Short-Term Hourly Load Forecasting in South Africa Using Neural Networks

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Masters Research Report

Elvis Tshiani Ilunga
Student Number: 1106539

Dr Caston Sigauke
Dr Charles Chimedza

A Research Report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand,

Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Johannesburg, 30 March 2018

I declare that this Research Report is my own, unaided work. It is being submitted for the
Degree of Master of Science at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It has not
been submitted before for any degree or examination at any other University.


Accuracy of the load forecasts is very critical in the power system industry, which is the
lifeblood of the global economy to such an extent that its art-of-the-state management is the
focus of the Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF) models.

In the past few years, South Africa faced an unprecedented energy management crisis that
could be addressed in advance, inter alia, by carefully forecasting the expected load demand.
Moreover, inaccurate or erroneous forecasts may result in either costly over-scheduling or
adventurous under-scheduling of energy that may induce heavy economic forfeits to power
companies. Therefore, accurate and reliable models are critically needed.

Traditional statistical methods have been used in STLF but they have limited capacity to
address nonlinearity and non-stationarity of electric loads. Also, such traditional methods
cannot adapt to abrupt weather changes, thus they failed to produce reliable load forecasts in
many situations.

In this research report, we built a STLF model using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to
address the accuracy problem in this field so as to assist energy management decisions makers
to run efficiently and economically their daily operations. ANNs are a mathematical tool that
imitate the biological neural network and produces very accurate outputs.

The built model is based on the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), which is a class of feedforward
ANNs using the backpropagation (BP) algorithm as its training algorithm, to produce accurate
hourly load forecasts. We compared the MLP built model to a benchmark Seasonal
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Exogenous variables (SARIMAX) model
using data from Eskom, a South African public utility. Results showed that the MLP model,
with percentage error of 0.50%, in terms of the MAPE, outperformed the SARIMAX with
1.90% error performance.


To my late father, Romain Bouyez, and especially to my dearest mother, Thérèse Kapinga, for
her love, sacrifices and support, I dedicate this work.


I would like to thank Dr Caston Sigauke and Dr Charles Chimedza for their time, guidance,
and input into this research report. Many thanks to Eskom for providing us with the data
required for this research. Much appreciation is expressed to the School of Statistics and
Actuarial Science, the University of the Witwatersrand for providing me with the needed
facilities and administrative support leading to achieve this piece of work.

I extend my gratitude to all my family members, fellow students and friends for believing in
me and encouraging to finish this research report.


Declaration .................................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ iii
Dedication .................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. ix
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... xi
List of Abbreviations Accronyms and Initialisms ...................................................................... xii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Electric Load .............................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 The Source of the Data .............................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Overview of Eskom .................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Factors Affecting Load Forecasting Accuracy ........................................................ 4
1.2.4 Overview of Load Forecasting Methods .................................................................. 5
1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study .................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Aims............................................................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Objectives.................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Organisation of the Research Report .............................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................... 8
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Load Forecasting Techniques .......................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) .......................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Stochastic Time Series ............................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Expert Systems ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2.4 Fuzzy Logic ............................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Neural Networks Literature Survey on STLF.............................................................. 12
2.4 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 3 NEURAL NETWORKS ....................................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Why use Neural Networks?............................................................................................ 19
3.3 Neural Networks and Statistics ...................................................................................... 20
3.4 Neural Networks Architecture....................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Neural Networks Topology ..................................................................................... 23
3.5 Learning Processes.......................................................................................................... 24
3.5.1 Supervised Learning ................................................................................................ 24
3.5.2 Unsupervised Learning............................................................................................ 25
3.5.3 Learning Rules ......................................................................................................... 25
3.5.4 Learning Rates and Momentum ............................................................................. 26
3.6. Training Algorithms ...................................................................................................... 26
3.6.1 The Backpropagation Algorithm ............................................................................ 27
3.6.2 Generalisation .......................................................................................................... 29
3.7 Neural Networks Models in STLF ................................................................................. 29
3.7.1 Multi-Input Single-Output Models (MISO) .......................................................... 30
3.7.2 Multi-Input Multi-Output Models (MIMO).......................................................... 30
3.8 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 31
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 31
4.2 Input Data ........................................................................................................................ 31
4.3 Input Variables Selection ............................................................................................... 32
4.3.1 Correlation Analysis ................................................................................................ 32
4.3.2 Time Lags ................................................................................................................. 32
4.3.3 Model Input Variables ............................................................................................. 33
4.4 Proposed Model............................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 Model Design ............................................................................................................ 34
4.4.2 Cross-Validation....................................................................................................... 34
4.4.3 Evaluation of Prediction Performance ................................................................... 35
4.4.4 Neural Networks Validation ................................................................................... 36
4.5 Model Investigation ........................................................................................................ 36
4.6 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Characteristics of the Load Profile................................................................................ 37
5.2 Load Forecasting Results and Discussion ..................................................................... 42
5.2.1 Case Studies .............................................................................................................. 46
Case I: Hourly Forecasting in August 2009 .................................................................... 47
Case II: Hourly Forecasting in October 2009................................................................. 49
Case III: Hourly Forecasting in December 2009 ............................................................ 52
Case IV: Hourly Forecasting in March 2010.................................................................. 55
5.2.2 Comparison between MLP Model and SARIMAX Model................................... 63
5.3 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 70
CHAP 6 SUMMARY - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 69
6.1 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 69
6.2 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 69
6.3 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 70
Appendix A Matlab® Code ......................................................................................................... 72
Import Weather & Load Data ............................................................................................. 72
Import list of holidays ........................................................................................................... 72
Generate Predictor Matrix................................................................................................... 72
Split the dataset (cross-validation) ...................................................................................... 72
Build the Load Forecasting Model ...................................................................................... 73
Appendix B Tables of Error Different Metrics ........................................................................... 74

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Log and Tan sigmoid transfer function 21
Figure 3.2 Single layer network 22
Figure 3.3 Multilayer feedforward network 22
Figure 3.4 Backpropagation flow chart 29
Figure 5.1 Electric Load in Megawatts from 2000 to 2010 37
Figure 5.2 Electric Load in Megawatts in 2000 38
Figure 5.3 Load sample autocorrelation, first 500 lags 38
Figure 5.4 Temperature during 15th – 30th 2000 39
Figure 5.5 Load profile during 15th – 30th 2000 39
Figure 5.6 (a) Load profile, Wednesday 19th April 2000 40
Figure 5.6 (b) Load profile, Wednesday 21st June 2000 41
Figure 5.6 (c) Load profile, Wednesday 11th Oct. 2000 41
Figure 5.6 (d) Load profile, Wednesday 13th December 2000 41
Figure 5.7 Matlab NN toolbox window 43
Figure 5.8 NN toolbox regression plots 44
Figure 5.9 NN toolbox performance function 45
Figure 5.10 NN toolbox training state plot 46
Figure 5.11 Actual load and FL on Sunday 2 Aug. 2009 47
Figure 5.12 Comparison of actual load and FL, Mon. 3rd Aug. 2009 47
Figure 5.13 Actual load and FL, Wednesday 5th Aug. 2009 48
Figure 5.14 Actual load and FL, Saturday 7th Aug. 2009 48
Figure 5.15 Actual load and FL, 1st – 7th Aug. 2009 49
Figure 5.16 Actual load and FL, Sunday 4th Oct. 2009 50
Figure 5.17 Actual load and FL, Monday 5 Oct. 2009 50
Figure 5.18 Actual load and FL, Wednesday 7th Oct. 2009 51
Figure 5.19 Actual load and FL, Friday 9 Oct. 2009 51
Figure 5.20 Actual load and FL, 11th – 17th Oct. 2009 52
Figure 5.21 Actual load and FL, Sunday 6th Dec. 2009 53
Figure 5.22 Actual load and FL, Monday 7 Dec. 2009 53
Figure 5.23 Actual load and FL, Wed. 9th Dec. 2009 53
Figure 5.24 Actual load and FL, Friday 11th Dec. 2009 54
Figure 5.25 Actual load and FL, 6th – 12th Dec. 2009 54
Figure 5.26 Actual load and FL, Monday 8 March 2010 55
Figure 5.27 Actual load and FL, wed. 10th March 2010 56
Figure 5.28 Actual load and FL, Friday 12th March 2010 56
Figure 5.29 Actual load and FL, Sunday 14th March 2010 57
Figure 5.30 Actual load and FL, 7th - 13th March 2010 57
Figure 5.31 Actual load and FL, 11th June – 11th July 2010 58
Figure 5.32 Actual load and FL, 20th – 26th June 2010 59
Figure 5.33 Actual load and FL, 4 – 10 July 2010
th th
Figure 5.34 Actual load and FL, Friday 11th June 2010 59

Figure 5.35 Actual load and FL, Monday 21st June 2010 60
Figure 5.36 Actual load and FL, Wed. 23rd June 2010 60
Figure 5.37 Actual load and FL, Friday 25th June 2010 60
Figure 5.38 Actual load and FL, Sunday 27th June 2010 61
Figure 5.39 Actual load and FL, Saturday 3rd July 2010 61
Figure 5.40 Actual load and FL, Sunday 4th July 2010 61
Figure 5.41 Actual load and FL, Sunday 11th July 2010 62
Figure 5.42 SARIMAX Actual load and FL, 6th – 12th Dec. 2009 66
Figure 5.43 SARIMAX actual load and FL, 20th – 26th June 2010 66
Figure 5.44 SARIMAX-MLP APE, 1st Aug. 2009 67
Figure 5.45 SARIMAX-MLP APE, 20th – 26th June 2010 67

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Similarity between NN and Statistics 21
Table 4.1 Time lagged input load and temperature 33
Table 4.2 List of input variables 33
Table 4.3 Days of Week Coding Values 34
Table 5.1 SARIMAX and MLP model Aveg. Erros 64
Table B1 Hourly Forecasted Load (FL), actual load and APE 74
Table B2 FL, actual load and APE for October 2009 74
Table B3 Hourly load, FL and APE for December 2009 75
Table B4 Hourly forecasted, actual load and APE March 2010 75
Table B5 Daily load forecast errors 76
Table B6 Daily forecast errors for June 11th – July 11th 2010 77

List of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms

AI: Artificial Intelligence

ANN: Artificial Neural Network
APE: Absolute Percentage Error
ARIMA: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
BP: Backpropagation
EMS: Energy Management System
FL: Forecasted Load
KBES Knowledge-Based Expert Systems
LF: Load Forecasting
MAE: Mean Absolute Error
MAPE: Mean Absolute Percentage Error
MIMO Multi-Input Multi-Output
MISO Multi-Input Single-Output
MLP: Multilayer Perceptron
MSE: Mean Squared Error
NN: Neural Network
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
SARIMAX: Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
with exogenous variables
SISO Single-Input Single-Output
STLF Short-Term Load Forecasting
VAC Ventilation Air-Conditioning
VSTLF Very-Short-Term Load Forecasting



1.1 Background

Accurate Load Forecasting (LF) is very important in the electric power industry. It is useful in
power factory macroeconomic control and the power exchange plan, stated Bagnasco et al.,
(2014). Accurate LF can also assist to make the best decision on the optimised coordination
and scheduling of generators (unit commitment problem), production and maintenance

Gupta (2012) added that forecasting the electric load is a critical process in the management of
utilities. One has to make sure that the energy produced meets the demand. The author also
emphasised the fact that LF is massively crucial for power producers and stakeholders in the
energy management system (EMS) where it is used to monitor daily operations, such as
dispatch and fuel allocation. Well-timed and relevant decisions regarding LF result in a
profitable and reliable network, reduce machine breakdowns and avoid blackouts.

Hedden (2015) underlined the fact that South Africa suffered from heavy power cuts caused
by a supply shortage. This was an unprecedented energy crisis that damaged the South African
economy to the core. The aforementioned author added that fixing this problem was not just a
matter of generating more electricity. On the contrary, this required decision makers in the
energy management to anticipate rather than to react. Among other means, this problem could
be addressed by building models that could give accurate forecasts so as to attain a planned,
efficient and smarter grid in the short-term.

In the STLF literature, various researchers (Momoh, Wang and Elfayoumy, 1997; da Silva and
Moulin, 2000; Amral, King and Ozveren, 2008; Buhari and Adamu, 2012; Kumar, 2014,
among others) corroborated emphatically that accuracy in the LF is very crucial in the power
industry because of important various influential factors that often lead to erroneous load


forecasts. A high forecasting error rate may result in either costly over-scheduling or
adventurous under-scheduling of energy inducing heavy economic forfeits to power
companies. Therefore, there is a strong need for accurate and reliable LF models.

The literature states that the nature of the link or the relationship between the load and its
affecting factors is composite and nonlinear, making it difficult to model by means of
conventional or traditional statistical methods.

Buhari and Adamu (2012) stated that conventional methods were not robust enough, noise
tolerant, and they failed to give accurate forecasts when quick weather changes occurred. These
traditional statistical methods may have their own advantages, but they have limited capacity
to take control of nonlinear and non-stationary attributes of the hourly load series.

On the other hand the ANN methods have been successfully applied to deal with the
nonlinearity in load forecasting and produced very accurate and reliable forecasts as reported
in the literature (Park, El-Sharkawi and Marks II, 1991; Lee, Cha and Park, 1992;
Papalexopoulos et al., 1994; Khontazad et al., 1996; Yoo and Pimmel, 1998; Senjyu, Takara,
Uezato, and Funabashi, 2002).

ANN is a mathematical tool that imitates biological neural networks. ANNs are able to extract
more complex relationships among input patterns by learning from training data. ANNs can
learn the load patterns that would otherwise require highly complex statistical analysis methods
to find. These are properties that allow the ANNs to obtain more accurate forecasts than
traditional methods, and this is the reason why we used and applied them to forecast the South
African power system.

To obtain better results on forecasts, we used an MLP, which is a feedforward ANNs class
using the BP algorithm during its training phase, to produce accurate hourly load forecasts each
time new data are available.

In this research work, we use “neural networks” to refer to ANNs or interchangeably make use
of the term “network” as is done in most of the surveyed literature that also reported the use of
the word ‘load’ meaning electric load. We did the same in this research report using
interchangeably load or electric load.

Hong and Fan (2016) highlighted that the forecasting of the electric load and the forecasting of
other utilities such as water and gas shared a lot of common properties in terms of forecasting
techniques and principles. Let us then underline that “load forecasting” in this research report
refers to “electric load forecasting”.


The literature and in particular Murto (1998) divided the LF methods into three groups,
depending on the length of the forecasting time period, namely short-term, medium-term and
long-term forecasting.

Short-term load forecasting (STLF) normally goes from one hour up to a week. Medium-term
forecasting deals with the load from seven to thirty days, and long-term forecasting often
predicts the electric load from one year to a few years or even up to several decades.

This research report is focused on the STLF, which is mainly used to schedule maintenance,
assist in unit commitment, control the power system distribution and security, giving
information to dispatchers and market operators, as pointed out by Ramezani et al. (2005).

1.2 The Electric Load

The electric load is the consumption of power energy by any piece of equipment, or anything
that has a strictly positive current flow from an electric source, which is an element capable of
providing electricity under right conditions. LF is a method used in the power energy
management to predict the energy consumption needed by a power utility.

Murto (1998) defined the electric load of a utility as being constituted of complex consumption
units. A big portion of the power energy is used by industrial companies, another portion is
consumed by public services, such as traffic lights and street lighting, railway traffic, to name
only a few. Private consumers use another part for daily household activities, such as cooking,
lighting, ironing, etc., including appliances of agricultural irrigation.

