WSmith235 PDF
WSmith235 PDF
WSmith235 PDF
Panel Glue-Ups
Made Easy
Crisp, Clean Edges
at the Router Table
Fine-Tuning Joinery
with a Router Plane
Quick Fixes for Common
Hardware Problems
WS235_001.indd 1 12/12/2017 2:21:00 PM
weekend project
Folding Serving Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
The legs of this serving tray fold up for easy storage. But the
real focus is on the intricate latticework in the center panel.
shop project
Cordless Tool Charging Station . . . . . . . . . . .24
Corral your cordless drill and other tools with this convenient,
wall-mounted charging station. It offers storage for up to four
drills or drivers, with room for chargers as well.
designer project
Sliding Door Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
At first glance, this looks like an ordinary display case. But a
clever design allows the two shelf units to slide apart, revealing
a wine bar complete with a fold-out serving station.
shop project
5 Plywood Shop Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Part two of the plywood shop features a rolling shop cart,
a pair of work supports, and a tool stand that can be easily
customized into a router table.
heirloom project
Craftsman Bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
The open squares in the headboard of this bed give it a dis-
tinct look that matches the gentleman’s dresser we featured 38
in Woodsmith No. 218. • 3
from our readers
Tips & Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
all about
Bed Rail Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
router workshop
54 Jointing on the Router Table . . . 12
great gear
Shop Aprons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
woodworking technique
Latticework Panels. . . . . . . . . . . . 16
woodworking technique
Making Thin Panels . . . . . . . . . . . 54
working with tools
Router Planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
in the shop
Removing Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . 58
woodworking essentials
Miter Saws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
mastering the table saw
Mitered Case Joinery . . . . . . . . . 62
Tips &
Hardware Sorting Tray
Every woodworker has that can. You know, the one
that sits on your shelf and collects miscellaneous
hardware and fasteners. Inevitably, I end up dump-
ing out the entire can to fish out the odd piece that I a. SIDE VIEW
need for a project. It was during one of these “fishing
1!/2 1
trips” that I decided to build the tray you see above.
This tray was inspired by a trip to the drugstore 1 !/4
where I saw the pharmacist sorting pills on a similar
tray. This allows me to easily sort through and pick !/4
out what I need. Best of all, the rest of the hardware { The funnel on the end allows you
can be then dumped back into the can using the to easily return all unnecessary
“funnel” on the end. fasteners to the container.
CONSTRUCTION. The construction of the tray is
NOTE: All parts
straightforward. The sides of the tray are attached made from !/2" plywood BACK
to the front and back using tongue and dado joinery. 12!/4 18!/2
The bottom of the tray is rabbeted to fit in a groove. FUNNEL SIDE 2!/2
For the sorting surface, I used a piece of melamine. 3!/4
The thickness of the melamine creates a recess on (#/4" <melamine) 10
one end that allows me to shake the hardware back FUNNEL 14#/4 9!/2
into the can when I’m done, as shown in the inset BOTTOM
photo above. If the melamine starts to get damaged SIDE
and chipped, it’s easy to unscrew the melamine and 18
replace it. Now, I can quickly take my can and empty #8 x 1" Fh
FRONT woodscrew
the contents onto the tray. FUNNEL
Emanuel Ringel 15 NOTE: All
dadoes and rabbets
Fort Washington, Pennsylvania are !/4" x !/4" • 5
At a Glance. Dennis Volz of Des Moines, IA uses dry Band Saw Stop Block. Roger Rayburn of Colorado Springs,
erase tape and markers to quickly identify set-ups on CO uses a switched magnetic block on his band saw as a
certain tools. For example, Dennis marks his brad nailer stop block. To quickly change the length of each cut, simply
with what length of brad is loaded, and also marks what turn the switch to disengage the magnet and reposition. The
grit of sandpaper is on his sander. block can be stored underneath the table for easy access.
1!/2 CLEAT
CLEAT and click on,
!/4"-20 x 3" 1!/2 “Woodsmith eTips”
Carriage bolt 47&/8
BASEPLATE You’ll receive one of our favorite tips
NOTE: Fences are 10
9#/4 by email each and every week.
glued to baseplate Adhesive-backed
sandpaper • 7
%/8 Vise
Sander Dust Collection. Charles Mak, of Calgary, Alberta Parts Keeper. Howard E. Moody from Upper Jay, NY has a
upgraded the dust collection on his random orbit sander. useful trick for keeping parts in order while disassembling
Using a reducer, a coupling and a few hose clamps, he and cleaning tools. He simply reaches for a sheet of paper
can now hook up his shop vacuum to the sander instead and folds it into an accordion. The folds keep the parts in
of using the original filter. order and allows them to dry after cleaning.
Rear NOTE: All parts #/4
#/4 assembly made from #/4" plywood
#8 x 1!/4" Fh
1#/8 woodscrew
Continuous hinge #/4
#8 x 3" Fh !/4
woodscrew 2&/16
12 20&/8 SIDE
3!/4 3!/4
1#/8 NOTE: Locate
mounting screws
#/4 to match studs
#/4 #/4 #8 x 1!/4" Fh
2!/4 woodscrew
#/8 #/4 20&/8
EXTERIOR CLAMP HOLDER clamp holder for
your style clamps • 9
Bed Rail Hardware
Beds are about as simple as furniture is important for two reasons. First,
can get. Generally, a headboard and it obviously holds the bed together. Rail
footboard are connected by a pair of More importantly, it allows the bed to SECTION
rails. The only mechanical connection be taken apart. Beds are big. So having
is between the bed rails and the head- the ability to easily take them apart to
board (or footboard). This connection move them is imperative.
When you start looking at bed
hardware, the choices can be
FPO Hardware
mounts to
inside face
of rail and
SIDE post with
SECTION overwhelming. But with a little research, screws
VIEW you can select bed hardware that will
meet your needs.
Rail Post NOTE:
e of
mortise bed fastener that you may come across oss
in post
allows when looking at bed hardware is the
for hooks recessed bed rail fasteners. (Left photo oto
and drawing. When searching for con- on-
nectors for the heirloom Craftsman bed
on ppage 46, this is the type of connector tor { Bed hooks are available in different
we chose. There are two pieces to this configurations. This style screws onto the
style of hardware — a hook that gets bed, requiring no mortises to attach.
recessed into the end of the bed rail, and
a ma
matching plate that is recessed into the they‘ll never loosen or need adjustment.
head (or footboard). One of the drawbacks of the recessed
Th installation of the bed hooks is as connector is that driving the screws
{ Recessed simple
simp as laying out and cutting a few into end-grain does not impart a lot
connectors offer mortises
mor and attaching the brackets. The of strength. For a creative solution on
a hidden connection between wedge-shape
wed of the hooks helps draw how strengthen this connection, see the
rails and headboard or footboard. the pieces together. This means that How-To box on the next page.
%/8" pin
Pins Post
1!/8" pin
{ A set of steel pins secure the hooks to the
Art callout
rail. These hooks then slip over longer pair
of pins that are installed in the posts.
drill bit
Dowel of
same species
Drill Deep Hole. To strengthen an end Insert Dowel. Glue a dowel into the hole Install Fastener. Install the recessed
grain-mounted fastener, drill a stopped hole that matches the hole size. A dowel of the hardware. The mounting screws will bite into
in the bottom of the rail. same wood species will match best. the dowel, resulting in a stronger connection. • 11
router table
Edge Jointing
Achieving a straight, smooth edge cutting a board with a quality rip blade out in the hobby — an expensive jointer
on a workpiece is typically a at the table saw will generally accomplish may not be in the cards. Fortunately,
critical step for a successful the “straight” portion of the equation, it there’s a foolproof way to get similar
woodworking proj- doesn’t always leave a smooth surface. results at the router table.
ect. And while You’re often left with blade marks on the ALL IN THE FENCE. The trick to using the
edge, or worse, burn marks. router table as an edge jointer lies in
UHMW Smoothing the edge by running the the router table’s fence. Some com-
board through a dedicated jointer is the mercially available router table fences
obvious solution. But for many wood- have two independent fences that are
!/32" aluminum workers — especially those just starting adjustable in and out on either side of
NOTE: Size fence to TOP VIEW
fit router table
Size opening
to fit router Fence
.020" HIPS bit
Offset aux.
