CIPLA 10 Final Web
CIPLA 10 Final Web
CIPLA 10 Final Web
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
CSR 46
EDITOR Brian Mugere
EDITOR Amber K. Bichetero
CREDITS CiplaQCIL photo archives
LAYOUT Andrew Mulumba
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
10 years ago, Quality Chemicals inspire us to make the future
Ltd (QCL) formed a partnership better. Even more, it is a story of
with Cipla Ltd of India to enable the human connection, of the millions
country (Uganda), locally of people/clients who have
manufacture antiretroviral and anti- entrusted their lives to us over the
malarial drugs, hence the birth of last 10 years, and the progress we
CiplaQCIL. Over time, CiplaQCIL have made together. We recognize
has made indelible contributions to that this trust should and does lie
the continent. CiplaQCIL at the centre of everything we do.
pioneered the manufacture of I hope you enjoy this book. But
new products of globally accepted also learn from it, and be inspired
standards that have provided by it. This is who we are.
solutions to Africa’s health
challenges. When we reflect on Amber K. Bichetero
where we are today, we can draw Public Relations and Marketing
a clear line back to 2007. What Executive CiplaQCIL
we do now all stems from those
early years. Working side by side
with the government and clients to
meet their challenges and enable
their accomplishment is deeply
embedded in our culture.
While our scope and scale have
kept changing, our core principles
do remain the same. To clearly
envision the future, a company
must be grounded in its past. This
publication is about the CiplaQCIL
heritage, what we as a company
have, what we have achieved, what
we stand for and how our past can
Word from
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Mr. Emmanuel Katongole
uality chemicals started by Asia to produce generic versions. To the international measures, and can be priced
importing generic drugs, what multinationals, this was killing innovation. in the range accepted internationally, this
prompted you to venture into And because branded medicines are was a major incentive.
manufacturing? expensive, manufacturers of generic The Government did not stop at that,
It is true we started by importing drugs versions were wondering whether the they gave us land, connected it with water
for HIV, malaria and other diseases, but poor should be left to die in the name of and electricity, such attractive incentives
three major factors prompted us to go into protecting patents, because they can’t pushed us to venture into manufacturing
manufacturing. And one was the burden afford branded medicines.
of the disease that was just increasing, It was at this time that the World Trade What challenges did you face as
hundreds of people were getting infected Organization came in to mediate and you transitioned from importing to
by both malaria and HIV and that gave the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual manufacturing?
a critical number as far as market is Property Rights agreement was signed. We had quite a number of challenges,
notably the unreliable power, forcing us to
concerned. The TRIPS agreement allows poor
use generators which were costly. Another
Another factor was a result of what countries to manufacture generic versions
biggest challenge that we encountered
was happening around the world, the of drugs if they can access technology,
was access to markets, this was because
disagreement between the developed and manufacture medicines that meet
there are a lot of free medicine that
and developing world led by the big international standards, and Quality
come in form of aid, and this becomes a
pharmaceutical companies. In most Chemicals and Uganda as a country hindering factor.
developing countries, Uganda in particular, were the first to benefit from the TRIPS We also had challenges with man power,
over 80% of the medicines are generic agreement flexibilities in Africa. manufacturing in World Health Organisation
and these were mainly sourced from Another factor was the conducive prequalified environment was a new trend
China, India, Thailand, and there was a big atmosphere that the Government offered not only in Uganda but Africa and we had
disagreement from the big multinationals to us. The Government gave us an off take to take our staff through long periods
on why they should continue researching agreement, promising to buy our products of training, and over the years, this is a
and innovating, only for companies in if we manufacture medicines that meet challenge that we have overcome.
A manufacturing plant is an expensive venture to The Government has been supportive in helping us access the 7
embark on. How easy or difficult was it to access market, they did this by providing funds to buy the goods and this is very
financing. critical.
In any business, there are quite a number of ways Another factor has been partnerships particularly with Cipla which is
through which capital is accessed; for example, a renowned technology leader, they gave us access to technology
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
through equity by partners, banks among others. At which is not so easy, and this was quite a very important factor.
the beginning, both we the local promoters combined
efforts to finance the venture, but the biggest portion of What are some of the challenges that CiplaQCIL continues to face
financing was through a loan from Barclays Bank, they today?
put up a consortium of in-house financing from Uganda The issue of access to African markets is still a big challenge because
and Mauritius and they gave us a loan of US$17.8M. many African countries depend on aid when it comes to neglected
Cipla gave us a loan of equipment, and initially, the diseases; therefore, accessing these markets is a very big challenge as
Government had invested sh10B in the plant which we many of them see no reason to buy when they can get the medicine
bought back. Overall, we were able to mobilize the initial free of charge.
funding required to set up the plant and this went up to
US$38M. The plant has been growing over the years and What are the future plans for CiplaQCIL?
is now over US$100M. We are still trying hard to expand our markets, we are currently in 12
countries, and we believe that by the end of 2019, our market should
Why did you opt to focus more on HIV/AIDS and have grown by seven countries to 19 countries. We are also looking
Malaria as opposed to other diseases? at integrating and starting to manufacture our own raw materials by
At the time of starting this plant, HIV/AIDS and malaria setting up an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient plant.
constituted about 40% of Uganda’s morbidity and 25%
of our mortality rate and this was a huge burden. 400 We are also looking at increasing on our product range; in fact, we are
people were succumbing to Malaria daily and this had to currently looking at manufacturing medicine for oncology cancer.
be reversed, we wanted to be part of the solution.
We therefore saw it right to focus on these two diseases
instead of scattering around with everything, recently
however, we added hepatitis a one of the diseases whose
medicine we are manufacturing.
What was the purpose of the 2013 merger between ENGINEERING CO. LTD
Cipla and Quality Chemicals Industries?
Cipla is a world renowned pharmaceutical company and
we wanted them to get more involved as this would help
us to access more markets especially the African market.
However, Cipla would only allow this if they were holding
a stake of not less than 50%.
To us as local investors, we saw it better to own smaller
stakes but sprayed over big markets, we therefore saw
it as an attractive strategy. Also, three of the founder
members wanted to exit and this allowed Cipla space to We CONGRATULATE the Board,
come in. Management and the entire Staff of
on their 10th anniversary.
In your view, what has helped CiplaQCIL to grow in
the last ten years? We are proud of your achievements
There are quite a number of reasons, and one of them and value your support .
has been our human resource. We put together a team
of young men and women who are so committed to the
business, very professional and highly trained in all areas
of pharmaceutical manufacturing. They are dedicated, At Cable-sult Civil And Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd, we provide
Engineering Service in the fields of Electrical, Civil, Engineering Survey,
determined and they have displayed the discipline
Estate Management, Debt collection as well as Project Management.
required for a business to grow. Civil and Electrical Engineering being our immediate areas of
Another factor had been the big tremendous concentration for domestic, commercial and industrial sectors.
Government support particularly from the president. As
you may know, private businesses unless supported by
the Government, become very difficult for it to develop. P.O Box 36669 Kampala (U), Kyanja Plot 3175 & 3173
Tel: 0392 177 007 Mob: 0772 505 004 / 0773 442 173 / 0772 433 514
Email: Email:
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Mr. Nishant Saxena recently
joined the Board of Cipla Quality
Chemical Industries Limited, one Ms. Ranjana leads Cipla’s
of the largest Pharma companies Worldwide Quality enterprise
in India (US$1.5Billion revenues) throughout the product’s
Nishant Saxena first as CFO-India. Ranjana Pathak lifecycle from development to
Director Director
Interview with
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
manufactures only 2% of the required medicine. also want to manufacture drugs for other areas especially
So far, we are supplying 9 countries in Africa. There is cancer which is threatening to be a huge health challenge
sufficient demand for our products and as such, we have in the near future. We want to expand our capacity to meet
enough market to start thinking of the outside market. Last the healthcare challenges of the future.
year, 25% of our produce was exported to other countries But amidst taking on all these developments, the assurance
and this brought in US$15M. I can give to everyone out there is that we will never ever
compromise the quality of our products. We are therefore
How do you describe the company’s impact on the looking at investing in the future; through trainings,
economy? technology among others.
The security of supply of essential medicines to treat HIV,
Malaria and now Hepatitis B is important. In most countries We want to ensure that people have a sustainable access
of Africa, over 98% of the medicines are imported; these to newer, safer and affordable quality medicines by
medicines are brought in by sea or air many thousands of continuously innovating and adding more product lines to
kilometers away taking several days and weeks to reach the meet the needs of our customers.
country. However, it takes us only two hours to transport
medicine to National Medical Stores in Entebbe.
It is therefore important to have an essential life-saving
commodity like HIV and Malaria medicine securely
manufactured in Uganda. Also as I’ve already stated, we are
employing up to 400 people, 97% Ugandans and university
graduates. We are also offering internship to hundreds of
students, mostly pharmacists.
Who We Are regularly rotates 30million Artemether Chemicals Ltd (QCL), to enable
ipla Quality Chemical Industries 20mg/ Lumefantrine 120mg tablets the country to locally manufacture
Limited (CiplaQCIL) is a state- and aslo undertakes packing and antiretroviral and anti-malarial drugs.
of-the-art pharmaceutical delivering medicines to any part of This was premised on the fact that over
manufacturing plant located in Luzira, Africa in under seven days - if the GF 60% of HIV/AIDS and 80% of malaria
Kampala, Uganda; producing ARVs, places an emergency order. cases are in Sub-Saharan Africa yet
ACTs and Hepatitis medicines. The CiplaQCIL currently supplies its the region only manufactures 1% of its
facility is the only manufacturer of a products to 8 African countries required medicines. The dependence
range of WHO pre-qualified ARVs and (Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, on foreign pharmaceutical products
ACTs in the region and currently, the Namibia, Cameroon, Angola and comes with several challenges like
only supplier of ACTs to the Global South Sudan) with plans to scale to 19 high costs of drugs, stockouts in health
Fund in the SSA Region. countries. facilities and risk of counterfeit drugs.
