Structural Proteins in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2
Structural Proteins in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2
Structural Proteins in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2
Structural Proteins in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2
Sairaj Satarker and Madhavan Nampoothiri
Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India
Received for publication May 8, 2020; accepted May 18, 2020 (ARCMED_2020_649).
What began with a sign of pneumonia-related respiratory disorders in China has now
become a pandemic named by WHO as Covid-19 known to be caused by Severe Acute Res-
piratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The SARS-CoV-2 are newly emerged b
coronaviruses belonging to the Coronaviridae family. SARS-CoV-2 has a positive viral
RNA genome expressing open reading frames that code for structural and non-structural
proteins. The structural proteins include spike (S), nucleocapsid (N), membrane (M), and
envelope (E) proteins. The S1 subunit of S protein facilitates ACE2 mediated virus attach-
ment while S2 subunit promotes membrane fusion. The presence of glutamine, asparagine,
leucine, phenylalanine and serine amino acids in SARS-CoV-2 enhances ACE2 binding.
The N protein is composed of a serine-rich linker region sandwiched between N Terminal
Domain (NTD) and C Terminal Domain (CTD). These terminals play a role in viral entry
and its processing post entry. The NTD forms orthorhombic crystals and binds to the viral
genome. The linker region contains phosphorylation sites that regulate its functioning. The
CTD promotes nucleocapsid formation. The E protein contains a NTD, hydrophobic
domain and CTD which form viroporins needed for viral assembly. The M protein pos-
sesses hydrophilic C terminal and amphipathic N terminal. Its long-form promotes spike
incorporations and the interaction with E facilitates virion production. As each protein is
essential in viral functioning, this review describes the insights of SARS-CoV-2 structural
proteins that would help in developing therapeutic strategies by targeting each protein to
curb the rapidly growing pandemic. Ó 2020 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Key Words: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Pandemic, Structural protein, Nucleocapsid.
0188-4409/$ - see front matter. Copyright Ó 2020 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
SARS-CoV-2 Structural Proteins 483
genome production, replication, virion-receptor attachment, kidney failure. The a coronavirus and b coronavirus affect
virion and viroporin formation that ultimately promote its mammalians while g coronavirus, and d coronavirus affect
entry into a host organism and proliferate, thus spreading birds (8). Previously six coronaviruses were identified as the
infection. This review attempts to describe in detail the orga- ones to infect humans, namely Human Coronavirus-229E
nization of structure and functional characteristics of the and Human Coronavirus-NL63 belonging to a coronaviruses
structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2. and Human Coronavirus-HKU1, Human Coronavirus-OC43,
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) belonging
Coronaviruses to b coronaviruses (9). Recently new strains of SARS-CoV-
Coronaviruses are the members of the Coronaviridae family 2 have been identified as shown in Figure 2.
and order Nidovirales. They are categorized into four genera,
namely a coronavirus, b coronavirus, g coronavirus, and
Structure of SARS-CoV-2
lastly d coronavirus (6) as shown in Figure 1. Their hosts
mainly porcine, bovines, humans, avians, etc. suffer from in- The nucleic acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 is identified
fections like pneumonia, diarrhea, enteric indications, and as that of b- coronavirus (10). The SARS-CoV-2 is
Figure 1. Family of Coronaviruses. Coronaviruses are divided into four genera namely a coronavirus, b coronavirus, g coronavirus, and d coronavirus. The a
coronavirus is further divided into sub groups a and b, while the b coronavirus is divided into a, b, c, and d (7). TGEV-Transmittable Gastroenteritis Virus
TGEV, PRCV-Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus, CDPHE-Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, MHV-Murine Hepatitis Virus, PHEV-
Porcine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus, MERS-CoV-Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus, WSFMP-Wuhan Seafood Market Pneumonia.