#/4"ply. fence
aux. fence NOTE: Attach spacer
to fence with
spray adhesive Workpiece
{ These are just a few options you could Spacer Spacer
use for the spacer material on the
edge-jointing auxiliary router fence.
{ With the right end of the router table fence clamped to the table, { After postioning the left side of the fence, carefully clamp the
use a straightedge to swing the left side of the fence into position. router fence to the table. It’s a good idea to do a test cut to make
The router bit should just touch the edge of the rule. sure it’s not removing too much material at one time.
the center opening. This type of fence the spacer determines the amount of recommend using a pair of push
is perfect for setting up for a jointing material removed per pass. The piece pads to keep your hands clear of the
operation. It allows the “outfeed” side I used is .020" thick (just a shade over spinning bit (main photo). With the
of the fence to be offset from the infeed 1
⁄64"). HIPS is also easy to hold in place workpiece tight to the infeed side of
side. In essence, it acts just like the off- with a light-duty spray adhesive. All the fence, start it into the bit. Once the
set tables of a stationary jointer. of these spacer material options are leading few inches of the workpiece
However, if your router table fence shown in the lower left margin photo pass the bit, keep the leading push
doesn’t adjust in this manner, don’t on the previous page. pad on the outfeed side to maintain
despair. You can still set up for joint- CHOOSING THE BIT. Another nice feature pressure against the outfeed fence.
ing with a one-piece router table fence. of this edge-jointing setup is that no The trailing hand (push pad) provides
All that’s required is to make a simple special router bit is required. A stan- the forward motion.
auxiliary fence, like the one shown in dard straight bit will work just fine. I Depending on how rough the edge
the main photo on the previous page. chose a 1⁄2"-dia. bit with a 1⁄2" shank. of the board is, a couple of passes may
MAKING THE FENCE. The auxiliary fence is A spiral bit could also be used for be necessary. But in short order, you’ll
nothing more than a piece of plywood this operation, but with the minimal end up with a smooth-edged work-
with an opening cut in the center for amount of material being removed, piece, as shown in the photos below. All
the router bit. The left side of the open- you probably won’t notice an appre- re- with a simple, shop-made fence for the
ing is what makes this auxiliary fence ciable difference between the two. router table. W
different. On this side, you’ll apply a SETTING UP FOR THE CUT. Like the rest
thin spacer that makes the “outfeed” of this jointing method, the setup is
side stand proud of the infeed side. pretty straightforward, as well. After fter
The drawing at the bottom of the pre- clamping the auxiliary fence to the
vious page shows what I mean. router fence with the opening centered red
I’ll talk more about the spacer mate- on the bit, I locked the right (infeed) ed))
rial in a minute. But for now, just end of the fence to the table.
understand that this offset fence con- Then, using a straightedge, I pivoted ted
figuration is what makes the fence act the left (outfeed) end of the fence so that
like a stationary jointer’s table. it’s just flush with the bit, as shown n in
MATERIAL CHOICES. You have several Photo 1 above. This allows the outfeed eed
options when it comes to the mate- side of the fence to fully support the
rial for the spacer. Thin aluminum workpiece after it passes the bit.
sheeting or UHMW are excellent can- With the fence in position, clamp the
didates. I opted to use a thin sheet of left end to the table (Photo 2). You can
high-impact polystyrene (HIPS). This use the workpiece you’re jointing to set
material is flexible, but also strong. the height of the bit. It should extend just
And best of all, it’s sold by thickness over the top edge of the board. { Before jointing, the stock is rough (above).
in increments of .010". This makes it MAKING THE CUT. After the fence posi-osi- A couple passes using the auxiliary fence on
a great choice since the thickness of tion is set, using it is a snap. I would ld the
th router
t table
t bl cleans
l it up (below).
(b l ) • 13
what’s new in
If you’ve ruined too many good shirts Canvas Apron
with an errant splash of varnish, it might $45
{ If you like to keep a lot of tools close at { The Cargo Pocket Apron from Atlas 46 { A shorter, bib-length apron makes
hand, the Cargo Pocket Apron made by has numerous accessories available to stooping and kneeling easier. This denim
Atlas 46 has you covered. customize how you carry tools. canvas model is sold by Rockler. • 15
simple, decorative
Latticework Panels
Frame and panel construction stands as above entryways. Traditionally, the
a foundational woodworking technique. pieces of wood that make up the pat-
Besides offering a solid construction terns were joined individually by hand.
Blank for approach, it allows you use the panel And while there’s a satisfaction in this
Blank for long strips
short strips to add some visual appeal. Solid wood type of quiet work, I decided to show-
raised panels or figured veneer panels case a technique that gets the job done
are popular options. a little more efficiently. So, I turned to
Another, less-travelled route you can what else, the table saw.
take is to make a lattice panel. That’s WHAT WOOD. Before getting into the
what I chose for the serving tray on page technique itself, I want to mention
18. The geometric gridwork of inter- the material I chose. Since the pattern
locking strips creates a strong graphic formed by the strips should get all the
NOTE: You may element that’s sure to become the focal attention, you don’t want to use wood
need more than one
blank for each size point of any project. that has a pronounced grain. Also light-
MADE IN JAPAN. The origin of the pat- colored woods create a better contrast
Start with Blanks. Wide blanks are tern shown here comes from Japanese with the darker openings. For the serv-
safer and easier to work with when kumiko latticework. These sometimes ing tray, I used straight-grain cypress.
cutting the dadoes that form the half elaborate, decorative patterns are used I’ve also made latticework panels from
lap notches in the interlocking strips. in room dividers, sliding doors, and basswood with good success.
WIDE BLANKS, NOT STRIPS. Half-lap joints You need two lengths of blanks sized to was centered on the length of the blank.
join the strips into a rigid panel. While match the length and width of the frame For the short pieces, you can guide the
narrow strips make up the panel, you opening. So that means it’s a good idea blank using just the rip fence (upper left
don’t start by cutting a bunch of strips. to create the frame and opening before photo). But for the longer blank, a miter
Instead, I worked with wide blanks, working on the panel. Be sure to plane gauge is a better option. Since this isn’t
as shown in the left margin drawing the blanks to final thickness as well. a through cut, you can still use the rip
on the previous page. Wide blanks are CUT SOME DADOES. Form the half laps fence as an end stop.
easier to control at the table saw. In by cutting dadoes across the width of TURN BLANKS INTO STRIPS. Once all the
addition, they’re safer too, since you the blanks, as shown in the upper left dadoes are cut, replace the dado blade
can keep your fingers away from the photo. I used a dado blade sized for the with a rip blade to create the strips
blade with push blocks and pads. thickness of the strip, and raised to half (upper right photo). I used a thin-kerf,
the thickness of the blank. This is illus- glue-line rip blade. The key here is to
FRONT VIEW trated in the drawing at left. size the strips to fit the dadoes straight
NOTE: Rip !/4" strips from blank Consistency in spacing is your goal in from the saw. Here again, test cuts on
!/4 cutting the dadoes to create the pattern. sample parts is the way to get the rip
!/4" I found that cutting the middle dado fence set just right. Another option
dado blade of the pattern first helped me achieve for fine-tuning the size of the strips is
!/4 !/4 an even spacing. The rip fence serves shown in the lower left box.
to locate each of the cuts. I used some The form shown in the main photo on
test pieces to make sure the initial cut the previous page keeps the panel
square. With a snug fit of the strips in the
How-To: DRILL PRESS THICKNESS SANDER notches, only a dot of glue on the four
corner joints is necessary. The result turns
an ordinary frame into a standout. W
It can take some back and forth
to dial in the table saw to get } The strips snap together to create a
perfectly fitting strips. Another great look that can be used in a
solution is to cut the strips a hair variety of projects.
thicker than what’s required
and then sand them to fit.
To do this, I use a sanding
drum in the drill press. With a
fence positioned just behind the
drum, this setup acts as a thick-
ness sander. Set the fence for a
light cut and feed the strips from
right to left. Make light passes, { A sanding drum and a fence allow you to
moving the fence closer to the remove a consistent amount of material from
drum, until you have a snug fit. small, thin pieces to achieve an exact size. • 17
lattice panel
Serving Tray
This handsome project serves up lessons in traditional joinery, but it’s
the eye-catching panel that makes up the main course.
