The advantage of this syllabus is the students put into practice their translation`
abilities, for example: The company needs who translates a Manual to repair an
important machine, in this situation our students are able of making it.
However, the disadvantage is the students only acquire two skills: Reading and
writing, so, they can’t participate in communicative situations where they have
to use the listening and speaking skills. For example: the students will able to
translate into Spanish a manual, but they won’t able to explain the manual’s
instructions to a foreign people.
In contrast, the institution wants to implement a new syllabus for the English
area. It would be: A skill – based syllabus. The purpose is the students can be
competent in a language throughout 4 skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and
Speaking. Furthermore they could interact in a conversation, to pronounce in a
better way, to interpret manuals and writing instructions easily.
To be achieved it; the institution must take into consideration the following: