Skylab Experiment Overview

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The document provides an overview of the Skylab Experiment Program which conducted various scientific experiments aboard the Skylab space station.

The intent of the Skylab Experiment Program is to provide a current description of the experiments to a level of detail that provides a general understanding of the program rationale and experiment operation.

The major research areas covered are Medical Sciences, Solar Physics, Earth Observations, Astrophysics, and Engineering and Technology.

• :i!


January 1, 1971


(Bellcomm, Inc.) 156 p





z. i

The intent of this document is to provide a current

description of the Skylab Experiment Program to a level of
detail adequate for a general understanding of program rationale
and experiment operation. The major research areas of Medical
Sciences, Solar Physics, Earth Observations, Astrophysics, and
Engineering and Technology are outlined, relating disciplinary
goals and past accomplishments to the Skylab Experiment Program.
Appended to these overall disciplinary chapters are descriptions
of the individual experiments, including experiment objectives,
relation to discipline, hardware description, and operational

Every effort has been made to provide information

which is accurate and current as of January i, 1971; however,
in some areas changes are occurring very rapidly.



Chapter One The Skylab Experiment Program 1

Medical Sciences 5
Chapter Two

Appendix I Mineral Balance, M071 i0

Bone Mineral Measurement, M072 13

Appendix II

Bio-assay of Body Fluids, M073 15

Appendix III

Appendix IV Specimen Mass Measurement, M074 18

Appendix V Lower Body Negative Pressure, 21


Vectorcardiogram, M093 23
Appendix VI

Appendix VII Cytogenic Studies of the 25

Blood, MIll

Appendix VIII Man's Immunity, In-Vitro Aspects, 28


Appendix IX Blood Volume and Red Cell Life

Span, MII3

•Red Blood Cell Metabolism, MII4 33

Appendix X

Human Vestibular Function, MI31 35

Appendix XI

Sleep Monitoring, M133 38

Appendix XII
Appendix XIII Time-and-Motion Study, Ml51
Appendix XIV Metabolic Activity, MI71
Appendix XV Body Mass Measurement, M172
Appendix XVI Effects of Zero-g on Single
Human Cells, S015

Appendix XVII Circadian Rhythm - Pocket Mice, 51


Appendix XVIII Circadian Rhythm - Vinegar Gnat, 53


Title Page
Chapter Three Solar Physics 55

Appendix I The H-Alpha Telescopes 59

Appendix II XUV Spectrograph/Spectrohelio- 61

graph, S082
Appendix III UV Scanning Polychromator 63
Spectroheliometer, S055
Appendix IV X-Ray Spectrographic Telescope, 65
Appendix Dual X-Ray Telescopes, S056 67

Appendix VI White Light Coronagraph, S052 69

Appendix VII X-Ray/UV Solar Photography, S020 71

Chapter Four Earth Observations 73

Appendix I Multispectral Photographic 76

Facility, S190
Appendix II Infrared Spectrometer, S191 78

Appendix III Multispectral Scanner, S192 8O

Appendix IV Microwave Radiometer/Scattero- 82

meter, S193
Appendix V L-Band Microwave Radiometer, 85

Chapter Five Astrophysics 87

Appendix I Nuclear Emulsion, S009 91

Appendix II UV Stellar Astronomy, $019 94

Appendix III UV Airglow Horizon Photography, 97


Appendix IV Gegenschein/Zodiacal Light, 99


Appendix V Particle Collection, S149 i01

Appendix VI Galactic X-Ray Mapping, S150 103

Appendix VII UV Panorama, S183 105

Title Page

Chapter Six Engineering and Technology 107


Appendix I Habitability/Crew Quarters, M487 ii0

Appendix II Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment, 113

Appendix III Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit, 116
Appendix IV Crew-Vehicle Disturbance, T013 118

Appendix V Manual Navigation Sightings, T002 121

Appendix VI Radiation in Spacecraft, D008 123

Appendix VII Inflight Aerosol Analysis, T003 126

Appendix VIII Contamination Measurements 128

Appendix IX Coronagraph Contamination 131

Measurement, T025
Appendix X Contamination Measurement, T027

Appendix XI Thermal Control Coatings, M415

Appendix XII Thermal Control Coatings, D024

Appendix XIII Expandable Airlock Technology 141

(B), D021

Appendix XIV Materials Processing in Space, 143


Appendix XV Zero Gravity Flammability, M479
Appendix XVI Precision Optical Tracking, T018




The Skylab Program capitalizes on the capabilities and

resources developed in the Apollo Program to accomplish scientific,
technological and biomedical investigations in space. The Skylab
Program has been initiated with the goal of achieving a series of
steps leading toward the establishment of an operational capa-
bility in earth orbit. This capability will result in expand-
ing the scientific knowledge of our earth and the surrounding
universe. In addition, Skylab will build the foundation for
future major steps in manned exploration beyond the earth-moon

The basic objectives of the Skylab Program are

described as follows:

Scientific Investigations in Earth Orbit - Scientific

investigations are a significant portion of the Skylab missions.
The information received from these scientific experiments will
substantially increase man's knowledge of the sun and bring
closer the day when he can understand the remarkable physical
phenomena evident there and the effect of these phenomena on
man's existence on earth. Astronomical and space physics
experiments will be conducted in addition to several biological
experiments. Advances in knowledge concerning the universe, the
space environment and the phenomena that exist in the solar
system and the effect of the environment of man on earth are

Applications in Earth Orbit - Skylab experiments for

earth resources study will use remote sensing techniques
to gather data for use by experts studying oceanography, water
management, agriculture, forestry, geology, geography and ecology.
The orbital path of Skylab flights will permit earth resources
survey coverage of the entire contiguous United States and much
of the world.

Long Duration Space Flights of Men and Systems - The

unique capabilities of man as a participant in space flight

*The material in the introduction and mission sections of

this chapter is taken largely from "Skylab Program Technical
Sun_ary", OMSF-NASA, June 1970.
- 2 -

activities will be evaluated. Habitability, biomedical, behavioral

and work effectiveness experiments will be performed. The life of
systems and subsystems of space vehicles will be measured by
techniques developed in Skylab flights.

In the first Skylab flight the effects of prolonged

weightlessness on man's health and behavior will be investigated
as well as his ability to carry out his various duties. This
first mission will last up to 28 days or twice the duration of
existing experience. The second and third Skylab flights are
planned to last up to 56 days.

Effective Economical Approach to Development of a

Basis for Potential Future Space Pro@rams - Skylab missions will
provide the development of the capability for man to operate in
space for increasingly longer periods of time. The basis for
future long-duration space station design and development will
be explored and evaluated on these missions.


One Saturn V flight and three Saturn IB flights are

scheduled for the Skylab Workshop (SWS) mission. The first
segment of the mission will be insertion of the SWS into a
235 nautical mile earth orbit, using the Saturn V. This seg-
ment will provide an unmanned ground-outfitted S-IVB stage for
future use as an orbital workshop to conduct inflight experi-
ments in science, technology, engineering, medicine, and solar
observation. The three S-IB flights will provide a manned
Command and Service Module (CSM) to form an orbital assembly
with the SWS. These manned missions will demonstrate rendez-
vous, resupply, and orbital assembly techniques; will investi-
gate man's ability to withstand space environment for periods
in excess of those achieved in the Gemini Program; and will
gather scientific data about the earth and the solar system.

Mission Profiles - The first mission, SL-1/SL-2, will

consist of two launches approximately 1 day apart. The SL-I
unmanned configuration will consist of a two-stage Saturn V
launch vehicle and an SWS comprising a modified S-IVB orbital
workshop, airlock module, multiple docking adapte_ Apollo
Telescope Mount, instrument unit, and the fixed part of the
payload shroud.

Before launching the SL-2 CSM the SWS will be checked

by ground command and telemetry data for suitable operational
condition to justify launching of SL-2. The SL-2 manned CSM
will be launched by a Saturn IB vehicle. The flight azimuth
and launch time will be prescribed by the rendezvous flight plan.
- 3 -

The CSM will be inserted into an 81 x 120 NM phasing orbit. The

SM service propulsion system and the service module reaction
control system will then be use_ to complete height, orbit-
plane-phase, and CSM rendezvous maneuvers and to dock with the

The SL-I/SL-2 mission will be primarily directed

toward the accomplishment of a series of medical experiments
related to the extension of manned space flight. Secondary
emphasis is on solar astronomy, earth-resources, and technology
experiments. This mission will be open-ended, but is planned
to last 28 days, beginning with the launch of the SL-2 CSM.

The SL-3 manned CSM revisit mission will be launched

by a Saturn IB vehicle from KSC. The SL-3 launch will be
approximately 70-90 days (as dictated by launch pad turn-around
time) after the SL-2 launch. The SL-3 mission will be open-
ended, but is planned for a duration of up to 56 days from
launch. The mission will be to resupply the SWSand to further
exploit the medical, technology, scientific, and earth-resources
experiments, with major emphasis on the solar astronomy experi-

The SL-4 manned CSM revisit mission will be launched

on a Saturn IB vehicle from KSC approximately 90 days after
the SL-3 launch. Like the previous revisit, this mission will
be open-ended, but is planned for a duration of up to 56 days
from launch. The SL-4 mission will be to resupply the SWS
and complete technical and scientific experiments. Major
mission emphasis will be placed on the earth resources experi-


The skylab experiment program consists of approxi-

mately 50 technology, and biomedical experiments. The SWS houses
a number of the experiments, and also carries several large
externally mounted experiments. There are two scientific air-
locks, which provide the capability for the astronauts to put
small scientific instruments "out the window" into the vacuum
of space.

The major experiment areas are:

• Biomedical Sciences, which consists of 13 flight

experiments dealing with the long-duration effects
of space on men and animals. This area also in-
cludes a number of ground-based pre- and post-
flight experiments
- 4 -

• Earth Observations, which consists of 5 flight

experiments (Earth Resources Experiment Package,
EREP) designed to study the earth from space.

• Solar Physics, which consists of 6 flight experi-

ments, 5 of which are on the Apollo Telescope
Mount (ATM).

• Astrophysics, which consists of 7 flight experi-

ments designed to study the solar system and

• Engineering and Technology, which consists of 15

experiments which deal with the various unique
properties of the space environment.

These experiments are discussed in detail in the

following chapters.
- 5 -





From the beginning of manned space flight, there has

been a continuing controversy about whether man can live and
efficiently perform under space flight conditions. The
controversy can be attributed partly to concern for the
adequacy of the life support systems for man. This area of
concern must be considered as an inherent part of each mission.
The remaining portion of the controversy concerns the ability
of man, as a living organism, to adjust to the spaceflight
environment, and to readjust to the earth environment upon

The controversy has continued throughout the first

decade of manned space flight because the missions through
Apollo have been dedicated to single flight goals that over-
rode any concentrated effort to obtain detailed biomedical

Before NASA can embark on major manned programs of

exploration and orbital operations, man's viability and useful-
ness in space must be assured. This can only be done through
a careful quantitative study of man's physiological, psycholog-
ical, and social adjustments as they occur in flight. Measures
for the overall status of the crew at a given time during flight
must be established, and an accurate time profile of the
adaptation of men to space conditions must be developed. We
must find out whether the long-term adjustments a man makes in
space eventually lead to a new stable level, or whether con-
tinual adjustments cause him to eventually exceed his reserve
capacity for meeting stress. Even if man does successfully
adapt to space conditions, the return to earth involves an
additional adaptive change which we know very little about.

The Skylab Program offers the first opportunity to

study these questions in depth. The 28 and 56-day missions
are long enough to study acute effects which could threaten
man's safety as well as to observe slower biological pro-
cesses. The biomedical experiments for the Skylab Program
have been designed to study the suspected changes and to
- 6 -

understand their basic mechanisms. The investigations are not

conceived as medical monitorin_ procedures. The latter function
will be performed operationally by known and fully tried bio-
instrumentation and medical techniques and procedures.

The Skylab medical program is an intensive study of

normal, healthy men and their reactions to the numerous stresses
of space flight. Seldom has such a comprehensive examination
been performed in ground-based studies, and never under the
unusual stresses of prolonged space flight. A substantial gain
in fundamental knowledge about human physiology is anticipated.
In addition, by preparing for and conducting these multi-man
extended missions, advances in earth-based medical appli-
cations in such areas as non-invasive bio-sensors, continuous
long term monitoring of physiological processes and bio-
telemetry will have a significant impact on medical diagnosis
and treatment.


A basic set of biomedical data has been collected as

a safety monitoring procedure on all the manned flights of the
Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. The parameters recorded
have been heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature and
blood pressure. These were supplemented by a variety of pre-
and postflight measurements of such factors as exercise capa-
bility, cardiovascular response, hematology-biochemistry
factors, immunology studies, and microbiological evaluations.
In the Gemini program, medical experiments were conducted in
flight to investigate the time course of the changes which
had been noticed before and after previous missions.

Taken as a whole, these observations have generated

the following picture of the physiological effects of space
flight on man:

i) A consistent loss of body fluid.

2) A small but repeated loss in bone calcium and

muscle mass.

3) A reduction in the ability of blood vessels to

actively distribute blood to proper parts of the
body in response to gravity - imposed shifts in

These effects completely reversed themselves within

a few days after return to earth and so far have shown no con-
sistent relation to flight duration (up to 14 days). However,
- 7 -

there remains some concern that continued effects in extended

missions could significantly reduce man's effectiveness in
space and increase the danger of re-adapting to the gravity
conditions on earth.


Each manned mission in the United States space program

was built upon the cumulative experience of preceding flights.
Skylab will fly more men, in a larger spacecraft, with more
varied activities, and for longer times than any previous
American or Russian flight. It will provide the test conditions
under which the biomedical effects observed to date can be
studied more extensively than has previously been possible.

The Skylab biomedical program consists of three

parts, each designed for separate purposes:

i) The actual stay of three men in space, with the

associated operational medical monitoring and
the observations of crew performance in a wide
variety of scientific and operational tasks.
This is designed to verify our expectations
that man can perform safely and effectively
in space.

2) The medical experiments are designed to investi-

gate in depth the physiological and behavioral
problems which have shown up in previous flights.
Their results will provide greater understanding of
the factors currently believed to limit the use-
ful duration of man's stay in space.

3) The biology experiments are designed to study

fundamental biological processes in the weightless
environment which might ultimately be the factors
limiting the survival time of any animal in space.

The knowledge and experience gained from all three

parts of the program will be used to establish criteria for
incremental increases in the duration of manned missions after
the 28 and 56-day Skylab flights.

Three nutritionand musculoskeletal experiments have

been designed to investigate the extent of skeletal and
muscular alterations, and to evaluate biochemical changes and
nutritive requirements. These investigations will measure
input and output of fluid and biochemical constituents (Appendix
i), make X-ray estimates of bone demineralization (Appendix 2),
and assess hormones and electrolytes in body fluids (Appendix 3).
- 8 -

A cardiovascular study with a lower body negative

pressure device (Appendix 5) will test the cardiovascular
reflexes which regulate the re@ional distribution of blood
through the body. This important measurement will help to
determine the onset and progression of changes in these
reflexes. The cardiovascular investigation also includes
inflight vectorcardiograms (Appendix 6) during exercise
on a bicycle ergometer, In order to evaluate the response of
the carOlovascular system to calibrated workloads in weight-

Pre- and postflight investigations in hematology

and immunology (Appendices 7-10) will investigate the effects
of space _light on the blood cells, body fluid compartments,
the hemostatis mechanism, body immunity, and chromosomal

A neurophysiology investigation will evaluate

several nervous systems responses. A human vestibular experi-
ment (Appendix ii) will investigate the effects of weightless-
ness on man's perception of body orientation in space and
will test for changes in sensitivity and susceptibility to
rotation in weightlessness.

A second experiment in this area, sleep monitoring

(Appendix 12), will investigate the effects of the spaceflight
environment on sleep state patterns derived from an analysis
of electroencephalographic (brain wave) and electro-
oculographic (eye movement) data.

A time and motion study (Appendix 131 will evaluate

the relative differences and consistencies between ground and
inflight task performance by comparing moving picture sequences
of inflight activities with similar ground-based activities.

Energy expenditures (Appendix 14) will be measured

by comparing the metabolic rate observed during rest with
that found during the bicycle ergometer exercise.

To provide supporting information to these experi-

ments, man and materials will be "weighed" in zero-g with
two mass measurement devices of appropriate range (Appendices
4 and 15).

Circadian rhythm studies are concerned with the

physiological periodicity of many body functions about the
24-hour terrestrial day/night cycle. In addition to obvious
rhythms such as sleep and wakefulness, the endocrine, cardio-
vascular, nervous, and other systems and biochemical processes
-- 9 --

are influenced by this cyclic phenomenon. The influence of

space flight on man's normal circadian rhythms will be eval-
uated from measurements of hormonal response, body temperature
variations, heart rate, rest and activity cycles, and other
data from the battery of medical and behavioral experiments
on the flight crew.

A more fundamental investigation of the function of

the biological clock which is believed to be responsible for
the timing of these rhythms in man and other animals will be
conducted by experiments with mice (Appendix 17) and vinegar
gnats (Appendix 18). These experiments test the stability of
the clock mechanism under space conditions and may provide
some indication of its dependence on factors associated with
the rotation of the earth.

In another biology experiment (Appendix 16), the bio-

chemistry and microscopic structure of human cells in tissue
culture will be examined during space flight by time-lapse
photography and chemical treatment.


The 28 and 56-day Skylab flights will give us a

good picture of man's adaptation to the space environment and
his abilities to perform many operations in space. It will
tell us whether there is any fundamental limitation in man's
abilities in, and tolerance to, weightlessness for a 2-month
stay in space.

Should limitations become evident from the results

of the Skylab experiments, the basic information will have been
obtained from which future experiments can be planned, the
responses of flight crew in future missions can be predicted
and preventive measures can be implemented. Such preventive
measures may have limited effects on spacecraft design and
program planning, such as different exercise methods, or special
diets, or they may require radical design shifts in order to
provide artificial gravity. Such a decision will have a major
impact on the design and operating procedures for future
orbital stations.

In addition to the information about man, our present

approach to the design of long-term life support systems will
be severely tested in Skylab, and the experience gained will
be indispensible in the design of larger, longer duration
- i0 -


Mineral Balance, Experiment M071

Principal Investigator: G. Donald Whedon, M.D., NIH

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


The objective of Experiment M071 is to determine

the effects of space flight on the muscle and skeletal body
systems by quantitative assessment of the gains and losses of
biochemical constituents of metabolic importance. These
constituents are Water, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium,
Sodium, Potassium, Nitrogen, Chromium, Urea, Hydroxyproline,
Creatinine and Chloride.


Continuous losses of calcium and nitrogen, such as

those which occur in ground-based simulation studies, during
long duration missions might result in impairment of skeletal
and muscle integrity and the formation of kidney stones.
Identification of the rates of actual deteriorationwill allow
specific countermeasures to be taken on later flights such as
the institution of exercise routines and the manipulation of
dietary constituents.

The principal method of assessing the effect of a

stressor on the biochemical integrity of the skeletal and
muscular systems is to determine whether the stressor pro_6_o_tes
a catabolic response which is greater than the anabolic capa _ •
bilities of the tissues. The change in equilibrium may be
reflected in an imbalance between the nutrient intake of the
constituent in question and the output of it and/or its
metabolites. A state of negative nitrogen or calcium balance
is not itself detrimental unless it is of an extent and
duration which results in compromise of the integrity of muscle
or bone With resultant increases in susceptibility to disease
or actual pathology. Prior to the onset of recognizable
disease, however, minor changes in function can be demonstrated
which will reflect later deterioration.
- ii -

Bed rest immobilization studies have shown that in

healthy young adults urinary calcium increases to 2-3 times the
control level within 5 weeks after confinement. X-ray studies
of the bones have demonstrated demineralization as soon as 2-3
weeks after immobilization. Gemini pre- and postflight X-rays
have suggested a similar loss of mineral from peripheral bones;
and the Gemini 7 mineral balance experiment has demonstrated
a trend towards negative mineral banance. This experiment was
not conclusive because of operational difficulties.

The hardware to support M071 is supplied by other

experiments. Crew body mass will be determined by the Body
Mass Measuring Device supplied by Experiment M172. Unconsumed
food remanents, feces and vomitus will be mass measured by
the Specimen Mass Measurement Device supplied by Experiment
M074. Facilities for collecting urine, feces and vomitus are
supplied by the Waste Management System of the Habitability/Crew
Quarters Experiment, M487o This experiment will also provide
for urine sampling, specimen preservation (drying for feces and
vomitus, and freezing for urine samples) and storage. In
addition, M487 contains the food storage and preparation facili-
ties including the water dispensing and measuring device.


The experiment M071 will be accomplished in three

phases: (i) Preflight, for days T-23 to T-2 consecutively,
(2) Inflight, and (3) Postflight for 18 consecutive days,
beginning immediately postflight. The functions to be performed
and the controls to be exercised are:

A) Body weight (or mass) will be measured once

daily immediately after the first urine voiding
following the sleep period.

B) A standard diet of defined composition will be

used since the composition of the crewman's diet
must be known and carefully controlled. Preflight,
each crewman will use this diet prior to the
acquisition of baseline (or normal) data to allow
the establishment of individual metabolic
equilibrium. Every effort will be made to make
the diet palatable.

c) Fluid can be taken as desired but ail intake will

be recorded. This includes fluid used for food
- 12 -

D) All urine, feces and vomitus will be collected

pre- and postflight and preserved for analysis.
Inflight, the amount of daily urine output from
each crewman will be determined, and a measured,
homogeneous sample of at least 120 milliliters
(45 for M071 and 75 for M073) taken, frozen and
stored for return as experiment data. All feces
and vomitus passed will be collected, mass
measured, dried and stored for return as experi-
ment data.

E) Periodic blood samples pre- and postflight will

be taken and the concentration of selected
metabolic constituents determined.

Data Return

During the Skylab Program, three men will occupy the

orbital workshop on three different occasions. The initial
mission will last for up to 28 days and the other two for up
to 56 days each. The Mineral Balance Experiment will occur
on all three missions so that by the end of the Skylab Pro-
gram, a continuous quantitative assessment of the muscle
and skeletal body systems for nine different individuals
will have been obtained. For each individual, a preflight
baseline will be obtained followed by a day-by-day profile
of his physiological reaction to the space environment and,
postflight, his re-adaptation to earth normal conditions.
Specifically, the following data on a daily basis will be
obtained preflight, inflight and postflight:

i. Food consumption - nutritional and caloric content.

2. Fluid consumption.

• Feces - mass and concentration of biochemical

constituents specified in the Objectives.

Urine - total voids volume, and concentration of
the biochemical constituents specified in the

So Vomitus - mass and concentration of the biochemical

constituents specified in the Objectives.

6. Body mass.

In addition, blood samples will be taken periodically

pre- and postflight and those parameters specified in the
Objectives will be determined.
- 13 -


Bone Densitometry, Experiment M072"

Principal Investigator: Pauline Beery Mack,PhD., Texas Women's

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: None

Contractor: None


This experiment is designed to determine the occur-

rence of and extent of bone mineral changes in the crewmen
by measuring the X-ray density of the heel and little finger
before and after the Skylab flights.


In both the Gemini and Apollo flights, the astronauts

have lost a measurable amount of bone density, although the
losses have been too small to appreciably weaken the bone. The
loss has been generally greater in flight than in bedrest
studies of comparable duration and comparable dietary calcium
intake. For some unknown reason the loss in finger bone
density of the flight crew is as much as to 20 times that of
bed rest subjects, whereas the loss in heel bone density is
about the same (within a factor of two) in the Gemini flights
as in bed rest subjects. The losses do not increase with longer
flights up to 14-day maximum duration which we have experienced
thus far.


The bone density is measured by the standard technique

of irradiating the finger or heel with X-rays and measuring the
photographic density of a film placed behind the limb. The
film density is measured with a densitometer, whose output is
electrically corrected for non-linearity of the film response
to X-rays.

*This experiment is currently under review, and may be

changed in order to incorporate newer measurement techniques.
- 14 -


X-rays of heel and finger bones are scheduled at the

following times:

Pre-flight: l0 days, 48 hours, 4 hours

Post-flight: As soon as possible, 48 hours, 7 days, 40 days

Data Return

The data which is returned from this experiment will

be readings of the bone density changes in the finger and heel
of all nine members of the Skylab missions (three from the
28-day mission and six from the 56-day missions).
- 15 -


Bio-assay of Body Fluids, Experiment M073

Principal Investigator: Carolyn S. Leach, PhD., NASA, MSC

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the

endocrinological adaption resulting from exposure to the
space flight environment for periods up to 56 days and to
re-adaptation postflight. Specifically, the following
elements in blood (pre- and postflight only) and urine will be
evaluated: Adenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH), 17-Hydroxy-
corticosterone (Cortisol), Angiotensin II, Renin, Aldosterone,
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH), Epinepherine, Norepinepherine,
urine electrolytes (sodium and potassium), urine and plasma
osmolality, extracellular fluid volume, total body water,
Calcitonin, Serum Thyrocalcitronin, Parathyroid Hormone,
Serum Throxine.


