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Somnath Datta

Curriculum Vitae (Revised: August 16, 2020)

Born 1962, Calcutta (now Kolkata), India;
US Citizen
Resident of Florida
Visited 109 independent counties (out of 196)
plus 8 dependencies/unrecognized ones

UF Office Home Office

Department of Biostatistics 3843 SW 92nd Drive
University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32608
2004 Mowry Rd., Rm 5226 CTRB USA
Gainesville, FL 32610 (502) 554 0899


• Ph. D. (1988), Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
• M. Stat. (1985), Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.
• B. Stat. (1983), Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.


• 2015 (Fall) – present: Professor (tenured), Preeminence Hire in Genomic Medicine, Department
of Biostatistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.

• 2005 (Summer) – 2015 (Summer): Professor (tenured), Department of Bioinformatics and

Biostatistics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

• 1998 (Fall) – 2005 (Spring): Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens,

• 1993 (Fall) – 1998 (Summer): Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Statistics, University
of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.

• 1988 (Fall) – 1993 (Summer): Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of

Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.


• 2009 (May) – 2015 (August): Vice Chair, Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics,
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

• 2008 (Fall) – 2012 (Summer) : Biostatistics PhD Program Director, Department of

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.
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• 2005 (Fall) – 2008 (Summer): Biostatistics Graduate Coordinator, Department of Bioinformatics
and Biostatistics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

• 2016 – 2020: Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL,

• 2015 – 2020: Adjunct Professor, Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of

Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

• 2011 – 2015: Associated Faculty, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

• 2006 – 2015: Senior Biostatistician, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation NeuroRecovery
Network (NRN), University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

• 2016 – : Senior Biostatistician, Brain Rehabilitation Research Center of Excellence, North

Florida/South Georgia VA Medical Center, Gainesville, FL, USA.


• Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, October 2018.

• Department of Probability and Statistics, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent,

Uzbekistan, May 2016.

• Department of Statistics, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 2013.

• Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia, June 2013.

• Department of Statistics, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile, January 2013.

• Department of Statistics and OR, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, September 2010.

• Department of Mathematics for Science and Technology, University of Minho, Guimarães,

Portugal, September 2010.

• Department of Statistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, May-June, 2010.

• Department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center, May
• School of Public Health, University of Tampere, August 2008, May 2009, June 2011.
• Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore, December
• Math Stat Division, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, July 1999.

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• 2019 CDC ATSDR 2019 Statistical Science Award: Best Theoretical Paper,
“Multisample adjusted U-Statistics that account for confounding covariates.”
Satten, G. A., Kong, Maiying, and Datta, Somnath. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 3357–
3372 (2018).

• 2018: President, International Indian Statistical Association (IISA),

• 2017: Dean’s Citation Paper Award, College of Public Health and Health Professions,
University of Florida.

• 2015: Preeminence Hire, University of Florida.

• 2014: Appointed University Scholar, University of Louisville.

• 2014: Outstanding Mentor of Doctoral Students Award nominee, University of


• 2013: President's Distinguished Faculty Award in Research for Career

Achievement, University of Louisville.

• 2011: 2010-2011 Faculty Favorite, “An Outstanding Professor Nominated by

Students”, Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Louisville.

• 2011: CDC ATSDR 2011 Statistical Science Award: Best Theoretical Paper,
“Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighted U-statistics for Right-Censored
Data with an Application to Testing Hypotheses”, Datta, Somnath,
Bandyopadhyay, Dipankar and Satten, Glen A., Scandinavian Journal of
Statistics, 37, 680-700 (2010).

• 2010: Elected Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

“For contributions to compound decision theory, bootstrap inference for

Markov chains and time series, survival analysis and counting processes,
and biostatistics and bioinformatics; and for editorial services to the

• 2010: Vice-president: Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2011-2013.

• 2010: Provost's Awards for Exemplary Advising nominee, University of


• 2009: Elected member, International Statistical Institute.

• 2008: Vice-president: Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2009-2011.

• 2007: Best Poster Award, First Place, American Spinal Injury Association, 33rd
Annual Scientific Meeting, for the poster “A Multivariate Examination of
Temporal Change in BERG Balance Scale Variables for Patients with ASIA C

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and D Spinal Cord Injuries” by S. Datta, D. Lorenz, M. Schmidt-Read, E.
Ardolino, S. Morrison, and S. J. Harkema.

• 2007: Listed in Who’s Who in America, 61st Edition.

• 2006: Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association.

“For outstanding research in theoretical and applied statistics including

decision theory, bootstrap theory, survival analysis and analysis of
microarray data.”

• 2005: CDC ATSDR 2005 Statistical Science Award: Best Application Paper,
“Standardization and denoising algorithms for mass spectra to classify
whole-organism bacterial specimens” by Satten, G. A., Datta, S., Moura, H.,
Woolfitt, A., Carvalho, G., De, B. K, Pavlopoulos, A., Carlone, G. M.,
and Barr, J., Bioinformatics, 20, 3128-3136 (2004).

• 2004: CDC ATSDR 2004 Statistical Science Award: Best Theoretical Paper,
“Marginal analyses of clustered data when cluster size is informative” by
Williamson, J. M., Datta, S. and Satten, G. A, Biometrics, 59, 36-42 (2003).

• 2003: Snedecor Award nominee for the paper “Estimation of integrated transition
hazards and stage occupation probabilities for non-Markov systems under
stage dependent censoring” by Datta, S. and Satten, G. A., Biometrics, 58, 792-
802 (2002).

• 2001: CDC ATSDR 2001 Statistical Science Award: Best Theoretical Paper, “A
simulate-update algorithm for missing data problems” by Satten, G. A. and
Datta, S., Computational Statistics, 15, 243-277 (2000).

• 1999: CDC ATSDR 1999 Statistical Science Award: Best Theoretical Paper, “A
semiparametric approach to the proportional hazards model for interval
censored data”, by Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. and Williamson, J. M., Journal
of the American Statistical Association, 93, 318-327 (1998).

• 1985-1988: Intermittent fellowships for merit throughout in the Ph. D. program

at Michigan State University; GPA 4.0/4.0.

• 1986: Pass with distinction in Ph. D. prelims at Michigan State University.

• 1980-1985: First class honors with distinction in B. Stat. and M. Stat. and many
cash awards throughout these programs.


Ph. D. Dissertation Title: “Asymptotically Optimal Bayes Compound and Empirical Bayes
Estimators in Exponential Families with Compact Parameter Space” (Professor James F. Hannan,
Ph. D. dissertation advisor).

Research Interest (past & present): Biostatistical Methods, Bootstrap Methods, Causal Inference,
Compound Decision, Clustered Data, Clustering and Classification, Dental and Craniofacial
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Data, Empirical Bayes, Statistical Genomics, Nonparametrics, Personalized Medicine,
Proteomics, Rank Tests, Survival Analysis, Time Series Analysis.

Collaborative: Materials Science, Plant Science, Rehabilitation Science.

Mathematics Genealogy (taken from The Mathematics Genealogy Project):

S. Datta Ä J.F. Hannan Ä W. Höffding Ä A. Klose Ä A.F.K. Wilkens Ä P.R. Harzer Ä 1,2
1 C.C. Bruhns Ä J.F.F. Encke Ä C.F. Gauss
2 W. Scheibner Ä C.G.J. Jacobi


Doctor of Philosophy (Dissertations)

1. Michael R. Allen, “Inference and Bootstrap for Some Linear Time Series Models.” Completed:
Summer 1997. University of Georgia. Currently an Associate Professor in the Department of
Mathematics, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, USA.

2. S. Kim (jointly with I. V. Basawa), “Inference for Nonlinear Time Series Models via Estimating
Functions.” Completed: Spring 1998. University of Georgia. Currently at Department of Applied
Statistics, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, S. Korea.

3. HaiTao Zheng (jointly with I. V. Basawa), “Inference for Time Series Models for Count Data.”
Completed: Summer 2005. University of Georgia. Currently a Full Professor in the Department of
Statistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China.

4. Dipankar Bandopadhyay, “Novel Nonparametric Methods for Event Time Data.” Completed:
Spring 2006. University of Georgia. Currently a Full Professor in the Department of Biostatistics,
School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA, USA.

5. DeSale Habtzghi (jointly with M. Meyer), “Maximum Likelihood Based Estimation of Hazard
Function under Shape Restrictions and Related Statistical Inference.” Completed: Spring 2006. University
of Georgia. Currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics, DePaul University,
Chicago, IL, USA.

6. Ling Lan, “Inference for Multistate Models.” Completed: Summer 2008. University of Louisville.
Currently a Mathematical Statistician at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). First
employment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology,
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA.

7. Vasyl Pihur (jointly with Susmita Datta), “Statistical Methods for High-Dimensional Genomics Data
Analysis.” Completed: Summer 2009. University of Louisville. Currently at Snapchat, Inc. First
employment at Department of Biostatistics (Irizarry Lab), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,

8. Jie Fan, “Inference for Time to Event and Sojourn Time Data under Right Censoring Using Reweighting
Approaches.” Completed: Summer 2010. University of Louisville. Currently Self-employed. First
employment at Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA.

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9. Doug Lorenz (Department of Mathematics, jointly with R. Gill), “Marginal Nonparametric
Inference for Waiting Times in Multistage Models: Hypothesis Testing and Regression.” Completed: Spring
2010. University of Louisville. Currently an Associate Professor in the Department of
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

10. Farida Mostajabi (jointly with Susmita Datta), “Regression Methods for Survival and Multistate
Models”. Completed: Summer 2011. University of Louisville. Currently at Medpace Inc.,
Cincinnati, OH, USA.

11. Amanda Nicole Ferguson (jointly with G. Brock), “Methods and Software for Nonparametric
Estimation in Multistate Models.” Completed: Summer 2011. University of Louisville. Currently an
Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Kennesaw State University,
Atlanta, GA, USA.

