so. Careful classification and analytics using appropriate data points help us
evaluate specific questions such as; can the public demand American made labels, or could American
companies retain at least 25% of manufacturing in US, with ability to scale-up when needed? Also
answered are generalized questions like; the effect and possible devastation of manufacturing going
offshore, thereby reducing buying power and condensed sales here at home. Now that offshore
manufacturers are using internet direct-to-consumer sales, it is biting into US market shares. Corporations
are now painstakingly dealing with evaporating sales, constant fear of investors pulling out and possibly
loosing investment to their offshore counterparts. Some of these corporations are trying to sell offshore
but then again facing an uphill battle there as well. Pandemics clearly cause slowdown in global trade;
ramping up of national and local production can help compensate for demand, however local supply chain
might need a proportional boost, however for safety following rules must be observed:
Just like BOW, products and Transactions must go strictly in one and only one direction.
Handling of Products and Transactions must be mutually exclusive, no one handles both.
New packaging/wrapping for each departure, unpacking/unwrapping at manifest arrivals.
Use Dual-Shield packaging at factory, besides the ones mentioned above.
Eliminate or reduce hops, not just in one manifest but from production to end-customer.
At both ends, factory packaging must be disinfected using safe and appropriate methods.
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Gentlemen the officer who doesn’t know his communications and supply as well as his tactics is totally
useless [Gen. George S. Patton]. PRACO has developed templates for Business Continuity plans so businesses
can confidently help global partners not only transform or operate at higher capacity, but do so with safety
measures and recommendations equal or better than their American counterparts. An interesting WILEY
[Gary S. Lynch], ironically uses some epidemiology metaphors:
1. If You Don’t Manage and Lead Change, You Have to Surrender to It
2. The Paradigm Should Destroy the Parasite: Begin by Defining the Paradigm, Not by Fighting the Parasite
3. Manage Your Business DNA in a Petri Dish of Evolving Risk
4. In Supply Chain Risk Management, Demand Trumps Supply
5. Never Set Up Your Suppliers for Failure
6. Managing Production Risk Is a Dirty Job: Focus on Managing the Endless Risk of Manufactured Weakest Links
7. The Logistics Risk Management Rule: Managing the Parts Does Not Equal Managing the Whole
8. Mitigation: If Supply Chain Risk Management Isn’t Part of the Solution, It Will Become the Problem
9. Financing: The Best Policy Is Knowing What’s in Your Policy
10. Manage the Risk as You Manage Your Own: Your Supply Chains Are All Interdependent but Unique
S to r a g e : W a r e h o u s in g a n d R e s e r v e s
Hex-P manual explains possibilities and preparatory steps for warehouses to take, while getting
ready at onset of a pandemic. These steps are commensurate to different plans and objectives;
such as an immediate and short-term response might be reconfiguration of storage and controlled
release of products. For mid to long term where non-essential products and some essentials may
need moved to create space for essentials, shops/stores may create care packages to donate
food, medicine, supplies, toys or entertainment for kids/families etc. By Rewarding loyal
customers and helping community not only vendors reap tax benefits and reclaim much needed
warehouse space they help the community to start fight against pandemics on a positive high
note; these small gestures add up to provide the economy some confidence and stability, much
needed during that otherwise desperate times. Vendors can also rent out warehouse space for
use by other corporate partners, investors, NGOs & government agencies during the crisis.
Restructure can be as simple as a re-label to avoid confusions and possibly conserve resources
that become more valuable during pandemics. With our project Preserve N Persevere (PNP),
produce like seeds, Grains, canned food etc., even MRE, cooked and frozen food may be stored
with long term retention, therefore packaged appropriately to avoid spoil. At the very onset of a
pandemic, there will be an extremely busy spike to conserve perishable food such as meats,
vegetables, milk, eggs and fruits etc. As the panic sets in and all of a sudden people stop eating
out, at that point we know restaurants, food manufacturers and suppliers might be challenged
clearing inventory. Before the meat and produce farmers are forced to euthanize or destroy very
large quantities of food, we will be prepared to set Packaging facilities, professional and make-
shift kitchens in action, using a tested approach to package raw, semi-processed and cooked
food. PRACO is committed to create working plans and testing them thoroughly, using template
provided in our project PNP; about the time restaurant employees start worrying about losing
jobs, while on other hand food suppliers are getting worried, we can support transformation on
both ends. Getting produce and supplies delivered to strategically selected and orchestrated
kitchens where an assembly line is ready to prepare cook and package this PNP-Food in
sustainable formats. This way, not only we save whole lot of food from getting wasted, we
actually create an insurance policy for foodservice workers to withstand tough times while also
provide help with projects like NOSH and partner with similar public and private projects.
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L o g is tic s , S h ip p in g a n d D is tr ib u tio n
You will not find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost
primarily because of logistics [Dwight D. Eisenhower]. WITAMIN manual describes how Corporations
have developed procedures how to get the produce from farm to you. Unfortunately the
procedures ensure maximum shelf life and not speed of delivery, you grow up not knowing what
fresh fruit ripened off the tree tastes like. With that growing awareness, many responsible supply
chains are trying to cut down on mileage and lead times, possibly delivering a healthier and
higher-end produce. We discussed briefly about healthier bodies being able to fight the ailments
better, more on this later SOON TO BE UPDATED. During pandemic we need a way to package food
in certified facilities and deliver it safely all the way to the end-customers; hence our project Dual-
Shield as discussed on page 24. Amazon trying out drones for downstream deliveries; might
prove valuable in reducing community spread of pandemics. Besides these initiatives and other
similar measures, offerings of incentives and discounts may also save jobs upstream in a number
of different industries.
M o b ility a n d p r o x im ity
Grandma survived the depression because her supply chain was local and she knew how to do
stuff [David Wolfe]. Corporations seem to have thrown a wrench in there; they can offer rates that
local businesses cannot compete with. Playing on buyer’s inability to look beyond short-term
consequences, if that; many corporations can afford to sell even at loss until the local competition
is crushed. The huge corporate supply chains not only mean lot more Contact-Points for
spreading infection, but also transmission to a much larger area. In addition the food leaving
these supply chains is meant to have greater shelf life – no matter if that reduces the taste and
health goodness. As discussed above awareness of quicker lead times and better produce is
growing out of health concerns, but it can actually reduce costs and elevate profits, therefore local
supply as opposite to centralized distribution is being seriously considered by even bigger chains,
which comes with additional benefit of fewer Contact-Points, better taste, health and quality of life
in general. Earlier we introduced Trucks for Food Vending (TFV), they offer great mobility to
dispense large amount of fresh and hot meals while complying with pandemic related safety.
G lo b a l T r a d e
The largest 100 corporations hold 25 percent of the worldwide productive assets, which in turn
control 75 percent of international trade and 98 percent of all foreign direct investment. The
multinational corporation... puts the economic decision beyond the effective reach of the political
process and its decision-makers, national governments [Peter Drucker]. Trade agreements and
relaxed borders may be good for economy, but they have biomedical, national security and
various other implications. First of all, International travel that goes on with global transaction and
their settlements materialize to pandemic spread with a rate accelerating every year, and
therefore must be tuned in terms of passenger density, duration, food handling, itinerary events,
waiting, ticketing, baggage and other facilities. We talked about Dual-Shield packaging to ensure
the package is delivered to end-customer free of any contamination. We also discussed how
special cargo bins will interlace passenger seating thereby not only covering part of flight cost, but
in the process also creating safe zones for passengers. While on one hand, due to outsourcing
were are now dependent on other countries to fulfil very basic of our needs, and we have in this
manual talked about few ways to address that, but also we will like to raise awareness that our
global economic position is still strong and even commanding from a negotiation perspective.
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F o r e ig n R e m itta n c e s
Increased remittances to Cuba from the United States have helped Cuban families [Ben Rhodes].
One of the key factors why our negotiation position is still strong despite of creating a national
security nightmare by over outsourcing is attributed to the Foreign Remittances that we
command. If we implement even some of the fixes mentioned in this document and at the least
retain our jobs to keep the economy going, among other benefits, it will help us retain our position
as a global leader; able to continue helping smaller economies financially by paying remittances.
M o r e o n th e H R D e b a c le
Trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift
adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership [Mike Pence]. This may be a good time to bring forth an
important point when it comes to corporate hiring today. While many job have become commodity
to allow off-shore work, companies tend to create parallel structures on-site, however Prior to
COVID-19 many manufacturers were not allowing telecommute for onsite staff while the same job
description could work off-shore or off-site. Also there is not really enforcement if at all there is
legislation or regulation to prefer local candidates over long distance which makes for a lot more
crisscross of traffic.
A n a ly tic s C o r p o r a te P a r tn e r s
The interesting thing is, while we die of diseases of affluence from eating all these fatty meats,
our poor brethren in the developing world die of diseases of poverty, because the land is not used
now to grow food grain for their families [Jeremy Rifkin]. Analytics today help us see patterns that
were not visible, and sometimes they are hidden in plain sight. SOON TO BE UPDATED are examples
how we can use data to create visibility into naturally occurring patterns and facts enabling our
public and private partners to make better informed decisions.
Enforce pre-agreed reserves of monitored items when accelerated movement detected.
Prevent silo-stock by rationing of selected items at appropriate levels in case of emergency.
Capturing and processing alerts from governments, experts and 3rd party contractors.
Data analytics making the case against prevention versus life quality decisions.
Data modelling and predictive analytics to stay ahead.
Business Analytics to help organization stay afloat.
Fact Based Insights revealing patterns and information hiding in plain sight.
Provide decision points based on facts derived from analyzing appropriate data points.
Trace Analytics to help us create safe zones and detect threats including pandemics.
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L o c a l T r a n s it a n d V e n d in g
Starting with roadside changes and overall impact on local transit; how gas, food and drinks are
dispensed and additional sanitation options required for toilets to create a safe travel experience
during pandemics. GOW and T-Pay projects can be utilized to create this model for inter-city and
intra-city travelling reducing touch using Wi-Fi, T-Code or tap based technologies, and converting
product dispensing to Vending like models or a one-way movement of products, transactions and
people eliminating crisscross, should greatly reduce if not eliminate spread.
In te r n a tio n a l T r a v e l
On page 29 we talked about different measures of risk distancing including better air circulation,
using light, dehumidification and electrostatic measures to control pathogen growth, creating
safer zones by interlacing sitting space with special cargo racks, thermal cameras and other
technologies, all because invariably travelers are force packed in a tight cabin for long hours. In
addition better measures at airports and transit facilities should tighten if not eliminate gaps and
tremendously reduce travel risks.
S ta y a n d H o s p ita lity
I recently spoke with a hotel operator who told me her occupancy rate is usually 94% on Fourth of
July weekend. This year, her occupancy is only 6% [Susan Collins]. Saving hotel jobs is part of the
puzzle as we fight pandemics. We will have to look at hotel locations and do some creative
occupancy distribution. The good news is that by implementing projects mentioned in this manual
and building confidence in economy, we are expecting lot more tourist inflow that may seek
accommodation for weeks at a time including the two week quarantine at their arrival. In addition
during a pandemic, accommodations are needed for first responders, nurses, MTS, CCR and
other professionals. All of the above mentioned is for the worst case scenario, however if we are
able to continue without shutting down the economy, and bring additional inflow from economies
with limited means of fight pandemics, Although there are websites trying to help us plan single
destination vacations in limited capacity, more robust software standard is needed that allows
seamless integration of different hotel and travel software. This solution on one hand can provide
consistent occupancy to hotels, while on the other hand offer subscribers to plan travels of
various lengths and destinations including travel, stay and activities, allowing for hotel hopping,
airline hopping and insurance, guaranteeing a better service and experience; creating the
confidence necessary during those tough times.
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I'm consistently asked how I keep a foot in two contrasting worlds - one in the entertainment industry,
predicated on wealth and indulgence, and the other in humanitarian work. To me, it's less of a question of
how can you do this, and more a question of how can you not? [Meghan Markle]. That is a perfect description
of our outlook here at PRACO, to create presentations supporting our projects such as LOL, HEAL, GOW
and T-Pay etc. PRACO projects range from basic pandemic related information to simplified functions
such as cooking during pandemic with plenty of substitutes designed to reduce your trips to market, and
even helping you grow a garden or two in your backyard. We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself
the means of inspiration and survival [Winston Churchill], survival has become a highly technical discipline, if
you are in Africa, not only would you need to know everything that can kill you, you must also be ready to
source the remedies from that very environment, in Amazon, you must memorize what chemicals are
contained in each plant and what they are useful for. God forbid, if one catches COVID-19, of all the
possible symptoms, to pin point your particular set of symptoms and discuss the haves and have-nots in
a simple and clear language without using big technical terms, would be a monumental challenge.
Liberal Democracy is all about extending choice. Give people the option to decide [Charles Kennedy]. As
mentioned earlier, at PRACO we believe in providing multiple choices as opposite to a single directive,
and we will like to find hard to get answers, such as are the beaches unsafe, or is it the vendors alongside
beaches that actually spread infection? We will also like to bring back business models that actually make
sense providing value and entertainment during pandemics, such as open air or drive-in theaters. Open
carriage tours, Open top buses or double-deckers where feasible, etc. SOON TO BE UPDATED are more
options and details.
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In 1928 humanity was gifted with the first antibacterial; from a dirty lab at St. Mary’s hospital in
London, a marvel of modern medicine that has saved countless lives since. Medical industry has
discovered other antibiotics since i.e. antivirals and antifungals etc., but most of this effort has
been on finding bio-chemical agents and make money selling them, not a whole lot researching
other methods, perhaps we are waiting for another divine handout? Maybe we need Edison’s
ethic of exploration in putting together all we know with the kind of scientific attitude and discipline
that Edison practiced to invent the light bulb. Is there an Edison among those homeless, jobless
or poor orphans wasting away talent, waiting to be put to use so they can help humanity? Maybe
computer analytics could find patterns, only if we could feed some data.
There is also a question about funding researches that we already addressed a bit; viral research
may not have seemed feasible to the medical community who for decades have taken a stance to
minimize the impact of influenza. With COVID-19 our medical scientists may now have seen the
light, however, leaving behind a long trail of statements that politicians around the globe are now
using; because they have economic and other considerations. Answers may be hidden in
research areas not getting much traction, how can we limit proteins that virus is made of, or can
we manufacture genetic code that specifically targets our culprit virus and nothing else?
