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1907 11450 PDF
1907 11450 PDF
CDW (Vn ) and SC (Jn ) singlet interactions between n- Coupling (0, K− ) (K− , 1/2) (1/2, 1) (1, K+ ) (K+ , ∞)
th neighboring wires. These are described, respectively, intra-array (among parallel wires)
by the intra-array, inter -wire couplings
Vn (CDW) – – 3 3 3
Jn (SC) – – 3 3 3
X X j†
Hhj = t⊥ j
ψl,ν,σ ψl+1,ν,σ + H. c., (5a)
l,σ ν=±1
t⊥ (hop) – 3 3 3 –
X j† j j† j inter-array (at wire crossings)
Hc,n = Vn ψl,ν,σ ψl,−ν,σ ψl+n,−ν,σ 0 ψl+n,ν,σ 0 , (5b)
l,σ,σ 0 ,ν
V0 (CDW) – – – 3 3
X j† j† j j J0 (SC) – – – 3 3
Hsc,n = Jn ψl,µ,↑ ψl,−µ,↓ ψl+n,ν,↓ ψl+n,−ν,↑ + H. c., t (hop) – – – – –
(5c) TABLE I. Relevance of each coupling for the different ranges
of the spin Luttinger parameter (Ks ) specified in the first row.
where ψl,±1,σ
is the field operator for a right/left-moving The symbol 3 means that a coupling may be relevant while
electron of spin σ in the l-th wire of array i. The wires are “–” indicates
√ it is always irrelevant
√ within that interval of Ks .
also coupled at each intersection [white dots in Fig. 1(a)], K− ≡ 3 − 2 2 ' 0.17, K+ ≡ 3 + 2 2 ' 5.83.
requiring us to consider the additional inter -array hop-
ping, CDW and SC interactions:
X X i†
Hhi,j = t j
ψl,µ,σ ψm,ν,σ + H. c., (6a)
l,m,σ µ,ν
XXX i† j† j
Hci,j = V0 ψl,µ,σ i
ψl,µ,σ ψm,ν,σ 0 ψm,ν,σ 0 , (6b) second order. Furthermore, in order to have a stable the-
l,m σ,σ 0 µ,ν ory, κ(k⊥ ) must be positive for k⊥ ∈ (−π/d, π/d), which
X i† i† j j
Hsc = J0 ψl,µ,↑ ψl,−µ,↓ ψm,ν,↓ ψm,−ν,↑ + H. c.. (6c) constrains K0 > 0 and (K1 , K2 ) to the shaded domain
l,m,µ,ν shown in Fig. 1(b).
order parameter of one array (j) with respect to the next IV. DISCUSSION
(j + 1). This originates a d ± id SC symmetry. A similar
conclusion has been drawn by Wu et al. who have fur- A. Landscape of correlated states
ther considered triplet pairing and discuss the additional
possibility of p ± ip symmetry58 . The propagation of interacting electrons along the
quantum channels provided by the well defined AB-BA
domain boundaries of small-angle MTBG [Fig. 1(a)] pro-
vides a natural low-energy picture for the emergence of
competing SC and insulating states. At generic densi-
B. Commensurability ties and moderate Luttinger parameter (|K0 | ∼ 1), we ob-
tain SC and possibly FL as the dominant phases, with
SC stabilized even for repulsive Coulomb interactions
In a conventional (i.e., single) LL problem, the prox- (K0 > 1), which is noteworthy; at commensurate densi-
imity to commensurate electron densities is described ties, the system is a charge-insulator. This holds both
by considering the Umklapp process within each wire2 when Ks < 1 and Ks > 1, particularly in the spin-gapped
which, in the notation of Eq. (1), has the form regime (Ks 1) where the only qualitative difference is
the possible loss of the FL phase at very high Ks — this
is significant for the model applicability to MTBG, where
Z √
dx cos[2 2πφc + (4kF − G)x], (10) a magnetic field has been seen to destroy the insulating
(2πα)2 state16,57 .
