International Journal On Human Rights
International Journal On Human Rights
International Journal On Human Rights
international journal
on human rights
SUR - International Journal On Human Rights is a biannual journal published in English, Portuguese and Spanish by
Conectas Human Rights. It is available on the Internet at <>
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SÉRGIO AMADEU DA SILVEIRA 7 Aaron Swartz and the Battles for Freedom of Knowledge
PÉTALLA BRANDÃO TIMO 137 Development at the Cost of Violations: The Impact
of Mega-Projects on Human Rights in Brazil
OCTAVIO LUIZ MOTTA FERRAZ 159 Reaching Out to the Needy? Access to Justice and
Public Attorneys’ Role in Right to Health Litigation
in the City of São Paulo
OBONYE JONAS 181 Human Rights, Extradition and the Death Penalty: Reflections
on The Stand-Off Between Botswana and South Africa
■ ■ ■
SUR 18 was produced in collaboration with the organiza- lice violence, but also activities related to public manage-
tions Article 19 (Brazil and United Kingdom) and Fundar ment and administration. Sometimes, they want to know
(Mexico). In this issue’s thematic dossier, we have published about decision-making processes (how and when decisions
articles that analyze the many relationships between infor- are made to build new infrastructure in the country, for
mation and human rights, with the ultimate goal of answer- example, or the process for determining how the country
ing the questions: What is the relationship between human will vote in the UN Human Rights Council), while at other
rights and information and how can information be used to times they are more interested in the results (how many
guarantee human rights? This issue also carries articles on prisoners there are in given city or region, or the size of
other topics related to today’s human rights agenda. the budget to be allocated to public health). Therefore, ac-
cess to information was transformed into one of the main
claims of social organizations working in a wide range of
Thematic dossier: fields, and the issue of publicity and transparency of the
Information and Human Rights State became a key one. This movement has scored some
Until recently, many human rights organizations from the significant victories in recent years, and a growing number
Global South concentrated their activities on the defense of governments have committed to the principles of Open
of freedoms threatened by dictatorial regimes. In this con- Government** or approved different versions of freedom
text, their main strategy was whistleblowing, closely linked of information laws.***
to the constant search for access to information on vio- This legislation has played an important role in the
lations and the production of a counter narrative capable field of transitional justice, by permitting that human
of including human rights concerns in political debates. rights violations committed by dictatorial governments
Since they found no resonance in their own governments, finally come to light and, in some cases, that those re-
the organizations very often directed their whistleblowing sponsible for the violations are brought to justice. In their
reports to foreign governments and international organi- article Access to Information, Access to Justice: The
zations, in an attempt to persuade them to exert external Challenges to Accountability in Peru, Jo-Marie Burt and
pressure on their own countries.* Casey Cagley examine, with a focus on Peru, the obstacles
Following the democratization of many societies in faced by citizens pursuing justice for atrocities committed
the Global South, human rights organizations began to in the past.
reinvent their relationship with the State and with the As the case of Peru examined by Burt and Cagley
system’s other actors, as well as how they engaged with demonstrates, the approval of new freedom of informa-
the population of the countries where they were operating. tion laws no doubt represents important progress, but the
But the persistence of violations even after the fall of the implementation of this legislation has also shown that it is
dictatorships and the lack of transparency of many govern- not enough to make governments truly transparent. Very
ments from the South meant that the production of coun- often, the laws only require governments to release data
ter narratives continued to be the main working tool of in response to a freedom of information request. They do
these organizations. Information, therefore, was still their not, therefore, require the State to produce reports that
primary raw material, since combating human rights vio-
lations necessarily requires knowledge of them (locations
where they occur, the main agents involved, the nature of **The Open Government Partnership is an initiative created
the victims and the frequency of occurrences etc.). Their by eight countries (South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, United
reports, however, previously submitted to foreign govern- States, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway and United
ments and international organizations, were now directed Kingdom) to promote government transparency. The Decla-
ration of Open Government was signed by the initial eight
at local actors, with the expectation that, armed with in- members in 2011, and by the end of 2012 the network had
formation about the violations and endowed with voting been joined by 57 nations (Available at: http://www.state.
power and other channels of participation, they themselves gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/09/198255.htm). The initiative takes
would exert pressure on their governments. Furthermore, into account the different stages of public transparency in
after democratization, in addition to combating abuses, each of the member countries, which is why each country
many human rights organizations from the Global South has its own plan of action for implementing the principles
aspired to become legitimate actors in the formulation of of open government. More information on the initiative is
public policies to guarantee human rights, particularly the available at:
rights of minorities that are very often not represented by ***In 1990, only 13 countries had some form of Freedom of
the majority voting system. Information legislation (Cf. Toby Mendel. 2007. Access to in-
In this context, the information produced by the pub- formation: the existing State of affaire around the world. In.