484 Satarker and Nampoothiri/ Archives of Medical Research 51 (2020) 482e491
Figure 2. Newly Identified Family of SARS-CoV-2 (WSFMP_Wuhan-Hu-1 is used as a reference). WSFMP- Wuhan Seafood Market Pneumonia, 2019-
nCoV- 2019-novel Coronavirus.
composed of a large positive-stranded RNA genome of Recently, mutations in the ORF1, ORF8, N region of
29891 nucleotides with 9860 amino acids (11). This SARS-CoV-2 were observed (17). The mutations in non-
genome is present inside circular nucleocapsid proteins structural proteins (nsp) 2 and nsp 3 could be the reasons
and further encapsulated by an envelope (6). SARS-CoV- for its unique mechanism of action as compared to SARS.
2 genome consists of 10 Open Reading Frames (ORF) The presence of glutamine, serine, and proline at various
(12). In the first ORF (ORF1a/b) about two-thirds of viral positions in the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 is believed to
RNA is present that encodes for polyprotein1a and polypro- affect its properties as shown in Tables 1e3 (18).
tein 1b and 1e16 non-structural protein (13). Remaining Only 3.8 % variability was seen in the genome sequence
ORFs encodes for structural proteins like S, M, E, and N of SARS-CoV-2 and the strain of coronavirus obtained
and accessory proteins (14). The genomic sequence of from bats i.e. RaTG13, thereby indicating 96.2 % similarity
SARS-CoV-2 in shown in Figure 3 and its structure is between the two. These genomes of SARS-CoV-2 were
shown in Figure 4. Some corona virions additionally seen to be expressed in two types, namely L and S type.
contain hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) proteins but in Recently genomes of 103 patients infected with SARS-
SARS-CoV-2 it is seen to be lost may be in efforts to recent CoV-2 were analysed, where-in 101 of them showed a link-
adaptations (9). age in polymorphism for single nucleotide. Among these 72
The genomic RNA expresses the gene in a characteristic of them expressed L type, which is named due to involve-
sequence in the form of 50 -replicase gene e SeE-MeN -30 ment of Leucine codon and 29 strains showed S type named
flanked by untranslated regions on both the ends. The rep due to involvement of Serine codon. This change was
gene codes for the non-structural proteins, membrane and observed at the site of 8,728 and 28,144 of the sequence
envelope proteins that are essential in viral assembly and (19).Similar studies of SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis
nucleocapsid protein important for RNA synthesis (15). showed Type I and Type II SARS-CoV-2 genotypes that
The spike protein is responsible for the attachment of the differed at sites 8750, 29063 and 28112 (20) as shown in
virus to the host cell and its subsequent entry into it Figure 5 and SARS-CoV-2 genome types A (ancestral
(6,15,16). genome), B (obtained by mutations at C28144T and
Figure 3. Genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2. ORFeOpen Reading Frame, UTR-Untranslated region, S-Spike protein, M-Membrane protein, E-Envelope
protein, N-Nucleocapsid protein.
SARS-CoV-2 Structural Proteins 485
T8782C in type A) and C (obtained by mutation at C fragment. The viral ectodomain inherits two subunits,
G26144T in type B) (21). Full genome sequencing of namely S1 that facilitates receptor binding and S2 that fa-
various SARS-CoV-2 isolates have shown multiple varia- cilitates membrane fusion. It is structured like a clove built
tions in different ORFs corresponding to the sequence of from three S1 subunits and S2 stem formed of a trimer (10)
SARS-CoV-2 obtained from bat RaTG13 which shows that as shown in Figure 6A. The genomic sequence of S proteins
as the virus having spread globally, has evolved with with its amino acids is shown in Figure 6B. The functional
numerous mutations (22) as shown in Supplementary components of spike protein were mapped according to the
Table 1 that could place the medical fraternity at an even amino acid positions as shown in Table 4.
more alarming situation. S proteins also help in promoting adhesion of infected
cells with adjacent non-infected cells that enhance the
spreading of the virus (29). The additional 12 nucleotides
Structural Proteins of SARS-CoV-2 towards the arginine cleaving site correlate to a cleavage
site similar to furin and this site is known to be cleaved dur-
Spike Protein
ing virus activation (24).
