Enhancement Math For Engineers - Module 1

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ME 1 – Enhancement Mathematics for Engineering

Module 1 – Algebraic Expressions

a. a ( b+ c )=ab+ ac
b. a+ b=b+a
LEARNING c. a+ ( b+c )=( a+b ) +c
OBJECTIVES d. ab+ c=a+ bc

After studying this module, you are expected to: 3. Solve x−2+ ( 8 x +3 )
a. 7 x +1
1. Comprehend the fundamentals of algebraic b. −7 x +1
expressions; c. 9 x +1
2. Solve problems involving polynomials and d. −7 x−5
rational expressions; and 4. Simplify 8 a−(−4−2 a)
3. Perform factoring of polynomials through a. 6 a−4
various methods. b. 6 a+ 4
c. 10 a+ 4
TOPIC d. 10 a−4
OUTLINE 5. Two years ago, John is thrice as old as his sister
Jane. Now, he is twice as old as his sister. How old
Lesson 1: Polynomials is Annie now?
1. Adding and subtracting polynomials a. 2
2. Multiplying algebraic expressions b. 4
3. Special product formulas c. 6
Lesson 2: Factoring d. 8
1. Common factors
2. Factoring by grouping terms POLYNOMIALS
3. Special factoring formulas
Lesson 3: Rational Expressions

A variable is a letter used to represent any number

OVERVIEW from a set of numbers. The most commonly used
variables are x, y, and z. If we combine these
variables with real numbers and mathematical
Module 1 serves as a review on college algebra. It operations, such as addition, subtraction,
prepares you to become ready for the succeeding multiplication, and division, we obtain a so called
lessons throughout the course. It also gives algebraic expression.
overview on the basics of algebra. This module is
good for a 3-hour lecture. An algebraic expression which contains one term
that includes numbers and/or variables that are
ACTIVATING multiplied together is called a monomial. The
PRIOR KNOWLEDGE following are examples of a monomial: 2, 2x, 2xy,
1. _______ is the letter used in a given equation to
represent any number?
A binomial is a sum of two monomials, and a
a. Symbol
trinomial is a sum of three monomials. Hence, a
b. Terms
c. Variable polynomial is a sum of monomials.
d. None of the above
Given the polynomial in the variable x:
3 2
2. Which of the following is a case of distributive 2 x −3 x + 4 x−10, the degree of this polynomial is
property? in the third degree since the highest exponent of the

Module 1 – Algebraic Expressions | Page 1 of 4

variable x is 3. It is composed of 4 terms since it has
4 monomials. Sample Problems
1. Solve
Let’s look at some examples and try to complete the ( 6 x 3−5 x 2+ x 4 ) +(8 x ¿ ¿ 2−2 x 4 +10)¿
table below. 2. Find the difference
(8 x ¿ ¿ 4−10 x 3)−(5 x 4 +7 x 3−2 x2 −13)¿
Polynomial Terms Degree Solutions:
x−2 2 1
6 x 3−5 x 2+ x 4 + 8 x2−2 x 4 +10=6 x 3+ (−5+8 ) x 2+ ( 1−2 ) x 4 +
x 10−2 x 5 +5 x 3 10 (answer)
You can also rearrange the equation in a
5 y 3−12 descending order according to degree.
8z 1
8 x 4−10 x 3−5 x 4 −7 x3 +2 x 2+13=( 8−5 ) x 4−( 10+7 ) x 3 +2
29 (answer)

a 2−ab3 +abc 4 −ac 5 +b6 −c

4 7

In multiplying algebraic expressions, we are going to

ADDING AND use the FOIL method, which, I think, you are very
SUBTRACTING familiar with. So, FOIL method stands for First Outer
POLYNOMIALS Inner Last, which is actually a Distributive Property.
Then, don’t forget to use the Law of Exponents for
We can add and subtract polynomials by using the similar terms.
properties of real numbers and by combining like ( a+ b ) ( c+ d )=ac +ad +bc +bd
terms (terms that have the same variable and
degree). Let’s look at the following examples:

1. Find the sum of 3 x 2−6 x 3 and 8 x 3−x 2.

In this example, we have two like terms which are,

3 x 2 and −x 2 and −6 x 3 and 8 x 3. We simply use After multiplying, we just need to add like terms and
Distributive Property, that is a ( b+ c )=ab+ ac . simplify the equation. So, let’s solve some exercises
Therefore, to apply the lesson.
3 x 2−6 x 3+ 8 x 3−x 2= ( 3−1 ) x2 +(−6+8) x 3
And the answer is2 x2 +2 x 3. Sample Problems
1. ( x 2+ 4)(3 x 2−6)
 Now, in polynomial subtraction be very careful 2. ( x +2)( x2−2 x−4)
when dealing with signs. If a minus sign Solutions:
precedes a parenthesis, every sign within the 1. Using FOIL method, we get:
parenthesis changes when the parenthesis is 3 x 4−6 x 2 +12 x 2−24
removed. Then we add like terms to get the final
−( a+ b−c )=−a−b+ c answer: 3 x 4 +6 x 2−24 (answer)
Let’s solve some exercises to better understand the
lesson and to practice what we’ve learned so far.