lic authorities, in the form of internal reports, became VILLANUEVA, Ernesto. Derecho de la información, cultu-
fundamental for the work of civil society. These days, or- ras y sistemas jurídicos comparados. México: Universidad
ganizations want data not only on rights violations com- Nacional Autónoma de México). By 2010, however, appro-
ximately 70 countries had adopted such a law. (Cf. Roberts,
mitted by the State, such as statistics on torture and po- Alasdair S. 2010. A Great and Revolutionary Law? The First
Four Years of India’s Right to Information Act. Public Ad-
ministration Review, vol.70, n. 6, p. 25–933.). Among them,
*K. Sikkink coined the term “boomerang effect” to describe South Africa (2000), Brazil (2012), Colombia (2012), Sou-
this type of work by civil society organizations from countries th Korea (1998), India (2005), Indonesia (2010), Mexico
living under non-democratic regimes. (2002) and Peru (2003).
make the existing data intelligible, nor to release the infor- ing digital inclusion as a social right, which, based on the
mation on their own accord. The problem is exacerbated dialogue in the field of education and the concept of digi-
when the State does not even produce the data that is tal literacy, goes beyond simple access to ICT and incorpo-
essential for the social control of its activities. Another rates other social skills and practices that are necessary
area in which transparency is deficient is information on in the current informational stage of society.
private actors that are subsidized by public funding, such
as mining companies, or that operate public concessions,
such as telecommunications providers. Non-thematic articles
Many organizations from the South have spent time This issue also carries five additional articles on other rel-
producing reports that translate government data into com- evant topics for today’s human rights agenda.
prehensible information that can inform the working strate- In Development at the Cost of Violations: The Impact
gies of organized civil society or the political decisions of of Mega-Projects on Human Rights in Brazil, Pétalla
citizens. Human rights organizations have also pressured Brandão Timo examines a particularly relevant contempo-
their governments to measure their performance against rary issue: the human rights violations that have occurred
indicators that can help identify and combat inequalities in Brazil as a result of the implementation of mega de-
in access to rights. This is the topic of the article by Laura velopment projects, such as the Belo Monte hydroelectric
Pautassi, entitled Monitoring Access to Information from complex, and preparations for mega-events like the 2014
the Perspective of Human Rights Indicators, in which the World Cup.
author discusses the mechanism adopted recently by the Two articles address economic and social rights. In
Inter-American System of Human Rights concerning the Land Rights as Human Rights: The Case for a Specific
obligation of States-Parties to provide information under Right to Land, Jérémie Gilbert offers arguments for the in-
article 19 of the Protocol of San Salvador. corporation of the right to land as a human right in interna-
The relationship between information and human tional treaties, since to date it still only appears associated
rights, however, is not limited to the field of government with other rights. In Reaching Out to the Needy? Access
transparency. The lack of free access to information pro- to Justice and Public Attorneys’ Role in Right to Health
duced in the private sphere can also intensify power im- Litigation in the City of São Paulo, Daniel W. Liang Wang
balances or even restrict access to rights for particularly and Octavio Luiz Motta Ferraz analyze legal cases related
vulnerable groups. The clearest example of this last risk to the right to health in São Paulo in which the litigants
is the pharmaceutical industry, which charges astronomi- are represented by public defenders and prosecutors, in or-
cal prices for medicines protected by patent laws, effec- der to determine whether the cases have benefited the most
tively preventing access to health for entire populations. disadvantaged citizens and contributed to the expansion of
The privatization of scientific production by publishers of access to health.
academic journals is another example. The issue gained Another article looks at the principal UN mechanism
notoriety recently with the death of Aaron Swartz, an for the international monitoring of human rights. In The
American activist who allegedly committed suicide while United Nations Human Rights Council: Six Years on,
he was the defendant in a prolonged case of copyright vio- Marisa Viegas e Silva critically examines the changes in-
lation. Sérgio Amadeu da Silveira opens this issue of SUR troduced to this UN body in the first six years of its work.
with a profile of Swartz (Aaron Swartz and the Battles In Human Rights, Extradition and the Death Pen-
for Freedom of Knowledge), linking his life to the current alty: Reflections on the Stand-Off between Botswana and
struggles for freedom of knowledge given the toughening South Africa, Obonye Jonas examines the deadlock be-
of intellectual property laws and the efforts of the copy- tween the two African nations concerning the extradition
right industry to subordinate human rights to the control of Botswana citizens who are imprisoned in South Africa
of the sources of creation. and accused in their country of origin of crimes that carry
Since the internet has taken on a crucial role in the the death penalty.
