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#Grounding The DC Microgrid

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Grounding the DC Microgrid

Jafar Mohammadi , Student Member, IEEE, Firouz Badrkhani Ajaei , Member, IEEE, and Gary Stevens

Abstract—A comprehensive knowledge of the available ground- requirements [3], [4] are not comprehensively investigated. In
ing strategies and their effects is essential for design, operation, and this context, the term grounding strategy refers to the choice of
protection of the dc microgrid. This paper investigates and com- grounding configuration and grounding device, i.e., grounding
pares different dc microgrid grounding strategies that involve the
choice of grounding configurations and grounding devices. The im-
pacts of different grounding strategies on line-to-ground (LG) fault Technical characteristics of different grounding strategies for
detection and protection, transient LG fault current magnitude, dc traction [5]–[7], dc shipboard [8], [9], and high-voltage dc
leakage current level, common mode voltage, personnel/equipment (HVdc) transmission [10], [11] systems have been comprehen-
safety, system reliability, service continuity, and insulation re- sively investigated. However, the existing literature on dc mi-
quirements are thoroughly investigated. LG fault response of a crogrid grounding [12]–[19] does not provide a comprehensive
low-voltage dc microgrid with different grounding devices is stud- comparison between different grounding strategies. Impacts of
ied by detailed simulation of a realistic study system modeled
in the PSCAD software. The study results indicate that: 1) the
grounding configurations on dc microgrid fault response are
ungrounded, bipolar solidly grounded, unipolar parallel resistance studied in [12]–[16]. However, these studies do not investigate
grounded, and bipolar resistance grounded dc microgrids enable the impacts of different grounding devices. Advantages and
LG fault ride through, due to the low fault current; 2) the unipolar disadvantages of only reconfigurable grounding strategies, i.e.,
solidly grounded, bipolar solidly grounded, diode-grounded, and diode and thyristor grounding, are briefly discussed in [17]. In
thyristor-grounded dc microgrids experience significantly large [18], impacts of dc systems grounding strategies on personnel
transient discharge currents under LG faults; and 3) the unipolar safety are investigated. High-resistance grounding strategy is
solidly grounded, diode-grounded, thyristor-grounded, and unipo-
lar low-resistance-grounded dc microgrids provide considerable considered in [19] to enable ground fault ride-through capability
steady-state LG fault current which necessitates fast detection and in dc microgrids. None of these studies provides comprehensive
clearance of faults. information to enable appropriate grounding system design for
the dc microgrid.
Index Terms—DC microgrid, dc system protection, ground
Considering the shortcomings of the existing literature, this
faults, grounding strategies, overvoltages.
paper performs the following activities.
1) It introduces different grounding strategies, i.e., grounding
I. INTRODUCTION configurations and grounding devices, that can be utilized
in dc microgrids.
IRECT current (dc) microgrids offer many advantages
D over alternating current (ac) microgrids, including higher
efficiency, higher reliability, a minimum number of ac/dc con-
2) It investigates and reports the effects of the grounding
strategies on line-to-ground (LG) fault currents, leakage
currents, common mode voltages, safety of personnel and
version stages, lower power losses, improved power quality, and
equipment, system reliability, power supply continuity, re-
easier integration of dc distributed energy resources [1], [2].
quired protection strategies, insulation requirements, and
Various aspects of the dc microgrid design and operation have
grounding cost.
been studied and reported in the literature. However, the ground-
3) It provides a comprehensive review of the advantages
ing strategies of this emerging technology and the associated
and disadvantages of different dc microgrid grounding
impacts on leakage currents, common-mode voltages, person-
strategies and makes application recommendations.
nel/equipment safety, energy supply reliability, and protection
This paper also presents the results of simulation studies
focused on the impacts of different grounding devices on the
Manuscript received March 1, 2018; revised July 4, 2018; accepted August 20, LG fault response of a dc microgrid. The simulation studies are
2018. Date of publication July 11, 2019; date of current version August 14, 2019. conducted using a detailed model of a realistic dc microgrid
Paper 2018-PSEC-0158.R1, presented at the 2018 IEEE/IAS 54th Industrial and in the PSCAD/EMTDC software. The LG fault-induced over-
Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada,
May 7–10, and approved for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Industry
current and overvoltage stresses caused by different grounding
Applications by the Power Systems Engineering Committee of the IEEE Industry devices are investigated and compared with each other. Finally,
Applications Society. This work was supported in part by Mitacs, Inc., and in application recommendations are made based on the results of
part by the Green Municipal Fund Granted to s2e Technologies, Inc., and London the aforementioned studies.
Hydro partnership. (Corresponding author: Firouz Badrkhani Ajaei.)
J. Mohammadi and F. Badrkhani Ajaei are with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Western University, London, ON N6A 3K7, Canada II. GROUNDING OBJECTIVES AND CRITERIA
(e-mail: jmohamm7@uwo.ca; fajaei@uwo.ca).
G. Stevens is with s2e Technologies, Inc., St. Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0, Canada The main objectives of dc microgrid grounding are [2]–[4],
(e-mail: gstevens@s2etech.com).
[13], [14], [17] facilitating LG fault detection, maximizing
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. personnel/equipment safety by minimizing LG fault current
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2019.2928278 magnitude and common mode voltages, reducing corrosion