Usually, the items on a serving tray gridwork is then encased in epoxy. As work to fit just right, but it’s not difficult.
grab your attention first — good food you’ll see, the process is pretty straight- Concealed, rare-earth magnets hold the
or a refreshing beverage. But when you forward and the results are dramatic. folded handles in place against the frame.
carry this tray in, people will be just as There’s more going on with the other The upper frame that holds the lattice
likely to focus on the unique panel at the parts of the project, too. The handle panel is the simplest part of the project.
center of it all. assemblies feature angled, half-lap joints. Here, you’ll get a chance to hone your
At first glance, it looks like a glass It sounds much harder than it actually is. mortise and tenon skills.
panel resting on a wood lattice. A closer All it takes is some clear marking and a It seems like there’s a lot going on, how-
examination reveals that the lattice is table saw trick or two. ever, the small scale of the project means
inside the panel. Of course, there’s a The handles are also designed to fold you can tackle the construction in one
trick involved. The latticework is built flat for storage. Unique, low-profile hinges weekend. By the next weekend, you’ll
up from narrow strips. The assembled do the job. It requires some careful chisel be using it to serve up a special treat.
Wood plugs
joined with
Attached tabs half laps
Rare-earth magnets hold capture handles
handles in stored position in upright position
1!/4"x 3!/2" - 60" Walnut (1.8 Bd. Ft.) !/2"x 3!/2" - 36" Cypress (.9 Sq. Ft.)
C C A B G H H • 19
Building the A
When you break down the construction C C
VIEW 1!/2
Rotate miter %/8
gauge 13° Waste
Aux. miter
a. 12#/4 gauge fence
Mitered Ends. Cut the handle parts to length at the table saw. Use the Half Laps. Use the end of the workpiece as a
miter gauge to cut the angle on each end of all the parts. Attach a stop gauge to set the angle of the miter gauge. The
block to the miter gauge to cut parts to consistent lengths. rip fence serves as an end stop.
Tenons for the Frame. You’ll need three different blade Rout a Rabbet. To prevent the bit from hitting the workbench,
heights to form the tenons on the ends of the rails of the support the assembled frame on a set of risers. Double-sided
frame. Here again, the rip fence works as a stop. tape keeps the frame from shifting during routing. • 21
At this stage of the game, you have three beveled to match the angle of the handle F
separate frames. There’s just a little bit assemblies. Glue the tabs in place, keep-
of work left to take care of, then you can ing the faces and ends perfectly flush.
bring the frames together. INSTALL HINGES. The handle frames are
ADD TABS. The first order of business is joined to the tray frame with narrow, 4&/16 !/2
to cut and attach a pair of tabs on each flip-top hinges. These are similar to the
end of the tray frame. You can see this hinges used on sewing machine tables.
in the drawing above. The tabs form a The hinges seat in mortises cut in the of the hinge mortise. I set the hinge in
recess to house the handle assemblies. bottom face of the tray frame and the place and traced its profile on the frame.
If you remember, the tabs are cut from inside face of the handle assembly. The hinge has a rounded end, so I
the material removed from the extra- I started with cutting the mortises in used a matching Forstner bit to shape
wide end blanks. Match up the grain the tray frame. The box below outlines the end of the mortise, as in Figure 1.
and mark the length of the tabs. Note in the steps. I’ll add a few details along the A little careful chisel work is up next.
detail ‘d’ that the inner end of each tab is way. Detail ‘d’ above shows the location Score the sides of the mortise with light
Start with a Hole. With a Forstner bit, Knuckle Recess. You need to make a Handle Mortises. Install the hinge and
drill out the end of the mortise. Use a deeper recess at the edge to provide fit the handle assembly between the
chisel to clean the remaining waste. clearance for the hinge knuckle. tabs to transfer the hinge location.
The home stretch of this project is to cre-
ate the interlocking lattice panel. This
consists of narrow strips joined with half
laps in a geometric gridwork, as illus-
trated in the drawing at right. The key How-To: EPOXY TREATMENT
to making the panel efficiently is to cut
the half laps in extra-wide blanks rather 1 10!/4 2
than fumbling with a lot of small strips.
The process for how I did this is shown bottom
in the article on page 16.
FILL IT WITH EPOXY. In order to create a 18#/4
smooth, rigid surface, the lattice
panel is filled with slow-setting epoxy a.
(refer to sources on page 67). The box
at right shows the steps that are required. 13!/4
It begins with making an assembly form placed
in form
from melamine. Because epoxy won’t
stick to melamine, this makes a good tray Assembly & Pouring Form. Melamine Pour the Epoxy. Aim to fill the
to pour the epoxy into. makes a great surface for containing panel about halfway with epoxy for
I poured the epoxy in two layers to the epoxy and lattice. the first layer.
help minimize bubbles. A small syringe
is helpful for getting epoxy into the 3
small spaces of the lattice. If bubbles do
form, passing a heat gun over the epoxy
helps to bring them to the surface.
After a few hours, you can apply the
second coat so it’s level with the lattice, as
in Figure 3. The epoxy then needs to cure
overnight before it’s completely solid.
In the morning, it’s time to remove the Melamine
panel from the form. A little sanding is
all that’s necessary to clean up the edges
for a snug press fit into the tray frame. Add a Cap. After pouring the { The completed, filled panel
After the finish on the other tray com- second layer, clamp a melamine top shows off the latticework while
ponents is dry, your tray will be complete to the form to hold the lattice flat. providing a durable, flat surface.
and ready for service. W • 23
cordless drill
This wall-mounted
station will ensure
that all your cordless
drills are fully charged
and ready to go at a
moment’s notice.
When cordless drills first came on the we’ve included plans for a matching
scene, the initial purchase price repre- shelf for additional cordless tools at our
sented a pretty hefty investment. But website, (photo at right).
while the batteries have gotten lighter,
smaller, and more powerful over the PLYWOOD CONSTRUCTION
years, at the same time the price for cord- The charging station is made almost
less drills has actually come down in real entirely of plywood. As you can see
terms. Today, it’s not uncommon for a in main drawing on the next page, it
woodworker to own two or three differ- begins with a back panel that’s cut to
ent cordless drills. And that’s the inspira- finished size. After laying out and drill-
tion behind the cordless drill charging ing the countersunk holes for attaching
station you see in the photo here. the charging platform and drawer unit,
This wall-mounted station has room you can radius the four corners. Plans for building the shelf
for up to four cordless drills or drivers, The charging platform and drill rack shown above can be found
online at
as well as two or three chargers. A pair are combined into a box-like assembly
of drawers provides storage for drill bits that’s open at the front. A lip on the front
and other accessories. And the top of the of the platform prevents the chargers the next page, you’ll notice that the back
drawer unit serves as a shelf for extra from sliding off the angled surface. edge of the platform is beveled.
batteries or other tools. To build the box assembly, start by A pair of dadoes in the underside of
Of course, drills aren’t the only cord- cutting the platform and ends to overall the platform house the two ends (detail
less tools you’ll find in a woodshop. So size. If you take a look at detail ‘c’ on ‘b’). And a narrow groove on the inside
face of each end will hold the rack that to overall size. A rabbet is cut on each ASSEMBLY. After gluing up the platform,
you’ll make next. After cutting these end of the drill rack to create tongues ends, and drill rack, you can attach the
grooves, you can taper the top edge of that fit in the grooves in the ends of the assembly to the back of the station with
each end piece, as shown in the draw- assembly. Once this is done, you can set screws. The last step for this stage of
ing above and in detail ‘c’. Then set the about creating the slots for the drills. construction is to add a lip to the plat-
pieces aside while you turn your atten- The first two drawings in the How-To form. I made the lip out of a piece of 1⁄2"
tion to making the drill rack. box below show how I created the slots plywood that’s rabbeted to fit over the
DRILL RACK. As I mentioned earlier, the in the drill rack. The size and spacing platform, as shown in detail ‘c.’ You can
drill rack holds up to four cordless of the slots is in the drawing above, but see how I rounded over the edge of the
drills or drivers. It starts off as nothing you may want to alter these dimensions lip in Figure 3 below. Then it’s simply
more than a piece of plywood that’s cut to suit the tools that you own. glued to the front of the platform.