12. Sutirtha Chakraborty (jointly with Susmita Datta), “Novel Methods based on Regression Techniques
to Analyze Multistate Models and High-dimensional Omics Data.” Completed: Summer 2013. University
of Louisville. Currently at Novartis Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India. First employment at
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University (RafaLab), Cambridge, MA, USA.

13. Joseph Bible, “Novel Applications of and Extensions to Linear Regression Methods for the Biomedical
and Materials Sciences.” Completed: Spring 2015. University of Louisville. Currently an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA.

14. Hyoyoung Choo-Wosoba, “Inference for a Zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression for
Clustered Count Data”. Completed: Spring 2016. University of Louisville. Currently a staff scientist
at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). First employment at Division of Cancer
Epidemiology & Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under Dr. Paul
S. Albert, Rockville, MD, USA.

15. Sandipan Dutta, “Some Contributions to Nonparametric and Semiparametric Inference for Clustered and
Multistate Data”. Completed: Spring 2016. University of Louisville. Currently an Assistant
Professor at Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Old Dominion University, Norkolk, VA,

16. Chathura Siriwardhana (jointly with K. B. Kulasekera), “Single Index Regression Methods for
Personalized Treatment Allocation and Multistate Models”. Completed: Spring 2016. University of
Louisville. Currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Biostatistics, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, HI, USA.

17. Abdia Yunathan (jointly with M. Kong and K. B. Kulasekera). “Propensity Score Based Methods
for Estimating the Treatment Effects Based on Observational Studies.” Completed: Summer 2016.
University of Louisville. Currently a Research Scientist at Department of Medicine, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.

18. Yichen Chen. “Using U-Statistics to Compare Grouped Marginal Distributions of Right Censored Event
and Waiting Times in Observational Studie”. Completed: Summer 2019. University of Florida.
Currently at Department of Global Pediatric Medicine St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, TN,

19. Tyler Grimes. “Some contributions to the differential network analysis of –omics data”. Completed:
Summer 2020. University of Florida. Currently an Assistant Professor at Department of
Mathematics & Statistics, University of Northern Florida, Jacksonville, FL, USA.
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20. Tong Kang. Working in Longitudinal Count Data. Expected completion: Fall 2020.

21. Samuel Anyaso-Samuel. Expected completion: Spring 2023.

22. Seungjun Ahn. Expected completion: Spring 2023.

Master of Science (Theses)

1. Cathleen Gillespie, “Intra-Individual Variation in Serum Vitamin A Measures Among Participants in

the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1988-1994.” Completed: Spring 2002.
University of Georgia.

2. Guiping Yang, “A New Bivariate Survival Function Estimator under Random Right Censoring.”
Completed: Spring 2005. University of Georgia.

3. Vasyl Pihur, “Weighted Rank Aggregation of Cluster Validation Measures: A Monte Carlo Cross-
Entropy Approach.” Completed: Spring 2007. University of Louisville.

4. Jie Fan (jointly with G. Brock), “Imputation Based Statistical Tests for Right Censored Data.”
Completed: Summer 2007. University of Louisville.

5. Bart Brown (jointly with G. Brock), “A Novel Method for Reference Interval Estimation Using the
Inverted Q-Q Plot.” Completed: Summer 2007. University of Louisville.

6. Ming Wang (jointly with M. Kong), “Analysis for Clustered Longitudinal Data.” Completed:
Summer 2008. University of Louisville.

7. Daniel Riggs, “An Investigation of Sliced Inverse Regression with Censored Data.” Completed, Summer
2010. University of Louisville.

8. Sheng Xu (jointly with M. Kong), “Marginal models for Iowa Fluoride Study.” Completed, Spring
2013. University of Louisville.

Master of Science (Capstone projects - all in the Department of Biostatistics, University of


1. Candice Sammons, Created an R package for survival function estimation adjusted for
confounders. April 2018.

2. Dustin Duffy, Performed survival analysis on a breast cancer dataset containing genomic
information. March 2020.

3. Sumia Tahir, Performed differential gene expression analysis on a dataset related to

Glioblastoma HSR-GBM1 cells. April 2020.

OTHER GRADUATE STUDENTS MENTORED (only if the mentoring is


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1. Ana Caroline Costa Sá, Ph.D. student in the Department of Pharmacotherapy and
Translational Research, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida (Dr. Julie Johnson, Major
Professor), Graduated Spring, 2017.

2. Mary Gregg, M.S. student in the Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of
Louisville (D. Lorenz, Major Professor), Graduated Spring, 2016.

3. Mary Gregg, Ph.D. student in the Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University
of Louisville (D. Lorenz, Major Professor), Graduated Summer, 2020.


1. Grzegorz Boratyn (jointly with Susmita Datta and John Klein), 2007-2008. Currently at
NLM, National Institutes of Health).

2. Partha Dey (jointly with Krishna Rajan), 2012-2014. Currently Associate Professor in Academy
of Technology at Adisaptagram, Hooghly, India.

3. Alejandro Riveros Walker (jointly with Susmita Datta), 2016- 2018.


1. Nasim Vahabi (visited from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran), Worked in Ordinal
Data Regression, University of Florida. July 2016-September 2017.

1. Doug Lorenz, University of Louisville, 2006-2010.

2. Zhiguo Chen, University of Florida, 2016- 2018.


Erdös Number = 3 (Datta Ä McCormick Ä Canfield Ä Erdös)

Edited Book

Datta, S. and Nettleton, D. Statistical Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data,

Springer, 432 pages, ISBN: 978-3-319-07211-1 (Print) 978-3-319-07212-8 (Online) (2014).


indicates a graduate student author (at the time of work)

167. Boissoneault, C., Grimes, T.*, Rose, D. Waters, M., Khanna, A., Datta, S. and Daly, J.
Innovative long-Dose neurorehabilitation for balance and mobility in chronic stroke: A
preliminary case series. Brain Sciences, 20, 555 (2020).

166. Gregg, M.*, Datta, S., and Lorenz, D. Variance estimation in tests of clustered categorical data
with informative cluster size. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, to appear (2020).
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165. Grimes, T.* and Datta, S. SeqNet: an R package for generating gene-gene networks and
simulating RNA-seq data. Journal of Statistical Software, to appear (2020).

164. Siriwardena, C.*, Datta, S., and Kulasekera, K. B. Selection of the optimal personalized
treatment from multiple treatments with multivariate outcome measures. Journal of
Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 30, 462-480 (2020).

163. Grimes, T.* and Datta, S. A random graph generation model for transcription networks and
nonparametric simulator for RNA-Seq expression data. In Computer Data Analysis and
Modeling, Stochastics and Data Science, Proceedings of the Twelfth International
Conference, Minsk, Sepetember 18-22, 2019, Eds: P. Filzmoser and Y. Kharin, pp. 37-42.
ISBN 978-985-566-811-5 (2019).

162. Siriwardena, C., Datta, S., and Kulasekera, K.B. Personalized treatment selection using data
from crossover designs with carry over effects. Statistics in Medicine, 38, 5391-5412 (2019).

161. Grimes, T.*, Potter, S. S., and Datta, S. Integrating gene regulatory pathways into differential
network analysis of gene expression data. Scientific Reports - Nature, 9: 5479 (2019).

160. Yan, X.*, Abdia, Y.*, Datta, S., Kulasekera, K. B., Ugiliweneza, B., Boakye, M., Kong, M.
Estimation of average treatment effects among multiple treatment groups by using an ensemble
approach. Statistics in Medicine, 38, 2828-2846 (2019).

159. Siriwardena, C.*, Zhao, M., Datta, S., and Kulasekera, K. B. A probability based method for
selecting the optimal personalized treatment from multiple treatments. Statistical Methods in
Medical Research, 28, 749-760 (2019).

158. Chen, Y.* and Datta, S. Adjustments of multi-Sample U-statistics to right censored data and
confounding covariates. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 135, 1-14 (2019).

157. Vahabi, N.*, Kazemnejad, A., and Datta, S. A joint overdispersed marginalized random
effects model for analyzing two or more longitudinal ordinal responses. Statistical Methods in
Medical Research, 28, 50-69 (2019).

156. Vahabi, N., Kazemnejad, A., and Datta, S. A marginalized overdispersed location scale model
for clustered ordinal data. Sankhya, 80-B, S103-S134 (2018).

155. Dutta, S.* and Datta, S. Rank based inference for covariate and group effects in clustered data
in presence of informative intra-cluster group size. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 4807-4822 (2018).

154. Gregg, M.*, Datta, S., and Lorenz, D. A log-rank test for clustered data with informative
within-cluster group size. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 4071–4082 (2018). PMID: 30003565.

153. Satten, G., Kong, M., and Datta, S. Multisample adjusted U-Statistics that account for
confounding covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 3357–3372 (2018). PMID: 29923344.

152. Sá, A.C.C.*, Webb, A., Gong, Y., McDonough, C.W., Shahin, M., Datta, S., Langaee, T.Y.,
Turner, S.T., Beitelshees, A.L., Chapman, A.B., Boerwinkle, E., Gums, J.G., Scherer, S.E, Cooper-
DeHoff, R.M., Sadee, W., Johnson, J.A. Blood pressure signature genes and blood pressure

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response to Thiazide Diuretics: Results from the PEAR and PEAR-2 studies. BMC Medical
Genomics, 11, 55 (2018). PMCID: PMC6011347.

151. Grimes, T.L.*, Walker, A.R., Datta, S., Datta, S. Predicting survival times for neuroblastoma
patients using RNA-Seq expression profiles. Biology Direct, 13, 11 (2018). PMCID:

150. Walker, A.R., Grimes, T.L.*, Datta, S., Datta, S. Unraveling bacterial fingerprints of city
subways from microbiome 16S gene profiles. Biology Direct, 13, 10 (2018). PMCID:

149. Choo-Wosoba, H.*, Gaskins, J., Levy, S. M., and Datta, S. A Bayesian approach for analyzing
zero-inflated clustered count data with dispersion. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 801-812 (2018).
PMCID: PMC5799048.