The envelope of corona-virion contains protruding projec- The Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) and
tions from its surface called the large surface glycoproteins Type II transmembrane Serine Protease (TMPRSS2) are
or spike proteins responsible for recognizing the host’s re- co-expressed in type II pneumocytes. TMPRSS2 initiates
ceptor followed by its binding to it and fusing with its mem- cleavage followed by activation of spike protein that pro-
brane (23). Due to the crown-shaped appearance of these motes membrane fusion and viral entry into the cells and
projections it has been named coronavirus {corona-a crown also the transmission of infection to neighbouring cells,
(Latin)} (24). specifically in the conditions of low pH (30). The S protein
The amino acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein of SARS-CoV-2 undergoes a structural transformation for
has |75 % homology with SARS-CoV spike protein (25). the binding of the viral membrane to the host membrane
Other findings have reported a 70% similarity of S1 subunit to occur. A Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) is present
and 99% similarity of S2 subunit of SARS-CoV-2 with in the S1 subunit that recognizes and binds to the human
SARS-CoV (11). Its molecular weight is about ACE2 with 10e20 times more affinity than the SARS-
141178 kDa and contains 1273 amino acids (26). Generally, CoV domain (31) possibly due to polymorphism at 501T
a coronavirus particle may contain about 50e100 timers of thus enhancing the receptor-spike interactions and promot-
spikes (27). The spike protein consists of an ectodomain ing infectivity (32). A unique feature is seen in the S1 and
element, transmembrane moiety and a short intracellular S2 sites of SARS-CoV-2 where both these sites form a
Table 1. Comparison of amino acids at position 501 in the different strains of coronaviruses
Predicted significance of
Coronavirus strain Amino acid at position 501 the amino acid substitutions
SARS-CoV-2 Glutamine Due to the presence of a longer side chain, higher polarity, and stronger ability to form
Bat like SARS-CoV Threonine H bonds, glutamine could possibly provide increased stability to protein (18).
SARS-CoV Alanine
SARS-CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-2; SARS-CoV, Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus.
486 Satarker and Nampoothiri/ Archives of Medical Research 51 (2020) 482e491
Table 2. Comparison of amino acids at position 723 in the different strains of coronaviruses
Coronavirus strain Amino acid at position 723 Predicted significance of the amino acid substitutions
SARS-CoV-2 Serine Serine is believed to promote rigorousness to the polypeptide chain due to the steric effect and its
Bat like SARS-CoV Glycine capability to form H bonds. At the active site of enzymes, it may also act as a nucleophile (18).
SARS-CoV Glycine
SARS-CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-2; SARS-CoV, Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus.
prolonged loop which lies towards the outer end of the Nucleocapsid Protein
trimer thus rendering SARS-CoV-2 to more proteolytic
The N protein is the most abundant viral protein and is ex-
interaction by the proteases of host cells (4).
pressed in host samples during the early stages of infection.
The S1 subunit occurs in the prefusion trimer phase.
It is known to bind to viral RNA to form a core of a ribonu-
However, upon binding to the host cell receptor, it destabi-
cleoprotein which helps in its host cell entry and interaction
lizes and sheds itself and causes the S2 subunit to transform
with cellular processes following the fusion of virus (34).
into a stable postfusion state. This spike protein can display
The sequence of SARS-CoV-2 N protein shows |90 % sim-
itself in an upward phase (available for a receptor) or down-
ilarity with the N protein of SARS-CoV (25). The RTC i.e.
ward phase (unavailable for a receptor).In the downward
the Replication Transcription Complexes formed by the
phase of S protein, the RBD lies near the trimer’s central
nsp play an essential part in viral genome synthesis (35).
pocket (31).
