Properties of Manufactured Glasses PDF
Properties of Manufactured Glasses PDF
Properties of Manufactured Glasses PDF
Glass tubes made from three types of glass are utilized for the production of
laboratory volumetric glassware and other types of laboratory glassware that are in
the production program of the Company.
Borosilicate glass
Excellent physical and chemical properties of this type of glass enable using of
this glass not only for production of laboratory glassware but for various others
purposes, as for instance in the pharmacy (vials), medicine (glass syringes), at
production of brilliant lighting unit, at various branches of the textile industry (fingers)
and in other further ranges where is required higher temperature and chemical
Soda-lime glass
This glass has good chemical as well as physical properties and it is suitable
for the products that resist momentarily the impact of chemical medium and limitedly
also temperature differences. Both types of pipettes are produced from the soda-lime
Neutral glass
This glass is very good resistant to alkalis and acid. It is suitable for contact
with food.
Borosilicate Neutral
Oxide Soda-lime glass
glass glass
SiO2 80,6 % by weight 70 % by weight 68 % by weight
Na2O + K2O 4 % by weight 14 % by weight 17 % by weight
Al203 2,4 % by weight 4 % by weight 0,6 % by weight
B203 13 % by weight 1 % by weight 0,1 % by weight
CaO + MgO - 7 % by weight 6 % by weight
BaO - 3 % by weight 4 % by weight
Physical properties of manufactured glass
layer on the glass surface. Typical time dependence of sodium oxide loss from the
glass surface by the impact of water and mass loss of the glass by the impact of
acids related to cm2 is shown in Figures No.1 and 2.
Alkali resistance
0 2 4 6 8h
Figure No.1
mass loss mg/100 cm
0 1 2 3 4h
Figure No.2
mass loss mg/100 cm
0 1 2 3 4h
Figure No.3