Needless to say that weaker bodies and systems tend to lose the fight quicker when viruses
attack. It seems to be a common theme with viruses that may linger around for years and
decades like shingles, and compound attack body systems when they get weak due to age or
possibly some other cause such as another ailment or pandemic. In that respect, our MTS will be
a great resource to provide education and help prepare our bodies for the fight.
Seems like the medical community pressured by corporate funding had their hands tied to
actively fight against ailments; seemingly they have not been able to accomplish a lot in the
passive arena either, due to influence by other corporations, special interest groups and
conspirators etc., for example better food, environment and fact checks would have been
excellent areas of engagement for medical professionals to do some ground work. Detailed
discussions on these and similar topics are in WITAMIN manual, mentioned briefly in this
framework to set proper goals; Empowering individuals to make better health decisions, better
work choices, ability to spread out for better air quality and reduced Contact-Points etc.
Since people like Edison are extremely rare, almost non-existent; Corporations have tried to fill that gap
using constantly improving processes. Lot of time, money, resources and great ideas have been invested
in developing Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery policies. PRACO will bring together medical
scientists to utilize these time tested principles and policies to develop not only the contingency plans but
also research and development including their valuation and marketing to secure proper funding.
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M o r e a b o u t M T S : M e d ic a l T r ia g e S p e c ia lis ts
Section on Building Talent introduced MTS briefly; in addition they inspire few more
responsibilities, let’s take a bit deeper dive: Scientific disciplines tend to increasingly
compartmentalize knowledge. Some thirty years back a computer person did it all, hardware,
software, programming etc. Today Computer Science is comprised of five discrete disciplines
with thousands of tracks to follow. That pinch is being felt in the corporate world as project costs
and timelines have grown exponentially. Medicine is even worse; an ENT specialist would not
explore into one’s dental apparatus no matter how intertwined that may be and how painful it
would be for the patient to wait.
Our MTS understand that parts and systems within our body are not islands; they are intertwined
with each other. We can restrict medical professionals from delving into other areas of body
physically, ethically and knowledge wise, but ailments travel from one part of body to others. MTS
will be equipped to effectively chase these ailments through the body and seek expert help when
and where necessary without having to stop or delay, because that hesitation erodes attention
and evidence. This not only applies to different medical disciplines, but also chemistry,
environment, other physical sciences and even computer sciences etc. that may be directly
connected to the ailment and the pandemic, or may have an assisting role.
Early dismissal of ancient practices and traditions by modern medicine has resulted in huge gaps,
studying those fading disciplines we realize the wisdom therein. With that inspiration PRACO
shall revive and integrate those disciplines into core MTS training. Ancient wisdom reshaped with
scientific principles might be the fresh breeze of air we need to regroup, reset and renew; for
example Ayurveda describes six stages of disease that MTS nutritionist might apply.
Accumulation: for example accumulation of heat may manifest as sour belch from time to time.
Aggravation: sour belch becomes little bit of heartburn. You take antacid; Tums, Alka-Seltzer etc.
Spreading: Heartburn is more persistent. You take Prilosec, Nexium etc.;
Localization: Settles in weak spot of body let’s say manifests as little bit of arthritis in the knee.
Manifestation: acute stage, disease starts altering tissue system itself; early rheumatoid arthritis.
Diversified: When the disease sets in and becomes chronic.
That ancient wisdom channeled by scientific principles and organized using modern medicine can
cure disconnect caused by difficult scientific terminology scientists use unconsciously or
sometimes on purpose to intimidate and therefore alienate common folks. MTS trained to
convince with an attitude of public service and not trying to assert their knowledge but to actually
help, may actually help.
M e d ic a l T e c h n o lo g y
While several biomedical agencies with very talented people are doing great work in this
particular area; PRACO can offer big help in several ways:
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Biomedical research
So many people wait around for funding, and if they're unsuccessful, they don't make the
film; if you've got a good idea, that seems so pointless. There's always a way of doing it;
you've just got to find it [Joel Edgerton]. There are those researches that may actually be
essential but not finding proper traction or funding, such as a study, which enrolled more
than 35,000 patients, found that quickly administering so-called convalescent plasma had
a marked effect on mortality for patients with severe cases of Covid-19. Those who
received transfusions within three days of diagnosis had a seven-day death rate of 8.7%,
while patients who got plasma after four or more days had a mortality rate of 11.9%. The
difference met the standard for statistical significance. There are other areas of research
that might be worthwhile, even if we may be late for current iteration of COVID-19 –
Micro-Thrombosis prevention may be one example; if the virus is using up a certain
protein, could we manufacture a variation of that protein that might be safe for humans,
but essentially stops the virus from replicating? PRACO shall commit to create that
balance, find possible ways, people and resources to make them happen. Furthermore
there are open-ended questions no one seems interested to research even as some
realize that simple answers are lurking on the other side. Edison was not the only person
with an idea of how to create light with electricity, but he was the only one to try 10,000
times and still not give up, similarly M.L. King was not the only one fighting for equal
rights, but he was the one to follow the dream and take others along. PRACO will be
willing to find those commonsense answers such as to test if infection is spread on
beaches or the shops alongside, and in doing so; possibly give back to public well
deserved options of entertainment that makes sense.
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Information Technology:
It is impossible to work in I.T. without also engaging in Social Engineering [Jaron Lanier]. Today IT is at the
core of all systems business or public, examples are throughout this manual and Hex-P manual. Half a
century back, there was fear led global resistance against computerization, today computers have
become an integral part of our lives, from a TV or cell-phone to vehicles, every aspect of our business,
smart homes and everything in between. Computers have changed the way we live, some of those
changes we may not like, but there is certainly a lot of good from vast improvements in medical
technology and other sciences around us, vast application of accessories such as messaging, cameras,
printing, drones, 3D-printing. Various industries can utilize IT within their realm, for example entertainment
industry can lead the telecommute revolution, education and during a crisis create content with
entertainment and messages of hope, similarly gaming industry can create interactive events to entertain
people sitting at home. Similar projects are being discussed in WITAMIN, SOON TO BE UPDATED.
In te r n e t a n d D e v ic e S e c u r ity
Both Internet and Device security are subjects of enormous significance especially as hackers
tend to influence our choices, in fact choices as important as an election. Majority of us have
adopted or at least accepted technology in our lives with its quirk and imperfections, however few
have stayed away due to some belief system, privacy issues, doesn’t fit lifestyle, or other dangers
lurking in cyberspace. Unfortunately corporations like everything else want us to pay our way
towards security over and over; partly and incrementally – most of us never getting all the needed
components in place or to have these disjoint components play nicely with each other; adding to
frustration and vulnerabilities. Even those of us having spent lot of time getting the pieces
configured somewhat acceptable find that after all this effort some components are already aging
out, or a new install managed to exploit vulnerabilities in some new way. Many applications
especially most of legacy applications do not have a built in security and depend on external
shells or firewalls to keep them protected, but are totally exposed if some infection comes
piercing though those firewalls. Hand held devices such as cell phones have many other
susceptibilities besides just the ones percolating through network defenses.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges [Richard Rogers]. At PRACO we started working on this
issue by recognizing that a one for all solution will not work, therefore a viable solution must be multi-
tiered; starting with most to lowest usage patterns. Since cell phones are owned by a vast majority and
access to computers may be the next big block; we focused on device security. So if you own a device
our software will all available sensors to create new analytics; for example your cell phone can trace the
size and shape of your fingers, even possibly recognize your prints, recognize your voice, accent, catch
phrases, understand your usage or other patterns, remember your face features with and without glasses,
your retina scan, some of your favorite fabrics etc. Next milestone in our software is to use smart analytics
such as record your location at midnight and confirm from you if that is your home, similarly other frequent
locations such as office etc. recognize voice, speech, face, fingers and prints of other users or just people
around. Your cellphone can then gather its internal information such as MAC address, CPU/OS IDs etc.,
or information about its environment and use this to scramble all the data listed before so that only your
phone can use that information and if some hacker steals that meta-data it will be of no use without
having your actual phone in possession, and even if they steal your phone they will not be able to steal
the information without your face, voice, fingers, habits and retina etc. SOON TO BE UPDATED by
discussions from WITAMIN.