In addition to supplying ACTs to the What was even of more concern was
Global Fund, CiplaQCIL is also the Our History that the World Trade Organization
only supplier entrusted with holding The Government of Uganda reached (WTO)’s Trade Related Aspects of
the GF’s rapid supply mechanism out to Cipla Ltd of India urging them Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
stock whereby the company holds and to partner with a local firm, Quality agreement bars many developed
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
CiplaQCIL marks a new milestone in the Export Market
H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at the inauguration of the plant in 2007 A fully equiped Laboratory in Quality Control
SUDAN) WITH PLANS the flexibilities and founded CiplaQCIL them with quality medicines. We stay
which has been approved by WHO as committed to manufacturing quality,
an additional contract manufacturing affordable and newer medicines for
COUNTRIES. site for Cipla Ltd’s antiretroviral and Uganda and Africa.
challenges to governments and patients alike with high costs of medicines, has persevered
stock-outs in health facilities, and the risk of counterfeit drugs. CiplaQCIL industry by trai
was therefore established as a local solution to address our local healthcare in order to gro
problems by providing easy access to quality, affordable and newer
medicines in Uganda and Africa. CiplaQCIL than
governments a
Today, CiplaQCIL manufactures ARVs, ACTs and Hepatitis medicines that them with qua
are currently
CiplaQCIL supplied
HAS REACHED to 9OFcountries
PAST TEN plans to scale to 19
YEARS. affordable and
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
CiplaQCIL’s Journey
Plot 1-7, 1 st Ring Road, Luzira Industrial Park | P.O.Box 34871, Kampala, Uganda. | Te
edicines, has persevered with its mission and also contributed towards growing the
plaQCIL industry by training over 1000 young scientists through its training program
ealthcare in order to grow the skilled pool of labor in the industry.
d newer
CiplaQCIL thanks the government of Uganda, the people of Uganda, African
governments and our stakeholders at large that have entrusted us to supply
nes that them with quality medicines. We stay committed to manufacturing quality,
ale to 19 affordable and newer medicines for Uganda and Africa.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
2007 2009
cturing Manufacturing plant is completed and
me a commissioned by H.E President Yoweri Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Kaguta Museveni
2010 2013
QCIL signs contract to supply the Global Fund’s QCIL completes integration process with
African Affordable Medicines for Malaria (AMFm) facility Cipla and name is changed from Quality
Chemical Industries Ltd to Cipla Quality
Saharan company outside South Africa to supply Chemical Industries Ltd
the Global Fund
2016 2017
s launched CiplaQCIL marks an export milestone with a CiplaQCIL signs MOU with Government of
US$ 4 Million worth consignment of ARVs to Zambia to supply, ACTs, ARVs and Hepatitis
Namibia medicines
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
fter importing medicine for HIV, However, the TRIPS agreement provided
malaria and other diseases for a for a flexibility which allowed Least
number of years, the directors Developed Countries like Uganda to
of Quality Chemicals Ltd decided set up pharmaceutical facilities and
in the early 2000s to venture into THE COMPANY HAS manufacture medicines that were still
manufacturing. According to Emmanuel ALSO GROWN IN FORM under patent.
Katongole, this was premised on the fact OF EXPORTS; WITH Quality Chemicals Limited took advantage
that the burden of the disease was just THE PLANT CURRENTLY of this flexibility to start CiplaQCIL, a now
increasing, as hundreds of people were World Health Organisation prequalified
getting infected by both Malaria and HIV, pharmaceutical plant.
and this gave a critical number as far as TO 12 COUNTRIES IN “Another factor was the conducive
market is concerned. AFRICA AND LAST YEAR atmosphere that the Government offered
“Over 60% of HIV/AIDS and 80% of ALONE, THE EXPORTS to us. The Government gave us an off
Malaria cases were in Sub-Saharan Africa WERE US$20M. take agreement, promising to buy our
yet the region only manufactured 1% of products if we manufacture medicines
its required medicines,” says Katongole. that meet international measures, and
Also of concern was the World Trade like India from supplying medications can be priced in the range accepted
Organisation Trade Related Aspects still under patent at an affordable price. internationally; this was a major
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) This posed a great threat for access to incentive,” Katongole says.
Agreement that barred many developed lifesaving medications for poor countries “The Government also promised to
pharmaceutical manufacturing countries like Uganda. give us land fully connected with water
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Cipla Ltd of India, a world renowned over 80% of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases countries.
manufacturer of generic medicines and 90% of the global Malaria cases yet This according to Bradford has been
and Quality Chemicals Industries Ltd of it manufactures only 2% of the required
Uganda. The venture attracted two other possible because of the company’s
medicines,” says Bradford. emphasis on quality and standards.
international investors namely; Capital
So far, CiplaQCIL is supplying 12 “The plant has been designed to meet
works Investment and TLG Capital
countries in Africa and by the end of
Investment of Mauritius. the world’s most stringent regulatory
2018, they expect to have reached 19
In 2013, there was a full intergration standards. The goal of the design
countries. “There is sufficient demand
between Cipla and Quality chemicals specifications for CiplaQCIL is to
Ltd - here, QCL entered into a strategic for our products and as such, we have
produce pharmaceutical products
partnership with Cipla where the Indian enough market to start thinking of the
of the highest quality that have zero
company acquired more shares in outside market. Last year, 25% of our
environmental impact, adhere to current
an effort to enhance technology and produce was exported to other countries
Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)
knowledge transfer. and this brought in US$20M,” says
and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), all
consistent with global, regional and local
Scale of operation
Nevin Bradford, the Chief Executive Achievements regulatory standards,” he says.
Officer of CiplaQCIL says they are The company has been in operation for CiplaQCIL is currently employing
operating in Africa and this is because ten years now, and during that period, over 300 people, 97% of whom are
the medicines they produce are mostly it has become one of the few WHO Ugandans, and is manufacturing 130
The Management and Staff of Real Dry Cleaners and Laundry congratulate
you upon your excellent service for the last TEN YEARS. We assure you of our
commitment to work with you for the betterment of our country. The number one
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18 tablets a month. The company has Challenges Management is also hopeful that the
steadily grown in form of exports; Executive Chairman Katongole says company will grow and advance even
with the plant currently exporting further over the coming years. They are
the issue of access to African markets
medicine to 12 countries in Africa, and last for example looking at introducing new
is still a big challenge because many
year alone, the exports were US$20m. medicines for HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis B
African countries depend on aid when it
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Chairman Katongole says, the company’s and C as well as manufacturing drugs for
human resource has been crucial in comes to neglected diseases; therefore, other areas especially cancer which is
registering these achievements. accessing these markets is a very big threatening to be a huge health challenge
“We put together a team of young men challenge as many of them see no reason in the near future. They also want to
and women who are so committed to the to buy when they can get the medicine expand the plant’s capacity to meet the
business, very professional and highly healthcare challenges of the future.
free of charge
trained in all areas of pharmaceutical “But amidst taking on all these
manufacturing. They are dedicated, developments, the assurance I can give
Way forward to everyone out there is that we will
determined and they have displayed
the discipline required for a business to “We call upon the Government to give a never ever compromise the quality of
grow,” says Katongole. higher priority to health care funding. We our products. We are therefore looking at
Another factor fronted by Katongole is would like the Government to increase investing in the future, through trainings,
technology among others.
the tremendous Government support on the funding of HIV/AIDS, Malaria,
particularly from the President, and the We want to ensure that people have
Hepatitis B and others.
partnerships particularly with Cipla which a sustainable access to newer, safer
We have for example moved to the test and affordable quality medicines by
is a renowned technology leader.
and treat model, which is indeed better continuously innovating and adding more
Bradford adds that the company
has been able to register all those
because the earlier you treat the better, product lines to meet the needs of our
but to do this, the Government needs to customers,” says Bradford.
achievements because it is run
professionally and is able to compete allocate more funding to HIV treatment
on the world stage with companies from so that more people have access to
Europe, China, India and elsewhere. medicine,” says Bradford.
Plot 70 6th Street Industrial Area, P.O.Box 37089 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 752 245 293 / +256 751 742 474
Email: / / Web:
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Message from
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
efore CiplaQCIL started its Ltd which is a leading Indian Acheng says that the Memorandum
operations in Uganda, the pharmaceutical company to form is signed by Ministry of Health,
country faced challenges that CiplaQCIL, hence starting to produce Ministry of Finance and CiplaQCIL.
included high costs for purchase the latest Anti-retroviral (ARVs), “It is a binding document for us to
of drugs, transportation from the Anti-malarial (ACTs) and Hepatitis procure ARVs among other drugs
markets, and delay in delivery. This medicines. they manufacture. We do this
in most cases would endanger the It is a state-of-the-art World Health because we want CiplaQCIL to grow
health of the patients. Organisation (WHO) certified as a pharmaceutical industry,” she
After the drugs are delivered, we pharmaceutical manufacturing plant notes.
would undergo another expense of located at Luzira Industrial Park. She adds that though there were
having to conduct tests to ensure According to Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth challenges when it came to the TRIPs
quality of the drugs which was Aceng, Minister of Health, the agreement almost drawing closer
another delay in the process. In Ministry of health has worked with to the end by 2018, there were
2005, this problem was dealt with. CiplaQCIL for a long time and the negotiations and it was extended.