Waste !/4" a. END VIEW
roundover !/4
Start with a Hole. To create the slots Cut Out Waste. At the band saw, cut Round Over Edge of Lip. Two passes
that will hold the drills, start by drilling a the remaining waste free from the rack with a roundover bit create the half-
large hole with a Forstner bit. and then sand the edges of each slot. round profile along the edge of the lip. • 25
3!/2 H F
4 #8 x 2" Fh
4 F
!/4 !/4
NOTE: Case top, bottom, divider
and sides are !/2" Baltic FRONT
birch plywood VIEW
Cut Dadoes in Sides. Cut a pair of Tongues. Rabbets on the ends of the Centered Dadoes. A pair of shallow,
dadoes in each case side to hold the case top and bottom create tongues to centered dadoes in the case top and
case top and bottom. fit in the dadoes in the case sides. bottom hold the divider.
J 3#/4 L !/16
11!!/16 #/8
NOTE: Ease
edges of 2&/8
I !/2
finger hole I
with sandpaper DRAWER
2&/8 b.
FRONT Case top
J Case
K side
NOTE: Drawer bottoms !/8 !/4
are !/8" hardboard
Case bottom
The joinery used for the drawers instead just cut a half-circle opening on finish to it. This not only helpd protect
couldn’t be much simpler. Rabbets cut in the front of each drawer to serve as a the surface of the wood, but also maked
the ends of the drawer fronts and backs finger pull. Figure 5 below shows the it easier to dust it off occasionally. I
hold the drawer sides. Figure 4 below method I used to create these openings. sprayed everything with a couple coats
gives the details on cutting these rabbets. Once this is done, you can glue up the of satin lacquer and called it good.
A kerf is cut along the inside face of drawer fronts, backs and sides around To complete the charging station, I
each drawer piece to hold an 1⁄8" hard- the bottoms. Because the pieces are fairly added an inexpensive power strip to the
board drawer bottom (detail ‘b’). After thin, be careful not to pull the drawers back, just under the drawer unit. The
cutting the drawer bottoms to size, out of square by overtightening the power strip makes it easy to plug in sev-
there’s just one more step to complete clamps as you assemble them. Once eral chargers at once. Then all that
before assembling the drawers. the clamps come off, you can install the remains is to find a convenient spot on
FINGER OPENING. In keeping with the drawers in the case. the wall to mount the charging station
simple construction of the drawers, I FINISHING TOUCHES. Even though this and load it up with all your drills, char-
opted to forego any knobs or pulls and is just a shop project, I still applied a gers, and accessories. W • 27
Little extras are always a
fun thing to stumble upon.
This cabinet provides that with a
hidden compartment that gives
you twice the shelf space.
When you walk into a room, you’ll Hidden behind the sliding cases is a favored drink. Beneath the adjustable
notice this attractive shelving unit in mini-bar, with two full-width shelves. shelf is a simple rack that offers ample
the corner. While admiring the seamless One of the shelves is stationary to storage for the wine of your choice.
joinery, you become aware that there’s give the cabinet strength. The other is As you slide the tray away and draw
more to this cabinet than meets the eye. adjustable, letting you tailor the space the cabinet columns closed, don’t be
Upon closer inspection, the front of the the way you like. intimidated by all the moving parts. All
case appears to be two sections. Between the two shelves is a slide- it takes is a set of full-extension drawer
As you pull on either end of the case out tray. Pulling it out you’ll see that slides and a keyboard tray slide. As
front, the shelves glide apart, revealing it’s hinged and flips open, giving you you’ll see, we’ve come up with some
a large space with a pleasant surprise. an extra-wide surface to serve friends a tricks that will make building this fun.
A folding, slide-out
tray makes for a
handy worksurface • 29
E E A Biscuit
Biscuits TOP 45°
31!/2 #/4"-
C D ply.
2 14!%/16
BACK #8 x 1!/4" STRETCHER B #/8
pocket screws
SHELF D 1&/16 b. 2#/4
#/8" x "#/8 6 Biscuits
chamfer !/4
SIDE 1&/16 !/4
Shelf D B
pin E E
32!/4 !/4
Rabbets in Case Parts. I used a dado Dadoes for Stationary Shelf. My Adjustable Shelf Holes. I laid out
blade buried in an auxiliary rip fence to router and a straight bit made quick the shelf pin holes with an awl and
cut the rabbets in the sides and top. work of cutting the groove for the shelf. finished them up at the drill press. • 31
tray slide
4!/2 1#/16
Q Keyboard
LEAF tray slide
Card table
How-To: HINGE MORTISES & CASE NOTCHES These are the structural elements that
the slides will be mounted to. As you
can see in details ‘a’ and ‘e’ on the next
Aux. miter page, these two parts are set in from the
Double-sided fence
tape back of the doors. This creates a pocket
for the drawer slides, keeping the pro-
Tray P file as sleek as possible. To access the
Dado T
blade recess, I needed to cut a notch on the
two inner door sides. That informa-
Template a. END VIEW tion is in the second drawing to the left.
!!/16 1!#/16 After the notches are cut, the door cases
Tray leaf Q can be assembled.
SMOOTH OPERATOR. The drawings at the
bottom of the next page show the steps
Mortises in Tray. Align the edges Cut Notches in Door Sides. A tall for attaching the doors to the cabinet.
of the tray and leaf to the centerline. miter gauge fence supports the sides But I want to mention a few things. Lay
Template details are on page 65. to cut the notch for the slides. one of the doors on the case, aligning it
flush with the top and sides. To install
Drawer X T
S 7!%/16 slide X S
attached to door sides with SECTION VIEW SECTION VIEW
pocket hole screws driven in from the back
the upper slide, insert a 1⁄4" spacer and the distance between the rail openings temporarily hold it to the door. Now,
the slide into the opening (Figure 1). on the back of the doors. I inset the lower set the door on the cabinet, flush to the
Keep the spacer and slide against the slides from the side of the cabinet the top and sides. Then start to “open”
top of the rail opening. Now lift the door same distance as the upper slides. When the door — just enough to attach the
clear and attach the slide to the main all was in place, I fastened the slides to first screws through the slide into the
case. For the other upper slide, I butted it the stretchers (Figure 2). door (Figure 3).
against the end of the first slide and used ATTACH THE DOORS. With the slides Take your time setting this first screw,
a straightedge to align them. attached to the cabinet, all that’s left and use an adjustable slot on the slide.
WIDE SPACER. To install the lower slides, I is to connect them to the doors. The It’s also a good idea to check the align-
made a wide spacer to position them on routine starts by applying a strip of ment of the doors with the cabinet as
the lower stretcher. The spacer matches double-sided tape on the slide to you install the rest of the screws.
Position Drawer Slides. A spacer Align and Install Lower Slides. To Attach the Doors. Place the door back
positions the first slide. Once installed, keep the lower slides parallel to the on the cabinet, slide it and the slides
align the second slide to it. uppers, I used a wide spacer. open enough to attach the first screw. • 33
97° Veneer 2#/16 97°
55° 55°
1#/4 1#/4
#8 x 1!/4" Fh
woodscrew AA
It’s time to take a break from working plywood cleats. All this is shown in the foot, I made a jig that cradles the foot
on the big parts of the cabinet and focus drawings and details above. blank while cutting the blocks to length.
on some small details. The four feet that The feet start out as 3" blocks that are The details are in Shop Notes on page 66.
support the case are made of hardwood. cut from a hardwood turning blank. It’s ANGLED BLOCKS. To get started, I tilted the
They’re tapered and splayed to add an best to tackle the contours of the feet one band saw table 10°. Then, using the jig,
accent to the base of the case. The outer face at a time. So the first order of busi- I made an initial cut on the end of the
faces have a hardwood veneer inlay to ness is to cut the blocks for the individual foot blank to set the angle on one end of
enhance the look. When finished, they’re feet to length. Since the ends of the blocks the blank. Next, I drew a line 23⁄16" from
attached to the underside of the base with are cut at an angle to create the tapered the end of the fresh cut. With the blank
back in the cradle, align the blade of the
How-To: CUT THE FOOT BLANKS TO SIZE band saw to this line and move the rip
fence in place to use as a stop. Figure 1
to the left shows this.