The N protein genome consists of a serine (SR) rich linker
The S2 subunit comprises a single fusion peptide (FP),
region sandwiched between an N terminal domain (NTD)
an additional proteolytic site with an internal fusion pep-
and a C terminal domain (CTD) as shown in Figure 7.
tide, and just prior to the transmembrane domain, a two
The N protein in SARS-CoV promotes the activation of
heptad-repeat (24). Recent analysis has suggested four
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) leading to inflammation in the
novel inserts in the spike protein that are unique to
lungs (36). It is also involved in the inhibition of phosphory-
SARS-CoV2. In the S1 subunit, the insert I hints about
lation of B23 phosphoprotein that is essential in the progres-
the N terminal domain while the C terminal domain has
sion of the cell cycle during the duplication of centrosome
been implicated by the insert II and insert III. At the junc-
(37). The N protein interacts with the p42 proteasome sub-
tion of the subdomain 1 and subdomain 2 of the S1 subunit
unit, which is known to degrade the viral proteins (38). It also
lies the insert IV. Interestingly the inserts I, II, and III have
inhibits type I Interferon (IFN) causing restrictions in im-
shown remarkable homology with the HIV-1 gp120 while
mune responses generated by the body due to viral infections
insert IV to Gag proteins (33).
(39). Cell line studies showed that due to the inhibitory action
Another study revealed the characteristic features of
of N protein on the cyclin-cyclin-dependent kinase complex
certain amino acids in S protein that has rendered SARS-
(C-CDK) the progression of S-Phase was reduced (40)
CoV-2 with high affinity to ACE2 receptor. The presence
Another cell line study showed reduced proliferation of cells
of glutamine 493, asparagine 501, leucine 455, phenylala-
due to inhibition of cytokinesis and protein translation due to
nine 486 and serine 494 amino acids have shown to provide
N protein-induced aggregation of a translation factor named
a boost in ACE2 binding (32).
as Human elongation factor 1 a (HEF1 a) (41). The viral
Therefore, the S protein plays a crucial role in viral entry
RNA synthesis is known to increase when N protein is seen
into the host cells and the structural abilities in this newly
to interact with Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
discovered SARS-CoV-2 boost its intended actions. The
(hnRNPA1) (42).
fact that these protruding spikes are the first point of contact
The structural elucidation of SARS-CoV-2 N protein
with host receptors, therapeutic strategies can be applied to
NTD showed that a single asymmetric confirmation of four
prevent its binding to target receptors and prevent viral en-
N protein NTD depicted a structural alignment of an
try into host cells.
Table 3. Comparison of amino acids at position 501 in the different strains of coronaviruses
Coronavirus strain Amino acid at position 1010 Predicted significance of the amino acid substitutions
SARS-CoV-2 Proline Proline is expected to create a steric bulk and rigorousness due to which the structure of
Bat like SARS-CoV Histidine SARS-CoV-2 may undergo a change in its conformation (18).
SARS-CoV Isoleucine
SARS-CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-2; SARS-CoV, Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus.
SARS-CoV-2 Structural Proteins 487
Figure 6. A. Schematic Illustration of the Structure of Spike Protein. B. Genomic Sequence of Spike Protein (28). SP-Signal Peptide, NTD-N terminal
Domain, RBM-Receptor Binding Motif, RBD-Receptor Binding Domain, FP-Fusion Peptide, HR1-Heptat Repeat 1, HR2-Heptad Repeat 2, TM-
Transmembrane Domain, CP-Cytoplasm Domain.
488 Satarker and Nampoothiri/ Archives of Medical Research 51 (2020) 482e491
Table 4. Functional Components of SARS-CoV-2 S proteins and its forms symmetric fold structures, perpendicular to the
corresponding amino acid positions (28) midpoint of the structure. Due to the positive charges in this
Sr. No. Functional components of spike protein Amino acid position region, the N terminus appears to be basic that could hint it
to be a site for the binding of nucleic acid (50).
