Ochsner1979 PDF
Ochsner1979 PDF
Ochsner1979 PDF
Robert Ochsner2
University of California, b e Angeles
(which he distinguished from idiographic science). Recently, Jurgen
Habermas (1971) has coined the similar term ‘nomologwal.’
2) hermeneutic science (literally, “the art of interpretation”):This
tradition also goes back to antiquity, notably the W h i s t s . Reality does
not, in this research attitude, have a single form, but instead varies. It
follows that no single method of inquiry applies to all events. In
particular, human events must be interpreted teleologcally; that is,
according to their final ends. Modern hermeneutics is primarily a
German tradition that grew out of the Protestant Reformation.
3) experimental method: I have used “this label to cover a n y
nomothetic research that a ) attempts to manipulate and/or control
variables; b) attempts to observe events “objectively”or neutrally; and
c) generalizes results in terms of laws or causality. In this senseeany of
the following can be described as experimental: case studies, natur-
alistic observations, and perhaps even diary studies. Of course, the
controlled experimept (longitudinalkross-sectional) is the ideal nom-
othetic method.
4) linearity of the experimental method (not a statistical measure
of linearity): In theory a sequence of experimental methods (pilot study,
case study, observation, and 50 on) that progresses towards the
controlled experiment. In practice, especially in a new field like SLA,
this sequence is rarely adhered to. Research texts in the social sciences
(education, sociology, psychology) imply this hierarchy either by
labelling other research as “quasi-experimental” or “less rigorous,” or
by choosing to discuss only “pure” research tCampbell an& Stanley
1963,Kerlinger 1964, Cronbach 1963,Arnoult 1972,Helmstadter 1970,
Borg 1963,Matheson, Bruce, Beauchamp 1970, K. D. Bailey 1976).The
attitude of linearity can be summarized this way: a controlled experi-
ment represents the “best” method for verifying empirical facts.
5 ) non-experimental method: I prefer this ‘negative’ category
becaLwe other labels suggest a standardized research where, by defini-
tion, no standard exists. In hermeneutic science, a non-experimental
method proceeds: a) without controlling the existing realities; b)
without presumirrg-a researcher’s objectivity; and c) without generaliz-
ing towards causal laws. This work evolves i:to a systematic, if
personal, method of analysis which can be discussed, but not expressed,
as general laws or principles. The term “introspective” research may
apply here (though the phenomenologists have adopted a better word,
Husserl’s dyadic term “intersubjective:” however, I do not use thls
term because many phenomenologists, like Husserl, are ambiguously
6 ) circularlity of the non-experimental m e t h d : An introspective
science focuses on self-examination and is in this sense circular or
Nomothetic?means the scientific attitude of lawfblness, of “causal”
relations- (Windelband 1894, von Wright 1971).It has the-additional
meaning of applying only to physical nature, but for reasons I make
clear in the final section of this paper, I will eventually apply the term
to humans also. The hstory of this nomothetic attitude goes back a t
least to Plato, 4th century B.C. (for a historical review of nomothetic
science see Appendix A). In his Republic and other dialogues Plato
noh-scientific layman; for him, a knockout punch and the ten count
add up to a causal chain. The researcher, though, looks beyond a single
punch; as a nomothetic scientist he learns to control experience-and
himself.. He designs, tests, and replicates his work; he uses computers,
statistics, and hard data. Above all, he does not care who wins the
(ontological) fight. Objectively then, he infers the boxer’s probable
talent: to every action there is an equal and opposite raaction. Of
course, he doubts his finding.
The SLA researcher can do all this-all that Plato imapned-
because a single reality exists. His findings, especially replicated ones,
build his confidence ‘in this single reality. But he always doubts his
findings. No experiment can be truly proven because no one can repeat
a n experiment ad infinitum (Popper 1963, 1965).He also distrusts
words and their uncontrollable nuances. Hard (statistical)facts should
not flirt with meaning; instead,.they should fix semantically into
place, like building blocks. When he must use words the SLA re-
searcher expresses himself “non-personae;” or a t least attempts to
(Campbell 1975).But he prefers statistics, letting the numbers speak ‘
for themselves.
This nomothetic attitude involves a specific-pattern of thought, or
reasoning process, that is behaviorally acted out, most typically, as
Model 1: Nomothetic method ( a priori ad a posteriori)
Describe ,Causal
I event A,B
event C
Linear sequence
( hypothetico-deductive)
theory tA,B
&event C
Here, based on the chart above (Model l ) ,is a simple explanation, but
one that refers to a n ordinary-non-linguistic-event; (at this point I
- Cl
Hermeneutics (the s is option$) means the “art of interpretation”
(Doty 1972, Funk 1966,Palmer 1969).Its first formal practitioners
were Biblical scholars, notably the post-&formation Protestants ( c .