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S o m e M o r e o n th e H R D e b a c le
What gunpowder did for war, the printing press has done for the mind. [Wendell Phillips]. Human
history has those occasional moments of creating something so simple and yet with an impact so
profound. Many scandals and Ponzi schemes were born in the financial world, forcing
governments to enforce audits and compliance like SOX and ECA etc. HRM coming to the rescue
may have injected them deeper into the corporate; unbeknownst to the business they may have
caused severe internal and intellectual damage to the organization. On page 38 we briefly stated
the advent of talent being converted into commodity, and the impact is actually much cavernous
than previously understood. Let’s take a look from technology perspective:
Many of the Americana companies are running legacy computer code that might be a few
decades old and orphaned, with undetermined value and perhaps unknown cost,
nevertheless costing a hefty amount. Orphaned because of missing source code, other
licensing or structural issues and perhaps the last person managing that particular stack was
fired or laid-off due to budget cuts.
Startups and major software companies offer software in multiple layers allowing them to
multiply licensing costs, and God forbid if you want to purchase some components from a
competitor which many corporations do for various reasons, the connectors you will need are
going to cost quite a bit. Make especially difficult and expensive when a company has lost
few generations of architects at different times, each leaving behind a stack that continues to
run and companies are reluctant to justify their value or TCO numbers, costing them dearly.
Hard as it is to keep up with technology updates and upgrades, but you do get breaks by
keeping up and penalized otherwise. When IT staff is fired to save pennies and it’s hard for
new hires next year to even know the plan, let alone trying to keep with upgrades thereby
costing the company thousands and millions over the years.
Platform diversity built due to firing and hiring a few generations of architects, complicates he
infrastructure exponentially. Incoming architects may not want to mess with an existing
platform by their own choice or business directives, nevertheless try modernizing by
introducing another set of platforms and connectors.
Architecture issues are at the least visible, other issues such as network traffic are far more
complex. Modern tools make this traffic visible hence putting more pressure on network folks,
what the executives don’t understand however is the question nobody asks, why is the traffic
there and who is causing it? As a result, more equipment and bandwidth must be added,
adding to the complexity and operational costs.
These points are just tip of the iceberg, caused by the simple act of firing and hiring rapidly. There
are long term repercussions hiding in plain sight, visible in hindsight only because that is when we
look. While outsourcing seems attractive to replace talents at lower cost, facilitating immediate
and easier balancing of numbers for the fiscal year-end, possibly so much intriguing that we don’t
extrapolate for longer terms. Therefore If layoffs are seen as easy option to survive during
pandemics, PRACO might be able to showcase a 9 to 15 years projection for various industries
based on actual numbers if not the factually truth and tried numbers of letting go staff that was
guarding intellectual property and active plans in motion. We hope knowing this longer term truth
will make it easier for businesses to pull back some of the production (if not most) and bring it to a
small town in US providing incentives for businesses creating jobs. We can also provide
businesses with a tested templates allowing for transformations during short, medium or long
term disasters such as a pandemic.
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Information Channels:
Whoever controls the media controls the mind [Jim Morrison]. Volumes can and have been written on the
power media exerts, historically starting from different forms of Print Media back in the day, to Mass
Media -- the advent of Digital Media with diversified content using Multimedia; and to the mass hysteria of
today’s Social Media. There is no denying how integral information highway is to modern living and all the
good and bad Social Media delivers. Since Social Media has provided an open license of critique to
anyone on any subject; that lends itself to turn volunteers into an army of good, honest reporters for a
good cause. Before we review that information approach with an example let’s clarify how impartiality
guides us. Fairness requires being sensitive to both sides of an issue leaning towards favoring the greater
good; so the side with greater good wins. Just to clarify, this fairness test does not apply where a stance
is void of legality or morality, that sort of stance or issue is decided by legislature or a court of public
opinion. Lately there was a media hype regarding the Bike Rally at Sturgis. Rather than being involved in
politics, PRACO shall provide templates to the city elaborating following points:
City may recommend Food Stalls and Shops to certify for safe handling, Templates can be provided
for our landmark projects Grub One Way (GOW) and Touchless Payments (T-Pay). Hex-P manual
provides detailed documentation on these projects.
City may provide proper weekly testing for all vendors starting two quarantine periods before, up to at
least one quarantine period after the event.
While on one hand we may recommend city administration to consider mandating mask usage,
On the other hand we will provide information to calm media hype about gatherings especially if the
gathering is outdoors with proper risk distancing and sanitation observed.
We will like to strategically place announcement booths and distribute material (not just pamphlets
because our objective is not just making a point but actually helping, so packages may include
gloves, masks etc.).
Our esteemed talent providing materials and education may actually be bikers themselves who
understand the basic human need of relief and love for fun and freedom, because they might provide
the best inspiration and education regarding boundaries. So long as we respect their boundary to
have fun, we are confident attendee will reciprocate and show respect locals and their right to survive
the epidemic even if the attendees may not themselves believe in the hype.
Our announcers sensitive to mutual respect and boundaries can deliver information and reminders in
a soft humble way that is not perceived as an overreach or threat.
We will establish a website and database backend calling for public vigilance to identify Sturgis
Visitors that may have tested positive, the length of one quarantine period before and two quarantine
periods after the event.
We shall partner with news and social media to help updating our database, which we can gladly
share for a more comprehensive and robust contact tracing.
Where possible we shall extend our help for anyone in need without any judgement or any form of
discrimination, and with open arms welcome any volunteers or ambassadors who are willing to help
us fight a common enemy of humanity.
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To fight, we must have oil for our machine [Adolph Hitler]. Just as electronic communication is vital to fight
wars and disasters alike, we must have sustainable and dependable sources of energy to keep the
communication going during pandemics. As we wait on solar and wind powered technologies to catch up
with the demand and become economically viable, currently fossil fuels seem to be the most affordable
choice around. There are examples where millions of dollars were spent on having a power infrastructure
to function during a disaster and they ran out of fuel, blunders like that are not just oversight and can have
devastating impact. As PRACO is trying to have a complete and comprehensive solution, we cannot
ignore any little stone unturned; no matter how unrelated it may seem to the untrained eye. As devices
continue to evolve at a slow pace replacing fuel driven motors with smarter electronic motors, it might be
that generators could be a great compromise helping with that transition and allowing for more self-
Food and energy account for a significant portion of household budgets [Janet Yellen]. Therefore both food
and energy are big and growing sectors of green businesses. Green sources of energy especially solar
technologies may be the saving grace in pandemic planning; in this very connected world where
communication hinge on dependable sources of electricity, solar cells and a battery might come in handy.