1 N terminal domain 14e305 The domain components possess large forces of repulsion
2 Receptor Binding Motif 437e508
that prevents interactions within the domains. This provides
3 Receptor Binding Domain 319e541
4 S1 Subunit 14e685 an electrostatically larger binding surface and prevents olig-
5 S2 Subunit 686e1273 omer and nucleocapsid formation. Therefore when nucleic
6 Fusion Peptide 788e806 acid binds to it, it causes neutralization of the charges pro-
7 Heptad Repeat 1 912e984 voking accumulation of protein molecules to come closer
8 Heptad Repeat 2 1163e1213
and oligomerize thus forming nucleocapsids (46).
9 Transmembrane Domain 1214e1237
10 Cytoplasmic Domain 1238e1273 The N protein showcases various activities essential in
the functioning and proliferation of the virus and thus is
another essential component after spike proteins. Along
orthorhombic crystal. Basically, it looks like a wrist made with S protein , the N protein shows a promising area in
up of acidic moieties with a palm of basic components the field of developing effective therapeutics to prevent
and the core of b sheet extending like fingers (43). The the proliferation of viral progenies.
NTD of N protein is known to bind to the RNA genome
where the sequencing of different ordered and disordered
Envelope Protein
regions of N protein showed that RNA binding occurs at
the N45-181 region which exists as a monomer (44). It The E protein is a tiny integral membrane protein
was also reported that the presence of amino acids Arginine composed of an NTD, hydrophobic domain, and a chain
at position 94 and Tyrosine at 122 might be essential for the at C terminal (51) having 76e109 amino acids (52) and
binding of SARS-CoV RNA (45). But further studies weighing 8e12 kDa in size (53).
proved that the combination of the linker region and the The N terminal stretches from 1ste9th amino acids, the hy-
NTD and even the CTD of N protein was essential in drophobic region ranges from 10the37th position and C ter-
enhanced binding capacity to the viral RNA where the latter minal from 38the76th position in the structural sequence
showed about 6e8 times more binding performance than (54). The amino acids in the 1st e11th position are present
the earlier, as CTD is dimeric in nature with 2 disordered in virion while the hydrophobic tail is towards the cytoplasm
regions around it as compared to the single disordered re- (55). The hydrophobic region oligomerises to form an ionic
gion around NTD (46). pore across the membranes. Structural elucidation of this
The central linker region is rich in serine and arginine protein shows its pentameric form containing 35 a-helical re-
residues (SR region) possessing essential phosphorylation gions and 40 looped regions. Both these structures showed
sites that may regulate the N protein functioning (47). This randomized movements that modulated the normal activity
site forms the major phosphorylation site that enhances the of the ion channels, thus enhancing the viral pathogenicity
interactions in proteins, localization of linker proteins (56). In contrast, interactions within the C terminal domain
within the cell, and mediates the desired activity. Higher may affect this pentameric conformation (57).
alanine substitutions reduces the amount of N protein phos- A novel feature is seen in the 69th position of the E protein
phorylation (48). In the linker region, the interactions of SR sequence of SARS-CoV-2 where Arginine has been replaced
moieties with the central region lead to the formation of di- by alanine, glutamine and aspartate compared in other similar
mers of N proteins essential for activity (49). coronaviruses. Also, at positions 55e56 threonine and valine
The CTD is hydrophobic in nature, rich in helix, and is have been identified (58). After translation E can undergo pal-
also known as the domain where dimerization occurs. The mitoylation at cysteine residues or N mediated glycosylation
reason for this is that it contains residues that self-associate at aspartate amino acid but may not be necessary for virus like
to form homodimers (45). Structurally every single asym- particles (VLP) formation (59).