1 Jig details
on page 66 2 INSIDE BEVELS. The two inner faces of the
Fence feet are beveled at 55°. Since these faces
are hidden from view, I cut them at the
band saw. Detail ‘a’ above shows where
2#/16 Z Tape waste to mark the base of the feet to locate the
piece back
on blank bevel and start the cut. Figure 2 shows
to make how to freehand this cut at the band
second cut
Waste saw. When the feet are all cut, you can
sand the inner faces smooth.
Tilt table
Taper the Blanks. After trimming the Free Hand Tapers. Lay out the tapers The outer faces of each foot have a curly
end of blank to the proper angle, cut on the inside face of the feet and cut maple inlay that adds visual interest to
the foot blanks to size. them free hand at the band saw. the cabinet. You can see what these look
like in the main photo on page 28. • 35
You’re on the home stretch. All that’s WINE CASE TOP
left is to make the removable wine
NOTE: Case parts
case. The case is an optional part of are all #/4" plywood
the project. But I had fun building it. Biscuits
It’s not as small and fussy as the feet WINE CASE BOTTOM
were, or as large as the main case and
doors. Work at the bench is always a 2#/8
nice way to finish up a project. CC
16&/16 2#/8
The wine case is a simple box that
has mitered and splined corners like NOTE: Edging is
the case and doors. It also has the same installed before
EDGING case is assembled
V-grooved edging. There are seven com- E E
partments that give you plenty of room
to store a variety of your favorite wines. a. SIDE SECTION VIEW b. FRONT
I chose to focus on the case first. CC VIEW
A DIFFERENT STRATEGY. Unlike the rest of GLUE UP BOX. I cut the
the project, here I installed the edg- miters on the case pieces CC
ing in the four pieces that make up and made the slots for the
the case frame before mitering them biscuits. To make sure the
to length. Since there are no fixed open case stayed square,
shelves to contend with, I can edge I aligned it to a framing square that I laid out centerlines on the edges of the
each piece before cutting them to final clamped to the bench. case top and bottom and transferred
size. Also, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, those lines to the back side of the case.
the case doesn’t have a back, so some MAKE THE DIVIDERS Then I turned my attention to the
extra care and attention are due dur- Making the four dividers was next on dividers. As with the case, I installed
ing assembly to keep it square. the agenda. To start that adventure, I the edging in each piece first.
#/4"x 2" - 72" Birch (1.0Bd. Ft.) Three 48"x 96"sheets of #/4" birch plywood.
J One 48"x 96"sheet of !/4" birch plywood.
12"x 12" sheet of maple raw veneer.
Y Y 3"x 3"x 18" maple turning blank
#/4"x 7" - 96" Birch (4.7 Bd. Ft.) EE
DD 90 °
45 ° 45 °
Wine case
Wine case
E E side
NOTE: Dividers are EDGING
made from #/4" plywood
Wine case DD
21!/4 DD
#/4" bottom
NOTE: Parts have
mitered end
Fitting in the dividers in the case lines. I made these notches longer than FINISH THE PROJECT. The cabinet has a
was just a matter of pairing them up. the center of each divider. There’s no lacquer finish. To get a even coat of
The four dividers end up making two need to be exact with this since the ends finish on all the parts I started by
V-shapes that are easy to work with. It of the notches aren’t visible. removing all the hardware.
starts with fitting each piece (Figure 1). GLUE DIVIDERS IN PLACE. Be mindful of The first coat that went on was black
MARK THE DIVIDER NOTCHES. When the two how you apply the glue to the divid- lacquer. The lacquer gives the project a
“Vs” were snugly fit, I slid them together ers. You want enough to make a luster that you can’t get with paint.
as you see in Figure 2. Then with a sharp good bond, but not so much that When dry, gently knock down any nubs
pencil and a square, I transferred the you’re creating extra work later. For before applying two top coats of satin
intersection points of the dividers. I took me, this meant feeding both sets of lacquer. When all is dry and reassem-
each divider over to my table saw and dividers in from the front, pushing bled, you can pour a glass of red and sit
cut the notches according to the layout any excess glue out the back. down with a good book. W
Divider should
fit at center
line of
the case a. #/4" ply. END
Center Notch
layout waste
Fit Divider Pieces into Case. Each Locate the Notches. Fit the two sets of Cut Notches at the Table Saw. Cut
divider is cut to fit between the corner dividers to the center of the case. Then each side of the notch. Then with a
and center of the case. mark the locations for the notches. sharp chisel, chop the waste free. • 37
plywood shop
Final Three
Simple plywood construction and butt joints make these shop fixtures
not only affordable, but quick and easy-to-build.
In the previous issue of Woodsmith, we In this issue, we’ll further expand Finally, to complement the tool
built the first two pieces of our ply- your shop’s capabilities with the stand, we’ll build a pair of adjustable
wood shop. The first project was a stout remaining pieces of the plywood shop. supports. These serve as outriggers
workbench with a large worksurface. The first component is a tool stand that all around the shop when working
As a companion to the workbench, we can be used as a miter saw station or a with long workpieces. After finishing
added a wall-mounted shelf, complete router table. Next, a rolling cart serves these three projects, your shop will be
with a tool rack. as an assembly table, as well as storage. well equipped for future builds.
SECTION Spacers for
VIEW ease of assembly
countersink Fine-toothed
bit blade
Perfect Holes. In order to drill chip-free Bevel Leg Ends. The ends of each leg Side Panels. Use spacers to lift the
holes that won’t split, drill all holes are beveled. Use a fine-tooth blade in a panels off the workbench. The leg
with a tapered countersink bit. jigsaw to minimize tear out. assemblies can then be screwed in • 39
19#/4 c. FRONT
20 H #/8
#8 x 2" Fh #/4
woodscrew G
24!/2 2!/4
2 E
E 19 F
6 G e. #/8
NOTE: All parts 24!/2
are made from
F 1!/2
#/4" plywood
8!/4 10#/4
Straightedge Bearing #/8
NOTE: Opening clamped tight follows
dimensions are 1" smaller to router plate straightedge
than router plate insert
Insert Hole. Use a Forstner bit to define Add Fences. Position the router Rabbet Opening. Remove the plate and
the corners for the insert. Remove the plate, and clamp straightedges as a use a dado clean-out bit to rout along the
waste using a fine-toothed jig saw blade. bearing surface for the router. straightedges, forming the rabbet. • 41
Building the A
The next project, a rolling cart, pro-
vides a mobile worksurface that can be B
moved where you need it. In addition, LONG
it provides a solid surface for assem- CLEATS
bling projects. The cart is made of a few
basic parts. A plywood case houses a 38
#8 x 1!/4" Fh woodscrew B
pair of shelves that offer extra storage
space. The top of the cart is two layers, a. CLEAT
like the tool stand. And the base of the FRONT VIEW
20!/2 46
a. SIDE b.
F D #/4
D F 27!/4
27!/4 1&/8 1&/8
20!/2 a.