It is now well established that MTBG undergoes con- it is know that, similarly to a graphene monolayer37,69–72 ,
siderable internal deformation within each Moiré unit cell the Moiré and relaxation induced by boron nitride sub-
so as to maximize extension of the energetically more fa- strates generates a spectral gap for certain crystallo-
vorable Bernal stacking at the expense of the AA-stacked graphic orientations in bilayer graphene as well71,73–75 .
regions. This energetic tendency is constrained by frus- Therefore, a bulk gap that guarantees and stabilizes the
tration at the interface between AB and BA regions and 1D modes can be engineered with appropriate substrate
results in bilayers with uniform Bernal stacking essen- conditions.
tially everywhere, except at sharp AB/BA domain walls Finally, we note that there is a strong pseudomag-
and AA vertices whose geometry is depicted in Fig. 1(a). netic field due to the lattice relaxation, with magnitudes
Numerical calculations reveal this relaxation effect very that might exceed 10 T45,66 . As a result of the trian-
clearly44–48 : it starts becoming prominent for twist an- gular shape of the AB and BA domains, that field is
gles below ∼ 2–3◦47,66,67 and is completely established quasi-uniform within the Bernal regions, but with op-
for θ . 1◦ , at which point the width of the domain bound- posite polarity — the polarity sharply switches precisely
aries saturates at ∼ 6–9 nm (becomes independent of along the domain walls. The combined effect of large
twist amount for smaller angles)44,47,51 . This threshold pseudomagnetic fields and abrupt polarity changes along
is confirmed experimentally55 and MTBG samples have the domain walls is likely to efficiently confine snake-type
been reported with domain walls extending up to the mi- chiral states76,77 . These would be chiral 1D modes of a
cron scale while retaining their atomic-scale width44 . different kind, which do not require a bulk gap76 .
The electronic modes localized at the AB/BA domain
boundaries of deliberately biased bilayer graphene are ex-
pected to behave as perfect 1D quantum wires, so long D. Conclusions
as intervalley scattering remains unimportant36 ; explicit
bandstructure calculations have recently shown this to Different experimental probes and theoretical work are
be indeed realized in relaxed MTBL35,49 . More impor- persuasive enough of the conclusion that the triangular
tantly, this has been confirmed by measurements that array of coupled quantum wires illustrated in Fig. 1(a)
probed electric transport along isolated AB/BA bound- is the natural starting point to describe transport and
aries extending over several microns, which revealed the correlated states in biased MTBG. The accuracy of this
expected conductance quantization at ≈ 4e2 /h and or- picture increases with larger bulk gaps and angles . 1◦ ,
ders of magnitude enhancement of the mean-free path which ensures the sharpest domain boundaries as well
associated with these modes, when compared with that as sufficiently long channels between the AA vertices for
elsewhere in the sample50,68 . Their confinement to the a valid LL description of each quantum wire (the inter-
domain walls has been confirmed directly by local STM vertex distance is 14 nm for θ = 1◦ ). The facts that such
and STS measurements51,52 as well as indirectly: (i) by modes have been equally seen in unbiased experiments
the observation of Aharanov-Bohm oscillations in mag- and that pseudomagnetic fields can themselves beget ad-
netotransport with spatial periods that correlate with ditional 1D states of a different nature, suggest the rele-
closed paths along adjacent domain walls54,56 ; (ii) by the vance of this description to unbiased devices as well. In-
saturation of resistance near h/(4e2 )55,56 and metallic deed, the phenomenology of the correlated states, which
temperature dependence despite increases in interlayer so far has been scrutinized only in the unbiased case, tal-
bias (i.e., resistivity saturation and metallic temperature lies with the phase diagram arising from the coupled LL
dependence with increasing bulk gap)56 ; (iii) and by the model, namely when it comes to: the types of correlated
local enhancement of infrared optical conductivity at the states involved and their competition, the sequence of
AB/BA interfaces, which is associated with the presence phase transitions with doping, the association of CDW
of the 1D modes53 . insulating states with commensurate fillings, the exis-
All of the above indicates that the coupled-wire model tence of non-Fermi liquid metallic states, and nematicity.
should provide an adequate description of biased MTBG, Seeing as the detailed mechanisms underpinning both
where the tunable bulk gap and topological character the insulating and SC states in MTBG remain an open
of the 1D states ensure the robustness of these elec- problem, it is of utmost interest to experimentally scru-
tronic modes, in the regime where the Fermi level re- tinize the evolution of the correlated phase diagram in
mains within the bulk gap. In the case of magic-angle MTBG (at the magic as well as smaller angles) as a func-
MTBG, it would be interesting to experimentally inves- tion of the bulk gap through interlayer bias. This would
tigate the fate of the correlated insulator and SC states place the system in the regime where our model most re-
under a finite interlayer bias. liably applies, while it would also assess its relevance to
Whether these domain-wall-bound modes survive and the strictly unbiased case.