metric moiety of CTD consists of four individual homo- This protein form viroporins that are proteins of hydro-
dimers joined to form an octamer. The arrangement of phobic nature and small in architecture. These viroporins
these moieties appears in the shape of the letter ‘‘X’’ that are essential for viral assembly, along with its release. They
also mediate pathogenic processes and induce cytotoxicity protein is known to inhibit NFkB through interactions with
(60). The interactions of nsp2 and nsp3 heterotypically, IKKb (I Kappa B Kinase) and reduces levels of COX-2, thus
are essential in inducing the desired curvature in the Endo- enhancing the proliferation of the viral pathogen (67). The 3-
plasmic Reticulum (ER) membrane and M protein and E phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) is a
protein co-expression facilitates the production of spherical critical kinase of Protein Kinase B (PKB) that is known to
virulent particles (29). slow down the process of apoptosis. The C terminal of M hin-
The tail of SARS-CoV E protein that lies in cytoplasm, ders the interaction of PDK1 and PKB and leads to the
targets cis-Golgi complex region with the help of proline release of caspases 8 and 9, ultimately causing cell death
residues incorporated in it. The N terminal of E protein also or apoptosis (68). The SARS CoV M also leads to the activa-
contains additional Golgi complex associating elements due tion of b interferons (IFN-b) in cell lines (69).
to which mutations in the tail region do not affect the Golgi With such indications of M protein in viral life cycle, it
complex targeting process (61). The ionic gradient may be can be looked upon as a therapeutic option to inhibit the
dissipated in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Intermedi- virion formation and to prevent inflammatory reactions in
ate Compartment (ERGIC) and Golgi compartment by the host cells.
E protein that may lead to the exit of virion (52). The final
four amino acids present in the C terminal of E protein
hosts a motif named as postsynaptic density protein/Disc Conclusion
Large/Zonula occludans-1 (PDZ) binding motif (PDM).
Therefore, E protein may facilitate disruption of the epithe- The SARS-CoV-2 is a b coronavirus belonging to the Co-
lium of the lungs due to binding of Protein Associated with ronaviridae family known to cause Covid-19. It consists
Caenorhabditis elegans Lin-7 protein 1 (PALS1) to the of ORFs that code for structural, non-structural, and acces-
PDM (62). Thus,targetting of E protein could aslo lead to sory proteins. The S, N, M, E form the structural proteins
improved therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2. that play a vital role in the life cycle of the viral particles.
The S protein is shaped like a clove with two subunits S1
and S2 which promotes receptor binding and membrane
Membrane Protein fusion respectively. The N protein consists of an NTD,
The M protein is present in high amounts out of all proteins serine-rich linker and CTD. It enhances viral entry and per-
in coronaviruses (63). Its length spans to about 220e260 forms post-fusion cellular processes necessary for viral sur-
amino acids with a short length N terminal domain, vival in the host. The E protein promotes virion formation
attached to triple transmembrane domains that are further and viral pathogenicity while M protein forms ribonucleo-
connected to a carboxyl-terminal domain and belong to proteins and mediates inflammatory responses in hosts.
the N-linked glycosylated proteins with a conserved The elucidation of SARS-CoV-2 structural proteins in our
domain of 12 amino acids (64). review will help in exploring these proteins and gaining new
Structural analysis of this protein shows that it exists in insights on them. Since it is a rapidly evolving pandemic,
two forms, namely long and compact form. These two these insights would be a helping aid to the upcoming
forms are originally homodimers of N terminal ectodomain research on structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2. This would
and C terminal endodomain that are different in conforma- lead to better understanding of each protein ultimately help-
tion. The endodomain may undergo elongation or compres- ing in making effective therapeutics to curb COVID-19.
sion due to which it is named as a long and compact form.
Spike protein can be seen over these both forms but pre-
dominantly at the long-form that may suggest this form Funding
promotes spike installation. The tyrosine residues at 211
This review did not receive any specific grant from funding
may be essential in the stability of the long form of M. This
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
form bends the membrane that creates a spherical structure
encircling the ribonucleoprotein. (65).
The M protein is organized in a 2D lattice and provides a
scaffold in viral assembly (27). They undergo translation on
the polysomes bound to the membranes, fused in the ER, Declarations of Interest
and are carried towards the Golgi complex where they None.
interact with E proteins to generate virions. Out of the three
TDM, the first one is capable enough to encourage self-
association of M proteins, improved membrane affinity,
Supplementary Data
and retention in Golgi (66).
NFkB (Nuclear Factor Kappa B) activation is necessary to Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
generate immune responses against the pathogens. The M
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