Pharmaceutical Sciences: To Determine The Incidence of Dyslipidemia in Young Adults

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IAJPS 2020, 07 (09), 45-49 Batool Riasat Ali et al ISSN 2349-7750

CODEN [USA]: IAJPBB ISSN : 2349-7750


SJIF Impact Factor: 7.187

Available online at: Research Article


Batool Riasat Ali, 2Dr Muhammad Bilal Hussain Khan,
3Dr Muhammad Asif Saleem
Hebei North University, China
Al-Nafees Medical College and Hospital Islamabad
Nishtar Medical University, Multan
Article Received: July 2020 Accepted: August 2020 Published: September 2020
Background: The term dyslipidemia signifies abnormal lipid or fat content in the blood, including triglycerides,
phospholipids, cholesterol, lipoprotein, and other fats. This study will help us to understand what lipid profile is
normally present in our population, if abnormal, timely screening, education, and proper management can be
Study Design: This Cross-sectional study was conducted in Services Hospital Lahore for the Period of six-
month November 2019 to April 2020.
Material & Methods: For the lipid profile, intravenous blood samples were collected in testing bottles after
overnight fasting of 9-12 hours and sent to the institutional laboratory for testing. Dyslipidemia was
defined as abnormal levels of any of the following components of the lipid profile.
Results: 112 participants of age <40 and >20 years were registered with 62 males and 50 females. Prevalence
of dyslipidemia was found to be 75.9% with a significantly high percentage in females (p < 0.05). 55.4% of the
participants had desirable serum cholesterol and 42.9% had hypertriglyceridemia. 58% of these had HDL
levels <40 mg/dL while 18.8% had high LDL levels. The mean serum cholesterol was significantly
different in males and females (p=0.018). 7.1% of the total had isolated hypertriglyceridemia, 18.8% had
isolated low HDL levels, and 46.4% had mixed hyperlipidemia, with significant differences between males
and females in the former two.
Conclusion: Dyslipidemia is a major risk factor for numerous systemic disorders and should be
detected early in life for effective management before the appearance of symptoms.
Keywords: dyslipidemia, triglycerides, hypertriglyceridemia, serum cholesterol.
Corresponding author:
Dr Batool Riasat Ali, QR code
Hebei North University, China

Please cite this article in press Batool Riasat Ali et al., , To Determine The Incidence Of Dyslipidemia In
Young Adults,Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2020; 07(09). Page 45
IAJPS 2020, 07 (09), 45-49 Batool Riasat Ali et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: 29.5% had hypertriglyceridemia, and 79% had