The electric load we are talking about in this research report is the load provided by Eskom.
This is, in fact, the hourly aggregated load data. In other words, this is a sequence of aggregated
real numbers, the average load consumptions of hour by hour each day for eleven years.

1.2.1 The Source of the Data

The data used in this research report are hourly, aggregated load and temperature data from
2000 to 2010, provided by Eskom, a South African public utility.


1.2.2 Overview of Eskom

In 1923 the government of South Africa founded the Electricity Supply Commission (ESCOM)
with regard to the Electricity Act (1922). The Afrikaans equivalence of ESCOM is
Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie (EVKOM). In 1986, the fusion of ESCOM and EVKOM
gave Eskom.

Eskom uses quite a number of remarkable power stations among which is the Koeberg nuclear
power station (the unique nuclear power plant in Africa). The company has three main
branches: Generation, Transmission, and Distribution division. In total, Eskom contributes
roughly 95% of electricity in South Africa, and more than 45% in Africa. Generation’s total
installed capacity is about 45145 MW besides the 61 MW from Colley Wobbles, First Falls,
Ncora and Second Falls hydro station managed by the Distribution Division (Eskom Holdings
SOC Limited Integrated Report, 2013).

1.2.3 Factors Affecting Load Forecasting Accuracy

The LF literature points out that accuracy of the load forecasts has considerable effects on the
economy since the control of the Energy Management System (EMS) may be quite sensitive
to erroneous forecasting. High forecasting error rate will have a negative impact on daily EMS
operations and the economy.

Hamid and Rohman (2010) claimed that factors influencing the LF accuracy depend on the
specific unit of consumption. In the industrial companies, the load is generally determined by
the production capacity. In this category, the load is steady most of the time. Uncertainty in the
forecasting of the load of this nature comes from unexpected events, such as production
equipment failure or strikes resulting in serious unpredictable turbulence in the load.

Murto (1998) argued that for the private consumers, it is quite difficult to identify precisely the
factors influencing the load, since each household behaves in their own particular way.
Parameters such as human psychology, social events, seasons of the year, etc. are included in
the consumption decision. To reduce the number of factors influencing the load, the aggregated
load of the entire utility is usually considered. This is the angle from which we looked at the
load of Eskom utility in this research report.

Gross and Galiana (1987) stated that there are four main factors that influence load forecasting
techniques as described below.


Weather factors: Kothanzard et al. (1996) acknowledged that this is the most important
individual factor since there is a correlation between weather and the load. Changes in
the meteorological conditions affect the behaviour of consumers in the sense that
weather-sensitive loads due to Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) tend
to have a great impact on the power system. In the regions where there is a huge
difference between summer and winter weather, load patterns will exhibit an irregular
curve. Regarding forecasted weather variables, the most important ones in STLF are
the temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
Time factors: Gupta (2012) pointed out that from the forecasting angle, time factors are
very essential. These include various seasonal effects and cyclical behaviours like daily
and weekly oscillations, as well as the occurrence of public holidays. There is a
difference between weekdays and weekend loads (the weekend or holiday load curve
is lower than the weekday curve). The load variation with time reflects people’s lives,
like working time, leisure time and sleeping time.
Random factors: all other factors causing disturbances, such as strike, inclement
weather, or even popular TV-programs, are classified as random factors. They add
uncertainty in the forecasts that cannot be explained by the previous three factors and
making prediction very difficult.

1.2.4 Overview of Load Forecasting Methods

According to Alfares and Nazeeruddin (2002) the LF methods and models can be classified
into nine categories as follows:

1. Multiple linear regression,

2. Exponential smoothing,
3. Iteratively reweighted least-squares,
4. Stochastic time series,
5. Autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs (ARIMAX),
6. Models based on genetic algorithm,
7. Fuzzy logic,
8. Neural networks and
9. Expert systems.

Some of the most popular methods in LF such as multiple linear regression, stochastic time
series, knowledge-based expert system, and fuzzy logic will be explored further. The NNs


technique is described in detail in chapter 3. The first five categories are considered as statistical
methods and the remainder categories are data mining or machine learning techniques, a
particular approach of Artificial Intelligent (AI).

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 Aims

The principal aim of this research report is to construct a reliable NN-based model that
produces hourly load forecasts up to 24 hours ahead.

After constructing such an LF NN-based model, the subsequent aims are to:

 Provide decision makers with necessary information regarding the load demand to help
them run their daily operations more efficiently and economically,
 Solve the unit commitment problem and minimise the operating costs,
 Prevent overloading and reduce occurrence of equipment failures,
 Schedule spinning reserve (back-up energy production) allocation properly and
 Schedule routine maintenance.

1.3.2 Objectives

This research report should constitute the basis for an MLP model application to predict
accurately the electric load in a real-time environment. The specific objectives of this study are
mainly to accredit the built MLP model with the following important properties:

 Accuracy: model should be very accurate as required in the literature and compared
favourably to a benchmark model (SARIMAX),
 Robustness and adaptability: the model should adapt to quick changes in the load
consumptions (due to whimsical weather, for example),
 Reliability: unpredictable events should not result in highly erroneous forecasts, and
 Up to date: the model should be able to forecast with new available data.


1.4 Organisation of the Research Report

Chapter 1 gives the background of the LF and enumerates its major techniques. This chapter
also states the aims and objectives of this research report, describes the data and gives a brief
overview of Eskom;

Chapter 2 outlines the common methods and surveys the literature on the STLF;

Chapter 3 introduces and describes the neural networks method;

Chapter 4 is about the materials and methodology used to build the proposed MLP model;

Chapter 5 analyses the load profile, presents and discusses the load forecasting results;

Chapter 6 is dedicated to conclusions and recommendations.



2.1 Introduction

The STLF literature is focused on different aspects of the problem as a whole, with some
literature covering statistical approaches, and some looking at ANNs as a Data Mining or
Machine Learning technique. A number of techniques developed for LF were surveyed and the
most common are presented below.

2.2 Load Forecasting Techniques

There are several techniques developed for LF in the literature, but in this report, we only
looked at a few of them.

2.2.1 Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)

Papalexopoulos and Hesterberg (1990) stated that regression is one of the most widely used of
the statistical techniques, which assumes that there is a linear dependence between the load
components and some explanatory variables. This approach uses weather and non-weather
variables, such as temperature, humidity, day types, and customer class as predictors of the
load at a particular time. The model can be written as follows.

𝑧(𝑡) = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 𝑥1 (𝑡) + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛 𝑥𝑛 (𝑡) + 𝑎(𝑡), (2.1)

where 𝑧(𝑡) is the electric load, 𝑎(𝑡) is a white noise component with zero mean and constant
variance, 𝑥𝑖 (𝑡) are the explanatory variables, and 𝑎0 and 𝑎𝑖 are regression coefficients, with
i = 1, …, n.


In general, to choose the most typical explanatory variables of this model, we use the
correlation analysis. Estimation of the regression parameters is carried out by means of least-
squares technique. MLR can be easily implemented and updated, but its typical sensitivity
serial correlation of weather variables disturbances can be a major problem as highlighted by
Murto (1998).

2.2.2 Stochastic Time Series

Cabrera, Guiterrez-Alcaraz and Gil (2013) claimed that the stochastic time series approach is
one of the very popular LF models. The method is based on the assumption that the data is
structured in a way that exhibits autocorrelation, trend and/or seasonal patterns. Historical data
are used to forecast the future. The literature of this type of techniques, such as ARMA
(Autoregressive Moving Average), ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average), the
Box and Jenkins method and their seasonal versions abounds in the LF field. Janacek and Swift
(1993) discussed most of these classical time series methods in detail. The philosophy of these
methods lies in the fact that the load time series is first transformed into a stationary load by a
differencing operator and/or a Box-Cox transformation. Then the newly obtained stationary
series is modelled as the output of a linear filtered model with a white noise input, claimed
Murto (1998). The ARIMA model can be written as follows.

∅(𝐿)∇𝑑 𝑧𝑡 = 𝜃(𝐿)𝑎𝑡 , (2.2)

where 𝑧𝑡 is the time series to model and 𝑎𝑡 is the white noise process, L is the lag operator or
backward shift and ∇ is the difference operator such that ∇= 1 − 𝐿, and t = 1, …, N. The
Autoregressive (AR) process is given by the following expression.

∅(𝐿) = 1 − ∅1 𝐿 − ⋯ − ∅𝑝 𝐿𝑝 , (2.3)

and the Moving Average process can be expressed as follows.

𝜃(𝐿) = 1 − 𝜃1 𝐿 − ⋯ − 𝜃𝑞 𝐿𝑞 , (2.4)

where 𝜃 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∅ are constant parameters. The two processes above can be combined to form an
Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) process. But researchers, in general, and in
particular Paretkar et al. (2010) agreed that this ARMA model is not convenient to describe
properly the load time series, which includes seasonal patterns due to hourly, weekly and
monthly behaviours. To deal with the seasonal patterns in the load time series we resorted to a
Seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average (SARMA) process, which, most of the time, causes
the series to be nonstationary. Therefore, we modified, beforehand, the ARMA model by a


differencing process to obtain an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model

in equation (2.2). To cater for the seasonal patterns, the new model is known as the Seasonal
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model as developed by Box and
Jenkins in 1970s. The SARIMA model can be expressed as follows.

∅(𝐿)Φ𝑠 𝐿𝑠 ∇𝑑 ∇𝐷𝑠 𝑧𝑡 = 𝜃(𝐿)𝜃𝑠 (𝐿𝑠 )𝑧𝑡 , (2.5)

where ∇𝐷𝑠 = (1 − 𝐿𝑠 )𝐷 , d is the order of differencing, s is the seasonal period variation (per
week, month, year, etc.), and D is the order of seasonal differencing. When this SARIMA
model is applied to load forecasting with data including weather variables such as the
temperature, which is seen as an external input variable, the model is called SARIMAX.

Besides the given equation in (2.2), we explored the ARIMAX model as a transfer function
model which assumes two time series denoted 𝑌𝑡 and 𝑋𝑡 , to be both stationary. Then the transfer
function model (TFM) is given by

𝑌𝑡 = 𝐶 + 𝑣(𝐵)𝑋𝑡 + 𝑁𝑡 , (2.6)

where: 𝑌𝑡 is the output series (dependent variable),

𝑋𝑡 is the input series (independent variable),

C is a constant term, 𝑁𝑡 is the stochastic disturbance,

𝑣(𝐵)𝑋𝑡 is the transfer function (or impulse response function), which allows X to influence Y
via a distributed lag.

B is the backshift operator.

When 𝑋𝑡 and 𝑁𝑡 are assumed to follow ARMA model, equation (2.6) is known as the ARMAX

The transfer function can be written as the rational polynomial distributed lag model of finite
order as the ratio of a low order polynomial in B:

𝜔ℎ (𝐵)𝐵𝑏
𝑣(𝐵)𝑋𝑡 = 𝑋 , (2.7)
𝛿𝑟 (𝐵) 𝑡

where, 𝜔ℎ (𝐵) = 𝜔0 + 𝜔1 𝐵 + ⋯ + 𝜔ℎ 𝐵 ℎ ; 𝛿𝑟 (𝐵) = 1 − 𝛿1 𝐵 − ⋯ − 𝛿𝑟 𝐵 𝑟 . The function

𝜔ℎ (𝐵) and 𝛿𝑟 (𝐵), and parameter b are then determined from the cross-correlation between 𝑌𝑡
and 𝑋𝑡 .

The weakness of this class of SARIMA models lies in failing to adapt to some quick changes
of the load behaviour during a year. Since ARIMA models forecast is a function of all the


previous loads, then it would be very difficult for them to adapt quickly to new conditions that
occurred in the interim, even if the models are updated regularly as pointed out by Cabrera et
al. (2013).

Yang et al. (2013) and Mohamed et al. (2011) analysed the SARIMA models more in depth
with additional scope such as mathematical relationships and interpretation.

The application of the SARIMA model used in the auto.arima function was established in four
main steps as pointed out by Yang et al. (2013) as follows.

1) Identification structure of the SARIMA (p,d,q) (P,D,Q): the autocorrelation function

(ACF) and the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) are used to build the rough
function. At this stage, different models are built and appropriate models are chosen.
This identification step is principally to determine the adequate AR, MA, or ARMA
processes and their respective orders.
2) Estimation of parameters: this phase consists of determining the unknown parameters
through ordinary least squares (OLS) or sometimes via other means such as nonlinear
estimation methods. The AR and MA processes parameters obtained through ARIMA
model should determine whether these processes are stationary and invertible or not,
3) Goodness-of-fit tests applied on the estimated residual: in this phase, estimated ARIMA
models are analysed to determine whether they harmonized or not by diagnostic
4) Data driven forecasting: determining the future outcomes of the estimated ARIMA
models that the derived AR and MA observe the unit circle and normality assumptions.

2.2.3 Expert Systems

Expert Systems or Knowledge-Based Expert Systems (KBES) as pointed out by Taylor (2013)
are recent heuristic techniques resulting from progress in the artificial intelligence (AI) field.
The basic idea consists of trying to emulate the reasoning of an expert operator in power
industry, but keeping track of reducing the analogical thinking supporting the intuitive
forecasting. This imitation process can then be converted into formal logical steps that can be
automated and form an expert system. The system is basically constructed based on the
knowledge of the expert, the load, and the relevant weather variables as stated by the
aforementioned author who, furthermore, added that KBES is a computer program that is not
characterised as being based on any algorithm. In the same line of thought, Moghram and


Rahman (1989) defined the KBES as a program that “can reason, explain, and have its
knowledge basis expanded as new information becomes available”. Gupta (2012) contributed
to the establishment of expert systems in underlying the fact that once the load and the factors
affecting it are known and extracted, a parameter-based rule can be implemented. This rule is
of the form “IF THEN”, plus some mathematical expressions. This rule can be used on a daily
basis to generate the forecasts.

Expert systems and their heuristic approach to find solutions make them promising; however,
the knowledge of the expert might not always be consistent and the reliability of such ideas
may be questionable.

2.2.4 Fuzzy Logic

Rouse (2006) defined fuzzy logic as a computing technique based on “degrees of truth” instead
of the well-known Boolean logic “true or false” (1 or 0). Fuzzy logic is rather a generalisation
of this Boolean logic on which modern computers are based. Ranaweera, Hubele and Karady
(1996) described fuzzy logic models as a function that links a set of input variables to a set of
output variables; these input variable values do not need to be numerical. They just need to be
transcribed in a natural language. For example, a weather parameter such as the temperature
may take on the “fuzzy” instances such as “low”, “medium” and “high”. The literature adds
that very often fuzzy logic models incorporate a mapping of input and output values via a
simple “IF THEN” logic statement. “IF the temperature is very low, THEN the load demand
will be very high”, is an example of this logic statement given in the Ranaweera et al. (1996)
paper. The authors further reiterated that this is a type of mapping and logic that allows a
combination of the expert knowledge with fuzzy logic models. In many instances when precise
outputs are needed, such as point estimates for forecast values, a reverse mapping called
“defuzzification” process can be undertaken to produce those desirable outputs. Advantages of
this method over traditional ones can be found in Gupta (2012). The drawbacks of the fuzzy
logic models are that they are time consuming and lack of guarantees to obtain optimal fuzzy
rules and membership functions since this process is based on trial and error.