148. Siriwardena, C.*, Kulasekera, K. B., and Datta, S. Semi-parametric regression of state
occupational probability in a multi-state model with right-censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis,
24, 464–491 (2018). PMCID: PMC5816729

147. Pesonen, M.*, Nevalainen, J., Potter, S. S, Datta, S., Datta, S. A Combined PLS and negative
binomial regression model for inferring association networks from next-generation sequencing
count data. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 15,
760-773 (2018). PMCID: PMC5547023

146. Lorenz, D. J., Levy, S., and Datta, S. Inferring marginal association with paired and unpaired
clustered data with applications to dental studies. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27,
1806-1817 (2018). PMCID: PMC5524605.

145. Choo-Wosoba, H.* and Datta, S. Analyzing clustered count data with a cluster specific
random effect zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell Poisson distribution. Journal of Applied
Statistics, 45, 799-814 (2018).

144. Sá, A.C.C.*, Webb, A., Gong, Y., McDonough, C. W., Datta, S., Langaee, T. Y., Turner, S. T.,
Beitelshees, A. L., Chapman, A. B., Boerwinkle, E., Gums, J. G., Scherer, S. E., Cooper-DeHoff,
R. M., Sadee, W., Johnson, J. A. Whole transcriptome sequencing analyses reveal molecular
markers of blood pressure response to Thiazide Diuretics. Scientific Reports - Nature, 7,
16068. (2017). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16343-z. PMCID: PMC5700078.

143. Sikdar, S.*, Datta, S., and Datta, S. EAMA: Empirically adjusted meta-analysis for large-scale
simultaneous hypothesis testing in genomic experiments. PLOS One, 12(10): e0187287 (2017).

142. Chakraborty, S.*, Datta, S., and Datta, S. Nonparametric regression of state occupation
probabilities in a multistate model. In Disease Modelling and Public Health, Handbook of
Statistics, volume 36, Chapter 7, pp. 175-203, C.R. Rao, A. S. Rao, S. Pyne, eds., Elsevier,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2017).

141. Vahabi, N.*, Kazemnejad, A., Datta, S. Empirical Bayesian geographical mapping of
occupational accidents among Iranian workers. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 20, 5 (2017).

140. Sekula, M.*, Datta, S., and Datta, S. optCluster: An R package for determining the optimal
clustering algorithm. Bioinformation, 13, 100-103 (2017).

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139. Nevalainen, J., Oja, H., and Datta, S. Tests for informative cluster size using a novel balanced
bootstrap scheme. Statistics in Medicine, 36, 2630-2640 (2017).

138. Abdia, Y.*, Kulasekera, K. B., Datta, S., Boakye, M., and Kong, M. Propensity scores based
methods for estimating average treatment effect and average treatment effect among treated: A
comparative study. Biometrical Journal, 59, 967-985 (2017). PMID: 28436047.

137. Dutta, S.*, Datta, S. and Datta, S. Temporal prediction of future state occupation in a
multistate model from high dimensional baseline covariates via pseudo-value regression. Journal
of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 87, 1363-1378 (2017). PMCID: PMC5524605.

136. Datta, S. Robust regression analysis of longitudinal data under censoring. Austrian Journal
of Statistics, 46, 3-11 (2017).

135. Lan, L., Bandyopadhyay, D., and Datta, S. Nonparametric regression in clustered multistate
current status data with informative cluster size. Statistica Neerlandica, 71, 31-57 (2017).
PMID: 28436047.

134. Mertens, B. J. A., Datta, S., Brand, R. and Peul, W. Causal effect estimation strategies in a
longitudinal study with complex time-varying confounders: A tutorial. Statistical Methods in
Medical Research, 26, 337-355 (2017). PMID: 25147227.

133. Siriwardhana, C.*, Datta, S., and Datta, S. Inter-platform concordance of gene expression
data for the prediction of chemical mode of action. Biology Direct, 11:67 (2016). PMCID:

132. Sikdar, S.*, Datta, S., and Datta, S. Exploring the importance of cancer pathways by meta-
analysis of differential protein expression networks in three different cancers. Biology Direct,
11:65 (2016). PMCID: PMC5168844.

131. Chakraborty, S.* and Datta, S. A covariate adjusted Mann-Whitney test for comparing two
sojourn times under right censoring. In Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 175, Pages 117-134 (Wenceslao González Manteiga, Juan Romo,
Ricardo Cao, eds.), Springer, New York, USA (2016).

130. Dey, P., Bible, J.*, Dey, S. and Datta, S. Applications of feature selection and regression
techniques in materials design: A Tutorial. In Computational Approaches to Materials
Design: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Ch 8, (Shubhabrata Datta, ed), IGI Global,
Hershey, USA, pp. 224-251 (2016).

129. Bible, J.*, Beck, J. D., and Datta, S. Cluster adjusted regression for displaced subject data
(CARDS): marginal inference under potentially informative temporal cluster size profiles.
Biometrics, 72, 441-451 (2016). PMCID: PMC4963003.

128. Dutta, S.* and Datta, S. A novel rank-sum test for clustered data when the number of
subjects in a group within a cluster is informative. Biometrics, 72, 432-440 (2016). PMCID:

127. Choo-Wosoba, H.*, Levy, S. M., and Datta, S. Marginal regression models for clustered
count data based on zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution with application to the
Iowa Fluoride Study. Biometrics, 72, 606-618 (2016). PMCID: PMC4948193.

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126. Datta, S., Carmen Pardo, M., Scheike, T., and Yuen, K. C. Editorial: Special issue on
advances in survival analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 93, 255–256

125. Datta, S. Empirical Bayes, In Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, Wiley, DOI:
10.1002/9781118445112.stat00257.pub2 (2015).

124. Datta, S., Lorenz, D., and Datta, S. Approximate U-statistics for state waiting times under
right censoring. In Modern Nonparametric, Robust and Multivariate Methods (K.
Nordhausen, S. Taskinen, Eds.), Springer, pp. 31-46 (2015).

123. Lorenz, D. J.‡ and Datta, S. A Nonparametric analysis of waiting times from a multistate
model using a novel linear hazards model approach. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9, 419-443

122. Kong, M., Xu, S.*, Levy, S., and Datta, S. GEE type inference for clustered zero-inflated
negative binomial regression with application to dental caries. Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis, 85, 54-66 (2015).

121. Meira-Machado, L., Una-Alvarez, J. and Datta, S. Conditional transition probabilities in a

non-Markov Illness-death Model. Computational Statistics, 30, 377-397 (2015).

120. Sikdar, S.*, Choo Wosoba, H.*, Abdia, Y*., Dutta, S.*, Gill, R., Datta, S., and Datta, S. An
integrative exploratory analysis of –omics data from the ICGC cancer genomes lung
adenocarcinoma study. Systems Biomedicine, 2, 56-64 (2014).

119. Shah, J. S.‡ , Datta, S. and Datta, S. A multi-loss super regression learner via bagging and rank
aggregation with application to survival prediction using proteomics. Computational Statistics,
29, 1749-1767 (2014).

118. Gill, R., Datta, S. and Datta, S. dna: an R package for differential network analysis.
Bioinformation, 10, 233-234 (2014). PMCID: PMC4070055.

117. Mitra, R., Gill, R., Datta, S., Datta, S. Statistical analysis of next generation sequencing data:
an overview. In Statistical Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data (S. Datta and D.
Nettleton, Eds.), Springer, pp. 1-24 (2014).

116. Gill, R., Datta, S. and Datta, S. Bridging in vivo and in vitro data from Japanese
Toxicogenomics Project using network analyses. Systems Biomedicine, 2, e28527 (2014).

115. Datta, S. and Beck, J. D. Robust estimation of marginal regression parameters in clustered
data. Statistical Modelling (Special issue on Statistical Methods in Oral Health Research), 14, 489-
501 (2014). PMCID: PMC4384430.

114. Gill, R., Datta, S. and Datta, S. Differential network analysis in human cancer research.
Current Pharmaceutical Design (Special issue on Systems Biology), 20, 4-10 (2014). PMCID:

113. Nevalainen, J., Datta, S. and Oja, H. Inference on the marginal distribution of clustered data
with informative cluster size. Statistical Papers (Special issue on Robust Methods for Dependent
Data), 55, 71-92 (2014). PMCID: PMC4394393.

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112. Dey, P., Bible, J.*, Datta, S., Broderick, S., Jasinski, J., Sunkara, M., Menon, M. and Rajan,
K. Informatics-aided band gap engineering for solar materials. Computational Materials
Science, 83, 185–195 (2014).

111. Andriotis, A. N., Mpourmpakis, G., Broderick, S., Rajan, K., Datta, S., Sunkara, M. and
Menon, M. Informatics guided discovery of surface structure-chemistry relationships in catalytic
nanoparticles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 094705 (2014). PMID: 24606374

110. Khudhair, M., Melloy, P., Lorenz, D. J., Obanor, F., Aitken, E., Datta, S., Luck, J., Fitzgerald,
G., and Chakraborty, S. Fusarium crown rot under continuous cropping of susceptible and
partially resistant wheat in microcosms at elevated CO2 . Plant Pathology, 63, 1033–1043 (2014).

109. Zheng, H., Yang, G.* and Datta, S. A note on nonparametric estimation of a bivariate
survival function under right censoring. In Contemporary Developments in Statistical Theory
(S. N. Lahiri, A. Schick, A. Sengupta, T. N. Sriram, Eds.), Springer, pp. 69-84 (2013).