Uganda’s Quality Chemicals Limited interaction has been through having Acheng recalls how generic ARVs
entered a joint venture with Cipla a Memorandum of Understanding. and others that are being provided
for at a subsidised price were expensive because ‘‘The Government is also involved in looking for the markets. 21
people with the patent will make them at very We reach out for our counterparts in the different countries,
expensive costs. engage their Health Ministeries of health and tell them about
“This forced World Health Organisation (WHO) CiplaQCIL and the advantages of buying CiplaQCIL products
to advise African countries to always have and once they are convinced about the products, we celebrate
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
manufacturing companies of their own to address with the plant” she says
that issue. At this time, CiplaQCIL was there to give She adds that they also have engagements with CiplaQCIL
pride to Uganda because not only was the country on regular basis to talk about the products that they are
responding to the call of WHO, but also had a producing and how the Ministry would like it presented. It is
pharmaceutical plant of her own,” she says. about understading the needs of the society and Government.
She adds that indeed the CiplaQCIL has a committed “Sometimes we go with them for international meetings
group of people who interact with the Ministry such that people can hear and understand the actual people
of Health on the daily basis making it easy for working in CiplaQCIL first hand,” she stresses.
Government to inform them about the Ministry’s “I want to congratulate CiplaQCIL for the great work they are
needs and also they get to know where to improve doing in contributing to the health of Ugandans. They have
more. gone a long way in helping us to address the burden of HIV/
“Over the years, the Ministry has had a cordial AIDS and Malaria. Alhough the market base of Uganda is
relationship with CiplaQCIL. It is very comforting to not yet too big, the population is growing, the demand is
know that if you run out of medicine and you place increasing and so the demand will keep on expanding,” she
an order, that same day you will have it. Indeed this adds.
is the kind of relationship everyone would want to
have with their suppliers,” says Acheng.
She boosts that having CiplaQCIL in Uganda has
reduced on the transport costs, the delivery time for
medicine, and also reduced on medicines that get
destroyed during transportation. Makers of Quality Uniforms
CiplaQCIL being ISO certified, and also accepted
by WHO, makes us certain that we have the right
quality and the items are available whenever there is
need. CiplaQCIL has gone ahead to look for market CIPLA QUALITY CHEMICAL
in Africa; countries such as Zambia, Ghana, Burundi, INDUSTRIES LTD
Tanzania, Rwanda among others which shows their Congratulations on your
10th Anniversary
The Minister however calls upon CiplaQCIL to KWERA LTD
expand on the number of items they produce. “Right is proud and privileged to have
now it is a limited quantity with concentration on HIV, been a supplier of protective
wear and uniforms from the
Malaria, and TB. However, there is need for them to beginning to date.
consider other items that we require as a country,
such as antibiotics because we need them as a
We wish you
greater success in
country,” he says.
“We know it takes time and a lot of planning plus
money but I believe they can do it as the industry WE MAKE:
Protective wear and uniforms for Phamaceutical Industries,
keeps on growing. As a nation, it is our desire to Manufacturing Industries, Construction, Security Guards, Hospitals, Hotels,
Tourism, Schools, Sports wear etc
see CiplaQCIL expand and be able to supply more
according to the needs of Africa.” Promotional Items; e.g. Caps, T-shirts, Banners, Bandanas, Flags,
Embroidery & Screen Printing
Acheng explains that Ministry of Health has always
supported CiplaQCIL by buying all their products that Kwera Ltd P.O Box 359, Kampala Bombo Road, Plot 513 Workshop
Tel: +256 752 649 054 / +256 751 714 992
are funded by Government. Office 0200902097
The achievements of an organisation
are the results of the combined
efforts of every individual.
To the Management and Staff of
Happy 10th Anniversary.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
e commit to creating value for Training and development by managing employees based on
our shareholders, including The main focus is on development of how they deliver tasks that are clearly
customers and communities skills in different sections to provide defined for them.
we operate in by making a lasting, the team with the necessary skills to Our employees undergo annual
positive difference in their lives. We manage the new technology setup. performance reviews where their
are, therefore, continuously seeking There is also continued support to
to better integrate our sustainability other teams with professional training,
efforts into our business activities. We higher qualifications, soft skill training
aim at creating a sustainable business and internal skills transfer training.
that our clients have confidence in
and one that communities and other Our people
stakeholders are proud of. We remain committed to attracting,
developing and retaining talented staff
Staffing to deliver the required results. We are
The business of the company is mindful of the roles employees play in
heavily knowledge-driven. Every ensuring CiplaQCIL remains profitable
product offering is a direct result of the and sustainable. STAFF TO DELIVER THE
human creative process. Therefore, Employee satisfaction surveys are REQUIRED RESULTS. WE
a knowledgeable team is a crucial undertaken and feedback from ARE MINDFUL OF THE
competitive advantage. As such, there employees is considered during ROLES EMPLOYEES PLAY
is high emphasis on recruiting people human resource related decision IN ENSURING CiplaQCIL
with the right skills and also investment making. REMAINS PROFITABLE
in developing those skills further Our goal is to develop performance- AND SUSTAINABLE.
through various trainings. oriented human resource practices
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
they remain productive. We also to attract, retain and develop or train CiplaQCIL has also put in place
train supervisors on performance our entire workforce to master the skills a health and safety policy that
management as a way of empowering and achieve sustainable growth. provides guidelines on the conduct
them to effectively manage the We work hard to ensure a dynamic of employees while at the company
processes. Staff meetings are and flexible working environment. The premises to ensure that employees
held regularly, where the staff are mode of communication is by formal work in a safe and hygienic
updated on the company activities channel and the language commonly environment and that their health
and any other developments. They used is English. is taken care of. Health and safety
are given opportunity to voice their It is customary to appreciate the trainings are also undertaken to
views through Q&A sessions where employee of the month, celebrate sensitise employees on the need
Management addresses each individual employee birthdays, give shopping to abide by the health and safety
concern. vouchers on Easter, Idd and Christmas guidelines.
Our recruitment and selection process holiday seasons, give and support staff
emphasises equal opportunity for all. weddings, reward long-serving staff, Stakeholder engagement
Vacancies are filled mainly through among others. CiplaQCIL takes proactive measures
internal appointments and external As a pharmaceutical business, standard for engaging with its stakeholders,
recruitment based on competence operating procedures decide the as we believe that our stakeholders
and the ability to deliver on company production process of all products. This play a significant role in the growth
goals. Through the numerous career culture is instilled in our employees and development of the company
opportunities in the organisation, through routine trainings and and the economy. We build and
internal staff are given opportunity publishing our vision and values. maintain strategic relationships
to assume higher responsibility and Interventions are in place to ensure with all stakeholders to enable
advance their careers. our values are upheld. Tough action is proactive engagement, manage
taken against employees whose actions social expectations, minimise
Culture are against our values and, as a result, reputational risk and influence the
Our six values are: Quality and these values have become part of the business environment. We also gather
Excellence; Accountability; company’s culture. stakeholder feedback to ensure client
Teamwork; Integrity; Customer satisfaction and to remain relevant in all
Focus and Innovation. Our Mission Occupational health and safety manner.
is to sustainably avail affordable and The health and safety of our employees
efficacious medicines in order to at work is key and measures have been
In any work environment, there giant know that their hardwork is and can promote and sell its brand
are certain things that are out of an worth rewarding and that what they far better than someone who does
employee’s circle of influence as do is valuable to the company. Every not believe in or care about it. As
regards job satisfaction, for instance, individual feels they are indeed such, rewarding hard work generates
the policies governing their work. making a difference. loyalty and helps the CiplaQCIL team
Therefore, often times the nature of to harbor an emotional bond with the
the working conditions play a crucial Employee satisfaction company.
role. CiplaQCIL knows that a satisfied The issuance of rewards encourages
At CiplaQCIL, everyone is productive, employee is motivated to perform employees to stay and continue their
hardworking, efficient and proactive. better because of the positive attitude professional journey with CiplaQCIL.
It is a given that an employee will towards work. Rewards that incorporate peer-to-
work harder, be more creative and The company treats its staff with peer recommendations go a long way
inventive and sacrifice their time respect and gratitude. In turn, the in fostering and consolidating team
for the benefit of their organization employees want to do a good job. spirit. Employees are encouraged
if there is a promise of being As such, a wave of positivity washes to see the positive attributes in their
recognised and rewarded for their across the entire business, creating colleagues.
efforts. The practice of employee a happy working environment that a Teams are well-placed to do this,
recognition breeds motivation and professional in the that field wants to considering that a group of people
work ethic. Indeed, CilpaQCIL’s be a part of. work together every day. Allowing
motto is: ‘When you recognise an colleagues to nominate one another
employee’s efforts, it demonstrates Loyalty for rewards is also empowering
that the job he or she is doing is CiplaQCIL knows that its employees because it demonstrates that staff
valuable to the business’. are engaged with company business value one another’s opinion.
Employees of the drug-manufacturing
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Longest serving employees
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Judith Bogeza Adakun John Kees H. Bananuka Florence Ajok Ralph Wamweta
Mastula Kiyemba Geoffery Kisitu Geoffery Kisitu Ahmed Semugooma Joseph Tayemba
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
management reviewed our salaries twice and end of year salary bonuses. Though
in one year. This was unheard of and it we were producing fewer batches than
gave us a lot of motivation. now, our salaries were good still.
The management also organises end The company also came up with quite a
of year parties, as well as initiatives like number of team building initiatives like
employee of the month awards, Idea get-together parties. These would be
Champions among others and all these held in different places like hotels, and
provide for are good motivation for one time, we had it at the chairman’s
staff. country home in Bajjo-Seeta - it was
such a memorable experience.
Throughout my time here, I have learnt
a lot of things, but one of the most
critical has been the art of leadership.
People like Chairman Katongole have
had a huge influence on me especially
through his big heart and leadership
Shaban Nabongho, Packing skills.
