24 Iajps24092020
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24 Iajps24092020
Please cite this article in press Asif Khan et al, Analysis Of Importance Of Zinc Supplementation In The
Treatment Of Pneumonia In Children Aged 2 To 5 Years., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2020; 07(09).
Table I: Distribution of genders given treatment in Zinc and without Zinc Group
Zinc group (n=75) Non-Zinc group (n=75)
40 35 30 45
Average Duration of treatment
Zinc Group 4.35 ± 1.19 days
Non-Zinc Group 5.89 ± 1.31 days
In this study, the treatment average duration in the zinc group was 4.35 ± 1.19 days, while the mean time in the
non-zinc group was 5.89 ± 1.31 days. A statistically substantial variance was found between the study groups.
The results of the study showed that 75 patients were from the zinc group, of which 35 were girls and 40 were
boys, and in the 75 patients of the non-zinc group, were 30 boys and 45 girls. A statistically insignificant difference
was found. In this study, the zinc group patients mean age was eminent as 29.08±17.55 days where in without
zinc group study groups. i.e., p-value=0.93
Table II: Mean & SD of the Group are Given
Study group with zinc Study group A Without zinc
n 75 75
Mean 4.35 5.89
SD 1.19 1.31
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