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College of Nursing



Presented by:

Andrada, Twittie Bhabes

Azarraga, Johann Francis

Azucena, Ylissa

Angeles, Diane Rose

Baylon, Tyrone

Banes, Maribeth

Cabading, Darcilia

Cagasan, Jabez

Presented to:

Prof. Marites Robleza

N-423 (Competency Appraisal 1)

Table of Contents

Title Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Summary of Topics Assignments ----------------------------------------------------4

I. Pre-test -----------------------------------------------------------------------6

II. Case Scenario --------------------------------------------------------------9

III. Objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------11

IV. Mini-Lecture of the Disease ---------------------------------------------- 12

V. Pathophysiology ------------------------------------------------------------- 15

VI. Levels of Care ---------------------------------------------------------------- 16

A. Promotive ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

B. Preventive --------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

C. Curative ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16

D. Rehabilitation ----------------------------------------------------------------- 16

VII. Core Competencies --------------------------------------------------------- 17

A. Patient Care Competency -------------------------------------------- 17

a. Safe and Quality Nursing Care ---------------------------------17

b. Communication ----------------------------------------------------- 21

c. Health Education ---------------------------------------------------22

d. Collaborative and Teamwork -----------------------------------23

B. Enabling Competency ------------------------------------------------- 24

a. Management of Resources and Environment -------------- 24

b. Records Management--------------------------------------------- 25

C. Enriching Competency ------------------------------------------------ 27

a. Research ------------------------------------------------------------ 27

b. Quality Improvement---------------------------------------------- 29

D. Empowering Competency -------------------------------------------- 31

a. Ethico-Moral Responsibilities ----------------------------------- 31

b. Moral Responsibilities --------------------------------------------- 32

c. Personal and Professional Development --------------------- 32

VIII. Implications --------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

a. Nursing Education --------------------------------------------------- 33

b. Nursing Practice ------------------------------------------------------ 33

c. Nursing Research ---------------------------------------------------- 34

IX. Bibliography/ References ---------------------------------------------------- 35

X. Post- Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------36



I. Pre-Test
II. Case Scenario
III. Objectives

IV. Mini- Lecture of the Disease

V. Pathophysiology
VI. Levels of Care

A. Promotive

B. Preventive

C. Curative

D. Rehabilitation
VII. Patient Core Competency

A. Nursing Care Plan

B. Communication

C. Health Education

D. Collaboration and Teamwork

VIII. Enabling Competency

A. Management of Resources and


B. Records Management

IX. Enriching Competency

A. Research

B. Quality Improvement
X. Empowering Competency

A. Ethico-Moral Responsibilities

B. Moral Responsibilities

C. Personal and Professional

XI. Implications/ Insights/ Lesson

Learned of the Disease Entity in

terms of:

Nursing Education

Nursing Practice

Nursing Research
XII. Post-Test Questions


1. The following are signs and symptoms of H-Mole EXCEPT:

a. Pelvic pressure or pain

b. Severe nausea and vomiting

c. Dark brown to bright red vaginal bleeding during the first trimester

d. Low blood pressure – increased BP for Hmole

2. Which of the following is a risk factor for H-Mole?

a. Maternal Age – the older the higher

b. Previous Molar Pregnancy

c. Late start of Menarche

d. Both A and B.

3. As a nurse, you should know that H-Mole is:

a. A rare complication of pregnancy characterized by abnormal growth of


b. Caused by an abnormally fertilized egg.

c. The implantation of the fertilized egg into the fallopian tube.

d. Both A and B

4. How many pairs of chromosomes are there in human cells?

a. 26

b. 30

c. 23 - 46 in all

d. 35

5. What are the two types of Molar Pregnancy?

a. Pre-Mature and Full Term Pregnancy

b. Complete and Partial Molar Pregnancy

c. Ectopic Pregnancy and Miscarriage

d. None of the above

6. The difference between a Complete Molar Pregnancy and Partial Molar

Pregnancy is:

a. There is no formation of fetal tissue in a partial molar pregnancy.

b. The placental tissue is abnormal and swollen and appears to for fluid-filled

cysts in a Complete Molar Pregnancy - complete

c. There may be normal placental tissue along with abnormal forming placental

tissue in a Complete Molar Pregnancy.

d. A fetus will be able to survive in a Partial Molar Pregnancy.