Module 1 – Algebraic Expressions | Page 2 of 4

2. In this case, we use Distributive Property to 2. The greatest common factor of this
multiply each term. We get: expression is 6 xy 2. Therefore:
x 3−2 x 2−4 x +2 x 2−4 x−8 6 xy 2 (3 x 2+ xy −2 y 2 ) (answer)
Add like terms to get, x 3−8 x−8 (answer).
Factoring by Grouping Terms
Special Product Formulas When you encounter a problem with at least 4 terms,
These are some of the most used products in you can group terms and factor them out.
algebra. I suggest that you become familiarized with Consider the following expressions:
them so that you might not have a hard time in 1. x 3+ x2 +2 x+ 2
complex problems in the future. 2. 2 x3 −4 x 2 +3 x−6
Consider A and B are real numbers or algebraic Solutions:
expressions, then:
1. ( x 3 + x 2) + ( 2 x +2 )=x 2 ( x +1 ) +2 ( x+1 )
1. Sum and difference of
Factoring ( x +1 ) as its greatest common
( A+ B ) ( A−B )= A −B2 terms
2 same
factor, we get: ( x +1)( x ¿¿ 2+2)¿ (answer)
2. Square of a sum
( A+ B) = A +2 AB+ B2
2 2
(2 x ¿ ¿3−4 x2 )+(3 x−6)=2 x 2 ( x−2)+ 3( x−2)=(2 x 2 +3)
3. Square of a difference
( A−B)2= A 2−2 AB+ B2
4. Cube of a sum Special Factoring Formulas
3 3 2 2 3
( A+ B) = A +3 A B+ 3 AB + B These are factoring formulas that may prove helpful
5. Cube of a difference in future problems. The first three formulas are
( A−B) = A −3 A B+3 AB 2−B3
3 3 2 Special Product Formulas.
Formula Name
1. Difference of squares
FACTORING A2−B2 =( A +B )( A−B )
2. Perfect square
A +2 AB+ B =( A+ B)2
2 2

In the previous lesson, we use Distributive Property 3. Perfect square

to expand a given algebraic expression. Now, in this
A −2 AB+B =( A−B)2
2 2
lesson, we are going to use the opposite. We are
4. Difference of cubes
going to simplify or factor out a given expanded
A −B =( A−B)( A + AB+ B2 )
3 3 2
algebraic expression into a product of simpler terms.
For example, given the algebraic expression: 5. Sum of cubes
A + B =( A−B)( A −AB+ B2 )
2 3 3 2
x −2 x+1=( x−1 )( x−1 )=¿

Common Factors
Common factor is one way of factoring algebraic
expressions. We simply determine the greatest SUMMARY
common factor of the terms and factor it out of the
equation. Let us see if you can remember the main points
Consider the following expressions: raised in this lesson. Below is a summary of these
1. 9 x 2−18 x points:
2. 18 x 3 y 2 +6 x 2 y 3−12 xy 4
Solutions:  Heat transfer is the science that deals with
1. We can see that the greatest common factor the rate of transfer of energy that takes
is 9x. So we just factor it out to have: place between material bodies as a result of
9 x ( x−2) (answer) a temperature difference.

Module 1 – Algebraic Expressions | Page 3 of 4

 Thermodynamics simply states the amount
of heat being transferred to a body.
 The fundamental requirement of heat
transfer is the presence of a temperature
 The international system of unit of energy is
joule (J) or kilojoule (1 kJ = 1000J).
 Specific heat is defined as the energy
required to raise the temperature of a unit
mass of a substance by one degree.

Kreith, F., Manglik, R., & Bohn, M. (2012). Heat
Transfer: Principles and Applications, 7th
Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd

Holman, J.P. (2010). Heat Transfer Tenth Edition.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Cengel, Y. A. (2014). Heat Transfer: A Practical

Approach, 2nd Edition. The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.

Romero, P. & Eugenio, P. (1997). An approach to

literature. QC: Katha Publishing Co.

Prepared by:


Faculty, College of Engineering and Architecture

Module 1 – Algebraic Expressions | Page 4 of 4

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