2.3 Neural Networks Literature Survey on STLF

The literature on STLF, especially the one based on NNs, is very extensive proving that NN
power systems models have not become a ‘passing fad’ as apprehended Chatfield (1993).


In the early beginning of the ascension of NN, Park, El-Sharkawi and Marks II (1991) built
and proposed a merged time series and NN BP model to predict future load based on the Puget
Sound Power and Light (PSPL) company data. The built model took into account the
temperature and excluded weekends and was trained to recognise particular characteristics of
the load, such as hourly load, peak and total load of the day. Obtained results compared
favourably with less than 3% of error over the prediction made by PSPL using the same data.
However, the authors posited that additional weather components should yield even better

Lee, Cha and Park (1992) constructed an NN model based on the backpropagation algorithm
to forecast 24 hours ahead without including the temperature. The week was divided into two
parts regarding load patterns: weekdays and weekend. In this paper, two different techniques
of using NN were presented: the first technique was a static approach that forecasted the 24-
hour-load at a time, whereas the second technique was a dynamic approach forecasting the one-
day-load hour by hour using the previous hour forecast. The performance of the model was
tested through the two techniques using an illustrative example based on the Korea Electric
Power Company data. Various structures of NN with constant learning rate and momentum
parameters were tested. Results showed that the dynamic technique performed better than the
static one with an error less than 2%, which seems to be good according to the literature. The
authors concluded that including the weather variables, some additional parameters, such as
the sigmoid function would increase the forecasting accuracy.

Peng, Hubele, and Karady (1992) proposed a modified NN approach by implementing a novel
strategy to select weather variables and relevant load patterns using the smallest distance
measurement during the training phase, so as to improve the network accuracy. The
implemented NN structure was very flexible, it could adjust to an hourly, peak load or multiple
days ahead forecasting. The authors used two-year utility normalised data to test the proposed
search strategy and algorithm; the obtained results were reported in a new measure of
performance using a cumulative errors distribution plot in addition to reporting the Absolute
Percentage Error (APE), and summary statistics. These results were satisfactory as less than
2.5% of error, compared to those reported previously in the literature.

Papalexopoulos, Hao and Peng (1994) developed and implemented an NN-based LF model
with particular attention given to accurately forecasting unusual days like public holidays, very
hot or cold successive days and other weather conditions that perturb the electric load common
features. Energy control centre, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) data from 1986 to
1990 were used to train and test the model. The performance of the model was compared to an


existing regression model using the same data. The NN-based model produced more accurate
results in terms of forecast errors, and was robust, adaptive to weather changing conditions.

According to Hong and Fan (2016), one of the most successful implementations of NN models
for STLF was developed by Khotanzad et al. (1997) and sponsored by the Electric Power
Research Institute (EPRI). The authors nevertheless admitted that a couple of conventional
techniques were used previously with varying degrees of satisfaction, but not as accurate as
would be desired. Besides, most of these models could not be used elsewhere, but at the built
site. This paper investigated several types of NN architecture such as recurrent NN and radial
basis NN, and came to a conclusion that there was no major advantage of these architectures
over the MLP in terms of the load forecasting problem. This NN Short-Term Load Forecaster
(ANNSTLF) constructed by the aforementioned authors, was subjected to different
comparative studies using various methods as well as other NN-based models. The accuracy
of the load forecasts was evaluated and expressed in terms of the MAPE. The ANNSTLF
yielded very good results and induced its acceptance across Canada and USA.

Unlike all the previous authors, Yoo and Pimmel (1998) used NN with a self-supervised
adaptive algorithm to build an STLF model to forecast a one-hour-ahead and a one-day-ahead
power load. The authors defined the self-supervised adaptive algorithm to be a self-organising
or topological neighbourhood learning algorithm providing a topological ordering by updating
the weights and the nearest neighbour neurons. The paper further showed how the built
algorithm could obtain correlation patterns between weather variables, such as temperature and
load data by means of one-hour delay function. Next, the authors pre-processed the data,
structured the architecture and implemented the model, which was tested on a power plant’s
actual data in 1993. The test results showed that day-ahead model with 1.92% errors average
performed better than the 3% errors average reported in the literature using the BP algorithm.

Hippert, Pedreira, and Souza (2001) presented the state-of-the-art of the NN method applied to
STLF in a review that massively surveyed about 40 papers on the application of the NN to LF
published in globally well-known journals in electrical engineering, for almost ten years (1991-
1999). The authors explained why there was a strong hesitation among experts to admit the
success of ANNs compared to standard load forecasting methods. They also underlined two
major shortcomings that probably led to that scepticism. Firstly, many of the ANN proposed
architectures seemed too large for the data samples to model resulting in overfitting that may
have produced inaccurate out-of-sample results. Secondly, in most of the published works in
this field, the authors noticed that models were not consistently evaluated, to an extent that test
results were not always adequately presented. Furthermore, the authors criticised the fact that
models were not even compared to the benchmark standard models. Finally, the review


suggested four different stages: data pre-treatment, design of the network, its realisation and
validation to deal with STLF designing issues.

Senjyu, Takara, Uezato, and Funabashi (2002) proposed a one-hour-ahead LF using NN to

minimise its learning time and size structure. Indeed, the authors strongly criticised the use of
similar day’s data to learn the shape of the curve of similarity as this is too complex and not
suited for the NN approach. The paper justified the use of its approach on the fact that in most
of the literature, they used 24-hour-ahead LF and forecasted temperature information; but if
the weather changed abruptly on the forecasting target day, load energy forecast error would
dramatically increase. In that case, the paper suggested to retrain the NN to allow the re-
learning of the relationship between temperature and load. An illustration of the effectiveness
of the proposed approach was carried out through Okinawa Electric Power (Japan) case study.

Taylor and Buizza (2002) investigated the use of weather ensemble predictions to improve
accuracy in the NN load forecasts. Indeed, the authors used 51 ensemble members for the
weather variables (temperature, wind speed and cloud coverage) in different scenarios to build
the load density function and obtained its mean that they used to forecast the load. Next, the
weather ensembles were used to estimate the load forecasts error variance through a naïve
method, an exponential smoothing method, and a rescaled variance of NN load scenarios to
take control of the uncertainty generated by the residual error and parameters estimation error.
Based on the same weather ensembles reasoning, load prediction intervals were constructed.
Finally, the paper compared the proposed approach to a traditional method, the Box and Jenkins
procedure, for lead times from 1 to 10 days ahead, in terms of the MAPE, and the results were
satisfactory allowing the authors to conclude that using weather ensemble predictions in NN
load forecasting were promising.

Mandal et al. (2006) proposed an NN-based several-hour-ahead load forecasting model

applying similar days approach and used the temperature as a weather variable to detect the
trend of similarity. In fact, the authors, in this paper, used the Euclidean norm combined with
weighted factors, obtained via the least squares method, to determine the similarity between
the forecasting target day and past days, in a specific season. These similar days load were
averaged to enhance the forecasting precision. The proposed NN structure could easily deal
with non-linearity part of the load and special days and weekend problems. Hourly load and
temperature data from 1999 to 2000 from the Okinawa Electric Power Company, in Japan,
were used to train and test the network. The authors carried out six case study simulations (one
to six-hour-ahead) to assess the predictive capacity of the proposed method. Results gave
0.98% for one-hour-ahead in terms of MAPE. Since there was a growing trend with increasing
hour ahead, this figure raised up to 2.43% of MAPE for over six-hour-ahead forecasting. In the


light of this behaviour (increasing average error with increasing hour ahead), it turns out that
the proposed model could perform better only for few-hour-ahead (less than six).

Amral et al. (2008) developed and evaluated a 24-hours-ahead model. In fact, they
implemented three NN different models: the first model was of 24 output nodes forecasting 24
hours at once, the second model forecasted the maximum and minimum power, and lastly a
model with 24 individual NNs for 24 hours of the day working together to forecast the energy
demand. The three MLP based models were examined and compared to each other, using the
South Sulawesi (Indonesia) hourly load and temperature data for 2005-2006. The MAPE was
used to evaluate the models. The last model performed much better than the two others.

Osman, Awad, and Mahmoud (2009) proposed a one-hour-ahead NN-based model in STLF to
complement NN-based models with a 24-hour-ahead shortcoming in case of abrupt changes in
the weather that could lead to erroneous forecasts. The authors underlined the fact that the NN
structure is strongly system dependent and thus, thoroughly studied the characteristics of the
Egyptian Unified System (EUS) power load profile. The authors used the correlation analysis
to select the input variables. They also used a “minimum distance” between inputs and target
data to select appropriate training vectors and eliminated the special days such as public
holidays and weekends. Next, the authors built four models for each season to test the
possibility of application of the proposed approaches based on the national grid in Egypt, using
actual 2004 EUS data. In terms of the MAPE, the proposed model realised better results with
2.2% compared to other some complex regression benchmark models.

Qingle and Min (2010) constructed a Very Short-Term (a couple of dozen minutes) Load
Forecasting (VSTLF) model that combined rough set theory, a computer science
approximation method based on set theory by Pawlak (1982), and NN to improve forecasting
accuracy. Basically, in this paper, an MLP model was used to perform the load forecasting, and
the input variables consisted of the load of the target time, the load of the previous time, and
the load of the difference between the target and the previous time. The authors used 10 neurons
in the first hidden layer, 5 neurons in the second hidden layer, and one node at the output layer.
The outputs of the MLP model were adjusted by the rough set theory to yield even more precise
load forecasts.

In most of the latest work we surveyed, researchers revisited the merits and advantages of NN
method in highlighting its ability to capture the non-linear relationships between the load and
the weather variables, and over and above its ability to learn from past load patterns and adapt
to new data during the training and validation phases.


An ANN forecaster based on the Matlab-R2008b Levenberg-Marquardt BP algorithm was built

by Buhari and Adamu (2012) using load data from the Kano Power Utility (Nigeria).
Hernandez et al. (2013) applied an STLF model based on NN to microgrids scenarios and
showed that on small geographical areas, NN models could yield even very accurate results.
The philosophy developed in this paper converges with many ideas or suggestions made by
Hedden (2015) on the World Economic Forum website as some of the solutions to the South
African energy crisis.

In the work proposed by Reddy and Momoh (2014), a new way to formulate load forecasting
models using NN-BP based on different mathematical models for STLF was born. In this paper,
the authors emphasised the fact that access to historical load data on the utility makes ANN
implementation extremely convenient to the LF field. A marriage of several input parameters,
such as load inertia, autocorrelation, number of time lags in the data, and short-term trends
were used to construct these mathematical models so as to produce reasonably accurate results.
The structure of the BP algorithm was constantly updated so as to find an optimal model able
to meet the demands of large utilities for the hourly load forecasting one-day-ahead.

Al-Subhi and Ahmad (2015) used the NN technique applied to STLF on an industrial
residential area, in Saudi Arabia, by proposing two different models, the next hour and the next
day load forecasting models. The proposed next day LF model was just an extension of the
next hour iterated 24 times. These models were based on two-layer and three-layer feedforward
networks, respectively. The authors insisted on the importance of the factors affecting the load
demand, such as weather conditions, religious behaviours, and official calendar on which basis
they built their models. Three year-data (2009-2011) were used to train and forecast the models
and the MAPE was calculated to evaluate the performance of the models. The results were very
accurate with the errors ranging between 0.35% and 0.49% for the next hour model and 1.48%
to 2.58% for the next day model. The authors, finally, compared their proposed models to a
published work by Abdel-Aal (2004) to get a good opinion on the effectiveness of the proposed
models, and the result was satisfactory.

2.4 Summary

In the first part of this chapter, we outlined the most commonly used NN methods, and surveyed
the STLF literature in the second part.

In most of the papers on the STLF literature that we surveyed in this chapter, they used the
feedforward MLP for its backpropagation algorithm good performance. Authors could be


divided into two groups, namely, those who built their models based on forecasting the whole
day or 24 hours at a time, and those whose models were constructed based on the idea of
forecasting the load curve hourly recursively up to 24 hours. But in reporting the effectiveness
of their models, most of the authors used only one error metric, the MAPE. Some of them did
not even compare their models to well established benchmark models, while Hippert et al.
(2001) underlined that this fact led to the scepticism reigning among experts as to the advantage
of using NN in load forecasting. This is the reason why we undertook to build an hourly NN
model that minimise errors hour by hour so as to get a much more accurate model and compared
it to a SARIMAX model using the MAPE, the MSE, the MAE, the APE and the Daily Peak
Error to assert its validity.



3.1 Introduction

Historically, the neurologist Warren McCulloch and the logician Walter Pits are considered as
fathers of the NN method as they designed and produced the first neural network in 1943.
However, they could not go further as the technology available at that time was not able to
facilitate practical research work. Wasserman (1989) underlined that researchers lost all
interest in theory and applications of NN in the 1970’s. Ten years later, in the early 1980’s,
NN started to grow massively.

Zhang, Patuwo and Hu (1998) defined NN as a biologically inspired mathematical means of

computation. NNs are structured in a way that their components perform similarly to the most
basic functions of the biological neuron in a human brain. NNs have many characteristics of
the brain; they can be taught and can learn from previous experience, generalise to new ones.

3.2 Why use Neural Networks?

In a conservative way, Buhari and Adamu (2012) highlighted what is essentially emphasised
in the literature by many authors. They claimed that statistical and expert system techniques
failed to solve the nonlinearity problems related to the factors affecting the load demand, such
as the weather variables, human and industrial activities.

In a more conciliatory way, Kumar (2014) admitted that some of the conventional approaches
to solve the above mentioned problems yielded satisfactory results in some well constrained
domains but still none of them was flexible enough as the NN techniques.

Kumar (2009) pointed out that NNs have an extraordinary capacity to obtain and make sense
of very complex or imprecise data. He added that NNs are useful in detecting trends and


abstracting patterns that are too complicated to be identified by either humans or other
computer means. The author referred to a trained neural network as an “expert” who has been
given information to analyse. In some new cases of interest, this expert should be able to
provide reasonable projections and answer the “what if” questions.

In the literature, NNs are said to be very good at performing human-like tasks in the fields such
as pattern recognition, speech processing, image recognition, machine vision, classification,
system identification, control system, etc.

The so-called universal approximation theorem replicated by Kalogirou (2001), Zhang, Patuwo
and Hu (1998) states that: “ANNs are able to numerically approximate any continuous function
to the desired accuracy”. The authors added that NNs can be seen as nonlinear and
nonparametric multivariate methods. For NN models it is not required to formulate any
tentative model and then estimate its parameters. Provided with a set of input vectors, an NN
can be taught, can learn and map the relationship between inputs and outputs of a network.
NNs are model free estimators and data-driven. Rewagad and Soanawane (1998) stated that
NNs are mostly used because of the following properties seen as big advantages compared to
other techniques:

 Auto-coordination: NNs are able to generate their own structure of the information
extracted during the training phase.
 Robustness: NNs have the ability to recover from a major damage of their components
and be still usable
 Parallelism: different real time operations can be performed at the same time in NNs

3.3 Neural Networks and Statistics

Sandoval (2002) claimed that statistics and NNs do not compete but complement each other.
A table of similarities is given in Table 3.1 below.


