Nursing Test Series - 11S: Dr. SANJAY 7014964651
Nursing Test Series - 11S: Dr. SANJAY 7014964651
Nursing Test Series - 11S: Dr. SANJAY 7014964651
Assessment of Newborn
a) Chicken pox
b) Typhoid
c) tuberculosis
d) hepatitis
11. Measles vaccine is given at the age of
a) 10 weeks
b) 9 months
c) 16 – 24 months
d) 14 weeks
12. What is the meaning of infant - a baby of age group?
a) 0 – 28 days
b) 0 – 3 months
c) 0 – 7 days
d) 0 – 1 year
13. Recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 in an infant is?
a) 1 mcg
b) 2 mcg
c) 0.8 mcg
d) 0.2 mcg
14. Vitamin B2 is also known as:
a) Riboflavin
b) Biotin
c) Niacin
d) Thiamine
15. Average blood pressure in a term baby is around
a) 60/40 mmHg
b) 80/50 mmHg
c) 100/50 mmHg
d) 40/20 mmHg
16. The average head circumference is between
a) 33 – 35 cm
b) 32 – 36 cm
c) 33 – 35.5 cm
d) 32 – 35 cm
17. Down syndrome is also known as:
a) trisomy 21 syndrome
b) Mongolism
c) Trisomy G
d) Cretinism
18. Protruding abdomen and tongue, short and broad feet and hands
are the symptoms of
a) Down syndrome
b) Cerebral palsy
c) Meningitis
d) Scurvy
19. Etiological factor for down syndrome is
a) unhygienic condition
b) mother above 35 years of age
c) mother above 25 years of age
d) poor intake of vitamin C
20. Electro- encephalography is performed for assessing?
a) Heart problem
b) Neurological problem
c) respiratory problem
d) Digestive problem
21. Causes of Cerebral Palsy includes
a) Brain injury
b) Brain anoxia
c) Immaturity at birth
d) all the above
22. Most common type of Cerebral Palsy is?
a) Spastic Cerebral Palsy
b) Dyskinetic Cerebral palsy
c) Ataxia cerebral palsy
d) Mixed type
23. Phimosis is characterized by:
a) Absence of penis
b) condition when site of urethral meatus is on penile ventral
c) condition when site of urethral meatus is on penile dorsal
d) condition in which the foreskin is narrowed & can not be
retracted over glans
24. Treatment of Phimosis include:
a) Antibiotic therapy
b) anti-inflammatory drugs
c) Incision of the foreskin of the glans penis
d) Removal of glans
25. Complications of undescended testes includes:
a) Atrophy of testes
b) Sterility
c) Strangulated hernia
d) All the above
26. Wilms tumor is the tumor of
a) Lungs
b) Brain
c) Kidney
d) Intestine
27. What do you mean by orchidoplexy:
a) Mobilization of testes into the scrotum
b) Removal of testes
Inflammation of testes
Removal of Ovary
28. Management of nephrotic syndrome include except
b) Gaining weight
c) mother confident to look after the baby
d) all the above
7. KMC can be provided in following scenarios except when
a) baby on OG Tube
b) baby receiving IV fluids
c) baby is on ventilator
d) baby receiving free flow oxygen
8. Mother should practice KMC at least for _______ in one sitting
a) 1 hour
b) half an hour
c) 2 hour
d) 5 hour
9. benefits of breastfeeding to mother include
a) helps in involution of uterus
b) delays pregnancy
c) decreases mother’s workload
d) all the above
10. Kangaroo care is useful for the treatment of
a) Seizures
b) Hypothermia
c) enuresis
d) abdominal pain
Unit 4: Infant and Young Child Feeding and
b) Initiative
c) Independence
d) Industry
6. Which play activity is best suited to the gross motor skills of the
a) Coloring book & crayons
b) Ball
c) Building cubes
d) Swing set
7. Which of the developmental milestone puts the 4 months old
infant at greatest risk for injury?
a) Switching objects from one hand to another
b) Crawling
c) Standing
d) Rolling over
8. The nurse notes a swelling on the neonate’s scalp that crosses the
suture line. What is this assessment finding?
a) Cephal hematoma
b) Caput succedaneum
c) hemorrhage edema
d) Perinatal caput
9. What is the use of administration of Denver developmental
screening test (DDST) to five months old infant?
a) to assess the intelligent quotient