0093-9994 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

A. Grounding Configurations
Three different grounding configurations are defined for dc
microgrids [22], based on the ground connection types of the
source buses and the conductive parts of the system. These
configurations are identified by double letter names TN, TT,
and IT. The first letter shows how the source bus is grounded and
Fig. 1. DC microgrid topologies. (a) Unipolar. (b) Bipolar.
the second letter shows how the conductive parts are grounded.
The letters T, N, and I represent ground connection, neutral
connection, and isolation from both the neutral and the ground,
respectively, as shown in Fig. 3 [23], [24].
1) TN Configuration: TN is the most commonly recom-
mended grounding configuration for dc microgrids [20]. In
this configuration, the converter middle point is connected to
the ground, and the body of the apparatus is connected to the
neutral and protective earth. The TN configuration requires
Fig. 2. DC system fault types. (a) LL. (b) LG.
low-resistance grounding [17], [23], [24]. High-resistance LG
faults in this configuration should be detected by relays using
caused by leakage currents under normal operating conditions, over/undervoltage elements [13], or a combination of leakage
and minimizing voltage stress on system components. current detection and ground potential rise detection [23]. The
The design requirements imposed by the aforementioned TN configuration has been used to supply power to low-voltage
objectives depend on the dc microgrid topology (see Fig. 1). direct current (LVdc) residential, commercial, and industrial
The unipolar topology has a pair of positive and negative polarity loads [13], [23], [25]. The advantages of this configuration are
conductors which provide a line-to-line (LL) voltage level 2Vdc . as follows [14]–[17], [24]–[27].
The bipolar topology has an additional neutral terminal, and 1) Minimized touch potential and enhanced safety, due to the
thus provides three voltage levels +Vdc , −Vdc , and 2Vdc [1], low-resistance return path.
[12], [17], [20]. A detailed comparison of the advantages and 2) The possibility of limiting LG fault current magnitude
disadvantages of these two topologies is provided in [21]. The using ground resistance at the converter midpoint.
next section highlights the differences between the grounding 3) Sufficiently large LG fault current to enable fault
strategies of the unipolar and bipolar dc microgrids. detection.
As mentioned above, fault-induced overcurrent and overvolt- 4) Providing a well-defined pole-to-ground voltage and paths
age stresses are important design criteria in dc microgrid ground- for leakage currents.
ing. The dc microgrid may experience both LL and LG faults 5) No overvoltage stress on equipment insulation.
(see Fig. 2). The large current caused by the LL fault is usually The drawback of the TN configuration is large current tran-
limited by the system resistances, [14], [17], and is not affected sients under low-resistance LG faults, due to the low-resistance
by the choice of grounding strategy. On the other hand, the LG return path [14], [17], [24].
fault is more common in dc microgrids and is directly affected 2) TT Configuration: In a TT configuration, both the con-
by the grounding strategy. The LG fault reduces the voltage verter middle point and the body of the apparatus are grounded
of the faulted conductor to almost zero and, depending on the at multiple points [17], [22]. This configuration has been used in
grounding strategy, may increase the voltage of the un-faulted LVdc microgrids [13], [25]. Its advantages are as follows [13],
line with respect to the ground. The arc associated with the [14], [17], [25]. 1) Easy installation. 2) Reliable and effective
LG fault puts the personnel/equipment safety at risk [14], [17]. protection against LG faults.
This is the reason that detecting LG faults and managing the The drawbacks of the TT configuration are as follows [14],
associated overcurrent and overvoltage stresses are among the [17]. 1) Circulating currents. 2) Possibility of high voltage
high-priority objectives of the dc microgrid grounding. stress.
The common-mode voltage is another factor that affects the 3) IT Configuration: In an IT configuration, the neutral point
choice of dc microgrid grounding strategy. It is the voltage offset is ungrounded or grounded through a large resistance, and the
that is common to both polarity conductors, [14], [17], and body of the equipment is grounded separately [15], [17], [23].
is independent of the LL voltage. The common-mode voltage This configuration has been widely used in telecommunication
appears at the neutrals of system components, e.g., loads and power systems [24]. IT configuration with large grounding re-
causes loop currents between converters. It causes personnel sistance is used in both isolated and nonisolated unipolar dc
safety concerns if it exceeds 60 V [15]. distribution systems. This configuration limits the magnitude of
the LG fault currents to safe levels if an appropriate grounding
resistor is chosen [15]. The advantages of the IT configuration
are as follows [14]–[17], [23], [24].
In this section, characteristics, protection schemes, and ap- 1) Lower current transients under LG faults.
plications of different dc microgrid grounding strategies, i.e., 2) Stable operation of loads under LG faults.
grounding configurations and grounding devices, are investi- The drawbacks of the IT configuration are as follows [14],
gated and compared. [17], [23], [24].