Although many external influences contribute to the

environment of the human organism as a whole, the environment
of its basic unit, the living cell, is wholly internal. Since
changes in extracellular fluid produce changes in the compo-
sition of the intracellular fluid, it is essential to the
normal function of cells that the constancy of this fluid be
maintained. This is achieved by the close interaction of
several organ systems, the kidneys holding a predominant role.
The kidneys are thus viewed as an organ which not only removes
metabolic wastes, but actually performs highly important
homeostatic functions by adjusting plasma volume and compo-

The necessity of elucidating the homeostatic control

mechanisms which govern plasma volume and composition is evident
when one realizes the complex and, as yet, unexplained interactions
of these metabolic and endocrine controls. In man's constantly
changing environment, there is a narrow margin of protective
- 16 -

safety between normal, hypo and hyperfunction of these mechanisms.

Evidence now exists to suggest that derangements of these normal
mechanisms may play a significant role in man's adaption to
gravitational stress.

The hardware to support M073 and M071 are identical.

Crew body mass will be determined by the Body Mass Measuring
Device supplied by Experiment M172. Unconsumed food remanents
will be mass measured by the Speciman Mass Measurement Device
supplied by Experiment M074. Facilities for collecting urine,
feces and vomitus are supplied by the Waste Management System of
the Habitability/Crew Quarters, Experiment, M487. This experi-
ment will also provide for urine sampling, specimen preservation
(drying for feces and vomitus, and freezing for urine samples)
and storage. In addition, M487 contains the food storage and
preparation facilities including the water dispensing and
measuring device.


This experiment and the Mineral Balance Experiment,

M071, are closely coupled and all of the data generated from
M071 is required for M073. During the missions, combined
urine samples will be collected for M071 and M073 and split
postflight. In addition, operational data will be taken
which will allow assessment of crew member metabolism.
This consists of (i) a spacecraft humidity and temperature
history, particulary excursions from the crew comfort
range, (2) times of operation (mission elapsed time) and
identification of participating crew member(s) in (a) Experi-
ment M092, Lower Body Negative Pressure, (b) Experiment MI71,
Metabolic Activity, and (c) Extravehicular Activities, and
(3) general crew activities (sleep periods, physical activities,

The experiment will be accomplished in three phases:

(i) preflight, for 21 days, (2) inflight, and (3) postflight
until re-adaptation has been established, beginning immediately
postflight. The functions to be measured are identical to
those for M071. Specifically:

A) Body weight (or mass) will be measured once daily

immediately after the first urine voiding follow-
ing the sleep period.

B) A standard diet of defined composition will be used

since the composition of the crewman's diet
must be known and carefully controlled. Pre-
flight, each crewman will use this diet prior
to the acquisition of baseline (or normal) data
- 17 -

to allow the establishment of individual metabolic

equilibrium. Every effort will be made to make
the diet palatable.

c) Fluid can be t_ken as desired but all intake will

be recorded. This includes fluid used for food

D) All urine will be collected pre- and postflight

and preserved for analysis• Inflight, the amount
of daily urine output from each crewman will be
determined, and a measured, homogeneous sample of
at least 120 mililiters taken, (45 ml for M071
and 75 ml for M073), frozen and stored for return
as experiment data.

Data Return

During the Skylab Program, three men will occupy the

orbital workshop on three different occasions. The initial
mission will last for 28 days and the other two for 56 days
each. The Bio-assay of Body Fluids Experiment will occur on
all three missions so that by the end of the Skylab Program,
a continuous quantitative assessment of the endocrinological
adaptation for nine different individuals will have been
obtained. For each individual, a preflight baseline will be
obtained followed by a day-by-day profile of his physiological
reaction to the space environment, and postflight, his re-
adaptation to earth normal conditions• Specifically, the
following data on a daily basis will be obtained preflight,
inflight, and postflight:

i. All data obtained from Mineral Balance, Experiment


• Urine - concentration of the biochemical

constituents specified in the Objectives.

In addition, blood samples will be taken periodically

pre- and postflight and those parameters specified in the
Objectives will be determined.
- 18 -


Specimen Mass Measurement, Experiment M074

Principal Investigator: John W. Ord, Colonel, USAF, Medical

Corps, Brooks AFB
Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Southwest Research Institute, Inc.


The objectives of this experiment are:

To provide the onboard capability for specimen
mass measurement in support of the Mineral
Balance Experiment, M071.

TO demonstrate the feasibility of making mass
determinations of 50 to i000 gm objects in a
gravity free environment using calibration masses.

• To validate the theoretical behavior of the

device under flight conditions which will include
the finite mass of the spacecraft and the effects
caused by spacecraft environment, including
vibrations, tumbling, lift-off stresses, atmospheric
and temperature variations.


Studies from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Programs

indicated that inflight bone and muscle deterioration occurs
and this may adversely affect performance during extended space
flights• Inflight experiments were designed to investigate
these phenomena and the experimental protocol required determi-
nation of the masses of food residues, vomitus, and feces.
To fulfill this need, a ground-based program was undertaken
to provide a non-gravimetric mass measurement device which
functioned independent of gravity. The concept chosen for the
device depends upon timing the period of oscillation of a
linear spring-mass pendulum system• The mass to be measured
- 19 -

uniquely determines the period (seconds per cycle) of the

device and by measuring this period, the mass of an object
can be determined.


The Specimen Mass Measurement Device is a self-

contained unit capable of measuring the mass of objects
ranging from 50 gms to 1000 gms in a zero gravity environ-
ment. The instrument consists of a specimen tray supported
on springs attached to the bottom panel of an enclosing case.
The tray is locked to prevent oscillation when not in use.

To operate the unit, the tray is unlocked and

activated without an object on the tray to insure that the
device operates smoothly with no rubbing or binding. The
tray is secured and the object to be mass measured is placed
on the tray and secured with the restraints provided. The
pan is unlocked, latched in a position displaced 3/16 inches
from the neutral point, and released. The latch is used to
impart a known displacement to the spring system to initiate

An optical unit sends a signal to the timer each time

the measurement sensor crosses the midpoint in its oscillat-
ing cycle. The first two cycles are not counted in order that
any noise produced by the release mechanism is dissipated.
The next three cycles are counted. The device is shut down
by activating the control lever which moves the measurement
tray to the offset position, latches the trigger and sets the
locking control to the lock position. The results are recorded
and the measurement repeated. The total crew time required
for the entire procedure is five minutes.

The Mass Measuring Unit requires power for the

electronics subsystem. Two units are needed, one in the food
preparation area and the other in the waste management compart-
ment. Each unit weighs 33 ibs including the calibration
masses. The dimensions are approximately 6 x i0 x 14 inches.


Each instrument will be calibrated three times

during the mission (early, middle and late in the mission)
using the calibration weights of known mass. The stability of
the instrument will be ascertained by a comparison of the
three calibration curves obtained during the mission.
- 20 -

The Specimen Mass Measurement Device is vital to the

success of the Mineral Balance Experiment, M071. All unconsumed
food must be mass measured. A_I fecal material and vomitus
passed by each crewman must be mass measured before being pre-
served by drying.
Data Return

The data return from this experiment will be the

calibration curves generated at three different times during
the mission, and the repeat mass measurement of the same
object. The vast majority of the data will consist of
that required to support M071. Specifically the mass of all
unconsumed food and all feces and vomitus passed by each
crewman taking part in the three Skylab missions will be

The routine use of the Specimen Mass Measurement

Device will validate the theoretical concept employed and
will evaluate the design of this specific instrument.
- 21 -


Lower Body Negative Pressure, Experiment M092

Principal Investigator: Robert L. Johnson, M.D., MSC

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: MSFC, Martin Marietta Corp.


The experiment is designed to follow the time course

of "orthostatic intolerance," or "cardiovascular decondition-
ing" in flight. This physiological process will be compared
with the same phenomonon as it occurs in extended periods of
bed rest.


Cardiovascular deconditioning is a partial failure

of the leg blood vessels to prevent excessive pooling of blood
in the legs when the person assumes an erect posture in a gravity
field. When this excessive blood pooling takes place, the
rate of blood flow through the heart and lungs is less, causing
the pulse pressure (difference between systolic and diastolic
blood pressure) to be less, and the average pressure to be too
low, causing reduced flow to the brain. Therefore dizziness
and fainting are likely when the person stands up.

The Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) experiment

intentionally imposes a slight reduction of external pressure
to the lower half of the body to test how the cardiovascular
system reacts to a controlled amount of blood pooling during
weightless flight. This will be done in Skylab to discover
how quickly and how severely the condition progresses in the
crew members during weightless flight.


The inflight LBNP apparatus consists of three basic

units: i) a cylindrical tank with a waist seal into which
the astronaut puts his legs and hips. It can be evacuated to
a controllable pressure of 0-50 mm Hg below the ambient cabin
pressure; 2) a leg volume measuring system which records the
circumference of each leg at the level of the calf muscle;
- 22 -

3) an automatic blood pressure measuring system. It has an

automatically inflatable arm cuff with a microphone for detect-
ing blood flow and records systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. The experiment also uses the vectorcardiogram
equipment from M093 and the Body Temperature Measuring System
from MI71. The apparatus weighs 175 ibs and has a stowed
volume of 59 cubic feet.


The experiment is performed on each astronaut every

three days, and an attending astronaut is needed to assist the
subject for each performance of the experiment. The entire
experiment takes about 60 minutes to perform. During the
first half-hour the electrodes and sensors are attached to
the subject and he enters the device and secures the waist
seal. Then a 5-minute resting baseline recording is made of
blood pressure, vectorcardiogram, leg volume, and body
temperature. This is followed by 15 minutes of recording at
successively lower pressure levels to a minimum level determined
for each crewman. The experiment ends with a 5-minute post-
negative pressure recording of the same parameters.

Data Return

The inflight vectorcardiogram, blood pressure, volume

of both legs, body temperature, voice log , an_ the temperature
and pressure of the interior of the LBNP device are either
stored on tape or telemetered directly, depending on the avail-
ability of ground tracking cQverage. At least once each day
the data is to be returned to the ground tracking stations.
The entries in the data log book are to be read down via voice
- 23 -


Vectorcardiogram, Experiment M093

Principal Investigator: Newton W. Allenbach, M.D., USN Aero-

space Medical Institute
Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin Marietta Corp.


This experiment is designed to measure the vector-

cardiographic potentials of each astronaut periodically
throughout the mission so that flight-induced changes in
heart function can be detected and compared with changes
caused by well-understood physiological stressors.


The technique of vectorcardiography yields more

information than the conventional electrocardiogram. In
addition to detecting the electrical activity of the heart,
which is common to both methods, the vectorcardiographic
method of processing signals from the electrodes enables
the investigator to directly infer the position of the heart
inside the chest and its change in position at various
instants during the heart beat cycle. This more precise
information is necessary in analyzing heart function in
weightlessness. The measurements will be done before and
after the ergometer exercise of MI71 and during the Lower
Body Negative Pressure Experiment (M092) runs.


The equipment consists of i) a set of eight electrodes

which are attached to the astronaut immediately before each
experiment run; 2) a harness (or vest) which serves as a
mechanical support for the connector between the individual
electrode leads and cable. Pre-amplifiers are mounted on the
harness and feed signals into the cable; 3) the VCG Electronics
Module, which has a resistance network for converting the eight
input signals from the electrodes into the three standard
vectorcardiographic signals. This module is mounted on the
- 24 -

Experiment Support System (ESS) and contains circuits for

computing and displaying the heart rate, and for measuring
the electrode-skin resistance. The apparatus weighs 50 ibs
and has a stowage volume of about 8.0 cubic feet.

Every three days of the flight each astronaut

is scheduled to perform VCG measurements before and after a
two minute exercise period on the ergometer. An assistant
is required to help the subject attach and remove the elec-
trodes. Each experiment run takes about 45 minutes, includ-
ing time to set up and attach the electrodes, run the experiment,
take down the equipment, and stow it. The vectorcardiogram
equipment is also used in the Lower Body Negative Pressure
Experiment, (M092), and its use is described in that experi-
ment protocol.

Data Return

The data is recorded on tape to be telemetered to

the nearest ground tracking station. It consists of the
three standard VCG analog voltage signals and a heart rate
channel, along with voice identification of the conditions
of recording. No equipment or samples are to be returned to
the ground.
- 25-


Cytogenic Studies of the Blood, Experiment Mill

Principal Investigator: Margery W. Shaw, M.D., NASA, MSC

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: None

Contractor: None


The objectives of this experiment are to make pre-

and postflight determinations of chromosome aberration
frequencies in the peripheral blood leukocytes of the Skylab
flight crewmembers, and to provide in vivo radiation dosimetry.


In mitosis, each chromosome duplicates itself with

the duplicates being separated from each other at cell
division. One duplicate chromosome goes into the nucleus
of one daughter cell and the other duplicate goes into the
nucleus of the second daughter cell. The end product of this
process is cell division which involves several phases. Each
phase is characterized by a particular pattern of chromosome
behavior. It is during one of these phases (the metaphase),
that chromosomal aberrations may be microscopically observed.

Chromosome analyses were done for all of the Gemini

missions (with the exception of Gemini VIII which was
terminated early) under the operational medical program.
Significant, though slight, increases in some types of chro-
mosomal aberrations were seen following some of the missions. •
This effect could not be correlated with mission duration,
extravehicular activities, isotope injection of the crews or
other obvious flight parameters. Observations on the Skylab
crewmembers can assist in elucidating the mechanism of this

Measurement of the number of chromosome aberrations

has been demonstrated by ground-based studies to be a sensitive
method of biological radiation dose estimation. Ambient
radiation encountered during long duration missions or
- 26-

unexpected solar flare events could produce significant increases

in aberration levels. Even if no detectable increases in aber-
ration levels are observed in the Skylab missions, the experi-
ment will have served the useful purpose of demonstrating the
lack of a detectable genetic hazard associated with these


Periodic blood samples will be taken pre- and post-

flight beginning one month before launch and terminating three
weeks post recovery.

The leukocytes will be placed in a short term tissue

culture. During the first cycle of mitotic activity in the
in vitro cultures, standard chromosome preparations of the
leukocytes will be prepared.

The leukocytes from the cell culture will be removed

during metaphase and "fixed". A visual analysis will be
performed which involves counting the chromosomes, the number
of breaks, and types where possible, and then making a comparison
between the identifiable chromosome forms with groups of
chromosomes comprising the normal human complement.

Standard statistical procedures will be used to

determine if a significant increase in chromosome aberration
frequencies appears postflight. This analysis will include
comparisons of preflight aberration levels in normal indivi-
duals of the general population. "Predicted" aberration
levels for postflight samples will be calculated by using
inflight physical dose radiation measurements and existing
experimentally determined chromosome aberration production
coefficients. The effects of any other operational or
experimental procedure likely to produce chromosomal aber-
rations (such as radioisotope injections) will be measured
on normal control subjects. These control subjects will
comprise the Ground Control Group (GCG) and will be similar
in age and physical attributes to the crewmembers. As
control subjects the GCG will participate in all tests and
medical procedures undertaken by the flight crewmembers.
Examination will be made of the chromosomes of the ground
control members and the flight crew prior to initiation of
preflight procedures and tests to detect any chromosomal
aberrations already present.
- 27 -


No inflight hardware is required since the experiment

is pre- and postflight. Ground base equipment consists of
standard laboratory apparatus.

Data Return

The data from this experiment will consist of the

chromosome aberration frequencies which appear postflight
for nine men, three of whom will have experienced 28 days in
earth orbit and the rest 56 days each. An estimate of the
radiation dose experienced by each man will be made based on the
number of chromosome breaks.
- 28 -


Man's Immunity, In Vitr_ Aspects, Experiment MII2

Principal Investigators: Stephan E. Ritzmann, M.D., University of

Texas, Medical Branch

William C. Levin, M.D., University of

Texas, Medical Branch

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: None

Contractor: None


The objective of the experiment is to assay changes

in humoral and cellular immunity as reflected by the concen-
trations of plasma and blood cell proteins, blastoid trans-
formations and synthesis of ribonuleic (RNA) and desoxy-
ribonucleic acids (DNA) by the lymphocytes.


Information on man's humoral and cellular status of

immunity and coagulation phenomena during and following
exposure to space flight is essential before flight crews can
be committed to extended missions. Significant alterations of
the immunity mechanisms will produce prejudical effects upon
this inherent defense system, thereby seriously compromising the
crewman's operational status. The cellular immunity system is
exquisitely sensitive to radiation, and the coagulation status
is affected by man's activity.

The experimental program measures items which con-

tribute to man's ability to combat infections and repair trau-
matized tissues after exposure to weightlessness, spacecraft
atmosphere, sublethal ionizing radiation, the monotonous immuno-
logic stimulation of a closed environment, and the unusual
positioning and state of physical activity. Significant altera-
tions of the humoral or cellular immune-mechanisms may produce
detrimental effects upon normal physiological functions,
may result in increased susceptibility to infections, and
conceivably can induce the onset of autoimmune diseases.
- 29 -


The experiment will obtain preflight baselines, which

will be indications of normal metabolism, from the crewmembers
and a Ground Control Group (GCG) composed of three men
physically similar to the crew members who will serve as
controls while the crewmembers are in spaceflight. Upon recovery
after the spaceflight, information will be again obtained from
the crewmembers before body functions "normalize" and compared
with the preflight baselines and with the data being obtained
from the GCG to detect any significant deviations. An
extensive battery of analyses will be performed using appropri-
ate laboratory techniques to detect qualitive and/or quantitative
changes. Periodic examinations will be made of the blood
proteins and lymphocytes until the possible altered concentra-
tions are likely to have stabilized.


No inflight hardware is required since the experiment

is pre- and postflight. Ground based equipment consists of
standard laboratory apparatus.

Data Return

The data from this experiment will consist of the

results from the many analyses performed on the blood borne
immunity systems. All nine members of the Skylab flight crew
will participate.
- 30 -


Blood Volume and Red Cell Life Span, Experiment MII3

Principal Investigator: Philip C. Johnson, M.D., Baylor College

of Medicine

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: None

Contractor: None


The objective of this experiment is to determine the

effect of earth orbital missions on the plasma volume and the
red blood cell populations with particular attention paid to
changes in red cell mass, red cell destruction rate, red cell
life span, and red cell production rate. The experiment is
conducted pre- and postflight.


The red blood cells (RBC) of the circulatory system

provides the means of transporting oxygen from the lungs to
all parts of the body. The oxygen carrying capacity of this
system is proportional to the amount of RBC available. A decrease
in RBC mass forces the system to compensate by increasing the
heart rate, breathing rate, etc., at constant oxygen transport
rates, and as a result, the ability of the cardiovascular system
to meet peak oxygen demands is reduced.

Radioisotope studies on Gemini V and VII showed

decreases in red blood cell mass while at the same time
normal red blood cell survival times were shortened in three
of the four crewmen. The production, distribution and des-
truction of red blood cells needs to be investigated in order
to understand this RBC phenomena.


This experiment has four parts; in each a different

radioisotope tracer is used to evaluate the four red blood
cell parameters outlined in the Objectives.
- 31 -

The site of red blood cell (RBC) production in the

mature adult is the marrow of membranous bones (e.g. sternum
and vertebrae) with the rate of production dependent on meta-
bolic demands and the current red cell population. The rate of
RBC production will be measured quantitatively by injection of
a known quantity of a radioactive iron tracer into crewmembers.
The radioiron, combined with globulin, is transported to other
parts of the body. The iron (non-tagged and radioiron_ which
reaches the membranous bones is incorporated into the heme
portion of hemoglobin by the bone marrow. Since not all the
iron appearing in the plasma is used for erythrocyte production
but is instead taken up by the iron pools of the body, a fraction
of the injected radioiron will be unavailable for incorpora-
tion into developing RBC's. This can be determined by measuring
the concentration of radioiron in the circulating RBC after
seven days and comparing it with the initial concentration
of radioiron in the plasma.

Since the rate of RBC production acts with RBC loss

to increase or decrease the total RBC mass present at a given
time, any changes in the rates of RBC production and destruction
will be necessarily reflected in the red cell mass. Such
changes in red cell mass will be measured and analyzed in the
flight crewmembers by injection of radioactive chromium (in the
form of sodium chromate tagged red cells. The sodium chromate
diffuses through the cell membrane where it is converted
to chromium chloride and, in this form, bound to hemoglobin.
The volume of RBC's is then calculated by allowing the chromium-
tagged cells to disperse through the circulatory system and
measuring the extent to which the chromium has become diluted.
The fact that chromium does not reenter the red cell makes it
a good tracer for RBC mass determinations. Chromium incor-
porated into the hemoglobin structure of the circulating
red cell also provides a means for estimating the rate of
random cell destruction by monitoring the rate at which
chromium disappears from the red cell mass.
To determine selective age dependent erythrocyte
destruction and mean red cell life span, carbon 14 labelled
glycine will be injected into a superficial arm vein of
each crewmember and control subject. The glycine gives a
cohort tag of the RBC's by its incorporation into the heme
portion of hemoglobin and labels the erythrocytes during
their development. Sequential blood sampling will then
give the percentage of the label in the blood at a given time
(days), and by plotting this data, a survival curve can be
obtained. The resultant curve can then be analyzed mathe-
matically and a mean life span of the cells determined. Only
a small portion of the carbon 14 is re-utilized Dy the red
cells making it an ideal RBC label.
- 32 -

Finally, plasma volume changes will be measured by

adding a known amount of radioiodinated human serum albumin
to each crewmember's blood. Albumin is a major constituent
of the plasma and is the protein most responsible for main-
taining the osmotic pressure at the capillary membrane. It
acts to prevent plasma fluid from leaking out of the capillaries
into interstitial space.

A ground control group, similar in age and physical

attributes to the crewmembers will participate in all tests
and medical procedures undertaken by the flight crew.

No inflight hardware is required since the experiment

is performed pre- and postflight. Ground-based equipment consists
of standard laboratory apparatus.

Data Return

The data from this experiment will consist of the mass

changes, production and destruction rates, and life span of
the red blood cells from the Skylab crewmen, three of whom will
have spent 28 days in orbit and the others 56 days each.
- 33 -


Red Blood Cell Metabolism, Experiment MII4

Principal Investigator: Charles E. Mengel, M.D., University of

Missouri, Medical Center
Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: None

Contractor: None


The objective of this experiment is to determine

if any metabolic and/or membrane changes occur in the human
red blood cell as a result of exposure to the space-flight


In order to remain functional and effectively serve

its purpose, it is necessary that the red corpuscle maintain
an optimum osmotic balance against a steep ionic gradient,
resist forces which try to change its biconcave shape to
spherical and maintain an active transport mechanism which
allows the passage of glucose and ions across the red blood
cell membrane. Energy is required to accomplish these functions
and most importantly, energy is required to maintain the cor-
puscle's ability to transport the oxygen required to maintain
life in the body tissues. It is obvious that any interruption
in the energy-giving metabolic process could render the red
blood cell ineffectual and prove catastrophic to the astronaut.

This experiment will assess the influence of the

spaceflight environment on the metabolic processes which support
the crewmember's erythrocytes, and is designed to complement
Blood Volume and Red Cell Life Span, Experiment MII3.


The red blood cell contains no glycogen. Consequently,

for its continued metabolism, it must have constant access to
glucose. The process by which the glucose penetrates the ery-
throcyte membrane is not known. However, it is an active
- 34 -

transport process rather than simple diffusion. It is

suspected that the membrane, in particular the lipid
fraction, is functional in this" process. Because the erythro-
cyte membrane is a dynamic component of the red corpuscle, its
chemical composition and structural integrity will be addressed
by this experiment. Standard laboratory techniques will be used.
The metabolic breakdown of glucose for energy
production is accomplished anaerobically. It is through this
glycolytic process that energy is stored in chemical bonds. To
detect any changes in the glucose metabolic pathway that may
occur as a result of spaceflight exposure, several key
intracellular enzymes will be analyzed using standard laboratory

No inflight hardware is required since the experiment

will be performed pre- and postflight only. Ground based
equipment will consist of standard laboratory apparatus.

Data Return

The data from this experiment will consist of the

results from the analytical procedures, some 14 in all. All
nine crewmen from the Skylab Program will participate.
- 35 -


Human Vestibular Function, Experiment MI31

Principal Investigator: Ashton Graybiel, M.D., Naval Aerospace

Medical Institute, Pensacola, Florida

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Applied Physics Laboratory


The purpose of the experiment is to examine the

adaptation of the vestibular system to weightlessness.
Specifically, the sensitivity and susceptibility of the astro-
nauts to rotation and their preception of spatial orientation
will be measured periodically throughout the flight.


It is postulated that people will become susceptible

to motion (or rotation) sickness and that this sensitivity to
small rotations will change after spending a period of time in
weightlessness. If people become more susceptible, then it will
be difficult to design future space stations for artificial
gravity by rotation of the spacecraft. Another predicted effect
is that prolonged absence of gravity will change a person's
sense of spatial localization.