Table 3.1 Similarity between NNs and statistics

Neural Networks Statistics
Learning Model estimation
Supervised Learning Nonlinear Regression
Weights Parameters
Inputs Independent variables
Outputs Dependent variables
Unsupervised Learning Cluster Analysis

3.4 Neural Networks Architecture

Haykin (1999) defined a neuron as the fundamental building piece of any NN architecture. He
added that a neuron is taken as a data treatment unit that is critical to the NN operation. Inputs
come from some other different neurons, in some cases from an external source. According to
the author the three fundamental components of a neuron-based model are:

1. A collection of weights, each of which is described by its own ability.

2. An adder for adding information, balanced by the individual weights of the unit.

3. An activation function to restrict the size of the output of a neuron. This activation
function is also called a transfer function. There are many distinctive sorts of transfer
functions, but the most widely used are the logistic sigmoid and tangent hyperbolic
functions. Haykin (1999) represented both functions as given below in Figures 3.1 (a)
and 3.1 (b).

Figure 3.1 (a) Log-Sigmoid Figure 3.1(b) Tan-Sigmoid Transfer

Transfer Function Function


The author further stated that, in general, NN architecture can be categorised in different
essential classes given below.

i. Single Layer Feed forward Network

In a basic form of an NN with different layers, there is an input layer of source

nodes that casts forward directly onto computational nodes. This is referred to as a
“single layer” network because only the computational layer counts as can be seen
in Figure 3.2 below:

Input Layer Output Layer

Figure 3.2 Single layer network

ii. Multilayer Feedforward Networks

The multilayer feedforward NN has one or more hidden layers. The hidden neurons
facilitate the NN to learn complex tasks. Neurons in a layer are projected forward
onto the contiguous layer, but not in the opposite direction. The source nodes
provide information to the neurons in the next layer; the outputs of this layer are the
inputs to the adjacent layer, and so on for the remaining network. The final signal
from the output layer constitutes the general response of the network.

A drawn example of a multilayer feedforward network is given in Figure 3.3 below.

Input Hidden Output

Figure 3.3 Multilayer Feedforward network


iii. Hopfield Network

The Hopfield network is a model comprising a number of neurons and a related set
of unit-time delays, constituting an ensemble of multiple-loop self-input. There are
as many neurons as the signal loops. The individual neuron signal is essentially
sustained back to each of the alternate units in the network through a unit-time delay
component. There is no self-input in the model, in a sense.

iv. Recurrent Networks

There is at least one feedback loop in a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). This
model may comprise a unique layer of neurons, each of which sustaining its signal
back to the remaining units in the network. In some cases, the network does not
have any self-feedback loops. When the signal of a neuron is sustained back to
itself, this is what is called self-feedback. There are two categories of RNN; one
with and another without any hidden neuron.

3.4.1 Neural Networks Topology

There are different ways to construct an NN, but deciding on its structure and the number of
neurons in its layer(s), specifically the hidden one(s), is the most important aspect, thus in the
construction of an NN we need to determine:

a) Number of neurons in the output layer

The question of how many neurons to use in the final layer dependents on one case to
another; one should first think of the intended use of the NN. If the NN is used in
classification, then one output neuron for each class of input items is sufficient. In some
other cases, like the error reduction on a signal, the number of input and output neurons
is exactly the same.

b) Number of hidden layers and hidden neurons

At the current state of the science, there is not any exclusive rule to determine the exact
number of hidden layers. However, an NN with two hidden layers is able to describe
functions with any shape.

These hidden layers are very important, they have an extremely strong influence on the
final output. Deciding on how many hidden neurons should be used so that to obtain
the best results is very crucial but system dependent. Charytoniuk and Chen (2000)
underlined the point that not enough neurons in the hidden layer will produce an


underfitting network, and too many neurons can have consequences such as very long
training time or an overfitting of the network. Besides, the network may perform poorly
on unforeseen input patterns. In most cases, the selection is performed by trial and error.

3.5 Learning Processes

Learning in NNs means that weights are able to adjust their values according to the
modifications undergoing in the network. Of all the intriguing characteristics of NNs, their
ability to learn is the most attractive. The NNs’ self-organisation also plays an important role
in their good reputation. Given a set of inputs, they can self-adjust and yield accordant outputs.

A lot of learning algorithms have been created; however, every learning algorithm involves the
learning process as described above. Neurons that constitute the network are interconnected
through their synaptic weights, allowing communication between themselves as the data are
proceeded. Weights, in the network, are not evenly assigned to neuron connections. If there is
not any communication between two neurons, then the weight is zero.

Training is the phase where these weights are assigned to neuron connections. Most of the
training algorithms initialise weight matrices with random small numbers, generally between
[-1, 1]. Next, the weights are adjusted based on how well the network performs. The structure
of the NN is directly related to the learning algorithm used to train it. In a broad sense, there
are two forms of the learning process, supervised learning (learning with a teacher) and
unsupervised learning (learning without a teacher).

3.5.1 Supervised Learning

The supervised learning or learning with a teacher necessitates the input dataset together with
the desired output or target values for its training. During the training stage, the outputs from
the NN are compared to the target and the difference or error is reduced by using a training
algorithm. As the process of learning carries on under supervision, the NN is taken through a
number of iterations, or epochs, until its outputs match the target or reach some reasonable
small error rate. Supervised learning is the learning technique used in this project because we
have been provided with the desired outputs (targets) in the data, so that we can ready the pairs
consisting of input object and target value needed for the training phase.


3.5.2 Unsupervised Learning

In unsupervised learning or learning without a teacher or simply self-organized learning, there

is no target provided. The quality metrics for the task that the network has to learn is provided,
and the neuron weights are optimized according to that measure. Unsupervised learning is
mostly used to train NNs in classification problems. A set of input patterns is presented to the
input nodes, then they are processed in the hidden layer generating a firing neuron on the output
layer. This firing neuron gives a classification of the input patterns and indicates to which class
they are to be allocated.

3.5.3 Learning Rules

Haykin (1999) defined a learning rule as a mathematical formal system or just a technique that
iteratively enhances the NN performance over the training phase. Numerous learning rules are
commonly applied, but many of them are just an approximate modifications of the best known
one, the Hebb’s Rule. Some of the major rules are:

a) Hebb’s Rule

This rule is probably one of the well-known learning rules developed by Donald Hebb
in 1949 and mostly used in unsupervised learning, claimed Heaton (2008). Its basic
principle states that if two unit neurons are connected and both have similar activations,
then the weight between them should be increased. This is sometimes summarised by
“Neurons that fire together, wire together” (Heaton, 2008). Symbolically the rule is
given below.
𝑤𝑖𝑗 = ∑ 𝑥𝑖𝑘 𝑦𝑗𝑘 , (3.1)

where 𝑤𝑖𝑗 is the weight from neuron j to neuron i, n is the size of the sample of training
input data and 𝑥𝑖𝑘 the kth input for neuron i, 𝑦𝑗𝑘 the kth input for neuron j.

b) The Delta Rule

Heaton (2008) stated that the Delta rule is just a transformation of the Hebb’s Rule, also
referred to as the Least Mean Square (LMS) learning rule. The author described this
rule as built on a basic idea of regularly updating the synaptic weights of the input
patterns so as to minimise the error (called delta), which is the difference between the
target value and the output signal of the network. The resultant delta is back propagated


into prior layers one by one until the first layer is reached. The Delta rule can be written
as follows.

∆𝑤𝑗𝑖 = 𝛼(𝑡𝑗 − 𝑦𝑗 )𝑥𝑖 , (3.2)

where α is the learning rate, 𝑡𝑗 is the target output, 𝑦𝑗 is the jth output and 𝑥𝑖 the ith

c) The Gradient Descent Rule

In this rule, the derivative of the activation function is used to update the delta, as
described in the previous section, before using it on the connection weights.

Algebraically we have: ∆𝑤𝑖𝑗 = 𝜂 𝑤 , (3.3)

where η is the learning rate and 𝑤 is the derivative of the error gradient w.r.t. the weight

𝑤𝑖𝑗 from neuron j to neuron i.

3.5.4 Learning Rates and Momentum

The learning rate is a parameter that specifies the speed at which the NN will learn. Whereas
the momentum keeps track and quantifies the effect of previous training iteration on the current

The learning rate depends on many factors affecting the network. Choosing an appropriate
learning rate is not an easy task. A very small rate implies learning at slower pace and the
smoother will be the curve trajectory but the process will take a long time to accomplish and
produce a suitable trained NN. With a big learning rate to speed up the learning pace, the
learning algorithm can easily exceed the limit in updating the weights and the network will
swing back and forth. Usually the learning rate is a positive constant between zero and one,
and the momentum is usually a positive value close to one.

3.6. Training Algorithms

During the training phase, neuron weights are updated to reach desirable outputs as the error is
minimised. The function that seeks for weights that will reduce the error rate can be the gradient
descent, among others, and the function that evaluates the NN error rate is the learning rule or
training algorithm. Many common training algorithms are used, such as the genetic algorithm,


the simulated annealing, the evolutionary methods, gene expression programming, etc.
However, one of the most popular algorithms used in the literature, and the one we used in this
research report, is the BP algorithm.

3.6.1 The Backpropagation Algorithm

Wasserman (1989) pointed out that the advent of the BP algorithm has catalysed the NN
resurgence interest. He added that BP is a very powerful technique used to train MLP-networks,
and it is mathematically very strong and highly practical. Although it is not a panacea; the BP
algorithm has also massively expanded the NN domain and demonstrated its success and due
power, says the author. The BP algorithm proceeds in two phases in a supervised manner as
described below.

The Forward Phase

In the forward phase, the input patterns are introduced into the network and after processing
the outputs are produced. The synaptic weights of the network do not undergo any change; the
input patterns are fed forward through the network, layer by layer until they reach the output
layer. During this phase, changes are restricted to the activation functions and potential neuron

The Backward Phase

In the backward, the error signal resulting from comparing the network output against the
desired response is propagated through the network, again, layer by layer, but this time in the
backward direction. In this back course, successive adjustments are made to the synaptic
weights to adapt the network and produce desirable outputs.

The BP algorithm can be summarised in these few steps by Wasserman (1989):

1. Selection of the paired input-target vectors from the training dataset; and application to
the NN input nodes

2. Process the network output

3. Compute the errors between the network output and the target

4. Minimise the errors by adjusting the neuron weights connection

5. Iterate 1 to 4 for all the paired input-target vectors in the training set until a reasonable
error is reached for the entire set.


Momoh et al. (1997) described the BP algorithm as follows: the weights 𝑤𝑖𝑗 of the network are
adapted so as to minimise the error of the output; the ith output oi from neuron i is linked to the
jth input neuron by the interconnection weight 𝑤𝑖𝑗 . If the neuron k is not an input neuron then
its state is given as follows:

𝑂𝑘 = 𝑓(∑𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑗 𝑂𝑖 ) , (3.4)

where 𝑓(𝑥) = 1/(1 + 𝑒 −𝑥 ) is the sigmoid activation function; the summation is done in the
entire contiguous layer over all the neurons.

If t is the target then the output neuron may be specified as follows.

𝐸𝑘 = 2(𝑡 2
, (3.5)
𝑘 −𝑂𝑘 )

where E is the error and k is the output neuron. The gradient descent algorithm adjusts the
synaptic weights depending on the gradient error, that is:

𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝑂𝑗 𝜕𝐸
∆𝑤𝑖𝑗 = − ( )×( ) = −( ), (3.6)
𝜕𝑂𝑗 𝜕𝑤𝑖𝑗 𝜕𝑤𝑖𝑗

and 𝛿𝑗 = − (𝜕𝑂 ) is the signal of the error so that

∆𝑤𝑖𝑗 = 𝜀𝛿𝑗 𝑂𝑖 , (3.7)

where 𝜀 is the learning rate parameter and 𝛿𝑗 is calculated according to the state of the neuron
j being or not in the output layer. If it is in the output layer then we have

𝛿𝑗 = 𝑂𝑗 (1 − 𝑂𝑗 ) ∑ 𝛿𝑘 𝑤𝑗𝑘 . (3.8)

To ameliorate convergence properties, the momentum rate 𝛼 is included in the process so that

∆𝑤𝑖𝑗 (𝑛 + 1) = 𝜀𝛿𝑗 𝑂𝑖 + 𝛼∆𝑤𝑖𝑗 (𝑛) , (3.9)

where n is the number of epochs or iterations.

A BP flow chart proposed by Moghadassi, Parvizain and Hosseini (2009) is given in Figure
3.4 below.


Figure 3.4 Backpropagation flow chart

3.6.2 Generalisation

The network can learn over the training phase, but the most important thing is that it should be
able to generalise. Generalisation implies that the network can produce an output as close
enough to the target as possible for a set of input patterns that have not been used during the
training phase. The aim of generalisation is to reduce the error of the network output as much
as possible with regard to out-of-sample input data.

3.7 Neural Networks Models in STLF

According to Kumar (2014), there are three categories of STLF NN models based on the
forecasting target. These models are generally intended to forecast the load of the next hour,
the daily maximum, the average load of the day, or just the complete daily load at one time.


Amral et al. (2008) added another classification according to the number of nodes in the input
and output layers. According to this classification, NN models are categorised as either having
many inputs and only one output or multiple inputs and multiple outputs as described below.

3.7.1 Multi-Input Single-Output Models (MISO)

In the work of Momoh et al. (1997), a MISO model is used, characterised by a simple
feedforward MLP. The MISO model was the first NN model to be experimented and used in
STLF. The network in this MISO model had a single output node providing the forecast for the
peak (maximum) for the next 24 hours, the next day’s total or average load, or the next hour’s
load. For a forecasting lead-time greater than one, Park et al. (1991) and Chen et al. (1992)
used the forecasted output to feed back the same network together with the original input
variables, in a dynamic recurrent manner. In fact, by doing so, the forecast of any arbitrary
number of lead-time can be obtained.

3.7.2 Multi-Input Multi-Output Models (MIMO)

In this category Amral et al. (2008) proposed an NN model with 24 output nodes to predict a
series of 24-hour-electric power at once in a 24-dimensional vector of output representing each
hourly profile.

Murto (1998) built a variety of models based on MISO and MIMO topology and compared
them one to another. He even constructed a Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) model, one
network for each hour of the day. Results from this work, and as corroborated by Reddy and
Momoh (2014), showed that the best NN model for STLF is the hourly model for forecasting
an arbitrary lead-time one up to 24 hours.

3.8 Summary

We firstly introduced and defined the NN technique. Secondly, a parallelism was established
between NN and statistical techniques. Thirdly, we explored NN architecture and topology.
Next, we went through all the major learning processes and different learning rules. We
lingered a little on the BP algorithm as this is the core of the MLP built model, and finally, the
STLF NN-based models classification was elaborated on.



4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we go through different steps necessary for building an STLF model using NN
so as to make accurate predictions of hourly load forecasts up to 24 hours ahead. We started
by the input data and input variables selection in which we looked at the correlation analysis
and time lags. Next we went through the proposed model and looked at the design of the NN,
the implementation of the model, the evaluation of the prediction performance of the model
through different error metrics, the validation of NN, and finally we investigated the MLP built
model in four different cases and compared it to a SARIMAX model.

4.2 Input Data

Eleven-year-load data, spanning from January 1rst 2000 to August 30th 2010, and temperature
data were imported from Eskom databases, loaded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and
exported to MATLAB for the construction of the MLP model.

In the Excel spreadsheet, the data were organised in nine columns and 93480 rows or
observations. The columns are: the day in format dd-m-yy, the hour coded as 0 to 23, the load
in Megawatt, the year in format yyyy, the numerical months of the year, days of week coded
as 1 to 7, South African public holidays, and the date in format ddmyy:hh:mm:ss.