production and dissemination of information, it is natural Finally, Antonio Moreira Maués, in Supra-Legality of
for it to have become a battleground between the public International Human Rights Treaties and Constitutional
interest and private interests, as illustrated by the Swartz Interpretation, analyzes the impacts of a decision in 2008
case. On this point, civil society and governments have by the Supreme Court on the hierarchy of international
sought to adopt regulations intended to balance these two human rights treaties in Brazilian law, when the court ad-
sides of the scale, such as so-called Internet Freedom, the opted the thesis of supra-legality.
subject of another article in this issue. In Internet Free-
dom is not Enough: Towards an Internet Based on Human ■ ■ ■
Rights, Alberto J. Cerda Silva argues that the measures
proposed by this set of public and private initiatives are This is the sixth issue of SUR published with funding and
not sufficient to achieve their proposed goal, which is to collaboration from the Carlos Chagas Foundation (FCC).
contribute to the progressive realization of human rights We would like to thank the FCC once again for its crucial
and the functioning of democratic societies. support of Sur Journal since 2010. We would also like to
The importance of the internet as a vehicle of commu- express our gratitude to Camila Asano, David Banisar, Da-
nication and information also means that internet access vid Lovatón, Eugenio Bucci, Félix Reategui, Ivan Estevão,
is now a key aspect of economic and social inclusion. To João Brant, Jorge Machado, Júlia Neiva, Luís Roberto de
correct inequalities in this area, civil society organizations Paula, Marcela Viera, Margareth Arilha, Marijane Lisboa,
and governments have created programs aimed at the so- Maurício Hashizume, Nicole Fritz, Reginaldo Nasser and
called “digital inclusion” of groups that face difficulty Sérgio Amadeu for reviewing the articles submitted for this
accessing the web. Fernanda Ribeiro Rosa, in another ar- issue of the journal. Finally, we would like to thank Laura
ticle from this issue’s dossier on Information and Human Trajber Waisbich (Conectas) for the insights on the rela-
Rights, Digital Inclusion as Public Policy: Disputes in the tionship between information and human rights that pro-
Human Rights Field, defends the importance of address- vided the foundation for this Presentation.
Pétalla Brandão Timo has a Master’s in International Law from the
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, in Geneva,
Switzerland, and a Bachelor’s in International Relations from the
University of Brasília, Brazil.
This article offers an overview of the human rights violations that have been taking place in
Brazil as a result of the implementation of mega development projects. Using the emblematic
cases of the 2014 World Cup and the Belo Monte hydroelectric complex as a backdrop, it
aims to demonstrate that there is a pattern of violations that is being repeated, whether in the
forests, the countryside or in the cities. The article also looks at where the responsibilities lie
in this context. It proposes, therefore, to promote a reflection on what kind of development
model is truly desirable for Brazilian society and for the country.
Original in Portuguese. Translated by Barney Whiteoat.
1 Introduction
In December 2011, the Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff, said in a speech that
respect for human rights is an essential condition for Brazil’s development. She
also recognized that social inclusion and distribution of wealth are important parts
of development, since growth in a country of 190 million should not benefit only
some.1 These statements by President Rousseff at the time reflected a view that has
been increasingly defended internationally, particularly since the 1990s, namely that
development is not limited to economic growth. Development and human rights
are, or at least they should be, intrinsically linked, being impossible to consider
one without the other. This is because they both share the same goal: guarantee
and uphold human freedom, well-being and dignity. From this point of view, the
principles of social justice and democratic participation constitute an inseparable
part of the development process.
Drawing on this rhetoric, Brazil has gained prominence on the international
stage over the past decade as the great promise for development: a country with
robust economic growth, a consolidated democracy, a guarantor of human
rights and where each year significant portions of its population are rising out
of poverty. However, the words of President Rousseff contrast sharply with how
the Brazilian development model has been devised and, more importantly, put
into practice in the country.
In the current Brazilian context, what prevails is the so-called “predatory
*This article was produced with the support of the second edition of the Program to Encourage Academic
Production in Human Rights, in the first half of 2013, in a partnership between Conectas Human Rights
and the Carlos Chagas Foundation. More information available at:
academica-em-direitos-humanos?pg=2. Last accessed in: May 2013.