7. What are the recommended treatments for H-Mole?

a. Dilatation and Curettage(D and C)


c. Both A and D

d. Hysterectomy

8. Which of the following is NOT a rehabilitative level of care?

a. Have a follow up update on their serum Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

until it has fallen to an undetectable level.

b. A urinary pregnancy test should be performed 3 weeks after medical

management of failed pregnancy if products of conception are sent for

histological examination.

c. Anti-D prophylaxis is required following evacuation of molar pregnancy.

d. Trying for another pregnancy.

9. Which of the following is NOT a therapeutic method of communication?

a. Making Observations.

b. Offering leads and interest.

c. Using silence.

d. Being apathetic and indifferent towards the client’s feelings.

10. What are the characteristics of a Complete Molar Pregnancy?

a. An empty egg is fertilized by one or two sperm, and all of one or two sperm,

and all of the genetic material is from the father.

b. In this situation, the chromosomes from the mother’s egg are lost or

inactivated and the father’s chromosomes are duplicated.

c. The mother’s chromosomes remain but the father provides two sets of


d. Both A and B.

Case Scenario

S.A a 20 year old female, woke up because of a wet feeling coming from her vagina, she

stood up and check it in the bathroom if what is coming out on her vagina that’s keep her

wet. She found it was blood approximately 1 pad. She thought it was just menstruation

since she was delayed for 2 months already. That is why she thought nothing of it and

she wore a napkin and did her usual morning routine.

Around 11am, bleeding progressed making her consume 4 pads of napkins and another

5 in the afternoon until the evening. The following day the bleeding stopped and came

back the next week around 3 am.

She started to experience nausea and vomiting at least 3-4 times of whitish fluid. She

was then brought to the RHU in Zarraga at 8am. In the RHU, she was examined by a

physician and was requested to undergo an abdominal ultrasound.

She was referred to be admitted in IMH that day and was required to have a blood

transfusion due to the excessive blood loss but they didn’t have available blood for her

type so she decided to go home. The next day the blood was available so she decided

to go to IMH for admission. Upon arrival to IMH she was brought to the ER and was

diagnosed with 14 weeks Molar Pregnancy. During admission, S.A started to experience

persistent cough. Fluimucil 600mg 1 tab in one half glass and Salbutamol 1 neb every 6

hours had been prescribed by the physician.

During the assessment patient claimed that she was once admitted due to fetal death in

utero during her 36th week of her pregnancy. According to her, her last menstrual period

was August 10, 2018. She had been pregnant twice. During her fist pregnancy she was

able to conceive a fetus until the 36th week but wasn’t able to deliver since the fetus

died. Her second pregnancy was 14 weeks molar pregnancy. She claimed that she had

her menarche at the age of 10 years old, it was regular and only last for 3-4 days and

consumes 2-3 pad per day. She never suffered dysmenorrhea but had headaches and

dizziness. The doctor advised her for surgical management and explained the concept of

Dilatation and Curettage (D&C).

A week after surgery, there are no signs of bleeding because the molar tissue has been

removed successfully. Perineal hygiene is done for prevention of infections and other



General Objective

After 30 minutes of discussion on H-Mole, the students will be able to obtain sufficient

knowledge on the disorder and develop appropriate attitude when caring for clients with

the disorder and the necessary skills to provide a comprehensive nursing care.

Specifically, this aims to:


● Define H-Mole.

● Enumerate the possible signs of clients having H-Mole.

● Discuss the pathophysiology of H-Mole.

● Identify the risk factors and complications of H-Mole.

● Enumerate the different management for H-Mole.


● Know the different medications to be administered for clients with H-Mole.

● Have the necessary knowledge in order to provide a comprehensive health

teaching for clients on H-Mole.


● Develop the proper attitude and communication skills when caring for clients with


Mini Lecture of the Disease

A molar pregnancy or also known as Hydatidiform mole is a rare complication of

pregnancy characterized by the abnormal growth of trophoblast, the cells that

normally develop into the placenta. It is caused by a abnormally fertilized egg.

Human cells normally contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. One chromosome in each pair

comes form the father, and the other is from the mother.

In a complete Molar Pregnancy, an empty egg is fertilized by one or two sperm,

and all of one or two sperm, and all of the genetic material is from the father. In

this situation, the chromosomes from the mother’s egg are lost or inactivated and

the father’s Chromosomes are duplicated.