The data were pre-processed in Excel prior to their exportation into Matlab. We checked for
missing values, irregular values such as negative numbers and zeros, which do not make sense
in this situation, and checked for some potential outliers.


4.3 Input Variables Selection

One of the most challenging tasks in constructing an NN is the selection of suitable network
inputs. Since the dynamic behaviour of the network is highly dependent on the chosen input
variables, the load must be highly correlated with these variables. It is also very important that
the set of input patterns adequately represents all the factors influencing the system load. Thus,
the process of selecting the relevant network inputs has to be guided by an intuitive knowledge
of all the different factors affecting the load, along with a careful numerical validation of these

In constructing the MLP model the input variables were selected based on the correlation
analysis as suggested by Sinha (2000) and Taylor (2013). The temperature was added and used
as a factor affecting the load. Some variables such as “day”, “date” and “year” were simply
discarded since they added little or no information. Hence, we retained the following variables
from the original data: the temperature, the lagged load, the hour, days of week, the months of
year, and public holidays.

4.3.1 Correlation Analysis

Based on the correlation analysis, we could identify the relevant input data variables. These are
the variables that are highly correlated with the load data of the target hour and used in our
model. This correlation analysis also allowed us to select the number of time-lags needed for
the target hour load data since the previous hours load data have a strong influence on it (Lee
et al., 1992)

4.3.2 Time Lags

It is demonstrated in the literature that loads of previous hours for a particular target have a
strong impact on the load forecasts. But, “how far back in time are those loads” is determined
by the correlation analysis, which we ran on the data, and noticed that the load inputs are highly
correlated (more than 0.8) up to three lag times to the target hour load. The time lagged load
data and temperature are given in Table 4.1 below.


Table 4.1 Time lagged input load and temperature

Target day One – Day Lag One – Week Lag

L(t) NA L(d-1, t) T(d-1, t) L(d-7, t) T(d-7, t)
L(d, t-1) T(d, t-1) L(d-1, t-1) T(d-1, t-1) L(d-7, t-1) T(d-7, t-1)
L(d, t-2) T(d, t-2) L(d-1, t-2) T(d-1, t-2) L(d-7, t-2) T(d-7, t-2)
L(d, t-3) T(d, t-3) L(d-1, t-3) T(d-1, t-3) L(d-7, t-3) T(d-7, t-3)

In Table 4.1 above L(t) is the target hour load to be forecasted.

L(d, t) corresponds to the load on day d and target hour t

L(d, t – p), where p = 1, 2, 3 (for 1, 2, 3 hours before the target hour)

L(d-1, t), previous day same hour as the target hour

L(d-1, t – p) p =1, 2, 3 (for 1, 2, 3 hours before the target hour)

L(d-7, t), previous week same hour as the target hour

L(d-7, t – p) p =1, 2, 3 (for 1, 2, 3 hours before the target hour)

4.3.3 Model Input Variables

The input variables of the model are one to three hours before the target load and temperature
data, same hour as the target and one to three hours before the target hour load and temperature
data of the day before, same hour as the target and one to three hours before the target load and
temperature data of the week before. In short the input variables consist of historical load and
temperature data, the type of the day, the months of the year, and public holidays (South
African public holidays) were taken into account to improve the accuracy of the load
forecasting. Most of the input variables were selected based on the autocorrelation apart from
the calendar variables. The structure of all input variables used in our model is given in Table
4.2 below.

Table 4.2 List of input variables

Load Temperature Date
L(d, t-1) T(d, t-1) Hour of day
L(d, t-2) T(d, t-2) Day of Week
L(d, t-3) T(d, t-3) Month of year
L(d-1, t) T(d-1, t) Pub. Holiday
L(d-1, t-1) T(d-1, t-1)


L(d-1, t-2) T(d-1, t-2)

L(d-1, t-3) T(d-1, t-3)
L(d-7, t) T(d-7, t)
L(d-7, t-1) T(d-7, t-1)
L(d-7, t-2) T(d-7, t-2)
L(d-7, t-3) T(d-7, t-3)
Avg[L(d – 1)]

Avg [L(d – 1)] is the average of the load of the day before the target day

T(d, t) corresponds to the temperature on day d at hour t, and the same applies here as in load

The days of the week were coded as 1 to 7, with 1 for Sunday and 7 for Saturday. The public
holidays were coded as 1 and working days as 0. Table 4.3 below shows only the days of week
and their coding values.

Table 4.3 Days of Week Coding Values

Days of Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed Thursday Friday Sat.

Coding Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4.4 Proposed Model

4.4.1 Model Design

The model we built, in this research report, consisted of a feedforward MLP network using a
BP algorithm with the gradient delta learning rule, a nonlinear sigmoid function as a transfer
function in the hidden layer and the Purelin function at the output layer to allow the network to
produce a wide range of output. The MATLAB R2015b NN package with its built-in learning
function (Levenberg-Marquardt) was used because it has the best learning rate. The steepest
gradient function and a momentum were also used and the learning rate set to the default value
with the possibility to adjust automatically along the training process. One hidden layer was
used, but different numbers of hidden neurons were carried out based on trial and error, before
retaining 25 hidden neurons as a structure that produced the minimum error.

4.4.2 Cross-Validation

During the training phase, we used the cross-validation technique to prevent the fall into one
of the drawbacks of NN models, such as overparameterization that results in overfitting


because of the model complexity. Overfitting occurs when a model fits the data so well to an
extent it includes the noise and ends up by yielding inaccurate forecasts. At this stage of
knowledge, the adequate training sample size proportional to the number of network weights
has not been formally established so that it is difficult to tell how many parameters are too
many for a given number of data points in the sample. However, to avoid overfitting, we used
the cross-validation method, which consists of splitting the data into a training, validation and
test sets.

4.4.3 Evaluation of Prediction Performance

After the designing procedure and running the MLP model, the forecasting performance of the
trained network could be assessed by calculating the prediction error on samples other than
those used during the training phase. Various error metrics between the actual and forecasted
loads are presented and defined in the literature, but the most commonly adopted by load
forecasters are the Mean Absolute Percentage Errors (MAPE), the Absolute Percentage Errors
(APE), the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Mean Squared Error (MSE) or Root Mean
Squared Error (RMSE).
𝟏 |𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅(𝒊) − 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅(𝒊)|
𝑴𝑨𝑷𝑬 = ∑ × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 , (𝟒. 𝟏)
𝒏 (𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅)(𝒊)

|𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅 − 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅|
𝑨𝑷𝑬 = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 , (𝟒. 𝟐)
𝟏 |𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅(𝒊) − 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅(𝒊)|
𝑴𝑨𝑬 = ∑ , (𝟒. 𝟑)
𝒏 (𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅)(𝒊)

𝑴𝑺𝑬 = ∑(𝒕𝒊 − 𝑶𝒊 )𝟐 𝒐𝒓 √𝑴𝑺𝑬 , (𝟒. 𝟒)

where n is the number of the data points and i is the period at which the load is produced or
forecasted, t is the target and O the NN output.

To make sure that the system is accurate, the relative error is retained on the hourly basis. In
the case of positive error, it means the forecasted load is greater than the actual consumption
load, and the opposite is true when the forecasted load was less than the actual load.

Besides the error metric to evaluate the performance of the NN models, a particular attention
was given to different plots generated by the training process such as the regression plots, the


performance function versus epochs (number of times training vectors were used to update the
weights), the training state plot, and the forecast and actual data comparison plot as suggested
by Buhari and Adamu (2012).

4.4.4 Neural Networks Validation

Sandoval (2002) suggested a couple of methods to validate an NN model. He stated that the
performance of an NN model must be compared to that of some well accepted techniques such
as in the following manner:

a) Compare the performance of the NN model with some ‘naïve’ method considered as a
benchmark, or good standard method such as fuzzy engines, regression, ARIMAX, or
other NN, etc.

b) Comparison must be based on test samples performance.

c) Test samples must be representative enough to allow inferences to be drawn.

d) Evaluate the error by using standard metrics such as the MAPE, MSE, APE, and the
MAE among others.

In this research work we compared our MLP model to a SARIMAX model in terms of the
MAPE, MAE, MSE, APE and Daily Peak Error.

4.5 Model Investigation

We first started by analysing the load profiles so as to get a good sense of the shape of the load
curve and draw some characteristics of the load profile. To do so, we took one year-data (data
for the year 2000), at the beginning of our data collection, and plotted it against the time. Next
we investigated four different cases in different seasons of the year to test the proposed model
and report the results. Finally, to validate the NN technique we compared the built MLP model
to a SARIMAX model constructed using the entire and same training and testing datasets and
reported the results.

4.6 Summary

In this methodology chapter, we presented the techniques and material used to build the MLP
model and how we used them




5.1 Characteristics of the Load Profile

Before we ran our MLP model on the data, we looked at the characteristics of the load profile
since this constitutes the uniqueness of every power utility.

First, we displayed all the data as a time series from 2000 to 2010 in Figure 5.1 so as to get a
sense of the general shape of the electricity consumption in South Africa during this time. This
data represents the aggregate quantity of electricity that was consumed hour by hour in South

Figure 5.1 Electric load in Megawatts from 2000 to 2010

It can be seen that the load was very low in 2005 comparatively to other years reported in
Figure 5.1 above. Next, in Figure 5.2 below, we focused on one-year data for a more detailed
description of the characteristics of the load variations against the time.


Figure 5.2 Electric load in Megawatts from 1st Jan – 31st Dec 2000

It can be seen in Figure 5.2 that the load profile curve starts at a low point because the first day
in 2000 was a weekend and a public holiday. On weekends and public holidays, generally,
industrial and social activities are at low levels. Then the curve goes up and reaches a sort of
steady cycle. Then comes a break in the patterns (trough) around 2500 hours, which
corresponds to a transition season (March-April) in South Africa. The curve drops significantly
down during this transition season and then resumes its shape going up steadily again with
small breaks in the patterns here and there, between 4000-5000 hours, during winter, and
starting to drop down slowly until the end of the year, and the same patterns repeat. That is, the
load profile exhibits seasonality and cycles.

We also displayed the load autocorrelation charts in Figure 5.3 to get the sense of the
dependency at different time lags.

Figure 5.3 Electric load sample autocorrelation for the first 500 lags


We can see from the graph in Figure 5.3 that there are seasonal effects regularly shaped with
peaks at 24, 48, 72, … corresponding to the daily activities, and similar patterns at the multiples
of 168 for weekly activities. These weekly seasonal effects come from working days as
industrial activities are at high level. If we could display more lags, then we would also observe
the monthly seasonal effects.

The temperature as a weather variable and the load profile for a period of two weeks are
respectively displayed in Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5 below for a good parallelism.

Figure 5.4 Temperature during 15th – 30th Jan 2000

Figure 5.5 Load profile during 15th to 30th Jan – 2000

Indeed, a comparison of Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5 gives an interesting picture regarding the
behaviour of these two curves (load and temperature). Observation can be made that for the
first two days of this period (around 50 hours), when the temperature is relatively high, around


24ºC, the load curve corresponding to the same time is low. After a day drop in temperature, it
can be seen that from then onward the two curves vary in the same direction, meaning that
when the temperature goes up, the load also goes up, when down, they both go down. But it
should be borne in mind that the load curve does not always behave in this way. The load curve
can go down when the temperature curve is up, as it can be seen at the beginning of the period
15th – 30th Jan 2000, but this same curve will raise up if the temperature keeps going down
(because more heating will be needed). The load curve will go up when the temperature is up
because of VAC (Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) needed.

The first day in Figure 5.4 is a Saturday. It can be clearly seen that the curve starts at a low
point since it is a weekend during which activities are very low, that explains why the two first
portions patterns of the curve are similar. Then comes Monday when activities tend to get back
to normal, i.e. normal working days, normal behaviours meaning high-level of activities. For
this particular week after the summer holiday, the first Monday seems to start a bit slowly
compared to the Monday of the week after where the five working (Monday to Friday) days
exhibit quite high similar patterns. These weekly similar patterns are then repeated through the
succeeding weeks.

As to the daily working pace, things are almost the same because different activities take place
synchronically. Working hours, lunch time, leisure time are the same for the majority of people,
and they all sleep at night. This is the reason why the load will be high during the day and
significantly low during the night. However, it should be noticed that this pace of life varies
throughout the year and impacts the load profile as shown in Figures 5.6 (a-d) below.

Figure 5.6 (a) Load profile on Wednesday, 19th April 2000


Figure 5.6 (b) Load profile on Wednesday, 21st June 2000

Figure 5.6 (c) Load profile on Wednesday 11th October 2000

Figure 5.6 (d) Load profile on Wednesday, 13th December 2000


In Figures 5.6 (a-d) we chose the load profile on a Wednesday because Chikobvu and Sigauke
(2012) showed that Wednesdays have the highest index of the daily demand seasonal indices,
plus they are not influenced by the weekend. We kept the same day of the week in all different
seasons so as to make consistent comparisons. We also made sure that the chosen day was not
a public holiday as this gives a particular load profile similar to a weekend one.

These four graphs displayed in Figure 5.6 are clearly different, despite the fact that a
conciliatory opinion may classify the first two load profiles in one category and the other two
in another, based on their shapes. This fact demonstrates sufficiently that there are differences
in the same day load profile in different seasons, and there are of course differences between
days of the week in the same season. This is why it is advised, in the literature, to classify days
of the week into different types in the load forecasting area, since each day has its own
characteristic load patterns. This is especially true on Saturdays and Sundays and public
holidays, which tend to have their own particular load profile.

If we go back to Figure 5.5 and take a close look at the five working days load profiles, we can
see that although they all tend to be similar, Mondays and Fridays have a slightly different
profile than the other working days. These two days of the week are closed to the weekend and
may undergo its effects.

In short, we can see that our load profile exhibits some seasonality behaviours and cycles
patterns. It can also be noticed that the load is strongly positively correlated with the
temperature during summer hot days and the opposite, i.e. negatively correlated with
temperature, in winter cold days.

5.2 Load Forecasting Results and Discussion

In this section we focused on the results of hourly load forecasts obtained by using a trained
NN and designed as follows: ten input nodes, one hidden layer with 25 neurons obtained by
trial and error, and one output layer. Real time data that includes historical hourly load
consumption and temperature data collected from Eskom over eleven years from 2000 to 2010
were used to train and test an hourly load forecasting MLP model. The data was randomly
partitioned with 70% used to train the model and 30% of the data used in the validation and
testing phases of the model. The NN model was trained using an MLP using Matlab R2015b.
The Matlab code used in this research report was inspired by Ameya (2010) and can be found
in appendix A.

In the next few lines, we summarised the training process and presented its results. Basically,
after the division of the data, the training phase took place during which the bias and weights

were produced. During the training phase, Matlab displayed the NN toolbox (Figure 5.7) to
inform us of what was going on behind the scenes.

Figure 5.7 Matlab NN toolbox during the training phase of our MLP model

Figure 5.7 shows that the NN toolbox is divided into four parts:

a. The first part shows a schematic structure of NN model as it is designed, the inputs
variables as given in Table 4.2, 25 hidden neurons and one output node forecasting one
hour at a time;
b. The second part, algorithms, shows all the algorithms that are involved in the data
division, network training, training performance evaluation and derivative
c. The third part is where we can see the progress of the training mechanisms, i.e. the
number of epochs, the elapsed time, the performance (how well is the training going),
the gradient function value and validation checks;
d. The last part offers a possibility to monitor the network performance graphically.