108. Bible, J.*, Datta, S. and Datta, S. Cluster analysis: Finding groups in data. In Informatics for
Materials Science and Engineering (K. Rajan, Ed.), Elsevier, pp 53-70 (2013).

107. Chakraborty, S.*, Datta, S. and Datta, S. svapls: An R package to correct for residual
expression heterogeneity in gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics, 14, 236 (2013).
PMCID: PMC3733742

106. Mostajabi, F.‡ and Datta, S. Nonparametric regression of state occupation, entry, exit and
waiting times with multistate right censored data. Statistics in Medicine, 32, 3006-3019 (2013).
PMID: 23225570

105. Fan, J.‡ and Datta, S. Mann-Whitney tests for comparing sojourn time distributions when the
transition times are right censored. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 65,
149–166 (2013).

104. Mostajabi, F.‡ , Datta, S., and Datta, S. Predicting patient survival from proteomic profiles
using mass spectrometry data: An empirical study. Communications in Statistics - Simulation
and Computation, 42, 485-498 (2013).

103. Habtzghi, D.‡ and Datta, S. One sample goodness of fit tests in presence of shape restrictions
on the hazard rate function. Sankhya, Ser B, 74-B, 171-194 (2012).

102. Ferguson, A. N.‡ , Datta, S., Brock, G. msSurv, an R package for nonparametric estimation of
multistate models. Journal of Statistical Software, 50, 14 (2012).

101. Lorenz, D. J.‡ and Datta, S. Comparing waiting times in a multistate model: A log-rank
approach. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 2832-2843 (2012).

100. Datta, S., Nevalainen, J. and Oja, H. A general class of signed rank tests for clustered data
when the cluster size is potentially informative. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 24, 797-
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99. Chakraborty, S.‡ , Datta, S. and Datta, S. Surrogate variable analysis using partial least squares
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98. Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. Minimum distance type estimation of transformation parameters.
Journal of Indian Statistical Association (Golden Jubilee Volume), 50, 219-239 (2012).

97. Datta, S., Lorenz, D. J., Harkema, S. J. A dynamic longitudinal evaluation of the utility of the
Berg Balance Scale in patients with motor incomplete spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93, 1565-1573 (2012). PMID: 22920453

96. Lorenz, D. J., Datta, S., Harkema, S. J. Longitudinal patterns of functional recovery in
patients with incomplete spinal cord injury receiving activity-based rehabilitation. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93, 1541-1552 (2012). PMID: 22920451

95. Forrest, G. F., Lorenz, D. J., Hutchinson, K., Van Hiel, L., Basso, D. M., Datta, S., Sisto, S.
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locomotor training in incomplete SCI: impact of functional recovery. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93, 1553-1564 (2012). PMID: 22920452

94. Datta, S. and Ferguson, A. N.‡ Nonparametric estimation of marginal temporal functionals in a
multistate model. In Recent Advances in System Reliability: Signatures, Multi-state
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93. Lorenz, D. J., Datta, S. and Harkema, S. J. Marginal association measures for clustered data.
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92. Fan, J.‡ and Datta, S. Fitting accelerated failure time models to clustered survival data with
potentially informative cluster size. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 55, 3295-3303

91. Pihur, V., Datta, S. and Datta, S. Meta analysis of chronic fatigue syndrome through integration
of clinical, gene expression, SNP and proteomic data, Bioinformation, 6, 120-124 (2011).
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90. Datta, S. and van Houwelingen, H. C. Statistics in biological and medical sciences, Editorial.
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89. Wang, M.‡ , Kong, M. and Datta, S. Inference for marginal linear models with clustered
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88. Datta, S., Datta, S., Kim, S., Chakraborty, S. and Gill, R. S. Statistical analyses of next
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87. Datta, S, Pihur, V. and Datta, S. An adaptive optimal ensemble classifier via bagging and rank
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86. Gill, R., Datta, S. and Datta, S. A statistical framework for differential network analysis from
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85. Lan, L.‡ and Datta, S. Comparison of state occupation, entry, exit and waiting times in K
independent multistate models under current status data. Statistics in Medicine, 29, 906 - 914

84. Datta, S., Bandyopadhyay, D.‡ and Satten, G. A. Inverse probability of censoring weighted U-
statistics for right censored data with applications. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 37, 680–
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83. Lan, L.‡ and Datta, S. Nonparametric estimation of state occupation, entry and exit times with
multistate current status data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 19, 147-165 (2010).

82. Pihur, V.‡ , Datta, S. and Datta, S. RankAggreg, an R package for weighted rank aggregation.
BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 62 (2009). PMCID: PMC2669484
81. Datta, S. and Datta, S. Computational biology touches all bases. Genome Biology, 10, 303
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80. Datta, S., Lan, L.‡ and Sundaram, R. Nonparametric estimation of waiting time distributions in
a Markov model based on current status data, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
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79. Pihur, V.‡ , Brock, G., Datta, S. and Datta, S. Cluster validation for microarray data: An
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78. Datta, S., Lorenz, D. J., Morrison, S., Ardolino, E., Harkema, S. J. A multivariate examination
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77. Pihur, V.‡ , Datta, S. and Datta, S. Finding cancer genes through meta-analysis of microarray
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76. Pihur, V.‡ , Datta, S. and Datta, S. Reconstruction of genetic association networks from
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75. Datta, S. Classification of breast cancer versus normal samples from mass spectrometry
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74. Brock, G., Pihur, V.‡ , Datta, S. and Datta, S. clValid, an R package for cluster validation.
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73. Datta, S., Datta, S., Parrish, R. S. and Thompson, C. M. Microarray data analysis, In
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72. Datta, S. and Satten, G. A. A signed-rank test for clustered data. Biometrics, 64, 501-507
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71. Bandyopadhyay, D.‡ and Datta, S. A novel approach to testing equality of survival
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70. Pihur, V., Datta, S. and Datta, S. Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) from
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68. Boratyn, G. M., Datta, S. and Datta, S. Incorporation of biological knowledge into distance for
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66. Zheng, H.‡ , Basawa, I. V. and Datta, S. First order random coefficient autoregressive
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65. Johnson, S. B.‡ , Datta, S., Hornung, C. A., Casanova, M. F. Mathematical models of
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60. Zheng, H.‡ , Basawa, I. V. and Datta, S. The p-th order random coefficient autoregressive
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57. Datta, S. Estimating the mean life time using right censored data. Statistical Methodology,
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56. Datta, S. and Datta, S. Empirical Bayes screening (EBS) of many p-values with applications
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55. Datta, S. and Satten, G. A. Rank-sum tests for clustered data. Journal of the American
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53. Datta, S. Empirical Bayes methods, In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Second edition,
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52. Satten, G. A., Datta, S., Moura, H., Woolfitt, A., Carvalho, G., De, B. K, Pavlopoulos, A.,
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51. Datta, S. and Datta, S. An empirical Bayes adjustment to multiple p-values for the detection of
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50. Datta, S., Satten, G. A., Benos, D. J., Xia, J., Heslin, M., and Datta, S. An empirical Bayes
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49. Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. Marginal Analyses of Multistage Data. In Advances in Survival
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48. Datta, S. and Datta, S. Comparisons and validation of statistical clustering techniques for
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47. Chakraborty, S. and Datta, S. How will plant pathogens adapt to host plant resistance at
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46. Williamson, J., Datta, S., and Satten, G. A. Marginal analyses of clustered data when cluster size
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44. Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. Marginal estimation for Multistage models: waiting time
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43. Datta, S., Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. Estimation of stage occupation probabilities in multistage
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42. Datta, S. and Satten, G. A. Validity of the Aalen-Johansen estimators of stage occupation
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41. Satten, G. A., Datta, S. and Robins, J. M. An estimator for the survival function when data are
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39. Williamson, J. M., Satten, G. A., Hanson, J. A., Weinstock, H., and Datta, S. Analysis of
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38. Li, G. and Datta, S. A bootstrap approach to nonparametric regression for right censored
data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 53, 708-729 (2001).
37. Datta, S. and Satten, G. A. Estimating future stage entry and occupation probabilities in a
multistage model based on randomly right-censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 50,
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36. Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. A simulate-update algorithm for missing data problems.
Computational Statistics, 15, 243-277 (2000).
35. Datta, S. Empirical Bayes estimation with non-identical components. Journal of
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34. Datta, S., Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. Nonparametric estimation for the three-stage irreversible
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33. Datta, S., Satten, G. A. and Williamson, J. M. Consistency and asymptotic normality of
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32. Satten, G. A., Janssen, R., Busch, M. P., and Datta, S. Validating marker-based incidence
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31. Allen, M. R.‡ and Datta, S. Estimation of the index parameter for autoregressive data using
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30. Satten, G. A. and Datta, S. Kaplan-Meier representation of competing risk estimates.
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28. Bagui, S. C. and Datta, S. Some useful properties of the Bayes risk in classification. Calcutta
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27. Datta, S., Mathew G. and McCormick, W. P. Nonlinear autoregression with positive
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25. Datta, S. and McCormick, W. P. Inference for the tail parameters of a linear process with heavy
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22. Datta, S. L1 density estimation for linear processes. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 18,
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3. Datta, S. Nonparametric empirical Bayes estimation with O(n-1/2) rate of a truncation
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R PACKAGES (available from CRAN)

1. htestClust, Mary Gregg , Somnath Datta, and Doug Lorenz,
A collection of reweighted marginal hypothesis tests for clustered data.

2. dnapath, Tyler Grimes, Somnath Datta,, 2020.
Integrates pathway information into the differential network analysis of two gene expression datasets.

3. SeqNet, Tyler Grimes, Somnath Datta, https://cran.r-, 2019.
Generates random gene-gene association networks and simulate RNA-seq data from them.