Operator, 10 years Aside from being the Vice-Chairman
Sport Committee CiplaQCIL, I am now
I joined CiplaQCIL in October 2007 the Vice president, Corporate League
after seeing an advert calling for job and I am contesting for Presidency of
applications in the papers. The advert the same. I am also the President of
also talked briefly about the project. I the Uganda Rollball Association. But all
developed interest and applied for the this is because of CiplaQCIL which not
job and fortunately, I was recruited. only helped horn our leadership skills
Another factor that inspired me to join
Thomas Bamuteze, Production
but also gave us a platform to use these
CiplaQCIL was the fact that the plant Operator, 10 years skills.
was in its infancy and I wanted to play a It is ten years and counting and the
part in its growth. Though at the time, I I joined CiplaQCIL in 2007 after seeing reason I am still here is having people
was working in another pharmaceutical an advert in the papers calling for who understand me and want to see me
plant, the plans for CiplaQCIL thrilled applications from those interested in progress and go to another level. The
me and I wanted to be a part of it. working with the plant. I applied, was management is easily accessible unlike
Ten years later, I have no regrets for shortlisted and after one month, I was many other companies where bosses
joining CiplaQCIL. Having worked with called. Prior to joining CiplaQCIL, I was are guarded like Presidents.
two other pharmaceutical plants prior working with another pharmaceutical As a result, I have on many occasions
to joining CiplaQCIL, I can confidently company, however, CiplaQCIL’s approached the Chairman for support
say that it is the best pharmaceutical organisation and international outlook to the Uganda Rollball Association and
plant in the country. It is a World Health wowed me. It was the place to be for I am grateful that he has come in quite
Organisation pre-qualified facility with anyone in the pharmaceutical industry. a number of times. As of now, all I am
the latest technology and I am personally That aside, I was also looking forward
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
you highlight the achievements, failures, gaps and how you
can improve. Another thing is the fact that when you do
well, you are appreciated and this is motivating enough.
Changing times
Because the plant was just starting, we were a few staff
and this called for multitasking to fill the gaps. But over
the years, CiplaQCIL has been growing and expanding
that as of now, there is a lot of specialisation with each
and every one doing what they know best. There has also
been an increase in the product base from one product
in 2009 to nine different antiretroviral drugs. We are
also producing anti-malarial drugs and we have already
embarked on the production of Hepatitis B drugs that we
expect to be on the market next year. At the time, we
were producing for only the local market but this is not
the case anymore as we are now exporting to about 13
different countries in Africa.
Memorable moment
Frankly, my most memorable moment was when I On the occasion of your 10th Anniversary,
was part of the team that came up with the Quality the Management and staff of
Management System which ensures that procedures are MUMZ CATERING SERVICES LTD wish to extend
in place. And over the years, we have had a number of our sincere congratulations.
regulatory audits that we have passed highly. Among the
audits is the prestigious World Health Organisation which
we have passed twice and as well as Drug Authorities P.O.Box 2851 Kampala (U), Plot 19 Kome Cresent Portbell Road
Tel: +256 772 494 415 / +256 704 494 415 Email:
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
The Chairman interacting with a student during the blood donation drive
he blood donation drive brought bank, CiplaQCIL has done its part and treated over 40 million people. Also
together over 500 employees and will continue doing its part in addressing 400,000 patients in Uganda were
100 students from Bishop Cypri- major issues in our society. treated with our ARVs. We have
an Kihangire SSS in an atmosphere of “It has been 10 years of providing now entered our second decade in
celebration as they prepared to give affordable medicines to adults and business and we remain committed to
blood through the Uganda Blood Trans- children of Uganda. Last year, we providing quality affordable medicines
fusion Services. manufactured Malaria medicines that for Uganda and Africa as a whole,”
CiplaQCIL chose to mark the 10-year Nevin Bradford, the CEO said. At
milestone with a blood donation drive the event, Mr. Emmanuel Katongole,
because the company the Executive Chairman offered two
wanted to say thank you by giving students, Gabriel Ssemakula and
back by way of addressing a pressing ACCORDING TO Grachel Aketch Oguta, scholarships to
problem in our society. WORLD HEALTH study in India on condition that they
According to World Health ORGANISATION pass excepetionally in their Science
Organisation (WHO), Uganda collects combinations at UACE level.
250,000 units of safe blood per year
(WHO), UGANDA “I am currently on scholarship
which is 100,000units less than the COLLECTS 250,000 at Bishop Cyprian Kihangire SSS
minimum requirement. This deficit has UNITS OF SAFE BLOOD because it was difficult to raise school
led to blood shortages in hospitals PER YEAR WHICH IS fees for my A’Level. I am happy
which have caused deaths that could that I have now also been offered a
have otherwise been prevented. By 100,000 UNITS LESS scholarship after A’Level and that
bringing together the community to THAN THE MINIMUM I can continue my education,” Gabriel
donate blood to the country’s blood REQUIREMENT. said.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Official cutting of the CiplaQCIL 10 Years Celebration cake
Visiting students from Bishop Cyprian Kihangire SSS pose for a group photo with the CEO
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
All products are approved and recommended by WHO as preferred treatment methods for the respective diseases.
Lamivudine (150mg) Efavirenz 600mg
Zidovudine (300mg) A monotherapy used to treat
HIV infection
A fixed dose combination therapy
used to treat HIV infection.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Douvir-N Duomune
Zidovudine (300mg) Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300mg
Lamivudine (150mg) Lamivudine 300mg
Nevirapine (200mg)
A fixed dose combination therapy
A fixed dose triple combination used to treat HIV infection.
therapy used to treat HIV infection.
Hepatitis B Products
• Texavir
• Zentair
Texavir Zentair
Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate 300mg Entecavir (0.5mg and 1.0mg)
A monotherapy used to treat A monotherapy used to treat
Hepatitis B infection Hepatitis B infection
Artemether 20mg
Lumefantrine 120mg
Future Products
• Dolutegravir tablets • Sofosbuvir+Daclatasvir tablets
• Tenofovir DF/Emitricitabine/Efavirenz tablets • Lumartem Dispersible tablets
• Sofosbuvir tablets • Lumartem 80/480
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
s already stated, CiplaQCIL was introduced, exempting low-
was established in 2007 as a income countries from using patented
joint venture company between pharmaceuticals in favour of affordable
Cipla Ltd of India – the world’s largest generic drugs.
manufacturer of generic medicines – This restricted India and China from THE PLANT, WHICH IS
and Quality Chemicals Industries Ltd of manufacturing generic drugs in LOOKING TO EXPAND,
Uganda. respect of patents. As a result, the CURRENTLY PRODUCES
The plant was approved and certified Asian pharmaceuticals had to transfer SIX MILLION TABLETS
by the World Health Organisation technology to low-income countries OF ANTIMALARIAL AND
(WHO) for its setup and professional leading to a partnership between Quality ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS
management practices. Its journey Chemicals and Cipla. EVERY DAY. HOWEVER,
began in Katwe, an area in the city of The deal led to the reduction of prices for AT MAXIMUM CAPACITY,
Kampala. first line antiretroviral drugs sold in low- IT CAN PRODUCE THREE
In 1995, the World Trade income countries, including Uganda. TIMES AS MANY TABLETS
Organisation’s Trade-Related Today, the Luzira-based pharmaceutical (18MILLION).
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) manufacturer sits on 12acres
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
They are taught how to document tasks and keep USP, Zidovudine-USP and Nevirapine-USP, which are
records for future reference, showing the tasks imported as raw materials, are also used.
accomplished, by whom, when and at what time. The raw materials also include inactives like micro-
It is this army of dedicated workers who are charged crystalline cellulose and starch.
with weighing and mixing the ingredients, which are
then taken into a compressor and turned into granules.
Once the raw materials pass the test, they are taken to
The process of tablet manufacturing involves filtering to
manufacturing, which goes through several stages.
remove air and lumps, which are further compressed
The ARVs are manufactured under the Cipla license
into tablets or capsules.
and bear Cipla’s stamp of world class. CiplaQCIL
Other production processes include coating, filling and has wide technological expertise in pharmaceutical
packaging. In order to monitor the set standards of manufacturing.
quality, which makes the drugs safe and effective for the It has several points of cross-checking and counter-
patients, the production is computerised. checking to ensure that the production matches
The tablets are subjected to quality tests to establish international standards. Besides creating self-
their hardness. This is intended to ensure the tablets will sufficiency within the country to ensure availability and
not chip or break during packaging and transportation. accessibility of the drugs, CiplaQCIL has also created
The tablets are also tested for the ability to dissolve. jobs for Ugandans and brings in foreign exchange for
CiplaQCIL’s success in the last four years has been the Ugandan economy.
because of several deliberate techniques founded
on the pillars of better time management, improved
planning, effective utilisation of personnel, materials,
machinery and space; as well as improved discipline.
Production and capacity have since increased. LOYAL CONTRACTORS
The quality control measures have made it possible for
local suppliers to benefit by supplying pharmaceutical- COMPANY LIMITED
grade packaging materials, such as paper boxes.
CiplaQCIL has provided technical assistance to the local CIPLA QUALITY CHEMICALS
packaging manufacturers and a pilot project was run INDUSTRIES LIMITED
with the Mukono-based Riley Packaging.
Thank you for being part of our
The WHO approval has opened the regional market for company’s success over the years.
the company’s products. We greatly appreciate and value
The plant currently produces six million tablets of your hard work and success.
antimalarial, hepatitis and antiretroviral drugs every day. Happy 10th Anniversary
However, at maximum capacity, it can produce three
times as many tablets (18million). The tablets include
the antiretroviral one-pill-a-day, which is a single dose
combination therapy for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
CiplaQCIL was the first plant of its kind to be approved
by the WHO in Sub-Saharan Africa outside South Africa.
It aims at satisfying the local market before producing
for the external market, specifically East Africa, and
then the Great Lakes Region. Justifying its investment in
anti-malaria drugs and ARVs, the company has helped in Loyal Contractors Company is a registered full service engineering company with a specialized
work force to offer specialized services like; Civil works, Structural and Architectural designing,
widening the investment opportunities and growing the among others. We have provided high quality technical services to the people of Uganda and
business. beyond for the past seven years and this explains our progressive success in such a short time,
building undisputable trust among our clients, suppliers and employees.