The equipment for this experiment consists of:

A litter chair which can be rotated by a motor at
its base or, when not being rotated, can tilt
forward, backward, or to either side.

A control console for selecting the mode of
operation and speed and duration of rotation,
and for displaying the speed and motor current.
- 36 -

. An otolith test goggle with a bite-board mounting.

The goggles contain an illuminated line which can
be adjusted by the man to his perceived vertical
or horizontal position.

• A reference sphere with a magnetic rod, used by

the astronaut to indicate body orientation

A simple analog computer, called a "response matrix"
which computes a running score of the subject's sub-
jective responses during the motor susceptibility
and rotation threshold tests•

The apparatus weighs 258 ibs., and has an approximate

volume of 11.2 cubic feet.


In the rotation threshold phase of the semi-circular

canal test, called the "occulo-gyral illusion mode," the subject
closes his eyes while the observer starts the chair rotating
slowly in either direction. The subject pushes a button to stop
the chair, and after it has stopped opens his eyes and reports
any perceived motion of the target light of the goggles. This
motion is the occulo-gyral illusion. If no motion is detected
the chair rotation was below threshold. The rotational speed
is increased in successive trials and his threshold is recorded.

In the motion susceptibility phase of the canal tests,

called the "motion sickness sensitivity mode," the chair is
rotated at a moderate speed for a minute and then the subject
performs a pre-arranged series of head movements and reports
his subjective sensations, which the observer records in the
response matrix.

This sequence takes about 30 minutes and is to be

performed with each crew member as a subject six times during
the 28-day mission.

In the spatial localization tests, the subject is

tilted to various positions relative to the spacecraft with
his eyes closed and is asked to indicate both his perceived
direction of gravity and body orientation. He indicates this
both by setting the direction of an illuminated line in the
test goggles and by lining up a magnetic indicator rod on a
hand-held sphere.
- 37-

The localization tests take about 45 minutes and

are to be done on each astronaut three times during the 28-day
mission. The tests are not to be done on the same day as the
rotation experiments.

Data Return

The voice descriptions of the subject's symptoms,

experiment conditions, and response matrix scores are recorded
on tape and telemetered to the nearest ground tracking
station. No samples are to be returned.
- 38 -


Sleep Monitoring, Experiment M133

Principal Investigator: J. D. Frost, Jr., M.D.

Baylor Medical College

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin Marietta Corporation


The purpose of this experiment is to objectively

evaluate the quantity and quality of an astronaut's sleep
patterns during prolonged space flight. This will be done by
automated onboard monitoring, recording and analysis of EEG
(Electro-encephalographic) and EOG (Electro-oculographic)
data, with near-real-time telemetry of results.


The M133 experiment embodies many significant advances

over the methods used in the United States' first attempt to
evaluate EEG patterns during Gemini 7. These include: (a)
eliminating the need to pre-attach electrodes to the crewman's
head by using caps with the electrodes in place; (b) capability
for near-real-time monitoring and status assessment, rather
than only postflight evaluation; (c) ability to remove signal
artifacts caused by head or eye movements; and (d) automated
inflight analysis of EEG activity, providing significant
reduction of telemetry requirements and objective summary data,


The major inflight hardware items required to support

M133 are: (a) the cap assembly, which contains the signal
sensors; (b) the preamplifier and accelerometer assembly, which
fits on top of the cap; (c) the panel assembly, which analyzes,
encodes, and records the EEG and EOG data; (d) analog signal
tapes, for later more complete analysis and validation of
telemetered data; and (e) crew logs, storage and return con-
tainers. Power and telemetry are supplied by the spacecraft
- 39 -

Ground-based support facilities include telemetry

recorders, analyzers, and displays of sleep-stage information.


Crew participation in M133 is in three phases:

i. Preflight: Astronaut training, and baseline sleep

data on three consecutive nights (10
hours total each night) recorded for
one prime and one backup crewmember.

2. Inflight: Twenty-one specified nights of data on

one crewman during regular 8-hour sleep

Postflight: Three nights of sleep recording from
same man as flight data (on nights +i,
+3 and +5).

Five minutes are needed for preparation (for donning

the sleep cap and hardware checkout) and five minutes after
sleep (for doffing and stowage). No special crew activities
are required to produce these EEG and EOG data, and normal
sleep should not be interfered with by the cap and its
associated equipment. This experiment will be performed on
the first 56-day mission.

Data Return

The primary EEG and EOG data will be supplemented

by crew self-reports on qualitative aspects of the astronaut's
sleep status, such as comfort and dreams.

Inflight data analysis of EEG and EOG data will

convert the analog signals to 3-bit binary codes for near-real-
time telemetry, sampled once every i0 seconds. Seven discrete
states will be encoded: awake, 4 stages of sleep depth, rapid
eye movements (indicative of dreaming), and head movements.
Uncoded continuous analog signals will be tape recorded and
returned for more detailed postflight analysis and comparison
with inflight telemetered data.

Real-time monitoring and display of sleep data will

be available in the mission control center. It will show the
astronaut's current sleep-state, cumulative time in each stage,
and a graphic continuous sleep-profile display.
- 40-


Time-and-Motion Study, EXperiment MI51

Principal Investigators: J. F. Kubis, Ph.D., Fordham University

E. J. McLaughlin, Ph.D., NASA/MM
Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin - Marietta Corporation


The objectives of this study are to evaluate the

effects of space conditions on time-and-motion characteristics
of crew performance, by measuring the similarities, differences,
and relative consistencies between task activities in earth-
based simulations and in zero-gravity spaceflight.

In support of these objectives, this experiment will

photograph and analyze the following types of crew activities:

l) Locomotion and translation in the zero-g

environment, with and without loads.

2) Fine and gross motor activities during

operations with and without the use of

3) Long-term adaDtations in the profiles of

representative tasks.


Visual records in the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo

programs have shown that the time-and-motion patterns of
astronaut task performance may be affected by many factors,
especially zero-gravity. Lack of recording equipment and
operational constraints in those missions prevented the in-
flight quantitative study of these effects.
- 41 -

Objective data on crew adaptions to zero-g would be

valuable for the planning and design of crew tasks, restraints
and tools, and evaluating the fidelity of present simulation

This experiment evaluates representative crew tasks

that are performed as parts of other planned experiments and
operations. The primary tasks that will be studied are:

a) Inflight Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP),

Experiment M092: Biomedical preparation
activities, including the Vectorcardiogram,
Experiment M093, which involve on-the-body
manipulative tasks requiring fine motor coor-
dination and two-man interaction for successful
completion; ingress to the LBNP device, which
involves precision translation and fine motor
coordination. Egress from the LBNP device is
a backup study task.

b) Metabolic Activity, Experiment MI71: Biomedical

preparation activities, including use of the meta-
bolic analyzer, translation to the bicycle ergo-
meter, mounting and use of the ergometer. This
ergometry task represents unique restraint
problems and is one of the few lower torso work
conditions in Skylab.

c) Specimen Mass Measurement, Experiment M074:

Food preparation and specimen mass measurement
at specific mission intervals. Food preparation
is a vital long-term activity and mass measure-
ment is a relatively simple repetitive operation.

d) Astronaut Maneuvering Unit, Experiment M509:

These tasks involve (i) the disassembly and
reassembly of relatively large equipment during
replacement of the propellant supply cylinder
to recharge the maneuvering unit, (2) transla-
tion during recharging operations, and (3) donning
and doffing of the maneuvering unit.

e) Scientific Airlock Activity: Four experiments

will be evaluated. Primary coverage will be
derived from T027 (Contamination Measurement)
and S149 (Micrometeorite Collection). Contin-
gency coverage will be available from T025
(Coronagraph Contamination Measurement) and
- 42 -

S019 (Ultraviolet Stellar Astronomy). All

of these involve tasks on large and bulky
equipment that must be handled with delicacy
and precision.
f) Operational Suit Donning and Doffing: These
vitally important functions will be studied
from the M509 and ATM activities.


The inflight cameras, lights, voice recorders and

task equipment are the same as the operational and experiment
hardware needed for these other activities, and only additional
film is directly required to support MI51.

Inflight motion picture documentation for this study

will consist of 38 400-ft. cassettes of 16 mm. color film.
Their weight and volume are 28.0 ibs. in 0.304 cubic ft. for
the 28-day mission (16 cassettes) and 19.25 ibs. in 0.209 cubic
ft. on each of the two 56-day missions (12 cassettes).

Ground support facilities include recording of voice

and TV communications. No additional monitoring equipment or
training facilities are required for MI51.


Crew participation in MI51 is in three phases:

i) Preflight: Astronaut training and baseline

data are integrated with their
training on the tasks and experi-
ments to be covered by MI51. These
include neutral buoyancy tests,
six-degree-of-freedom simulations,
and KC135 zero-g trajectory flights.

2) Inflight: No special test-tasks are required.

Observations are integrated with
the performance of the other acti-

3) Postflight: Crew debriefing, and possible

filming of activities that revealed
problems,or for which preflight base-
line data was not obtained.
- 43 -

Except for equipment setup (approximately 18 min.)

and post-task securing (approximately 4 min.), no additional
task time is required for MI51 data. Task times will depend
upon the tasks being studied. Schedules of observation are
based upon the scheduling of those tasks.

This experiment will be performed on all three

Skylab missions.
Data Return

Primary motion picture film data will be obtained at

rates of two or six frames/second, depending on the tasks being
studies. These visual records will be supplemented by crew
voice comments and written logs.

Real-time monitoring will not be required. All MI51

data will be statistically evaluated postflight. The results
may be used to identify long-term performance adaptations and
areas for special training or monitoring, validate ground-based
time-line estimates and fidelity of simulations, and assist
in planning and design of future work-aids and space facilities.
- 44 -


Metabolic Activity, Experiment MI71

Principal Investigator: Edward L. Michel, NASA/MSC

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: MSFC, Martin Marietta, Perkin Elmer


The primary objective of this experiment is to

determine if man's effectiveness in doing mechanical work
is progressively altered by exposure to the space environment.
Two secondary objectives are to evaluate the bicycle ergometer
as an exercise device for long duration missions and to evaluate
ground-based reduced-gravity simulators.


Man's muscular system needs to be used to maintain

its capacity and effectiveness to perform mechanical work;
unused,it deteriorates. Since zero gravity relieves the
mechanical stress on the musculoskelatal system, it is essen-
tial that a mission profile of the crew's work capacity and
effectiveness be obtained. These parameters can be evaluated
by metabolic measurements.

To date, metabolic measurement during U.S. flights

has been limited to the determination of the total carbon
dioxide production by the chemical analysis of the lithium
hydroxide canisters. This method, although of value in
determining average heat production rate for crewmen during
space flight, does not provide insight into transitory (peak)
energy expenditures associated with performance of work in

There has been a continuing ground-based program to

ascertain the metabolic cost of working under conditions that
simulate the environment of space. The results of these ground-
based studies will be compared with the metabolic measurements
made during an actual space mission.
- 45 -


The equipment consists of a metabolic analyzer, a

bicycle ergometer and a body temperature measuring system.
In addition, Experiment M093 - Vectorcardiogram, and the blood
pressure measuring system provided for Experiment M092 - In-
flight Lower Body Negative Pressure, is required.

The metabolic analyzer is an electromechanical

device which measures oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide
production and minute volume (the average volume of air inspired
per minute). The major components of the analyzer are an
inspiration spirometer (a device for measuring the volume of
air entering the lungs), and expiration spirometer, a Mass
Spectrometer for measuring oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and
water vapor concentrations, and a calibration assembly. The
analyzer electronics are also capable of computing vital capacity
and the respiration quotient (ratio of carbon dioxide expired
to oxygen consumed).

The ergometer is a rotary bicycle-type device designed

to allow a subject to exercise in zero gravity using eigher his
hands or his feet. It is capable of automatically programming
heart rate by a feedback control which varies the load to pro-
duce the desired heart rate over a range of 100 to 200 beats
per minute. Heart rate is derived from the vectorcardiogram
system. It is also capable of manually selecting a constant
work load. Body temperature is measured by an individually
fitted ear probe and associated electronics.

All of the data derived from this experiment is

recorded on the spacecraft tape recorder and transmitted to
the ground at a later time. Manual data recording is available
as a backup mode. Voice comments are also recorded. Motion
picture data will be obtained using the operational data
acquisition camera with film provided by Experiment MI51,
Time and Motion Studies. The weight of the hardware for
the metabolic activity experiment is 575 Ibs.


The metabolic activity experiment will be conducted

on each crewman five times in the 28-day mission and eight
times during the two 56-day missions, with test sessions
spread evenly throughout the mission.
- 46 -

The test procedure consists of measuring the selected

physiological parameters of a subject who follows a prescribed
pattern of activity on the ergometer. First, the resting state
values of body temperature, heart and metabolic rates are
measured setting the baseline for these parameters, then dupli-
cate measurements are made of vital capacity and respiratory
reserve. A period of programmed exercise on the ergometer is
performed followed by a resting period. Blood pressure measure-
ments are taken automatically during the test procedure.

The test procedure is performed five times in the

12 months preceding launch. Three days prior to launch an
exercise tolerance test will be performed.

At 12 and 24 hours after postflight recovery, each crew-

man will be given an exercise tolerance test. In addition, if
there are any significant changes in metabolic performance
during the course of the mission, the physiological parameters
will be followed using the inflight procedures. This will be
repeated every three days until baseline levels are reached.

Data Return

The data return from this experiment will consist of

the profiles which occur during a prescribed exercise regime
in zero gravity for the following variables: body temperature,
blood pressure, heart rate, vectorcardiogramand metabolic
rate. The metabolic rate is computed from measurements of
oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production.

These profiles of the physiological parameters will

be obtained five times for each of three men on the 28-day
mission and eight times per man for the two 56-day missions.
Together with the pre-flight data, the effect of the spaceflight
environment on man's ability to perform mechanical work will
be evaluated. Decrements in performance will be indicated by
elevations in heart rate at a fixed work load or a decrease
in work output at a fixed heart rate. The ergometer has the
capability of operating in either mode. The effectiveness of
the crewman to perform mechanical work is measured directly
by the metabolic rate.
- 47 -


Body Mass Measurement, Experiment M172

Principal Investigator: John W. Ord, Colonel, USAF Medical Corps,

Brooks AFB

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Southwest Research Institute, Inc.


The objectives of this experiment are to demonstrate

the feasibility of body mass measurement in the absence of
gravity, to validate the theoretical behavior of the Body
Mass Measuring Device, and to support those biomedical experi-
ments requiring body mass determination.


Studies from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Programs

indicated the requirement for extensive inflight biomedical
investigations. An integrated battery of experiments were
designed for the Skylab missions and there arose from these
experiments, a need for inflight measurements of the crewman's
weight or mass. Since the normal ground based weighing tech-
niques require gravity for their operation, a program was
undertaken to provide a mass measurement device which functioned
independent of gravity. The concept chosen for the device depends
upon timing the oscillating period of a linear spring-mass
pendulum system. The mass to be measured uniquely determines the
period (seconds/cycle) of the device and, by measuring this period
the body mass of a crewman can be determined.


The Body Mass Measurement Device is a linear spring/

pendulum chair system. When moved, the inertia of the mass in
the chair causes a pendulum cycle, the period of which is
determined by the mass being measured. The device electroni-
cally times the period of the pendulum and directly displays
the results for determination of body mass.
- 48-

TO operate the device, the subject positions himself

in the chair and fastens the restraint system. The electronics
are turned on and the readout display cleared by activating a
reset switch. A control lever releases a lock and the chair
begins to oscillate. The control lever is used to impart a
constant displacement to the spring system to initiate oscilla-

An optical unit sends a signal to the timer each time

the chair crosses the midpoint in its oscillating cycle. The
first two cycles are not counted in order that any noise pro-
duced by the release mechanism is dissipated. The next three
cycles are counted and timed. The device is shut down by
activating the control level which moves the measurement seat
to the offset position, latches the trigger and sets the
locking control to the lock position. The results are recorded
and the measurement repeated twice. The total crew time re-
quired for the entire procedure is 5 minutes.

The device is self-contained, requiring only power

for the electronics subsystem. In the stowed position, it
measures 20 inches high, 24 inches long, and 30 inches wide.
In the operating position it measures 31-1/4 inches by 35-1/4
inches by 30 inches wide. Flight weight is 75 ibs. The device
will be calibrated using existing flight hardware of known mass.


The mass of each crewman will be measured once each

24 hours immediately after the first urination following the
sleep period. This information is in direct support of
Mineral Balance, Experiment M071, Assay of Body Fluids, Ex-
periment M073, and Metabolic Activity, Experiment MI71.

The device will be calibrated three times during

each mission (early, middle and late in the mission).

Data Return

The data return from this experiment will be the

daily mass measurement of each crewman taking part in the
three Skylab missions. The day-to-day fluctuations and the
mission profile will be determined for nine different men.

The routine employment of the Body Mass Measurement

Device willevaluate the design of this specific instrument.
- 49 -


Effects of Zero-G on Single Human Cells, Experiment S015

Principal Investigator: P. Montgomery, M. D.,

Dallas County Hospital

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSC



The experiment is designed to measure the cellular

functions of living human cells in a tissue culture while
they are subjected to weightless space flight. Several bio-
chemical measurements will be made, and the cells will be
photographed in flight.


In order to determine what effect gravity has on

individual cells, a complete survey of cellular structure
and biochemical function is necessary. The investigator has
previously measured a wide variety of chemical and structural
changes in high gravity fields and in one g, but there is as
yet no knowledge of sub-gravity effects. The cells will be
examined with time lapse microscope PhOtography at magnifi-
cations of 40x and 20X. Two separate groups of cell cultures
will be maintained in space for four and 10 days, respectively.
After several biochemical experiments are performed semi-
automatically, the cells will be preserved in space and returned
for further chemical tests in the laboratory. The experiment
will measure DNA, RNA and lipid content of the cells and enzyme
activity. The DNA turnover will be measured by labeling with
radioactive tritiated thymidine. Postflight examination of
the cells in the electron microscope will be performed.
- 50 -

These zero-g studies will be cmmbined with the same

measurements at one and 200-300 times earth gravity in order
to synthesize a gravity profile of the complete response of
human cells to gravity fields.

The apparatus consists of l) a microscope camera system

with two separate culture chambers, pre-focused microscope optics
and 16 mm film reels for 40X and 20X magnification time lapse
photographs; 2) two separate assemblies of 12 culture chambers
each, along with pumps and fluid reservoirs for feeding the
cultures, removing their waste products, adding radioactive
solutions and rinse water, and preserving the cells; 3) a clock
mechanism for timing the signal lights w_ich indicate the state
of the system to the astronauts.


The experiment will be set up and the optics pre-

focused before launch. The crew is to check the operation of
the lights on the unit twice a day for the first 10 days of
the mission. On the fourth and tenth day of flight a crew mem-
ber must activate a cycle which injects radioactive labels and
fixatives used in each of the 12 cultures. On each day the
experiment is run, one astronaut's intermittent attention is
needed for two hours and twenty minutes. The experiment package
is active throughout the flight, but is not monitored after the
tenth day. The experiment housing must be returned to the
principal investigator intact.

Data Return

All of the data is in the returned experiment package,

some as undeveloped film and the rest as the preserved cells.
Extensive histochemical analysis will be done in ground-base
laboratories and the results will comprise the bulk of the data
return from this experiment.
- 51-


Circadian Rhythm Pocket Mice, Experiment S071

Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert G. Lindberg,

Northrop Corporation

Development Center: ARC

Integragation Center: MSC

Contractor: Northrop Corporation


The purpose of the experiment is to find out whether

the daily physiological rhythms of a mammal are altered in
space flight.


If the stability (precision) or the period of

physiological rhythms change significantly during flight,
then there is a strong indication that bio-rhythms of
animals on earth are timed by some factor (or environmental
force) which is absent or significantly altered in space.
This, along with similar evidence from the Vinegar Gnat Circadian
Rhythm Experiment (S072), would imply that weightless space
flight alters the functioning of basic control mechanisms
for metabolic activity. The maintenance of normal biological
rhythms in man during space flight is important to his well-
being and effectiveness in space,

On the other hand if the pocket mice in space con-

tinue their terrestrial bio-rhythms, then we can conclude
that space conditions impose no stress on the basic biological
clock mechanism and that man's performance will not be degraded
because of rhythm disturbances.


The equipment for this experiment consists of cages

and a life support system for six pocket mice, and a data
system which is shared with S072 (the Vinegar Gnat Experiment).
- 52 -

The animals are kept in constant darkness and isolated from

sound and smell sensations. An environmental control system
maintains an atmosphere equivalent to sea level pressure and
composition, a temperature of 60°F and a relative humidity of
60%. The apparatus is mounted with $072 hardware and packaged
as a unit weighing 235 pounds and occupying a 43"x25"x20"


Six pocket_ will be enclosed in a dark, constant

temperature, atmospheric pressure chamber for approximately
three weeks immediately before flight. Continuous measurements
will be made of their body temperature, heart rate, and activity
level in order to establish the natural period, phase, and stabil-
ity of the rhythms. The experiment chamber will then be launched
in the Service Module and the same measurements continued
throughout flight.

The equipment is completely automatic in flight. The

only astronaut task is to operate back-up controls at the re-
quest of the ground crew in the events of malfunction or

Data Return

The body temperature, heart rate and activity level of

the six pocket mice will be telemetered to a ground station and
relayed to the principal investigator for interpretation.
- 53 -


Circadian Rhythm - Vinegar Gnat, Experiment S072

Principal Investigator: Colin S. Pittendrigh, Stanford


Development Center: ARC

Integration Center: MSC

Contractor: Northrop Corporation


This experiment is designed to find out whether the

daily emerging cycle of vinegar gnat (drosophila) pupae is
altered in space flight.


Extensive experiments have shown that even though

gnats in the pupae stage develop at different rates depending
on temperature, they will not emerge from the pupae as adult
gnats until some kind of internal signal is given off. This
triggering signal is somehow timed to occur at an exactly
fixed time delay after a flash of light, and it occurs at the
same daily time interval thereafter, regardless of the tempera-
ture. The experiment will measure the emergence times of pupae
in two groups, one at 15°C and the other at 20°C, to find out
whether space flight conditions change the mechanism which
keeps the rhythm constant despite changes in temperature. Each
of the two temperature groups is further divided in half so
that they can be initiated by the synchronizing flash at two
different times, 12 hours apart. If the delayed group shows
the same rhythms of emergence response as the earlier group,
then it is likely that no external factor contributes to the
rhythm behavior and that the rhythms are internally synchronized.

This experiment and Circadian Rhythm of Pocket Mice,

Experiment $071, tests the stability of bio-rhythms in two
completely different kinds of living systems - insects and
mammals, respectively. If both rhythm systems become disrupted
- 54 -

during the Skylab mission then we can say that space flight
affects some kind of basic process common to both rhythm
mechanisms, and it is likely that man's biological clock
mechanism will be similarly affected.

The apparatus consists of four identical chambers,

each containing about 180 pupae placed immediately above 180
photocells. The temperature of all chambers is held at 5°C
until the experiment is initiated in orbit, at which time two
are raised automatically to 15°C and the other two chambers
are brought to 20°C. After the specimens are synchronized with
white light, a dimmer red light is turned on every i0 minutes
and the 180 photocells are scanned electronically. If a gnat
has emerged, the corresponding pupae will be transparent and
its photocell will be activated. The information about the
emerged pupae is stored in the memory of the data system. One
of the chambers at each temperature will be synchronized (with
the white light) 12 hours later than the other one, as described
above. The apparatus is mounted with the $071, hardware and
packaged as a unit weighing 235 ibs. and occupying a 43" x 25"
x 20" volume.


The equipment is installed in the Service Module

shortly before launch and is completely automatic in flight.
The only astronaut task is to operate backup controls at the
request of the ground crew in the event of a malfunction or

Data Return

The data will be telemetered to a ground station for

interpretation. It will consist of the rate of pupae emergence
events versus time. This rate should reach a maximum once a
day with a definite time delay after the initial synchronizing
- 55 -





The sun certainly is one of the most widely studied

objects in the sky;yet it remains poorly understood. Such
questions as the origin of solar flares, the development and
decay of active regions (sunspots, plages and prominences) and
the temperature characteristics of the corona (the diffuse
region extending millions of miles above the solar surface)
remain with us today. Until recently it was possible to observe
solar emissions only at wavelengths which could penetrate
the earth's atmosphere. This meant visible and radio emission.
Thus the vital ultraviolet and x-ray regions of the solar
spectrum are cut off from earth-bound viewing. In addition,
the daytime atmospheric scattering of visible light causes the
sky to be much brighter than the solar corona. Thus rare
solar eclipses are the only opportunity to view the extended
solar corona.

There are three major aspects of solar research:

ae The sun has a very important influence on the earth.