Other energy sources such as wind-driven dynamos might be another alternative at home or on the
move, and bio-gas units converting household trash into cooking flame and compost are viable sources of
energy that can help us survive during tough times, but might also reduce utility bills.
U tilitie s a n d N e c e s s itie s :
We are currently gathering data SOON TO BE UPDATED regarding Utilities in general gauging
current usage of water, electricity, gasoline, natural gas and coal etc. Also included are utilities
that have become hallmark of today’s life i.e. cable and internet.
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Government Services:
Time of affliction is the time to fight, and planning is pivotal to win any fight. Hope is great but it has to be
backed by a solid plan – Businesses ready to transform need direction and a cohesive plan, mere hopes,
half-baked plans or poorly executed attempts may simply deplete us of time, energy and valuable
resources in that crucial time. PRACO with a humble attitude of service can provide the middle cohesive
layer to seamlessly bind the public and private efforts or functions during a pandemic, even accepting
most of the challenge and risk enabling businesses to continue and governments to attend more pertinent
tasks instead of having to regulate. With COVID-19 many governments are finding it difficult to create
balance between following medical advice and tending to economic concerns. That choice should not
have to be part of the pandemic to-do list, had we consulted with IT folks who design BC/DR policies for a
living. As we put together this framework allowing us to apply lessons learned and prepare us better, we
hope to alleviate any economic fears and restore market confidence; should there be a reiteration or for
that matter any future pandemics. While we may on principle stay away from implementing China like
solution of QR-coding every citizen, a national ID card paired with a mobile application may sufficiently
allow our government/s to extend help more effectively as detailed in WITAMIN. Of course as customary
with all human affairs, techniques to detect cheating may also be developed by sharing data sources
such as mobile, automotive, credit activity, facial/fingerprint recognition and other online presence etc. We
must employ all our faculties and knowledge along with ready and available technologies to implement
better models and bring our best faculties to this fight. Let’s not see the republican answer or democratic
answer [John F. Kennedy], post COVID-19 many non-partisan/bipartisan answers are needed; SOON TO BE
UPDATED are fact based answers from WITAMIN, below is a cursory look at a handful of those.
U n e m p lo y m e n t B e n e fits :
At PRACO large part of our efforts are directed towards continuity of economy, preserving
employment, and helping with necessary transformations towards that end. We expect
transformations may for the most part balance out skillsets lost with those turned high demand
during a pandemic. In fact there will be brand new skills required only during a pandemic and also
more manpower will be required for many other skills, especially as 2:2wk work schedule (2
weeks off, 2 weeks on) is followed. If some have to fall back on unemployment benefits, they
usually are not sufficient to cover mortgages, car payments, bills and other costs of living;
PRACO intends to provide Insurance related and other education to help individuals in case of a
layoff or job loss. In those occasions where someone don’t qualify for unemployment on a
technicality, run out of benefits, or simply are on a waiting list with no coverage, SOON TO BE
UPDATED solutions are being discussed via WITAMIN manual. Since our approach is to take
action ahead of time and not wait for disasters, our T-Card may help take the edge off.
L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t S e r v ic e s :
We take for granted many of city or county services such as parks, roads, water supply,
Sanitation etc., however COVID-19 has taught us to take a second look and in some cases go
back to the drawing board for risk reduction. Trash pickup for example has exposures and
vulnerabilities that must be addressed; Trash-bin out in the open may become source of
community infection, perhaps trucks with ability to disinfect the trash-bin might be helpful. PRACO
intends to include skillsets in our talent creation programs that might provide help in areas where
manpower is needed, be it organic demand or due to a spike. Public education and passing
commonsense laws for public protection has been exposed as neglected areas, and we plan to
engage in those discussions via WITAMIN.
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V o tin g S o lu tio n s :
We must vote for hope, vote for life, vote for a brighter future for all of our loved ones [Ed Markey]. By
adopting multiple solutions we may distribute voters thereby not only offering additional safe
options, but also decreasing load on conventional methods. Following methods are much safer
than conventional voting because they use V-Code technology which simply is a more secure
and enhanced version of “QR-Code” technology.
Why the V-Codes? Perhaps it’s about time to improve security, reliability and even availability
during pandemics. Many features and functions that V-Codes can offer are being discussed to
incorporate later, however voter anonymity is a key feature: While we must identify a voter for two
main reasons, i.e. to establish eligibility, and to ensure a voter can cast exactly one vote and no
more. Registration process and issuing a V-Code accomplishes both of those goals. It will be very
easy for systems to make sure a V-Code does not vote more than once, instead of trying to put
ink on people, we can identify voter eligibility and update systems to indicate the social security
number has been assigned a V-Code, so nowhere else can that person by name, device, SSN or
few other ID markers can obtain another V-Code without cancelling the one already assigned.
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Registration process is the key to voter anonymity, once voter is assigned a V-Code, updates are
done to reflect by name, SSN, device ID and few other data points that a V-Code is issued for a
one time use related to a specific election, a de-linking takes place to disassociate V-Code
information from the Voter. Delinking process makes it impossible for anyone except the voter to
trace back from a V-Code to voter-ID thereby providing a much needed anonymity to the voter.
Not only will this process greatly reduce fraud for example registering dead people or illegals etc.,
but pending congress approval, it has the capability to allow voters confirm after the fact how their
vote was counted using the V-Code. Just to reiterate, registration process will assign exactly one
V-Code to a voter and no one except that voter specifically can use or cancel a given V-Code,
and no one has the information to trace a V-Code back to a voter, except the voter.
If you own your failure, you will own your success [Jon Taffer]. In hindsight with COVID-19, we realize many
things could have been done different, question at hand though is to possibly help and resolve any
immediate issues regarding the upcoming elections, opening of schools, unemployment, food shortage,
helping and feeding the pandemic frontline workers etc. At PRACO we believe that unlike traditional
voting where each method had a different process, for the first time V-Code technology offers a unified
process, yet better, diverse, easier, faster and more transparent methods to cast ballot. Following is a list
of major steps in sequence that we feel might help us jumpstart the economy and the country:
E c o n o m ic R e c o v e r y Q u ic k s te p s :
Following Series of steps should help calm down COVID-19 and help jumpstart the economy by:
Providing centralized plan including CDC guidelines such as mandating the masks.
Hire help for frontline workers; allowing experienced biomedical staff to provide directions
remotely, thereby guarding the intellectual property needed during the pandemic. Accelerated
programs for talent development; RCT and similar programs described on page 15 can be
launched to quickly familiarize with quick tips on single focused jobs, important CDC
guidelines and safety tips etc.
Provide quarantine-able or mobile accommodation (THEWs), RVs, Vans, etc., for frontline
workers and change work hours to 12:12hr (12 on and 12 off) single shift or 6:6hr (6 on, 6 off)
two shifts a day. There is also 9:9hr variant that may actually be most appropriate.
Allow for 2:2wk (2 weeks on and 2 weeks off) work schedule for frontline workers. Allowing
them to sandwich quarantine when transitioning from work back to home, spend some time
with family and kids before another 2 week sprint of work.
Don’t wait on industry volunteers, but provide guidance, what industries can pitch-in,
depending on what they do, how best can they contribute and how they can get paid to recall
workers but still stay afloat. Already six months and no sign of COVID-19 slowing down;
Farming may have to be considered, whole length of food and protective gear supply chain
will have to be evaluated, PPE and related supplies need to be manufactured, clean kitchens
need to be established, separate care facilities for pandemic patients, elderly, other patients
and perhaps children must be established etc.