The term dyslipidemia signifies abnormal lipid or abnormalities in one of the lipid parameters. This
fat content in the blood, including triglycerides, is a huge percentage that was observed during
phospholipids, cholesterol, lipoprotein, and other this study. The high prevalence rate of
fats. Lipoproteinemia denotes fatty substances that dyslipidemia in states of India called for urgent
circulate in the blood attached with proteins and lifestyle intervention strategies so that preventive
when they exceed the normal level it is called measures are taken at a larger scale.7 Nowadays,
hyperlipoproteinemia.1 Similarly, when undiagnosed underlying dyslipidemia is the most
cholesterol or triglycerides are increased, the term common cause of mortality and morbidity in
given to this condition is Hypercholesterolemia young adults and that’s because of
and Hypertriglyceridemia, respectively. Non- atherosclerotic related changes leading to stroke,
optimal levels of Low-density lipoprotein myocardial infarction, hypertension, and other
(LDL) and High-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolic syndromes.8 Although several studies
cholesterol in young adults are independently have been done worldwide, there is variability
associated with coronary atherosclerosis two in those publications.9 Assuming the high lipid
decades later.2 The causes of hyperlipidemia are levels in our population similar to what we found
multiple that includes genetic factors, as in in literature, the results of this study will help us to
certain cases of familial hyperlipidemia; understand what lipid profile is normally present
besides, other factors like cigarette smoking, in our population, if abnormal, timely screening,
alcohol, hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease, education, 10 and proper management can be done.
obesity, medications, and dietary influences may Stress should be given in national health care
also alter plasma lipid level.3 Plasma lipid levels policies to prevent in order to prevent the
are linked with normal functioning of heart, hazards of Stroke, Myocardial infarction, and
brain, and kidneys when present in normal range Metabolic Syndrome because of dyslipidemia.
and when they become high, health implications of
atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and MATERIAL & METHODS:
pancreatitis may occur. The old and young This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study
people presenting with Acute myocardial conducted in the outpatient department of
infarction (AMI) and to whom, percutaneous medicine, of Services Hospital Lahore for the
coronary intervention was done, it was Period of six month, from November 2019 to April
concluded that high triglyceride level was the 2020. Both male and female young adults
reason behind acute myocardial infarction. 4 (defined in this study as those aged 21-39 years)
Another study was done in young adults of Assam, after taking informed consent were included in the
to determine the serum Total cholesterol (TC) study. Pregnant women, patients with diagnosed
level in blood and association of that cholesterol liver diseases, familial hyperlipidemias, diabetes,
level with body mass index (BMI), concluded hypertension, nephritic syndrome, and those
that young adults, especially who are overweight using any lipid-lowering agents like statins
should be advised routine cholesterol testing so were excluded from the study. Those not willing
that preventive measures can be adopted to to participate were also excluded.112 patients
avoid hypercholesterolemia and its complications were gathered in the assigned duration.
in future life.5 In a study done in Chongqing, Limited information was collected i.e. their age,
China, to estimate the frequency and risk factors gender, and the parameters of their fasting lipid
of dyslipidemia, 5375 residents aged ≥18 years profile including total cholesterol, triglycerides,
were selected. They found 35.5% prevalence of HDL, and LDL cholesterol. For the lipid profile,
dyslipidemia (34.4% among men and 37.6% intravenous blood samples were collected in
among women). Out of these 2009 participants, testing bottles (containing an anticoagulant
44.2% of the participants had isolated agent) after overnight fasting of 9-12 hours and
hypertriglyceridemia, 14.7% had isolated sent to the institutional laboratory for testing by
hypercholesterolemia, 13.2% had mixed an automated spectrophotometer and enzymatic
hyperlipidemia, and 28.0% had isolated low colorimetric method according to the guidelines of
HDL cholesterol. The age group in males National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
having the most cases of dyslipidemia was of 30-39 Standards.9Dyslipidemia was defined according
years (48.2%). In a nutshell, they advised to the National Cholesterol Education Project
conducting proper intervention programs for (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III as abnormal
reducing risk factors and routine screening levels of any of the following components of
programs to check for blood lipid levels.6 Another the lipid profile. TC of less than 200 mg/dL was
study conducted in three states of India where considered “desirable” while that of >240 mg/dL
young people (age greater than 20 years) were was termed as hypercholesterolemia. HDL was
selected, 13.9% had raised cholesterol level, 72.3% considered as “low” when it was <40mg/dL
had decreased HDL, 11.8% had raised LDL, while LDL was considered as “optimal” when Page 46
IAJPS 2020, 07 (09), 45-49 Batool Riasat Ali et al ISSN 2349-7750

it was less than 100 mg/dL. Triglycerides level gathered participants of age less than 40 years
>150 mg/dL was identified as and greater than 20 years with a mean age of
hypertriglyceridemia.10 We defined isolated 32.5 + 5.2 years. In this study, we found that
dyslipidemias as abnormal levels of any 75.9% of young adults had dyslipidemia. We first
one of these factors. However, mixed distributed the population according to categories
dyslipidemia was the term given to abnormalities in of lipid levels made by the NCEP. Adult
more than one of these. Although borderline Treatment Panel III10, which placed 56% of the
levels are alarming, we did not consider those in participants in the serum cholesterol range of
the classification of hyperlipidemias. The statistical <200 mg/dL (desirable/low) and 21.4% in that
analysis was performed using SPSS version 23.0. of >239 mg/dL (high). When triglyceride levels
Mean and standard deviations were recorded for were analyzed, 42.9% had it equal or above the
age and the lipid profile parameters. The data critical level. 58% of participants assigned to the
were further categorized according to age study had HDL levels <40 mg/dL while four of
group. Post-stratification, Chi-square and student them had it above 60 mg/dL. On the other hand,
t-test was applied. P-value <0.05 was on grouping LDL levels we had 31.3% of
considered significant. population with LDL levels <100 mg/dL, 50.0% in
a range of 100-159 mg/dL, and 18.8% above
RESULTS: >159mg/dL
In this short study population of 112, we had 62
males (55.4%) and 50 females (44.6%). We only

Table-I shows the descriptive statistics of lipid profile in total and the distribution according to male
and female gender. The mean total cholesterol overall was 209.17 + 99.96 with significant differences
in males and females (p = 0.018) while the differences in triglyceride levels, HDL and LDL between males
and females were non-significant. In Table-I, the prevalence of dyslipidemia and the different types of
hyperlipidemias is also shown with 75.9% overall, and a significantly high percentage of
dyslipidemia in females (p < 0.05). 7.1% of the total had isolated hypertriglyceridemia, 18.8% had
isolated low HDL levels, and 46.4% had mixed hyperlipidemia, with significant differences between males
and females in the former two.