44!/2 2
43 G H
#8 x 1!/4" Fh H G
woodscrew 2!/4
SHELF #8 x 1!/4" Fh
LONG CLEAT woodscrew
TOP AND MIDDLE SHELF TOP. The top of the cart is built like the the underside of the cart (main drawing,
Now that the case of the cart is start- tool stand, as shown in the drawing previous page). The swivel casters allow
ing to take shape, you can add a little below. As with the previous tops, the for greater maneuverability in tight
extra storage with an additional shelf. subtop gets rounded corners. The main areas. The casters I chose also feature a
After installing the shelf, you’ll install top is left oversized and then attached locking mechanism to keep the cart in
a top and some casters to wrap up the to the subtop. A pass with the router place when you want it stationary.
construction of the rolling cart. and a flush-trim bit cleans up the top. To attach the casters, it’s best to get
MIDDLE SHELF. The construction and There are a pair of cleats that are a helper to flip the cart onto its top.
assembly of the middle shelf is nearly attached to the sides and front of the cart. With the cart upside down, the four
identical to the lower shelf (drawing The top is then attached to the cleats with casters can be installed at each corner.
above). A series of cleats around the inte- screws. Like the middle shelf, no glue is It’s important to keep the casters on
rior of the case provide a place for the used when attaching the top. This allows the double-layer cleats. This provides
shelf, as well as an attachment point. the top to be easily removed or replaced the most support, which will bear the
As with the cleats that we used in if it becomes damaged. Ease the edges of weight of the cart and its contents.
the tool stand, drill all of the mounting the top with sandpaper. With the casters attached, flip the cart
holes to prevent the cleats from split- LET’S GET ROLLIN’. The beauty of this cart upright and ease the remaining edges
ting. With the cleats in place, the shelf is its utility. A lot of the versatility comes with sandpaper. For the final act, we’ll
can be dropped in from above and held from the ability to move it around via wrap up our plywood shop with a pair
in place with screws. the swivel casters that are attached to of simple adjustable supports.
48 B
20!/2 I b.
CLEAT B #8 x 2" Fh
#8 x 1!/4" Fh woodscrew I
#8 x 1!/4" Fh
woodscrew 3!/4 • 43
The tool stand we built earlier is a great NOTE: All parts are
made from #/4" plywood
addition to your shop. To complement
the stand and help manage long pieces 4#/16
Tapered Sides. To cut the tapered sides Notching. After defining the corners Slot Cutting. A few passes with a
of the support, use a straightedge guide with a Forstner bit, the notch is cut with a straight bit in a router make quick work
clamped along the layout line. jigsaw and fine-toothed blade. of the slots in the riser panel.
Tool Stand (for one stand and one fence) Materials, Supplies & Cutting Diagram
A Outside Legs (4) 3⁄ ply. - 3 x331⁄2
B Inside Legs (4) 3⁄ ply. - 33⁄ x 331⁄2
4 4
C Side Panels (2) 3⁄ ply. - 201⁄ x 20
4 2
D Back Panel (1) 3⁄ ply. - 20 x 241⁄
4 2
#/4"x 48" - 96" Plywood #/4"x 48" - 48" Plywood
3⁄ ply. - 2 x 241⁄ A
E Shelf Rear Cleat (1) 4 2
F Shelf Side Cleats (2) 3⁄ ply. - 2 x 19
G Shelf (1) 3⁄ ply. - 193⁄ x 241⁄
4 4 2
H Top Cleats (2) 3⁄ ply. - 21⁄ x 193⁄ F
4 4 4 K
3⁄ ply. - 24 x 30 G C C H L
I Subtop (1) 4
J Main Top (1) 3⁄ ply. - 24 x 30
K Fence Front (1) 3⁄ ply. - 4 x 30
L Fence Base (1) 3⁄ ply. - 4 x 30
M Supports (4) 3⁄ ply. - 3 x 3
• (80) #8 x 11⁄4" Fh Woodscrews
• (6) #8 x 2" Fh Woodscrews
Rolling Cart
A Shelves (2) 3⁄ ply. - 201⁄ x 441⁄
4 2 2
B Short Cleats (6) 3⁄ ply. - 31⁄ x 201⁄
4 4 2
C Bottom Long Cleats (2) 3⁄4 ply. - 11⁄2 x 38 #/4"x 48" - 96" Plywood #/4"x 48" - 96" Plywood
D Side Panels (2) 3⁄ ply. - 201⁄ x 271⁄
4 2 4
3⁄ ply. - 271⁄ x 46 A J I D
E Back Panel (1) 4 4
F Front Panels (2) 3⁄ ply. - 4 x 271⁄ H C
4 4
G Shelf Side Cleats (2) ⁄4 ply. - 11⁄2 x 201⁄2
3 B
H Shelf Long Cleats (2) 3⁄4 ply. - 11⁄2 x 43 B B
I Subtop (1) 3⁄ ply. - 24 x 48
J Main Top (1) 3⁄ ply. - 24 x 48 F G
• (60) #8 x 11⁄4" Fh Woodscrews
• (21) #8 x 2" Fh Woodscrews
• (4) 5"-dia. Swivel Casters
Adjustable Supports (for one support)
3⁄ ply. - 18 x 30 #/4"x 48" - 96" Plywood
A Sides (2) 4
B Fixed Panel (1) 3⁄ ply. - 18 x 221⁄
4 2 A B
C Panel Cleats (4) 3⁄ ply. - 11⁄ x 18
4 2
D Riser (1) 3⁄ ply. - 18 x 21
• (18) #8 x 11⁄4" Fh Woodscrews
• (2) 5⁄16"-18 x 23⁄4"-Carriage Bolts
• (2) 5⁄16"-18 Star Knobs • 45
Craftsman Bed
Quartersawn white oak and Craftsman-era design elements combine to
create this handsome companion to our Gentleman’s Dresser.
When we featured the gentleman’s basic power tools. The headboard and and put back together. Here, we opted
dresser in Woodsmith No. 219 (shown footboard have stiles and rails that are for bed rail fasteners that are housed
above), we had a feeling that it might held together with mortise and tenon in shallow mortises in the stiles and
be a popular project with our readers. joinery. Solid panels are captured in side rails. Creating the mortises on the
But we had no idea just how popular it shallow grooves in the stiles and rails. ends of the side rails may seem intimi-
would be. So after numerous requests, And in keeping with the design of the dating, but don’t worry. We’ll walk
we designed this Craftsman-style bed dresser, we mimicked the square open- you through our simple procedure to
to match the dresser. ings in the doors in the headboard. ensure perfect results.
TRADITIONAL JOINERY. Much like the KNOCK-DOWN ASSEMBLY. Of course, mov- So get your tools tuned up and ready
dresser, the joinery used on the bed is ing a bed around in the home calls for to go. Turn the page to get started on
easily manageable in your shop using an assembly that is easy to take apart this stately piece of bedroom furniture.
A unique dovetail
and socket design
keeps the slats
secure in the cleats
Bottom of legs
have slight chamfer
to prevent splintering • 47
NOTE: Headboard panels are
e. f. #/8
E resawn and planed to #/8"
D INNER STILE !/2 !/2 !/4
1#/16 from 1"-thick hardwood 2 #/8
c. d. #/8
%/16 %/16 #/8 #/8 #/8
4!/8" female #/8
J 1 #/8
bed hardware
8!/2 B
1&/16 #/16 #/16 #/16 D E
#/4 F 3
NOTE: Legs are made G
from 1!/2"-thick hardwood. A
Rails, stiles, cap, and blocks 1 !/2
are made from 1"-thick #/8
hardwood. !/4
Start with the HEADBOARD THICK LEGS. After cutting the legs to
size, I moved to the drill press to form
I began the bed construction by build- grooved rails that connect them. A the mortises — three shallow mortises
ing the headboard. In order to match series of small blocks are trapped on the outside edge of each leg for
the look of the gentleman’s dresser, I between the two upper rails. And the plugs and three deeper mortises
used thick stock for most of the com- finally, four hardwood panels fill the on the interior of each leg to hold the
ponents throughout the bed. This lower section of the headboard. I began rails. Figure 1 at the bottom of the page
includes the beefy legs and the three this project by making the legs. has all the details. After roughing out
Create the Mortises. Use a Forstner bit Long Grooves. A straight bit loaded in the Bed Rail Hardware. Shop Notes on
at the drill press to remove most of the router table is perfect for making the long page 64 provides more information
mortise waste in the legs. grooves in the edge of the legs. for creating these mortises. • 49
!/4 Q RAIL
%/16 81
#/8 Male bed
3 fastener e.
M 2!/4 2#/4
#/8 5
!/2 6
CLEAT !/2" x 4!/2"-long
cross dowel 7!/8 63 °
NOTE: Top and bottom NOTE: For information 1
L M on installing bed hanger
rails have groove
on interior edge only hardware, see page 65
Set pin 1" in support Sand to
from edge layout line
Spring Cut to waste
clamp Bottom
side of of rail
a. L layout line
Waste 2
Spacer Spring
block clamp
2 L
Start marking arc
2" from end of part Hardboard
Arch Layout. Before cutting the tenons, use a Cutting the Curve. Move to the Sand It Smooth. I used a sanding
narrow piece of hardboard as a guide to draw band saw to carefully cut the curve block to help keep the edge square
the curve along the bottom edge of the rail. along the length of the rail. as I sanded the curve smooth.