1650: for a historical review of hermeneutic research see Appendik B).
But the principles of this a r t - o r s c i e n c r x t e n d well beyond, and
before, Scriptural exegesis, for the practice of hermeneutics surely
p r e d a t e s recorded history (Palmer 1969). Saints, holy men, Old
Testament leaders have all, at some time, interpreted an other-worldly
Truth; and to translate from one context to another, from God’s truth
to man’s ignorance, requires of these men (or ultimately their readers)
a hermeneutic performance (Funk 1966). Reader and translator per-
form together because each must interpret the bias of a translator’s
words. Furthermore, to understand the text, these performers must
estimate how well it accommodates a n audience.
This hermeneutic translation continues 0s i f reader, translator,
and text were a circle:
For the interpreter to “perform” the text, he must “understand” it, he must
preunderstand the subyxt and the situation before he can epter the horlzon of i t s
meaning. Only when he can step into the mag~ccircle of i t s horizon can the
interpreter understand i t s meaning This is that mysterious “hermeneutical
c m l e ” without which the meanmg of the text cannot emerge. (Palmer 1969:%)
This rather mystical idea has a more mundane reading. In discussing
ways to interpret Middle Eastern culture, the anthropolopst Clifford
Geertz puts it thus: we must somehow find our footing (1973:13).
This ontological1 problem of interpreting reality goes back to
antiquity. The Sophists, arch enemies of Plato, believed that many
‘artifical’ realities exist; no single world underlies them, so nothing
absolute can be idealized. The Physical world, with its N a t u r a l Laws
(physis), differs froin social artifiue (the polis). We act by following
social conventions or rules, and it behooves us to see these rules as
practical means to practical ends. If our purpose is not fuifilled, then
we should change the rules (Barker 1964, Morris 1967).
What we know of the Sophists, of course, comes largely from
Plato’s dialogues. Hardly a n “objective” source, buk on this issue of
objectivity, the Sophists would not be much surprised or alarmed by
distortions. They earned their livelihood because people see things
differently. As counselors to the Greek aristocrats, they trained their
customers to interpret city-state laws. They also taught the subleties of
persuasion, of legal salesmanship. This training evolved as the art of
rhetoric, a code of rules-not immutable Lawsbf Nature-that prepare
u s to shift realities, to superpose our world view onto another (Lanham
1969, 1976,Golden, Berquist, Coleman 1976).
If‘reality can vary, for humans if not for objects, then explanations
have for us no absolute meaning. W e cause the caused. In other words,
people can act, and they often do, with a purpose in mind (Burke 1969).
To ask what causes this purpose throws us into a hermeneutical circle
(Palmer 1969).The key idea here is purpoge. Remember that in
nomothetric science we can explain something because we can predict
it. But explanation means nothing if we cannot predict a cause and
effect sequence for human acts. Our behavior fouls the nomothetic
chain of events. Every act defines us because it has a meaning we s v e
;it. Not only does this meaning change from place to placqand time to
time, it also varies between persons and within the same individual
(Goffman 1959).
Physical nature obeys nomothetic laws. Animate nature, because
i t elrolves, obeys more than just physical laws. For example, if we
stretch the idea of purpose to include evolution, then all life has
purpose: it exists to go on living (Barash 1977).Of wurse, we do not
find a m o e b a reflecting on their meaningfulness; on Hamlet and
perhaps the higher primates can ask why and why n t. But purpose
and meaging, however slight distinguish all life.
Aristbtle, a pupil of Plato, taught that all life functions teleolog-
ically. Rather than look for i t s causes, he argued,we should note final
(teleogical) ends. By attributing purpose to an event, we can therefore
hope to understand why something happened. A causal explanation, on
the other hand, shows how an event occurred. In other words, we don’t
say a radiator fieezes because it wants to-crack and die. It. has no
Purpose. ‘
animal has been secured to a long leash, half of which the experi-
menter winds around a swke. By going backwards--away from the
food-the animals can eventually unwind themselves and reach the
food. The squirrel wins.
Without upraveling evolution, the nomothetic researcher cannot
explainsthis result. However, had he taken the “squirrel’s point of
view” the result makes sense. Unlike the dkg, the squirrel lives in
trees where the branches do not connect one to another. So the
squirrel, a tree dweller, acquires the meaningful talent of retracing its
steps; wanting, I suppose, to get a c b s t n u t elsewhere.