remain influential at zero interlayer bias can depend on Note — Recently, a preprint emerged with a similar
the conditions of the substrate. For example: these con- formulation78 , but with more restricted applicability di-
fined modes have been seen directly by STM/STS against rectly to MTBG: it considers a wire net with C4 sym-
a gapped Bernal background of graphene bilayers de- metry rather than C6 , assumes persistent local SC order
posited on graphite, without any electrostatic bias51 ; and in puddle regions that encompass the wire intersections,
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According to the bosonization approach2,3 , the fermion field from the l-th wire of array j with spin σ and direction
µ (+1 for right and −1 for left) reads
1 √ j
ψl,µ,σ ∝√ eiµ2 πφl,µ,σ , (A1)
where α is the length cut-off. The bosonic fields are related by:
The subscript c/s in Eq. (A2)(c,d) stands for the charge/spin sector. The bosonic fields are related to the electron
densities through:
√ ∂xj φjl,µ,σ = ρjl,µ,σ , (A3a)
1 1
√ ∂xj φjl,c/s = √ (ρjl,+,c/s + ρjl,−,c/s ), (A3b)
π 2
1 1
√ ∂xj θl,c/s = √ (−ρjl,+,c/s + ρjl,−,c/s ),
π 2
where xj is the variable along the direction of j-th array and ρc/s stands for the charge/spin density, i.e., ρc/s = ρ↑ ±ρ↓ .
Once we know the bosonized form of the fermion fields, it is straightforward to write all the couplings in terms of
the bosonic fiels defined in the previous section. For the intra-array couplings, we consider an array of parallel wires
along the x direction [see the schematic of array-1 in Fig. 1(a) as an example]: The Hamiltonian terms describing the
coupling between wires separated by a distance nd are:
X X Z j,† j j,† j
Hc,n = Vn dxψl,µ,σ ψl,−µ,σ ψl+n,−µ,σ 0 ψl+n,µ,σ 0
l µ,σ,σ 0
2Vn XZ h√ i √ √
= dx cos 2π(φjl,c − φjl+n,c ) cos( 2πφjl,s ) cos( 2πφjl+n,s ) (B1a)
XZ j,† j,† j j
Hsc,n = Jn dxψl,µ,↑ ψl,−µ,↓ ψl+n,ν,↓ ψl+n,−ν,↑ + H. c.
2Jn X
Z h√ i √ √
j j
= dx cos 2π(θ l,c − θ l+n,c ) cos( 2πφjl,s ) cos( 2πφjl+n,s ) (B1b)
Hhj = t⊥ j,†
dxψl,µ,σ j
ψl+1,µ,σ + H. c.
l µ,σ
Z r r
2t⊥ X π j j π j
= dx cos (φl,c − θl,c − φjl+1,c + θl+1,c
) cos j
(φl,s − θl,s − φjl+1,s + θl+1,s
πα 2 2
r r
π j j j j π j j j j
× cos (φ + θl,c − φl+1,c − θl+1,c ) cos (φ + θl,s − φl+1,s − θl+1,s ) (B1c)
2 l,c 2 l,s
Meanwhile, the inter-array couplings at a crossing point (e.g., the intersection of the l-th wire from array k and the
m-th from array j) can be written in the form:
X k† j† j
Hcdw = V0 ψl,µ,σ ψl,−µ,σ ψm,ν,σ 0 ψm,−ν,σ 0
µ,ν,σ,σ 0
4V0 √ √ √ √
= 2
cos( 2πφkl,c ) cos( 2πφkl,s ) cos( 2πφjm,c ) cos( 2πφjm,s ) (B2a)
X k† k† j j
Hsc = J0 ψl,µ,↑ ψl,−µ,↓ ψm,ν,↓ ψm,−ν,↑ + H. c.
4J0 i√2π(θl,c
k j
−θm,c )
√ √
= 2
e cos( 2πφll,s ) cos( 2πφjm,s ) + H. c. (B2b)
Hhk,j = t k†
ψl,µ,σ j
ψm,ν,σ + H. c.
t X i√ π2 (θl,c
r r
k k
+σθl,s j
−θm,c j
−σθm,s ) π k π j
= e cos (φl,c + σφkl,s ) cos (φm,c + σφjm,s ) + H. c. (B2c)
πα σ 2 2
Having obtained the identities above, one can proceed with the perturbative RG calculation to explore the potential
instabilities of the system.