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Standard Library Project: Hinduism

Print Media:

1) Sadhana of the Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 1930939051)

Siddha Yoga Message Talks from 1995-1999.

2) Courage and Contentment by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 091130777X)

Divine teachings to help practitioners attain their highest goals.

3) My Lord Has a Pure Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 091130729X)

Reflecting on the divine virtues in Yoga.

4) The Yoga of Discipline by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 0911307443)

Talks about yoga discipline as an inner appraoch to life.

5) Inner Treasures by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 0911307419)

Four timeless themes are presented in relation to their relevance to daily life.

6) Darshan - The Presence Within by Swami Vasudevananda (ISBN: 0911307575)

Introduction to the practice of darshan which means “sight of” the divine within everything.

7) What’s on My Mind by Swami Anantananda (ISBN: 0911307478)

Understanding the mind so that detachment from useless thoughts in possible in meditation.

8) Play of Consciousness by Swami Baba Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307818)

The spiritual autobiography of the Baba.

9) I Have Become Alive by Swami Baba Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307265)

The author focuses upon centering spiritual practice with contemporary life.

10) Meditate: Happiness Lies Within You by Swami Baba Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307621)

A primer on meditation.

11) The Book of Vishnu by Nanditha Krishna (ISBN: 0670049077)

Stories about Vishnu ( one of the pantheon of Hindu gods) who is preserver and protector of good and
guardian of dharma.
12) The Book of Shiva by Namita Gokhall (ISBN: 0670049069)

Shiva is the Destroyer and Protector. The author examines the questions which comprise the stories
surrounding this Hindu god.

13) Book of Ganesha by Royina Grewal (ISBN: 0670049085)

Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu God is examined through a review of its stories .

14) Am I a Hindu? By Ed Viswanathan (ISBN: 1879904063)

A primer on Hindu belief and practice.

15) Yoga: Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller - Miller (ISNB: 0553374281)

A leading Sanskrit scholar introduces the mysticism, philosophy and psychology underlying the yoga

16) Chakras by Harish Johari (ISBN: 0892817607)

A Tantric scholar presents the classical view of Chakras (centering) as well as a modern approach.
He describes visual and chanting techniques to direct centering energy to a higher consciousness.

17) Sadhana: A Way to God by Anthony De Mello (ISBN: 0385196148)

Spiritual exercises for entering a contemplative state.

18) Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India by Diana Eck (ISBN: 0231112653)

An excellent introduction to Hinduism.

19) The Bhagavad Gita Translated by Eknath Easwaran (ISBN: 0375705554)

The story of Krishna in the Hindi scripture.

20) Hindu Gods: The Spirits of the Divine by Priya Hemenway (ISBN: 0811836452)

Stories of the Hindu gods.

21) World Religions - Eastern Traditions by Willard G. Oxtoby (ISBN:0195407504)

Historical development of religious traditions to the present.

22) The Bhagavad Gita by S. Radhakrishna (ISBN: 061317594 or 060904895)

The sacred Hindu Scripture contains the story of Krishna.

23) Shankara’s Crest- Jewel of Discrimination by Swami Prabhavananda (ISBN: 0874810388)

Timeless teachings on Hindu non-duality.

24) From the Finite to the Infinite by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307311)

This compilation of questions and answers drawn from talks and conversations between Swami
Muktananda and spiritual seekers as he traveled in the West covers a range of topics--from the first
questioning of the nature of existence to the final attainment.

25) Secret of the Siddhas by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0914602527)

Essential for students who want to understand the lineage of Siddhas and the roots of Siddha Yoga
meditation, this book introduces many of these great masters and comments on key teachings.

26) Reflections of the Self by Swami Muktananda (ISBN:0914602500)

27) I Am That by Nisargadatta (ISBN: 0893860220)

Collection of timeless Hindu teachings by one of India’s great sages. Known as a modern spiritual

28) The Concise Yoga Vasistha by Swami Venkatesananda (ISBN: 087395954X)

Dialogue between the hero Rama and the holy sage Vasistha.

29) World Religions by Houston Smith (ISBN: 0062508119) Harper/San Francisco.

Authoritative reference work on the world religions.