What it is all about Once we rolled it out, we realized that a the facility as well as the staff considering
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
It’s one of our initiatives under the number of them have very good ideas at that, irrespective of who you are whatever
manufacturing excellence which is part the bottom level but there was no platform position you hold, you can make significant
of our bigger program called continuous where these ideas could be shared, contribution to the company.
improvement to ensure that we are always consolidated and implemented into a
improving productivity at every level. Most facility. Why it’s still necessary to nurture the
importantly, it’s about idea generation all initiative
aimed at increasing productivity, ensuring Reward system for high impact ideas Sice improvement is continuous and
cost saving, ensuring more efficiency When the initiative came into practice, dynamic,there are always new areas of
in our processes ,so that cycle times/ we came up with a very noble reward improvement irrespective of how many
changeover times can be reduced as structure. For example when an idea leads ideas have already been adopted.
well as overall improvement leading to to cost saving, that idea champion would
manufacturing excellence - That is what be entitled to 5% of the annual costs saved Overall view
idea champion is all about as a result of that idea. These initiatives These initiatives help us get different
We have different tools we use to increase do not only end at awarding, they are also perspectives over the same aspect or
our productivity. For staffs who excel in considered during staff appraisals. process we may be undertaking. Once we
bringing ideas that are of high impact and As a result, we have seen initiatives where have these ideas, they can bring a lot of
high feasibility, we recognize them as idea for example installations that needed value. So in a country like Uganda where
champions. So there is a classification engineers sourced from outside and very resources are limited and costs of running
criterion in terms of high impact and expensively, being done by our own staff. businesses are quite high, there is need for
feasibility. We have seen initiatives where there have more efficient processes, more effective
been modifications along the lines and people, more output from the machines
How it has impacted on staff improved on the process flow, we have without affecting delivery.
There is a significant change in terms of seen initiatives where the cycle times have My message to CiplaQCIL staff is that
performance excellence. Before we the significantly reduced, yields have gone up there is no idea too small to be ignored or
concept was initiated, there was very little and rejects reduced, all these efficiencies too small to be implemented. Whatever
input from lower level staff in terms of have been as a result of the ideas from idea you develop, document and share
ideas contribution towards improvement of CiplaQCIL staff. it because if you just keep it, then it may
the facility. It has had a transformational impact on have no impact.
hen CiplaQCIL wanted to more than half per lot. It reduced from company’s football team. At CiplaQCIL,
improve the device that 40minutes per lot to 18minutes per the nomination is productive - it exhibits
unloads tablets some time lot for an Efavir-600 batch of about commitment to quality in carrying out
back, the engineers sought ways to 260kg/197,718nos. Unloading time job responsibilities and is an asset to the
do so. They first suggested to get an for a DuovirN batch also improved staff of his/her department. The idea
external party to design a new device. – from 53 minutes to 26 minutes champion takes ownership of the idea
That would involve a lot of costs. per lot of about 312kg/300,000nos. and makes sure that it gets the traction
However, when one of the company The reduction in time significantly that it deserves.
engineers, Michael Kakande, analysed reduced the coating process by about
In my wisdom, I realised that all the that the final tablet is formed. This meant 39
machine needed was to add wheels. This that the compression machines (six) had
has helped improve machine mobility to be stopped 4 times in a space of 10
as well as protecting the floor and walls minutes. If one compression machine
from being damaged. can produce approximately 1,700 tablets
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
In all I may say, the above ideas would per minute, it meant that the company
not have made sense if it was not for the was losing 17,000 (1700x10minutes)
Amos Agandra
company culture that is open and per machine and a time of 40minutes
work in the production department appreciates all staff ideas/contributions (10minutes x 4) per machine. So I came
(manufacturing) and I have worked towards processes improvement. up with an idea - elimination of stoppage
with CiplaQCIL since its inception. My of compression machine - during loading
biggest initiative in this company has and off-loading of intermediate product
been the introduction of the SACCO container by re-setting the duster and
which started with 6 founding members metal detector in the compression
and has now grown to a membership machine and attaching the polythene bag
of almost 400 with amazing results. It at the outlet of tablets. To this effect, the
all started amidst financial challenges intermediate container can now be loaded
as salary earners. We could hardly and off-loaded without stopping, meaning,
access credit services and the company time has been saved, production greatly
Mike Othieno
was not committed to giving advance improved and space optimised since
to staff. It’s at this moment when I ike who has been with Cilpla accessories no longer need to be removed
mobilised six members to pool funds Quality Chemicals since 2007 for loading and off-loading. I have so many
monthly to meet our financial demands. and works in the Compression ideas that are still being assessed and will
The number of interested staff grew Department says that innovation, creativity, soon be implemented. I will forever be
from 6 to 17 then 36. At this point, we focus on job and mindset coupled with the thankful to CiplaQCIL for they elevated
felt the need to register a SACCO under reward structure, have shaped him into me to a level I feel respected as an idea
CiplaQCIL, to which we engaged the an idea champion in the company. I have champion.
Executive Chairman Mr. Katongole, who developed ideas that
endorsed our plan. have been assessed
Today, as the General Manager of the and implemented
SACCO, looking back to how far we and the impact has
have come, I want to say I am proud of been incredible in
the achievements so far. We can access terms of efficiency
credit from the SACCO with ease and and cost saving.
have bought land in Busukuma (Sunrise At a time when
Estate) which has greatly benefitted the compression
members. machine was
I also started the Komboa Magazine. supposed to be
When we were still Quality Chemicals, a stopped during
team was sent to India to learn how to loading and off- Cheers to 10 YEARS
improve efficiency in production. When loading of the of great services
they returned, they wanted to document intermediate product Outspan Enterprises Congratulate
you upon your 10th Anniversary!
what they had learnt for other staff in container after every
the company to use. What was a IPS was complete,
document has turned out to be an the company was
internal annual staff communication tool losing both time and
at CiplaQCIL. output. For example,
For us here ( CiplaQCIL ) everything is in a batch of one
about quality and process million tablets of
improvement. The company at one time lumartem, there are
bought a quality control machine but four (4) containers
1. Training
All staff, including new staff and existing
staff are given basic training in cGMP,
safety and hygiene during induction.
On job training is carried out to impart
knowledge in the respective work
areas. These training programs are
periodically updated. Continual review is
done to assess that the skills gained by
training are implemented in day to day
2. Qualification
All equipment, measuring and testing
instruments used for dispensing,
manufacturing and testing of the starting
materials, packing materials and finished Raw material undergo scrutinising for quality
products are qualified. In addition to
these, core areas of manufacturing and Sewerage Corporation. Potable water
facilities, utilities like water systems, entering the factory premises undergoes 6. Out of Specification/Out of
HVAC and steam generation systems are purification to give it the required Trends
also qualified. quality and is analysed chemically and Any analytical incidences, OOS and
microbiologically to meet pre-defined OOT observed by Quality Control are
3. Validation specifications based on WHO guidelines. investigated as per procedure. Material /
Validation is carried out for products, drug products are rejected in case a valid
equipment, chemical and microbiological 5. Inspection and testing OOS/OOT is observed.
methods and computer systems as per Quality Control Department is
approved validation protocol. Master independent from the Production 7. Annual Product Quality
Validation schedule is prepared at Department. Adequate resources are Review/Data trending
the beginning of the year and all the available to ensure that all the Quality Procedure is in place to perform Annual
validations/revalidations are carried out Control arrangements are effectively and Product Quality Review. Data is trended
as per the schedule. reliably carried out. Dedicated Quality and statistical evaluation is done for
Assurance officers (Lab QA) are on hand critical parameters. This is to help
4. Water System to review and control the associated understand how close the process is
The main source of water is potable functions of Quality Control Laboratory producing outcome compared to the
water received from the National Water in compliance with cGMP/ cGLP. specification.
2007-2009 2010-2017
• •
• •
SINCE 1969
Plot 160A/B Bombo Road, P.O. Box 172 Kampala, Uganda, Tel: +256 414 567 305, +256312 203 110, +256 392 203110
Fax: +256 414 567 784 Email: Web:
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Regulatory Affairs has been on a mission to get market access across Eastern and Southern Africa
and recently, the mission has been renewed to include the entire central and West African Regions.
Currently, the facility has been approved in 13 countries across Eastern, Southern and West Africa
and it has been audited and found cGMP compliant with the following international and regional
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
In addition to plant approval, CiplaQCIL’s medications are currently approved in 11 countries across Africa.
The company plans to complete registration of its key products across the entire region as shown below:
o start with, we have a policy guided by the Even then, if a machine is not safe, it cannot function well as
occupation health and safety act of Uganda, however automated it may be, it will still require someone to
and going by international standards, we monitor its operations. We therefore understand that safe
are required to have a policy on health, safety and technology improves on employee productivity.
environment. We also have a policy where before a new staff starts work,
We therefore have an obligation to ensure the safety they have to first undergo a safety induction training where
and health of our people, and make sure that whatever we give them tips, policies, rules and regulations regarding
we do does not negatively impact on the environment. safety at CiplaQCIL.