2 Context
The main underlying concern of this article can be summed up in the words of
Wamala: “would it be possible to establish the foundations for economic and social
development at the same time that the foundations are being established for the
realization of individual and collective rights and freedoms?” (WAMALA, 2002,
p. 102). Although at first glance it may appear simple to reconcile the interests of
modernization and economic growth with the guarantee of human rights, Wamala
points out that an empirical study of history reveals that, both in the past and
in the present day, the freedoms of individuals and groups have repeatedly been
infringed in the name of development.
According to the author, ‘developing’ countries such as those in Africa and
Latin America face a different, more complex situation than Western countries,
where the peak of economic and industrial development occurred in the 18th and
19th centuries. This is because, while Europe structured the economic foundations
of its societies during the mercantilist era, i.e. before they had to cope with calls
for individual and collective rights, the countries of the Global South have to
pursue economic growth while also responding to the demands for human rights.
In previous centuries, it was possible, according to the doctrine of nationalism, to
justify restrictions on individual freedoms in favor of the greater common good of the
homeland. Terrible working conditions, for example, were considered desirable within
the limits of the nation’s demands for growth. Nowadays, constitutional guarantees
make it unacceptable from an ethical and legal point of view for governments to
collude with rights violations on the pretext of economic benefits – at least in theory.
In practice, however, the needs for economic growth continue to serve as a
license for numerous human rights violations around the world. In Brazil, for example,
the mentality prevails that certain segments of the population can, or indeed should,
bear the burden in favor of an alleged common good. The main message conveyed by
the country’s mainstream media creates a context in which criticism is unwelcome. It
reinforces the argument that the benefits of development generate improvements in
the quality of life for the entire population. Opposing large-scale ventures or mega-
projects, therefore, is to oppose Brazil. According to Maybury-Lewis (1992, p. 49),
“even inhabiting the regions earmarked for the implementation of these plans can
be considered ‘blocking the road to development’, and the punishment of those who
stand in the way is generally severe, as the indigenous peoples themselves discovered”.
The authorities – spokespeople of development – then insist, based on very
often biased statistics, that the rights of the minority cannot take priority over
the potential benefits for the majority. However, again in the words of Maybury-
Lewis (1992, p. 52),
This argument obscures the real question. There are morally unacceptable sacrifices that
should not be imposed on any peoples. [...] If the sacrifices demanded are not morally
inconceivable, their imposition on the minority in the name of the majority is only
justified if this results in an effective redistribution of wealth for society at large. And
this is not the case in Brazil.
of the national sport concealed the tragedy that was bound to unfold, particularly
after the experience in South Africa, or based on the experiences in other developing
countries that hosted similar events, such as the Olympics in China. Moreover,
looking back the legacy of the Pan-American Games in Rio de Janeiro, in 2007, it
was possible to foresee that the violations would be accompanied by corruption, lack
of transparency or dialogue, as well as the passage of “emergency” legal instruments
to facilitate the construction work and public biddings, with little or no observance
of social and environmental requirements (SOUZA, 2011).
According to information from Transparência Brasil (Transparency Brazil),3
of all the planned projects for the World Cup – including stadiums, urban mobility
improvements, ports, airports, tourism development and security – only the work
on stadiums, until the end of 2013, has been more than 50% completed. Data from
December 2013 reveal that in all the other areas, less than 25% has been completed
so far, with less than a year to go before the event, calling into question the viability
of these projects being ready on time. In the rush to keep to a timetable that is
already behind schedule and without the proper planning, the transformations
legitimized by the World Cup have paved the way for disrespect of the principles
of the democratic rule of law (PRADO, 2011).
The fact is that very little or nothing has been done for the World Cup that
can be converted into real gains for the local communities; not to mention the
potential diversion of funds from other areas, such as health and education, to pay
for the construction of luxury stadiums. According to Pillay and Bass (2008), as
well as Greene (2003), critical studies on the legacy of mega-events demonstrate that
the benefits of these events for developing countries are overestimated, including
in terms of generating employment and driving investment. In many cities, the
mega-stadiums have become “white elephants”, since their functionality and use
after the World Cup is questionable. Besides, only a very small portion of the
Brazilian population will have access to them.
In addition to this, none of the interventions so far have been part of a
participatory urban planning strategy, as determined by Brazil’s Cities Statute.
In most cases, the government has prioritized the interests of the companies
sponsoring the event over the preservation of the local culture. One example of
this is the renovation of Rio de Janeiro’s Maracanã stadium, whose plans included
the demolition of an historic building that from 1953 to 1977 housed the Indian
Museum and that today serves as housing and an integration center for dozens of
indigenous people from different ethnicities who come to the city.
