Assessment of The Heart and Neck Vessels

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Lipa City Colleges

College of Nursing

Assessment of the Heart, Neck Vessels, and Peripheral blood


Choose the one best answer for each of the following multiple choice questions. Write your
answer before the number

1. The anterior chest area that overlies the heart and great vessels is called the
a. endocardium. b. epicardium. c. myocardium. d. precordium.

2. The bicuspid, or mitral, valve is located

a. between the left atrium and the left ventricle,
b. between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
c. at the beginning of the ascending aorta.
d. at the exit of each ventricle near the great vessels.

3. The semilunar valves are located

a. between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
b. between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
c. at the exit of each ventricle at the beginning of the great vessels.
d. at the beginning of the ascending aorta.

4. The sinoatrial node of the heart is located on the

a. anterior wall of the left atrium.
b. anterior wall of the right atrium.
c. upper intraventricular system.
d. posterior wall of the right atrium.

5. The P-wave phase of an electrocardiogram (ECG) represents

a. conduction of the impulse throughout the ventricles.
b. conduction of the impulse throughout the atria.
c. ventricular repolarization.
d. ventricular polarization.

6. The major artery that supplies blood to the arm is the

a. radial artery. b. ulnar artery. c. posterior artery. d. brachial artery.

7. The popliteal artery can be palpated at the

a. knee. b. great toe. c. ankle. d. inguinal ligament.

8. The posterior tibial pulse can be palpated at the

a. great toe. b. knee. C. top of the foot. d. ankle.
9. Blood from the lower trunk and legs drains upward into the inferior vena cava. The
percentage of the body's blood volume that is contained in the veins is nearly
a. 50%. b. 60%. C. 70% d. 80%.

10. The nurse is planning to perform the Trendelenburg test on an adult client. The nurse should
explain to the client that this test is used to determine the
a. degree of arterial occlusion that exists.
b. pulse of a client with poor elasticity.
C. competence of the saphenous vein valves.
d. severity of thrombophlebitis

Label the following

Label the heart chambers, valves and direction of blood flow

Label the major arteries of the arms and legs

Label the major leg veins in the following figure

Label the major neck vessels in the following figure

Label the superficial lymph nodes of the arms and legs

Matching type

A. Write your answer before the number

1. Pulmonic
2. Diaphragm
3. Infarct
4. Auscultation
5. Bell
6. Mitral
7. Thrill
8. Systole
9. Splitting
10. Aortic
11. Doppler ultrasound probe Description
12. Edema a. Assessment technique most often
13. Clubbing associated with evaluation of the
14. Raynaud disease cardiovascular system
15. Capillary refill time b. Event of the heart when contraction of the
16. Allen test ventricles forces blood into major vessels
17. Varicose veins c. Palpable murmur described as feeling like
18. Thrombophlebitis the throat of a purring cat
19. Arterial ulcer d. Audible variation between closure of two
20. Venous ulcer valves
21. Ischemia e. Area of auscultation located at second
22. Arteriosclerosis ICS and left sternal border
f. Localized area of tissue necrosis caused
by prolonged anoxia
g. Area of auscultation located at the apex
and assessing the left ventricle; fourth to
fifth ICS at left midclavicular line (MCL)
h. Area of auscultation at second ICS and
right sternal border
i. Part of stethoscope used to auscultate
normal heart sounds
j. The portion of the stethoscope used to
assess for murmurs
k. Deficient supply of oxygenated arterial
blood to a tissue; caused by obstruction of a
blood vessel
l. Swollen, distended, and knotted veins;
occur most commonly in the legs
m. Usuaily occur on tips of toes, metatarsal
heads, and lateral malleoli; ulcers have pale
ischemic base, well-defined edges, and no
n. Swelling caused by excess fluid
o. Usually occur on medial malleoli; ulcers
have bleeding uneven edges
p. The time it takes for color to return to the
nail beds after they have been blanched by
pressure; a good measure of peripheral
perfusion and cardiac output
q. Rigid peripheral blood vessels; occurs
more commonly in older adults
r. Used to detect a weak peripheral pulse to
monitor blood pressure in infants or children
and to measure blood pressure in a lower
extremity; it magnifies pulse sounds from
the heart and blood vessels
s. Inflammation of a vein associated with
thrombus formation
t. Diffuse enlargement of terminal phalanges
u. Determines the patency of the radial and
ulnar arteries
v. A vasospastic disorder, primarily affects
the hands, characterized by color change
from pallor, to cyanosis, to rubor, attacks
precipitated by cold or emotional upset and
relieved by warmth

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