Living in The It Era Quiz 4

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BY: h0tS4uc3

A major factor and as the information measure is expanding the price that has been
expanding exponentially.

Answer = Cost

Characterized by the nearness of the insignificant information which prompts the expanding
the measure of information to be broke down, yet in addition builds the cost of
administration, stockpiling abuse and nearness of obsolete information in your vault.

Answer = Noise in DATA

E-Science traces it's roots back in the 1950s when specialists and researchers utilized the PC

Answer = True

The term e Science however was formally introduced and authored by James Taylor in 1999

Answer = False

Possibility of abuse or revelation of data

Answer = Lack of SECURITY

Implies a foul or wrong aftereffect of your information translation. This by and large
happens when you incline toward going for an uncertified expert as opposed to an
examiner with a Big Data confirmation.

Answer = Bad Analytic Reports

______________ refers to any type of information like records, tables or accumulations

Answer = Informational Index

______________ refers to the non-customary techniques and advancements expected to

assemble, sort out, process and accumulate bits of knowledge from huge datasets

Answer = Big Data

No assurance that even the examiners with Big Data affirmation won't alter your information
or abuse it to their own assent. Every single individual data of yours is being shared and
some place put away which can be effortlessly abused.
Answer = Privacy Control

______________ is the coordinated, interdisciplinary quest for social request and focus on data

Answer = Computational Science

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