Fig. 4. DC system grounding strategies. (a) Ungrounded. (b) Unipolar solidly

grounded. (c) Bipolar solidly grounded. (d) Unipolar diode grounded. (e) Unipo-
lar thyristor grounded. (f) Unipolar resistance grounded. (g) Unipolar parallel
Fig. 3. DC microgrid grounding systems. (a) TN. (b) TT. (c) IT. resistance grounded. (h) Bipolar resistance grounded.

5) No grounding power loss.

1) Large fault current under a second LG fault. 6) No grounding cost.
2) Need for insulation monitoring. The drawbacks are as follows [5], [6], [9], [14], [17], [28],
3) Challenging LG fault detection due to the small fault [29].
current. 1) Difficult to detect and locate LG faults due to low current.
4) Large LG fault-induced over-voltages. 2) Possibility of significant system damage under LG fault
evolving to LL fault.
B. Grounding Devices 3) Sensitive to noise and disturbances.
4) Small leakage currents causing large common mode volt-
In this section, characteristics, protective schemes, and appli-
cations of different dc microgrid grounding devices, i.e., ground-
5) High equipment insulation level requirement.
ing impedances, are investigated and compared. Fig. 4 shows
LVdc systems can be ungrounded only if the common-mode
the most common unipolar and bipolar dc system grounding
voltage is not sufficiently large to cause personnel safety con-
strategies in terms of the utilized grounding device. These in-
cerns [5], [6], [9], [17], [28]. The neutral terminals of three-wire
clude ungrounded, solidly grounded, diode-grounded, thyristor-
bipolar dc systems rated above 60 V are required to be grounded
grounded, and resistance-grounded cases [13], [14], [17].
[15], [30]. Besides, two-wire unipolar dc systems rated above
1) Ungrounded: An ungrounded system is characterized by
48 V must be grounded. A few exceptions exist including
absence of a grounding device. In other words, an ungrounded
specific systems supplying only industrial loads utilizing ground
dc system is not intentionally connected to the ground [see
detectors [30].
Fig. 4(a)], [5], [9], [14], [17], [24]. Hence, the leakage current
2) Solidly Grounded: In a solidly grounded unipolar (bipo-
and the LG fault current levels are low and the common mode
lar) dc system, the negative polarity conductor (converter neu-
voltage level is high [5], [6], [9], [17], [28]. Ground faults in
tral) is directly connected to the ground [see Fig. 4(b) and (c)],
an ungrounded dc system can be detected by signal injection
[5], [9], [14], [17]. The leakage current and the LG fault current
and handheld detectors [28] or using overvoltage elements that
levels are high and the common mode voltage level is low [5],
monitor the ground resistor voltage [6], [28]. These traditional
[9], [17]. The solidly grounded system is mostly used for middle
methods cannot locate the fault [28]. The fault locating methods
point grounding in bipolar dc systems rather than negative pole
that require system shutdown eliminate the main advantage of
grounding in unipolar dc systems, because of the corrosion
ungrounded power system in handling LG faults and also require
caused by leakage currents [13], [17]. Conventional protection
time-consuming maintenance [6], [28].
relays are used for high-speed LG fault detection [9].
The advantages of the ungrounded dc system are as follows
The advantages of the solidly grounded dc system are as
[5], [9], [17], [28], [29].
follows [5], [9], [29].
1) Low LG fault current.
1) High safety due to low common mode voltage.
2) Power supply continuity in case of a single LG fault.
2) Limited overvoltages.
3) Minimized dc leakage current and corrosion.
3) Low insulation level requirement.
4) Simple implementation.
4) Low grounding cost.