After a successful accomplishment of the training stage, three plots were produced by the
Matlab NN toolbox namely, the regression plots, the performance function versus epochs plot,
and the training state plot.

i. The regression plot

Figure 5.8 NN Toolbox Regression plots of the MLP model

The four plots in Figure 5.8 showing the output of the training data set against the
target, the output of the validation data set versus the target, the test data output
versus the target, and the overall network output data against the target. These plots
from Figure 5.8 show how strong the data output and the target are correlated and
how accurate the trained network model were able to forecast after learning some
complex relationships between the input variables and the target.

ii. The performance function (MSE) versus the number of epochs plot


Figure 5.9 NN Toolbox Performance function of our MLP model

Figure 5.9 shows a plot of the performance function, which is the Mean Squared Error (MSE)
by default in Matlab NN toolbox, versus the number of epochs or iterations. A stopping
criterion that can spot a change in the course of the learning algorithm is used by using the data
from a test-set after every ten iterations (epochs). Whenever the fit error minima for the test-
samples is detected, the learning algorithm is stopped to avoid overfitting the model. This error
minima may signal the transition between under-fitting and overfitting of the model.


iii. The training state plot

Figure 5.10 NN Toolbox Training state plot of our MLP model

Figure 5.10 has three different plots consisting of a first plot of the learning function
against the number of epochs for essentially displaying the development of the
gradient function values as the number of iterations increases. The next plot consists
of the learning rate (mu) versus the number of iterations (epochs) to keep under
observation the learning rate trend so as to see when the network error decreases
along the training process. Finally the plot of validation checks, which is
implemented automatically for whenever an abrupt modification occurs in the
gradient function computation.

5.2.1 Case Studies

Four arbitrary cases in different four seasons of the year were investigated to test and validate
the proposed MLP model. The forecasts of one hour up to 24 hours were performed based on
the daily, hourly data without using the target hour load data. Then, we ran the MLP built model
on the data to forecast one hour at a time and 24 times recursively for a day ahead. The obtained
forecasts were compared to the real load data and the relative errors were calculated.


Case I: Hourly Forecasting in August 2009

Figures 5.11 through 5.14 show the actual and forecasted load (FL) profiles of the days in Table
B1 in Appendix B.

Figure 5.11 Actual Load and FL on Sunday 2nd August 2009

Figure 5.12 Comparison of actual load and FL on Monday 3rd August 2009

Figures 5.11 and 5.12 above establish a comparison between the actual load and the FL curves
in terms of their shapes. It can be seen, in the first graph that the FL failed to map the actual
load curve shape, in the early hours of the day, at the peak hours of the day and at the valley of
the curve between 13h and 16h. In the second graph, the FL was a little bit poor from 7h up to
the peak time around 19h, with a big gap, meaning large errors, occurred around this time of
the day.


Figures 5.13 and 5.14 below display a comparison of the actual load and FL curves during
same month of August 2009 but this time for a Wednesday in the middle of the week and on
Saturday, a weekend.

Figure 5.13 Actual Load and FL on Wednesday 5th August 2009

Figure 5.14 Actual Load and FL, Saturday, August the 7th 2009

In this first case study, from Figures 5.11 to 5.14, we can see that the MLP curve performed
poorly following the shape of the actual load curve around the peak hours, i.e. when the load
demand is high (7h – 10h, 19h – 20h), especially at night when the difference between the two
curves is relatively noticeable except for Wednesday (5th August 2009), Figure 5.13.

Figure 5.15 below gives a superimposed view of the load behaviour during the first week of
the month of August 2009.


Figure 5.15 Actual Load and FL for a week: 1st – 7th August 2009

It can be seen in Figure 5.15 above that in general, the MLP model performed well as the gap
between the actual and forecasted load curves is relatively small, except for some cases during
the peak hours at the beginning of the week until Tuesday, but could easily recover from
Wednesday onward up to Saturday.

The recorded MAPE (0.77%) in this first case study is less than the one obtained in (Park et
al., 1991; Lee et al., 1992; Yoo and Pimmel, 1998), and the other error metrics are as follow:
the RMSE is 292.29 MW and the Daily Peak Error varied between 0.08% and 1.85%.

Case II: Hourly Forecasting in October 2009

Table B2 in Appendix B gives one way of looking at the MLP model hour by hour, through its
outputs (FL), the actual load compared to the FL, and the resulting APE. Whereas the
corresponding Figures 5.16 through 5.19 give yet another way of looking at the shape of the
forecasted and actual load curves so as to see their differences.


Figure 5.16 Actual Load and FL, Sunday, October 4th 2009

In Figure 5.16 above, it can be noticed that the separation between the actual load and the FL
curves is very big around the peaks and the valley of the two curves, and almost reasonably
confound elsewhere, providing evidence that the FL is performing well in forecasting at these
intervals in time. The subsequent graphs are telling another story in terms of the performance
of the FL. There is a lot of fluctuations as can be seen in Figures 5.17 through 5.19 below.

Figure 5.17 Actual Load and FL on Monday the 5th October 2009


Figure 5.18 Actual Load and FL on Wednesday, October 7th 2009

Figure 5.19 Actual Load and FL, Friday 9th October 2009

In the second case study, Figures 5.16 through 5.19 depict the behaviour of the MLP model
during four randomly chosen days in October 2009. Here, it can be noticed that the MLP model
has some shortcomings in forecasting during the peak hours, the profile curves are not as
smooth as the previous ones in the month of August for the same corresponding days of the
week. There is a lot of fluctuations of the load curve that the MLP model could not track,
especially in Figures 5.17 through 5.19 (5th, 7th and 9th of Oct. 2009). The huge fluctuations of
the load profile might have been due to the fact that October is during a transition season in
South Africa as stated Banda and Folly (2007). During this period of time the mornings and
evenings are very cold and the afternoons are very hot on some days.

Figure 5.20 below gives a global picture of the forecasting behaviour during a week in October

Figure 5.20 Actual Load and FL, week 11th – 17th October 2009

The FL profile has a good shape as it closely traces the load profile during weekdays but some
irregularities of the curve at the beginning of the week during peak hours can be observed in
Figure 5.20 above.

Once again we compared the forecasted and actual load curves on different days of the week
during this month of October throughout Figures 5.16 to 5.20, and results showed that the
MAPE is 0.80%, the RMSE is 295.006 MW and the Daily Peak Error ranges between 0.15%
and 3%. These results are more accurate than the 2.2% of MAPE achieved in the work of
Osman, Awad and Mahmoud (2009).

Case III: Hourly Forecasting in December 2009

Four different days in December 2009 were arbitrarily selected to compare the actual and
forecasted load based on their day of the week profile. The corresponding hourly load, FL and
APE are given in Table B3 in Appendix B.

Results in the aforementioned table show that the APE is very small on average for the Sunday
6th December profile as can be corroborated in the corresponding Figure 5.21 below with a
satisfactory forecasting shape following the actual load curve.


Figure 5.21 Actual Load and FL, Sunday, Dec 6th 2009

Figure 5.22 to Figure 5.24 below depict the forecasting model behaviour on some particular
days given in Table B3 in Appendix B.

Figure 5.22 Actual Load and FL on Monday 7th Dec 2009

Figure 5.23 Actual Load and FL on Wednesday 9th Dec 2009


Figure 5.24 Actual Load and FL on Friday 11th Dec 2009

The third case study, in the month of December 2009, depicts the forecasting model behaviour
on some randomly chosen days given in Table B3. It can be seen in Figures 5.22 and 5.24 that
the forecast MLP model on Monday and Friday, respectively, performed poorly in forecasting
the actual load profile at the peak hours. Table B3 gives two higher APE values, on average,
for these days. Figure 5.23 corresponding to Wednesday shows that the model did not perform
well during the peak hours and Table B3 gives a couple of higher APE values of this profile
for this particular day.

Figure 5.25 below gives a sense of how well the MLP model performed on the global point of
view for seven days period of time in December 2009.

Figure 5.25 Actual Load and FL for 6th – 12th Dec 2009


From a superimposed view, Figure 5.25 shows that the MLP model has some shortcomings
during the working days from Tuesday to Thursday but did better from Friday and all the
weekend long through Monday.

The forecasted and actual load curves were compared in this case study, and results were 0.90%
of the MAPE, the RMSE is 315.209 MW, the Daily Peak Error between 0.18% and 2.66% for
December 2009. The performance errors of this case study is the poorest compared to other
cases, but still less than the results reported in most of the literature on STLF we surveyed.

Case IV: Hourly Forecasting in March 2010

Hourly load, FL and APE of four arbitrary selected days in March 2010 are given in Table B4
in Appendix B, which gives various APE values and Figures 5.26 through 5.29 below give
graphical views from which we can trace the performance of the MLP model.

Figure 5.26 Actual Load and FL on Monday 8th March 2010


Figure 5.27 Actual Load and FL on Wednesday 10th March 2010

Figure 5.28 Actual Load and FL on Friday 12th March 2010


Figure 5.29 Actual Load and FL on Sunday 14th March 2010

In this last case study in March 2010, Table B4 shows that there are a very few higher APE
values on average and Figures 5.26 through 5.29 show that the forecast profile curve follows
smoothly the actual load profile shape testifying that the forecasting model is performing very

Figure 5.30 below gives another way to compare the shape of these two curves, the forecasted
and actual load, on a period of seven days in March 2010.

Figure 5.30 Actual Load and FL for 7th – 13th March 2010

On the global point of view Figure 5.30 above gives also a satisfactory picture of a forecasting
model that performed well as the gap between the two curves is relatively small.

The forecasted and actual load curves were compared once again in this last case study, and
results showed that the MAPE is 0.77%, the RMSE is 295.867 MW, the Daily Peak Error
ranged between 0.07% and 1.34% for March 2010. The recorded MAPE in this case is equal

to the one in the first case, and the Daily Peak Error is even more accurate than what was
recorded in case I. It is a very good performance regarding to the results reported in the

Table B5 Appendix B gives the average error on a daily basis in terms of the MAPE, MAE and
the Daily Peak Error of randomly chosen days in August 2009 and October 2010.

Besides the four analysed scenarios above, we then took a look at the MLP model performance
during the FIFA World cup (11th June – 11th July 2010) so as to obtain more insight of its

The set of graphs below, from Figures 5.31 to 5.41, and Table B6 are dedicated to a period of
time when took place the FIFA World Cup in South Africa, from June 11th to July 11th 2010.

Figure 5.31 Actual Load and FL from 11th June to 11th July 2010


Figure 5.32 Actual Load and FL for 20th – 26th June 2010

Figure 5.33 Actual Load and FL for 4th – 10th July 2010

Figure 5.34 Actual Load and FL on Friday 11th June 2010


Figure 5.35 Actual Load and FL on Monday 21st June 2010

Figure 5.36 Actual Load and FL on Wednesday 23rd June 2010

Figure 5.37 Actual Load and FL on Friday 25th June 2010


Figure 5.38 Actual Load and FL on Sunday 27th June 2010

Figure 5.39 Actual Load and FL on Saturday 3rd July 2010

Figure 5.40 Actual Load and FL on Sunday 4th July 2010


Figure 5.41 Actual Load and FL on Sunday 11th July 2010

Daily average errors for four weeks during the FIFA World Cup 2010 are given in Table B6.

From Figure 5.31, we expected to see some uptrend in the load consumption due to the World
Cup, but nothing more than those daily and weekly seasonal patterns that the MLP forecasting
model could easily track. Figures 5.32 and 5.33 zoom in the picture in depicting two different
weeks during this football festive time. Figure 5.32 for a week in June and Figure 5.33 a week
in July. From these graphs, we can deduce that the MLP model, in general, could easily trace
the shape of the actual load profile curve despite a few higher Daily Peak error values here and
there. In Figure 5.34 we can see that the gap between the two curves is noticeable, especially
around the peak hours. The results in Table B6 for this particular day can confirm this fact. Not
surprising that the forecasted loads on this day recorded a higher MAPE and a higher MAE
values because this day was the game opening day. There was a high level of activities and
high energy demand that the forecasting model could not track.

Figures 5.35 through 5.41 show that the load forecasts curve can smoothly follow the path
trajectory of the consumption load profile and the error metrics are all small on average, except
some few Daily Peak errors, which are high values. It can also be noticed that the forecasting
is more accurate (with a MAPE less than 1% on average) during this period of time because it
is winter in South Africa and the load consumption is less unpredictable in general.

In a nutshell, the implemented forecasting model performed reliably and with a satisfactory
accuracy. Table B5 gives some daily error metrics corroborating this performance with a daily
MAPE ranging from 0.50% to 0.90%, which is less than the 3% recommended in the literature
by Khotanzad et al., (1997), the Daily Peak Error is between 0.01% and 3%, and the MAE is
between 133.12 and 314.35 MW.


5.2.2 Comparison between MLP Model and SARIMAX Model

Hippert et al. (2001) discussed some guidelines to evaluate the “effectiveness of validation” of
NN models. They strongly discouraged to evaluate a model by only looking at the goodness of
fit statistics and examining in-sample errors instead of the out-of-sample errors, i.e., samples
other than those used to fit the model during the training phase. These authors strongly
supported the idea that the proposed technique should be compared to some benchmark models,
such as ARIMAX or regression models but not to another NN model or to some fuzzy engine
because they believed that these are not yet considered as standard or well accepted methods.

So, to get a good idea of our model, a seasonal ARIMAX (SARIMAX) model was trained and
run on the same training and testing datasets as in the MLP case. This SARIMAX model was
briefly discussed in chapter 3. We included the temperature variable as an exogenous variable
in the ARIMA model, hence we have a seasonal ARIMAX that can be written as follows.

(1 − 𝜙1 𝐿 − 𝜙2 𝐿2 )𝑍𝑡 = (1 − 𝜃1 𝐿 − 𝜃2 𝐿2 )(1 − 𝜃24 𝐿24 )(1 − 𝜃168 𝐿168 )𝑎𝑡

+ (1 − 𝜃1 𝐿 − 𝜃2 𝐿2 )𝑣𝑡 . (5.1)

Equation (5.1) can be rewritten as follows.

𝑌𝑡 = (1 − 𝐿)(1 − 𝐿24 )(1 − 𝐿168 )𝑧𝑡

= 𝑦𝑡 − 𝑦𝑡−1 − 𝑦𝑡−24 + 𝑦𝑡−25 − 𝑦𝑡−168 + 𝑦𝑡−169 − 𝑦𝑡−192 + 𝑦𝑡−193 , (5.2)

𝑣𝑡 = (1 − 𝐿)(1 − 𝐿24 )(1 − 𝐿168 )𝑥𝑡

= 𝑥𝑡 − 𝑥𝑡−1 − 𝑥𝑡−24 + 𝑥𝑡−25 − 𝑥𝑡−168 +𝑥𝑡−169 − 𝑥𝑡−192 + 𝑥𝑡−193 , (5.3)

where 𝑦𝑡 is the load at hour t, 𝑣𝑡 is the temperature at the corresponding hour t and L is the lag
operator. The free parameters 𝜙1 , 𝜙2 , 𝜃1 , 𝜃2 , 𝜃24 , 𝜃168 were estimated from the model.

We used the “auto.arima” function included in the ‘forecast’ R-package via step wise algorithm
suggested by Hyndman and Khandakar (2008) to construct automatically the seasonal ARIMA
model and forecast the load 24 hours at a time for exactly the same days used in testing the
MLP model as to obtain comparable results. The pre-processing of the data was carried out as
suggested by Yang et al. (2013).