The rails themselves are pretty straight- 2#/4
forward to make. Simply pick a couple Stop
of nice, straight boards and cut them to
a. 1#/4
size. The How-To box at right will walk END VIEW a.
you through the remainder of the steps 1#/4 blade
to complete the rails and cleats.
MATING HARDWARE. Adding the mating
bed rail fasteners to the ends of the rails
Chisel waste
is the first order of business. Because to saw kerf
they’re installed on the narrow ends
of the rails, they’re not quite as simple Waste Removal. Use a wide dado Finish Up Sockets. A hand saw and
to install as the female half that you blade at the table saw to remove most sharp chisel are all you need to finish
installed in the legs earlier. of the waste for the dovetail sockets. up each socket on the cleats.
To begin, position the fastener on the
end of the rail and trace the outline. On
the backside of the male fastener, you’ll Figure 2 provides the details for drill-
notice a couple little “nubs” protruding ing the holes for the dowels.
from the backside of the hooks. Simply DOVETAILED CLEATS. Finally, you’re ready
drill a couple shallow holes in the rail to make the cleats. Again, you’ll cut the
for these (Figure 1). stock to size to begin. Figure 3 above
Removing the waste for the shallow and detail ‘e’ on the previous page pro-
mortise that the fastener rests in requires vide the information for laying out the
one more operation. I’ll cover that more dovetail socket positions. To remove
in-depth in Shop Notes on page 64. the bulk of the waste, I used a dado
DOWEL STRENGTH. Once the fasteners blade in the table saw (Figure 3).
are eventually installed, they’re held All that’s left is to cut away the dove-
in place with woodscrews. But I was tailed edges of each opening to form
worried about the screws holding, the socket. A handsaw and chisel make
since they’re driven into end grain. So quick work of this, as shown in Figure 4.
I inserted 1⁄2"-dia. cross dowels from the Now, glue the cleats to the inside lower { Hidden fasteners are used to hold
bottom edges of the side rails to give edges of the rails. I also added screws the rails to the legs. Shop Notes on
the screws something to “bite” into. here for additional strength (detail ‘e’). page 64 has the details. • 51
3 !/2
3 have a #/32"
around V
61 exposed
S Headboard
SLAT leg
d. U
VIEW !/2
After wrapping up the side rail and to get an accurate reading for cutting the dovetail cuts on the ends that fit
cleat construction, I assembled the bed the five slats to length. After that, you’ll the sockets in the cleats. Figures 1 and
to check the fit of the rail assemblies make and install the plugs that finish 2 in the How-To box below shows the
between the headboard and footboard. up this project. But first, the slats. two-step process I used to make these
This also gave me the opportunity to DOVETAILED SLATS. Once you have the cuts. Details ‘a’ and ‘b,’ above provide
measure the distance between the rails slats cut to length, you’ll need to make the dimensions you’ll need. Check the
Form the Shoulder. At the table Finish the Cut. Move to the band saw Chamfer the Plugs. After forming the
saw, place the board on edge to to remove the rest of the waste. Clean chamfer on an oversize blank, cut each
form the shoulder of the dovetail. up the cut with a file and sandpaper. plug free at the table saw.
1"x 4!/2" - 84" White Oak (Two boards @ 3.3 Bd. Ft. each)
1"x 6!/2" - 96" White Oak (Two boards @ 5.4 Bd. Ft. each)
1!/2"x 5!/2" - 96" White Oak (Two boards @ 7.3 Bd. Ft. each)
1"x 6!/2" - 72" Poplar (Two boards @ 4.1 Bd. Ft. each)
S • 53
resawing for
Thin Panels
Creating solid wood panels for a proj- before cutting the panels to size. But overly thick for what the final thick-
ect is typically a pretty straightforward when those panels need to be made ness of the panels needs to be. But that
affair – you simply edge glue enough from thinner material — say under 1⁄2" extra thickness allows you to remove
boards to achieve the width of the thick — a little forethought is needed about 1⁄16" from each face. This is gener-
panels you need. It’s then just a mat- to ensure good results. ally more than enough to allow for any
ter of planing them to final thickness In the case of the Craftsman bed on surface imperfections.
page 46, I used 3⁄8"– thick panels in the Since my band saw is only capable
} Resawing thicker stock is a reliable way of headboard and footboard construction. of resawing stock up to 6" wide, I
producing thinner boards without wasting To make the best use of my lumber, I made sure that the boards I selected
material through planing. began with thick stock and resawed were ripped narrow enough to meet
these pieces at the band saw. this threshold. In fact, I opted to glue
PREPARE THICK STOCK. When selecting up my panels from three narrow
lumber for resawing, you’ll want to boards to arrive at the nearly 11"–
choose stock that is more than twice as wide panels required for the bed (left
thick as what you need for your final photo). And by using narrow stock,
pa thickness. In my case, I used 5/4 it’s easy to arrange the resawn boards
st This allows for the kerf of the to get a pleasing grain pattern before
bl and ensures that my glued up gluing up the panels.
pa would still be thick enough so You’ll also want to leave the boards
th could be planed to final thickness. a few inches longer than final length.
After resawing, the roughly 1⁄2"-thick This allows for any snipe near the ends
bo that are created might seem that may happen at the planer later on.
{ Before gluing the boards together into panels, take some time to arrange them for the { After ripping the panel to width, make a
most consistent grain pattern. To help keep several panels organized, make a pencil mark few passes through the planer. Be sure to
along the surface so the boards stay in the same order when it’s time to assemble. remove material from both faces. • 55 • 57
Fasteners are a faithful ally in the shop
and around the house. Screws makee
quick work of hanging doors, mount- t- First, bore
out screw
ing drawers, and attaching sections of
projects together. Brads and nails, usedd
more commonly in construction, still ll
show up in the shop now and then.
On occasion, fasteners have to bee
removed from a piece of wood. If they’ree
damaged in some way, removing them m
becomes more complicated.
Regardless of whether it’s a screw w
or nail, there are ways to navigate thisis
frustrating moment with minimum m < As shown here, the bottom end of these
wear and tear on your project and your ur extractors do the boring. Then, flipped in
nerves. We’ll start by dealing with thee the drill, the top end extracts the screw.
devils that have threads.
MISTAKES HAPPEN. Often it’s not yourur embedded screw, and a driver that and hardware stores
sto carry these kits as
fault, but there it is, larger than life. freely
f l twirlsi l on the
h top off the
h fastener.
f well.) They
ll ) Th come with detailed instruc-
When trying to replace an old broken EXTRACTORS TO THE RESCUE. There’s a fairly tions that I’ll talk about briefly.
hinge, you strip out the head of one painless remedy though — screw There’s a chart on the instructions
of the screws. It really doesn’t matter extractors. There’s a set of four extrac- that tells you which of the four extrac-
whether it’s a slotted screw or Phil- tors sold by Lee Valley that you see in tors you’ll need for the size screw you’re
lips head, you’re left with a deeply the photo above. (Most home centers working on. Once you’ve selected the
proper extractor, here’s how it works.