It is the ultimate source of all energy on the earth,
and all terrestrial life depends upon the sun. It
controls our environment and is responsible for our
ionosphere, which is crucial for radio communication
and shielding of terrestrial life.

be The sun is the nearest star. The sun is thus the

"Rosetta Stone" of stellar astronomy. Understanding
of the stars depends on our understanding the sun.

C. The sun is an astrophysical laboratory close at hand.

The proper combination of volumes, pressures, and
temperatures required for stellar phenomena cannot
be created in earth-based laboratories, but by using
the sun we can study atomic, nuclear and plasma
physics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and magneto-

Through the use of the ATM to study the sun, we look

forward to a better understanding of the following solar
physics problems:
- 56 -

a. How is the corona heated?

b. What is the nature of the atmospheric structural

detail, such as spicules?

c. What do coronal streamers look like in space?

d. What is the relationship between these streamers

and surface features?

e. What are solar flares?

f. How do active regions evolve?


Making use of sounding rockets, balloons and small

unmanned spacecraft we have been studying the sun from space
and near-space since the end of World War II. From these studies
we have learned much about the general nature of the sun in the
x-ray and ultraviolet regions. The first rocket ultraviolet
spectrum of the sun was obtained in 1946. The first x-ray
image of the sun was obtained from a sounding rocket in 1960.
Using orbital spacecraft, such as Orbiting Solar Observatories
(OSO), Orbiting Geophysical Observatories (OGO), and the U. S.
Navy SOLRAD satellites we have gained a great deal of insight
into solar processes. However, Our ability to obtain observa-
tions of sufficiently high resolution in energy, time, and
space is limited by the size of the instruments which can be
carried by these spacecraft.

Phenomena occur on the sun over areas smaller than

we can presently resolve, and in time intervals shorter than
we can resolve without larger, more sensitive instruments.
Spectroscopy, the resolution of light into different energies,
is our most valuable tool for study of celestial bodies. With
larger instruments we can improve our capability to obtain
finer energy resolution.


There are several basic features of the sun's emission

which are of interest to solar physicists. The first of these
is called the hydrogen alpha emission. This is a red light
emitted by the hydrogen gas present near the solar surface.
The total Visible emission of the sun changes only very
slightly during solar flares; however, the hydrogen alpha
emission is greatly enhanced and has been a fundamental
- 57-

feature of flare and active region studies for some time. The
hydrogen alpha images will be available to the astronauts to
assist them in finding interesting portions of the solar disk
to study with the ATM instruments. There are two hydrogen
alpha cameras on board the Skylab ATM.

Several of the ATM instruments will study a region

of the solar atmosphere called the chromosphere. This region is
500 to approximately 2,000 miles above the surface of the sun
and is where the hydrogen alpha emission occurs. The tempera-
ture in this region is rapidly increasing from 5,000°C to more
than 100,000°C. The much higher temperatures of the chromosphere
give rise to the ultraviolet radiation. The ultraviolet
radiation will be studied in terms of particular emission
features at specified wavelengths. These studies will help us
understand the types of atoms present in this region under
various phases of solar activity and possibly shed some light
on the mechanism which supplies the heat to this region. There
are three different ultraviolet detector experiments on ATM and
an additional ultraviolet detector operated form the Skylab
scientific airlock.

The solar corona begins about 2,000 miles above the

solar surface and continues far into space. The density of
matter in the corona is quite low, but the temperatures vary
from almost a million degrees in quiet regions to tens of
millions of degrees in certain regions during solar flares.
These high temperatures cause the ions and electrons in the
corona to radiate x-rays. There will be x-ray telescopes on
ATM equipped with cameras to photograph the x-ray corona of
the sun.

Because the corona is so large and hot, many free

electrons are available to scatter the white visible light
radiated from the surface of the sun. This scattered light
is very much weaker than the radiation from the solar surface.
A coronagraph is an instrument capable of studying the faint
corona without viewing the bright solar surface. Since the
intensity of scattered light is a measure of the electron
density in the corona, photographs taken out to 3 million miles
from the solar surface will give us the first look over an
extended period of time at the corona.

Skylab, and in particular the Apollo Telescope Mount

(ATM), will carry more than 2,200 ibs. of solar instrumentation.
The total weight of the telescope mount is 22,300 ibs. The ATM
- 58 -

is mounted on a truss support structure which surrounds the

airlock module and multiple docking adapter. The ATM
canister is approximately ii feet long and 9 feet in diameter.
The five ATM experiments will be mounted inside the canister,
carefully aligned so that each experiment points toward the
same spot on the solar surface. No astronomical instrument
on earth or in space is perfectly rigid. Yet the ATM system
can remain stable to within 1/700 of a degree for a 15-minute
period. This minimizes the blurring of solar images and will
allow detailed resolution of features approximately 1,000 miles
in size on the solar surface when short exposures are taken.


Already, solar astronomers are mapping the future

strategy for research on the sun. We know that higher resolu-
tion of surface detail on the sun is necessary to the understand-
ing of many solar processes. But to a very large degree, the
research emphasis and the phenomena to study, will be influenced
by the Skylab results. Hence the future direction of solar
research depends upon the analysis of the ATM observations.
- 59 -


The H-Alpha Telescopes

Principal Investigator: None

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Perkin-Elmer


Two telescopes sensitive to the red hydrogen alpha

light of the sun will take TV and photographic pictures of the
solar disk. The H-alpha telescopes will provide the primary
means for the boresight pointing for the ATM experiment package.
Correlations with UV and X-ray phenomena will be made with the
H-alpha photographs taken by these cameras.


Hydrogen is by far the most abundant element on the

solar surface. One of the strongest emission features charac-
teristic of hydrogen is the H-alpha red light. Since this
light is in the visible portion of the spectrum, it has been
studied for years from earth-based telescopes. When flares
occur, generally the total white light energy output of the
sun is changed insignificantly. However the H-alpha emission
is enhanced tremendously and the amount of H-alpha emission
resulting from a flare is the primary mode of classifying the
size of the flare region.


There will be two H-alpha telescopes on Skylab. One

will be equipped with a beam splitter for simultaneous photo-
graphic and television pictures. The other telescope will be
operated in the TV mode only. Both telescopes will be equipped
with a Fabry-Perot filter to make precise observations at the
desired wavelength. A zoom capability will allow specific
portions of the solar disk to be viewed in detail.
- 60 -

One telescope weighs 190 ibs. and is 9' long and

approximately i' in diameter. The second telescope which is
not used for photographic purposes is 5' long, i' in diameter
and weighs ii0 ibs.


The H-alpha telescope will be one of the "eyes" of

the astronaut. Active regions will be followed as they traverse
the solar disk. When flares are observed, the amount of H-alpha
emission will be correlated with emission intensities in other
energy regions.

Data Return

The film taken with the large H-alpha telescope will

be retrieved during the normal extravehicular activity events
scheduled. The film will be removed and replaced from the
center work station of the ATM canister.
- 61 -


XUV Spectrograph/Spe_troheliograph, Experiment S082

Principal Investigator: R. Tousey, Naval Research Laboratory

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Naval Research Laboratory, (Sub-contractor:

Ball Brothers Research Corporation)


These experiments will photograph the sun in selected

ultraviolet wavelengths. Resulting photographs (spectrohelio-
graphs) will show specific emission features greatly enhanced
over that observed of the solar disk in white light. The sun
will therefore appear quite "blochy" with much of the emission
confined to active regions. The spect{oheliograph will cover
the wavelength region from 150 to 650 A (called the far ultra-
violet region). A second instrument will take data highly
resolved into wavelength in the middle and near ultraviolet
region. This instrument can be pointed anywhere on the solar
disk and obtain the detailed emission characteristics of a
region only 1,000 miles wide.


The solar chromosphere and lower corona are much

hotter than the surface of the sun characterized by the H-alpha
and other visible emission. To observe these hotter regions of
the solar atmosphere one must observe in the ultraviolet or even
the x-ray region. Rockets and OSO satellites have taken
ultraviolet spectra and photographs of the sun. Rocket payloads
allow the return of photographs but exposure time is short and
catching a flare in progress with rockets is a difficult task.
The unmanned OSO satellites do not allow the return of high
resolution film. Thus Skylab will allow long periods of continuous
monitoring of the sun required for proper ultraviolet studies
and man will be able to return the film and direct the spectro-
graph to interesting features.
- 62 -


The spectroheliograph/spectrograph are two separate

instruments with separate housings. The spectroheliograph
("A" instrument) consists of a concave grating which separates
the _V light into its various wavelength components from 150 to
650 A. Images of the solar disk are formed on film at specific
positions corresponding to wavelength. The "A" instrument
weighs 252 ibs., is i0' long and 3' x 1-1/2' in cross section.

The spectrograph ("B" instrument) consists of a mirror

and entrance slit which will select portions of the solar disk

or limb (edge) to be viewed. A _et of two gratings will spread

the ultraviolet region from 970 A to 3940 onto photographic
film. The "B" instrument also contains an X-UV monitor which
allows the sun to be viewed by the astronauts on TV in the X-UV
regions. The "B" instrument weighs 373 ibs. and is essentially
the same size as the "A" instrument.


The astronaut will take photographs of the sun with

the spectroheliograph. The astronauts will select the wavelength
range to be studied and the exposure time.

The "B" instrument will be used to take spectra at

various portions of the limb or solar disk. The astronauts will
select the mode of operation and the wavelength region to be

The X-UV monitor provides a display of the 150-650 A

activity and gives an indication of X-UV images being taken
photographically by the "A" instrument.

Data Return

Film containing the disk images of the "A" instrument

and the spectra of the "B" instrument will be retrived and
replaced by the astronaut during the planned extravehicular
activities. The NRL instruments require the film to be
retrieved from the front of the ATM canister. The TV pictures
are transmitted to the ground and recorded.
- 63 -


UV Scanning Polychromator Spectroheliometer, Experiment S055

Principal Investigator: L. Goldberg, Harvard College Observatory

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Harvard College Observatory, (Sub-contractor:

Ball Brothers Research Corporation)


To observe temporal changes in the EUV (Far Ultra-

violet) radiation emitted by several types of solar regions.
The instrument is capable of accurately measuring the strength
of certain emission features of elements with high time resolution
in various stages of ionization. It observes 7 emission lines in
the wavelength region from 300 to 1350 _. Simultaneous observa-
tions of chromospheric and coronal layers of flares will be
obtained. The energy radiated in selected emission lines in
the EUV region will be measured. The instrument operates
photoelectricallyand requires no film.


The EUV region of the solar spectrum is generated

in the chromosphere and lower corona. Time development of
phenomena relating to solar active regions and flares is
important. Because of the rapid response of electronic
scanning techniques, the time dependence of EUV emission
features will be obtained in regions of interest on the solar
disk and limb.


The EUV radiation from the sun enters this instrument

and is reflected by a mirror which is movable along both axes.
The mirror is adjusted to place the desired square segment of
the solar surface on to a spectrometer grating. The remainder
of the light is reflected back out of the instrument. The EUV
- 64 -

radiation is broken up into its spectral components and

received by 7 detectors. The 8th detector is in the zero
order position and hence sees light at all wavelengths. The
zero order detector indicates whether or not the solar disk
is being viewed.

No film is used. All data is recorded electronically°

The instrument is i0' long, 2' x 2' in cross section and weighs
345 ibs.


The astronauts will initiate raster scans which will

cover entire regions of the disk. They will also align the
H-alpha telescope image, which will be set on the limb of the
sun, with the pointing direction of the S055 instrument by
observing the loss of light in the zero order detector as the
entrance slit passes the limb of the sun. The two instruments
will then be in alignment.

Data Return

Because no film is used, this instrument has no

extravehicular activity requirement. Also, this instrument
may be operated in an unmanned mode between the manned
visits of Skylab.
- 65 -


X-ray Spectrographic Telescope, Experiment S054

Principal Investigator: R. Giacconi, American Science

and Engineering

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: American Science and Engineering


S054 will take X-ray photographs in 6 wavelength bands

from 2-60 A. The resulting photographs will be x-ray images of
the solar disk. Time development of x-ray producing events
(flares and active regions) will be obtained in the various
x-ray wavelengths. A transmission grating will be placed behind
the telescope mirrors to obtain x-ray spectra of active regions
of the sun.

A small 3" grazing incidence instrument placed in the

unused central portion of the larger telescope is used to provide
a "live" picture of the sun in x-rays for the astronaut to view.
This aid will complement the H-alpha images on TV and will assist
the astronauts in obtaining the best possible data from the ATM.


It has been known for many years that the sun emits
x-rays; however, the detailed nature of this emission is only
now becoming available. OS0 spacecraft are returning spectra of
the sun's x-ray emission; yet, the spatial distribution of x-ray
emission is only crudely known, Since x-ray intensities
associated with solar flares are greatly enhanced over that
observed for the "quiet" sun, photographs of flare events are
very important. Corona temperatures and energetic particle
densities will be obtained from these photographs which may
then be correlated with EUV and H-alpha photographs.


The x-ray telescope consists of two concentric mirrors

of highly polished metal alloys to intercept the x-radiation and
- 66 -

focus it at grazing incidence. Filters of beryllium, aluminized

mylar and other materials with varying thickness will select the
x-ray wavelength band to be photographed. A transmission grating
will also be used in conjunction with the filters to obtain
information on the spectral features of the x-ray emission. A
small grazing incidence telescope placed in the unused central
portion of the larger telescope provides x-ray images for the
astronaut's use in monitoring the solar x-ray activity. Photo-
multiplier tubes will also give a measure of overall solar
x-ray activity.

The S054 telescope is more than 300 lbs. in weight

and is i0' long and 1-1/2' in diameter.


The astronauts will obtain photographs of the solar

disk. Special rapid photographic sequences may be initiated
during flares and x-ray events. This experiment will be
operated in an automatic mode when Skylab is unmanned.

Data Return

Film is the primary form of data return for this

experiment. It will contain the x-ray images and spectra.
The film will be resupplied and retrieved from the rear of
the ATM canister during the scheduled extravehicular
activities of the astronauts.
- 67-


Dual X-ray Telescopes, Experiment S056

Principal Investigator: J. Milligan, Marshall Space Flight Center

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Marshall Space Flight Center


This is an x-ray experiment which has two goals. The

first is to take x-ray photographs in six bands from 3-60 _ and
the second is to observe the total x-ray emission of the sun in
the wavelength region from 2.5-20 _ in ten channels. X-ray photo-
graphs are taken with a smaller version of the S054 x-ray grazing-
incidence telescope. The second is to obtain good time resolution
of solar x-ray emission which will be available from the propor-
tional counter systems. This is recorded and displayed in
instantaneously for the astronauts. An x-ray history has proven
to be an excellent indicator of solar activity. The proportional
counters and the x-ray telescope are separate systems.


Since this instrument covers much of the same x-ray

region as S054, many comments concerning that experiment will
also apply to this one. The proportional counters on the x-ray
event analyzer will give spectral information with very good
time resolution. The intensity and time information will
complement the data taken by other experiments in establishing
the detailed nature of flare emissions and Other x-ray events.


The x-ray telescope portion of the instrument is

a double reflecting grazing incidence mirror which focuses
the x-radiation on to photographic film. The x-ray region
from 3-60 A is covered with spectral resolution determined
by filters placed in front of the telescope. Two prQportional
counters cover the 2.5-20 _ region in i0 channels giving spectral
and temporal information on x-ray events. The x-ray activity
- 68 -

level is displayed in analog form on the control panel. The

total package is 9' long and 1-1/2' in diameter and weighs
354 ibs.


The level of operation of this experiment is determined

by solar activity. The astronauts will either select the patrol
or single frame mode during quiet times or various active modes
which will take more photographs per unit time. The astronauts
will also acquire targets of interest to be photographed.

Data Return

Data is returned from the x-ray telescope on film

retrieved and replaced during scheduled extravehicular
activities from the center work station of the ATM canister.
The data from the proportional counters is recorded in analog
form. There will be no provision for this experiment to operate
during the unmanned phases of this mission.
- 69 -


White Light Coronagraph, Experiment S052

Principal Investigator: Dr. R. MacQueen, High Altitude


Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: High Altitude Observatory, (Sub-contractor:

Ball Brothers Research Corporation)


The solar coronagraph views the corona out to 3 million

miles (6 solar radii) in visible light. Measurements of polari-
zation, shape and intensity will be available by photographs
taken at rates up to one every 13 seconds. Thus rapidly moving
material may be photographed as it leaves the sun. Since the sun
rotates correlations will be made with surface features as they
move into proper position on the limb of the sun. The systematic
changes in the extent of the corona will be apparent over several
solar rotations of 28 days.


The solar corona is a region of very high temperatures

(more than a million degrees) and very low pressures. Because
most atoms are highly ionized under these conditions, great
numbers of free electrons are present. These electrons are
capable of reflecting the light from the solar surface. During
eclipses the solar corona is seen to extend outward by great
distances. Earth based coronagraphs are hampered because local
sky brightness is greater than much of the corona. Present
coronagraph measurements indicate that matter is often transported
at relativistic speeds outward in association with events on the
surface of the sun at the limb.


The coronagraph uses an externally mounted disk system

which occults the brilliant solar surface while allowing the
fainter radiation of the corona to enter an annulus and be photo-
graphed. Polaroid filters will be used to determine the
polarization. A mirror system will allow either TV viewing of
the corona or photographic recording of the image.
- 70 -

The coronagraph is approximately 10' long and 1.5'

across. The weight is 314 ibs.

Photographs will be taken twice a day. They will be

taken at a faster rate during times of limb activity. Each
observing sequence will normally consist of four exposures:
one unpolarized, and three at different polarization angles.
This instrument may operate during unmanned phases of Skylab.

Data Return

Data recording is on 35 mm film.

Astronauts will retrieve the film from the center

work station of the ATM canister during scheduled extravehicular
activity periods.
- 71 -


X-ray/UV Solar Photography, Experiment S020"

Principal Investigator: Dr. Richard Tousey

U. S. Naval Research Laboratory

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSC

Contractor: Naval Research Laboratory, (Sub-contractor:

Martin-Marietta Corporation)


The objective of this experiment is to record on

photographic film the detailed energy spectrum of x-ray and
ultraviolet radiation from normal and explosive areas in the
solar atmosphere. This instrument will primarily study weak
emission lines of the solar emission spectrum from i0 to
200 _, a region of the spectrum only partially covered by
ATM instruments.


The solar corona and chromosphere can act as a high

temperature laboratory providing clues to atomicoand plasma
processes unavailable elsewhere. The i0 to 200 A region is
rich in emission lines of highly ionized atoms. Many of these
emission lines are weak and require instruments of high sensi-
tivity for their observation. S020 will make these observations
by taking advantage of the long exposure times and film return
capability of the manned Skylab spacecraft.


The S020 spectrograph is sensitive over the x-ray

and extreme ultraviolet range (10-200 _). Sunlight, entering
a narrow slit, is diffracted into its different energies by a

*In addition to the solar physics experiments mounted in

the ATM, one experiment covering the x-ray and ultraviolet
regions will be performed from the scientific airlock. This
is a description of the S020 experiment.
- 72 -

concave grating which is mounted at a grazing angle of incidence

to the light beam. The intensity can be determined to an accuracy
of 10% and energy differences corresponding to a wavelength
separation of .05 _ can be resolved. Filters of thin metallic
films, transparent to x-rays, are placed in front of the entrance
slit to block undesired ultraviolet and visible light which could
fog the film.

The instrument is mounted in an airlock in the Skylab

wall facing the sun; this being the only solar experiment which
is not mounted in the ATM module. The film strips are mounted
in cassettes which are attached to the back of the instrument.
A finder telescope enables an astronaut to center the slit on
the area of the sun to be studied. The spectrograph weighs about
70 ibs. and has a rectangular shape approximately 8" x 8" x 18".


The astronaut places the spectrograph in the airlock

and aligns the slit with the ATM towards the sun in cooperation
with a second astronaut. He then takes a sequence of exposures
of up to one hour durations.

Exposures are taken several times during the Skylab

mission. During periods of activity on the sun, a "flare watch"
is maintained with an astronaut on standby alert. When a flare
occurs several exposures are taken from the initial onset to
the decline.

Data Return

The exposed film is to be returned to the earth for

- 73 -





Remote sensing of the Earth from orbital altitudes

has the potential of yielding information which is of fundamental
importance for effective use and conservation of natural resources
in both underdeveloped and technologically advanced nations.

Photography from orbital altitudes in the visible and

near-infrared spectral regions has already proven to be invaluable
for standard synoptic mapping of geographic features over large
areas. Systematic use of multispectral remote sensing techniques
over an extensive wavelength region has the potential of greatly
extending the scope of this capability to include mapping of
terrestrial resources and land uses on a global scale. For
example, resources amenable to study are: crop and forestry
cover; health state of vegetation; types of soil; water storage
in snow pack; surface or near-surface mineral deposits; sea-
surface temperature; and the location of likely feeding areas
for fish. Comprehensive surveys of such resources will help
manage developing world-wide problems of such accelerating urgency
as food supplies, mineral shortages, energy needs, environment
pollution and expansion of human settlements.

It is imperative to note that many of the environmental

features requiring study are in remote regions of the earth and
are highly variable in time. Space systems can, therefore, offer
the following distinct advantages over conventional aircraft:
(i) a broad field of view afforded by the increased altitude;
(2) periodic coverage of the same area, and (3) coverage of
remote areas otherwise not easily accessible.


Meteorological satellites have been used since the

beginning of the space program to provide additional meteoro-
logical data for better weather forecasting and timely warning
against life-threatening atmospheric disturbances. Examples
are the Nimbus, Tiros and ATS satellites equipped with visible
and infrared sensors.
- 74 -

The first unmanned satellite designed exclusively for

Earth Resources surveys is planned for launch in 1972. It is
designated ERTS-A (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) and
carries instrumentation covering the visible and near-infrared
spectral regions. Ground resolution is slightly lower than
that of comparable instruments on Skylab.

Development/testing of remote sensing techniques and

interpretation/correlation of instrument response over a given
target with the known characteristics (ground truths) of that
target are part of NASA's aircraft program. This program is
centered at MSC and presently includes three aircraft of different
operating characteristics. They conduct aerial reconnaissance of
ground truth sites from altitudes ranging up to 60,000 ft. to
test measuring equipment, validate interpretive techniques and
ascertain the dependability of recognizable spectral signatures.
Development has reached the point where remote sensing techniques
have been used operationally to assist, for example, in such
problems as pin-pointing forest fires through dense smoke cover
and mapping corn blight damage.

Some exploratory tests of remote sensing techniques

have also been conducted from manned spacecraft during Gemini
and Apollo missions. Several thousand earth pictures of high
quality obtained by the Gemini crew have been widely distributed
to potential users and effectively used in many disciplines.
Apollo afforded the opportunity for extending the photographic
techniques over and beyond those employed in Gemini. Significant
advances involved the addition of haze filters; multiband photo-
graphy in the visible and near-infrared wavelength regions;
overlap photography for stereo viewing; and photography of
ground test sites.


The Earth Resources Experiment Package (EREP) on

Skylab will test and validate remote sensing techniques over a
wide spectral region from orbital altitudes. Specifically, five
experiments in the EREP will permit simultaneous remote sensing
of ground truth sites in the visible, infrared and microwave
spectral regions. These experiments are described in detail
in the appendices.

These Skylab data will be correlated with information

obtained simultaneously about the ground truth sites from air-
craft and/or from in situ measurements. Particular emphasis
will be placed on _l_[a_ing the utility of spectral signature
identification from orbital altitudes. The importance of this
procedure is that it would, for example, permit homogeneous
- 75 -

fields of vegetation to be identified without the need for

resolving individual plants. This mode of identification is
highly desirable because it would greatly decrease the data
load required for mapping earth resources (e.g., vegetation
type, surface minerals, etc.) over extensive regions.

The microwave experiments are of particular interest

since they represent the only all-weather system. This is
because microwave radiation is not severely attenuated by
cloud coverage and precipitation. It is of interest to note
that the microwave experiments require an antenna too large
to install on ERTS-A.

Men aboard Skylab will be used to acquire preselected

primary or alternate targets, operate the equipment, minimize
the collection of irrelevant data and investigate any necessary
alternatives to the experiment protocol.

One of the primary goals in the Skylab development

program is to identify user needs (local, state, federal and
possibly foreign) and to structure the data gathering and
analysis procedures to support these needs.

An opportunities document has been published outlining

the EREP specifications and capabilities and requesting observa-
tional plans from interested user groups.


Satellite and aircraft systems will be used to

complement each other for the development and operation of
future systems for remote sensing of Earth Resources. Most of
the initial testing and development, and the short-term high-
resolution surveys over relatively small size target areas,
will undoubtedly continue to be performed on aircraft. If a
manned space shuttle becomes operational, then the testing and
development of future space-based systems could advantageously
be shifted to this vehicle for short-term orbital flights.
On board the shuttle a test-bed facility should be available
to make use of man's abilities in making impromptu changes in
the experiment make-up and its operating procedures.