In Partial or Incomplete Molar Pregnancy, the mother’s chromosomes remain but the

father provide two sets of chromosomes. As a result, the embryo has 69

chromosomes instead of 46 chromosomes. This most often occurs when two

sperm fertilize an egg, resulting in an extra copy of the father’s genetic material

There are 2 types of molar pregnancy: Complete Molar Pregnancy and Partial Molar


In a Complete Molar Pregnancy the placental tissue is abnormal and swollen and

appears to form a fluid-filled cysts. There is also no formation of fetal tissue. In Partial

Molar Pregnancy, there may be a normal placental tissue along with abnormal forming

placental tissue. There is also be a formation of fetus, but the fetus is not able to survive,

and is usually miscarried early in pregnancy.

A Molar Pregnancy can have serious complications including a rare form of cancer and it

requires early treatment.

Sign and Symptoms

A Molar Pregnancy may seem like normal pregnancy at first but most molar pregnancies

cause specific signs and symptoms including:

● Dark brown to bright red vaginal bleeding during the first trimester

● Severe nausea and vomiting

● Sometimes vaginal passage of grape-like cysts

● Pelvic pressure or pain

Other signs and symptoms of Molar Pregnancy:

● Rapid Uterine growth- the uterus is too large for the stage of pregnancy

● High Blood Pressure

● Preeclampsia- a condition that causes high blood pressure and protein in the

uterine after 20weeks of pregnancy

● Ovarian Cysts

● Anemia

● Overactive Thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)

Patients History

● History of having a Molar Pregnancy (H-Mole) at 14 weeks. Had been pregnant

twice and the other one is fetal death in the Utero at 36 weeks.

● Have been bleeding and consumes approximately 9 pads a day.

● Nausea and Vomiting of whitish fluids.

● Persistent cough is present

Risk Factors:

1 over 1000 pregnancies is diagnosed withe Molar Pregnancy. Various factors are

associated with molar pregnancy including:

● Maternal Age- a molar pregnancy is more likely to happen in women older that

35 or younger than 20 years old.

● Previous Molar Pregnancy- a repeat molar pregnancy happens on an average of

1:100 ratio.


A Molar Pregnancy cannot continue as a normal pregnancy. To prevent complications

the abnormal placental tissue must be removed by these following treatments;

● Dilatation and Curettage (D and C)- the doctor will remove the molar tissue

from the uterus with this procedure.

● Hysterectomy- the uterus will be removed if there is a increased of gestational

trophoblastic neoplasia and if there is no desire of future pregnancies.


Age 20
Ethnicity: Filipino (Asian) Previous Miscarriage


Two Sperms Fertilize Ovum

Complete Mole

Partial Mole

-abnormal /normal Placenta -No Fetal Development

-Fetal Development -Abnormal Swollen and appears to form fluid filled cyst



Levels of Care


Stabilize the patient and transfer for anemia and correct any coagulopathy.

Ultrasound examinations is helpful in making pre-evacuation diagnosis but the

definitive diagnosis is made by histological examinations of the products of



There is no way to prevent H-mole, but you can prevent further complications by

not getting pregnant again. 


H-mole should be treated by evacuating the uterus by uterine suction or by

surgical curettage as soon as possible after diagnosis. 


Patients are followed up until their serum human chorionic gonadotropin( hCG )

level has fallen to an undetectable level. A urinary pregnancy test should be

performed 3 weeks after medical management of failed pregnancy if products of

conception are sent for histological examination. Anti-D prophylaxis is required

following evacuation of molar pregnancy. 

Patient Core Competencies


To be able to communicate therapeutically is one of the essential skills a nurse must

possess. The nurse must speak at a rate that the client understands. The following

techniques may be observed to produce a useful conversation:

● Making observations - The nurse can verbalize what he/she observes in the

client so that the client can recognize and compare her own observations

Nurse: “Are you alright ma’am? You seem nervous.”

Patient: “I’m just worried about what will happened to my baby. I don’t want anything to

go wrong.”

Nurse: “Do not worry ma’am, we’re here to help you in every way that we can.”

Patient: “Thank you so much.”

● Offering leads and interest – This indicate that the nurse is listening and

following what the client is saying without taking away the initiative for interaction.

Patient: “I’m worried about how my condition will affect my future and my family.”

Nurse: “I understand why you feel that way. Please continue.”

Patient: “It’s just that I felt so anxious of my condition”

Nurse: “I see, go on.”