4. RankAggreg, Vasyl Pihur, Somnath Datta, and Susmita Datta, https://cran.r-, 2018.
Performs aggregation of ordered lists based on the ranks using several different algorithms.

5. optCluster, Michael Sekula, Somnath Datta, and Susmita Datta, https://cran.r-, 2017.
Package for cluster analysis using statistical and biological validation measures for both continuous and count data.

6. ClusterRankTest, Sandipan Dutta & Somnath Datta, https://cran.r-, 2016.
Performs Nonparametric rank based tests for clustered data, especially useful for clusters having informative cluster size and
intra-cluster group size.

7. msSurv, Nicole Ferguson, Somnath Datta, Guy Brock, https://cran.r-, 2015.
Package for nonparametric estimation for right censored, left truncated time to event data in multistate models.

8. dna, Ryan Gill, Somnath Datta, Susmita Datta, https://cran.r-, 2014.
Package for conducting differential network analysis from gene expression data.

9. clValid, Guy Brock, Vasyl Pihur, Susmita Datta, and Somnath Datta, https://cran.r-, 2014.
Performs statistical and biological validation of clustering results.

10. svapls, Sutirtha Chakraborty, Somnath Datta and Susmita Datta, https://cran.r-, 2013.
For accurate identification of genes that are truly differentially expressed over two sample varieties, after adjusting for hidden
subject-specific effects of residual heterogeneity.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
FIVE MOST CITED PAPERS (Google Scholar, Accessed 8/13/20)
1. Brock, Pihur, Datta, and Datta (2008), Journal of Statistical Software, #74; Count = 564
2. Datta and Datta (2003), Bioinformatics, #48; Count = 447
3. Pihur, Datta, and Datta (2009), BMC Bioinformatics, #82; Count = 263
4. Datta and Datta (2006), BMC Bioinformatics, #62; Count = 197
5. Chakraborty and Datta, S(2003), New Phytologist, #47, Count = 197

1. Over the last five years, I have been conducting secondary analysis of periodontal disease
and caries data from the Piedmont 65+ Dental Study and the Iowa Fluoride Study,
respectively. In the process, I am developing novel statistical methods to account for count
data with zero inflation, clustered data and informative cluster size which appear to be
present in these types of data.

Representive publications: 130, 129, 128, 115

2. Cluster analysis is being heavily used in diverse area of science as an exploratory tool,
notably in high throughput genomic assays such as microarrays and other sequencing
platforms. A related area is called classification where the learning is supervised. Over last ten
years our group has developed a number of cluster validation measures and bioinformatics
tools (e.g., R packages) for the most appropriate cluster analysis for a given dataset and for
building optimal classifiers. Several of these papers have been extremely popular as can be
seen from their citation counts and the resulting tools are being used by many scientists. I
have been a senior author of these publications.

Representive publications: 82, 74, 62, 48

3. Genomic association network analysis is becoming progressively important in biological

and medical research since genes typically act in consort. Our team has developed various
bioinformatics methods and tools for reverse engineering of genomic networks and for
detecting how they change between two or more biological conditions. I have also co-edited
a book on statistical methods for analyzing NGS data.

Representive publications: 161, 118, 114, 86

4. We have used combination of statistical modeling and physics based calculation to predict
properties of novel materials for various applications such as solar cells and magnetic storage.

Representive publications: 131, 112, 111, 108

5. I had served as the senior biostatistician for the NeuroRecovery Network (NRN) headed
by Susan Harkema. Activity-based interventions are emerging as a more successful approach
for functional recovery after neurologic injury. The NeuroRecovery Network (NRN), a
specialized network of treatment centers providing standardized, activity based therapy for
spinal cord injured (SCI) patients. We have developed an effective multi-dimensional scale of
functional recovery of NRN patient using the locomotor training.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
Representive publications: 97, 96, 95, 78

NCBI MyBibliography:


PI Level

17. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs IPA, “Brain Rehabilitation Research Projects”.
September 2020 - August 2021, Role: Principal Investigator (VA PIs: D. Clark, J Waid-Ebbs), 2.64
cal months. Salary support $67,141, plus 40% PhD student support.

16. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs IPA, “Brain Rehabilitation Research Projects”.
September 2019 - June 2020, Role: Principal Investigator (VA PIs: D. Clark, J Waid-Ebbs, J Daly),
3.24 cal months. Salary support $67,060, plus 40% PhD student support.

15. National Institutes of Health, “A Novel Analysis Plan for the Caries and Fluorosis Data
from the Iowa Fluoride Study”, August 2018 - July 2021. Role: Principal Investigator, 2.4 cal
months. Salary, student, travel and other support. $332,299.

14. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs IPA, “Analysis of Traumatic Brain Injury and other
Brain Rehabilitation Data”. August 2018 - August 2019, Role: Principal Investigator (VA PIs: J
Waid-Ebbs, J Daly), 2 cal months. Salary support $59,882, plus 40% PhD student support.

13. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs IPA, “Brain Rehabilitation Research”. September 2016
- August 2018, Role: Principal Investigator (VA PI: J Daly), 2.4 cal months. Salary support
$115,270, plus MS level statistician support.

12. National Institutes of Health, “Exploratory Statistical Analysis of Differential Network

Behaviors based on Gene Expression Atlas of Palate Development”, August 2016 - July 2020
(NCE). Role: Principal Investigator, 3.6 cal months. Salary, student, travel and other support.

11. National Institutes of Health, “Novel Statistical Models for Dental Caries”, July 2012 - June
2015. Role: Principal Investigator, 3 cal months. Salary, student, travel and other support.

10. National Institutes of Health, “Rank Tests for Clustered Data with Potentially Informative
Cluster Size: Novel Statistical Methods for Analyzing Dental Data”, September 2011 - December
2014. Role: Principal Investigator, 1.2 - 2.4 cal months. Salary, student, travel and other support.

9. National Science Foundation, “SOLAR: New Materials Search for Solar Energy Conversion
to Fuels”, September 2011 - August 2015. Role: Co-Principal Investigator; Awarded jointly with
M. Sunkara (Louisville), M. Menon (Kentucky) and K. Rajan (Iowa State). 1 cal month. Salary,
post-doc, student, travel and other support. $1,100,000.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
8. National Security Agency, “Nonparametric Regression of State Occupation Probabilities,
State Entry, Exit and Waiting Time Distributions in a Multistate Model”, March 2011 - February
2013. Role: Principal Investigator, 1 cal month. Salary, student and travel support. $73,805.

7. National Science Foundation, “Theory and Applications of U-statistics for Multistate Models
under Censoring”, July 2007 - June 2011. Role: Principal Investigator, 1 cal month. Salary,
student and travel. $100,782.

6. National Security Agency, “Nonparametric Inference in Censored Data Problems”, Jan 2005 -
Dec 2006, Role: Principal Investigator, 1 cal month. Salary, student, travel and computing

5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Problems in Genetic Epidemiology”, June
2001 - May 2005, Role: Principal Investigator, 3 cal months. Salary support.

4. National Security Agency, “Large Sample Theory of Inverse Probability of Censoring

Weighted Estimation in Multistage and Mixed Linear Models”, February 2003 - January 2005,
Role: Principal Investigator, 1 cal month. Salary, travel and computing support.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Analysis of Complex Survival Data”, February
1997 - August 2000, Role: Principal Investigator, 3 cal months. Salary support.

2. National Security Agency, “Inference, Bootstrap and Curve Estimation for Time Series Data”,
April 1996 -March 1998, Role: Principal Investigator, 1 cal month. Salary, travel and computing

1. National Science Foundation, “Mathematical Sciences Computing Research Environments”,

August 1995 - July 1996, Role: Co-Principal Investigator (awarded jointly with L. Billard and T. N.
Sriram). Computing support.

Non PI Level

8. National Institutes of Health, “Assessment of Locomotor Potential Following Stroke”, PI:

C. Patten, September 2015 - August 2018. 1.2 cal months. Salary support.

7. National Institutes of Health, “Optimizing AAV Vectors for Central Nervous System
Transduction”, PI: C. D Heldermon, August 2017-May 2022, Role: Co-Investigator, 0.6 cal
months. Salary support.

6. National Institutes of Health, “Interactions between Microglia and Dopaminergic Neurons

Regulates Dopamine Neurotransmission”, PI: H. Khoshbouei, March 2017-February 2019, Role:
Co-Investigator, 0.6 cal months. Salary support.

5. Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, “Development of Neural Recovery Rehabilation

and Research Centers”, PI: S. Harkema, August 2006 - November 2015, Role: Senior
Biostatistician, 0.3 cal months - 4.8 cal months. Salary support.

4. National Institutes of Health, “Gross Morphological Correlates to the Minicolumnopathy of

Autism”, PI: M. Casanova, September 2009 - August 2011. Role: Co-Investigator, 1.2 cal months.
Salary support.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
3. National Institutes of Health, “Plasticity of Human Spinal Neural Networks After Injury”,
PI: S. Harkema, January 2007 - March 2009, Role: Principal Statistician, 1.2 cal months. Salary

2. National Institutes of Health, “Outcomes of Teacher Training on Autism”, PI: L. Ruble,

2005 - 2008, Role: co-Investigator, 0.6 cal months. Salary support.

1. National Institutes of Health, “Efficient Estimation Methods for Censored Survival Data”,
PI: S. Subramanian, April 2004 - March 2007, Role: Consultant. Flat Fee.

OTHER FUNDING (since 1995)

3. National Science Foundation, “IISA 2018: From Data to Knowledge, Working for a Better
World” (jointly with S. Basu and D. Bandyopadhyay), May 2018, conference grant.

2. National Science Foundation, “Statistical Inference for Biomedical Big Data: Theory,
Methods and Tools” (jointly with F. Liang, P. Qiu and F. Zou), April 2017, conference grant.

