MRAFF Process

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1 MRAFF process
After the development of AFM and MRF technology, an ultraprecise nano-finishing
technology in the lab of IIT Kanpur [21] was developed called as MRAFF process. In
MRAFF process, the advantages of both AFM and MRF technology was combined. The
process was mainly developed on the working principle of a smart material i.e MR fluid.

1.1.1 Working principle of MRAFF

An external magnetic field is applied for the stiffening of the MRP fluid. The MRP fluid
along with the abrasives is moved back and forth through passage formed by work piece
fixture with the help of a hydraulic unit. Finishing occurs only on the portions where the
magnetic field is applied. The viscosity of MRP fluid is magnetic field strength dependent.


Abrasive Flow Finishing)

AFM(Abrasive Flow

Fig. 1.1 Evolution of MRAFF process

MRP fluid consists of carbonyl iron particles (CIPs), abrasives and carrier fluid. Abrasives
are small fine particles that removes material, are added separately with the MRP fluid. On
the application of magnetic field, CIPs magnetize and attract each other along the magnetic
field lines and forms anisometric chain like aggregates, trapping the abrasive particles in
between them. When to and fro motion is provided to the MRP fluid, it passes over the
workspace surface held in a fixture. Figure 1.18 shows the concept of MRAFF process. The
abrasives added in the MR fluid, shear the peak of the surface that comes in their flow path,
polishing the surface. Mechanism of Magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing process is
shown in fig. 1.19.
Fluid motion

CIP chains
surface Abrasive particles

North Pole South Pole

lines of

Fig. 1.2 Mechanism of Magnetorheological Abrasive Flow Finishing process [33]

1.2 R-MRAFF process

The R-MRAFF process was developed with the aim to overcome the drawbacks in the
existing finishing process. The R-MRAFF process is developed from MRAFF process. The
experimental setup of both the processes are almost similar except that in R-MRAFF process,
rotational motion of magnet or work piece is added. The rotational motion is introduced to
increase the interaction of the work piece and the medium. The rotational motion given to the
work piece along with the magnetic fixture, helps the work piece fixture to retain some fluid
where the work piece is kept. Due to retaining of fluid along with the abrasive particles inside
the workpiece fixture, the workpiece has more interaction with the abrasive particles,
resulting in better surface finish.
1.2.1 Experimental set up and working principle of R-MRAFF
An experimental setup for Rotational Magnetorheological Abrasive Flow Finishing (R-
MRAFF) process was developed in the precision manufacturing lab of IIT Guwahati. The R-
MRAFF set up is modified form of MRAFF set up [21].

Top hydraulic

Top polishing
media cylinder

Magnet fixture
Hydraulic with magnets
Bottom polishing
media cylinder

Bottom hydraulic

Fig. 1.3 Experimental set-up R-MRAFF Experimental setup

There are two symmetric hydraulic cylinders and two polishing media cylinders which are set
up on the top and bottom of the setup respectively. The hydraulic cylinders are field with
liquid, for example oil and the polishing media cylinders are filled with magnetorheological
polishing (MRP) fluid. Both the pistons of hydraulic cylinder move to and fro together. When
the bottom cylinder is filled with MRP fluid, the piston from the bottom cylinder moves
upward dispatching the MRP fluid with it upwards. When the piston of bottom cylinder
moves upward, the piston of top cylinder also move upward together creating space for the
dispatch liquid to be filled in the top cylinder that is getting dispatched from the bottom
cylinder. Similarly, in the next half of cycle, the piston of the top cylinder moves downwards,
pushing the MRP fluid with it, at the same time the piston of bottom cylinder moves
downward creating space for the liquid coming from the top cylinder to get filled in. The
movement of the pistons of cylinders, extrudes pressure on the MRP fluid, that which forces
the fluid thorough the workpiece fixture. Figure 1.20 shows the experimental setup of R-
MRAFF process. A magnet fixture is set up around the workpiece fixture. It is given a
rotational motion with the help of a motor through an attached belt with the motor. Due to the
rotational motion given to the fixture, the MRP fluid also gains rotational motion. The
combination of axial motion and rotational motion given to the MRP fluid produces a net
helical motion which allows better finishing of any non-magnetic workpiece. Working principle

