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Weld Cost Calculation: Weld Detail: Weld Type

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Weld Cost Calculation

Weld Detail:

Weld Type Dim a Dim b Dim T Dim h Length Volume Weight

deg mm mm mm m m3 kg
S/Bev - Eq Leg Fillet 45 4 13 1 0.0003 2.21
S/Bev - Eq Leg Fillet 45 4 13 1 0.0003 2.21
S/Bev - Eq Leg Fillet 45 4 13 1 0.0003 2.21
S/Bev - Eq Leg Fillet 45 4 13 1 0.0003 2.21
S/Bev - Uneq Leg Fillet 45 4 25 6 1 0.0005 3.92
S/Bev - Uneq Leg Fillet 45 4 25 6 1 0.0005 3.92
S/Bev - Uneq Leg Fillet 45 4 25 6 1 0.0005 3.92
S/Bev - Uneq Leg Fillet 45 4 25 6 1 0.0005 3.92
Overlay 100 10 1 0.0010 7.85
Overlay 100 10 1 0.0010 7.85
Overlay 100 10 1 0.0010 7.85
Overlay 100 10 1 0.0010 7.85
Single Vee Butt 30 2 20 3 1 0.00036174 2.83967
Single Vee Butt 30 2 20 3 1 0.00036174 2.83967
Single Vee Butt 30 2 20 3 1 0.00036174 2.83967
Single Vee Butt 30 2 20 3 1 0.00036174 2.83967
Fillet - Equal Leg 12 1 0.0001 0.57
Fillet - Equal Leg 12 1 0.0001 0.57
Fillet - Equal Leg 12 1 0.0001 0.57
Fillet - Equal Leg 12 1 0.0001 0.57

Total: 0.0089 69.53

Total Filler Required: 106.96 kg (Takes wastage into account)

Filler Details

Description SMAW
Density (kg/m3) 7850 c/steel
Weld Metal Recovery %: 65 Include all wastage / losses

Welding Details

Description SMAW
Dep. Rate kg/hr 2
Arc-on-time % 60

Terms / Definitions
Arc Time - The actual time that the arc is on, to deposit the weight of filler.
Man Hours - The man hours that is spent on the job to complete the welding, given the production efficiency (Or Arc-On-T
Deposition Rate - The amount of filler metal deposited while the arc is struck.
Arc-On-Time % - The percentage of the time that actual welding is taking place for the particular process.
S/Bev - Eq Leg Fillet = Single Bevel weld with an equal leg length fillet
S/Bev - Uneq Leg Fillet = Single Bevel weld with an unequal leg length fillet. (For no fillet, make h=0)
Fillet - Equal Leg = Fillet weld with equal leg lengths.
Overlay = Weld overlay on a flat surface.
Single Vee Butt = Single Vee Butt weld (Please note that the "a" dimension is half the included angle, and the "b" dimens
Weld Metal Recovery % = The percentage of the mass of the electrode that actually ends up in the weld joint. (Wastage i
Arc Time Man Hours
hrs hrs
1.10 1.84
1.10 1.84
1.10 1.84
1.10 1.84
1.96 3.27
1.96 3.27
1.96 3.27
1.96 3.27
3.93 6.54
3.93 6.54
3.93 6.54
3.93 6.54
1.42 2.37
1.42 2.37
1.42 2.37
1.42 2.37 Quick Calculators for Unit Conversio
0.28 0.47
0.28 0.47 Converting lb/hr to kg/hr
0.28 0.47
0.28 0.47 lb/hr: 3.5
= kg/hr: 1.59

Converting Inch to mm

34.76 57.94 Inch: 0.15625

= mm: 3.97

Guidelines for Material and Welding

Typical Density
Material kg/m3
Monel 76 8840
C/Steel 7850
DSS 7900
tion efficiency (Or Arc-On-Time) for the process

d angle, and the "b" dimension is half the root gap.)

n the weld joint. (Wastage is typically flux, spatter, stub ends.)
lculators for Unit Conversions Below

ng lb/hr to kg/hr

ng Inch to mm

5/32 inch

es for Material and Welding Data Inputs Below

Typical Process Parameters

Process % Recovery kg/hr Dep % Arc-On
GTAW 90 1 - 2 40
SMAW 65 1.5 - 3 35
FCAW 85 3 - 6 60
GMAW 95 3 - 6 60
TYK Joint Perimiter Calculations:

OD of Smaller Pipe: 1100 mm

Angle of Small Pipe: 47 degrees - Minor (acute) angle
Wall thickness: 50 mm - Small pipe

Elipse - Minor Axis: 550 Radius - in mm

Elipse - Major Axis: 752 Radius - in mm
Elipse - Perimeter: 4115 mm

Toe Distance: 1029 mm

Heel Distance: 1029 mm
Sides Distance: 2058 mm

Filler Details:

Main Filler Descr: FCAW - 1.2 mm diameter

Density (kg/m3): 7850 kg/m3
Recovery Efficiency: 85 % of total weight of main process filler actually deposited

Root Filler Descr: SMAW - 3.2 mm diameter E8018-Ni1

Root Filler Density: 7850 kg/m3
Recovery Efficiency: 60 % of total weight of root filler actually deposited

Welding Process Details:

Main Process Desc: FCAW - 1.2 mm diameter wire.

Deposition Rate: 4.5 kg/hr
Arc-on-time: 60 %

Root Process Desc: SMAW

Deposition Rate-Root: 1 kg/hr
Arc-on-time-Root: 30 %
Root Thickness: 4 mm

TYK Joint Weld Detail Information:

Weld Detail: Dim A Dim Φ Dim T Dim R Area USE? Volume

Deg Deg mm mm mm2 N=0;Y=1 mm3
Detail 36 (A>135°)
Toe of Weld 133 45 50 4 1898 0 0

Detail 37 (50<A<135°)
Toe of Weld 133 40 50 4 1417 1 1434654
Sides of Weld 100 45 50 4 2208 1 4494005

Detail 38 (30<A<75°)
Heel of Weld 47 37.5 50 4 8418 1 8637849

Detail 39 (15<A<37.5°)
Heel of Weld 47 35 50 4 3901 0 0
Total Volume (mm3) 14566508
Total Volume (m3) 0.014566508
Total Mass (kg) 114.3470859

Mass of Main Filler: 134.5 kg - Taking recovery efficiency into account

Mass of Root Filler: 1.2 kg - Taking recovery efficiency into account

Labour Calculations:

Main - Arc Time: 25.4 hrs

Main - Manhours: 42.4 hrs

Root - Arc Time: 0.7 hrs

Root - Manhours: 2.5 hrs

Total Manhours: 44.9 hrs - Total for both root and fill/cap.

1) Detail 36 applies a 1.75T criterion. (See Sketch)
2) Detail 37 assumes that there is always a 45° fillet added to the weld.
3) The detail numbers are originally referenced to a supplier specification, but otherwise have no specific meaning.
4) Detail 36 and 37 apply to toe of TYK joint. (Select one, based on value from column "B", by placing a "1" in the relevant
5) Detail 37 applies to side of TYK joint. (Always select "1" in column "G".)
6) Detail 38 and 39 apply to heel of TYK joint. (Select one, based on value from column "B". By placing a "1" in the relevan
7) Toe distance is assumed to be 1/4 of perimeter.
8) Heel distance is assumed to be 1/4 of perimeter.
9) Sides distance is assumed to be 1/2 of perimeter.
10) Root run is assumed to be small compared to the wall thickness. (Typically 5 mm)
11) Typical recovery efficiencies: SMAW=60%; GMAW=95%; FCAW=85% - Consult the "Bevel Butt Fillet" worksheet for fu
Embedded Calculations - D
Root Area Root Vol d c a Select
mm2 mm3 mm mm mm

24 0 50.03048 35.37689 52.12311

23 23366 50.06862 32.18349 32.18349

24 49381 61.03873 43.1609 43.1609

22 22776 302.9429 184.42 -152.8408

22 0 70.02075

se have no specific meaning.

"B", by placing a "1" in the relevant row.)

n "B". By placing a "1" in the relevant row.)

he "Bevel Butt Fillet" worksheet for further guidance on filler metal and welding process information.
Embedded Calculations - Disregard
b a+b 1.75T a Calc
mm mm

35.37689 87.5 87.5 32.98948

38.35479 70.53827
43.1609 86.3218

240.3408 87.5 87.5 -171.9744

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