5) Easy to detect and clear LG faults. operating conditions and also to limit the LG fault current to
6) Grounding system absorbing and filtering disturbances. almost that of the ungrounded dc system. Due to this small LG
The drawbacks are as follows [5], [9], [29]. 1) High LG fault fault current, there is no need for immediate clearing of LG fault.
current. 2) Lower power supply reliability. 3) Risk of damage to However, this also makes it difficult to detect faults. Besides, dur-
equipment. 4) Interference with communication systems due to ing LG faults the equipment connected to the healthy conductor
larger LG fault currents. are exposed to overvoltages [9]. The large grounding resistance
3) Diode Grounded: In a diode grounded dc system, the makes the dc microgrid more prone to voltage unbalance and
negative pole is directly grounded using an array of paralleled increases the time that the system takes to return to the balanced
diodes, as shown in Fig. 4(d). This grounding strategy allows condition after faults and other disturbances [29].
current to flow only from the ground to the negative pole when The leakage current is low and the common mode voltage
the voltage across the diode(s) exceeds some threshold value level is high [5], [9]. The high-resistance-grounded system has
[17]. Under normal conditions, the dc system is ungrounded to the advantages of both ungrounded and resistance-grounded dc
minimize leakage. It automatically becomes grounded when the systems. These advantages are as follows [6], [9], [11], [19],
common-mode voltage is higher. After the LG fault is cleared, [28], [29].
the system immediately returns to ungrounded operation mode 1) Low leakage current.
[5]. The leakage current and LG fault current levels are moder- 2) Low LG fault current.
ate/high and the common mode voltage level is moderate/low 3) Capability to operate under LG faults.
[5], [17]. A directional overcurrent protective element is used 4) Power supply continuity.
to detect large LG fault currents [5]. The advantage of the 5) Low grounding cost.
diode-grounded dc system is reducing the common mode volt- 6) High system reliability.
age [9]. The drawback is requiring a periodical maintenance 7) Greater safety for equipment and personnel.
as corrosion due to leakage current is not completely eliminated The drawbacks are as follows [5], [9], [11], [19], [29].
[7]. The reason is that, under normal operating conditions, small 1) High overvoltages up to 2 p.u. on the unfaulted line.
magnitudes of voltage difference between the negative pole and 2) Risk of damage to the system insulation and decreased
ground causes the diodes to conduct [5], [6]. power supply reliability due to effects of faults.
4) Thyristor Grounded: In a thyristor-grounded dc system, 3) Difficult to detect LG faults.
the negative pole is directly grounded using a thyristor [see 4) Susceptible to noise and disturbances.
Fig. 4(e)] [5], [17]. It actively controls the grounding condition 5) Considerable cost associated with the high-voltage
by firing the thyristor when the negative polarity voltage exceeds grounding resistors.
a preset value with respect to the ground, as detected by an over- The high-resistance grounding is mostly utilized in dc ship-