It should be noted that mega-events involve more than just a series of
construction works, but also an urban design project that leads to a restructuring of
the social dynamics of the city. This, in turn, introduces a process that geographers
call the “commercialization of the city” (ARANTES et al., 2000), which consists of
forced evictions and the “gentrification” or cleansing of urban spaces. In other
words, the removal of the “undesirable aspects” of a city that wants to present itself
as a showcase for the world, namely people living on the streets and everything
else that is related to poverty.
As a result of these abuses, a resistance movement has emerged. Slowly but
surely, in all the event’s host cities, opposition began to mobilize in what have
been called “People’s World Cup Committees”, a pioneer initiative never before
seen in countries staging the event. Through their National Coalition (ANCPC),
these Committees have organized to denounce abuses and violations, hold
public hearings, demand transparency and information, and defend the affected
communities, i.e. stand up for a World Cup that is truly ‘ours’. Finally, it is worth
highlighting that the discussions around this theme were at the heart of the June
2013 protests.
done, the dam will employ only a very small portion of these people, drastically
increasing the unemployment rate in a region that cannot absorb everyone in the
job market, even though some workers will leave when the construction is over.
This situation contradicts the official discourse on the benefits of the project in
terms of employment generation.
None of these problems are new to Brazil. Indeed, Belo Monte is far from an
isolated case, as it presents all the same issues encountered during the construction
of hydroelectric dams in the past, such as the Tucuruí and Balbina dams, or even
the construction of the Madeira river complex. Although these types of conflicts are
concentrated in northern Brazil, it is important to point out that rights violations
caused by the construction of dams are not limited to this region. The problems
faced by the affected populations in northern Brazil are similar to those encountered
in the rest of the country, as confirmed in the report produced by the Council for
the Defense of the Rights of the Human Person (CONSELHO DE DEFESA DOS
DIREITOS DA PESSOAS HUMANA, 2008). This is why the Movement of People
Affected by Dams (MAB) has, for years, been fighting for the recognition and a
legal definition of “affected population”, as well as for the guarantee of the right
to financial compensation and the realization of prior consultations.
One dangerous facet of this model of “development at any cost” adopted by
Brazil is reflected in the policy of retaliation that the Brazilian State assumed in
April 2011, when the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
issued a Precautionary Measure (PM) requesting that the Brazilian government
immediately suspend the licensing process and the construction work on the Belo
Monte hydroelectric complex until the minimum conditions guaranteeing the
rights of the affected indigenous peoples were observed.4 The Brazilian reaction
was unforgiving in its dismissal of the IACHR’s decision. Not only did Brazil
refuse to comply with the PM, but in retaliation it also refused, for the first time
in history, to attend a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) to
address the case, and it also temporarily recalled the Brazilian ambassador to the
OAS, withheld payment of its annual budget quota and withdrew the candidacy of
Brazil’s former human rights minister to the IACHR. This reaction by Brazil can
be considered unprecedented, since in the past the country has been the recipient of
other precautionary measures from the IACHR and even condemned in four cases
by the Inter-American Court, but it has never before responded in such a manner.
Quite to the contrary, in the past it has actually demonstrated a willingness to
comply with the recommendations and decisions of the Inter-American System.
The pressure was such that in May 2011, the Secretary General of the OAS said
publically that the decision would be reviewed and, in September of the same year,
the Commission officially announced a substantial modification to the PM on Belo
Monte, alleging that the issue is outside the scope of precautionary measures. This
political climate of threats, therefore, put the very credibility and efficiency of one
of the oldest human rights protection systems at risk. It also exposed the weaknesses
of international mechanisms when faced with the political and economic interests of
countries and corporations. In this context, we should not lose sight of the fact that,
given Brazil’s strong influence in the region, its position is considered crucial to the
definition of the future direction of such a fundamentally important system, and also
to the maintenance of democratic constitutional orders in the region (VENTURA, 2012).
located in areas that, as the cities have expanded, have become coveted by the real
estate industry. Recently, opportunistic arguments have been put forward that
evictions are essential for the construction projects, even though in fact everything
indicates that viable alternatives exist that do not involve the removal of these
people. In the case of Vila do Autódromo, for example, residents and universities
partnered to develop a Grassroots Plan, presenting an urbanization proposal which
demonstrates that there is no incompatibility between the construction of the future
Olympic Park and the continued existence of the community and environmental
In addition to the complete lack of information and the exclusion of
citizens from the decision-making processes, intimidation and ruthlessness in the
treatment of residents is commonplace. Similar cases can be found in all the cities
that are preparing to receive the World Cup, as has been extensively documented.