In the R-MRAFF process, a permanent Nd-Fe-B magnet is used, which is made of an alloy of
Neodymium, Iron and Boron. For the convenience of the adjustability with the magnet
fixture, bar magnets are used. To provide uniform magnetic field, bar magnets are placed 90
degrees apart around a circular section of magnet fixture. Using the help of hydraulic unit, the
pistons of opposing media cylinders are given to and fro motion, exerting pressure on the
MRP fluid, which forces it to flow over the workpiece. In addition to the vertical motion, a
rotational motion is provided to the magnet fixture which holds very strong permanent
magnets. The CIP particles form a chain like structure due to the application of the magnetic
field and the abrasive particles get trapped in between the chain like structure. Due to the
movement of the magnet fixture, the medium that contains CIP particles also move along
with it which provides a relative motion between the work-piece and the finishing medium.
This relative motion between MRP fluid and workpiece surface results in abrading the
undulations over the workpiece surface. Thus, an ultra-precise polished surface is obtained
using R-MRAFF process. Figure 1.21 shows the working principle of Rotational-MRAFF
Abrasive particles
trapped between
CIP particle S


S Chain like structure

formed by CIP
Magnet Fixture particle
Miniature external and
internal gears

Fig. 1.4 Working principle of R-MRAFF process while finishing a gear

R-MRAFF process as a nano-finishing technology can achieve the precision lapping for
pores, deep hole and blind hole, as well as high-precision machining of special freeform
surfaces effectively, especially in difficult materials more widely used, such as stainless steel,
nickel chromium steel, titanium and cemented carbide [34], [35]. The rotational
magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing process consists of pumping the
magnetorheological polishing medium and rotational magnetic field to stiffen the MRP
media, uniformly polish over the surfaces of the component to be finished. In this process,
workpiece is hold by suitable workpiece fixture and MR media is directed towards workpiece
through fixture where the flow is constricted. The media is pushed by means of two hydraulic
cylinders, positioned vertically. A pressure is exerted by the pistons on the MRP fluid which
allows the fluid to pass through the work-piece fixture along the vertical axis. Media flows
from one cylinder, through the tooling into the other cylinder, and then returns. Magnetic
field is provided by the Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet which was made of an alloy of
Neodymium, Iron and Boron. The permanent bar magnets were positioned 90 degrees apart
on the work-piece fixture to provide uniform magnetic field for better finishing. In addition to
the vertical motion, a rotational motion is provided to the magnet fixture which holds very
strong permanent magnets. The CIP particles form a chain like structure due to the
application of the magnetic field and the abrasive particles get trapped in between the chain
like structure. Due to the movement of the magnet fixture, the medium that contains CIP
particles also move along with it which provides a relative motion between the work-piece
and the finishing medium. This relative motion between the work-piece fixture and the MRP
medium results in abrading the undulations over the work-piece surface. The finishing
process conducted by AFM is highly dependent on the abrasive medium that is used. The
media that is used for finishing once, cannot be re-used, hence the whole process becomes so
costly. Also the viscosity increases only in those areas where the flow passage is restricted
and thus abrasion occurs. Hence externally the viscosity of AFM process cannot be controlled

Conclusions from literature survey

From literature survey it has been found that MFAF process has the capability to finish
complex surfaces in the nanometer range. Following conclusions can be drawn based on
literature survey:

• MR fluid based finishing process performance primarily relies on MR fluid. The rheological
property of MR fluid changes and behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid after application of
external magnetic field. MR fluid generally consists of magnetic particles in viscoplastic base
medium. MR fluid mixed with abrasive particles are used for finishing complex surfaces in
MFAF process due to their better finishing capability. However, the presence of non-
magnetic abrasive particles considerably affects the rheological properties of the MR fluid.
The strength of the MR fluid changes non-linearly with the applied magnetic field. Two types
of MR fluid are available oil based MR fluid and water based MR fluid. For finishing
metallic workpiece mostly oil based MR fluid is used. However, for finishing of optical
component, silicon wafer etc. water based MR fluid is used. Remnant magnetization of the
particles results in particle aggregation in MR fluid. Different type of materials is mixed with
the MR fluid to prevent
agglomeration and settling problem.