voltage protective element. Under normal operating conditions, board applications and HVdc systems [9], [29].
the system is ungrounded and leakage current is minimized. b) Low-Resistance Grounded: In a low-resistance-
The current passing through the grounding device is monitored grounded dc system, the neutral point or the negative-polarity
using a current sensor, and the system returns to ungrounded conductor is grounded through a small resistance to limit the
mode whenever the current drops to a normal level again. If LG fault current to a lower range [5], [9], [11], [14], [24].
the current remains high, the LG fault is detected and circuit The leakage current and LG fault current levels are high and
breakers are tripped. The leakage current and LG fault current the common mode voltage level is low [5], [9]. Conventional
levels are moderate/low and the common mode voltage level overcurrent relays could be used to detect and clear LG faults
is moderate/high [5], [17]. Therefore, both the leakage current as quickly as possible [9]. The circuit breakers should be able
concern and the common-mode voltage issue are addressed to withstand the largest anticipated LG fault currents [5].
simultaneously using the thyristor grounding strategy [17]. The low-resistance-grounded dc system has the advantages
The pickup setting of the overvoltage relay (59) may be set at of reduced overvoltage at the unfaulted line during the LG fault
around 60 V, which is the threshold for safe touch potential. This and low-grounding cost, but suffers from large LG fault current
strategy enables the system to remain ungrounded under normal [5], [9], [11], [29]. Disturbances such as switching harmonics,
conditions until a LG fault occurs and causes the ground-to- nonlinear loads, and electromagnetic interference can inject
negative pole potential to exceed the 60 V limit [5]. currents into the dc system. The low-resistance-grounded sys-
5) Resistance Grounded: In a resistance-grounded dc sys- tems, similar to solidly grounded systems, are able to absorb and
tem, the neutral point or one of the poles are connected filter disturbances more easily than high-resistance-grounded
to ground using a resistance as shown in Fig. 4(f)–(h) [5], systems [5], [9], [11], [29]. With a high-resistance path to
[9], [29]. Resistance grounding is advantageous in limiting ground, a small current can cause a large voltage spike with
resonant overvoltages by absorbing the energy of the res- respect to ground. The low-resistance-grounded systems miti-
onance. The resistance-grounded dc system can use high gate voltage spikes from such disturbances.
resistance or low resistance. In either case, the grounding The characteristics of different dc grounding strategies are
resistance significantly limits the magnitude of the transient summarized in Table I [5], [9], [11], [17], [29].
LG fault current [5], [9], [29].
a) High-Resistance Grounded: The unipolar dc system
grounded by large resistors in parallel, see Fig. 4(g), is referred
to as a virtually grounded system [9], [29]. Sufficiently large This section investigates and compares the impacts of dif-
grounding resistors are used to prevent energy loss under normal ferent grounding devices on the LG fault response of an