1. Elsevier, Editorial Contract, “Statistics & Probability Letters”, June 2007 - June 2011. Role: Co-
Editor-in-Chief. Honorarium, student, travel and other support.

INVITED TALKS: Conferences

101. 2019 International Indian Statistical Association Conference, Mumbai, India, December 26-
30, “Personalized treatment selection for joint optimization of survival and other outcomes”.

100. 11th ICSA International Conference, Hangzhou, China, December 20-22, “Personalized
treatment selection for joint optimization of survival and other outcomes”.

99. Fifth Scientific Applied Conference: Statistics and its Applications, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 17-
18 October, 2019, “Some recent statistical approaches to personalized medicine”. Plenary Talk.

98. XII International Conference CDAM 2019, Minsk, Belarus, 18-22 September, 2019, “A
random graph generation model for transcription networks and nonparametric simulator for RNA-
Seq expression data”. Plenary Talk.

97. 62nd World Statistics Congress, ISI-WSC 2019, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 18-23 August, 2019,
“Personalized treatment selection for joint optimization of survival and other outcomes”. Special
Topics Session.

96. 2019 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Raleigh, NC, USA, June 9-12, 2019. “Personalized
treatment selection for joint optimization of survival and other outcomes”.

95. International Conference on Computer Age Statistics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune,
India, January 3-5, 2019. “Semi-parametric regression of state occupational probability in a
multistate model with right-censored data”.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
94. Second International Conference of Mathematics, Statistics & Information Technology, Tanta
University, Egypt, December 18-20, 2018. “Semi-parametric regression of state occupational
probability in a multistate model with right-censored data”. Plenary Talk.

93. Workshop on Statistical and Computational Challenges in Precision Medicine, IMA,

Mineapolis, November 7-9, 2018. “Selection of the Optimal Personalized Treatment from
Multiple Treatments with Multivariate Outcome Measures”.

92. Michigan State Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Applications, East Lansing, MI,
USA, September 14-16, 2018. “Adjustments of Mann-Whitney U-Statistics for Comparing Event
Time Distributions in Observational Studies”.

91. ICSA China Conference, Qingdao, China, July 2-5, 2018. “Semi-parametric Regression of State
Occupation Probabilities in a Multi-state Model with Right-censored Data”.

90. ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, June 14-17, 2018. “A Log
Rank Test for Clustered Data with Informative Within-cluster Group Size”.

89. 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno, Italy, June
11-15, 2018. “Adjustments of Mann-Whitney U-Statistics for Comparing Event Time
Distributions in Observational Studies”.

88. 2018 International Indian Statistical Association Conference, Gainesville, FL, USA, May 17-20,
2018. “Robust Regression Analysis of Temporal Data under Censoring”.

87. 5th African International Conference on Statistics, March 19–22, University of Botswana,
Gaborone, Botswana. “Differential Network Analysis using Next Generation Sequencing Data”.
Keynote Talk.

86. PCM 125: International Conference in Statistics and Probability, January 2-4, Indian Statistical
Institute, Kolkata, India. “Multi-Sample Adjusted U-Statistics that Account for Confounding

85. 2017 International Indian Statistical Association Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 28-
30, 2017. “Issues of Informative Cluster Size and Beyond in the Context of Rank Based
Inferencee”. Special Invited Talk.

84. International Conference on Linear Algebra and its Applications, Manipal, India, December
11-15, 2017. “A Combined PLS and Negative Binomial Regression Model for Inferring
Association Networks from Next-generation Sequencing Count Data”.

83. 61th World Statistics Congress – ISI2017, Marrakech, Morocco, July 16–21, 2017. “Analyzing
Clustered Count Data with Cluster-specific Random Effect Zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell-
Poisson Distribution”. STS Invited Talk.

82. Workshop on Statistical Inference for Biomedical Big Data, Gainesville, USA, April 7-8, 2017,
“Network Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing Count Data”.

81. International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics Conference, Bali, Indonesia, March 20-24,
2017. “Network Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing Count Data”.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
80. 10th ICSA International Conference on Global Growth of Modern Statistics, Shanghai, China,
December 19-22, 2016. “Marginal Regression Models for Clustered Count Data Based on Zero-
inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution with Applications”.

79. 11th International Conference Computer Data Analysis & Modeling 2016, Minsk, Belarus,
September, 6-10. “A Rank-sum Test for Clustered Data when the Number of Subjects in a Group
within a Cluster is Informative”. Plenary Talk.

78. 3rd conference of the International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics (ISNPS), Avignon,
France, June 11-16, 2016. “A Rank-sum test for Clustered Data when the Number of Subjects in a
Group within a Cluster is Informative”.

77. Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, FACM 2016, Minisymposium IX-
Biostatics II, NJIT, Newark, June 3-4, 2016. “Multi-Sample Adjusted U-Statistics that Account for
Confounding Covariates”.

76. The 1st International Statistical Conference in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia May, 5-6, 2016.
“Inference for Clustered Count Data Based on Zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson
Distribution with Application to the Iowa Fluoride Study”.

75. Ninth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium, Kolkata, December 28 - 31, 2015.
“Marginal and joint Regression Models for Clustered data Inference when the Cluster Size is
Potentially Informative.”

74. 9th International Conference on Mathematical Sciences for Advancement of Science and
Technology, Kolkata, December 21-23, 2015. “Inference for Clustered Count Data Based on
Zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution with Application to the Iowa Fluoride

73. 60th World Statistics Congress – ISI2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 26–31, 2015. “Inference
for Clustered Count Data Based on Zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution with
Application to the Iowa Fluoride Study.” STS Invited Talk.

72. 7th International Conference on Probability and Statistics (PROBASTAT 2015), Smolenice
Castle, Slovakia, June 29 - July 3, 2015. “Marginal and Joint Regression Models for Clustered Data
Inference when the Cluster Size is Potentially Informative.” Plenary Talk.

71. XIV EMR Brazilian School of Regression Models, Campinas, Brazil, March 2-5, 2015.
“Marginal Regression Models for Clustered Data Inference When the Cluster Size is Potentially
Informative.” Plenary Talk.

70. XIV EMR Brazilian School of Regression Models, Campinas, Brazil, March 2-5, 2015.
“Ensemble Regression”.

69. XIII CLAPEM-2014, Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, September 22-26, 2014. “Inverse Probability of Censoring
Weighted U-statistics for Right Censored Data.”

68. International Conference on Survival Analysis in Memory of John P. Klein, June 26 - 27, 2014,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “A Nonparametric Analysis of Waiting
Times from a Multistate Model using a Novel Linear Hazards Model Approach.”

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
67. Second conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Cádiz, Spain,
June 12-16, 2014. “A Covariate Adjusted Mann-Whitney Test for Comparing Two Sojourn Times
Under Right Censoring.”

66. 25th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics (Nordstat), Turku, Finland, June 2-6, 2014.
“Robust Estimation of Marginal Regression Parameters in Clustered Data.”

65. 2013 ICSA International Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 20 - 23, 2013. “A Multi-
loss Super Regression Learner (MSRL) with An Application to Survival Prediction Using

64. 10th Applied Statistics 2013 International Conference, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, September 22 -
25, 2013. KEYNOTE LECTURE. “Clustered Data Inference When the Cluster Size is Potentially

63. 22nd International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Toronto, Canada, August 12-15,
2013. “Robust Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data Under Censoring.”

62. Statistics and Its Interactions with Other Disciplines (SIOD 2013), Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, June 5-7, 2013. “A Nonparametric Linear Hazards Model for Waiting Times from a
Multistate Model.”

61. 2013 Kentucky Workshop on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE3), KY
International Convention Center (KICC), Short Course, March 24-26, 2013. “Tools for Materials
Genome Research.”

60. The First International Conference and Summer School in Molecular and Materials
Informatics, Melbourne, Australia, February 4-6, 2013. “Regression Approaches to Bandgap
Engineering.” Keynote Lecture.

59. XIII Chilean Biometric Conference, the XI Chilean Bayesian Conference and the VI Chilean
Dental-Statistical Meeting, Concepción, Chile, January 9-11, 2013. KEYNOTE LECTURE.
“Statistical Analysis of Piedmont Data.”

58. Eighth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability & Statistics, Kolkata, India,
December 27-30, 2012. “Nonparametric Hazard Regression for State Waiting Times in a
Multistate Model.”

57. The International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference,
LinStat'2012, Bedlewo, Poland, July 16-20, 2012. “Nonparametric Regression for Sojourn Time
Distributions in a Multistate Model.”

56. First Conference of the International Society for Non-parametric Statistics, Halkidiki, Greece,
June 15-19, 2012. “Robust Regression Analysis with Informative Cluster Size.”

55. International Workshop on Recent Advances in Time Series Analysis RATS2012, Protaras,
Cyprus, June 9-12, 2012. “Robust Regression Analysis of Time Series Data Under Censoring.”

54. Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Modern World, Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 28-
30, 2011. “Regression for Waiting Time Distributions.”

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
53. 4th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computing & Statistics, University of
London, UK, December 17-19, 2011. “Nonparametric Regression for Waiting Times from a
Multistate Model.”

52. 3rd Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference, Turku, Finland, June 6-9, 2011. “Statistical Analyses
of Next Generation Sequence Data .”

51. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2011), Rome, Italy, June 7 - 10, 2011.
“Mann-Whitney Tests for Comparing Waiting Time Distributions When Transition Times Are
Right Censored."

50. Workshop on Statistical Challenges in Life History Analysis at the Centre de Recherches
Mathematiques, Montreal, Canada, May 16-19, 2011. “Nonparametric Inference for Multistate

49. DUSDAA, The First International Conference on Theory and Applications of Statistics,
Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 26-29, 2010. “Mann-Whitney Tests for
Comparing Waiting Time Distributions When Transition Times Are Right Censored."