30) Where Are you Going? By Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0914602993)

An excellent introduction to Siddha Yoga Meditation. The book provides a complete map of the
process of selfknowing, from the first flash of questioning to the achievement of the state of perfect
joy and freedom. Essays and questions and answers explore the different stages of the inner journey;
the awakening of the Kundalini energy, the recognition of the inner Self, the function of the master,
and the practice of mantra and meditation.

31) Conversations with Swami Muktananda: The Early Years by Swami Muktananda (ISBN:

This collection includes dialogues from 1962–1966 that contain Swami Muktananda's replies to
questions covering a wide range of spiritual topic.

32) Satsang with Baba Volumes 1-5 by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0914602403)

These volumes presents questions and answers by that took place at Swami’s Muktananda’s Ashram.

33) Kindle My Heart Volume 1 and 2 by Gurumayi Chadvilasananda (ISBN: 0135153476;

ISBN:0135156696 orISBN: 0911307303)

Swami Chidvilasananda weaves the wisdom of the Indian scriptures together with anecdotes from
contemporary life. Glimpses are given throughout into the master's own spiritual process, offered to
illustrate typical stumbling blocks while inspiring the seeker to persevere on the path.
34) Smile, Smile, Smile by Gurumayi Chadvilasananda (ISBN: 0911307699)


35) Siva Sutras by Jaiderva Singh (ISBN: 8120804074

Siva sutras are considered to be a revealed book of the Yoga: Supreme identity of the individual self
with the Divine.

36) Ramakrishna and His Disciples by Christopher Isherwood (ISBN: 0856830860)

A recounting of the life of Sri Rama Krishna, a Hindu holy man of the late 1800's.

37) Ramayana by Kamala Subramaniam

The epic story of the Hindu hero Rama.

38) The Ramayana by Ramesh Menon (ISBN: 0865476950)

The epic story of the Hindu hero Rama.

39) Mahabharata: The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time by Krishna Dharma (ISBN: 10-1887089179)

The English version of thea Great Indian epic of five heros which provides valuable insights about
life, love, honor and character.

40) The Mahabharata by Columbia College (ISBN: 10-0231110553)

Abridged Translation of the epic poem.

41) Blue God: Life of Krishna by Remesh Menon (ISBN: 0593154123)

The story of Krishna and the role he played in the Battle of Kurukshatra. This is the battle upon which
the Bhagavad Gita is based.

42) The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran (ISBN: 0915132397)

English translation of the mystical truths contained in Indian spirituality. The Upanishads are Hindu

43) Upanishads (Oxford World Classics) (ISBN: 0192835769)

Part of the scripture central to Hinuism.

44) The Rig Veda (ISBN: 0140449892)

Contains 1000 plus Sanskrit hymns. The earliest of the four Hindu scriptures.

45) The Mahabharata (2 Volumes by Ramesh Menon (ISBN: 8129104237)

The Indian epic tale of life - its intrigues, joys, sorrows and elusive truth.

46) How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by Swami Prabhavananda (ISBN: 0874810418)

A major work on the practice of yoga and meditation. Learn how you can control your mind and
achieve inner freedom and peace through methods taught for over 2,000 years.

47) The Hindu Mind: Fundamentals of Hindu Religion and Philosophy for All Ages by Bansi Pandit
(ISBN: 0963479822)

An excellent introduction to the historical, philosophical, ritualistic, social, and ethical dimensions of

48) Krishna Consciousness in the West by David Bromley and Larry Shinn (ISBN:083875144X) Bucknell
University Press, 1989.

49) A New Religious America, “American Hindus: The Ganges and the Mississippi” ISBN: 0060621591,
Harper San Francisco, (2002)

Groundbreaking book which looks at lesser known religions emerging within the American Landscape

50) Gurus in America by Thomas Forsthoefel, (ISBN:0791465748), Albany: State University of New
YorkPress, (2005).

Introduction to the guru phenomenon in the United States, paying particular attention to 9 important
Hindu gurus. The book discusses each of the guru’s teachings.

51) Hare Krishna in America by E.B. Rochford, (ISBN: 0813511143), Rutgers University Press: New
Brunswick, (1985).

Story of Hare Krishna in America.

52) You Are That (Volume 1 and 2) by Gangagi, Gangaji Foundation, ISBN: 096321943X)

A comprehensive offering of Gangaji’s teachings. Topics include the nature of mind and thoughts,
meditation, relationships and facing the fear of death.