It is estimated that between 150,000 and 170,000 people may be evicted from
their homes to make way for this mega-event (ARTICULAÇÃO NACIONAL DOS
The evictions occur not only because the residents are forced from their
homes by tractors and the police, and without proper warning, but also due to the
lack of guarantees against real estate speculation and the appreciation of properties
in certain regions, since artificial price increases can also result in eviction. The
explosive rise in property prices and rents has restricted the enjoyment of the right
to housing by pushing low-income families into even more insecure situations,
exposing them to the risk of becoming homeless.
Judging by the way they are being handled, forced evictions also reveal a
discriminatory approach. In the first place, they are discriminatory against poor,
historically marginalized communities. The deference with which the mayor of Rio
de Janeiro said he would deal with the matter of compensations in one of the few
“upper middle class” neighborhoods affected by the construction work, for example,
shows the absolute lack of fairness by the authorities in the treatment of citizens.
For residents of poor neighborhoods, the government has used different forms of
intimidation, such as the marking of houses and warrantless home invasions. In the
second place, there is also an element of racism and prejudice against traditional
communities. In Porto Alegre, for example, construction work for the World Cup is
being used as a pretext for the dispossession of dozens of “terreiro”5 Afro-Brazilian
religious sites, including what is believed to be the oldest terreiro in the state of
Rio Grande do Sul, in the same location for more than 40 years.
The struggle by Brazilian grassroots movements in this area has produced
some results. Pressure has reached international spheres, and complaints have been
submitted to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). This has led to important
recommendations by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, and
also to questions on the matter being raised by countries during Brazil’s Universal
Periodic Review in the HRC. In response, the Council for the Defense of the
Rights of the Human Person (CDDPH), of the Human Rights Secretariat, created
a Working Group on Adequate Housing in 2012 with the mandate to gather
information on the housing problems faced by the population, with a focus on the
and provide treatment to the affected populations – for example, by tracking cases
of illnesses typically related to mining areas, such as cancer.
In this context, we must not lose sight of the importance of the principle of
prevention as a way of avoiding serious damage to the environment or to people’s
health. Access to justice should not be discussed merely in terms of compensation,
after the damage, probably irreversible, has already been done. It is also worth
pointing out the seriousness of this type of violation for indigenous peoples, whose
cosmology is closely linked to the preservation of the environment. The degradation
of the environment, in this case, is an assault on the right to life of these peoples.
Another problem derives from the indifference with which the affected
populations are identified. Generally speaking, the government leaves it up to the
companies to define ‘who is affected’ and deal with the resulting compensation
claims. As the MAB has been defending for years, a restrictive or limited definition
of ‘affected population’ is one of the key factors causing human rights violations,
since this ends up disqualifying certain groups that should also be considered
eligible for some kind of compensation (MOVIMENTO DOS ATINGIDOS POR
BARRAGENS, 2011, p. 97-99). After all, ‘affected’ includes everyone whose way of
life and, more importantly, whose source of income and sustenance is affected by
the planning, implementation and operation of the mega-project, namely land
squatters, small traders, prospectors, fishermen and other groups whose survival
depends on access to natural resources.
the absence of informed public debate. According to Lisboa and Barros (2009),
the instruments of participation and social control are always neglected, and
the decision-making processes are ignored, giving preference to interests outside
the local population. In many cases, the public hearings and consultations with
indigenous communities simply do not take place or, if they do, they are only
held as a formality to fulfill a requirement. According to reports of the public
hearing ahead of the Candonga hydroelectric dam, in the state of Minas Gerais,
the overly technical nature of the presentation created an atmosphere of hostility
and intimidation, leaving little room for people to ask questions and express
opinions. The silence was then conveniently used by the companies to indicate the
community’s acceptance and approval of the project (BARROS; SYLVESTER, 2004).
According to a report by the non-governmental organization Terra de
Direitos (2011), the processes of debate are not participative, since the information
available is insufficient and does not create awareness, and it only reaches the
interested parties after the relevant decision-making and planning processes have
already been completed. Furthermore, the public hearings generally present what
is convenient for the companies, i.e. a one sided view of ‘progress for the region’,
and omit information on the true scale of the social and environmental changes.
In the consultations with indigenous communities, there is a complete
disrespect for the principle of cultural adequacy, which would require translation
into local languages. It is important to point out that this entire process, since it
constitutes a stage of public interest, ought to be conducted by the authorities,
which may not delegate the task to third-party companies, like it has been doing.