The MAPE, MAE, MSE and Daily Peak error for both SARIMAX and MLP model on some
randomly chosen days are presented in Table 5.1 below.


Table 5.1 SARIMAX and NN Model Average Errors

Date Day of the Week MAPE (%) Daily Peak Error (%) MAE (MW) MSE (MW2)
01/08/2009 7 0.95 1.82 3.00 5.08 276.08 532.06 140832.173 465990.173
02/08/2009 1 1.15 2.55 2.82 7.66 314.36 732.56 144436.50 866825.391
03/08/2009 2 0.88 3.16 1.07 9.82 263.84 939.73 109514.401 1551814.833
04/08/2009 3 0.64 2.81 1.87 9.86 188.47 850.99 60242.006 1368772.003
05/08/2009 4 0.72 2.82 0.08 10.28 208.03 845.20 64915.675 1360569.797
06/08/2009 5 0.85 2.84 0.42 9.63 245.61 839.55 87455.709 1252119.395
07/08/2009 6 0.67 2.50 0.96 8.61 197.96 733.43 76037.02 1018168.534
11/10/2009 1 0.78 1.99 0.85 7.65 204.04 529.90 56662.554 523753.067
12/10/2009 2 0.98 2.32 1.10 8.59 282.44 646.04 127902.083 729734.430
13/10/2009 3 1.05 2.21 1.85 7.55 289.75 621.53 146581.887 810203.271
14/10/2009 4 0.67 2.33 0.15 8.69 192.82 657.70 62457.346 821348.247
15/10/2009 5 0.59 2.17 0.25 7.89 170.33 620.95 51144.378 745283.478
16/10/2009 6 0.69 1.76 1.24 7.19 200.14 500.87 68617.493 484193.128
17/10/2009 7 0.81 1.72 1.37 6.92 220.49 473.35 81948.284 447276.119
06/12/2009 1 0.57 1.65 0.68 5.34 148.63 441.70 36702.882 350357.747
07/12/2009 2 0.86 1.98 0.43 5.87 248.27 557.36 116679.053 555109.068
08/12/2009 3 0.71 1.70 0.87 5.92 201.50 478.45 65451.678 425979.794
09/12/2009 4 0.83 1.58 1.24 5.05 238.51 445.15 108362.873 324780.045
10/12/2009 5 0.75 1.65 0.36 5.86 211.61 451.19 78145.906 382109.605
11/12/2009 6 0.93 1.61 1.34 4.17 256.40 445.75 127082.888 352222.468
12/12/2009 7 0.80 1.93 0.07 6.78 213.81 525.44 124277.167 499913.070
07/03/2010 1 0.68 2.09 0.42 10.10 179.02 558.57 57888.614 691767.600
08/03/2010 2 0.74 2.41 2.66* 8.41 211.07 683.72 87603.624 948044.574
09/03/2010 3 0.76 1.98 0.49 7.60 221.32 565.60 96874.632 666602.500
10/03/2010 4 0.89 2.00 2.45* 9.05 259.45 581.76 97867.046 735472.646
11/03/2010 5 0.64 2.12 1.02 7.40 187.36 614.83 65954.955 707314.314
12/03/2010 6 0.67 2.08 0.96 6.93 188.11 599.93 57544.278 723023.773


13/03/2010 7 0.84 1.58 0.18 7.67 231.25 442.44 66777.556 448911.616

20/06/2010 1 0.64 2.41 0.01 6.31 179.22 709.88 51347.561 823418.186
21/06/2010 2 0.85 2.11 0.46 6.12 270.99 648.74 146121.946 697030.514
22/06/2010 3 0.92 2.11 0.68 8.42 290.51 655.34 163716.149 883247.716
23/06/2010 4 0.81 2.01 0.17 6.20 257.26 618.93 132997.467 627686.571
24/06/2010 5 0.63 2.15 0.93 6.01 200.55 664.18 68937.790 737511.662
25/06/2010 6 0.77 2.11 0.89 6.67 241.93 641.75 107103.355 808137.416
26/06/2010 7 0.86 2.12 2.42* 7.46 251.05 619.27 97036.056 761234.503
04/07/2010 1 0.50 2.39 1.07 7.56 133.12 672.85 31074.404 773798.453
05/07/2010 2 0.84 2.09 0.36 6.10 254.50 628.41 139255.083 681638.675
06/07/2010 3 0.87 1.90 0.45 7.06 266.17 571.82 107929.055 702226.793
07/07/2010 4 0.93 2.02 1.18 5.54 272.94 605.78 11668.996 560770.396
08/07/2010 5 0.64 2.29 1.02 7.44 190.72 683.32 70841.625 798688.717
09/07/2010 6 0.60 2.03 0.78 7.12 184.07 607.62 58304.925 690398.443
10/07/2010 7 0.71 2.28 1.01 8.59 190.87 659.86 71370.948 799242.195

Table 5.1 above displays the outputs of a comparison between the MLP and SARIMAX models in terms of different error metrics.
Figures 5.42 and 5.43 below give the outputs of the performance of the SARIMAX model run on the same training and testing datasets used to
build the MLP model.


Figure 5.42 Actual Load and FL with SARIMAX, 6th – 12th Dec 2009

Figure 5.43 Actual Load and FL with SARIMAX, 20th – 26th June 2010

Comparison of the performance of the MLP and the SARIMAX models in terms of the APE
is displayed on Figures 5.44 and 5.45 below, on arbitrarily chosen days in August 2009 and
June 2010, respectively.


Absolute Percentage Error


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time (Hours)


Figure 5.44 APE of SARIMAX and MLP model on 1st August 2009



Absolute Percentage Error










Time (Hours)

Figure 5.45 APE of SARIMAX and NN model during 20th – 26th June 2010

It can be seen in Table 5.1 (comparison table) and in Figures 5.42 through 5.45 that the
SARIMAX model presented much larger errors than the MLP model. Figures 5.42 and 5.43
showed two different weeks of forecasts with SARIMAX, which was not too bad as to judge
on these graphs, but not as good as the MLP as show the respective MAPEs below. In Figure
5.44 it can be clearly seen that the MLP model is superior to the SARIMAX with a MAPE of
0.50% and 1.90% respectively


The MLP model presented in this research report performed better at forecasting recursively
hourly load 24 hours ahead as shown in the results for all the different error metrics used in
this work to evaluate the performance of LF models. Through the four case studies we tested
and validated the proposed model, but to get its overall performance error, we ran the MLP
model through all the entire training and testing datasets at once and obtained its overall MAPE
of 0.50% and MSE of 5.32e+08 as can be seen in Figure 5.1. It should not be a surprise that
the built NN model improved its results because it is well known in the literature and in
particular as emphasised Park et al. (1991) that the NN technique performs very well when the
training data is widely spread in the feature space. These results compared favourably to most
of those reported in the STLF literature we consulted and the 3% of the MAPE recommended
by Khotanzard et al. (1997). Besides the built NN model accuracy, it has also proven to be
robust and adjustable to changing conditions as proved by its performance during the 2010
FIFA World Cup period. In fact, this performance is a welcome surprise as the LF curve could
follow and track properly the shape of the real load curve without any major discrepancy as
can be seen in Figures 5.31 through 5.41.

However, the built MLP model was inferior to the NN-based model constructed by Reddy and
Momoh (2014), which achieved an impressive accuracy of 0.004% in terms of MAPE, and Al-
Subhi and Ahmad (2015) with the MAPE ranging between 0.35% and 0.49%. Nevertheless,
we strongly believe that introducing other weather variables such as wind speed, cloud
coverage, humidity, and rainfall will produce even better results in terms of accuracy for the
MLP model built in this research report.

5.3 Summary

In the first part of this chapter, we produced the distribution of the data, analysed the Eskom
load profile and highlighted its characteristics. Next, we displayed the Matlab NN toolbox to
give an idea of what was going on during the training phase of the network according to how
we structured and designed it. We also presented a couple of different plots giving some
measures of performance, goodness of fit of the data to the MLP built model, and a validation
check. More importantly, in the second part of the chapter, we presented and discussed the
results of four different case studies to investigate our MLP built model. In the last part of the
chapter, we tested a SARIMAX model and compared it to our MLP model so as to have an
opinion on the validity of the latter built model.




6.1 Summary

We used the NN technique in the STLF area and built an MLP model using eleven years (2000
- 2010) load data and corresponding temperature from Eskom. We investigated the MLP built
model through four different case studies and presented the results that showed a satisfactory
performance and achieved a sensible prediction accuracy. The forecasting accuracy was
evaluated by calculating different error metrics such as the MAPE, the MAE, the APE, the
Daily Peak error, and the MSE or the derived RMSE. The range of some error metrics lies
between 11 668.996 MW2 and 163 716.149 MW2 for the MSE, 0.01% and 3.58% of the Daily
Peak error, and 0.50% and 0.90% for the MAPE. These ranges of error are very consistent with
the results obtained in the literature on STLF. To have an opinion of our MLP model, we
compared it to a benchmark SARIMAX model and the results showed that the MLP model
performed better. In addition to accuracy, the model has proven to be robust and adjustable to
changing conditions as proved its performance during the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Moreover,
the model proved to be also reliable as it could forecast reasonably the first day of this big event
with a lot of unpredictable activities. As an hourly model, the built MLP model can be up to
date as it performs dynamically by using new available data as they come in.

6.2 Conclusions

STLF can assist electric power management decision makers to operate and secure their power
system efficiently and economically 24 hours ahead. The electric power management is very
challenging in South Africa. There is a need for accurate techniques to support power system
managers in the performance of their daily duties. The LF field has plenty of methods to build


accurate models for such purposes but the NN technique has a couple of advantages that we
outlined in this research work that justified their preference.

We applied the NN technique to STLF and built an MLP model that produced an overall MAPE
of 0.50% error and MSE performance of 5.32e+08 that compared favourably to most of the
error rates reported in the STLF literature we consulted or the utmost 3% of the MAPE expected
in general. Indeed, these results are highly accurate and further reinforces the capability of NN
models in forecasting the electric load. Therefore, the model can assist decision makers in the
EMS with needed information to perform their workday more efficiently and economically by
minimising the operating costs, planning routine maintenance, preventing the overloading and
reducing the occurrence of equipment failures.

However, we have to admit that the NN technique is not a panacea in STLF area, since it has
some limitations or drawbacks when it comes to interpretation of the models and a high risk of
overfitting of models if not carefully designed. Still, the MLP model we built in this research
report demonstrated a lot of interesting properties reported in the literature. Therefore, it is a
very suitable MLP model that can assist decision makers in the EMS with the necessary
information in their daily operations.

6.3 Recommendations

Since the MLP model was built based on only one site (Eskom), more evidence on other electric
utilities is required so as to ensure its portability. Otherwise, the model must be re-trained every
time it is run on a new site. We also believe that introducing other weather variables such as
wind speed, cloud coverage, and humidity would yield better results for our MLP model.

Given that the built MLP model performance was inferior to some of the models in the
literature, a hybrid model, SARIMA-MLP, with SARIMA handling the linearity of the load
series and the MLP dealing with nonlinearity of the load, will yield better results.

Another point to be taken into account is the reliability of the MLP models. The way NNs
perform the forecasts is rather complicated and very difficult to understand, that is why they
call them “black box”, and therefore some abnormal behaviour may unexpectedly occur in
unusual conditions. This is one of the drawbacks of how the NN models operate. Hence, a
detailed online testing is recommended so as to insure NN models reliability in different

In building the MLP model, we took into account the load of special days such as public
holidays that we treated as Sundays. This is a simplistic solution to handle public holidays, but


in order to obtain more accurate results, some more appropriate techniques should be
considered for future refinements of the built MLP model.

Appendix A Matlab® Code

Import Weather & Load Data

The data set used is a table of historical hourly loads and temperature observations from Eskom
for the years 2000 to 2010. The weather information includes the dry bulb temperature only.
The dataset is imported from an excel file using an auto-generated function fetchDBLoadData.
data = fetchDBLoadData('2000-01-01', '2010-08-31');

Import list of holidays

A list of South African public holidays that span the historical date range is imported from an
Excel spreadsheet.

[num, text] = xlsread('..\Data\Holidays.xls');

holidays = text(2:end,1);

Generate Predictor Matrix

The function genPredictors generates the predictor variables used as inputs for the model.
% Select forecast horizon
term = 'short';

[X, dates, labels] = genPredictors(data, term, holidays);

Split the dataset (cross-validation)

% Create training set

net.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100
trainInd = net.divideParam.trainRatio;
trainX = X(trainInd,:);
trainY = data.SYSLoad(trainInd);

% Create validation set

net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100;
valInd = net.divideParam.valRatio
valX = X(valInd, :);
valY = data.SYSLoad(valInd);

% Create test set and save for later

net.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100;
testInd = net.divideParam.testRatio;

Appendix A Matlab® Code

testX = X(testInd,:);
testY = data.SYSLoad(testInd);
testDates = dates(testInd);

save Data\testSet testDates testX testY

clear X data trainInd testInd term holidays dates ans num text

Build the Load Forecasting Model

reTrain = false;
if reTrain || ~exist('Models\NNModel.mat', 'file')
net = newfit(trainX', trainY', 25);
net.performFcn = 'mae';
net = train(net, trainX', trainY');
save Models\NNModel.mat net
load Models\NNModel.mat

load Data\testSet
forecastLoad = sim(net, testX')';

err = testY-forecastLoad;
fitPlot(testDates, [testY forecastLoad], err);

errpct = abs(err)./testY*100;

fL = reshape(forecastLoad, 24, length(forecastLoad)/24)';

tY = reshape(testY, 24, length(testY)/24)';
peakerrpct = abs(max(tY,[],2) - max(fL,[],2))./max(tY,[],2) * 100;

MAE = mean(abs(err));
MAPE = mean(errpct(~isinf(errpct)));

fprintf('Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE): %0.2f%% \nMean Absolute Error

(MAE): %0.2f MWh\nDaily Peak MAPE: %0.2f%%\n',...
MAPE, MAE, mean(peakerrpct))