53) The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, by Eknath Easwaran, Publisher: Nilgiri Press (1975) ISNB:
0-915132-17-6; 0-915132-18-4; and 0-915132-19-2

India’s timeless and practical scripture is presented as a manual for everyday use.

54) Srimad Bhagavatan, by Kanala Subramarian, Publisher: Ghagatiya Vidya Ghavan (1997) ISBN: (No

This is a valuable tale of a king who overcomes defeat by faith, service, and devotion.

55) Progressive States of Meditation, by Kerpa Tseltrim , published by Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal
Publications (2001) (ISBN: 1-877294-01-2)
Describes the Stages of meditation practice.

56) Self-Realization, by Swami Vimull Tararda, Published by Aduaita Ashrana (2000) (ISBN: 81-7505-

This is one of the most important works of Shar Kasacharya on Advaita philosophy. The theme of the
book is Universal.

57) I Am That, by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Published by The Acorn Press (1973) (ISBN:0-89386-022-

This book preserves his dialogues with the followers who came from around the world seeking
guidance in destroying false identities.

58) Self-Knowledge, by Swami Nikhilanarda, Published by Vedarta Press (1946) (ISBN:


The author shows us how to get in touch with our true, divine self.

59) At A Journal Workshop, by Ira Progoff, Publisher Putnam (1972) (ISBN: 0-87477-638).

The author combines one of the oldest methods of self-exploration and expression with a structured
format that enables you to know the inner core of your life.

60) Shadow, by Robert Bly, Publisher Book Laboratory Book (No Date) (ISBN: 1-58542-191-X).

This book explores the aschetypes of our collective unconscious as they are evinced through American
literature and art.

61) Reflections of the Self, by Swami Muktananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1980) ISBN: 0-

A rich mixture of Swami Muktananda's mind and heart, a full spectrum of poetry, musing aphorism,
meditative wisdom and teaching instruction.

62) Bhagawan Nityananda, by Swami Muktananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) ISBN: 0-

A record of the life and teachings of an extraordinary Siddha Master, an illumined teacher of the
knowledge of the Self.

63) Autobiography of a Yogi, by Swami Yogananda, Publisher: Crystal Clarity (1946) ISBN: 1-

A Story of a Hindu Yogi describing his many years of spiritual training under a Christlike Master - Sri

64) Methods of Knowledge, by Swami Satprakashananda, Publisher: Vedanta Press (1965) ISBN: 81-
Presenting the vedantic approach to different universal problems.

65) Vedanta, by Swami Vive Kananda, ISBN # 0-9163-56-63-9, published by Vedanta Society, (1986).

A series of lectures and writings by Swami Vicellananda on Vedanta Philosophy.

66) Vivekacudaman, by Swami Madhavananda, ISBN# 81-7505-106-X, published by Vedanta Press.

Philosophy describing the transcendental knowledge of Brahman, and the way to achieve it through
discrimination and meditation.

67) Kindle My Heart 1&2, by Swami Chidvilasananda, ISBN # 0-13-515347-6; 0671-76385-7, published
by Prentice Hall, (1989).

Kindling the heart through meditative exercise.

68) Commentaries on Living, J. Krishnamurti, ISBN: 0-8356-0415-2, published by Quest, (1991).

Spending time wisely on things are beneficial to spiritual growth

Video Media:

1) Abide in Silence by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (DVD and CD) Available through SYDA Foundation

The 2002 message on mystical practice of abiding in silence.

2) Experience the Power Within by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (DVD and CD) Available through the
SYDA Foundation.

2004 message with wisdom for practitioners on deepening their practice and study.

3) Trust by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (DVD and CD) Available through SYDA Foundation

2003 message introducing the transforming energy of trust.

4) Wherever You are Attain Self (DVD)Available through SYDA Foundation

Baba Swami Muktananda discusses one’s own divine nature and how in the process the world
becomes heaven.

5) Great World Religions: Hinduism by Mark W. Muesse,Ph.D., Rhodes College,(DVD or Audio CD)
available through The Teaching Company

Twelve lectures providing a window into the roots of the religion, including the Hindu gods, the
sacred writings of the Vedas, the Bhagavad vita and the Upanishads, and ritual purity.

6) Gandhi by Richard Attenborough (DVD) Sony Pictures

The epic story of the Indian political and spiritual leader, Mohandas K. Gandhi.
7) Gangaji (VHS and DVD) Speeches See Gangaji Foundation at www.gangaji.org

• Silence (March, 1992)

• The Arrogance of I Know (September, 1993)
• Facing the Fear of Death (September, 1993)
• Kathmandu, Nepal (March, 1994)
• True Resurrection (March, 1994)
• Nothing is Ever the Same (June, 1994)
• Take This Hand (June, 1994)
• The Simplicity of Vastness (June, 1994)
• Only Silence Can Bear This Recognition
• Resistance. The Inability to Receive
• The Silent Self
• Realization of Effortlessness
• Graces Child
• What Do You Really Want
• The National State of Self
• River of Freedom ISBN: 0963219405
• What is Spiritual Maturity
• Addiction to the Non-Existent Problem
• No Teacher, No Student, No Mind
• Closing the Door on Doubt
• The Joy of Continual Surrender
• Emptiness is Not an Object (May, 1995)
• Only Love (February 1995)
• Trust Yourself (June 1995)
• Satsang with Papaji; Silence is the Teacher
• Papaji: The Beauty of No Mind
• Papaji: Summa Iru - Interview with David Godman (April 1993)
• Still in Awareness (DVD)
8) Seva-Selfless Service, by N/A, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) ISBN:: (No ISBN:)

This is a talk by Swami Chidvilasenanda of being of selfless service to others and how doing this
brings us closer to God.

9) Yoga for Meditators, by an unknown author, ISBN: 0-9657768-0-8, published by Purple Pentacle.

45 minute instructional yoga tape to assist in meditation.

10) The Eight Limbs of Yoga, by an unknown author, ISBN: 0-87841-251-8, published by Vedanta Press,

Video of two lectures based on the Yoga Aphorisms of Patarjali by Swami Prabhavananda.

Audio Media:

1) Meditation - Instructions by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, (CD), SYDA Foundation

2) OM Namah Shivaya by Darbari Raga (CD) available through SYDA Foundation

3) Tamboura (CD) available through SYDA Foundation

4) Hare Rama Hare Krishna (CD) by Raga Jhinjhoti available through the SYDA Foundation

5) OM Namah Shivaya Bhairaviraa by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (CD) SYDA Foundation

6) Om Namah Shivaya-Bhupai Raga by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (CD) SYDA Foundation

7) The Power of the Mantra by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (CD) SYDA Foundation.

8) The Heart Broken Open by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1887984089)

9) The Diamond in Your Pocket by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1591795524)

10) Who Are You? The Path of Self Inquiry by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1591793866)

11) The Moment of Choice by Gangagi, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1887984291)

12) The Invitation by Gangaji, GangajiFounion, (ISBN:187984208)

13) Open, Unprotected and Free by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1887984232)

14) Nitj anandam Brahmanandan, by N/A, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) ISBN: (No ISBN)

Swami Chiduilasananda guides us through chanting this mantra.

15) Intention Blessing, by N/A, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2002) ISBN: (No ISBN)

A talk given by Swami Chidvilasananda on the role and value of intention in every aspect of our lives
and gives clear guidance

16) Dakshina , by Dechen Shak-Dagsay, Publisher: New Earth (2005) ISNB: N/A

New Age Music for yoga, meditation and relaxation

17) Kundalini Stavah , by Swami Chidvilasananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2004) ISNB: N/A

Swami Chidivilasananda teaches us the hymns of the Kundalini Stavah found in ancient Sanskrit texts.

18) Shrl Guru Gita, by Swami Chidvilasananda Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996)

Chanting of a Holy Sanskrit hymn called "The Song of God",

19) Rhythms of the Chakras (CD) Authur: Glen Velez Publisher: Sounds True (1998) (ISBN: 1-56455-

Rhythmic drumming to sooth the soul.

20) Jangal Jangal Phir Divane by Swami Chidvilasananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2002) ISBN:

Indian Devotional Songs

21) Chanting the Chakras , by Layre Redmond, Publisher: Sounds True

22) Tiyers of the Raj, by Swami Chidvilasananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2002) ISBN: 3-

A rich mixture of classical Indian Music.

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