Complainant Has That It in The The: Award

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The present dispute relates to the registration of the domain name <> in
favour of the Respondent.
The Complainant has filed the instant complaint challenging the registration
of the domain name <> in favour of the respondent. The grievance of
the complainant is not with the date or mode of registration of the domain name in
favour of the Respondent but the later's act of adopting an identical domain name
and that also in respect of similar services to that of the complainant.

The Complainant has contended that it is in the business of running the

internet search engines and has established itself world-wide. The complainant
exerts its right over the brand name/ registered mark 'GOOGLE' and has contended
that it has adopted its extensive usage way back from 1997. The Complainant has
that it has adopted its extensive usage way back from 1997. The Complainant has
contended in its claim that the Respondent simply wishes to usurp the domain
name and ride on the goodwill that the Complainant has built over the years by its
hard work.

The Complainant has contended that the disputed domain name is visually,
conceptually and substantially identical to the Complainant's domain name and that
there is no difference between both the domain names. The complainant further
contended that the name <> appears immediately and obviously
connected with the Complainant and its business and the public would perceive it
as such. It is also contended that both the domain names are used as search
engines. The Complainant further contended that the confusion which is likely to be
brought into people's mind through the disputed domain name would not only
improperly benefit the Respondent but also disrupt the business of the
Complainant, dilute its rights and expose it to |the risk of fraud.

The Complainant has further submitted that the disputed domain name was
registered in favour of the respondent on 17th February 2 0 0 7 whereas t h e same
domain name <> had been extensively operating a n d serving the market
worldwide way back from 1 9 9 7 . Furthermore the Complainant submitted that it has
not authorized, licensed or otherwise consented to the Respondent's use of its
mark or brand.

Thus being aggrieved by the said registration of the disputed domain name
in favour of the respondent, the Complainant filed the present complaint under the
INDRP policy. However, in response to the instant complaint, R e s p o n d e n t has
Offered no explanation for adoption of a virtually identical domain name

''. Further, it has also not denied the knowledge and use of the domain
name/trade mark 'google' by the Complainant. The respondent has even failed to
give any explanation/ evidence in adopting a domain name which is virtually
identical to the Complainant's already existing and renowned mark/ domain name.
In the interest of justice. any further delav in decidina this matter is uncalled for.

Cont. 2
Hence I choose to proceed with the adjudication of the said matter on the basis of
the documents and pleadings which are already on record.

In support of the contentions the Complainant relied on the following

findings of the various Hon'ble Courts and Designated Authorities:

1. Satyam Infoway Ltd v Sifynet Solutions Pvt Ltd, Civil appeal No 3028/2004
(supreme Court) wherein it was held that " use of same or similar domain
name may lead to diversion of users which could result from such users
mistakenly accessing one domain instead of another"

2. Yahoo Inc V Akash Arora, Suit No 2469/1998 (Delhi High Court) which held
that "it is obvious where the parties are engaged in common or overlapping
fields of activity, the competition would take place. If the two contesting
parties are involved in the same line or similar line of business, there is
grave and immense possibility for conflusion and deception and, therefore,
there is probability of sufferance of damages"

3. Acqua Minerals Ltd V Pramod Bose and another Suit No 371/2000 wherein it
was held that "With the advancement of internet communication, the
domain name has attained as much legal sanity as a trade name. Since the
services rendered by the internet are crucial for any business, the domain
name needs to be preserved so as to protect such provider of services
against anyone else trying to traffic or usurp the domain name"

4. WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Cente (ADMINISTRATIVE PANEL DECISION)

Germanwings GmbH v. Domain Admin. Privacy which held that
"the Complainant is under no obligation to use the provisions available
during the sunrise period in order to protect its mark. It is perfectly free to
invoke the Policy after the sunrise period and this whether or not it invoked
the special provisions available during the sunrise period".
On the analysis of the document and record submitted by the Complainant it is
found that the Complainant had registered the trademark "GOOGLE" and it has
been in use with respect to the business activities of the Complainant since 1997.
The Complainant is also the registrant of the domain names <>. The
connection between trademarks and domain names has been well observed in
various national and international cases. Recently, authorities in India Yahoo! Inc
VS. Akash Arora; 78(1999) Delhi Law Times 285], the U.K. (Marks &
Apences & Ors Vs. One in a Millions & Ors.), Taiwan(fair Trade Committee
89 Gong Zhu Zi No.036), Italy, Germany, and the USA, among other jurisdiction,
have ruled that the act of registering a domain name similar to or identical with or
famous trade mark is an act of unfair competition whereby the domain name
registrant takes unfair advantage of the fame of the trademark to either increase
traffic to the domain, or to seize a potential asset of the trademark owner in the
hope that the trademark owner will pay the requirement to relinquish the domain

In this context, I rely on the findings in the landmark judgment of Yahoo!

Inc. Vs. Akash Arora & Anr. 78(1999) Delhi Law Times 285; The Court
observed that the services of the plaintiff under the trademark/domain name
'Yahoo!' have been widely publicised and written about globally. In an internet
service, a particular internet site could be reached by anyone anywhere in the
world who proposes to visit the said internet site.... as a matter of fact in matter
where services are rendered through the domain name in the internet, a very alert
vigil is necessary and a strict view is to be taken for its easy access and reach by
anyone from any corner of the globe.....there can be no two opinions that the two
marks/domain names 'Yahoo!' of the plaintiff and "Yahooindia" of the defendant
are almost similar.... and there is every possibility and likelihood of confusion and
deception being caused. The plaintiffs herein were thus granted ad interim
injunction restraining the defendants from using the domain name

In this context I also rely upon a decision in Sony Ericsson Mobile

Communications AB vs. Farhang Farnood, Decision of INDRP dated

Cont. 4
February 20 th
,2007 wherein the dispute was with respect to Complainant's
registered domain name '' vis-a-vis Respondent's registration of the
domain name ''. They were phonetically similar and they both consist
of similar 'letters or words' except that in respondent's domain name alphabet, "s",
was absent. Here the Complainant's registered trademark was 'SONYERICSSON'.
Herein the complainant's submission that the respondent's domain name was
conceptually and confusingly similar to the complainant's trade mark was accepted
and judgement was passed by protecting the rights of the complainant.

From the evidences submitted by the Complainant, I find that the

Complainant is the proprietor and registered owner/mark of the word 'google' and
its associated domain name <>. I find that the impugned domain name
<> is identical and confusingly similar to the other prior registered
domain name and registered trade mark of the complainant.
Considering the facts and circumstances of the present matter and taking
view of the precedents laid in the context,thereof, I am of the view that the
complainant has proprietary right over the domain name <>. Under the
facts and circumstances and on perusal of the records, I deem it fit and proper to
allow the prayer of the Complainant regarding cancellation of the disputed domain
name granted in favour of the respondent and direct the Registry to cancel the said
domain name forthwith and transfer the said domain name i.e. <> in

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