By noting the teleological end, a hermeneutic researcher can
interpret this event: And the nomothetic researcher, with a little more
ingenuity, can redesign this experiment for three dimensions. N h o -
thetic science goes on. But consider human behavior as an endless
range of dimensions, of motives. Our behavior overlaps and surely
trends exist, but there is a wild card that makes even our com$exities
insignificant. People are self-conscious. Dogs and squirrels go for the
food; people can say why bother.
Human behavior differs in kind from other phenomena (Palmer
1969, Wihch 1958,but see a l q Ryan 1970, Abel 1948). There zke many
worlds in behavior, not one; anid thme are unlimited motives, not a
single causal order. So to understand a human event, a linear (norno-
thetic) method will “bend” as the interpreter recycles it. I have
diagrammed this circular process below (cf. Model 1):
Model 2: Hermeneutic science (a posteriori ad idiniturn)
Recall, ,Teleologrcal
event A,B theory A.B/ /C
Circular method
Understand +
event A,B/ /C event C
Let “A” represent Los Angeles International Airport and “ B ” a man
running through a terminal there. We can impute a teleological end to
his running-a plane to catch; and we can understand this motive, for
most of us have had analogous experience. .Because it is a finctwn of
running to catch planes, we can interpret event “C”, his boarding the
plane, as related to A and B. But A and B are related to C only if our
teleological premise holds. of course, there are many other possible
motives for his running. He could, for example, be running away from
someone. But no matter how many motives we consider, no Human
Law of Plane’Catching guides this interpretation. Neither does our
work culminate in such a Law.
A nomothetic scientist would chart this running behavior and
produce a statistical map. It would tell us where people go, but not
why; and after a short while the map would become a solid blot of
inter-secting lines (Burke 196!5), not a very useful measure. To chart
our motives is an infinitely more difficult, and futile, task. The be$
nomothetic research, when applied to humans, only predicts a world
limited to time and place. Not only is this prediction bound to
history-note that Nty year0 ago people rode trai-ut it also
changes when people change their fin$.
Below I have charted the basic points of the previous sections
(nomothetic science and hermeneutic research). I have also included
Oarnes of the @'!Eipl thinkers, and certain trends, associated with
each tradition. Please note that this chart is a very incomplete, and
tentative, outline: Moreover, it should be read as a historical con-
tinuum, one where trends converge as well as polarize.
T w o Research Traditions
Plato Sophists
Copernicus Aristotle
Galileo Rhetoricians
Kepler Augustine
Newton Protestant Reformation
18th century science Kant Schleiermacher
& technology Hegel
Cornte Dilthey
Social sciences Bergson
&. Poeitivism Darvvln Weber
Popper Husserl
Wataon Chomsky Phenomenology Heidegger
Skinner Habermas
(Anglo-French tradition) (Claesical/Cermanic tradition)
But if attitudes have words, then SLA researchers speak but one
languagethe experimental paradigm. I assume we exist to promote
bilinguals. How strange then, knowing that two languages Wer more
than one, yet today SLA reseachers continue to use but one pattern of
thinking, one attitude, the nomethetic.
Too few researchers in SLA h a v e tried other, non-experimental,
methods. Clarke (1976)and Schumann and Schumann ( 1977) signal, I
hope, the future. Clarke’s study blends hermeneutic insight with
phenomenology, Eastern religion, schizophrenia theory and “modern
consciousness.” In other words, he metaphorically frames an attitude
and then unveils SLA as a “clash. of consciousness.” More recently,
diary studies have been used to probe what is psycholopcallj! hidden
(J,ones 1977,Telatnik 1977,Walseleben 1976,Schumann 1979, Bailey
1979).So f a r I think this work is. as a research attitude, ambiguously
nomothetic. But Schumann and Schumann do provide a good her-
meneutic rationale for diary studies: the method allows us to find
individual factors in SLA (as opposed to the statistical averages of a
Here is a starting point for future SLA research. Diaries con-
tribute little, probably nothing, to a stop-frame picture of SLA. On the
one hand, cross-sectional/longitudirwlexpe&ments work for us’if we
stop the world, provided it can stop; ow the other hand, diaries work as
a remembrance of things past. We should regard both methods as
documents of our SLA perceptions. Or we can define our workin other
ways, as a vocabulary of attitudes or a research bilingualism. What-
ever metaphor it is that a poetics defines, simply put-we need two
research traditions, or more.
Nomothetic Science
Hermeneutic SCience
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