48. XXXII National Congress of Statistics and Operations Research and the VI Meeting on
Public Statistics, A Coruña, Spain, September 14-17, 2010. “Inference in Accelerated Failure Time
Models for Clustered Time to Event Data.”

47. LinStat'2010 - International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical

Inference, Tomar, Portugal, July 27-31, 2010. “Inference in Accelerated Failure Time Models for
Clustered Time to Event Data.” Keynote Lecture.

46. Conference on Nonparametric Statistics and Statistical Learning, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, May 19 - 22, 2010. “A Class of Signed-Rank Test for Clustered Paired Data When
The Cluster Size Is Potentially Informative.”

45. Discussant, Session on Current Issues in Statistical Proteomics, ENAR 2010, New Orleans,
USA, March 21-24, 2010.

44. The International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences,
and Operations Management (SMRLO'10), Beer Sheva, Israel, February 8-11, 2010.
“Nonparametric Inference in Multistate Models with Interval Censored Data.”

43. VIII IISA Joint Statistical Meeting, Visakhapatnam, India, January 4-8, 2010. “U-statistics for
Right Censored Data With Applications.”

42. Seventh International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, Kolkata,
India, December 28 - 31, 2009. “U-statistics for Right Censored Data With Applications.”

41. Joint Statistical Meetings, August 1-6, 2009, Washington DC. “Nonparametric Inference in
Multistate Models with Interval Censored Data.”
40. First IMS-Pacific Rim Meeting, Discussant for an invited session on "Statistics in Health
Sciences", Seoul, June 28-July 1, 2009.
39. Symposium on New Directions in Asymptotic Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens, May
15-16, 2009. “Rank Tests for Clustered Data.”

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
38. Winemiller 2008: Conference on Survival Analysis and Its Applications, October 16-18, 2008,
Columbia, Missouri. “Nonparametric Inference for State Waiting Times in Multistate Models.”
37. Joint Statistical Meetings, August 3 - 7, 2008, Denver, Colorado. “A Signed-Rank Test for
Clustered Data.”
36. Nonparametric Statistics and Mixture Models: Past, Present and Future, May 22-25, 2008,
State College, PA. “Re-weighted U-statistics for Censored Data.”
35. Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics - In honor of Hira Koul's 65th birthday, May 15-
17, 2008, E. Lansing, MI. “The Re-weighting Approach in Survival Analysis.”
34. ENAR 2008, Arlington, Virginia. March 16-19, 2008. “Nonparametric Estimation of State
Waiting Time Distributions in a Markov Multistate Model.”
33. Discussant, Session on Multistate Models under Complex Censoring, JSM 2007, July 29, 2007,
Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
32. Discussant, Session on Interval Censored Data, ENAR 2007, March 12, 2007, Atlanta, GA,
31. Classification Competition on Clinical Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Diagnosis Data:
Presentation of Results, Leiden University Medical Center, March 1, 2007, Leiden, The
30. International Conference on Statistics, Probability and Related Areas by IISA, January 2-5,
2007, Cochin, India. “Predicting Patient Survival from Microarray Data by Accelerated Failure
Time Modeling using Partial Least Squares and LASSO.”
29. International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Methods, Dec 28-29, 2006, Kolkata, India.
“Statistical Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study.”
28. Discussant, Session on Genomics & Proteomics, International Biometric Society Conference
IBC 2006, Montreal, Canada, July, 2006.
27. International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS|06),
June 20-24, 2006, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. “Combining Functional Information in
Validation of Statistical Clustering.”
26. SCMA 2005 / FIM XII, Twelfth International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics,
Mathematics and Applications, December 2-4, 2005, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA.
“Estimation of Stage Occupation Probabilities in a Multistage Model with Current Status Data.”
25. Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Complex Event History Data, Norwegian Academy of
Science and Letters, August 31-September 2, 2005, Oslo, Norway. “Nonparametric Marginal
Estimation in a Multistage Model with Current Status Data.”
24. Joint Annual Meeting of the Interface and the Classification Society of North America, June 8,
2005 - June 12, 2005, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. “Standardization
and De-noising Algorithms for Mass Spectra to Classify Whole-Organism Bacterial Specimens.”
23. International Conference on Future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, December
29, 2004 - January 1, 2005, Hyderabad, India. “Standardization and De-noising Algorithms for
Mass Spectra to Classify Whole-Organism Bacterial Specimens.”

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
22. Eleventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical
Techniques, SCRA 2004, December 27-29, 2004, Lucknow, India. “Standardization and De-
noising Algorithms for Mass Spectra to Classify Whole-Organism Bacterial Specimens.”
21. International Conference on Statistics in Health Sciences, June 23-23, 2004, Nantes, France.
“Standardization and De-noising Algorithms for Mass Spectra to Classify Whole-Organism
Bacterial Specimens.”

20. IISA Conference, May 2004, University of Georgia, Athens, USA. “Nonparametric Marginal
Estimation in a Multistage Model Using Interval Censored Data.”

19. International Conference on Reliability and Survival Analysis 2003, May 2003, Department of
Statistics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA. “Marginal Estimation in Multistage
Models Using Current Status Data.”

18. SCRA 2002, International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas and the
Ninth International Conference of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, December 2002,
Allahabad, India. “Estimation of Stage Occupation Probabilities in Multistage Systems under
Current Status Data.”
17. International Conference on Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics, July
2002, Crete, Greece. “Nonparametric Estimation of Stage Occupation Probabilities in Multistage
Models under Censoring.”
16. IISA International Conference on Statistics, Probability and Related Areas, June 2002, Dekalb,
Illinois, USA. “Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Experiments.”

15. SCRA 2001, International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics, and Related Areas,
December 2001, Wollongong, Australia.
14. IISA-JSM-INDIA 2000-2001, International conference on Statistics and Probability,
December 2000-January 2001, New Delhi, India.
13. Sixth International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics, and Related Areas, December
1999, Mobile, Alabama, USA.
12. ENAR Spring Meeting, March, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia.
11. IISA Conference, October, 1998, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
10. Conference in honor of Jim Hannan, May 1998, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI,
9. Special Session on Applied Probability, AMS meeting, October, 1996, Chattanooga, TN, USA.
8. Symposium on Estimating Functions, March 1996, Athens, Georgia, USA.
7. SRCOS/ASA Summer Research Conference (Discussion Leader), June 1995, Indialantic,
6. INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, June 1995, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
5. IMS, ENAR Joint Spring Meeting, March, 1995, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
4. Second International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, December
1994, Calcutta, India.
Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
3. First IMS North American New Researchers Meeting, August 1993, Berkeley, California.
2. The Third Canadian Conference in Applied Statistics, May 1991, Statistics Canada, Montreal,
1. 214 IMS Meeting (special topic Bootstrap), May 1990, East Lansing, USA. “Bootstrap for a
Finite State Markov Chain.”


46. Biostatistics Branch, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD, USA, June 2019.

45. Applied Statistics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, July 2018.

44. Department of Biostatistics, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, November 2016.

43. Faculty of Mathematics, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 2016.

42. Department of Statistics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA, February 2016.

41. Applied Statistics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, December 2015.

40. Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, November 2015.

39. Department of Biostatistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, October 2014.

38. Department of Statistics, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 2013.

37. Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, June 2013.

36. Multiple seminars, Department of Statistics, University of Concepción, Chile, January 14-15,

35. Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA,
September 2012.
34. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, March 15,

33. Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, July 15, 2011.

32. Steklov Mathematical Institute of Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 17, 2011.

31. School of Public Health, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, June 13, 2011.

30. Department of Statistics and OR, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, September 13, 2010.

29. Biostatistics Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle
Park, NC, USA, September 15, 2009.

28. Department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, The Netherlands, May 12, 2009.
Somnath Datta CV 8/2020
27. School of Public Health, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, May 6, 2009.
26. Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, November, 2008.
25. Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, USA,
March 2007.
24. Department of Statistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA, October 2005.
23. ASA Kentucky Chapter, Frankfort, KY, USA, September 2005.
22. Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
December 2004.
21. Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Louisville, KY, USA, November
20. Department of Biostatistics, University of Minnesota, MN, USA, March 2004.
19. CHEDA user group, BimCore and Department of Biostatistics, Emory University, Atlanta,
GA, USA, March 2004.
18. Department of Mathematics, Univ. of N. Carolina, Charlotte, NC, USA, April 2003.
17. Department of Biostatistics, Emory University, March 2003.
16. Department of Statistics, Univ. of S. Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA, October 2001.
15. Department of Biostatistics, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA, August 2001.
14. School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2001.
13. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, July 1999.
12. Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, May 1996.
11. Department of Statistics, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, April 1995.
10. Department of Statistics, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, February 1995.
9. Department of Mathematics, Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, USA, February 1995.
8. Division of Statistics and Mathematics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, September
7. Computer Science Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, August 1992.
6. Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, September 1989.
5. Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA, September 1989.
4. Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA,
June 1989.
3. Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, February 1988.

2. Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, February 1988.
1. Department of Mathematics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 1988.

Somnath Datta CV 8/2020


5. 14th Annual International Conference on Critical Assesment of Massive Data Analysis

(CAMDA2015), Dublin, Ireland, July 10-11, 2015.

4. MCP 2009: The 6th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures, Tokyo,
Japan, 2009.

3. 29th Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, August 17-21,
2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2. CAMDA 2007, December 13-14, Valencia, Spain.

1. The Second Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference 18-22 Jan, 2004, Dunedin, New Zealand.


14. JSM, Philadelphia, August 2020, Topic Contributed (oral).

13. JSM, Vancouver, Canada, July 2018. Topic Contributed (oral).

12. JSM, Baltimore, August 2017. Topic Contributed (oral).

11. JSM, Chicago, August 2016. Topic Contributed (oral).

10. JSM, Vancouver, Canada, August 2010. Topic Contributed (oral).

9. ISMB, Vienna, Austria, July 2007 (poster).

8. Research Louisville, Louisville, October 2005 (poster).

7. JSM 2004, Toronto, August 2004 (oral).

6. ENAR Spring Meeting, Pittsburgh, March 2004 (oral).

5. IBS Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, December 1998 (oral).

4. IBS Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1996 (oral).

3. 56th IMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 1993 (oral).