Appendix B Tables of Error Different Metrics

Table B1 Hourly Actual Load, FL and APE

02/08/2009 03/08/2009 05/08/2009 07/08/2009
Hour Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE
1 23704 24046.50 1.44 22960 23105.78 0.63 24437 24336.00 0.41 24215 24135.45 0.33
2 22928 23150.84 0.97 22632 22476.73 0.69 23852 23933.78 0.34 23835 23717.39 0.49
3 22565 22666.26 0.45 22513 22512.89 0.00 23599 23631.81 0.14 23671 23623.43 0.20
4 22527 22555.72 0.13 22842 22675.30 0.73 23978 23657.65 1.34 23873 23761.27 0.47
5 22447 22975.92 2.36* 23868 23689.92 0.75 25132 24777.60 1.41 24869 24590.40 1.12
6 22880 22539.91 1.49 27041 26812.67 0.84 28068 28455.04 1.38 27857 27767.84 0.32
7 23929 24171.91 1.02 31436 30852.81 1.86 31969 31737.02 0.73 31537 31665.05 0.41
8 26824 25867.07 3.57* 31825 31846.20 0.07 31816 32349.32 1.68 31746 32026.74 0.88
9 29573 29452.55 0.41 32010 32104.24 0.29 31609 31751.09 0.45 31784 31827.81 0.14
10 31118 30837.71 0.90 31776 31897.79 0.38 30992 31462.22 1.52 31511 31692.13 0.57
11 31274 31059.88 0.68 32034 31536.06 1.55 31155 30843.77 1.00 31646 31324.55 1.02
12 31037 30751.79 0.92 31710 31695.42 0.05 30894 31083.33 0.61 31159 31362.60 0.65
13 30639 30357.92 0.92 30891 31128.73 0.77 30301 30526.10 0.74 30256 30588.69 1.10
14 29957 29939.38 0.06 30397 30081.48 1.04 29730 29687.73 0.14 29414 29434.54 0.07
15 28863 29588.37 2.51* 30042 30174.81 0.44 29689 29487.35 0.68 29045 28990.07 0.19
16 28495 28623.97 0.45 30372 30128.97 0.80 29923 29932.45 0.03 28720 29025.67 1.06
17 28684 29083.37 1.39 30571 31026.81 1.49 30287 30267.04 0.07 28853 28752.50 0.35
18 30426 30665.44 0.79 32248 32222.04 0.08 31518 31879.70 1.15 30112 30088.08 0.08
19 32890 32560.46 1.00 34733 34085.18 1.87 33898 34041.31 0.42 31986 32850.76 2.70*
20 32912 32372.67 1.64 34517 34044.61 1.37 33389 33512.75 0.37 31597 32146.11 1.74
21 31181 31522.21 1.09 33529 33002.73 1.57 32217 32216.20 0.00 30730 30754.13 0.08
22 28706 28805.17 0.35 30858 31025.04 0.54 29718 30071.08 1.19 28679 28959.20 0.98
23 25834 26345.58 1.98 27183 27812.87 2.32* 27157 27308.74 0.56 26704 26728.49 0.09
24 24002 24269.67 1.12 25169 25439.72 1.08 25232 25436.35 0.81 24892 25179.12 1.15
*higher error value

Table B2 Actual Load, FL and APE for October 2009

04/10/2009 05/10/2009 07/10/2009 09/10/2009
Hour Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE
1 22689 22790.48 0.45 22292 22364.98 0.33 24172 24178.15 0.03 24525 24222.53 1.23
2 22197 22210.58 0.06 22041 21916.02 0.57 23735 23788.28 0.22 24119 24075.51 0.18
3 21716 21931.00 0.99 22022 21969.35 0.24 23734 23560.07 0.73 23882 23920.94 0.16
4 21676 21589.04 0.40 22238 22201.28 0.17 23855 23831.08 0.10 24246 23931.95 1.30
5 21882 21957.28 0.34 23152 22984.83 0.72 24681 24571.28 0.44 25129 25063.65 0.26
6 22290 22573.24 1.27 26531 25805.22 2.74* 27864 27133.63 2.62* 27963 27558.72 1.45
7 23601 23532.04 0.29 29269 29979.55 2.43* 30131 30134.16 0.01 30364 30245.83 0.39
8 25801 25693.98 0.41 29308 29712.60 1.38 29791 30261.37 1.58 30404 30455.72 0.17
9 27617 27490.53 0.46 29805 29488.96 1.06 30202 30111.93 0.30 31136 30526.27 1.96
10 28628 27966.82 2.31* 29864 29795.01 0.23 29938 30557.96 2.07* 30896 31129.94 0.76
11 28759 28301.18 1.59 30280 29738.44 1.79 30451 30131.48 1.05 31183 30902.42 0.90
12 28629 28224.55 1.41 30388 30084.53 1.00 30306 30540.04 0.77 31235 31067.62 0.54

Appendix B Tables of Error Different Metrics

13 28034 27937.66 0.34 29825 30064.89 0.80 30196 30130.51 0.22 30858 30945.36 0.28
14 27218 27122.18 0.35 29535 29330.78 0.69 29647 29939.01 0.98 30034 30394.56 1.20
15 26486 26364.10 0.46 29595 29559.52 0.12 29875 29491.15 1.28 30181 29691.95 1.62
16 26037 26079.63 0.16 29995 29828.15 0.56 30261 30055.22 0.68 29950 30214.93 0.88
17 26383 26019.45 1.38 30306 30354.09 0.16 30401 30306.20 0.31 30006 29693.86 1.04
18 27319 27470.94 0.56 30734 30857.25 0.40 30832 30445.85 1.25 29893 30025.00 0.44
19 29416 29424.73 0.03 31817 32088.82 0.85 31616 32117.83 1.59 30789 30990.91 0.66
20 29940 29242.44 2.33* 32138 31844.56 0.91 32113 32243.55 0.41 31165 31726.13 1.80
21 28530 28438.68 0.32 30889 30677.56 0.68 30822 30917.95 0.31 29704 30140.53 1.47
22 26263 26383.45 0.46 28610 28424.24 0.65 28751 28724.10 0.09 28135 28091.51 0.15
23 24282 24470.08 0.77 25967 26319.49 1.36 26485 26723.75 0.90 26478 26492.88 0.06
24 23059 23068.51 0.04 24399 24527.51 0.53 25185 25095.99 0.35 25205 25183.06 0.09
*higher error value

Table B3 Hourly Actual Load, FL and APE of December 2009

06/12/2009 07/12/2009 09/12/2009 11/12/2009
Hour Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE
1 23252 23414.40 0.70 23278 23146.95 0.56 24279 24369.19 0.37 23768 23992.16 0.94
2 22812 22741.53 0.31 22773 22933.44 0.70 23850 23933.80 0.35 23367 23430.46 0.27
3 22479 22538.12 0.26 22641 22643.55 0.01 23570 23708.56 0.59 22900 23243.71 1.50
4 22389 22385.30 0.02 22972 22746.41 0.98 23655 23643.22 0.05 23269 22945.78 1.39
5 22744 22621.56 0.54 23783 23750.82 0.14 24450 24331.84 0.48 24274 24163.08 0.46
6 23265 23709.72 1.91 25765 26049.73 1.11 26074 26683.75 2.34* 26138 27140.35 3.83*
7 24543 24585.39 0.17 27585 27779.29 0.70 27745 28051.46 1.10 28104 28327.71 0.80
8 26383 26473.66 0.34 28968 28576.27 1.35 29048 29078.73 0.11 29308 29240.32 0.23
9 27677 27703.58 0.10 30479 29364.36 3.66* 29926 29598.02 1.10 30245 29792.90 1.49
10 28085 27880.18 0.73 30575 30734.60 0.52 30080 30093.05 0.04 29992 30353.74 1.21
11 27895 27958.57 0.23 30948 30763.45 0.60 30684 29998.32 2.23* 30383 30098.64 0.94
12 27873 27634.90 0.85 31199 31005.83 0.62 30648 30383.10 0.86 30390 30369.77 0.07
13 27563 27508.22 0.20 30888 31117.19 0.74 30366 30248.95 0.39 29859 30207.12 1.17
14 26873 27001.12 0.48 30494 30667.33 0.57 29836 29850.06 0.05 29624 29439.05 0.62
15 26318 26236.08 0.31 30446 30438.86 0.02 30133 29517.47 2.04* 29467 29537.10 0.24
16 25858 26108.64 0.97 30459 30441.74 0.06 30115 30141.84 0.09 29335 29500.84 0.57
17 26102 25806.65 1.13 30090 30342.70 0.84 30192 30064.16 0.42 29267 29321.86 0.19
18 26615 26555.00 0.23 30148 29688.69 1.52 29794 30365.60 1.92 29256 29422.48 0.57
19 27709 27825.76 0.42 30006 30358.85 1.18 29759 30482.52 2.43* 29053 30013.53 3.31*
20 29114 28988.69 0.43 31389 30852.38 1.71 30484 30793.75 1.02 29958 30218.10 0.87
21 28703 28236.72 1.62 30690 30712.14 0.07 29866 29706.28 0.53 29450 29304.07 0.50
22 26994 26756.61 0.88 29085 28630.54 1.56 27960 28157.46 0.71 27944 27848.38 0.34
23 25248 25058.43 0.75 26540 26879.27 1.28 26115 26183.90 0.26 26429 26215.44 0.81
24 23866 23898.01 0.13 25067 25106.67 0.16 24672 24782.84 0.45 25094 25084.08 0.04
*higher error value

Table B4 Hourly Actual Load, FL and APE for March 2010

08/03/2010 10/03/2010 12/03/2010 14/03/2010
Hour Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE Load FL APE
1 22931 22855.53 0.33 24625 24835.78 0.86 25077 25116.51 0.16 23540 23431.70 0.46
2 22890 22569.56 1.40 24422 24250.96 0.70 24495 24684.26 0.77 22974 23138.62 0.72
3 22779 22766.81 0.05 24171 24263.84 0.38 24660 24318.26 1.39 22945 22691.55 1.10
4 22930 22836.89 0.41 24384 24204.75 0.74 24428 24781.99 1.45 22776 22913.61 0.60
5 23821 23610.94 0.88 25484 25226.39 1.01 25240 24851.61 1.54 22938 22983.04 0.20
6 26606 26409.32 0.74 27941 28521.61 2.08* 27791 27514.73 0.99 23280 23462.86 0.79
7 29224 29153.89 0.24 30647 29888.35 2.48* 30273 30059.22 0.71 24016 24540.58 2.18*
8 28888 29435.31 1.89 30087 30780.26 2.30* 30206 30668.73 1.53 26602 25724.31 3.30*
9 29969 29059.05 3.04* 30589 30252.67 1.10 30982 30546.83 1.40 28225 28112.16 0.40
10 30363 30129.64 0.77 30810 30798.71 0.04 31156 31188.25 0.10 28597 28302.67 1.03

Appendix B Tables of Error Different Metrics

11 30718 30507.05 0.69 31104 30845.32 0.83 31463 31206.00 0.82 28671 28340.31 1.15
12 31029 30762.16 0.86 31173 30962.48 0.68 31483 31382.28 0.32 28511 28234.57 0.97
13 30554 30944.52 1.28 31079 30886.59 0.62 31276 31262.52 0.04 28431 27974.24 1.61
14 30263 30347.62 0.28 30958 30696.60 0.84 30959 30943.11 0.05 27650 27834.88 0.67
15 30351 30328.14 0.08 31152 30885.59 0.86 30804 30837.97 0.11 26995 26969.03 0.10
16 30550 30552.86 0.01 31414 31179.73 0.75 30527 30668.87 0.46 26830 26681.30 0.55
17 30531 30596.63 0.21 31477 31309.29 0.53 30180 30190.07 0.03 26839 26813.40 0.10
18 30192 30256.06 0.21 31102 31302.38 0.64 30022 29788.01 0.78 27122 27092.70 0.11
19 30620 30348.23 0.89 31444 31583.41 0.44 30243 30286.28 0.14 28718 28544.22 0.61
20 31893 31737.59 0.49 32071 32399.55 1.02 31459 31539.24 0.26 30051 29585.96 1.55
21 30617 31047.15 1.40 31081 31232.99 0.49 30327 30746.72 1.38 28685 28811.39 0.44
22 28360 28394.98 0.12 29030 29127.63 0.34 28638 28709.19 0.25 26414 26675.56 0.99
23 26372 26385.20 0.05 26901 27105.78 0.76 26830 26917.94 0.33 24718 24750.24 0.13
24 25430 25046.85 1.51 25327 25547.98 0.87 25784 25511.71 1.06 23529 23504.89 0.10
*higher error value

Table B5 Daily FL errors

Date Day of the MAPE (%) Daily Peak Error MAE (MW)
Week (%)
01/08/2009 7 0.95 3.00* 276.08
02/08/2009 1 1.15 2.82* 314.36
03/08/2009 2 0.88 1.07 263.84
04/08/2009 3 0.64 1.87 188.47
05/08/2009 4 0.72 0.08 208.03
06/08/2009 5 0.85 0.42 245.612
07/08/2009 6 0.67 0.96 197.96
11/10/2009 1 0.78 0.85 204.04
12/10/2009 2 0.98 1.10 282.44
13/10/2009 3 1.05 1.85 289.75
14/10/2009 4 0.67 0.15 192.82
15/10/2009 5 0.59 0.25 170.33
16/10/2009 6 0.69 1.24 200.14
17/10/2009 7 0.81 1.37 220.49
06/12/2009 1 0.57 0.68 148.63
07/12/2009 2 0.86 0.43 248.27
08/12/2009 3 0.71 0.87 201.50
09/12/2009 4 0.83 1.24 238.51
10/12/2009 5 0.75 0.36 211.61
11/12/2009 6 0.93 1.34 256.40
12/12/2009 7 0.80 0.07 213.81
07/03/2010 1 0.68 0.42 179.02
08/03/2010 2 0.74 2.66* 211.07
09/03/2010 3 0.76 0.49 221.32
10/03/2010 4 0.89 2.45* 259.45
11/03/2010 5 0.64 1.02 187.36
12/03/2010 6 0.67 0.96 188.11
13/03/2010 7 0.84 0.18 231.25
20/06/2010 1 0.64 0.01 179.22
21/06/2010 2 0.85 0.46 270.99
22/06/2010 3 0.92 0.68 290.51
23/06/2010 4 0.81 0.17 257.26

Appendix B Tables of Error Different Metrics

24/06/2010 5 0.63 0.93 200.55

25/06/2010 6 0.77 0.89 241.93
26/06/2010 7 0.86 2.42* 251.05
04/07/2010 1 0.50 1.07 133.12
05/07/2010 2 0.84 0.36 254.50
06/07/2010 3 0.87 0.45 266.17
07/07/2010 4 0.93 1.18 272.94
08/07/2010 5 0.64 1.02 190.72
09/07/2010 6 0.60 0.78 184.07
10/07/2010 7 0.71 1.01 190.87
*higher error value

Table B6 Daily errors from June 11th to July 11th 2010

Date Day of the MAPE (%) Daily Peak Error MAE (MW)
Week (%)
11/06/2010 6 1.47 1.50 441.19
12/06/2010 7 0.67 0.11 187.68
13/06/2010 1 0.77 0.32 206.15
14/06/2010 2 0.97 0.58 295.53
15/06/2010 3 1.08 0.34 349.39
16/06/2010 4 1.13 2.49* 339.35
17/06/2010 5 1.00 0.91 310.64
18/06/2010 6 0.71 2.00* 226.02
19/06/2010 7 0.71 0.79 207.70
20/06/2010 1 0.64 0.01 179.22
21/06/2010 2 0.85 0.46 270.99
22/06/2010 3 0.92 0.68 290.51
23/06/2010 4 0.81 0.17 257.26
24/06/2010 5 0.63 0.93 200.55
25/06/2010 6 0.77 0.89 241.93
26/06/2010 7 0.86 2.42* 251.05
27/06/2010 1 0.69 1.98 186.11
28/06/2010 2 0.96 0.13 291.59
29/06/2010 3 0.90 0.36 281.18
30/06/2010 4 0.72 2.88* 217.31
01/07/2010 5 0.89 0.74 264.39
02/07/2010 6 0.83 0.75 250.13
03/07/2010 7 1.08 1.61 299.51
04/07/2010 1 0.50 1.07 133.12
05/07/2010 2 0.84 0.36 254.50
06/07/2010 3 0.87 0.45 266.17
07/07/2010 4 0.93 1.18 272.94
08/07/2010 5 0.64 1.02 190.72
09/07/2010 6 0.60 0.78 184.07
10/07/2010 7 0.71 1.01 190.87
11/07/2010 1 0.90 0.14 249.47
*higher error value



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