Create teaching PODS described on page 28 to open schools with maximum possible safety.
Develop patches of lands outside big cities, start with RVs, vans, mobile homes etc., relocate
homeless and jobless to start farming or building THEWs; as described on page 29 etc.
Utilizing RVs, mobile homes etc. so we can move the most vulnerable who consent
voluntarily, out of risky areas, into patches of land developed to ease city population. Hotels
outside large cities may also participate.
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At PRACO we hope to serve and perform our committed tasks, knowing this should take some pressure
off federal and local governments, allowing them to effectively perform important tasks. As we research,
plan and implement, navigating through known and unknown, we will share our finding with proper
agencies and allow them to pass appropriate regulations where needed. As an example if a long term
pandemic affects farms directly or indirectly, we should make sure to conserve seed and grains, possibly
a temporary suspension on processing for non-essentials products from grains such as oils, cosmetics
etc. Earlier we talked about partnering with businesses to help with product tracking; an advantage of
tracking products movement is to identify if and when the speed, frequency or volume accelerates, and
this behavior can be for anything, even items that may seem unrelated. Take the example of toilet paper
leaving off the shelves at such a rate that stores are depleted in hours and the supply chain is depleted
quicker than you people realize what is going on. After the shock and realization comes the stage where
companies are scrambling to figure out what to do and different disconnected solutions are being
implemented at the store ends and not really at the supply chain, or for that matter not for any cohesive
plan or objective. It is fixable with technology and some light regulations. Similarly financial loopholes
must be fixed that caused millions of animals to be euthanized over just a few days, almost 4 million
gallons of milk dumped daily, million eggs a week smashed and even more dramatic numbers of crops,
produce and other products wasted.
To Clarify, PRACO is not in the business of regulations, in fact we operate in the exact opposite manner.
The purpose behind WITAMIN document is to raise topics, invite opinions from all sides and media, to be
all inclusive of majority and minorities no matter how small. At PRACO all facets of a given issue shall be
identified and experts consulted from all the represented areas, even religious and political leaders etc.,
for building a consensus. We do not believe in one size fits all solutions; a doctor in Atlanta might want to
keep their kids at home while given much better numbers on Rhode Island may convince the same doctor
otherwise; that is the kind of realistic approach that we will like to endorse. PRACO wants to offer realistic
options, however regardless of picks, we will help and support each choice, as much as possible.
Common denominator of all failures is excuses [Jon Taffer]. When we say experts, we are not single
focused on one area, take the example of Pandemics: Millions upon millions if not more were spend
yearly by so many countries and WHO, to then learn we do not have an answer for COVID-19. If it was a
business and during a disaster their systems were inaccessible, probably the many in the IT staff would
be fired immediately, and many more pending an outside investigation. We feel the single biggest fail was
to solely depend only on biomedical solutions. If you forget the socioeconomic, geopolitical and rest of the
human experience and focus solely on biomedical even that feels dismal as at the onset patients were
made to wait, and see if a ventilator is needed and available. Not having vaccine is one thing but pain
management could help. If a patient is having problems breathing, lung exercises may help, certain
medication like muscle relaxers may give the body a fighting chance than just giving up because this is a
novel virus and we don’t know how to deal with it. We certainly know a little about the human body; we
should focus on knowing it more and be prepared to help when the cause of ailment is unknown. That is a
challenging area we Vow to research and create better plans to deal with unknown pandemics.
Surprisingly most of terminology does not exist or is confusing and PRACO is already undertaking this
task not only to fill gaps, but also fix some of the terminology that might have been developed in a hurry.
As an example the term “Social Distancing” actually conveys the wrong connotation, which is why we
chose to use the term “Risk Distancing”, which actually conveys the concept better, but is also much
wider in terms of implications. Also we are not actually social distancing at all so not only is that term
confusing but actually misleading. If we cannot have an in-person social gathering, we can use
technology to socialize safely. In fact our project HEAL divides a class in groups, but the tutor’s screen
stitch all the groups together to bring the class back together, and perform all the activities normally.
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L e g is la tio n a n d P o lic ie s
Congress can pass reasonable gun safety legislation and save lives. We have a duty to the
American people to do our job [Ted Lieu]. At PRACO we believe that, legislation belongs to public
elected officials, our patriotic duty though is to serve where possible. Similarly we leave
biomedical policies to experts, but offer selfless service that can speak to masses and ensure
maximum participation. Strict policies and regulations create apprehension and hinder progress
when you want people to openly embrace and even participate. From what we learn though, facts
and stories can be passed on to both the Technocrats and Politicians.
Testing, Tracing and Treatment should be a mandated to guide all continuity plans. The plans
themselves must be tested and improved on yearly basis
One Federal Agency snatching masks ordered by a State Government demolished the
planning and caused problems for the State Government. Coordination may be enforced.
Different states competing, only drives up prices and benefits no one. Coordinated plans may
be created and enforced.
Areas of high population at all levels from facilities to cities must focus on redistribution where
possible. This should not be asked with choice offered, not enforced.
Safety first, any project that is implemented must improve or preserve current level of safety
to all and no aspect of the project directly or indirectly see diminished safety.
During an emergency, large scale public or private projects not related to emergency may be
put on hold and no new medium or large scale projects should be started.
Bus driver Jason Hargrove in Detroit died because even after repeated warnings someone
kept coughing in his bus without covering his mouth, preventive regulations may be passed.
Regulations needed may be needed to ensure state-lines can be an added check towards
prevention of community spread.
Local supply chain may be encouraged during a pandemic to preserve state-line integrity in
our fight against community spread.
Focus on green technologies and innovations. Incentivize and subsidize businesses creating
green products such as Green Walls, LED and Solar based technologies etc.
Cessation of at-Will or impulse shopping. Shopping to be done by appointment or online
ordering and scheduled pickups or delivery.
By monitoring product movements and further analytics may allow enforcement of laws and
regulations to prevent hoarding
Using our Valuation Appraisal List (VAL) based on WTO “Valuation Agreement”, we can
detect price gouging by merchants or hospitals and help law enforcement.
Grocery stores accepting smaller Government relief checks can greatly help to reduce long
lines at the banks.
Prisoners with certain lesser offences may be allowed to exchange for community service
programs thereby reducing prison population, and more hands to help where needed.
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COVID-19 has shown a huge spike in cybercrimes, but there is also an uptick in some social crimes
especially domestic violence, that is one area where community partnership and participation are needed
and our RCT or CCR can be a great help. Outside enforcement, there may also be some legal challenges
such financing issues to keep a roof over the head, or city regulations to keep the community safe, our
legal SMEs can provide lot of help in those areas especially saving quite a few trips and supporting lot of
activities over phone or other electronics based communications.
At PRACO we expect legal challenges of our own, anticipating Intellectual theft. Although we want to
openly share all we can for the good of humanity, there is a good chance of foul play therefore by putting
in place copyrights and other legal remedies we can make sure that not only the ideas and projects listed
in this manual are used with good intent, but we can also assist in providing further information, planning
and any other help we can provide to help all efforts with good intent.