A policy of concealing information, in which decisions are made without
any social control, is also present in the various cities across Brazil that are
preparing to host the World Cup (ARTICULAÇÃO NACIONAL DOS COMITÊS
POPULARES DA COPA, 2011). Public authorities ignore the social uproar,
refusing to discuss alternatives presented by society – such as the case of the
Mercado Distrital do Cruzeiro market, in the Minas Gerais state capital of Belo
Horizonte, which is being threatened with demolition as a result of the World
Cup construction projects, even though local residents and businessmen have
presented the government, in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Architects
(IAB), with a project for its revitalization.
In Brazil, conflicts over land and natural resources every year leave dozens
of fatal victims. The countless documented cases reveal the extent to which
‘development’ processes are marred by violence, with the tacit authorization of
the State through impunity. One example of victims of social and environmental
conflicts caused by mega infrastructure projects overseen by large companies,
with the support of public funding, can be found in the case of the fishermen of
Guanabara Bay, in Rio de Janeiro. Four members of the Association of Men and
Women of the Sea were killed in less than four years, while countless threats have
been received, and all the cases remain unsolved (CRP-RJ, 2012).
More often than not, acts of intimidation against activists are perpetrated
by groups whose interests are closely linked to the mega-projects. In some cases,
the repression may come from agents of the State. In the case of Belo Monte,
for example, in June 2012 the civil police of the state of Pará sought the arrest
of 11 people accused of taking part in protests against the construction of the
dam – among the accused, in the investigation, were members of the Xingu Alive
Forever Movement, a missionary priest, a nun and a documentary filmmaker
from São Paulo.
Considering the weakness of the State to protect defenders and activists
against violent actions by groups whose interests are threatened, there have been
calls to create a legal framework in the country that effectively guarantees the
protection of these people. One such bill is pending in Congress to enact the
federal government’s Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
This aims to overcome the barriers of lack of resources and difficulties dealing
with state-level governments, among other problems, such as the slow analysis
of requests.
There is a concern that violence against human rights defenders is encouraged
by the existence of a process to criminalize and make these people invisible, which
views them as ‘defenders of criminals’ instead of as people who provide a service
for wider society and who contribute to the strengthening of democracy in the
country. The few community leaders who do receive some kind of protection ask
the same important question that baffles their police escorts: what is the point of
providing security so community leaders can continue to expose crimes that the
State does not punish?
4 Responsibilities
In accordance with the parameters established by international law, States have
the obligation to respect, protect and promote the human rights norms they have
committed to in international treaties. Rules of customary law establish that any
violation of these obligations, by action or omission, is the responsibility of the
State. Taking responsibility implies the duties of immediately ceasing the unlawful
act and redressing the damage caused, while also guaranteeing that it will not be
repeated. For the purposes of international law, the administrative division of a
country into States is irrelevant, since the duties fall on the federal government,
which should function as a guarantor of respect for human rights at all levels.
Big contractors play a significant role in political strategy today. Several projects
implemented over the past 10 years have prominently featured four construction giants:
Andrade Gutierrez, Camargo Corrêa, Odebrecht and Queiroz Galvão. From World
Cup stadiums to the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, on the Xingu
river, these ‘ four sisters’ are major recipients of public investments. [...] According to a
study by American researchers on the relationship between government contracts and
campaign donations, for each R$1 donated by contactors to political campaigns, R$8.5
is received in the form of projects.
(DE PAULA, 2012, p. 102).
develop and promote a model of development that does the most to minimize the
potential for violations? How to develop of model of development that genuinely
serves the interests of human rights?
5 Final Considerations
If the slogan of the current Brazilian government – “Brazil, a rich country is a
country without poverty” – really does convey its commitment, then it should be
possible to reconcile the development goals of the government with those of human
rights defenders. If they do indeed share the goal of ending poverty and building a
more inclusive, prosperous and fair society, then they should also be interested in
working together more closely. This is because the role of human rights defenders
is not only to denounce violations and embarrass the authorities, but primarily
to provide information and guidance for the decision-making processes. There is,
therefore, a window of opportunity for dialogue that must not be wasted.
The so-called “human rights approach to development” represents the
application of the complementary nature of human rights as the means and ends
of development. This approach integrates norms, standards and principles of the
international human rights system into local development plans, policies and
processes. The law confers legal status to the processes of development that should,
then, be guided by the principles of participation, empowerment, transparency
and non-discrimination (ROBINSON, 2005). The main merit of the human rights
approach lies precisely in the attention it draws to discrimination and exclusion.
A refusal to let macro-scale gains and results be inadvertently based on violations
of the rights of those people who do not benefit from these projects.