DISCUSSION: associated with dyslipidemia. Risk factors for

Dyslipidemia has become a major public health dyslipidemia are lack of physical activity, obesity
concern. Its prevalence is rising at a steady particularly central obesity, metabolic
pace particularly in developing syndrome, hypertension, old age, and a diet rich in
countries.11The increasing prevalence of saturated fats and cholesterol.12 Dyslipidemia
dyslipidemia is associated with several factors of can be effectively controlled by pharmacological
which many are modifiable and are dependent on intervention but more importantly through dietary
socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic and lifestyle modification.13,14 Unfortunately,
characteristics.6 Changes in lifestyle and diet lack of awareness and appropriate therapeutic
contribute to a significant portion of risk factors intervention and management are emerging as Page 47
IAJPS 2020, 07 (09), 45-49 Batool Riasat Ali et al ISSN 2349-7750

barriers in preventing complications related to study.24,25 However, a vast literature provides

dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is a major pathogenic evidence that the prevalence of dyslipidemia is
risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular much higher in men as compared to women. This
disease (CVD). Various cardiovascular incidents was shown by a cross-sectional study by Pan et al.
reported are all associated with uncontrolled in which the incidence of dyslipidemia was
dyslipidemia.15,16 Surveys conducted in China higher in males than in females (41.92% vs
showed that the incidence of ischemic CVD is 32.47%).19 The prevalence of isolated
significantly reduced by controlling lipid profile hypercholesterolemia, isolated
among individuals, therefore decreasing the hypertriglyceridemia, and isolated low HDL
mortality and morbidity associated with it. 17 The cholesterol in the total population of our study
asymptomatic nature of dyslipidemia is also a was 0.9%, 7.1%, and 18.8% respectively. In the
concerning issue. Hence, early screening and study conducted by Pan et al. this prevalence was
preventive measures are equally important in 2.9%, 11.9%, and 7.4% respectively. The
controlling it.18,19 A National Health and early detection of dyslipidemia is important for
Nutrition Examination Survey was conducted in implementing management strategies.
the United States (U.S.) from 2003 through 2006 in These strategies can in return reduce the risk of
which the proportion of the U.S. population with cardiovascular diseases that may manifest later
abnormalities in the lipid profile was assessed. In in life. Certain lifestyle modifications and lipid-
this study, it was stated by Toth et al. that about 53 lowering drugs can be effective on individuals
percent of U.S. adults have at least one lipid with abnormal lipid profiles. However, literature
abnormality. A similar survey that took place regarding the benefits of early screening and
in China reported that approximately 41.9 initiation of treatment is sparse. A systematic
percent of the Chinese population was found to review in the United States by Chou et al. stated
have dyslipidemia.20 These studies reflected the that there was no prior study that could
threat dyslipidemia pose on the general health of provide strong evidence for the effects of
the population. In our study, we have succeeded screening or treatment on clinical outcomes in
to show that approximately 75.9% of young younger adults. Moreover, the benefit of early
adults had dyslipidemia which is significantly treatment was not clear. Therefore trials
greater than the prevalence described in the above conducted on a big scale 5 are needed to find
countries. The prevalence of dyslipidemia evidence for the benefits and harms of
increases with age; however, it is essential to dyslipidemia screening or treatment in younger
note that it also affects younger adults. 21 adults.
Moreover, the process of atherosclerosis starts
early in life. A compilation of various CONCLUSION:
observations made by the Bogalusa Heart Study Dyslipidemia, being a major risk factor for many
established an association between coronary systemic diseases should be detected early in
atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk factors in life so that effective management is carried out
young people, among which serum LDL and before the start of actual manifestations. This
serum triglyceride concentration were a study gave a high prevalence of dyslipidemia
significant factor along with many others 22,23 in asymptomatic young adults, with females
Therefore, young adults with abnormal levels being more frequently affected than males.
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