Operational systems for routine and long-term

monitoring tasks generally will be performed from automated
- 76 -


Multispectral Photography Facility, Experiment S190

Principal Investigator: User group to be selected

(Project Scientist: Dr. J. Dornbach, MSC)

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Itek Corporation


The Multispectral Photography Facility has been

designed to photograph regions of the earth's surface and oceans
in a range of wavelengths from the infrared through the visible.
The facility consists of six cameras that photograph the same
area at the same time. Because the cameras are accurately
matched, the six separate photographs will have good registration
with respect to one another; that is, all of the features seen in
one photograph can be simultaneously aligned with the same
features in the photographs from the other cameras.


The advantage of multispectral photography is that

various conditions of interest, such as soil moisture, types
of vegetation, or health of the vegetation produce different
spectral responses, or signatures. By studying features in
various wavelength ranges, it is anticipated that information
about such conditions can be deduced from the photographs.


The facility has six cameras, which are precision bore-

sighted, with lenses matched for focal length and distortion.
The cameras are shuttered simultaneously. A total of 18 filters
is included in the equipment.

A film vault is used for storage of the film when

photograph s are not being taken. The vault protects the film
from radiation damage.
- 77 -

A control panel controls the taking of a picture

sequence using astronaut-entered data. Various containers for
filters, lenses and film magazin6s are provided to assist in
the operation of the photographic facility.

The total weight of the camera and supplies is

approximately 500 lbs. It occupies a volume of about 27 cu. ft.


When the cameras are not in use, the film is stored in

a vault designed to provide protection from radiation. The astro-
naut must move the film magazines from the vault to the cameras,
install the magazine and check out the system. Specific commands
for each picture sequence are transmitted from the earth. On
the basis of these instructions, the astronaut controls and
oversees the operations of the cameras. At the end of the
picture taking sequences, the film is returned to the vault.

In addition, during some sequences, the astronaut

himself will select the picture sequences on the basis of his
observations. The view-finder from experiment Slgl will be
used for this purpose.

Photographic sequences will be executed on about 15 of

the revolutions for each mission. Three or four sequences,
totaling perhaps i/2-hour duration, will be taken on each of
the chosen revolutions.

Data Return

The primary data return is in the exposed emulsion.

About 1200 pictures will be taken by each of the six cameras,
for each of the three missions.

Four of the cameras will take black and white

photographs in a specific wavelength region in the infrared
or visible. The remaining two cameras will take color pictures,
one in the visible and the other in the infrared. The color
pictures have essentially the same data content as the black
and white pictures, and serve as a cross check on the system.

Each frame covers an area of about 80 x 80 nautical

miles on the surface. The resolution is approximately i00 ft.
- 78 -


Infrared Spectrometer, Experiment S191

Principal Investigator: User group to be selected

(Project Scientist: Dr. T. Barnett, MSC)

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Block Engineering Company


The primary goal of Experiment Sl91 is to make a

fundamental evaluation of the applicability and usefulness of
sensing Earth Resources, from orbital altitudes, in the visible
through near-infrared (i.e., 0.4 to 2.4_) and in the far-
infrared (i.e., 6.2 to 15.5_) spectral regions.

Another specific and very important goal of experiment

S191 is to use an astronaut for real-time identification of
ground targets.


Specifically, this instrument may permit quantitative

correction for a major source of atmospheric attenuation,
because remote spectral-radiance measurements made in the wave-
length regions of strong water vapor absorption (e.g., %6.2-8_)
can be related to the atmospheric density profile of this
absorbing gas.

The reliability of spectral signature identification

from orbital altitudes will also be checked by comparing results
made with concurrent measurements from aircraft and ground test
sites. This technique has the potential of providing a means of
monitoring from space the extent and health of surface vegetation,
without the need for spatial resolution of individual plants.
Geological information and precision sea-surface temperature
measurements will also be obtained.
- 79 -

Although a similar instrument has been used to

accumulate data from aircraft flights, the resolution and the
contrast in the image are significantly different for remote
sensing from orbital altitudes. It follows, therefore, that
development tests from spacecraft are a vital extension to
similar experiments which have been conducted from aircraft,
because measurements from spacecraft have many advantages such
as uniform lighting over vast areas and repetitive coverage.


This instrument is known as a filter wedge spectro-

meter, and it will permit measurements of relatively high
spectral resolution (e.g., from 1% to 4% in wavelength).

The maximum spatial resolution of the spectrometer

will be 1 mrad, which corresponds to ground resolution of
0.235 nm (nautical miles) from a 235 nm orbit.

The launch weight and volume will be _ 420 Ibs. and

12" x 12" x 40" respectively.

The infrared radiation detectors in the spectrometer

must be cooled to 77 ° K, and this will be accomplished with a
Malaker closed loop cooling system whose power requirements
are in the 30-40 watt range. It uses helium gas in a refrigera-
tion cycle.


The spectrometer will have pointing and tracking

capabilities within a cone _ ±20 ° about the nadir. The astronaut
will use the view-finder/tracker to acquire the target which
will be in his field of view for less than a minute. In
acquiring the ground targets, the astronaut must maintain the
0.235 nm diameter resolution element within a target circle of
1 nm diameter for 1 sec. in order to permit one complete
spectral scan. At the start of each spectral scan, the scene
in the view-finder will be photographed with a small camera
attached to the view-finder. Thus the astronaut effectively
participates in the observation program. The astronaut will
select secondary ground targets if the primary site is obscured
by cloud cover, as well as other targets of opportunity as they
become available.

Data Return

The primary data will be recorded on a magnetic tape

unit along with data from other sensors in the EREP (Earth
Resources Experiment Package). The magnetic tape and the film
from the view-finder camera will be returned with each crew
- 80 -


Multispectral Scanner, Experiment S192

Principal Investigator: User group to be selected

(Project Scientist: Dr. C. L. Korb, MSC)

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Honeywell Radiation Center


The primary goal of Experiment S192 is to assess the

feasibility of multispectral techniques, developed in the air-
craft program, for remote sensing of Earth Resources from space.
Specifically, attempts will be made at spectral signature
identification and mapping of ground truth targets in agricul-
ture, forestry, geology, hydrology, and oceanography.


The scanner will operate in 13 spectral bands from

0.4 to 12.5_. These bands are relatively wide (% from 0.05 to
2.3_), and they are located in spectral regions with high
atmospheric transmission.

Multispectral scanners have been flown in aircraft

for several years. Promising results have been obtained for
identification and mapping of vegetation and surface soils.
Some progress has also been made in utilizing the remotely
sensed data for assessing the health of vegetation.

Achievements in this area include crop identification,

inventory, soil and geologic mapping based on unique signatures
for certain crops in these bands. Airborne scanners have been
used with automated computer discrimination techniques for areas
as wide as 50 miles.


The basic instrument design is that of an optical

mechanical scanner utilizing an object plane nutating scan
mirror, with a folded 12-inch reflecting telescope used as
a radiation collector.
- 81 -

The 13 spectral bands in the visible and the infrared

are 0.41-0.46, 0.46-0.51, 0.520-0.556, 0.565 0.609, 0.620-0.670,
0.680-0.762, 0.783-0.880, 0.980-1.08, 1.09-1.19, 1.20-1.30, 1.55-
1.75, 2.10-2.35 and 10.2-12.59; and will have a ground resolution
of 260 ft. by 260 ft. from an altitude of 235 nautical miles.
The improvement in ground resolution over that for the IR
Spectrometer (S191) is primarily due to the coarser spectral
resolution of the scanner which permits a reasonable signal to
noise ratio even with smaller field stops. The swath width in
each scan will be 47 nautical miles, and the spacecraft motion
will provide contiguous coverage.

The launch weight and volume are respectively _300 Ibs.

and _ii.6 cu. ft. The maximum power requirement is _220 watts.

The thermal radiation detectors will require cooling

to 77 ° K. This will be accomplished with a Malaker closed loop
cooling system whose power requirements are in the 30-40 watt


The spectral range covered by the scanner overlaps

that for both the multispectral cameras (Sl90) and the IR
Spectrometer (SI91). This will permit a very useful cross
check of results deduced from these three systems.

In addition, the IR Spectrometer data will hopefully

provide atmospheric density profiles, which would be extremely
useful for correcting the primary causes of atmospheric attenua-
tion of the scanner data.

The astronaut can vastly increase the amount of

useful data recorded by only taking data under relatively clear
conditions and by limiting the data taken to areas of interest,
including some highly instrumented test sites and also targets
of opportunity. This can be done by using the view-finder for
the infrared spectrometer (SI91).

Data Return

The primary data will be recorded on a magnetic tape

unit (_72 ibs.) along with data from other sensors in the EREP
(Earth Resources Experiment Package). The magnetic tape will
be returned with each crew rotation.

Local, state, federal and international user

participation for analyses of the accumulated data will be
- 82 -


Microwave Radiometer/Scatterometer, Experiment S193

Principal Investigator: User group to be selected

(Project Scientist: D. Evans, MSC)
Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: General Electric Company


The objective of the experiment is the simultaneous

measurement of the radar differential backscattering cross
section and the passive microwave thermal emission of the
land and ocean on a global scale.


The Microwave Radiometer/Scatterometer complements

the infrared spectrometer and multiband scanner experiments
(Sl91 and S192) in extracting useful information about the
characteristics of the earth surface and earth resources. For
agricultural purposes, for instance, infrared remote sensing
devices are very suitable in vegetation identification through
the clear sky; however, it is most probable that clouds will
exist in scattered areas in the sky and thus degrade the
measurement results and interrupt the continuity of coverage.
Effect of clouds on microwave propagation is less significant
and in general can be accounted for by simultaneous use of
microwaves of two appropriate frequencies.

The proposed microwave radiometer/scatterometer

experiment is a combination of an active radar scatterometer
and passive radiometer operating at 13.9 GHz. It is based on
simultaneous measurements of radar differential backscattering
cross-section and passive microwave thermal emission of the
land and oceans on a global scale. The radar backscattering
cross-section measurement gives a measure of the combined
effect of the dielectric properties and roughness of the
terrestrial surface whereas the passive microwave emission
gives a measure of the combined effect of the dielectric
properties, roughness, and brightness temperature of the
terrestrial surface. The emissivity, i.e., a measure of the
amount of energy of a certain frequency emitted in a certain
direction from an object with certain dielectric properties
- 83 -

and at certain temperature, is a function of the surface

roughness of the body• Thus the microwave radiometer/
scatter.meter experiment can extract information about the
roughness and temperature of the terrestrial surface, when
the dielectric properties of the surface are known. The surface
dielectric properties of the land vary a great deal according to
its moisture content and the characteristics of vegetation and,
therefore, to obtain the desired information over land coverage
by the microwave radiometer/scatter.meter experiment, "ground
truth" at strategically selected sites must be supplied by
other experimental means. Since the dielectric properties of
oceans are essentially the same everywhere, the microwave
radiometer/scatter.meter experiment is most suitable for
establishing global patterns of ocean surface roughness and
brightness temperature. In turn the ocean surface roughness
patterns can be related to ocean surface wind patterns which
can be used to aid ship navigation and n_merical weather predic-
tion in oceanography and meteorology.

Radar ocean backscattering and radiometric measurements

have been carried out extensively by aircraft which usually have
high spatial resolution but limited coverage. Space-borne micro-
wave radiometer/scatter.meter measurements offer extensive
coverage with useful resolution. The measurements made by NASA
Earth Resources Aircraft Scatter.meter Studies have led to the
following conclusions: I

i• Increasing wind speed and the related ocean surface

wavelength result in increasing values of returned
energy for all angles of incidence between 15 and
45 degrees.

The increases are substantial, as wind velocity

The radar return is higher for upwind-downwind
conditions than for crosswind conditions.

The space-borne microwave radiometer/scatter.meter measurement

results will be used to verify these aircraft findings and to
establish the feasibility of determining patterns of ocean
surface roughness and wind field on a global scale•

An altimeter experiment that shares the antenna

assembly of the microwave radiometer/scatter.meter experiment
is also included in this experiment. The main purpose of the
altimeter experiment is to obtain information about ocean state
effects on transient pulse characteristics. Data will be used
for future altimeter design for earth physics and geodetic
- 84 -


Major components consist of:

i. Transmitter for the microwave scatterometer

2. Receiver for the microwave radiometer/scatterometer

3. Transmitter for the altimeter

4. Receiver for the altimeter

5. Antenna assembly

The total assembly weight including antenna is about 260 ibs.

and the total power consumption is about 150 watts.


The mechanically scanned antenna sweeps the radar

beam from left to right, across the earth's surface in a plane
normal to the track of the spacecraft. The scan is not con-
tinuous and the beam moves in discrete steps from one cell to
another, dwelling on each cell for a predetermined length of
time. During this dwell time, the microwave instrument
executes in time sequence two measurements: a passive radio-
metric thermal measurement with the transmitter turned off and
an active scatterometer measurement with the transmitter turned
on. Thus a paired measurement of apparent temperature and
differential scattering cross-section are collected for each
illuminated surface cell of about eight square miles. The scan
period is chosen in accordance with the spacecraft velocity
such that the surface cells are contiguous in the inflight

Astronauts will assist in target identification, and

operate and monitor equipment. Real-time communication between
astronauts and the Mission Control Center will be required for
discussion during the experiment. Ground truth information
desired over test sites will be obtained by the NASA Earth
Resources Aircraft scatterometer team for validation and
extrapolation of space-borne measurements.

Data Return

All data will be recorded on magnetic tape and

transmitted on one digitized channel at 250 bits/second.
- 85 -


L-Band Microwave Radiometer, Experiment S194

Principal Investigator: User group to be selected

(Project Scientist: D. Evans, MSC)

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Airborne Instrument Laboratory


The experimental objective is to supplement experiment

S193 in measuring the brightness temperature of the earth's
surface along the spacecraft track.


The L-Band radiometer experiment is basically the

same in operating principle as the radiometer part of the
microwave radiometer/scatterometer experiment (S193) except
the operating frequency is changed from 13.9 GHz to 1.42 GHz.
The primary function of the experiment is to supplement the
measurement results of Experiment S193 by taking into considera-
tion the effect of clouds on radiometric measurements. By using
two frequencies (S193 at 13.9 GHz and S194 at 1.42 GHz) simul-
taneously in measurements, corrections can be made on radiometric
data to include the cloud effects.

The instruments to be used in this experiment are

patterned after those which are being used on the NASA/MSC Earth
Resources NP3A aircraft.


Major components consist of:

i. Receiver assembly

2. Antenna assembly

The total weight of the system is about 75 ibs. and total power
consumption is about 15 watts.
- 86 -


The antenna, which always points in a local vertical

direction, receives noise-like signals from the thermal emis-
sion of an earth surface cell and any intervening clouds being
viewed along the spacecraft track. These signals are super-
imposed on the instrument system noise. The noise-like signal
can be recognized and its mean value accurately determined if
it is observed long enough to gain a measurable signal. The
signal is compared with the measured mean value of another
noise source with known temperature. The comparison constitutes
the radiometric measurement and can be correlated to give a
measure of the brightness temperature of the surface if
dielectric properties and surface roughness are known.

When this experiment is carried out simultaneously

with Experiment S193, the astronaut will be needed for
equipment monitoring only.

Data Return

All data will be recorded on magnetic tapes. The

data output is at 200 bits/second.
- 87 -





The field of astronomy has undergone rapid develop-

ment in the past few years. The birth of radio astronomy and
the space program have opened up the entire spectrum of
radiation and particles to observations. Many scientists
from other fields, such as chemistry, biology, mathematics and
especially physics, have developed an interest in space re-
search. The result has been a sudden increase in the variety
of studies and instruments which can be applied to investi-
gating the problems of astronomy.

We would like to know whether or not the universe is

infinite in extent. What circumstances are necessary for life
to occur? What processes determine the life history of matter
making up the solar system, stars, our galaxy and the universe
as a whole?

The field of astronomy has traditionally been an

area where the answers to fundamental questions have been
sought and in which important conceptual discoveries have been
made--the passage and measurement of time, the seasons, the
size and shape of the earth, its place in the solar system and
relationship with the rest of the observable universe. In
addition, the study of matter in previously unknown states and
of processes too exotic to occur naturally in our own environ-
ment--the generation of thermonuclear energy in the centers of
stars, for example--have had a great influence on the growth
of other physical sciences.

Until recently, progress in astronomy has been made

by gradual theoretical and observational advances using
instruments associated with ground based optical telescopes to
measuring the sizes, spatial relationships, energy distribution
and time changes of visible objects.

The increase in available information brought about

by access to space and the opening up of the entire spectrum
from gamma rays to radio waves holds out the promise of
new insights into the questions we wish to resolve and dis-
coveries of new phenomena, such as pulsars, previously hidden
from our view.
- 88-


With the advent of the sounding rocket program,

following World War II, it became possible to send small
payloads into space for a few minutes of observations. The
rocket program continues to be a very effective way to make
specialized astronomical observations in ultraviolet and X-ray
wavelengths. Airborne experiments on balloons and high-alti-
tude aircraft, have made observations of very high energy radi-
ation and infrared, because the upper atmosphere is partially
transparent to these radiations. Some astronomy experiments
have flown piggyback on unmanned spacecraft such as OGO, OSO and
Mariner, their scientific objectives being restricted by con-
siderations of permissible size, weight and complexity. The
OAO, and SAS spacecraft series are dedicated to ultraviolet
and X-ray experiments of a more comprehensive nature.

Astronomy experiments have been carried on manned

spacecraft in the Gemini and Apollo programs to take advantage
of the presence of the astronaut and the opportunity for film

Unexpected sources of background illumination have

been detected in the UV. Intense point sources and a diffuse
background of X-rays have been discovered. Gamma ray and
infra-red radiation have been detected coming from the center
of our galaxy suggesting unusual processes taking place
there. A number of other galaxies have been found to be un-
expectedly bright in the UV and in the infra-red.

Different physical processes result in the emission

of radiation characterized by the nature of the process and
physical conditions at the source, such as temperature and
composition. Usually the radiation is detectable acr6ss several
spectral ranges, but it often is more noticeable in one than
the other because of some unique feature recognizable above
surrounding sky background. The spectral range in which the
source is first detected may not be the only one or the one
best suited for unraveling its properties. The discovery of
pulsars in the radio range and the extension of their in-
vestigation into the visible and X-ray wavelength ranges has
demonstrated the value of this total spectrum capability.


Before large, elaborate space observatories are

developed, the general characteristics of this new observing
environment must be known. Ranges of intensities, back-
ground levels and the spectral properties of gamma ray, X-ray
and ultraviolet sources must be evaluated. The Skylab facility
will provide an opportunity to perform a variety of experiments
- 89 -

of a survey nature with much longer observing time than

available on rockets and with additional flexibility due to
the presence of an astronaut• A less stringent weight limit-
ation permits larger instruments to be flown and film and sample
return provide better resolution data than could be obtained
from an unmanned satellite• Seven astrophysical experiments
on the Skylab will investigate two general areas besides the
sun, which is to be observed using the ATM and experiment S020.

The outer atmosphere of the earth and the inter-

planetary medium are studied by three experiments:

• UV Airglow Horizon Photography (S063)

• Gegenschein/ Zodiacal Light (S073)

• Particle Collection (S149)

Objects external to the solar system are studied

by four experiments:

• Nuclear Emulsion (S009)

• UV Stellar Astronomy (S019)

• Galactic X-ray Mapping (S150)

• UV Panorama (S_83)

The Gegenschein/Zodiacal Light and Particle Collection

experiments both study the characteristics of the interplanetary
medium; the former by viewing the sunlight scattered off the
dust in the solar system, the latter by studying the impact
of the dust particles themselves on prepared surfaces. The
dust particles are believed to be vestiges of primordial
solid material in the asteroid belt which has been pulverized
by many collisions down to microscopic debris• Drawn toward
the sun by gravity and blown outward by the pressure of sun-
light and the solar wind, they orbit the sun, between the
planets• They are not only a potential hazard to space travel
and a source of interference with observation of faint objects
outside the solar system, but, potentially, carriers of infor-
mation about the conditions under which the solar system was

The UV Stellar Astronomy, UV Panorama and Galactic

X-ray Mapping experiments are intended to provide a compre-
- 90 -

hensive survey of the sky in their respective spectral ranges.

Their objectives are to determine the intensities, spectral
energy distribution, and the locations of as many sources as
possible; to provide a general appreciation of the factors in-
fluencing observations of these sources in space, such as
interstellar absorption, background levels and the statistics
of their positions; and to provide experience in making
astronomical observations from manned spacecraft.

The two ultraviolet experiments differ in that the

UV Panorama in designed to obtain lower resolution spectral in-
formation for more and fainter stars than the stellar astronomy

To date, all ultraviolet sources have been recog-

nizable in visible light as stars, galaxies or nebulae. The
X-ray sources are not usually recognizable in visible light
and are so unusual that they are the subject of much speculation.
The information obtained by the surveys will also provide
additional insight into the physical conditions in these


The Skylab experiments will contribute to identify-

ing the advantages and disadvantages of man-attended space
observations and obtaining information essential for planning
future, more advanced instruments.

In optical astronomy, large telescopes, probably un-

manned, will be required to provide very high resolution photo-
graphs and spectra and specialized investigations of very
faint objects. Large, heavy spacecraft, such as the HEAO, will
be required to extend gamma-ray and X-ray surveys to fainter
limiting magnitudes than can be detected by smaller, short-lived
experiments. X-ray telescopes capabable of forming images will
be needed to provide detailed views and high resolution spectra
of the sources.

The Skylab experiments will help in laying the

necessary groundwork for these projects.
- 91 -


Nuclear Emulsion, Experiment S009

Principal Investigator: Dr. Maurice Shapiro, Naval Research

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: NRL


The objective of this experiment is to record the

cosmic ray flux incident outside the earth's atmosphere, es-
pecially the relative abundance and energy spectrum of heavy


Cosmic rays were first discovered in 1912. They con-

sist of the nuclei of the chemical elements having extremely
high kinetic energies which impinge on the earth's atmosphere
from outer space.

The incident flux of cosmic ray primaries is very

small, _i/2 per second per cm , but interactions with the gases
in the earth's atmosphere produces showers of particles.

Most of what is known about cosmic rays has been ob-

tained from nuclear emulsion stacks exposed for several hours
(_i0) on high altitude balloons. Theories of nucleogenesis
predict the relative abundance of nuclei that would be produced
in the thermonuclear reactions occuring in possible sources such
as neutron stars. It is there fore of great interest to study
the relative abundance of the nuclei reaching the earth. In-
teraction with gases in the upper atmosphere however, has the
effect of breaking up some of the primary nuclei thereby dis-
torting the charge spectrum of particles as measured form a
balloon. To obtain as accurate a measure as possible of the
relative abundance of various nuclei in the primary cosmic ray
flux, experiments must be carried into space.

A nuclear emulsion experiment conducted on a Gemini

flight measured the abundance of light nuclei Z<I0. The Skylab
- 92 -

nuclear emulsion experiment will provide a long exposure

to determine the abundance and energy spectrum of the heavy
nuclei (Z between about 15 and 30). The abundant iron nucleus
(Z=26) is in this range.


The instrument consists of two adjacent stacks of

nuclear emulsion strips. This emulsion differs from regular
photographic emulsion being considerably thicker and containing
a much higher density of grain material to improve the detec-
tion of tracks left by charged particles. The stacks are hinged
together like the two sides of an open book and contain several
layers of different emulsion types.

The emulsion stacks are mounted inside the Skylab

Multiple Docking Adapter, separated from space by a thin
section of the spacecraft wall. During exposure the "book" is
open, allowing high energy particles which have passed through
the wall to enter the front surface of both emulsion stacks.
The wall £hickness, 1/8" of aluminum, is equivalent to

1/2 gm/cm 2, whereas balloons cannot reach less than _3 gms/cm 2

of atmospheric thickness. The experiment weighs about 75
pounds, 45 of which is housing, and its volume is less than a
cubic foot.


The astronaut periodically adjusts the direction

towards which the film surface is pointed, during exposure,
throughout the entire first manned visit, to insure that only
those particles coming from outer space are recorded and that
those scattered up after collisions with the earth's outer
atmosphere are excluded.

A timer automatically closes the "book" whenever

the Skylab's orbital position is inside the South Atlantic
Anomaly, where the Van Allen belts dip closer to the earth_ or
at high latitudes where the earth's magnetic field points down _
ward, and unwanted particles are permitted to penetrate down to
the Skylab's orbital altitude. The total exposure will be
about 240 hours.
- 93 -

Data Return

The exposed emulsion will be returned to the earth

and peeled apart in thin strips which are numbered, developed
and scanned for tracks. By measuring the variations in thick-
ness and direction of the tracks and tracing their entire path
through the strips, the energy and charge of the cosmic rays
can be determined.