• To finish complex surfaces with close tolerance and without damaging the surface
MFAFprocess can be used. Complex surfaces of hard materials such as titanium, steel, cobalt
chromium etc. can be finished by MFAF process. Also MFAF can be used to finish freeform
optics, curved silicon wafer, silicon microchannels etc. For complex surface finishing, tool
with higher degrees of freedom is required. Different type of experimental setup is modified
to accommodate the workpiece and to enhance the process performance. Different type of
workpieces such as knee joint implant, die and molds, steep concave and freeform optics etc.
are used in different experimental studies of MFAF process. Permanent magnets or
electromagnets are used as the magnetic field generator in the MFAF processes. Magnetic
abrasives or MR fluid used as the polishing fluid in MFAF processes.

• Preston’s equation is used to predict and calculate material removal in conventional

polishing process. In case of MFAF process, material removal is similar to conventional
polishing process. So, Preston’s equation is modified to predict and calculate material
removal in MFAF process by incorporating different terms related to the process. Material
removal in MFAF process depends on workpiece material properties, applied magnetic field,
chemistry between polishing fluid and workpiece, working gap between polishing tool and
workpiece surface, tool rotational speed, polishing fluid composition etc. Normal force and
tangential force are the two primary forces responsible for the finishing action in MFAF
process and these forces depend upon different process
parameters. Mathematical models are developed to predict and calculate the forces involved
in MFAF process. Different researchers observed that the theoretical forces are different than
the experimental forces. Two body wear mechanism and three body wear mechanism are
considered as a surface finish mechanism in most of the MFAF processes.

Plan of Proposed Research Work

The plan of research work is to design, develop and analyse a universal technique for making
fixtures used in the finishing process to finish complex surfaces by overcoming the problems/
limitations associated for uniformly finishing of complex surfaces like gears, nozzles
and bearings. The plan of current research work is to

• Use the 3D scanner to scan component’s surface, and the curved surface model of fixture
will be reversed out.

• Use the 3D printing technology, the inner surface profiling of fixture 3D print will be
obtained, which will be closer to the component’s surface topology otherwise 3D CAD
model also can be used to design and develop a fixture by 3-D printing technology, for
uniformly finishing of gears, bearings.

• Super finish the fixture by MFAF process.

• Use the same fixture as mold to inject plastic gears.

• Also finish the diesel injector nozzle to improve the discharge coefficient and efficiency
of engine by MFAF process.

• Indigenously synthesize MR polishing (MRP) fluid for MFAF process. MRP fluid with
different composition will be prepared to study the effect of different fluid composition
on finishing performance, like mixing wax as extra material to MRP fluid.
• Conduct the finishing experiments for mold and as well as for components prepared
from mold to study the effect of different process parameters on improvement of surface
roughness and material removal rate using statistical technique.

• Optimize the process parameters using soft computing method and its validation with
experimental results.

• Analyse the finished surface texture using optical microscope, scanning electron
microscope (SEM), profilometer, and atomic force microscope (AFM).

• Develop a theoretical model for the calculation of forces involved in the process and
material removal model, and surface roughness modeling. Afterwards, the developed
model will be validated with the experimental result.

• Further analyse the life span of components, wear & beam strength of gears, geometrical
accuracy of finished components prepared from mold, measuring the temperature of
superfinished components and fixture/mold by pyrometer, and compare the results with
components prepared from without post-processed mold, also performing the energy
consumption analysis and compare the result with different finishing process.

• Assure that total production and super finishing (mold, components) cost should be
reasonable and meet the needs.

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