● Using Silence- At times, it’s useful to not speak at all. Deliberate silence can

give the patient an opportunity to think through and process what comes next in

the conversation.

Health Education

Objectives Content Outline Teaching Time Allocation


Following the 30


discussion the

patient will be able


1.Understand the

importance of
1.Explain the Lecture/discussion 1 Hour
Hydatidiform Mole
importance and
management of H-

mole and its


1.Explain and

simplify the

disease process of

Hydatidiform mole

for easier


2.Understand the 2.No special diet is

importance of required, patients

proper nutrition may resume

and fluid intake. activity as Lectures and 1 Hour

tolerated. Patient management

is instructed not to

become pregnant

for 6 months.


contraception is


during this period.

Collaboration and Teamwork


A physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor is a professional who

practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health

through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and

mental impairments.


A profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families,

and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of

life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to

patient care, training, and scope of practice.

Medical Technologist

They are responsible for extracting blood specimens and examining them as well as

other specimens to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of the client’s condition.


Dispense medications to patients in accordance with doctor's orders and consult patients

on medication usage and contraindications.


They are staff personnel who advise on matters of food and nutrition regarding the

health of the client.


A. Management of Resources and Environment

In terms of utilizing the resources based on the priority of the patients nursing care, the

equipment’s should be available at all times. The equipment’s will be BP apparatus,

Stethoscope, and Thermometer.

● Ask patient about history of having H-mole before.

● Emergency drugs must be available at al times.

● Remember to assess BP, check if the patient is bleeding profusely, and make

sure to notify the doctor immediately.

● Teach deep breathing exercises to alleviate pain. Use diversional activities if


● Assess abdominal pain, check the abdominal area if there is signs of internal


● If nausea and vomiting is present, make sure the patient would not aspirate it.

● After D&C patient may be at risk for infection. Make sure the patient has a good

perineal hygiene.

● Discuss Family Planning methods available for her.

● Monitor HCG level and follow ups.

● Provide a nutritional diet.

● Collaborate and coordinate with other health care personnel.

B. Records Management

Date/ Time Focus Progress ( Data-Action-


07-11-2019 Bleeding D-verbalized of bleeding

consuming 9 pads for a

day, nausea and vomiting

of whitish fluid.

7-11-2019 A- was referred to the IMH

for blood transfusion but

the blood is still not

available. was advised to

do the abdominal


7-12-2019 R-the bleeding stopped

but came back the

following day. Started a

persistent cough and was

later found out that she

has a Molar Pregnancy


7-13-2019 D- During assessment

patient claimed that she

has a history of fetal death

(at 36th week) and was

pregnant twice and the

2nd pregnancy was a

Molar Pregnancy (H-


1300 A- was told to surgically

remove the molar tissue

by Dilatation and


7-20-2019 R- the bleeding stopped

and there is a continuous

Perineal care.

Enriching Competency

A. Research


Abdulaziz A. Al-Mulhim, JBO&G



To determine the incidence, epidemiology, complications and management of

Hydatidiform mole (HM) at the King Fahd Hospital of the University (KFHU), Al-Khobar,

Saudi Arabia.


A Retrospective Study Was Conducted Covering A Period Of 15 Years From May 1983

To May 1998. There Were 90 Cases Of Hydatidiform Mole. The Details Of Maternal

Characteristics, Clinical Presentation, Tumor Behavior, Management And Complication

Were Studied.


There Were 40,700 Deliveries During The Study Period Giving An Incidence Of

Hydatidiform Mole (HM) Of 2.2/1000 Deliveries. The Most Common Clinical Feature

Was Vaginal Bleeding Which Was Noted In 81 (90%) Cases. Fifty-Six (62%) Cases Had

Uterus Larger Than Dates, While In 12 (13%) Cases, The Uterine Size Was Smaller

Than Dates. Ovarian Enlargement Was Noted In 24 (27%) Cases. Complications In The

Form Of Hemorrhage Occurred In 19 (21%) Cases And 9 (10%) Cases Were

Complicated By Cated By Sepsis. The Complications Were More Common In Patients

Presenting Late To The Hospital. There Were 6 (6.7%) Cases Of Invasive Mole And 3

(3.3%) Cases Of Choriocarcinoma During The Follow-Ups Of The Study Group.