From the numbers of particles recorded at each value

of energy and charge, the abundance ratio of particular nuclei,
and the difference in abundance of even and odd Z, one can learn
something about the physical conditions where the nuclei were
formed, the time that has elapsed since they were formed, and
the nature of their interactions with interstellar material in
- 94 -


UV Stellar Astonomy, Experiment S019

Principal Investigator: Dr. Karl Henize, Northwestern Univ.

and Manned Spacecraft Center

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractors: Northwestern University (Subcontractors:

Martin-Marietta Corp. and
Boller& Chivens)


The objectives of this experiment are to obtain ultra-

violet line spectra of a large number of stars, ultraviolet
photographs of the clouds and stars in the Milky Way and to
gain experience in the techniques for doing astronomy from
manned spacecraft.


Since 1957, ultraviolet observations have been made by

rocket and satellite experiments. For two years, the OAO-A2
has been providing ultraviolet pictures and spectra. Television
pictures taken through different filters by the OAO-A2 Cele-
scope instrument have showed the ultraviolet brightness of
thousands of stars. The OA0 also carried spectrophotometers
which have recorded the ultraviolet energy distribution of
several hundred objectsT-planets, stars and galaxies--with
a resolution of about IA.

The Skylab instrument is a spectrograph designed to

obtain ultraviolet photographs of stars whose images have
been spectrally dispersed. The spectrograph will have
sufficiently high resolution to show atomic lines and the tele-
scope is sufficiently large to record many faint stars in clusters
and the Milky Way. It differs from the OAO in that it provides
pictures with finer detail and better spectral resolution at the
shorter wavelengths.


The instrument consists of a reflecting telescope, a

35 mm camera and an additional moveable mirror. The total weight
is 175 pounds, including storage container. The volume is ap-
proximately 4.5 cubic feet.
- 95 -

The telescope is mounted in an airlock in the side of

the Skylab, with the moveable mirror extending beyond the
outer wall of the spacecraft. The camera, containing film
sensitive to ultraviolet light is attached to the back of the
telescope inside the spacecraft. The telescope mirror is 6"
in diameter and focuses a sky area 4 ° x 5 ° onto the film. A
special prism can be inserted in front of the telescope to
spread the light onto each color; a group of, say, six stars
would then be recorded on the photograph as a group of six

The instrument is sensitive over the range of 1300-

3000A. Details as small as 20 arc seconds will be discernible.
The resolution of the spectra is determined by which objective
prism the astronaut employs--higher dispersion spreads the light
over a larger area of film and spectra of only brighter stars
are recorded. The resolution.i_LLp_oves at.shorter wavelengths
being <IOA below 1700A and <3A below 1400A.

The factor limiting the number of stars recorded and

the resolution of the images is the motion of the Skylab itself.
The blurring by motion restricts the length of exposures to a
few minutes.


The astronaut will place the telescope assembly in

the airlock and point the external mirror to coordinates pro-
vided from the ground on the basis of the Skylab's current
orientation. He will then locate, by eye, the particular sky
area he wishes to record and initiate an exposure which may
last as long as five minutes. The astronaut will record the
time and duration of each exposure and comment on any conditions,
such as small image motions which may occur, affecting the
quality of the resulting picture. The inertia of the Skylab
will ordinarily provide the pointing steadiness required.

He can take the photographs in the dark portion of

any orbit during which the telescope is mounted in the airlock.
Since this period of darkness lasts roughly 30 minutes, several
pictures can be obtained in an orbit. Altogether, some
100-200 pictures will be taken of several dozen areas of the

Data Return

The exposed film will be returned to the ground where

it will be developed and analyzed. The spectra can be examined
for discrepancies between theoretical spectra from model
- 96 -

stellar atmospheres, for evidence of stellar chromospheres, and

for the amount of interstellar extinction. The spectra of
brighter galaxies can be obtained and compared. Background
light levels due to zodiacal light and other sources can be
sought. The experiment will provide a survey of sufficient
scope to guide later more detailed astronomical observations.
- 97 -


UV Airglow Horizon Photography, S063

Principal Investigator: Dr. D. M. Packer, Naval Research Lab.

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: NRL (Subcontractor: Martin-Marietta Corp.)


The purpose of this experiment is to obtain visual

and ultraviolet photographs of the night airglow and of the
daytime ozone layer on a global scale.


The behavior of ozone is an important factor in the

thermal balance of the atmosphere. A world-wide network of
ground stations also monitors the ozone concentration as a
tracer for the physical properties and motions of the atmosphere.

Ozone, oxygen, nitrogen and a variety of other gaseous

species in the earth's atmosphere are involved in a complex in-
terplay of chemical reactions stimulated by the sun's radiation.
Much of what is known of the earth's upper atmosphere has been
obtained by observing the night and day airglow emitted during
these reactions. Aurora are particularly bright emissions caused
by the interaction of charged particles, guided by the earth's
magnetic field, with the upper atmosphere.

Ozone and airglow observations have been made from

the ground, aircraft, balloons and rockets. Only visible light
can be seen from below, the ultraviolet light being absorbed
by the lower atmosphere. Visible photographs of the airglow
horizon have been taken from Gemini spacecraft and an ultraviolet
camera will take long-range pictures during translunar coast on
an Apollo mission.

The Skylab experiment will permit detailed studies to

be made of the global variations in the photochemistry of the
upper atmosphere in the ultraviolet light of the principal mole-
cular spectral features.
- 98 -


The experiment involves two 35 mm cameras with which an

astronaut can take simultaneous pictures in visible and ultra-
violet light. They are mounted on brackets at windows in the
side of the Skylab. The ultraviolet camera has a special
lens and window since regular glass absorbs ultraviolet light.
Total weight, including storage container, is 100 pounds.


The astronaut will aim the ultraviolet camera at an

atmospheric feature, tracking it as he takes a photograph to
compensate for the Skylab's motion across the earth's surface.
Various filters will be attached to the lenses of both cameras
to emphasize specific spectral features of molecules.

A dozen or more photographs will be taken on each of

several daylight and nightside passes to record the ozone layer
and night airglow respectively. Photographs of the twilight
horizon will also be taken. Exposures of up to 20 seconds
will be made with the astronaut identifying the target,
time and duration of each. His commentary of interesting at-
mospheric phenomena, such as aurora, will be recorded as well.

Data Return

The exposed film will be returned and developed on

the earth. The visible light photographs of atmospheric
features, bodies of water, landmarks and clouds will be used
to interpret the ultraviolet photographs.

These results will increase our understanding of the

formation, distribution and movements of ozone and other gases
and their chemical interactions in the upper atmosphere of the
earth as well as on other planets.
- 99 -


Gegenschein/Zodiacal Light, Experiment S073

Principal Investigator: Dr. J. L. Weinberg, Dudley Observatory

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Dudley Observatory (Subcontractor:
Martin-Marietta Corp.)


The purpose of this experiment is to measure the

brightness and polarization of the visible background of the
sky as seen from the Skylab above the earth's atmosphere.


Photographs and light level readings taken from the

ground, rockets and satellites have not yet been sufficiently
accurate to distinguish between models of the sources contribut-
ing to the faint visible background light of the sky outside the
atmosphere. Hand-held photographs, taken from Gemini space-
craft, of the Gegenschein, or anti-solar enhancement, have
established that it is extraterrestrial in origin rather than a
phenomenon occurring in the earth's atmosphere. An Apollo lunar
orbit experiment will attempt to photograph the Gegenschein from
the dark side of the lunar orbit to determine by triangulation
whether or not it is due to a "zero phase" enhancement of sun-
light scattered off the interplanetary medium or a cloud of
dust maintained in the gravitational null point one million
miles from the earth, opposite the sun. The Skylab study will
be a complete survey of the sky from above the variable inter-
ference of visible airglow emission and atmospheric extinction. _


The instrument consists of a camera and a small tele-

scope. These are extended into space through an airlock in the
wall of the Skylab. The telescope has a photometer which
measures the sky background light levels through several filters.
- i00 -

It is sensitive enough to record light levels as faint as 7th

magnitude stars in its field of view.

The telescope and photometer are also used for the

T027 contamination experiment. Total weight (including T027)
is 270 pounds.

The astronaut places the telescope and camera in the

airlock and extends them out into space. He then activates a
mechanism enabling the telescope to perform scans of the sky
automatically. The camera records the field of view being
scanned by the telescope. The light level readings from the
photometer are recorded on magnetic tape together with coordi-
nates of the area of the sky being measured.

Data Return

The tapes and film are returned to the ground where

they are analyzed. After subtracting the signal caused by
stars in the telescope field of view, the photographs and light
level readings are combined to make a map of the background
brightness of the sky.

By comparing the amount of light at different colors

and polarizations with the spectrum of the sun one can indirectly
obtain information about the sizes, shapes, composition and
numbers of the dust particles traveling in interplanetry space
which reflect the sunlight and produce the zodiacal light. In
addition, the variation of the brightness relative to the direc-
tion of the sun and the ecliptic plane will enable the inter-
planetary contribution to background light level to be distin-
quished from the interstellar background and any contribution
from a hypothetical dust cloud associated with the earth and
- i01 -


Particle Collection, S149

Principal Investigator: Dr. Curtis Hemenway, Dudley Observatory

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Dudley Observatory


The purpose of this experiment is to collect material

from interplanetary dust particles on prepared surfaces suitable
for studying their impact phenomena.


Prepared surfaces, flown on rockets and satellites

have not yet recorded impact craters which have unambiguously
been identified as having been caused by the interplanetary dust
particles impinging on the earth's outer atmosphere. Surfaces
flown on Gemini spacecraft suffered from contamination. The
Skylab experiment provides a long exposure for several types
of surfaces.


The instrument enables sets of extremely smooth plates

and thin metal films to be exposed to space though an airlock
in the wall of the Skylab. The plates are made of metal, plastic
and glass with highly polished surfaces. They are manufactured
and sealed in cassettes under the cleanest conditions possible.
Each is pre-scanned microscopically and all scratches, dust and
surface imperfections are cataloged. To make the identification
of these features easier, a gold film is first evaporated onto
the plates from a grazing angle. This produces "shadows" behind
any specks or pits on the surface, making them stand out in re-
lief. The thin metal films are pre-scanned for pinholes.

Several plates, each roughly 6" square, and films, are

mounted in a re-sealable cassette which is in turn mounted in a
motorized support unit. This unit is extended out through the
airlock where it opens and closes the cassettes by remote control.
Some surfaces are not exposed and act as controls. The total
unit weighs about i00 pounds.
- 102 -


The astronaut places the instrument in the airlock

and exposes the plates for several days when the Skylab is
manned. In the periods between manned visits, plates are left
exposed for up to two months, the cassette being opened from
the ground to prevent contamination by the thruster exhausts
during arrival and departure of the CSM.

Data Return

After exposure, the plates and films are re-sealed in

the cassette which is retracted into the Skylab. The cassettes
are returned to the ground where they are opened and the special
surfaces are again scanned microscopically for new craters or
punctures left from the impact of interplanetary dust particles.
Shadowing at a different angle is used to aid in this search.
The thin films are scanned for evidence of penetrations.

From the size, shape and number of these impact

features, it is possible to obtain information about the masses
and speeds of dust particles as well as the number per unit
volume of space. Possibly something about their composition
can be determined by probing for minute chemical traces of the
particle material which may remain embedded in the bottom of
the impact crater.

In addition to providing information about the charac-

teristics of the interplanetary dust, the results of this study
will help to better define the hazard to space travel posed by
dust particle penetration.
- 103 -


Galactic X-Ray Mapping, S150

Principal Investigator: Dr. William Kraushaar, University of


Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: University of Wisconsin (Subcontractor:

Spacecraft Inc.)


The purpose of this experiment is to conduct a survey

of the sky for faint x-ray sources.


X-radiation has been observed from more than 40 stellar

sources over the past i0 years. Most of these studies have been
conducted using rockets in the energy region from i-i0 KeY; however
these rockets have a viewing time of only 3 minutes. Satellites
such as SAS-A, launched December 1970, will complete the survey
of stellar sources in the 1-10 KeV region. The Skylab experi-
ment provides a sky survey in the 0.2-12 KeY energy range.


The instrument consists of a set of proportional

counters which will cover the spectral region from .2 to 12
KeY. It is physically mounted on the launch vehicle. Accordingly,
the life time of the experiment is limited to 4-5 hours.
During this time detectors with a 20 ° field of view will deter-
mine the location of X-ray sources to within 20 arc minutes.
Only about 1/2 of the sky will be viewed, however. Due to day-
light X-ray fluorescence, no data below .7 KeV will be available
during the day time half of the orbit. The detectors, elec-
tronics package and gas supply, which amount to about 4 cubic
feet, weigh a total of 257 pounds.


The experiment, mounted in the S-IVB, will be launched

in the manned phase of the Skylab sequence. After separation
at 120 nm the S-IVB will remain in the 120 nm orbit and data
- 104 -

taking should commence 2-3 hours after launch. The experiment

is, therefore, operated unmanned.
Data Return

Data will be recorded and transmitted back by tele-

metry. Spectra will have energy resolution of 50% at 1/2 KeY
and 10% at i0 KeY.

Because most x-ray sources are not recognizable from

the ground in visible light, it is necessary to develop a
catalog listing the precise position of as many sources as
possible, to guide later, more detailed studies. The results
of the Skylab survey will provide a catalog of faint x-ray
(.2-12 KeY) sources including their strength and spectral charac"
- 105 -


UV Panorama,- S183

Principal Investigator: Dr. Georges Courtes, National Scientific

Research Center (CRNS), France

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: CRNS, France


The purpose of this experiment is to measure the ultra-

violet brightness of a large number of stars.


Rocket experiments have obtained high resolution spectra

of individual bright stars and the OAO-A2 telescope has obtained
images of many star fields in four spectral bands.

The Skylab experiment will provide a photographic

survey in two bands with fine spatial and photometric resolu-
tion of a number of star fields previously unavailable.


The instrument consists of a telescope and uses the

same movable mirror as S019. Total weight is about 150 pounds.
The telescope is mounted in an airlock in the wall of the
Skylab with the moveable mirror extending outward to permit
viewing in different directions.

The telescope includes a grating spectrograph which

collects the ultraviolet light from the spectrum of a star in

its field of view into two 600 A wide bands centered at 1800 A

and 3000 A. The light is imaged onto film as two dots, each
dot representing the light in the respective band. A group of
stars in the field of view would thus be recorded as a group
of dot pairs. Stars as faint as 7th magnitude can be recorded
with 7 arc minutes of angular resolution over a 7° x 9 ° field
of view.
- 106 -

The spectrograph is designed to permit very long ex-

posures through the use of a mosaic of lenses which prevents
image motion (due to variations in spacecraft pointing) from
obliterating the spectral information contained in the dots.
A separate camera can replace the telescope to record photo- O

graphs of stars in a third ultraviolet band centered at 2500 A.


The astronaut places either the telescope or camera

in the airlock. Using coordinates provided from the ground, he
points the movable, external mirror toward a particular area of
the sky. Sighting with a viewing eyepiece, he centers the field
of view and makes a sequence of exposures up to 20 minutes in
duration, taking up to 70 exposures in a single manned visit
to the Skylab.

Data Return

The photographs are returned to the earth for proces-

sing. From the film images, the amount of light emitted by stars
in the two ultraviolet bands can be determined. These values can
be compared with theoretical ultraviolet spectra and the spectra
of brighter stars obtained by OAO and the $019 experiment to
determine average ultraviolet colors of differences between
stars of the same type. In addition, the variation with wave-
length of observation of distant stars due to interstellar dust
can be used to study the distribution and composition of this
dust. The overall average ultraviolet color of a group of
stars such as a cluster or a galaxy will be compared with the
visible color for unexpected discrepancies.
- 107 -





This chapter contains a number of experiments which

do not conveniently fall into the other disciplinary frame-
works. It is useful to consider these experiments within the
following context of space experimentation:

i. Zero-_ Systems Studies

A number of the experiments are particularly oriented

toward the interaction of man with his new zero-gravity environ-
ment. In this category we can consider

a. Habitability and Crew Quarters, M487

b. Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment, M509

c. Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit, T020

d. Crew/Vehicle Disturbance, T013

e. Manual Navigation Sightings (B), T002

The Astronaut Maneuvering experiments (M509 and T020)

are closely allied. They investigate two different techniques
for future use by man for extravehicular activity (EVA). In
the Skylab program, these maneuvering units will be operated
inside the SWS working volume.

2. Spacecraft Environment

Several experiments are designed to study the space-

craft environment, both natural and induced:

a. Radiation in Spacecraft, D008

b. Inflight Aerosol Analysis, T003

c. Coronagraph Contamination Measurement, T025

d. Contamination Measurements, T027

e. Thermal Control Coatings, M415

- 108 -

f. Thermal Control Coatings, D024

g. Expandable Airlock Technology (B), D021

The two thermal control coating experiments are com-
plementary, not redundant. The M415 experiment investigates
the effect of the launch environment -- earth's atmosphere,
retro rockets, etc. -- on spacecraft surfaces. The D024 experi-
ment investigates the long-term effects of the space environment,
particularly sunlight, on spacecraft surfaces. "Contamination"
concerns any effects of spacecraft effluents on astronomical
and Earth-looking experiments, and it is discussed in detail
in Appendix VIII.

3. Other Experiments

Of the remaining experiments, one (T018) is passive,

and located only on the launch vehicle, while the other two
depend very strongly upon man to operate them in space:

a. Materials Processing in Space, M512

b. Zero Gravity Flammability, M479

c. Precision Optical Tracking, T018

Experiments M512 and M479, which both share a common

vacuum facility, are our first investigations into basic physics
and chemistry in space. It is hoped that such research will
lead to practical use of space for processing of a variety of
materials, from crystals to pharmaceuticals.


The Background for these experiments is discussed

in each appendix.


With the exception of T018 and M415, all these

experiments depend critically on the involvement of man in the
Skylab Program for their successful accomplishment.

Some, e.g., D024, use man only in the role of a

data-retriever. However, the majority of these experiments
have no relevance or could not be accomplished without the
presence of man. All of the zero-g systems experiments are
intimately involved with men in orbit. The Radiation in
Spacecraft (D008) and Inflight Aerosol Analysis (T003) experi-
ments are of interest only as they relate to man in space.
- 109 -

The contamination experiments (T025 and T027) and the Crew-

Vehicle Disturbance experiment (T013) investigate the impact
of man on his environment and on his spacecraft.

These experiments will provide data which is very

important in the development of future earth orbital space
stations for the conduct of scientific experimentation.
Through the Skylab program, we will have a better understanding
of how man performs in space, what tools he needs to accomplish
his tasks, and what his influence is on the space environment.
- ii0 -


Habitability/Crew Quarters, M487

Principal Investigator: C. C. Johnson, NASA/MSC

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin-Marietta Corporation


The objectives of this habitability study are to

evaluate the features of the Skylab's living quarters, provisions,
and support facilities that affect the crew's comfort, safety,
and operational effectiveness.

Equipment, procedures, and habitat design criteria

derived from one-g studies and previous short-duration flights
may require modification for optimum support of long-duration
i_sions. Systematic quantitative and qualitative observations
will be made on the following aspects of system design and

(a) Physical Environment -

(e.g., temperature, humidity, light, noise)

(b) Architecture -
(e.g., volume and layout of working and living areas)

(c) Mobility Aids and Personal Restraints -

(e.g., translation, worksite supports, sleep stations)

(d) Food and Water -

(e.g., storage, preparation, quality)

(e) Personal Garments -

(e.g., comfort, durability, design)

(f) Personal Hygiene -

(e.g., cleansing, grooming, collection and disposal
of body wastes)

(g) Housekeeping-
(e.g., habitat cleansing, waste control and disposal)
- iii -

(h) Communications -
(e.g., usage patterns, fidelity, comfort)

(i) Off-Duty Activities -

(e.g., exercise facilities, individual and group
recreation, privacy features)


This habitability evaluation is a multi-disciplinary

set of systematic observations, and is not an experiment in the
same sense as the other Skylab studies. It uses the facilities
and activities planned for other mission objectives as its
subject of study. The nature of this experiment is therefore
essentially a test and validation of current design concepts,
hardware features, and operational criteria.


Specific inflight hardware in support of these

habitability measures includes a portable humidity meter, sound
level meter, air velocity meter, measuring tape, and thermometer.
Their weight is ].4.5 ibs. and volume 0.294 cubic ft.

The inflight cameras, lights, voice recorders and task

equipment for M487 are the same as those supplied for the other
assigned experiments and activities; additional ones are not
needed. Film for M487 will be available from the MI51 time-and-
motion study and other documentation. Additional film for M487
will consist of 5 cassettes of S0168 16 mm. color film, weighing
1.0 lb. on SL-2, and 2.0 ibs. each on SL-3 and SL-4.

Ground support facilities include voice communication

recording and inflight TV coverage, if taken. No special
monitoring facilities are required.


Crew participation in M487 is in three phases:

(1) Pre-flight: Astronaut training and baseline data =re

integrated with their training f_z_he
operational tasks and activity areas to
be observed.

(2) Inflight : Normal usage of vehicle systems ana

facilities provides the test conditions
for this study. Observations and data
acquisition are integrated with the per-
formance of these other activities. Total
time is approximately 4 hours/mission.
- 112 -

(3) Postflight : Crew debriefing on subjective and technical


This experiment will be performed on all three Skylab


Data Return:

Primary inflight data will be obtained in three

basic forms: written logs and checklists, voice tape comments,
and motion picture films.

Real-time monitoring will not be required, but voice

and TV telemetry will be available from the other activities
and experiments integrated within this study. All M487 data
will be evaluated postflight. The results will help in the
identification of operational problem areas, assist in the
planning and design of future crew quarters and personal
equipment, and validate present ground-based design criteria
and fidelity of one-g simulations and training methods.
- 113 -


Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment, Experiment M509

Principal Investigator: Major C. E. Whitsett/USAF

Air Force Space and Missile Systems
Los Angeles, California

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin Marietta Corporation, Denver, Colorado


To conduct an in-orbit verification of the utility

of various maneuvering techniques to assist astronauts to
perform tasks which are representative of future EVA require-


The M509 experiment is a logical progression beyond

the development of two maneuvering units for the Gemini pro-
gram. These consisted of a handheld thruster unit and a
multiple thruster backpack. The handheld unit was operated
briefly during extravehicular activity (EVA) on two Gemini
missions, but fuel depletion and unplanned time constraints
precluded an adequate evaluation. The backpack was not operated.

In addition to technological advancements, M509

offers three major improvements over the Gemini maneuvering
unit experiment. First, it will be conducted within the
enclosed safety of the Skylab environment, second, there
will be extensive and systematic data collection and reduction
under laboratory conditions including correlation with pre-
flight baseline simulation, and finally, there will be ample
time scheduled for the experiment without the risks and con-
straints imposed by operational EVA.

The concept of powered astronaut maneuvering is

fundamental to the development of an effective EVA capability
which, in turn, is considered to be a major supporting element
in the future of manned space flight. Specifically, NASA
study of future manned space flight operational requirements
has indicated that EVA can be expected to play a major role
- 114 -

in such areas as space rescue, inspection and repair of parent

and satellite spacecraft, personnel and cargo transport, and
space structure erection. The addition of maneuvering aids
to such EVA tasks is expected to reduce crew fatigue and
stress, cut time requirements, offset pressure suit mobility
limitations, and facilitate attitude orientation and stabili-


The astronaut maneuvering equipment of Experiment

M509 consists of two jet-powered aids for maneuvering in a
zero gravity space environment. These include a back-mounted
hand-controlled unit teamed with the Automatically Stabilized
Maneuvering Unit (ASMU), or backpack, and a hand-held maneu-
vering unit (HHMU). The backpack contains a rechargeable/
replaceable high pressure nitrogen propellant tank which
supplies both units, and is therefore worn whether maneuvering
by ASMU or HHMU. The electrical systems within the backpack
are powered by a rechargeable/replaceable battery which, with
the nitrogen tank, is shared with the Foot-Controlled Maneu-
vering Unit of Experiment T020. The astronaut dons the
backpack over either a pressurized space suit or flight cover-
alls using a quick release harness similar to that used for

The ASMU is maneuvered in six degrees of freedom

(X, Y, and Z axis translation, and pitch, yaw, and roll) by
means of 14 fixed thrusters located in various positions on
the backpack. Control of the thrusters is imparted by two
hand-controllers mounted on arms extending from the backpack.
The controllers are identical to those used in the Apollo
spacecraft. The left hand controls linear translation and
the right hand, using an aircraft-type hand grip, controls
pitch, yaw, and roll. There are three selectable modes of
ASMU control: (i) DIRECT, whereby the appropriate rotation
and translation thrusters are commanded in direct response
to visual cues, (2) RATE GYRO, whereby an attitude hold
feature and proportional rate commands are added to the
DIRECT mode capability by means of rate gyro-sensed motions,
and (3) CMG (Control Moment Gyro), whereby an attitude hold
feature is added to the DIRECT mode capability by means of
the momentum exchange caused by torquing an appropriate com-
bination of pitch, yaw, or roll CMG's. In this mode, the
momentum exchange rather than thruster firings causes attitude

The HHMU is a simple, small, lightweight, completely

manual device. The unit comprises a hand grip and controls
for a pair of tractor thrusters and an opposing single pusher
thruster; the assembly is connected to the ASMU propellant
- 115 -

tank by a short hose. To orient and propel himself in any

attitude or direction, the operator points the HHMU, aligns
it to pass approximately through his c.g., and triggers the
tractor or pusher thrusters as indicated by his visual cues.