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Religious gathering of a particular faith is really an assembly of individuals that have come together, each
with their own free choice to support what they all commonly believe; that is why it is almost impossible to
bring up a new subject at the n hour and expect everyone to be at the same page. PRACO is an
apolitical, non-assertive, non-denominational and non-profit organization that is not affiliated to any
special interest. Our purpose is to offer tools, education and service thereby inspiring, preparing and
empowering individuals to confidently survive pandemics and other disasters, solely by self-reliance.
Individuals that group together with a common faith are already receptive and open by that declaration of
their faith system, all we have to do is to open up topics for discussion ahead of time, allow them to
resolve and reach natural conclusions and be there to support whatever the decision may be.
Let’s take an example to illustrate how PRACO intends to assist different belief groups. If for example a
group understands that social distancing is a misnomer, medical community is actually asking for risk
distancing and not really social distancing, lot of apprehension may go away just with that clarification.
PRACO will provide the necessary education, clarifications and facts, including testimonials from different
faith systems not to assert influence but only to elucidate or update. Those who want to know how
technologies can be used; shall be provided education to the level and extent they choose. Safety
information on in-person congregations will be available regardless. It may be worthwhile to note that
these discussions are by no means one-sided. There is a reason why throughout this manual we refer to
WITAMIN discussions and not articles or op-eds etc., by design we want all sides heard equally and
commit to provide appropriate channels be it social media or blogs with feedback etc.; especially when it
comes to faith systems, there is a possibility to find some inspiration if not actual advice on different life
topics including disease.
Another aspect of paying close attention to Faith based systems is the fact that in modern day study of
events such as exodus not only we have found scientific evidence of these events actually happening, but
science also confirms the exact sequence of events. Likewise some of the advice or solution mentioned
along with the plagues is now recognized being in the realm of science we know; vice versa these events
contain potential information we may not yet know, or corrections to some of how we know. If a Delaware
Songbird can predict weather far better than meteorologists with all their fancy equipment and
supercomputers, studying nature and such Faith System may at least help us simplify if not course
correct the science as we know it, and explore opportunities of media partnerships for localized prayer
helping with Risk distancing, create programming to spread hope, relaxation and entertainment.
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V o lu n te e r s a n d R e s o u r c e A g e n ts
P5/L2: Designated Taxi Partners.
P3/L3: Certified Professional Medical/Nursing Responders.
P5/L3: Deliver Food, Groceries, Medicine.
P4/L4: Certified Care/Hospitality Responders.
P4/L4: Certified Baby/Adult/home Sitters.
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R e s o u r c e L o c a tio n s :
P5/L4: Schools can be converted to screening centers and even early treatment centers.
P4/L4: Partner Kitchens/Restaurants will become Emergency food source, partially redirecting
Partner hotels for resource agents.
Certain office buildings will become self-contained command centers with proper
cleaning/medical supplies as well as a nearby dedicated restaurant being a uniquely integral part
in supporting the Responders.
L3: Delivery drones
L3: Some Churches/Mosques/Synagogues etc. will be converted to public testing/rehab centers.
L3: Other places of prayer will be ready to commence services in small groups after testing,
larger participation will happen via online streaming.
T e m p o r a r y R e lo c a tio n :
L4: Physically weak, seniors and possibly children with chaperones under supervision of
Resource Agent/s may be relocated to National Park Sanctuaries already stacked with food and
other essentials. High bandwidth online communication will be available to all relocated
individuals to frequently keep in-touch with loved ones.
P5/L4: Homeless population (if any)* will be relocated to designated sanctuaries.
L o c a tio n im p r o v e m e n ts :
P3/L3: Ultraviolet zone at each public/commercial entrance.
P4/L4: Help certified partners to section out Residence backdoor with a room and Shower.
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Styles come and go, design goes on forever: solving communication problems with new tools applied to
the same old common sense [Ivan Chermayeff], in the introduction on Page 8 we discussed how we have
enclosed knowledge in tiny mutually exclusive boxes, growing in numbers exponentially. If only we could
cut some windows in between and allow those who dwell in these boxes to talk, maybe we can get some
communication going by this simple change in design, that was kind of he idea behind SCN planning.
SSC on the other hand is our way of ground-up design putting to use what we know today and create
safer living. Bilateral Safety (i.e. right to counsel) among legal circles pre-dates Roman law, yet it took a
while for medical community to realize and reflect that wearing mask has bilateral implications i.e. safety
of practitioner and public from each other. Throughout this manual are examples of multilateral or
multifaceted projects for example we talked about how many analytic points for the good of business it
will provide to monitor product movement. Besides sales and marketing implications, product movement
analytics enable business owners to take measures for specific products where unusual movement is
detected, providing checks to avoid hoarding, but more importantly a handle on euthanizing and product
wastage – therefore preventing quick depletion of products. In the same context we talked about saving
jobs related to the Production, manufacturing, supply chain, eventual sales of these products and many
other departments, thereby keeping the economy going; smart business decision indeed.
You don’t need to know the whole alphabet of Safety. The A, B, C of it will save you if you follow it:
Always Be Careful [Colorado School of Mines Magazine]. Almost all projects listed in Hex-P manual are cognizant of
supporting safety measures, including certifications of talents, businesses, process and locations; making
sure of bilateral safety. Safety has always been at least bilateral, using fences we create a safe zone,
same goes when we install firewalls or security cameras – but somewhere we blurred the lines and now it
has become difficult to create quarantine or safe zones within our communities; to remedy SSC and SCN
programs. Whenever we mention transforming our partner businesses, it is implied that either they are
pre-evaluated for safety or they will be evaluated and certified as part of the transformation process. Of
course it would be meaningless to certify the business without having certified Supply Chain; therefore
part of transformation is to revisit existing inventory, provide quarantine measures for any shipments on
the way, and do business with certified suppliers.
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There is safety in numbers; working together we can make a process safe and reliable. Of course more
people testing the same process get the kinks out quicker bringing more reliability to the process being
tested. On the other hand, ability to repeat a process consistently is what made McDonalds so
successful. Just reading through this document you would have got a good enough idea by now, how at
PRACO we like to standardize so everybody can follow along consistently. As an example we worked on
a process for opening schools almost 3 months back, but as it takes time to address all the other areas in
a coordinated and comprehensive fashion, a similar concept started in Georgia with the name PODS. To
honor and recognize that effort we adopted that name to hopefully build a standard that can be safely
implemented. Our idea of ensuring safety for children by certifying the facilities and operators should
create a solid basis, but the way we are implementing technology standards should bring a real life
Using equipment that adheres to standards should provide a seamless integration of PODS with the
school system of their affiliation in a manner that as a student you will feel same experience as if you
were in the class. As a student, no matter which pod you are in or even If you are at the school, all
students are visible on one screen and you can talk to any of them as if they were sitting right next to you.
It will take all of us making individual efforts to follow the same standards, but also do it smart, better the
process if you can and share. Folks biggest of companies make blunders, you would think a company like
Amazon would have got their act together, only the second corporation in world history to hit the trillion
dollar mark. Alexa being a great and proud accomplishment, and rightfully so, activated by the word
“Alexa” it is a groundbreaking technology; but have you experienced using one of their products going
bizarre when an Amazon Advertisement comes up using the word “Alexa”. Even if the software designer
did not understand anything about string manipulation, any programmer responsible for the “Wake-word”
module could have talked about a “Safe-word” or “Escape-word”, escape characters are a very basic
thing in string manipulation. It might even have been possible for your speaker to generate a safe-word
that is inaudible. That is why PRACO intends to go beyond just cutting windows in the boxes; we must
inspire free speech and ideas, and that happens to be the main purpose behind our WITAMIN document.