2. Second International Symposium on Probability and Its Applications, Bloomington, March

1993 (oral).

1. Special Contributed Session, 5th Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related
Topics, W. Lafayette, Indiana, June 1992 (oral).


14. Workshop on Applications-Driven Geometric Functional Data Analysis, FSU, October, 2017.
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13. FaceBase 2017 Annual Meeting in Boston, USA, May, 2017.

12. AAAS Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, USA, February 2015.

11. FaceBase 2015 Annual Meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, January 2015.

10. CAMDA 2014, Boston, USA, July 2014.

9. Joint Statistical Meetings, Montreal, Canada, August, 2013.

8. Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA, July-August, 2012.

7. Conference on New Statistical Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis, Ames,
Iowa, May 11, 2012.

6. Conference on Data Analysis, Santa Fe, NM, February-March, 2012.

5. Rocky '08, 6th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference, Snowmass, CO,
December, 2008.

4. NIEHS SNPs Workshop, Brown Hotel, Louisville, KY, January 2008.

3. UT-ORNL-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2008, Lake Barkley State Park, KY, April, 2008.

2. UT-ORNL-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2006, Lake Barkley State Park, KY, April, 2006.

1. Symposium on Multivariate Analysis, Hong Kong Baptist College, Hong Kong, March 1992.


• Book Series Editor-in-Chief, Frontiers in Statistical Sciences and Probability, Springer,
2012-current. Five volumes in the series to date.

• Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics, Springer Nature, 2010-current.

• Associate Editor, Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, Taylor & Francis,


• Associate Editor, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Taylor &

Francis, 2002-current.

• Associate Editor, Communications in Statistics-Data Analysis and Applications, Taylor

& Francis, 2016-current.

• Editor-in-Chief (co with H. Koul), Statistics & Probability Letters, Elsevier, 2007-2012.
(Handled over 1000 papers)

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• Guest Editor (co with María del Carmen Pardo Llorente, Thomas Scheike, and Kam C. Yuen),
Special Issue on “Survival Analysis”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Elsevier,

• Guest Editor (co with H. van Houwelingen), Special Issue on “Statistics in Biological and
Medical Sciences”. Statistics & Probability Letters, Elsevier, 2010-2011.

• Associate Editor, The American Statistician, American Statistical Association/Taylor &

Francis, 2005- 2012.

• Co-Editor, Sankhya-, Indian Statistical Institute/Springer, 2001-2007.


At University of Florida (2016 -):

• PHC 7066: Large Sample Theory. A core course for the doctoral students in biostatistics.

At University of Louisville (2005 - 2015):

• PHST 762: Advanced Statistical Inference. PhD (Biostatistics concentration) core course.

• PHST 783: Advanced Survival Analysis. PhD (Biostatistics concentration) core course.

• PHST 780: Advanced Nonparametrics. PhD (Biostatistics concentration) elective course.

• Numerous Independent Study courses.

• Co-taught a short course titled “Tools for Materials Genome Research” at 2013 Kentucky
Workshop on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, KY International Convention Center on
March 24, 2013.

At University of Georgia (1988 - 2005):

• STA 2000: Elementary Statistics. Large lecture format (150--250 students).

• STA 8530: Advanced Statistical Inference 1. Ph. D. core course.

• STA 8540: Advanced Statistical Inference 2. Ph. D. core course.

• STA 8550: Asymptotic Inference. Ph. D. level. Books used Asymptotic Statistics by van der
Vaart and Approximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics by Serfling.

• STA 8570: Statistical Decision Theory. Books used Statistical Decision Theory by Berger and
Mathematical Statistics: A Decision Theoretic Approach by Ferguson.

• STA 8650: Bootstrapping Techniques. Books used The Jackknife, the Bootstrap and Other
Resampling Plans by Efron and The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion by Hall.

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• STA 9270/80: Supervised Statistical Consulting. Students get real life experience in Statistical

• STA 3330: Advanced Applications and Computing. Book used Modern Applied Statistics with
S, 4th Edn., by W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley.

• STA 8990: Special Topics in Statistics. A course in advanced survival analysis offered to the
Ph.D. students. Book used Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes by Andersen, Gill,
Borgan and Keiding.

• STA 4/6380: Survival Analysis. An introductory course in Survival Analysis.

• STA 4/6240: Sampling and Survey Methods. An introductory course in sampling.

Scholarly Journal Refereeing

• Referee for Annals of Statistics, Biometrics, Biometrika, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics,

Communications in Statistics, Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Lifetime Data Analysis,
Mathematical Methods in Statistics, Sankhya, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Statistics in Medicine,
Statistics & Decisions, Statistics and Probability Letters, Statistical Methodology and many other journals.

International Grant Reviews

• Grant Reviewer, FONDECYT Regular Competition 2020, Chile, 2019.

• Grant Reviewer, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Research Proposal, Israel,

• Grant Reviewer, eScience Enabling Technologies Research Proposal, Vienna, Austria, 2016.

• Grant Reviewer, Austrian Science Fund, The Netherlands, 2014.

• Grant Reviewer, Medical Research Council, United Kingdom, 2014.

• Grant Reviewer, Human Frontier Science Program, France, 2012.

• Grant reviewer for Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 2010.

NIH Grant Reviews

• Grant Review Panel member, Special Emphasis Panel ZCA1 TCRB-Y (J1) S, Bridging the Gap
Between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science, NCI, National Institutes of Health, October

• Grant Review Panel member, Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 MOSS-F (02) M, NIDCR,
National Institutes of Health, April 2014.

• Temporary member, Oral, Dental and Craniofacial Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of
Health, February 2014.

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• Grant Review Panel member, Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 MOSS-C (80) S, Pathophysiology
and Clinical Studies of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw, NIDCR, National Institutes of Health, February

• Grant Review Panel member, Special Emphasis Panel of NIDCR, National Institutes of
Health, 2012.

• Grant Review Panel member, Integrative Cancer Biology and Tumor Microenvironment, NCI,
National Institutes of Health, 2010.

• Grant Review Panel member, Integrated Cancer Biology, NCI, National Institutes of Health,

NSF Grant Reviews

• Grant Review Panel member, National Science Foundation, Statistics, 2008.

• Grant reviewer for National Science Foundation - multiple occasions (including current year).

Other Reviews

• Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (multiple occasions).

• Book proposal reviewer for Springer (multiple occasions).

• External evaluator for numerous promotion and tenure cases.

• External evaluator for overseas PhD dissertations.

Conference Organization

• Scientific Program Committee member, Conference on Current Trends in Survey Statistics

2019, IMS and National University of Singapore, August 13-16, 2019, Singapore.

• Invited session, 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, June
11-15, 2018, Salerno, Italy.

• IISA Annual Conference 2018, Organizer, May 17-20, 2018, University of Florida, Gainesville,

• International Program Committee member, Second USA - Uzbekistan Conference on Analysis

and Mathematical Physics, August, 2017, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan.

• Topic Contributed Session, 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings, July 29 - August 3, Baltimore,
• Organizer, Special Topics Session, 60th World Statistics Congress – ISI2017, July 2017,
Marrakech, Morocco.

• Co-organizer, Biostatistics Workshop: Statistical Inference for Biomedical Big Data, April 7 & 8,
2017, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.

• Organizing Committee member, 15th Annual International Conference on Critical Assesment of

Massive Data Analysis, July 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA.

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• Organizer, Invited session Nonparametric Methods in Biostatistics, 3rd conference of the
International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics (ISNPS), June 2016, Avignon, France.

• Member, International Scientific Program Committee, The 1st International Statistical

Conference in Croatia – ISCCRO’16, May, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia.

• Organizer, Special Topics Session, 60th World Statistics Congress – ISI2015, July 2015, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

• Scientific Committee Member, XIV EMR, Brazilian School of Regression Models, March 2015,
Campinas, Brazil.

• Organizer, Invited session on Big Data regression, XIV EMR, Brazilian School of Regression
Models, March 2015, Campinas, Brazil.

• Organizer, Invited session on Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, IASSL-2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

• Organizer, Invited session on Interval Censoring, IBC 2010, Florianópolis, Brazil.

• Organizer, Invited session on Proteomics, IBC 2008, Dublin, Ireland.

• Organizer, Invited session on Multistate Models, JSM 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah.

• Chair, Invited session on Statistics in Genomics, JSM 2004, Toronto, Canada.

American Statistical Association (life), International Statistical Institute, Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, International Indian Statistical Association (life), American Association for the
Advancement of Science, Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (life), International Society for
Nonparametric Statistics, International Association for Statistical Computing, International
Association for Dental Research.

Past: International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, International Biometric Society, International
Society for Computational Biology.


At University of Florida:

• Chair, Admissions Committee, Department of Biostatistics.

• Chair, Faculty Mentoring Committee, Department of Biostatistics.
• Member, Curriculum Committee (2015-2017), Faculty Recruiting Committee,
Department of Biostatistics.
• Member, Faculty Travel Committee, College of Public Health and Health Professions.
• Member, Research Committee, College of Public Health and Health Professions.

At University of Louisville:

• Member, SPHIS Dean's Transition Team.

• Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, School of Public Health and Information
Sciences (Committee Chair for two 3-year terms).
• Member, Curriculum Committee, School of Public Health and Information Sciences.
• Member, Academic Affairs Committee, School of Public Health and Information Sciences.
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At University of Georgia:

• Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Franklin College of Arts and Science.
• Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of Georgia.
• Member, Faculty Senate


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