This experiment will examine the ASMU and HHMU

maneuvering characteristics in a series of four test runs for
each of three subjects. The test plan will exercise both the
pilots and the equipment with such representative EVA-type
functions as transfers across the workshop, station keeping,
docking, tumble recovery, and simulated maintenance or scien-
tific tasks. Three of the runs will be conducted with the
operator wearing shirtsleeve clothing and one run will be
made with the operator in a pressurized space suit. Since
the maneuvering equipment of M509 will be compared with the
Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit of Experiment T020, one
and probably both of the T020 operators will also participate
in M509.

Data Return

The ASMU is instrumented to record numerous signi-

ficant engineering data points including pertinent information
on the HHMU and biomedical data during the pressure-suited
runs. This data is sensed, collected, and telemetered from
the free-flying ASMU to a receiver within the orbital work-
shop and together with recorded voice commentary, is later
dumped via external telemetry to ground stations. Additional
experiment data will be provided by in-flight television,
post-flight still and motion picture data, and logbook entries.

It is expected that M509 will provide a wide range

of valuable information on maneuvering unit handling qualities,
operating techniques, consumable requirements, capabilities,
and limitations.

The correlation of in-flight data with pre-flight

and post-flight ground simulation will constitute a major
factor in determining the applicability, fidelity, capabil-
ities and limitations of various ground simulation techniques.
- 116 -


Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit, Experiment T020

Principal Investigator: Mr. Donald Hewes

Langley Research Center

Development Center: LaRC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin Marietta Corporation, Denver, Colorado


To evaluate the ability of the astronauts to use

the Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit (FCMU) for: (i) Attitude
Control, (2) Gross Maneuvering, (3) Precise Maneuvering.

To compare this system with stabilized and unstabilized

systems of M509 in flight and on simulators.

To correlate the flight experiment with ground sim-



Extravehicular activity (EVA) has been recognized as

a major supporting element of future manned space flight in
terms of such functions as space rescue, space vehicle inspec-
tion and maintenance, personnel and cargo transport, and space
structure erection. The addition of powered maneuvering aids
to such EVA tasks would reduce crew fatigue and stress, cut
time requirements, offset pressure suit mobility limitations,
and facilitate attitude orientation and stabilization. The
FCMU represents a simple, reliable, compact vehicle for exam-
ining the dynamics of a hands-free EVA maneuvering within the
safe confines of the orbital workshop.


The FCMU is a research vehicle for examining the

maneuvering dynamics of a cold gas jet-powered personal pro-
pulsion system in a zero gravity space environment. It comprises
a saddle-mounted structure at the base of which is a cross mem-
ber containing a pair of foot pedal controls and outboard of
them, a pair of quadruple thruster assemblies. The FCMU is
propelled by high pressure nitrogen supplied from a back-mounted
tank. The operator, wearing either a pressurized space suit or
- 117 -

flight coveralls, controls pitch, yaw, roll, and translation

along his head/foot axis through a combination of left and
right, up and down, toe and foot commands.

Both the FCMU propellant tank and battery are

rechargeable/replaceable units, which are shared with the
astronaut maneuvering equipment of Experiment M509.

This experiment will examine the maneuvering

characteristics of the FCMU using two test subjects in a
series of runs which will include both shirtsleeve and pres-
sure suited operations. Additionally, the experiment will
study the trade-offs between the maneuvering limitations
inherent in the four degree-of-freedom FCMU (versus six for
M509) and its advantages of simplicity, light weight, low
cost, and hands-free operation. Of prime significance will
be the ability of the astronaut to master the skills and
coordination necessary to make the FCMU approach reasonably
competive with, or complementary to, the hand-controlled,
stabilized backpack maneuvering concept of Experiment M509.

Data Return

The principal data collection is accomplished by

two motion picture cameras, one mounted in the workshop dome
and a battery-powered, forward-looking camera mounted within
the FCMU frame. Additional data is supplied by recorded
voice commentary and logbook entries. Since the FCMU will
be compared with the maneuvering equipment of M509, one and
probably both of the test subjects will also participate in
Experiment M509.

It is expected that the information derived from

this experiment will add valuable engineering inputs into
future maneuvering unit design. Further, the correlation of
in-flight results with pre-flight baseline simulation will
provide necessary feedback into and assessment of the various
simulation techniques in terms of applicability, fidelity,
capabilities, and limitations.
- i18 -


Crew/Vehicle Disturbances, Experiment T013

Principal Investigator: Bruce A. Conway, LaRC

Development Center: LaRC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin Marietta Corporation, Denver, Colorado


The objectives of this experiment are:

i. To measure and record in zero-g, using typical crew

activity in a space vehicle, data on astronaut limb motion,
astronaut position, astronaut-induced forces and moments on
the spacecraft, and simultaneous vehicle attitude pertur-

2. To verify an existing analytical technique developed

to predict the effects of crew motion on spacecraft attitude.

3. To verify ground-based simulation program data on

crew-motion induced vehicle attitude perturbations.

4. To evaluate the Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM)

Pointing Control System fine pointing stability.


Many earth pointing and astronomy experiments for

future manned spacecraft will require fine pointing stabilization
ranging from fractions of an arcminute to fractions of an arc-
second. Of the many disturbance phenomena that affect fine
pointing those due to crew motion are dominant. Consequently,
proper design of the fine pointing system requires accurate
knowledge of crew motion disturbances. These disturbances
have been studied on ground-based simulators and in zero-g
experiments on aircraft. While these studies have provided
valuable information, substantial uncertainties remain on
crew motion in zero-g. Experiment T013 is designed to resolve
these uncertainties and thereby provide system designers with
accurate models of crew motion disturbances. At the same
time, T013 will evaluate the fine pointing performance of
- 119 -

the Apollo Telescope Mount, whose control system was designed

using models of crew motion disturbances derived from ground-
based simulations.


The experiment hardware is:

1. Limb Motion Sensing System (LIMS) - a skeletal struc-

ture, incorporated into a suit, with pivots at the major joints
of the body. Each pivot contains a linear potentiometer with
outputs directly proportional to the degree of joint rotation.
The LIMS provides continuous measurement of body limb position
relative to the torso as the crewman performs the assigned tasks.

2. Data Cable - transmits the output of each LIMS trans-

ducer to the Experiment Data System (EDS) and the excitation
voltage from the EDS to the LIMS transducers (or potentiometers).

3. Force Measurin@ S[stem (FMS) - consists of two Force

Measuring Units each of which has a sense plate, a base plate,
a load cell array, load cell caging devices, a calibration
mechanism, and a signal conditioner with associated wiring.
The sense plate of FMU #i contains foot restraints and may
have provisions for engagement of a portable handhold.

4. Experiment Data S[stem (EDS) - receives data from

the LIMS sensors and the FMU signal conditioners. It conditions
this data for recording on a vehicle instrumentation magnetic
tape recorder for subsequent RF transmission to the ground.

5. Stora@e Container - houses the LIMS suit and the

data cable.

In addition, the 16mm Data Acquisition Cameras will

be used to record motions performed by the crewman.


The experiment will be performed only once during

the mission. It will be performed by one crewman, with assis-
tance from the other two.

The total task performance time will be approximately

70 minutes.

The crewman performing the experiment will wear the

LIMS. The outputs from the LIMS are transmitted in a data
cable to the Experiment Data System (EDS). The crewman's
- 120 -

center-of-mass and relative attitude will be recorded by

photographing targets located on the crewman's suit. The
film used will be returned in the" Command Module (CM).

Forces and moments applied to the vehicle by the

maneuvering crewman will be sensed by the FMS. In-flight
calibration using a static load on each FMU will provide cor-
rection for any calibration shift occuring before or during
experiment performance. Outputs from the FMS signal condi-
tioners also will be routed to the EDS.

Data sent to the EDS will be recorded on magnetic

tape for subsequent transmission to the ground by telemetry.

The crewman performing the experiment will be

assisted in varying degrees by the other two crewmen; one of
whom will read in sequence each task to be performed, announc-
ing the beginning and completing of each with voice annotations
as appropriate during task performance.

Forces and moments will be measured for a wide range

of physical activity from events such as normal breathing,
sneezing, and simulated control manipulations while restrained
to one FMU, to free-soaring exercises from one FMU to the other.

Cluster attitude perturbations will be sensed by

the Attitude and Pointing Control System and will be trans-
mitted in real time by the ATM Instrumentation and Commu-
nication System.
Data Return

i. Film record of crew motions returned on CM.

2. Telemetry of the data recorded on the EDS.

3. Real time telemetry of the cluster attitude per-

turbations as sensed by the Attitude and Pointing Control
- 121 -


Manual Navigation Sightings (B), Experiment T002

Principal Investigator: R. Randle

Ames Research Center

Development Center: ARC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Kollsman Instrument Company


To investigate the effects of the space flight

environment (including long mission time) on the navigator's
ability to take space navigation measurements through a space-
craft window using hand-held instruments.


Previous data obtained with the use of simulators,

aircraft, and the Gemini spacecraft has already demonstrated
that man, in a space environment, can make accurate naviga-
tion measurements using simple hand-held instruments. This,
together with already developed techniques for reducing the
data to a position determination, means that a technique is
available for man to navigate in space using simple instru-
ments and without the aid of a computer. The intent of this
experiment is to determine whether long mission duration
appreciably affects the capability of man to obtain accurate
measurements. Further, the experiment will return data which
will be generally indicative of the effect of long duration
space flight or man's capability to perform other precision


The hardware for this experiment consists of two

hand-held instruments, a sextant and a stadimeter. The
sextant, which is quite similar to an aviator's sextant,
will be used to measure the angles between two stars, and
between single stars and the edge of the moon. The stadi-
meter, also an optical device, determines spacecraft altitude
- 122 -

directly by measuring the apparent difference in elevation

angle between a portion of the earth's horizon and its sub-
tended chord.


The sextant and stadimeter measurements will be

made through the Multiple Docking Adapter windows. Although
the necessary calculations to determine vehicle position and
altitude could be made by the crew during the mission, this
is not required as a part of this experiment. Earth-based
radar tracking data will be used to determine the altitude
and location of the vehicle at the time the on-board data
are obtained. By comparing the ground based and on-board
measurements, the accuracy of the on-board measurements can
be determined. The accuracy data will be correlated and
compared with data already gathered in simulators, high
flying aircraft, and the Gemini spacecraft to determine the
suitability of small, comparatively inexpensive, hand-held
optical instruments for space navigation. In addition to
the measurement data itself, comments by the astronauts on
the operation of the experiment are expected to be a valuable
part of the information returned.

Data Return

Data return will be in the form of logbook entries

of the sextant and stadimeter readings. This will be supple-
mented as required by crew comments on the voice tape recorder.
- 123 -


Radiation in Spacecraft} Experiment D008

Principal Investigator: Captain M. F. Schneider, AFWL,

Kirtland AFB, New Mexico

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSC

Contractor: AVCO Corporation


The purpose of the experiment is to make radiation

dose measurements in earth orbit. Such measurements are of
importance in assessing the quality of dosimetry instrumentation
for space application, in evaluating various analytical procedures
that predict the radiation dose absorbed in earth orbit, and in
providing data to study the biological reaction of man to such


The major source of radiation in low earth orbit arises

in the South Atlantic Anomaly, a region where, because of the
particular shape of the earth's magnetic field, the Van Allen
radiation belts are unusally close to earth. In other places,
the radiation belts are comparatively weak below an altitude of,
say, 300 nm.

For the orbit chosen for Skylab, significant radiation

doses are accumulated only when the spacecraft passes through
the South Atlantic Anomaly. In addition, however, there is a
continuous background of radiation from cosmic ray sources. It
is also possible that major solar flares occurring during the
course of a mission will generate high energy protons and alpha
particles, which will contribute to the radiation.


The radiation in spacecraft experiment requires the

following hardware:
- 124 -

1 movable tissue-equivalent dosimeter. The sensitive
element is connected by a 6-1/2 foot cable to its
power supply and signal processing equipment.

1 Linear Energy Transfer system (LET). The system
consists of two solid state particle detectors and
their associated electronics. The LET system
provides data by which ranges (in tissue) of the
incident particles can be determined.

. 5 passive dosimeters. These dosimeters contain

photographic emulsions and other materials sensitive
to radiation. They integrate the dose received
during the entire mission.

The total weight of the hardware is less than 8 ibs.,

and it occupies about 0.1 cu. ft. of space.


The radiation in Spacecraft experiment will be flown

on the first Skylab mission, SL 1/2.

The passive dosimeters are placed in specific locations

in the CM and remain there for the course of the mission. Simi-
larly, the LET system remains in a fixed position in the CM
during the course of the mission. The tissue-equivalent dosimeter
is normally stowed in a position near the LET system. Data from
the LET and the tissue-equivalent dosimeter are recorded on the
spacecraft data storage equipment for specified intervals of
45 minutes each during the course of the mission. It is expected
that there will be six such intervals during each of 14 days of
the mission. Five of these intervals will occur during consecu-
tive passages through the South Atlantic Anomaly, and the sixth
will take place at the highest northerly latitude of the orbit.
Additional measurement intervals may be desirable if there is
a major solar particle event during the mission.

During some of the measurement intervals, the

astronaut will move the tissue-equivalent dosimeter to survey
the radiation distribution in the spacecraft. The purpose is
to determine the spatial distribution of the radiation and,
by shielding the dosimeter with various parts of his body, to
estimate the depth-dose relationship in the human body. The
astronaut will maintain a log book in which he records the
time and position of the dosimeter during the surveys. Two
surveys will be made during passes through the South Atlantic
Anomaly and two at the highest northerly latitude of the orbit.
- 125 -

Data Return

Data collected from thetissue-equivalent dosimeter

and the LET system during the measurement intervals are stored
on board the spacecraft and then returned to earth via telemetry.
The data indicate the dose rate and the LET data on one second
intervals during the measurement period. The log book of events
during the radiation surveys is returned to earth at the
conclusion of this mission.

The passive dosimeters are processed after return to

earth. By comparison of the data among the various radiation
sensitive materials, it is possible to determine the spectrum
of the various types of particles producing radiation in the
spacecraft. These data are the intensities integrated over
the duration of the mission.
- 126 -


Inflight Aerosol Analysis, Experiment T003

Principal Investigator: W. Z. Leavitt, DOT

Development Center: MSFC (Equipment was developed at ERC)

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


Measure the sizes, concentration, and composition of

particles in the atmosphere inside the Skylab as a function of
time and location.


This experiment, in an earlier version, was first

proposed by Dr. Samuel Natelson of Michael Reeves Hospital,
Chicago, Illinois, and submitted to the Manned Space Flight
Experiment Board in the summer of 1964. It was assigned to the
Apollo Program, but on occurrence of the fire on AS-204, it was
postponed to AAP (now Skylab).

While the information it will generate is not mandatory

for operations, it will serve several purposes. First, if the
astronauts suffer any unexpected discomfort, either to their
respiratory systems or skin, a correlation with particle
presence could help account for it. Second, if there are
unexpected or unusual problems with clogging of elements of
the environment control system, appropriate particle data might
help explain them. And third, even if there are no major
problems in tliese areas, trends might be detected which would
bear on crew or system performance on longer missions, and
appropriate steps could be taken to obviate the occurrence of
suspect particles.


The experiment is self contained in an approximately

6" x i0" x 13" box with an air inlet, an air outlet, a filter
selector knob, a channel indicator, and a particle-count readout
register. The channel indicator reads "i", "2", or "3", and the
- 127 -

register gives the corresponding concentration of particles in

the 1.0 to 3.0 micron, 3.0 to 9.0 micron, and 9.0 to i00 micron
ranges. The different settings o°f the filter are for the
different locations where measurements are made. The filter
is used to bring particles back for later identification and
position correlation. Particle size and count are determined
by passing a known volume of air through the measuring chamber
and measuring the amount of light each particle scatters to a
photodetector, and the number of light pulses, which corresponds
to the number of particles. Total weight of the experiment and
its carrier box is less than 9 pounds.


The instrument is hand held by an astronaut at the

desired point of measurement. Representative locations through-
out the spacecraft are tested, such as the food preparation area,
the personal hygiene area, and the crew quarters. Measurements
at a main location are made thrice daily and take about 4
minutes each. Then, every ten days measurements are made at
a number of additional predetermined stations and times; i0
more measurements any time, anywhere, can be made at the crew's
discretion. Man's role is to move the instrument to its appro-
priate location as scheduled, hold it, set the filter, press
the button, and read and log the outputs. At the end of the
mission he also removes and stores the filter for return to earth.

Data Return

There will be two types of data: written log and

returned filter. The former will be a record of particle count
versus location and time, and the latter will provide a cumula-
tive sample of the particles as a function of location.
- 128 -





In the design of complex spacecraft (S/C), interactions

among different subsystems and components always have to be
taken into account• Certain operations on S/C such as water
dumps, thruster firings, etc., might interfere with scientific
objectives of the other experiments. For example, bright ice
crystals reflecting light into the camera might interfere with
the study of the solar corona.

Many unmanned satellites and manned spacecraft have

shown visible contamination of their optical surfaces in space.
The Gemini and Apollo spacecraft showed significant window
degradations and interference with star sightings after the water
and urine dumps from the spacecraft• Thus it is a well recognized
operational problem concerning the spacecraft technology. With
increased sophistication, as we now look for fainter sources and
also those in the x-ray, UV and infrared regions, we find that
many spacecraft effluents become sources of possible interference.
For long-term observations such as on space stations of the future,
we must understand the nature and extent of these contamination
sources and their backgrounds in many spectral ranges to opera-
tionally assure a clean environment for the experimenters on
upcoming spacecraft. The problems concerning external
contamination on spacecraft can be characterized by:

i• Deposition effects such as the thruster firing

depositions and other effluent deposits on optical
surfaces which may or may not disappear with time.

• Atmospheric effects which result from leakages

and dumps from the spacecraft and result in
general increase in the background brightness
around the spacecraft. These may also be time

In order to systematically study the effects of

contaminants, we proceed with the general assumption that low
light level astronomical and terrestrial observations will be
carried out on future spacecraft including Apollo, Skylab and
- 129 -

future stations. Physical considerations indicate that

contamination is an experiment peculiar problem. For example,
gaseous molecules might severely interfere with x-ray and UV
region of observations but might contribute negligibly in the
optical and infrared ranges. In general, the requirements
for astronomy or earth observations are quite demanding
so that conditions of optical surfaces and the atmospheres
surrounding the S/C have to be monitored in order to interpret
the experimental observations. The ideal situation occurs
when the spacecraft optical surfaces and atmosphere are
continuously monitored in real time to provide deposition and
background data. Such an operational system is the goal for
contamination measurements. Thus during peak contamination
periods, certain control surfaces can be protected and those
experiments can be operated safely which do not have inter-
ference from such contamination.


Although there were no planned contamination

experiments on previous manned spacecraft, window sample and
photographic analyses of water dumps in space have provided
some useful information on the effluents surrounding the S/C.
A careful selection procedure of materials control has been
in effect which insists on various thermal and vacuum tests
and on controlled environments for S/C components. For example,
a careful selection of fuel for RCS thrusters can lead to
reduced deposits on the S/C surfaces and prevent thermal
control problems. Such ground-based studies are currently
in progress in many NASA and other laboratories. Window seals
have been evolved which do not evaporate complex molecules in
the vacuum, which have deposited on the S/C windows in the
past. But since the spectral regions are being expanded for
observations in space and more accurate information is sought,
we need to learn more about the problems so that experimental
results are not limited due to contamination. Also, the
decisions can be made regarding the attached or detached mode
of experimental operations on future manned spacecraft only
after the nature of contaminants is better understood. Thus
it is clear that more space and ground based measurements are
necessary to understand the deposition effects, effects due
to water and urine and other ventings, and also their time
varying effects for future observations from spacecraft.


The Skylab signifies a very important level of

sophistication in the manned space flight program. Feasibility
of carrying out simple astronomy and earth observation studies
- 130 -

have been demonstrated on Apollo and Gemini spacecraft. But

with Skylab not only the duration of observations increases,
but a rather significant investment has been made into the
experiments in the above-mentioned areas, which require low
light level observations. Some of the experiments on the
Skylab itself are quite susceptible to contamination (e.g.,
White Light Coronagraph, S052). Additional data are also
needed on deposition and degradation rates of optical surfaces,
so that eventually real-time contamination monitors can be
installed on the future spacecraft. This requirement is
adequately reflected in the contamination measurement experi-
ments assigned for the Skylab.

The contamination coronagraph experiment (T025) will

measure light scattered by small particles both near and far
from the spacecraft at small elongations while the photometer
assigned to the contamination measurement experiment (T027)
will do the same for larger elongation angles and in many
wavelength regions. The sample array on T027 will provide
information not only on accumulated total contaminants but the
quartz crystal microbalances (QCM's) which are a part of this
array will provide real-time contamination monitoring to detect
depositions much less than a few micrograms/cm 2.

Put together, these experiments will not only give

the gross contamination backgrounds for the ATM experiments,
but will also provide real-time and total deposition rates on
optical surfaces and will also record both photographically
and photoelectrically any contaminant cloud surrounding the
spacecraft. In the event that contamination cloud is found
to be insignificant, other secondary objectives of the experi-
ments can be met such as the spectrophotopolarimetry of the
zodiacal light (interplanetary dust matter) near the sun and the
photographic study of the nature and extent of the solar F-Corona
Since this is a development approach, these sample exposure and
coronagraph type of experiments are deployed through the
scientific airlocks from the Skylab. These are described in
the attachemnts.


Once the data from such measurements on Skylab become

available, real-time monitoring devices for spacecraft environ-
ment and deposition can be developed and can then be provided
as a part of housekeeping efforts aboard future space stations
or experiment modules.
- 131 -


Coronagraph Contamination Measurements, Experiment T025

Principal Investigator: Dr. George Bonner, MSC

Development Center: MSC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin-Marietta Corporation


The primary objective of this experiment is to study

the contaminant particulate atmosphere surrounding the S/C and
to study the increase of such atmosphere with thruster firing,
water dump, etc. A secondary scientific objective is to attempt
photographs of the solar F-Corona if the surrounding atmosphere
turns out to be negligible. Thus, this experiment attacks only
one of the problems discussed earlier and is well suited for the
study of bright particles which reflect sunlight.


Apollo astronauts have visually reported the "fireflies"

or ice crystals after water and urine dumps for up to 30 minutes
or more after the completion of these dumps. Photographic records
were made with a 16 mm movie camera on Apollo 9 from which some
scientific information has been gathered such as the fact that
the particle velocities are of the order of l04 cms/sec relative
to the S/C and the particle sizes are in millimeters. Also ground-
based telescopes have photographed the water dumps and other
cryogen releases from the SIV-B Saturn rocket stage. However,
more quantitative information is needed on the particulate atmos-
phere which will be provided by the coronagraph.


This coronagraph consists of three occulting discs

shaped from a single metal cylinder which has additional smaller
rings to reflect any stray light away from the camera field of
view. The discs are extended from the airlock.
- 132 -

The inside of the cylinder is threaded to reflect

and trap any light reaching the back of the cavity. The camera
field of view is 7 ° x ii ° and it has a removable magazine so
that the astronauts can observe gross visual contamination
levels before opening the ATM experiments. The discs have
diameters of about four inches (i0 cm) and can be extended to
about six feet from the airlock. The F-Corona can thus be
studied beyond 1.75 degree up to which the ATM Coronagraph
(S054) is designed to provide data. T_us this experiment
will not duplicate the results of S054 but will supplement
them. The elongation limit of T025 is ii degrees.

The photometer used on the (T027) array will be used

to measure brightness at elongations larger than 15 ° and thus
will not duplicate this experiment.

The camera focus can be adjusted to photograph various

volumes near the S/C at 4 ft0, 20 ft., and at infinity to bring
particles in these regions to focus and thus attempt to analyze
different volumes surrounding the S/C. Even with a background
scattered intensity of 10 -8 solar brightness, a 6-micron diameter
particle can be photographed at 4 ft. focus from the S/C.

The weight of the experiment is approximately 67 Ibs.

and the volume is 4.5 ft 3.


The coronagraph will become operational in the earlier

phase of the Skylab so that the view-finder can be used for
visual examination of the contamination before the $054 solar
experiment is opened. In addition, the experiment will be
operated on the sunlit side during minimum venting activity,
during thruster firings and during waste water dumps so that
effects of these activities can be seen in the induced atmos-
phere. About 27 exposures per sequence are typically required
for such data collection.

Manned interface includes variation of focus, visual

examination through view-finder and centering of the sun behind
the discs before taking the sequence of pictures.

Data Return

All data from this experiment will be on film. Total

return weight will be approximately 20 ibs.
- 133 -


Contamination Measurements, Experiment T027

Principal Investigator: Dr. J. Muscari

Martin-Marietta Corporation

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Martin-Marietta Corporation


The main emphasis of this experiment is on the study

of deposition of contamination on various optical surfaces
under controlled conditions. This will be done in real time
with the help of Quartz Crystal Microbalances (QCM) and integrated
deposits will be analyzed upon the return of samples to the ground.
Additional objective (in conjunction with the photometer for S073)
is the photoelectric photometry and polarimetry of the sky at
elongations longer than 15 ° from the sun to study the total
brightness contributions from the contaminants illuminated by
the sun. These contaminants will be studied in various wavelength
bands using the photometer and filters which will help in their
possible identification. The polarization measurements with the
photometer system will help in determining the shape of the con-
taminating particles. In the shadow region the photometer system
(S073) will be shared for zodiacal light studies. Thus T025 and
T027 together give us sufficient information on the environment
surrounding the S/C and on the rates of deposition of contamina-
tion on the optical surfaces without duplication.


Deposition of contamination has been found on Gemini

and Apollo windows on many flights, interfering with star
sightings and lunar surface photography experiments; some
sources of these depositions have been found to be thruster
firings and molecular evaporations from the seals around the
windows. Additional evidence of deposits greater than several
micrograms/cm 2 has been found on the OGO-6 unmanned spacecraft.

However there have been no detailed postflight analyses

of such deposits under controlled conditions in which reentry and
environmental cross contaminations could be avoided. The sample
array experiment attempts this.
- 134 -


The total experiment weight will be about 50 lbs.

and both the sample array and the photometer will be deployed
outside the spacecraft with the help of a boom. Approximately
200 samples of 16 different types including 2 QCM's will be
exposed from the scientific airlock and the array will be
exposed for a total of 5 days during which the lengths of
exposures of various groups of samples can be varied. The
samples consist of window materials, mirrors, gratings, and
other optical surfaces suitable for various wavelength regions.
Careful engineering design assures minimal cross contamination
between various samples which can be retracted in tight teflon
sealed cells.

The QCM's are simple in principle and depend upon the

measurement of the shift of the frequency of vibratiQn of a
quartz crystal when additional mass is deposited on its surface.
Measurable frequency shifts correspond to depositions as small
as 10 -7 gms/cm 2 on the surface of the QCM. The QCM's have
already been flight qualified and developed for this purpose.
A scale shift amplifier is under consideration which would
simply but effectively utilize the full dynamic range of the
sensitivity of the instrument.

The photoelectric polarimeter photometer has a sun

shield which allows it to measure brightness as close as 15 °
elongation from the sun. This photometer will be used for
zodiacal light studies (S073) also. The spectral range of the
filters is 4000-8200 _ and it has a rotating polarizer which
helps in determining the shape of the particles and their light
scattering properties. A 16 mm camera also takes simultaneous
pictures. The photometer system has a 7 ° field of view.

The weight of assembly including the photometer (S073)

is approximately 270 ibs. and the total volume is 16 ft. 3.


The 5-day exposure is required to give enough data

points for a typical 'daily' cycle of contamination around the
spacecraft. An automatic programmer has been built to sequen-
tially scan the sky for both the contamination cloud brightness
and for the night sky (S073) experiments. The background
brightness is the measure of the total number density of
scatterers along the line of sight.
- 135 -

Data Return

Data requirements for photometer include pointing and

stability information. Main mode of photometer and QCM data is
electronic and the sample array will be returned in a vacuum
container for postflight analysis.
- 136 -


Thermal Control Coatings, Experiment M415

Principal Investigator: Harry Thayer, MSFC

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


Experiment M415 will determine the degradation effects

of pre-launch, launch, and space environments on the thermal
absorption and emission characteristics of various coatings com-
monly used for passive thermal control.


The easiest, simplest, and often least expensive way

to control spacecraft temperatures is by matching the thermal-
radiative properties of exposed surfaces to their space thermal
environments. Although many thermal control coatings exist with
a wide range of absorption and emission properties, the pre-
launch, launch, and space environments often alter these proper-
ties and eliminate or seriously diminish this mode of thermal
control. In addition, since the degree to which the surfaces
are altered cannot be predicted accurately, the other thermal
control elements must be oversized to insure adequate tempera-
ture control in space.

A number of ground based simulation tests have been

performed, but they have not considered simultaneously the full
range of conditions affecting coating properties. Experiment
M415 is the first attempt to measure the effects of these con-
ditions during the various stages of an actual launch and thus
will provide a good correlation for the ground based tests.
Experiment M415 along with Experiment D024, which covers the
effects of space residence only, should clear up some of the
mysteries associated with changing coating properties and thus
permit more precise thermal control design.


The principal elements of this experiment consist

of two identical panels, each containing 12 thermal sensors
arranged in four rows of three. Three different thermal
- 137 -

control coating samples are mounted on the sensors in each

row, with each column containing the same sample material.
This arrangement allows the samples to be exposed to four
different conditions in identical sets of three per exposure.
Three of the four sets of test samples on each panel are pro-
tected with covers attached by armament thrusters. The
remaining set is protected by a bolt-on cover which will be
removed prior to launch. In order to provide a worst-case
baseline for data correlation, one sample on each panel is
covered with a black, totally absorbing paint.

One set of sample coatings will be exposed to all

environments. A second set will be exposed immediately prior
to Launch Escape System tower jettison and all environmental
conditions thereafter. The third series will be exposed to
retrorocket firing and space environment, while the fourth
series will be exposed to space environment only. The test
specimens will be located at two positions on the Instrument
Unit (IU) to provide two degrees of exposure to retrorocket
firing. Aerodynamic fairings will be provided to assure a
laminar flow stream for the test specimens during launch

The experiment will utilize the power, functional

command, attitude control and data handling capabilities of
the IU. Crew participation is not required for any phase of
the experiment.

Data Return

All of the coating samples are thermally isolated

from surrounding structures, therefore average thermal-
radiative properties can be easily calculated from telemetered
temperature measurements. These calculated values will then
indicate how the various environments altered coating char-
acteristics. Unlike Experiment D024, detailed spectral reflec-
tion measurements cannot be made since the coatings will not
be retrieved.
- 138 -


Thermal Control Coatings, Experiment D024

Principal Investigator: Carl P. Boebel, Air Force Materials

Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB

Development Center: Wright Patterson AFB

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


This experiment, consisting of exposing material

samples to the space environment, has the following objectives:

i. Determine the effects of near earth space environ-

ments on selected experimental thermal control coatings which
have been extensively investigated in the laboratory;

2. Correlate the effects of the space environment on

these selected coatings with measured effects of ground-based
simulated space environments; and,

3. Gain new understanding of the mechanisms of degradation

of thermal control coatings caused by actual space radiation.


On all of our manned spacecraft and on many of our

unmanned spacecraft, weight and power penalties can be attrib-
uted directly to the degradation of thermal control coatings.
Such degradation alters the thermal-radiative characteristics
of exposed surfaces. The designer must allow for these changes
by oversizing thermal control components, and it is often the
more complicated and expensive systems, such as radiator loops,
that are affected. Due to the relatively short duration of
the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions, this has been only
a minor problem. But for future, long duration manned missions,
coating stability is critical.

Experiment D024 measures degradation that occurs only

during the space residence phase of a mission. (Experiment M415
primarily measures launch and pre-launch effects.) White coatings
- 139 -

are the most susceptible. These coatings normally absorb

relatively little solar radiation but are very good emitters
of energy. Therefore, they are oTten applied to areas that
must be kept cool. However, when fully degraded, their
ability to absorb solar energy doubles.

Many earth based experiments have been performed

to measure such degradation. Unfortunately, telemetered
data from unmanned spacecraft indicate degradation in space
is more severe than is predicted by these tests. Explanations
exist, but samples from space are needed to establish the
exact causes. The Apollo 9 astronauts retrieved some samples.
However, these samples were not protected from the cabin
atmosphere after retrieval and their properties were cer-
tainly altered.

Experiment D024 will provide the first opportunity

to examine in detail coating samples that have been chemically
or physically unaltered since retrieval from space. At a
minimum, test results will enable a better prediction of how
currently available coatings degrade in space. An optimistic
hope is that something can be learned to help develop newer,
better coatings. In either case, the benefits for future
missions are substantial.


The experiment package consists of two panels, each

containing 36 thermal control coating samples. The samples
are one-inch diameter discs coated with various selected thermal
control coatings. The panels are square plates, approximately
6-1/2 inches on a side and i/4 inch thick. Each has a flexible
handle to prevent contamination of the samples while handling.

Both panels will be attached with snap fasteners to

the Airlock Module truss assembly located directly under the
sun. In this position they will receive no cluster shadowing
in the solar inertial attitude held during most of the mission.
The panels will be protected with covers, which will be removed
no later than 24 hours before launch. Since the Airlock Module
will be protected by the payload shroud during launch, the
samples will not be affected by the launch environment.


One of the thermal control sample panels will be

retrieved and returned to earth on Skylab flight SL-2 and the
other panel will be retrieved and returned on flight SL-3.
The first sample panel will be exposed to the space environment
- 140 -

approximately 1 month, depending on the exact launch time

and flight schedule, and the second sample panel will be
exposed approximately 5 months.

During an EVA two astronauts will participate in

the sample panel retrieval. One will photograph the operation,
and the other will retrieve the panel and place it in a return
sample container before re-entering the Skylab cabin environ-
ment. This hermetically sealed container will maintain a
vacuum for the samples until they reach a ground-based labora-
tory where they will be placed in a vacuum chamber and a vacuum
established before removal. Spectral reflection and all other
measurements will be made in the chamber.
- 141 -


Expandable Airlock Technology (B), Experiment D021

Principal Investigator: F. W. Forbes, Space Technology Branch

Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory
Wright Patterson AFB

Development Center: Wright Patterson AFB

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: Goodyear Aerospace Corporation


The objective of this experiment is to evaluate

typical composite materials proposed for use in expandable
structures under conditions of long-term space exposure.


Air Force in-house and contractural research and

development in the area of expandable structures dates back
to 1960 and provides a firm foundation for the proposed
experiment. Ground testing has progressed from initial
materials tests through vacuum chamber testing of complete
structural units. The next step in the development of expand-
able structure technology is the evaluation of structural
materials after long-term exposure in orbit.

The experiment has potential value in the development

of future space hardware, such as expandable crew airlocks and
lunar shelters.


Two sample panel mounting plates are installed on

the AM support structure. The panels and plates are 6 x 6 x 1.4
inch assemblies containing a 6 x 6 x 1 inch section of expandable
structure material. The composite material is constructed in
layers, composed of the following (listed in order of inside
to outside surfaces): aluminum (.35 mils), a gas barrier of two
Nylon film and fabric surfaces enclosing EPT (Ethylene Propylene
Terpolymer) foam, structural windings of stainless steel wire,
a Polyurethane foam micrometeorite barrier, and a Nylon fabric
outer surface with appropriate coatings for passive thermal
- 142 -

The experiment hardware also includes two sample

return containers, which are mounted on the AM support structure.
Each container provides compartments for one D021 and one D024
sample panel.

The two D021 sample panels will be observed, photo-

graphed, and retrieved by astronauts during two extra vehicular
activities when ATM film and D024 samples are also retrieved.
The first panel will be retrieved at the end of the first
manned mission after an exposure of approximately one month
and returned to earth by the CSM SL-2. The second sample will
be retrieved after approximately five months exposure and
returned by CSM SL-3.

The D021 and D024 sample panels will be placed in a

D021 sample return container on each EVA, and the containers
will be sealed so that the samples remain in a vacuum environ-
ment until they reach a ground-based laboratory.

Date Return

The sample panels will be photographed by a 70-mm

still camera before retrieval by an EVA astronaut. A second
EVA astronaut will record the retrieval operation on movie
film. The samples themselves constitute the primary return
from orbit to earth. Ground based observations will provide
data on the effect of orbital exposure on the materials tested.
- 143 -


Materials Processing in Space, Experiment M512

Principal Investigator: P. G. Parks, MSFC

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractors: Westinghouse Electric (Crystal Growth and

electron beam gun)

Arthur D. Little (design of Sphere Forming



Molten metal flow, freezing patterns, thermal stirring,

fusion across gaps and surface tension are presently known only
as gravitational phenomena. The objective of this experiment is
to demonstrate and evaluate the merits of these molten phenomena
for manufacturing in a space environment. Molten metal flow
characteristics will be studied and evaluated under zero gravity
and space vacuum conditions. There are five parts to the experi-

I. Metals Melting Task: The purpose of this task is to

examine the molten metal flow characteristics of various metal

2. Sphere Forming Task: The purpose of this task is to

fabricate spherical shapes during orbit by taking advantage of
the virtual absence of a gravitational field.

3. Exothermic Heating Task: The purpose of this task is

to develop a stainless steel tube joining technique for assembly
and repair in space, to study and evaluate the flow and capillary
action of molten braze material, and to demonstrate the applica-
bility of exothermic reaction in space.

4. Composite Casting Task: The purpose of this task is

to determine if the metallurgical structure of composite aluminum
materials is improved by casting these materials in space.

5. Growth of Single Crystals Task: The purpose of this

task is to attempt to grow single crystals of gallium arsenide.
- 144 -


In this experiment, fundamental research on the

effects of near-zero gravity and space vacuum on molten metal
phenomena will be conducted. There are two possible appli-
cations of this basic research:

i. the development of a capability to manufacture useful

products in space that cannot be made on earth or products which
are available on earth but which can be made more economically
in space, and

2. the development of in-space techniques for construc-

tion, assembly, and maintenance of space structures to be used
in future space missions.

The Apollo program will have some limited, predecessor

demonstrations of some of the phenomena expected to apply to
these processes, but they will not return the necessary, para-
metric information that this experiment should supply.

The five processes proposed for investigation have

already been mentioned. Some of the ways in which space per-
formance is expected to affect them are explained below.

The melting of materials is a phenomenon common

to all of the tasks. This requires the application of heat.
On earth, temperature differences cause density differences,
which cause convection under the influence of gravity. Con-
vection may or may not be a hindrance, depending on the objec-
tives of the process. In space it would be much easier to
control convection.

In certain processes of material preparation, con-

tamination is a problem which space manufacture may avoid.
There are some products which require such high degrees of
purity that the most inert supporting containers would still
contaminate the product by contact. On earth, conducting
materials can be levitated (removed from contact with sup-
porting material by application of an RF field), but only in
small quantities. Nonconductors cannot. In space it may be
possible to process both these materials without poisoning,
since suspension is natural in zero gravity.

Another effect of gravity which space processing

can avoid is the separation of different density materials
in the preparation of composites. Certain materials of
superior characteristics might be formed if a uniform or other
preferred mixture of substances of different density could be
attained. On earth the desired embedded fibers or particles
either float or settle, but in space this could be avoided.
- 145 -

While the presence of vacuum in space is not nearly

so significant as the very low gravity to material processes,
the ready availability and easy maintenance of high vacuum is
very useful.

The experiment equipment consists of two basic parts,

a Materials Processing Facility and the Specimen Containers.
The Materials Processing Facility is used as the device in
which the five experiment tasks and Experiment M479 (Zero
Gravity Flammability) are performed. The Specimen Containers
house the various test samples, and one container is used for
returning samples.

The Materials Processing Facility is hardmounted in

the MDA. It consists of a battery powered electron beam genera-
ting device, a control panel, and a vacuum work chamber. The
experiment task samples are placed in the vacuum work chamber
where either vehicle power, exothermic devices or the electron
beam gun can be used as a heat generating source. The Specimen
Containers are used to house the various samples for the five
experiment tasks and also the various other items of experiment
hardware. Specifics on the experiment specimens are given in
the next section on operations.


The crew is a necessary part of this experiment. They

must install all samples and specialized hardware for each task
in the vacuum work chamber, perform the task from the control
panel, record their observations and photograph the phenomena,
and remove and package the samples. Specific operations for the
five tasks are:

1. Metals Melting Task: Three sample discs consisting

of four metal specimens of different thickness and alloy will
be automatically rotated at a controlled speed under the elec-
tron beam gun and the molten metal flow characteristics will be
observed and photographed. The samples will be returned.

2. Sphere Forming Task: Twenty-eight 0.25 inch diameter

spherical specimens will be cast using the electron beam
gun as a heating source. Forming operation will be observed
and photographed and spherical samples returned.

3. Exothermic Heating Task: Five 0.75 inch diameter tubes

will be joined using a silver-copper-lithium braze alloy. The
five tubes are packaged in one array. The heat source to perform
- 146 -

this braze will consist of a mixture of powders which com-

bine chemically to give off heat when triggered by an electric

4. Composite Casting Task: Three composite materials

will be fabricated in space by unidirectional solidification of
aluminum alloys containing silicon carbide fibers. After solidi-
fication, the specimens will be compared with those cast on
earth to determine improvements of the metallurgical structure.

5. Growth of Single Crystals Task: Three samples will

be packaged in a single furnace heating package. During per-
formance of the experiment the furnace will heat and cool the
samples in a controlled manner to attempt to form single crystals
of gallium arsenide.

All five tasks of this experiment will be completed

in the vacuum chamber of the Materials Processing Facility prior
to the performance of Experiment M479 (Zero Gravity Flammability).

The returned metal samples will be studied and evalu-

ated, both independently and by comparison to samples obtained
in a unit earth gravity environment. The photographic data
will be reviewed and compared to subjective data recorded in
the astronaut logs and voice records.

Data Return

The processed samples from all tasks will be returned.

Besides the specimens, data will consist of photographs taken by
the 24 frame per second data acquisition camera and astronaut
comments recorded on tape and in the experiment log book.
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Zero Gravity Flammabil_ty, Experiment M479

Principal Investigator: J. H. Kimzey, MSC

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


Ignite various materials in a 5 psia oxygen/nitrogen

mixture to determine: (a) extent of surface flame propagation,
flashover to adjacent materials; (b) rates of surface and bulk
flame propagation under zero convection; (c) self-extinguishment;
(d) extinguishment by vacuum or water spray.


Previous studies of flame propagation under conditions

of zero gravity were done in aircraft. Self-extinguishment was
observed but the flame reappeared when convection resumed at the
end of weightlessness. Longer test times are required so that
more information can be made available on the ignition, propaga-
tion, and extinguishment characteristics of various non-metallic
materials under space environments so that the design of future
manned space vehicles will provide maximum crew safety and

There are also some fundamental scientific benefits

to be gained from a study of combustion in a low gravity environ-
ment.* While M479 is not intended to furnish data of this sort,
it will serve as a baseline for design of later experiments. In
low gravity fields, the buoyant motions that usually dominate the
combustion process are greatly diminished• This will permit the
study of the other steps in the process, such as reactant gas
diffusion, that are usually masked by the convective effects.

*Although the gravitational force is severely reduced, true

zero gravity is not attained on the Skylab. In an analogous

situation on the Apollo CSM, a gravitational force of 10 -7 "g"

has a significant effect on heat transfer in the cryogenic
oxygen tanks.
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Further, the differential equations describing the governing

transfer processes are much more susceptible to solution in
the absence of the convective terms. Thus, the low gravity
environment offers a unique viewpoint for observing the com-
bustion process.

The combustion chamber and controls for this experi-

ment are provided by Experiment M512. The combustion chamber
is stainless steel with a low emissivity interior; it is part
of the M512 Materials Melting Facility. A large opening on
one end enables igniter-fuel assemblies to be installed. Two
glass ports are provided for viewing by the operator and
cameras. The camera lens, mounting brackets, and power/control
cable are furnished by Experiment M512. Chamber connections
are provided for venting to vacuum to get rid of smoke and
products of combustion, venting to the vehicle interior to
equalize pressure and to permit opening. Interior work lights
are provided, as well as means to remove solid ash particles
by a "vacuum cleaner" equipped with a filter trap. Provisions
are also made to add water spray to evaluate extinguishment by
that means. A storage container for water at low pressure is
supplied as part of the Materials Melting Facility. The igniter-
fuel assemblies are housed in a separate container which serves
both as environmental protection to the assemblies and as a
place to dispose of used assemblies after testing.


Initial operation of M479 shall be attempted only

after all phases of M512 are completed. The experiment opera-
tor can perform all functions from a single location. The
preparation to test involves carrying water, a camera and
sufficient film to the test location. After checking electri-
cal and mechanical equipment no outside involvement is needed
as long as electrical power, oxygen and vacuum are maintained.
Operation involves manually operating valves, latches, and
electrical controls in accordance with a check list. Between
tests the operator has to remove used specimens, install new
specimens, clean chamber interior with a vacuum cleaner and
cloth, and change camera film as required.

A series of 37 tests will be performed. Each test

will be conducted in the Skylab oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere
mixture at 5 psia, nominally. The mylar, nylon, polyurethane,
cellulose paper, and Teflon samples will be electrically
ignited. Some tests will involve ignition of the test material
and observation of the progress of combusion. There will also
be tests to observe the effects of dumping of the chamber atmos-
phere and the addition of a water spray. Materials will be
- 149 -

ignited at distances of 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8" from identical

unignited samples to determine minimum distances without
igniting the second sample. Materials will also be ignited
and then detached from the igniter.

Data Return

Motion picture coverage of ignition and flame

propagation will serve as the primary record of data. Color
film coverage at 24 frames per second is required for all but
one test series in which infrared film will be used. Individual
flammability tests last a minimum of ten seconds to a maximum
of four minutes. Each test will be photographed in its
entirety so that combustion rates can be determined by post-
flight analysis.

Additional data will be available from the voice

comments of the astronaut performing the experiment. The
astronaut will be invaluable in observing several aspects of
the tests that may be missed by photography. He should be
better able to note drift rates of detached fuel specimens,
heat loads to the chamber walls, ash scatter, condensation,
and sublimation products and overall energy profiles as well
as trouble-shoot malfunctions of igniters, cameras, etc.,and
report environmental changes exterior to the combustion chamber.
Water spray patterns can also be reported. This voice informa-
tion shall be adequately detailed so that, in being broadcast
to the ground, the PI will be able to answer questions that
arise and help decide whether procedural modifications are
- 150 -


Precision Optical Tracking, Experiment T018

Principal Investigators: C. Wyman and J. Gould, MSFC

Development Center: MSFC

Integration Center: MSFC

Contractor: None


Confirm and demonstrate the ability of a laser

tracking system to accurately measure the position and motion
of a space vehicle booster during the early launch phase.


This experiment was in an advanced state of definition

as early as 1964. At that time lasers were literally a solution
looking for a problem. Had it been possible to implement this
experiment as originally requested, it could have been one of the
first applications of lasers. Now it will serve more to promote,
in conjunction with other space related laser activities (such as
already-implemented satellite tracking and lunar ranging, and
soon-to-be-performed altitude measurement from lunar orbiting
spacecraft and deep space communications), the development of
laser instrumentation and operating techniques for application
in the space program wherever appropriate and as they both
mature. In particular, it should provide the confidence and
experience necessary for the construction of an operational laser
tracking system, which, with the expected capabilities, could
increase range safety through improved impact point prediction.


There are two essential, physically unconnected sets

of equipment necessary for this experiment. The first is a
five-cube-corner retroreflector, mounted beneath a protective
fairing on the Instrument Unit (IU). Two of these, 180 ° apart,
are the only experiment related equipment carried by the space
vehicles. Together they weigh no more than 30 ibs., are
completely passive, and make no requirements on the vehicles
- 151 -

for other than mechanical support. The other set of experiment

equipment is the ground-based laser, its pedestal, housing dome,
and supporting instrumentation trailer. The gas laser emits a
35 milliwatt, continuous beam in a 1/3 milliradian (80 arc sec)
angle. The laser is situated three kilometers from the launch
site and irradiates the launch vehicle with a 1 meter diameter
spot of light.

The astronauts have no role in the performance of this

experiment. Technicians uncover the retroreflectors as close to
launch time as possible, the laser ground crew performs last
minute checks and calibrations, and for the first 50 seconds of
the launch the laser system automatically tracks the launch
vehicle, generating information as to range, azimuth, elevation,
and the rates at which these parameters are changing.

The experiment is conducted on three launches of the

Skylab program.

Data Return

The first-line data return will be that of the laser

system itself. Modulating the amplitude of the laser output
at frequencies of 30 kilohertz, 1 megahertz, and 30 megahertz
should avoid range ambiguity up to the maximum range of i0 kilo-
meters and provide 1 centimeter resolution and 10 centimeter
accuracy. Other expected measurements are: angle, to 5.0
seconds of arc accuracy; range rate, to 200 meters per second;
angular rate, to 5 degrees per second; and angular acceleration
to 1 degree per second.

Supporting data requirements are of two types. Pitch,

yaw, and roll information during the first minute after liftoff
must be made available for post flight analysis of the laser's
performance. This information is telemetered back from the IU
as part of the guidance data. Also, timing information of
various types and accuracies is required during the experiment
for synchronization functions.

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