through bidirectional buck-boost dc/dc converters to nodes 705

and 707. A 1 MW bidirectional dc/ac grid-tie converter (GTC)
interfaces the dc microgrid with the ac grid through a 0.75/4.8 kV
isolation transformer at node 701. Table III lists constant power
(CP), constant current (CC), and constant resistance (CR) load
Four different sizes of the 1 kV single-core XLPE cable [32]
are used in the study system. The cable size in each feeder section
is determined taking into account the load current, maximum
allowable voltage drop, and maximum acceptable conduction
loss. The positive and negative polarity underground cables are
assumed to be buried 1 m deep, with a horizontal separation of
0.5 m. Table IV list cable length and type for each feeder section.
The cable parameters are given in Table V.
It is assumed that the study system is in steady-state before
a solid LG fault is applied to the positive-polarity of Node 718
at t = 0.2 s. Upon detection of the dc-side fault, the GTC and
the ac/dc converter of the WT are both blocked and discon-
nected from their ac-side sources, to protect the voltage-sourced
converters (VSCs) against potential damages. The dc microgrid
performance under the aforementioned LG fault is investigated
in the following sections by comparing the impacts of different
grounding devices on the LG fault current and the voltages of
the positive and negative polarity cables at the fault location.

A. Ungrounded
Fig. 5. Single-line diagram of the LVdc microgrid.
Fig. 6 shows the LG fault response of the ungrounded dc
microgrid, corresponding to the grounding strategy of Fig. 4(a).
LVdc microgrid. For this purpose, simulation studies are con- As expected, the LG fault caused the voltage of the faulted
ducted on a detailed and realistic study system modeled in the conductor to immediately drop to zero, forces the voltage of
PSCAD/EMTDC software. the unfaulted conductor to rise to about 2 p.u. in steady state,
Fig. 5 shows the single-line diagram of the study system. The and causes zero steady-state fault current. However, as shown
LVdc microgrid is developed by converting the IEEE 37-node ac in Fig. 6, discharge of the faulted cable stray capacitances and
test system [31] to dc. Table II lists the parameters of the study their interaction with the system inductances lead to transient
system. The LVdc microgrid includes a 1 MW permanent mag- oscillations with limited magnitudes and duration. The fault
net synchronous generator (PMSG)-based wind turbine (WT) response shows that the most important concern related to the
connected through a ac/dc voltage source converter to node 709, ungrounded system is the LG overvoltage on the unfaulted
two 0.5 MW photovoltaic (PV) generation systems connected conductor. Besides, the simulation results confirm the idea that
through dc/dc boost converters to nodes 712 and 722, and two the dc microgrid can continue to operate under LG faults, as the
0.4 MW battery energy storage systems (BESSs) connected LL voltage is not affected by the fault.

Fig. 6. LG fault response of the ungrounded LVdc microgrid. (a) Voltages of

Fig. 8. LG fault response of the bipolar solidly grounded LVdc microgrid.
the negative and positive poles with respect to ground. (b) Fault current.
(a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles with respect to ground. (b) Fault

Fig. 7. LG fault response of the unipolar solidly grounded LVdc microgrid.

(a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles with respect to ground. (b) Fault
current. Fig. 9. LG fault response of the diode-grounded LVdc microgrid. (a) Voltages
of the negative and positive poles with respect to ground. (b) Fault current.

B. Unipolar Solidly Grounded

Fig. 7 shows the LG fault response of the unipolar solidly large discharge current of the capacitors (51 kA in this case),
grounded dc microgrid, corresponding to the grounding strategy which is similar to that of the solidly grounded system.
of Fig. 4(b). Since the negative polarity conductor is already
grounded, the LG fault causes the LL voltage to drop to zero, and D. Diode Grounded
thus causes service interruption. Besides, the solid grounding Fig. 9 shows the LG fault response of the diode-grounded
provides a path for the large discharge current of the cable stray dc microgrid [see Fig. 4(d)]. Under the LG fault, the diode-
capacitances and the converter dc-link capacitors, which is about grounded system essentially behaves as a solidly grounded
80 kA in this case. Fig. 7(b) also shows that the steady-state system. Therefore, its fault response is very similar to that of
fault current in the unipolar solidly grounded dc microgrid can Fig. 7. The only difference is the ON-state resistance of the diode,
be significant (16.4 kA in this case), since the dc/dc converters which causes a small transient voltage on the negative conductor
continue to feed the fault until it is cleared. when the current passing through the diode reaches about 80 kA.