As such, we have a policy statement that clearly We also do accident management where we do reporting
explains our commitment towards the three aspects of and investigation especially if it involves compensation. In
health, safety and environment. occupation health and safety, we have three categories of
We value safety right from project planning, and accidents, notably; First Aid injuries, reportable injuries and
this includes manpower, as well as bringing in new fatal injuries.
machinery and technology that is safe. Before we For First Aid injuries, we give them first aid, and for
bring in any new machinery, we scrutinise it to see reportable injuries which are the accidents that keep one
how safe it is to our staff. from work for more than 48 hours, we report them to the
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
as well as a central committee. Here, each department has observe, interact with the members of the department about
a central committee which sits once a month to discuss safety and after which, we generate a report and act on the
safety issues regarding their department, and quarterly, a issues raised.
central committee which comprises representatives from the
different departments sits to discuss issues regarding safety Environmental safety
at the company. The central committee is headed by the We have the effluent treatment plan, where we are handling
Chief Operations Officer. both industrial and domestic waste. We have set up a lab as
We also have departmental safety representatives who are required by law whereby before we discharge the water, we
elected democratically. If a department has burning issues have to make sure that it passes all the set parameters.
regarding safety, they run to their representatives and if the This is aimed at making sure that the population that gets in
issues are urgent, the representative can report the issues contact with our discharged water is safe from the chemicals.
without waiting for the committees to sit. To confirm that we are on the right side, we once in three
We also have a team of fire marshals fully equipped and months pick samples in the neighbouring environment and
trained by the Uganda Police to fight fire, so that in case of take it to the Government chemists in Wandegeya to make sure
an emergency, by the time the fire brigade comes in, they that the surrounding environment is not being affected by our
find us already in the process of handling the fire. In the drugs.
same vein, we also have a team of First Aiders trained by
the Uganda Red Cross to offer that service. Our staff are
trained to always first opt for first Aid in case of injury and if
the injury is beyond first aid, the first aiders notify the safety
officer and the human resource department for more help.
We also do what we call regular inspections. Here, a safety
officer is required to at least make three inspections; in the
morning, lunch time and in the evening - to ensure that we
are all complying.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
chemistry, engineering and other theoretical knowledge to a real-world
Being a big regional market player
business administration functions. We setting and challenges students also
and a WHO pre-qualified drug
usually take a cohort of about 30 interns to think outside the box.
manufacturer, we have taken initiative
every year for 2 months from June to Over the past few years, CiplaQCIL
to train africa’s next breed of industry
July. The internships at CiplaQCIL orient has attracted pharmacy students from
experts to continue the wave of health
the interns to the nature of the business across Africa as they seek a once-in-
transformation CiplaQCIL started
first and foremost and thereafter a-lifetime opportunity to get industrial
operations in 2007 and the biggest exposed to how pharmacology plays training at a WHO prequalified facility.
challenge back then was finding skilled a role in medicinal manufacturing. The These internships are usually tailored
manpower to use in the factory. From training demands critical thinking and to their institution’s demands of
the onset, it was evident that CiplaQCIL encourages initiative and idea-generation and requirements and eventually,
had to train its own people and also on the part of the student. Students however short or long, students are
create a pool of skilled manpower in are asked for recommendations on still required to make presentations to
the country that it could employ from in improvement of processes after which the Managers on their findings at the
the future. CiplaQCIL has been training they embark on projects to solve facility. CiplaQCIL trains 20 students
Ugandan students, particularly 3rd year problems in their respective areas of from Namibia annually in addition
students for over 7 years especially work. The industrial training at CiplaQCIL to students from Rwanda and other
in the areas of pharmacy, industrial enables students to apply their African countries.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Interns from Uganda pose for a photo with the CEO
values of the company this also helps for the jobs market after completing have met. All that made my stay at
an intern to integrate into the team. this internship, how well do they think CiplaQCIL extremely rewarding.
During the interns’ time with CiplaQCIL they have performed, what are their
he or she is treated with exactly the strengths and weaknesses among
same degree of professionalism and others.
Medicine Donations
CiplaQCIL has supported a number of local non-Governmental organisations by donating ACTs for free medical
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
camps. These medical camps are typically organised in communities with limited access to treatment and
healthcare and the beneficiaries are also sensitised on different diseases and ailments, what causes them and
how to generally stay disease-free.
In the past 2 years, CiplaQCIL has donated multiple doses of Lumartem for free treatment in various
communities across Uganda. Below are some of the medical camps that benefited from CiplaQCIL’s donations;t
Medicine donation to the medical camp at Lambu and Dimo Medicine donation to the medical camp organised by
Landing Site organised by Vice Presidents Office in Masaka Ministry of Health
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Plot M444B Stretcher Road, Ntinda,P.O.Box 7551 Kampala, (U) Tel: +256-414-285-645 / +256-414-287-827 / +256-752-285-645
Fax: +256 414 220 129 E: W:
CiplaQCIL youth health talks
CiplaQCIL held its first Youth Health Talks Dr. Vincent Karuhanga, Founder of Friends
on 25th August at Bishop Cyprian Kihangire Polyclinic spoke to over 800 students on
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Secondary School. The Youth Health Talks HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and HPV. After a Q&A
are a CSR initiative meant to sensitize and session that lasted for close to an hour from
equip teenagers between 13-18 years with the curious students, the students were then
health knowledge and awareness to help treated to refreshments and snacks.
them make better health choices in life.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
CiplaQCIL SACCO members cutting cake during the 4th Anniversary in 2016
It is now six years since the CiplaQCIL as bringing development closer to the
staff savings and credit co-operative employees of CiplaQCIL.
scheme (SACCO) was concretised. Ours Such growth is clearly reflected in
is a journey that has seen us grow to a wide range of areas. Savings, for
an asset base of sh2Billion, which is no example, have risen exponentially from
mean feat and one we, as members, are sh1.79Million to about shs1.1Billion.
proud of. With an initial 36 members, The share capital has grown to
the staff savings scheme was in October sh300Million, up from sh1.9Million THE MAIN OBJECTIVE
2011 registered with the Department of while the loan portfolio stood at OF THE SACCO WAS TO
Co-operatives in the Ministry of Trade sh1.1Billion at the end of 2016.
and Industry. It has since grown in leaps Behind this success is a board that
and bounds, with the membership up has stayed committed to sticking to
nearly tenfold. strong governance principles, sound TO PROVIDE CREDIT AT A
The main objective of the SACCO was to financial management and solid product RATE LOWER THAN THE
instill in CiplaQCIL staff a saving culture, development. MARKET AND TO SERVE AS
to provide credit at a rate lower than the With a variety of employee-friendly AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE.
principles of the SACCO. Last year, we The scheme also plans to build a credit.
introduced the use of professional debt shopping centre once development As such, the CiplaQCIL SACCO intends
collectors for the very few who do not projects take shape. In fact, the to revalue its shares and call up new
meet their obligation to the scheme. CiplaQCIL SACCO recently established shares in the business to bolster its
We are working on a strategic paper to a groceries shop offering members effects to grow to the next level.
guide us into the next 10 years but the cheaper products. It is an honour to stand at the
core objectives of the SACCO will remain On top of meeting the obligations to intersection of the past and the future
the same. In fact, the strategy going into the members, the SACCO has been and look back six years after we made
the next decade will seek to consolidate building its reserves, with its sights set our first steps and all the while looking
the current gains but in addition, will on getting involved in land purchase for forward to even greater achievements
emphasise how we can become more the members at attractive prices. in the coming years. We are able to do
a vehicle for financial freedom for our The SACCO is however striving to avoid that because of hardwork, diligent saving
members. the route taken by one organisations, and overall, honest meeting of our debt
Fixed deposits and land are some of the whose SACCO invested aggressively obligations.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
located along Galt Road Opposite NWSC offices Mbarara
Mixed Use Building Retail offices and Hotel business located along
Russel Lane Between Cham Towers and Kamu kamu plaza 8000sqm
3. 4.
What CiplaQCIL SACCO members
say about the scheme
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Amos Agandrua Taddeo: which she operates. He is also able to loan. The same cannot be said of the
A pioneer member of the scheme, clear his children’s school fees before CiplaQCIL SACCO, of which it takes a
Amos Agandrwa Taddeo says he bought term opening. He hopes to complete day or even just a few hours for one to
land and now has rental units. He his current loan before this year ends. get money as long as you are in good
started by saving sh100,000 monthly Taddeo is a self-proclaimed ambassador standing.”
in 2011 and increased his savings of the scheme in production, signing Atimango says the scheme has also
every time he got a salary raise. His for new entrants and guaranteeing loans promoted a savings culture among its
biggest feature in the scheme is the loan for several people. He even encourages members. The savings have assisted her
payment terms. His first loan ever was Cipla contract holders to join the in times of crisis and in paying school
from one bank with an interest rate of scheme and is proud of those who fees and settling other obligations.
25% and loan repayment was an issue. heed his advice. “With the CiplaQCIL SACCO, I have
He later took a loan from another bank been able to get capital to invest in
but they changed the payment period Proscovia Atimango: my small business to supplement my
from five years to three years. This he “I am one of the new entrants of the income,” she adds.
says disorganised his plans. CiplaQCIL staff SACCO and the benefits “Those who are not members of the
From the CiplaQCIL scheme, he took have been immense for me, as an coop do not know the benefits they are
a loan of sh6m at 8% interest rate and individual, and I believe, for the rest of missing out on. I advise all staff to join
has not looked back since then. He used the members,” she says. The scheme so that they can avoid being cheated
sh1m of this loan to complete the bank has helped her set up a small business by loan sharks whose interest rates in
loan repayment and the balance to build and secure a plot of land. “Unlike banks, most cases are usually above 20% per
his house. In 2014, he took a top-up whose interest rates keep floating month,’’ argues.
loan with which he bought a 50x100ft because they are pegged to inflation, “With the money I got from my first
plot in his village in Arua on which he our interest rates are, to the best of my loan, I have bought a plot in my village
also started constructing rental units. knowledge, cushioned against inflation,” in Kiryandongo and started up a small
Over the years, Taddeo has taken up adds Atimango. “In addition, banks and grocery shop. I also started to build a
top-up loans from the scheme to push other money lending institutions require house in Kampala, which has reached
the units, which will be completed real that you have lots of collateral security the roofing stage.’’
soon. Through the SACCO, Taddeo in order to get a loan. You also need a
has started a retail shop for his wife, lot of paperwork before you acquire a
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
A panel of judges at the inaugural Famelab competition
n May this year, Irene Kyomuhangi represent Uganda at the International What is Famelab?
emerged the winner of the inaugural FameLab competition in June this It is one of the biggest science
Famelab Uganda science competition, year, an opportunity that would help communication competitions in the
conducted by the British Council her widen her knowledge and global world, where scientists are given
Uganda in partnership with Cipla networks in the field of science. a platform to talk about aspects of
Quality Chemical Industries Ltd. “Famelab is an exceptional experience science in just 3 minutes in front of a
Kyomuhangi, a graduate from Aston which I must recommend to every live audience and a panel of judges.