DETAILS. One end has a cutter that bores
5⁄ "cutter a hole in the screw. The other end is
steady pressure and the drill in reverse, than the screw shaft, remove the hole- The set is available online from
I pulse the trigger gently to get a good saw. Often, the shaft of the screw falls Information on pur-
bite on the screw. Once it’s engaged, sim- free. If it doesn’t, I use an awl to snap it chasing all of the other extractors is in
ply back the screw out, as you see in the off. Then fill the hole with a plug. Sources on page 67.
main photo on the previous page. IN A PINCH. Another way to remove NAIL IT. There’s a much bigger field
BROKEN. Another common problem a damaged screw is with the unique of options when it comes to removing
is when the screwhead snaps off. This pliers that you see above. The nose of nails. And all of the tools are avail-
can be easily managed with a hollow the Vampliers is machined to grab just able at hardware stores and home
sawtooth extractor that you see at the about any screw, regardless of how centers. The How-To box below cov-
bottom of the previous page. You start close it is to the surface. All you have ers some of my favorites.
by making a guide board at the drill to do is nestle the nose of the pliers Thankfully, you don’t have to deal
press with a bit the same size as the around the offending fastener, and with broken screws and bent nails every
extractor. Then you place the board over with a firm turn counterclockwise the day. But these tools and tricks will help
the broken screw. After drilling deeper screw starts to back out (photo above). you through the task. W • 59
to know
The miter saw is a mainstay tool of trim Broadly speaking there are three you’re getting a miter saw is to chop
carpenters, home builders, and remod- members in the miter saw family — material to workable sizes for projects,
elers alike. Its accuracy and portability the basic miter saw, compound saw, this simple tool might be for you.
make it a favorite, go-to tool for these and sliding compound saw. COMPOUND MITER SAW. A compound miter
professionals. While a miter saw may MITER SAW. The classic “chop saw” has saw differs from a standard miter saw
never replace your table saw and a bounced around in trucks and on the in that the blade can be tilted as well as
quality miter gauge, it can be valuable. jobsite for decades. This tool does just angled. This allows you to cut miters
If you’re thinking of bringing one of one thing, cuts basic miters, as shown and bevels, as well as compound miters.
these tools into the shop, here’s a run- in the left How-To box on the next page. To accomplish this, a more complex
down of things to consider. But it does it quite well. If the reason hinge mechanism is required. Not only
does this part have to guide the saw
Articulating arm
allows horizontal Motor head up and down in the cut, it has
blade movement to tilt and lock it in place accurately to
Sliding Handle with
power trigger make a beveled cut.
Compound Compound miter saws come in two
Miter Saw flavors — single bevel and double bevel,
Bevel post meaning that you can choose a saw that
Blade will only tilt in one direction, or one that
Bevel scale 30
45 45
15 10
45 40 35 30 25 20
carry Miter scale bells and whistles. These saws extend
handles Bevel angle the length of crosscut dramatically by
putting the hinge and saw head on a set
{ Miter cuts are angled cuts across the face of a board. You can { Bevel cuts are angled cuts across the edge or end of the board. As
make very precise cuts with a miter saw by turning the miter you can see in the inset photo, this saw is set up to make bevel
pointer (inset) to the proper setting on the scale. cuts to the left or right. Some saws only rotate in one direction. • 61
Case Miters
Making bevel cuts in wood is not an are long. Any slight variation or move- prescribed here. Not only does it give
exotic task. But it’s not one you do ment will telegraph and appear larger a clean cut, but it will move through
every day. In this instance, I’m talk- the longer that the cut is. the material with a lot less effort, letting
ing about long bevels cut to create a You have two challenges that you’ll you focus on feeding the board prop-
mitered case. When you make this cut need to deal with. The first is mak- erly through the saw.
on mating pieces they can be brought ing an exact 45° cut in the material. It BLADE ANGLE. To get a perfect miter joint,
together to form a miter, like the one might seem that “close enough” will the blade needs to be set at exactly 45°.
you see in the photo below. do, but that’s not the case with bevels. To get this angle, you can’t rely solely on
Any time you make a bevel cut, you If the miter that’s created when you the scale on the front of your saw. I make
have to be focused. This need for being bring them together isn’t perfect, the some test cuts and check them with the
deliberate increases when the bevel cuts case will be out of square. 45° face of my combination square. This
The second horn of the dilemma is will confirm that the angle is exact.
} The miter joint you see here is the result keeping the cut straight and square to With the foundation of a sharp blade
of making bevel cuts in two case pieces. the edge of the workpiece. Not doing that’s set to the proper angle, you can
The trick is keeping the cuts straight this will leave the joints open at one end, turn your attention to the next phase —
and square. or cause the case to twist. guiding the workpiece past the blade for
I’ve found it’s easiest to attack these a straight and accurate cut. I’m going to
problems one at a time (making test cuts focus on the two ways that I’ve found
along the way). This will eliminate a lot give me the best results.
of headaches. Picking the blade to use CROSSCUT SLED. A crosscut sled is ideal
for this operation is a good place to start. for making cuts on wide boards where
SHARP BLADE. A sharp, crosscut blade a rip fence won’t work. The one you see
with a high tooth count is what’s in the photo above is ideal for cutting
bevels on long pieces. It will hold the What you have to do is support the stress-free feel for how the saw, and the
workpiece steady and flat while mak- workpiece in a way similar to the sled. method you’ve chosen to make the cut,
ing the cut. The sled is doing all the This starts with a long auxiliary fence works. You can practice your steady
moving across the table saw. With the (with adhesive-backed sandpaper) on feed rate at the same time.
board immobile in the sled, you can the miter gauge. The fence needs to be If the cut is out of square, the photo
focus on the cut. This works great when long enough to prevent the workpiece below left shows a good way to bring the
you’re wanting to make a controlled cut from rotating or shifting as you move board back in order. When you feel con-
on a wide board. through the blade. To keep the board fident with the test runs, all you have left
Speaking of controlling cuts, the photo from tipping, you’ll need to support it is a small cut to trim the board to length.
above sheds a little light on that. When I on the outer end. The upper right photo Most of the time, these tips will give
need to cut a series of workpieces to an shows you how. Regardless of how you you results that you’ll be happy with.
exact length, I use a stop block. In some choose to support the cut you’re making, But on occasion, even with all of these
circumstances the piece is longer than there are a few tips that will help make precautions, you can still end up with a
the sled, so I clamp a hooked stop on the the process a success. joint that’s not quite up to snuff. The two
fence that’s positioned for the cut needed. BE SNEAKY. It’s best to start with your right photos below provide solid tips for
WINGING IT. If you don’t have a crosscut workpiece oversized. Then make the dealing with stubborn miters. Just like
sled handy, that’s okay. You can make first bevel cut an inch or so away from most things in life, the good things are
quality cuts with your miter gauge. the final cut. Doing so gives you a worth the effort. W
{ A playing card shim will fine-tune the { Close a hairline opening of a miter with { A gap in the face of the miter is easily
crosscut. Place it on the sled where it’s a bar that will roll the gap closed. Even filled with matching wood putty. Once
needed to square the cut in the workpiece. pressure across the corner is best. the putty is dry, sand off the excess. • 63
Pare away excess
Dowel then sand flush
center Rough plug Sand bottom
bottom of plug flat
Mortising Template
The sliding door cabinet on page 28 fea- onto the MDF blank (Figure 1). I used hinge from both sides of the template
tures a tray that folds open when the the template to position the hinges a to ensure that there’s proper clearance.
shelf is pulled out. To allow the tray specific distance from the sides of the Routing the opening is next. Page
to fold, a pair of card table hinges are tray parts. Figure 1 also shows how 32 shows how to do this. When that’s
mortised into the tray and tray leaf. To to size the template and where to done, you have one more task. The
create these mortises, all you need is a locate the opening. edge of the mortise needs to be deeper
router and a shop-made template. I used a Forstner bit to drill a hole at to allow for the knuckle of the hinges.
TEMPLATE. The template is simply a each end (Figure 2) and then removed Figure 3 below provides the details.
piece of 1⁄2" MDF with an opening the rest of the waste with a jig saw. First, I laid out the depth of the mor-
sized to match the hinge. You can use Now shape the edges smooth with a file tise on the edges. I then cleaned out the
one of the hinges to trace the outline and sandpaper. I did a test fit with the space with a sharp chisel.
1 2 3
Align hinge parallel
to edge of template
Forstner bit
7 5 width • 65
b. #/4
1 NOTE: Use
brads to 3
attach cleats Cleat VIEW
3&/16 #/4
Cleat 2!#/32
%/32 97°
Beveled c.
Layout cleat 1!%/16
Beveled #/4
8 cleat
NOTE: Draw 8 %/32
NOTE: Cleats 1!!/32
layout lines are made from #/4
on both sides hardwood. Jig
of jig is !/4"-hardboard SIDE VIEW • 67