C. Bipolar Solidly Grounded E. Thyristor Grounded

Fig. 8 shows the LG fault response of the bipolar solidly Fig. 10 shows the LG fault response of the thyristor-grounded
grounded dc microgrid [see Fig. 4(c)]. Since the midpoint of the dc microgrid [see Fig. 4(e)]. Comparing the results shown in
series-connected capacitors is grounded, the capacitors block Fig. 10 with those of Fig. 9 shows that the LG fault response of
the steady-state fault current. Hence, the steady-state fault re- the thyristor-grounded dc microgrid is almost exactly the same
sponse is similar to that of the ungrounded system. However, as that of the diode-grounded case. This is because the thyristor
the transient response of the system to the LG fault involves the is turned ON as soon as the fault is detected, and a thyristor in

Fig. 12. LG fault response of the unipolar low-resistance-grounded LVdc

Fig. 10. LG fault response of the thyristor-grounded LVdc microgrid. (a) microgrid (Rg = 10 Ω). (a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles with
Voltages of the negative and positive poles with respect to ground. (b) Fault respect to ground. (b) Fault current.

Fig. 13. LG fault response of the unipolar high (parallel) resistance grounded
Fig. 11. LG fault response of the low-resistance-grounded unipolar LVdc LVdc microgrid (Rg = 10 kΩ). (a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles
microgrid (Rg = 1 Ω). (a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles with with respect to ground. (b) Fault current.
respect to ground. (b) Fault current.
fault current. Therefore, choosing the appropriate grounding
the ON-state is electrically equivalent to a diode with a similar resistance involves a compromise between the overcurrent and
ON-state resistance.
overvoltage stresses.

G. Unipolar High (Parallel) Resistance Grounded

F. Unipolar Low-Resistance Grounded
Fig. 13 shows the LG fault response of the unipolar high-
Figs. 11 and 12 show the LG fault response of the unipolar
resistance-grounded dc microgrid [see Fig. 4(g)]. Each of the
low-resistance-grounded dc microgrid, corresponding to the
grounding resistors is assumed to be 10 kΩ. Comparing the
grounding strategy of Fig. 4(f), for two different values of the
results of Fig. 13 with those of Fig. 6 shows that the high-
grounding resistance Rg . As the faulted conductor is discharged
resistance-grounded system behaves almost the same as the
to 0 V, the discharge current is drastically limited by the ground-
ungrounded system. Of course, this single simulation result does
ing resistor. Figs. 11(b) and 12(b) show that the 1 Ω and 10 Ω
not reflect all differences between the high-resistance grounded
grounding resistors reduce the transient discharge current to
and ungrounded systems. There are other considerations, ex-
about 8.5 and 0.5 kA, respectively. These values are about 10%
plained in Section III, that may make high-resistance grounding
and 0.6% of the discharge current experienced by the solidly
more suitable for specific applications.
grounded dc microgrid. This demonstrates the significant impact
of a small grounding resistor in preventing destructive transient
currents. Although the larger grounding resistor more effectively H. Bipolar Low-Resistance Grounded
limits the discharge current, it causes larger overvoltage on the Figs. 14 and 15 show the LG fault response of the bipolar
unfaulted conductor as well as slower decay of the transient low-resistance-grounded dc microgrid, corresponding to the