On this point, there is a positive answer to the initial question posed by
Wamala (2002). Yes, it is possible to reconcile economic and social development with
the realization of individual and collective rights and freedoms. This convergence
is established in the very concept of “human development”, according to which
development is seen as a process of expansion of an individual’s opportunities to
choose, so they can have access knowledge and resources, and therefore lead a healthier
idea that development should serve the interests of human rights, in that there can
be no development without respect for these rights, has become increasingly more
widespread and has even been incorporated into the rhetoric of the authorities. In
practice, however, there is still a long way to go before it can be implemented.
What this article proposed to do was demonstrate that the current
development model in place in Brazil has not necessarily freed Brazilians from
poverty, but instead accentuated the inequalities and aggravated the situation
faced by historically marginalized groups. It has shown that Brazil does not
guarantee all the principles that should govern the processes of development,
namely participation, empowerment, transparency and non-discrimination. The
development model adopted in Brazil today is not liberating and it does not
promote the expansion of opportunities and capabilities for individuals and their
communities. The choice made by Brazil is a catalyst of social and environmental
a OEA. Entrevista concedida a Raquel Duarte. Jornal Sul 21, Porto Alegre.
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Development in Africa. Ugandan Philosophical Studies, III. Cultural Heritage and
Contemporary Change, series II, v. 8. Washington, DC: Council for Research in
Values and Philosophy. p. 101-114.
WANDERLEY, Isabella F. et al. 2007. Implicações da Iniciativa de Integração da
Infra-estrutura Regional Sul-americana e projetos correlacionados na política de
conservação no Brasil. Revista Política Ambiental, Conservação Internacional
Brasil, Belo Horizonte, n. 3, maio, p. 3-42. Available at: <http://www.conservation.>. Last accessed on:
May 2013.
MC-382-10 de 01 de abril. Comunidades indígenas da Bacia do Rio Xingu, Pará.
Available at: <
otorgamiento_corregida_peticionario1.pdf>. Last accessed on: May 2013.
1. On this point cf. the article published on Portal 3. Available at: <http://www.portaltransparencia.
Brasil on 12/09/2011 entitled “Respeito aos> or in easy
direitos humanos é condição para desenvolvimento, visual interface at <>. Last
diz presidenta” (Respect for human rights is accessed on: May 2013.
condition for development, says president),
4. The conditions included: the realization of prior
available at: <
consultation processes that are free, informed,
of good faith and culturally appropriate; and
condicao-para-desenvolvimento-diz-presidenta>. Last
accessed on: 02/05/2013. the adoption of strict measures to protect the
life, health and personal integrity of the affected
2. The concept of “staged cities” is used to indigenous peoples. On this matter cf. Decision
characterize urban areas that have been transformed MC-382-10 of 04/01/2011 of the IACHR-OAS,
in order to serve as a world stage for mega-events.
available at: <
Due to the visibility that these events generate for
the city, appearance becomes an essential part of the
corregida_peticionario1.pdf>. Last accessed on:
renovation projects. The development of these cities,
May 2013.
therefore, does not serve the needs of their residents,
but instead obeys a market logic that offers few 5. Editor’s note: sacred sites where religious
long-term solutions for the real urban problems and followers of Umbanda and/or Candomblé meet to
quickly eliminates aspects of the landscape that are worship their deities, more commonly known as
considered “undesirable” (GREENE, 2003). Orixás.
O artigo oferece um panorama sobre o quadro de violações dos direitos humanos que vem
ocorrendo no Brasil a partir da implementação de megaprojetos de desenvolvimento. Usando
como pano de fundo os casos emblemáticos da Copa do Mundo de 2014 e do Complexo
Hidroelétrico de Belo Monte, objetiva-se demonstrar que há um padrão de violações que se
repetem, seja nas matas, no campo ou nas cidades. O artigo aporta ainda um estudo sobre
a quem incumbem as responsabilidades nesse contexto. Almeja-se, com isso, incitar uma
reflexão sobre que tipo de modelo de desenvolvimento, enquanto sociedade brasileira, deseja-
se verdadeiramente para o país.
El artículo presenta un panorama sobre las violaciones de derechos humanos que han
venido ocurriendo en Brasil a partir de la implementación de megaproyectos de desarrollo.
Teniendo como telón de fondo los casos emblemáticos del Mundial de Fútbol de 2014 y del
Complejo Hidroeléctrico de Belo Monte, el texto tiene como objetivo demostrar que existe
un patrón de violaciones que se repiten, tanto en regiones selváticas, como en el campo o
en las ciudades. El artículo también aporta un estudio sobre a quién le corresponden las
responsabilidades en ese contexto. Con este trabajo, se pretende incitar una reflexión sobre
qué tipo de modelo de desarrollo, como sociedad brasileña, realmente se desea para el país.
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