University in Birmingham, and a holder scientist. The biggest prize in this Competitors can use any props that
of a Master’s Degree in Immunology competition is not the trophies or even they can carry to stage - other than
of Infectious Diseases wowed the the trip to the UK; the biggest prize is PowerPoint. Competitors can also sing,
audience with her three minute the knowledge,” says Kyomuhangi. dance, draw, talk, do demos and tricks,
presentation titled “Superheroes and “Every Famelab competition across the as long as it is all scientifically sound.
Aliens”. world holds a masterclass in science Started in 2005 by Cheltenham
In her presentation, Kyomuhangi communication where contestants Festivals UK in partnership with NESTA,
captivated the audience by explaining learn to communicate science the competition aims at finding and
how the body’s superhero, the immune effectively from leading experts in the nurturing scientists with a flair for
system, is like an army that defends us field. This class profoundly changed communicating with public audiences.
from aliens; the viruses, bacteria and my perspective on communication in In 2007, FameLab partnered with the
parasites that invade us daily. general, but also significantly improved British Council to make the competition
As the overall winner, Kyomuhangi won my ability to communicate science global, and currently, the competition
an all expense paid trip to the UK to effectively,” she adds. is held in over 30 countries across
56 Europe, Asia, Africa and the USA. British Council is UK’s Country Director, British Council.
international organisation for cultural relations and education CiplaQCIL says the pharmaceutical company partnered with
opportunities. FameLab to promote science as a whole and empower local
This year, British Council in partnership with Cipla Quality scientists with skills to perfectly and audibly communicate their
Chemical Industries Limited, a leading WHO prequalified ideas.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
pharmaceutical company in the region, launched FameLab “CiplaQCIL is a major pharmaceutical and science based
Uganda. facility in Uganda manufacturing over 100million tablets a
“Through FameLab, we seek to engage and nurture new month and has trained over 300 pharmacy students in a bid
science voices in Uganda, providing them with expert skills to increase the pool of skilled pharmacists in the country. It
to confidently speak about their work,” says Fiona Inci, the therefore made sense to support an initiative such as FameLab
Irene Kyomuhangi, winner of the inaugural Famelab Uganda Science competition 2017
The winner is joined on stage by the former Minister of Health Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye,
CEO of CiplaQCIL, Judges and other participants
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
A Participant presents at the Famelab competition COUNTRY.
n the true spirit of teamwork, has seen a gradual story. The talent is year, which was won by the engineering
commitment and efficiency, the drug available as is the passion. It is no wonder department.
manufacturing giant has actively that when the company joined the They also took part in the Journey of Hope
participated in local sports as much as in Corporate League in 2010, they won the Soccer Charity Tournament aimed at
the pharmaceutical industry. Best Newcomer Award. resettling street kids from Karamoja Sub-
In addition to the traditional football, the Thereafter, winning the league three Region. In July, CiplaQCIL took the Best
availability of talented staff in CiplaQCIL’s successive times (2011, 2012 and 2013) Men’s Team trophy at the 5th Uganda
own backyard laid a solid foundation underlined the company’s dominance in International Woodball Championship
for the introduction of more sports the annual event. held at Kisubi Beach.
disciplines, including netball, swimming, In 2014, CiplaQCIL won the Pool Table To promote and grow sports in the
woodball, basketball, Pool and athletics. Championship, before clinching the company, the sports leadership
The company’s success and progress in Corporate League football trophy the committee is working on the installation of
the sporting world is well documented following year. a fully-fledged fitness gym at the factory
in various tournaments. The greatest Last year, the company won the Road in addition to introducing more games.
achievement of all was winning the to Anfield tournament and finished third They are also working out ways to have
Standard Chartered Bank Cup last year overall in the Corporate League. full participation in sports, including the
to secure an all-expenses-paid trip CiplaQCIL has also crafted ways to people in management.
to Anfield, the home of English club enhance team cohesion. One such CiplaQCIL is looking to achieve success
Liverpool FC. move was organising the first ever inter- in every sports discipline through
CiplaQCIL’s interest in growing its sports departmental soccer competition this commitment, teamwork and hard work.
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
2010 Corporate League Best New Comer Trophy
2011 Corporate League Overall Winner Trophy
2012 Corporate League Overall Winner Trophy
2013 Corporate League Overall Winner Trophy
Uganda at Anfield
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Standard Chartered Bank CEO hands over a dummy cheque to CiplaQCIL CEO
ast year, the Cipla Quality Chemical tournaments like the corporate league, team says they were joined by teams
Industries Limited soccer team beat chances of winning the trophy were from other countries, notably, Burma
Bukedde 1-0 to guarantee them a high,” says Katabira. and Indonesia who had each won
ticket to watch a live English Premier “We are grateful to CiplaQCIL for the Standard Chartered Cup in their
League game at Anfield, the home of valuing sports; despite the scarcity of respective countries.
Liverpool Football Club. The game was land in Kampala, CiplaQCIL spared land ‘‘We went to the dressing room, and sat
between Liverpool FC and Watford. for a standard football field which we in the same chairs where the players get
The Standard Chatered Cup tournament use for training and other recreational the instructions from their coach, Jürgen
dubbed “The Road to Anfield” was activities. It is because of the available Klopp. We walked out of the same
organised by Standard Chartered training facilities and the unlimited tunnel the players use from the dressing
Bank and attracted 40 teams, with support in form of logistics that we get rooms and then shared the experience
the eventual winner taking home from the administration that we were of sitting in the same chairs as the
an all expenses paid three day trip able to excel,” says Quraish Mukasa, the Liverpool players during matches,’’ says
to Liverpool courtesy of Standard team coach. Kifumba.
Chartered Bank. “It was incredible. I cannot even call
This was the first time a team from The Liverpool experience it a dream come true because I never
Uganda qualified directly for the Anfield The CiplaQCIL soccer team players are harbored such outrageous dreams. But
trip as the process has been different still awed by the experience of visiting as they say, God always uplifts those
before. Prior to this year’s event, the Anfield Football Stadium in England. who believe in him to heights they never
national winners in Uganda had to “The trip was a lifetime opportunity, even thought of. That was God at work!”
contend with other teams from the and very exciting. We used the same Kifumba adds.
East African region to represent East bus that takes Liverpool players to the
Africa. Ismael Katabira, the team skipper stadium. The state-of-the-art out of this Lessons learnt
says they won the trophy after weeks world bus picked us up at Hilton Hotel’s Ivan Kisekka, a member of the team
of preparation. “We did not just fluke, parking lot and took us to Anfield for the says there was a lot to learn that if
we prepared for months and coupled memorable tour,” says Katabira. adopted, can take Ugandan football to
with our experience playing in other Moses Kifumba, a member of the another level. “In those elite leagues, the
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Team in Liverpool The CiplaQCIL team after their victory
fans are the 12th member of the team on the pitch. They
support their teams with lot of passion from the beginning BALIMIRA & TOOLI
up to the last minute. This is not the case here - we support
the team only when we are leading, and if we are trailing,
we leave the boys on their own yet this is when they need
us most,” says Kisekka.
The team discovered that if one was to become a As Mechanical and Building Contractors, we are profoundly delighted to
celebrate with you this 10th Anniversary as manufacturers of human medicine.
successful footballer, they need to be focused to achieve
Working with you has been a real honour and we value each and every
their dreams. “Our footballers here lack focus and are transaction. We all join in sending you our very best wishes and continued
deterred by simple things like weather, food, culture and cooperation in the next future.
the like. You have to persevere if you are to make it as a
football superstar,” the team coach, Mukasa says.
According to Mukasa, Uganda has abundant footballing
talent and if given the necessary guidance, we can become
world beaters. “Talents ought to be nurtured at an early age
and every team should have an academy; unfortunately,
we don’t have such systems here; our players skip a lot of
stages and this affects them professionally,” says Mukasa.
The team also learnt personal traits like time keeping,
We offer the following range of skills and services;
respect for one another among others. “There is strict time Building and Civil Engineering Works
management in the UK. If time for lunch is exactly 1pm, • Domestic and industrial buildings complete with all installations.
• Storied structures based on framed structure and in-fill partitions
then it is that, no excuses,” says Kifumba. • Swimming pool Construction
• General Renovation and re-modelling works
P.O Box 79 Kampala (U) Tel: 0772-680 584 / 0772-848 186 / 0778-020904, Email :
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Comment from
Minet Chief Operations Officer
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
inet Limited shares a rich industries pharmaceutical plant in 2005, the many Ugandans and East Africans
history with CiplaQCIL. the first of its kind in East and Central who require the same to stay healthy.
Our relationship with the Africa. Our involvement in the risk Over the years and whilst providing the
company dates back to 2001 management process on this project insurance and risk management services
when it traded as Quality Chemicals Ltd. commenced from the planning stage all to the company, Minet has developed
The company’s initial business was in the through to ground breaking, construction a deep understanding of the CiplaQCIL
category of distribution of pharmaceutical and final commissioning of the plant. business (in particular the risk profile)
and veterinary drugs manufactured by Projects of this nature have many vested and has established relationship with the
other firms from all over the world. From interests that include the shareholders, Insurers/Underwriters that insure the
inception, they were destined to be a private equity funders, banks and the Company risks. This tripartite synergy
household name, having been founded Government for quality control. Minet has yielded positive results for our
by very ambitious team of indigenous had to study all the various contracts most valued client. We are honoured
Ugandans. We were proud to provide risk and agreements, review all the risks to be strategic partners of CiplaQCIL
management and insurance solutions for and provide the optimum solution. Due in the provision of Insurance broking
their Assets, employees and supply chain to the uniqueness of the said project, and Risk Advisory services. We remain
risks. We also witnessed the exponential we leveraged on our global team of committed to this long term relationship
growth of the company from an expertise in the UK with deep industry by providing proactive, cost effective
emerging business to a Large Corporate knowledge and experience, to provide insurance advice and risk mitigation
Company with investments in Fixed the total risk solution for the project. The solutions.