On the basis of this study, the incidence of Hydatidiform Mole is comparable to the

incidence in some oriental countries. Earlier diagnosis and treatment of H-Mole will

probably result in the decrease of complications found in this study.

Hydatidiform mole in Jos, Nigeria

Amaka N Ocheke, Jonah Musa, Alexander O Uamai

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of medical Sciences,

University of Jos, Nigeria



Hydatidiform mole is a relatively common gynecological problem which could present

like spontaneous abortion, one of the commonest gynecological emergencies. It has the

propensity to become malignant but can easily be identified and treated. The aim of this

study was to determine the demographics, clinical features, treatment options and

outcome of patients with hydatidiform mole in our environment.


There were 34 cases of hydatidiform mole giving an incidence of 1 in 357 deliveries.

However only 25 case notes were available for analysis and the mean age of patients

was 28±3 years. Vaginal bleeding (92%), honeycomb appearance on ultrasound scan

(84%), and passage of vesicles (60%) were the most common clinical findings while

suction curettage was the mode of treatment for all the patients in this study. Twenty-

eight percent of cases were confirmed by histology. No patient came for follow-up after

the third month of diagnosis. Twenty percent of the patients booked for antenatal care

within 9 months of diagnosis while 12% of patients presented as gynecological

emergencies with features of malignant disease within six months of diagnosis.


Hydatidiform mole is common in Jos, North Central Nigeria, and presents most

commonly with vaginal bleeding with over 10% becoming malignant. Hence all patients

who present with vaginal bleeding should be screened for HM. None of the patients

completed the recommended duration of follow-up and only about ¼ had histology

reports. Concerted efforts need to be made to address the challenges of patients

adhering to recommended follow-up protocols and having to pay first before

investigations are done.

B. Quality Improvement


Emergency Room – The first stage the patient passes through, and consists of a brief

assessment, including the taking of vital signs, and the assessment of the patient’s chief


Pharmacy Department – It is responsible for providing the patient with the right

medication as prescribed by the doctor or physician.

Laboratory Department – Responsible of analysis of specimens like blood that aids in

the diagnosis

Sonographer – A healthcare professional who specialises in the use of ultrasonic

imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or 3D volumes of anatomy

and diagnostic data, frequently a radiographer but may be any healthcare professional

with the appropriate training.

Medical Doctors and Pathologists – Biopsy is routinely performed both on an

outpatient basis and an inpatient basis. A pathologist analyses the biopsy specimen

(tissue sample) once it has been removed. Pathologists are physicians who specialize in

rendering medical diagnoses by examination of tissues and fluids removed from the



● Provide careful assessment of client’s physical status and condition. Watch out

for complications that could arise.

● Gather a thorough and detailed history of client in order to have a guide on what

to prioritize and to be able to plan a comprehensive care to improve patient’s


● Make proper referral in order for the client to receive proper and quality care for

their condition.


● Patient and family members are to be informed of the disorder and the best

treatment needed to be done.

● Provide comprehensive nursing care and comfort to the client. Reduce the

intensity of the symptoms being felt by the client.

Empowering Competency

A. Ethico-Moral Responsibilities

Justice is fairness. Nurses must be fair when they distribute care, for example,

among the patients in the group of patients that they are taking care of. Care

must be fairly, justly, and equitably distributed among a group of patients.

Beneficence is doing good and the right thing for the patient.

Nonmaleficence is doing no harm, as stated in the historical Hippocratic Oath.

Harm can be intentional or unintentional.

Accountability is accepting responsibility for one's own actions. Nurses are

accountable for their nursing care and other actions. They must accept all of the

professional and personal consequences that can occur as the result of their


Fidelity is keeping one's promises. The nurse must be faithful and true to their

professional promises and responsibilities by providing high quality, safe care in

a competent manner.

Autonomy and patient self-determination are upheld when the nurse accepts

the client as a unique person who has the innate right to have their own opinions,

perspectives, values and beliefs. Nurses encourage patients to make their own

decision without any judgments or coercion from the nurse. The patient has the

right to reject or accept all treatments.

Veracity is being completely truthful with patients; nurses must not withhold the

whole truth from clients even when it may lead to patient distress.

Confidentiality should be upheld by the nurse managing the care of the client.

Information of the client’s condition should not be discussed with unauthorized

personnel and client’s privacy should be respected and considered.

B. Moral Responsibilities

Republic Act 9173 or Philippine Nursing Act of 2002

An act providing for a more responsive nursing profession, repealing for the

purpose Republic Act No. 7164, otherwise known as the Philippine Nursing Act

of 1991 and for other purposes.

Republic Act 9502 or University Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines

Act of 2008

An act providing for cheaper and quality medicines, amending for the purpose

Republic Act No. 8293 or the intellectual property code, Republic Act No. 6675 or

the Generics Act of 1998 and Republic Act No. 5921 or the Pharmacy Law and

other purposes.

C. Personal and Professional Development

In order for a registered nurse to enhance his/her knowledge, attitude and skills

about H. Mole, the nurse must:

● Give patient supportive care and help him/her adjust the changes may have

during his illness. Include the patient in care decision and let the family take part

in the patients care whenever possible.

● Teach the patient sign and symptoms that require medical assessment: Severe

nausea and vomiting, vaginal bleeding during the first 3 months of pregnancy,

dark brown to bright red vaginal bleeding during the first trimester, sometimes

vaginal passage of grapelike cysts, and pelvic pressure or pain.

● Teach the patient adverse effect of his/her chemotherapy. Emphasize the

importance of regular follow up examination.

● Teach deep breathing techniques to alleviate the pain. Use diversional activities

if possible.

Implications/Insights/Lessons Learned of the Disease Entity in terms of:

Nursing Education

This topic is a remarkable to nursing education because this is a rare condition and

not mostly encountered in the clinical areas but it is discussed in the lectures. With the

guidance of the educators, and the clinical instructors, the student nurses will be able to

use their analytical thinking to know the sign and symptoms of Hydatidiform (H-mole)

mole on the given patient, and interpret the consequences of the disease and be able to

explain it to the family and patient. Nursing educators may able to convey their

experiences from the clinical setting and knowledge to the students by lectures in class

and preparing the students for their own exposure.

Nursing Practice

This topic is remarkable to nursing practice for nurses to utilize their skills and

knowledge of the procedures to be carried out as a priority in caring for a patient

diagnosed with H-mole and provide appropriate management for the patient. With

detailed knowledge about the illness and to the needs of the client, nurses can give

quality nursing care focusing not only on the physiological demands of the client but also

on the emotion and psychological conditions of both the clients and the significant

others. Students will be able to give health teaching on what risk factors can increase

the chances of catching Hydatiform (H-mole) Mole.

Nursing Research

Nurses should always be updated with the current researches done on H-mole to be

aware of the new advancements or changes in the disease, for example their new

treatments, or any enhancements of the disease. They can use this to plan for their care

to the patient and how to handle them.









1. Who is at a higher risk for H-Mole?

a. Asian

b. African American

c. Hispanic

d. Caucasian

2. Which is not a sign and symptom of H-Mole pregnancy?

a. Vaginal Bleeding

b. Headache

c. Pelvic Pain

d. Grapelike Cysts

3. Which type of H-Mole has fetal development?

a. Type 1 H-Mole

b. Partial H-Mole

c. Complete H-Mole

d. Partial Type 1 H-Mole

4. Which is true about a partial H-Mole?

a. Normal or Abnormal Placental Tissue

b. Absence of Placental Tissue

c. Fetal Development without Placenta

d. Abnormal Placenta with fluid filled cyst

5. Which is true about a complete H-Mole?

a. Normal or Abnormal Placental Tissue

b. Absence of Placental Tissue

c. Fetal Development without Placenta

d. Abnormal Placenta with fluid filled cyst

6. Which of the following is a sign and symptom of H-Mole pregnancy?

a. Headache

b. Menstrual Cramps

c. Severe Nausea and Vomiting

d. White vaginal discharges

7. What is the other name for H-Mole?

a. Hyfrofluoride Mole

b. Hydatidiform Mole

c. Hydro-Mole

d. Hydra-Mole

8. Complete H-Mole can progress to which of the following:

a. Twins

b. Cancer

c. 10 pound baby

d. Premature Baby

9. Which of the following signs and symptoms will most likely make the nurse

suspect that the patient is having Hydatidiform Mole?

a. Slight Bleeding

b. Passage of Clear Vesicular Mass per vagina

c. Absence of Fetal heartbeat

d. Enlargement of uterus

10. Which of the following signs will require a mother to seek immediate medical


a. When the first fetal movement is felt

b. No fetal movement

c. Mild uterine contractions

d. Slight dyspnea on the last month of gestation


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