With infectious disease, without vaccines, there's no safety in numbers [Seth Berkley]. We recognize several
efforts are now happening around the world to tame this viral beast that human kind has ignored for long.
We got lucky with Alexander Fleming’s discovery of Antibacterial to fight Bacterial infections; apparently
we await a similar miracle for treating viruses, while we should be following Thomas Edison’s example
and believe that discovering a general cure for viruses is just a day of prayers and hard work away. We
do need forums to share information and create better coordination among all these different teams, so
the very first thing when it comes to communication is language. Developing a common lingo, terminology
and standards is what this particular manual is for. We will like to keep updating with all and any feedback
we get as we reach out using every possible channel at our disposal with hopes to have a globally
coordinated effort in fighting this beast of pandemics that is only increasing in frequency, infectiveness
and viciousness. We talked about PRACO’s approach of having a complete and comprehensive solution
by taking care of every minuscule detail no matter how unrelated it may seem to the untrained eye. Even
concepts as ridiculous as promoting squat toilets with bidets will be considered if enough scientific
evidence is available for their efficacy to prevent infection and thereby community spread. We will not
compromise on safety, if we must certify even medical production facilities to make sure they do not
become the source of infection for example by producing contaminated test kits, then we will make that
certification happen with utmost care.
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Poor people cannot rely on the government to come to help you in times of need [Charles Barkley].
Government did try somewhat of a pandemic planning which seems like mostly biomedical focused;
actually more of research focused and may have missed the target on socio-economic and political
impacts or just public awareness if not education. IT folks in a similar fashion may have missed the mark
to help; having invested Trillions of dollars creating the discipline and science of BC/DR amidst planned
and unplanned disasters. Sort of a hard pill to swallow since IT folks have spent decades learning and
testing how to develop systems and infrastructures resilient to the element of surprise, and definitely
could have contributed in the plan for our survival. PRACO wants to help by banding together experts
from different areas to have a comprehensive outlook, thereby bring that sense of self-empowerment that
our constitution and so many presidents talked about. Knowing that “WE THE PEOPLE” alone determine
and drive our own fate, but also the education and realization that we are responsible to make it happen;
should usher the confidence, which given the right tools can be put to work. Because all projects start
with ideas, Based on the successful and time tested I-P-O (Input-Process-Output) model, PRACO has put
together a series of three documents representing each letter of the “I-P-O” respectively; starting with
WITAMIN document to capture the will, hopes and aspirations of “WE THE PEOPLE”, representing the
input. This framework document named FIRMAP shall become the process engine accepting inputs from
WITAMIN, creating structure around those facts and adding talents, resources and tools, to then form
projects listed in Hex-P manual as final output of this overall process.
Governments come and go and in their short stay it would be very difficult for any government to tackle
such a subject with its tentacles into almost every aspect of our lives, and most of them decades long
reaching deep into the core of many issues; At PRACO we believe that people must be empowered by
means of providing education, tools and resources; sort of what schools do for us. It is amazing that right
in the middle of pandemic we are starting to raise issues that should already have been resolved and
some sort of legislation framed around it. Reminds of Hurricane Katrina, many misses were simply
blamed to the storm being bigger than anticipation, however generators running out of gas is just poor
planning, or if we installed generators below ground level in a city that sits below sea level, is simply
asking for trouble. Not having lessons learned from that because COVID-19 is called a novel virus, is the
reason why we at PRACO decided to create this I-P-O based process so we hear ideas and opinions to
refine them with the help of experts not just in biomedical arena, but also other disciplines that might get
impacted i.e. the geopolitical, socioeconomic, finance, other arts or sciences etc. and even something
very basic and as ignored as human need of entertainment and fresh air which might become big deal
during a pandemic. Furthermore these ideas and opinions must be filtered properly by all possible experts
to extract fact based information that is formatted using the correct recipes we call templates.
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Since the three books i.e. WITAMIN, FIRMAP and Hex-P represent each letter of I-P-O it might be
worthwhile to explain using a familiar concept, let’s say a “Restaurant” analogy, as input or “I” would be
sourcing of meats and produce – meal courses and items that are based on customer expectations but
also availability. Just as ingredients are sourced and prepared, whether they need to be grind, diced,
sliced, cubed, mashed or whatever method necessary, fill the prep-table containers and store at correct
temperature; similarly with WITAMIN we solicit input of what public wants or needs, compile that
information in appropriate format. Middle letter “P” in our food analogy would be like a 3 Michelin Star
Chef planning menu for the day, assigning tasks to all the chefs, sous-chefs, cooks, bussing staff and
servers etc., as well making available tools, plates, pots & pans etc. In similar fashion FIRMAP is the
document where resources and standards are built so that projects based on this framework are
compatible and coordinate seamlessly. Output or “O” from a restaurant kitchen would be nicely executed
recipes that are nicely plated; in our Hex-P document will have categorized and properly prioritized
projects written as a collection named Hex-P.
Leadership is not wielding authority; it is empowering people [Becky Brodin]. Most elaborate plans easily fall
short of foreseeing what future holds, and then there are unforeseen encounters that are hard to predict;
if however, we band together and help each other fulfil duties of the designated roles – there is no doubt
that WE THE PEOPLE can cook a magic potion to overcome any ailment and never again have the need
to shutdown economies. Governments can impact in many ways, first and foremost is to empower the
people, provide tools and education upfront to build the confidence in people thus when a pandemic
arrives we act in unison to start fighting it, not give up and look at government at that time of need.
Pandemic prediction should become very much like predicting a hurricane, and so should response; most
people should know how to keep their families safe. There will always be those who will deny until it hits
home, however with government providing proper education, related topics coming to light and being
discussed way ahead of time; should help a huge majority of us to plan the correct steps.
Technology buffs from a previous generation understand how the mainframes of yesterday with their
dumb-terminals became extinct; out of their ashes, today’s networks were born. Similarly we saw
monarchies and big socialist governments fade as democracies of the people, by the people and for the
people grew. Our democracies depend on “WE THE PEOPLE” taking charge and taking ownership. The
way individuals make a democracy work can be explained by a simple example; Once we the people
decide not to litter, each individual follows it with the “honor code”, furthermore if we happen to find a
piece of trash, with a sense of responsibility, we pick it up and put it in trash. It then beg the question that
after Spanish-flu, Swine-flu, Zika and Ebola etc. did we the people take interest? Any one of us, Just a
handful of 331 million Americans or almost 8 Billion humans today cared to ask? Point is that we could
have done way better, have we had better communication, or if we were not running through our lives like
hamster on a wheel. Maybe this is a wakeup call, and in the wake of this pandemic we now have a choice
of models around the world so if we pick Korean model of Trace, Test and Treat, that would be a good
starting point. For us it is just a model that we have not tested yet, so first and foremost we should test
this model iteratively and improve upon it until several tests consecutively give out results just as
expected upfront. A note of caution here just as in computers two different types of tests are often
confused i.e. testing the code is different than testing the process of implementing the code. As we tackle
this subject we must recognize that performing medical tests is only one task out of many when we are
talking about testing the whole process.
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