Assets like the landmark QCL building official opening of the Plant which is a We congratulate CiplaQCIL on their
which stood out in the suburbs of Katwe. landmark in Kampala was a memorable 10th Anniversary as they continue to
Having demonstrated a continuous event that was graced by His Excellency manufacture affordable drugs for East
high level of professionalism and the President of Uganda. The CiplaQCIL Africans and wish them even greater
service excellence since 2001, Minet plant in Luzira is a pride of Uganda. We successes in the future as they continue
were privileged to be appointed as often witness many dignitaries from to transform healthcare in Uganda and
the preferred broker and Insurance all over the world being shown around beyond.
consultant for the construction project this iconic investment that has greatly
of the new Cipla Quality Chemicals helped to reduce the cost of drugs for
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
66 Communication from
General Manager, National Medical Stores
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
of pharmaceuticals has not indicated any how many people have been trained at this
complaints from customers about CiplaQCIL facility let alone those they are employing.
products. Remember some of these trainings could
In terms of capacity, CiplaQCIL products only be attained in Europe, India and the USA
meet our expectations compared to other where there are established pharmaceutical
sub contracted suppliers by Global Fund. In plants. In regard to local production and
fact, they don’t only emphasise capacity to standards, CiplaQCIL challenged other
produce but also capacity to deliver in full smaller pharmaceutical manufacturers
quantities and in time. Generally, the installed towards quality. This means that for the first,
capacity is so high yet the Government can Uganda has been able to produce a product
only take 30% of what they produce. that is comparable to any other product in
NMS General Manager - Moses Kamabare the world, which gives confidence to the
Cost effectiveness professionals and the consumers that we are
When you consider the cost price per pill,
as good.
e had an interesting interaction someone may find it more expensive, They have brought more resources
with the General Manager National however, when you look at it in totality, to the sector because they negotiated
Medical Stores (NMS) on what he in regard to transportation and storage, the agreement with the Government of
thinks about CiplaQCIL as we they celebrate CiplaQCIL has saved us a great deal. They Uganda to increase the budget for ARVs to
10 years and below are the excerpts from will only deliver the medicines we need approximately shs100Billion. The funding
our discussion: which saves us on storage, compared to comes in handy with a new policy of test and
other suppliers who deliver 2-3months of treat since the capacity to produce the drugs
About NMS relationship with CiplaQCIL stock that needs warehousing.
and the supplies
is guaranteed.
On the other hand, if partners like Global
National Medical Stores is a Government Fund and USAID can commit big budgets
arm mandated to procure, stores & distribute Expectations
then they can negotiate better prices since CiplaQCIL has the best opportunity with
essential medicines and ensure continuous the unit cost of production will be reduced
and adequate medical supplies to all public the new policy of test and treat. They can
due to bulk purchases. Global Fund has done negotiate better with Government and
health facilities in the Country. We serve this before with ACTs and for the past one
100% of Government health facilities again through Government with any other
year, prices of ACTs have reduced by 40% development partner(s) who have the
including the Police, Army and Prisons not which has benefited the Government as well
forgetting the distribution of vaccines across technology to facilitate expansion. We are
(we now get ACTs at the same price Global
the country. looking at this company in the next few years
Fund gets them from India). This therefore
Our relationship with CiplaQCIL has existed to be able to produce one more ARV and
gives CiplaQCIL an opportunity to compete
since its inception. We get two types of more ACTs.
favourably with other manufacturers.
supplies from CiplaQCIL that is, anti-malarial Uganda is not among the countries that are
drugs (artemisinin-based combination not through WTO barred from producing
CiplaQCIL’s contribution to the health
therapies –ACTs ) and ARVs. patented products; so we can use CiplaQCIL
sector in the last 10 years
Before CiplaQCIL started operations, we to produce every ARV that we need plus all
Majority of us only look at the products
were getting these supplies all the way from other anti-malarials and drugs that go with
they produce and overlook the fact that the
India. And because the Government of ARV treatment like septrin. I want to see if
sector has professionals. I cannot imagine
Uganda had not put in significant funding, they can start manufacturing TB medicines
the issue of ARVs was majorly handled by because TB and HIV are co-infections.
donors. I also want to see CiplaQCIL producing raw
materials locally – Active pharmaceutical
Quality and quantity of drugs ingredients (API’s), instead of importing them.
They have done so well in this area. CiplaQCIL I ALSO WANT TO SEE Antimethenine is a plant that grows very
gives us the highest possible quality of CiplaQCIL PRODUCING well in Uganda and is used to manufacture
products we can get from anywhere in the RAW MATERIALS LOCALLY – antimenthol which is a combination that
produces ACTs. This initiative will create
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
National Medical Stores congratulates
Cipla Quality Chemical Industries Ltd upon celebrating 10 years of
pharmaceutical production.
NMS is a government corporation mandated to deliver 8. Promoted peaceful co-existence and reduced crime
essential medicines and medical supplies to all Govern- that affects health of the population as assaults, rape,
ment Health Facilities nationwide. defilement and accidents.
9. Ensured healthy eating, regular exercise and avoided
We are currently focusing our efforts to promoting drugs and Tobacco use.
preventive health care since it is the best sure way of 10.Had regular check-ups and screening for detection of
having ahealthy nation. diseases like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and
Cancers from qualified Health personnel.
In Uganda, 75% of the diseases that we take to Health 11. Used family planning method of our choice. Then, for
facilities are preventable. This means that out of every the 25 people out of 100 who have done all the above
100 patients that come to our health facilities, 75 of us but still need treatment, the Hospital beds, health
would not be there if we took responsibility for our workers and medicine would be sufficient for them.
health and did the following;
Message from
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
The governing body of the society is the council of the Pharmaceutical society of Uganda whose mandate is to ensure
the highest practicable standards in the practice of Pharmacy in Uganda. By achieving that mandate, it undertakes a
number of activities which include overseeing training of pharmacy students in the country, overseeing internship
processes in the 18 internship sites (Practicing sites, pharmacies, hospitals, research Institution) across the country
where intern pharmacists are given practical training on an annual basis
Before CiplaQCIL, training was coming the standard was low, but now they
in from other local manufacturers, have raised the base and have been
though none of them was WHO able to prove that local manufacturing
approved. They were very few in is feasible in Africa at an international
number and could not take up the scale.
capacity CiplaQCIL is taking. Today,
CiplaQCIL is the largest trainer Final Remarks
of undergraduate students in the I congratulate them and want to see
pharmaceutical sector of Uganda. CiplaQCIL not only as a regional player
but an international player in the
What makes CiplaQCIL different pharmaceutical sector. I also want to
Mr. Sam Opio CiplaQCIL has been a pace-setter in see it reaching out to different stake
Secretary General terms of quality. If you look at the kind holders as it continues to make an
of facilities that are now coming up impact in the Ugandan communities
Benefits the society enjoys from in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and Africa as a whole, especially in
CiplaQCIL’s existence sector, the facility is taken as a terms of access to affordable medicine.
standard of reference. Ten years ago,
CiplaQCIL’s entry in the pharmaceutical
manufacturing sector has been very
instrumental. They are a key provider
of industrial training sites as far as
undergraduate training and internship
training are concerned. CiplaQCIL
also supports students Scientific
Symposium where researches are
shared. The facility is WHO approved,
meaning the quality of training intrens
receive is at international level; the
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
e are committed towards we have not disappointed them.
drugs in Uganda.
establishing a local freight Our relationship has helped in We encourage Ugandans to use
forwarding company with strategic improving our business over the CiplaQCIL drugs: Many might under
partners and alliances worldwide. We have years. Being the biggest client we look them ‘being made in Uganda’
consolidated our position by fronting our have, it has greatly contributed to our but I assure these are quality drugs.
ability to provide the smallest and largest overall growth as a company. As they mark their 10th anniversary,
companies with global services at the same We have learnt a lot from them and I Multi-Bulk Forwarders wishes to say
or higher level than any other established am sure they have learnt something congratulations for making it this far.
On this blissful and charming day of your 10th Anniversary. May you continue the journey
of success with pride! We wish you happiness, and many more years of success!
Ms. Margaret Chan, World Health Organisation Director General King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, Omukama of Toro
Dr. Osagie Ehanire, Nigeria State Minister of Health Mr. Roberto Azevedo, WTO Director General
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Hon. Ronald Balimwezo, Mayor of Nakawa Division
Owk. Peter Mayiga, Katikkiro of Buganda Ms. Jennifer Musisi, Executive Director KCCA
H.E Ravi Shanker, High Commissioner of India Mr. Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister of Kenya
H.E Isias Afwerki, President of Eritrea Dr. Y.K Hamied, Chairman of Cipla
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H.E Kevin Kelly, Irish Ambassodor H.E Edward Sekandi, Vice President of Uganda
H.E Stephanie Rivoal, Ambassador of France H.E Salvador Valdes Mesa, Vice President of Cuba
C i p l a Q C i 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 07- 2 0 17
Hon. Alexander Segbefia, Minister of Health Ghana H.E Prof. Maj Gen LS Mollo High Commissioner of South Africe
H.E Jerry P. Lanier, US Ambassador H.E Kristian Schmidt, European Head of Delegation to Uganda