detection, transient LG fault current, leakage current level,

common mode voltage, personnel/equipment safety, system re-
liability, protection capabilities, service continuity, and insula-
tion requirements are investigated and compared. Finally, the
strengths and weaknesses of the various grounding strategies are
LG fault response of a dc microgrid with different ground-
ing devices is studied using PSCAD simulations. The results
indicate the following under LG faults in the dc microgrid.
1) The ungrounded, bipolar solidly grounded, unipolar par-
allel resistance grounded, and bipolar resistance grounded
dc microgrids can ride through the faults;
2) The unipolar solidly grounded, bipolar solidly grounded,
diode-grounded, and thyristor-grounded dc microgrids ex-
perience significantly large transient discharge currents;
Fig. 14. LG fault response of the bipolar low-resistance-grounded LVdc
3) The unipolar solidly grounded, diode-grounded, thyristor-
microgrid (Rg = 1 Ω). (a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles with grounded, and unipolar low-resistance-grounded dc mi-
respect to ground. (b) Fault current. crogrids provide considerable steady-state fault current,
which necessitates fast detection and clearance of faults.
Based on the aforementioned results the following conditions
1) The ungrounded, bipolar solidly grounded, unipolar par-
allel resistance grounded, and bipolar resistance grounded
dc microgrids are recommended for the applications where
continuity of service is a priority.
2) The unipolar solidly grounded, bipolar solidly grounded,
diode-grounded, and thyristor-grounded dc microgrids are
recommended for applications where system components
can tolerate large discharge currents.
3) The unipolar solidly grounded, diode-grounded, thyristor-
grounded, and unipolar low-resistance-grounded dc mi-
crogrids are recommended only if fast protection systems
and circuit breakers are available to detect and clear faults
before the large fault currents damage equipment.
Fig. 15. LG fault response of the bipolar low-resistance-grounded LVdc
microgrid (Rg = 10 Ω). (a) Voltages of the negative and positive poles with
respect to ground. (b) Fault current. APPENDIX
grounding strategy of Fig. 4(h), for two different values of the
grounding resistance Rg . Fig. 14 shows that the 1 Ω ground-
ing resistor considerably limits the discharge current (to about
4.3 kA in this case). Besides, the series-connected capacitors
[see Fig. 4(h)] block the steady-state LG fault current. These are
desirable effects of using the low-resistance grounding strategy.
However, Fig. 14 shows that this strategy does not prevent the
voltage of the unfaulted conductor from reaches 2 p.u. in steady
Fig. 15 shows that the LG fault response caused by the
10 Ω resistor is not considerably different from that of the
high-impedance grounded case or the ungrounded case.

Grounding strategies of dc microgrids affect the leakage
current, the common-mode voltage, energy supply reliability,
personnel/equipment safety, and protection system design. In
this paper, different dc microgrid topologies and ground-
ing objectives are explained. Subsequently, characteristics of
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Gary Stevens received the B.Sc. degree in chemistry

and the M.Sc. degree in inorganic chemistry from
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA, in 1980
and 1984, respectively.
In 1984, he joined Texas Instruments in Dal-
las, where he was involved in projects related to
high-reliability power transistors, microcircuits, and
molten silicon refining. In 1997, he joined Matrix
Jafar Mohammadi (S’17) received the B.Sc. de- Solar Technologies in Texas (an ATS Automation
gree in electrical engineering from The University of holding company), and led several projects related
Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran, in 2009, and the M.Sc. to silicon wafer cutting and photovoltaic module
degree in electrical engineering from The University manufacturing. In 2001, he joined the Spheral Solar Power division of ATS
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, in 2012. Automation, Cambridge, ON, Canada, to manage the IP portfolio and lead R&D
He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree efforts for new processes and product enhancements. He has more than 30 years
with the Department of Electrical and Computer En- of experience in process development and advanced manufacturing of solar
gineering, Western University, London, ON, Canada. and semiconductor technologies. He holds eight U.S. Patents with numerous
His research interests include protection and control international filings. He is currently a Chief Scientist with s2e Technologies,
of power systems especially microgrids and renew- Inc., St Jacobs, ON, Canada, where he continues to lead R&D projects focused
able energy systems. on promoting and implementing sustainable technologies worldwide.

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