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Welcome to the Animism Tarot. 0.

The Fool: The Ccara Llama

It was the beautiful artwork that first drew me to the world of tarot. Listen carefully to the sound of a young fool barreling along without a
Though I admired tarot symbolism, as a beginner, learning to read tarot was a care in the world. He may be a little naïve and impulsive, but he is confident,
personal struggle. I really wanted a deck that I could connect with easily, with positive, and full of potential. No matter what may lie ahead, he is ready to face
imagery that not only I felt comfortable with, but one that I could read the day. This is the start of something special.
intuitively. Then one day I tried my hand at my very first tarot painting, the
Animism Tarot came to life, and a challenge began to make this deck a reality. The Llama: tenacity, curiosity, steadfastness, joy, fortitude, impulsiveness

The term “animism” has many definitions. In the essence of this tarot, it is the
belief that everything in this physical world – animals, plants, everything that I. The Magician: The Coyote
surrounds us – has a spiritual center, and that these forces have their own
influences on the universe itself. Always at the heart of my artwork, animals The world moves with him as if he were manipulating the elements
have always held great symbolic meanings and it was natural that they quickly themselves. The solid earth comes alive, rising and falling under his every step.
became the focus of this tarot deck. This project involved a journey of Searing fire flickers around him, shining light onto the once dark path that lies
combining the right animal and tarot card together. The goal was to connect before him. Cooling water surrounds him, running faithfully by his side. The
the ones that shared the strongest symbolisms. Creating a strong, spiritual bond powerful wind flows and fills him with renewed energy. He is fully aware of all
between each animal and each tarot card was the key to this deck. The Animism that surrounds him, knowing where he needs to be and how to get there. He is
Tarot was definitely a challenge, but in the end everything fell into place. the trickster: the Magician.

This guide is not a tutorial on how to read tarot; however, the Animism Tarot is The Coyote: skill, cunning, power, instinct, transformation, action
based on traditional Rider Waite meanings which are readily accessible through
tarot books and tarot websites. Instead, these pages hold short stories
describing the brief encounters in each tarot painting along with helpful key II. The High Priestess: The Striped Owl
words associated with each animal that I hope will help develop further insight
between animal and tarot. Ultimately this tarot deck is all about how you see She draws power from the moon; she is the link between the conscious
the images laid before you. Feel the animal world’s influence in your readings. and the unconscious, seeing what few ever see. She is the insight and wisdom
Trust your instincts and let the animals and their interactions speak to you. found deep within. She is the light that rises from the shadows, the light that
Though this tarot was not painted with reversals in mind, those that would like shines into the dark, revealing all that is possible.
to read with reversals are always welcome to create their own interpretations.
The Owl: rebirth, knowledge, secrecy, foresight, intuition, inspiration
Reading tarot is a lifelong learning process, and I hope the Animism Tarot will
be able to assist new and seasoned readers alike. As I hope to grow and learn
with this deck myself, I hope that others will find a connection with it too. I III. The Empress: The Golden Tiger
want to thank everyone that has provided the most amazing feedback and
support every step of the way. I’ve really enjoyed this journey and I hope the She is life: the ground that supports us, the fire that warms us, the
cards find a place in your journey like they have, and will, in mine. trees that shade us, the food that nourishes us and the very air we breathe. She
is the waterfall roaring down, delighting all of our senses. She is gentle yet
Joanna Cheung fierce, beauty, energy and Mother Earth herself. The Tiger: passion, delight, beauty, patience, loyalty, protection
IV. The Emperor: The Komodo Dragon VIII: Strength: The Lion and Carmine Bee-Eater

He reigns above the lands, where raw power roars all around him. He Ferocity and gentleness, freedom and control, passion and compassion:
has never known failure and never will. He is strength and might and as the there is a balance here, one that requires a delicate touch, one without fear,
ruler of his domain, a fire burns inside him: a passion to lead his world and to but with understanding. With balance, comes peace.
protect his kingdom.
The Lion: power, protection, courage, patience, wisdom, passion
The Dragon: strength, bravery, protection, wisdom, permanence, power,
The Bee-Eater: unity, family, tranquility, support, comfort, balance

V. The Hierophant: The Stoat

IX. The Hermit: The Red Panda
He is the link between realms, able to bring worlds together in
harmony. He is the vessel of knowledge and the keeper of order and peace. He is in search of introspection, finding solace in solitude, away from
Open your mind; it is time to listen to his words, learn from his messages, and society, away from culture, order, and custom as he travels on a journey of
connect with the world. personal discovery. Perhaps in this quiet seclusion, he will finally find the
answers that he seeks.
The Stoat: purity, focus, truth, loyalty, understanding, knowledge
The Red Panda: peace, knowledge, contemplation, solitude, discovery, adaption

VI. The Lovers: The Long-Snouted Seahorse

X. Wheel of Fortune: The Orb Weaver Spider
In the darkness, there is light. Through the cold, there is warmth. Past
the hardship, there is joy. Amidst the chaos, there is peace. From loss, comes This is the weaver of time and fate. Every thread has a destination.
discovery. Through love, we can defeat hate. Face the battle; stand united. Every connection has a purpose. Every movement causes a ripple throughout.
Make your choice. Find your place. The weaver understands balance: threads that fall can rise up again, and though
some may come undone, they can be rebuilt once more, better and stronger
The Seahorse: joy, security, support, patience, equality, trust than ever before.

The Spider: fate, wisdom, rebirth, balance, creativity, design

VII. The Chariot: The Horse

Listen to the gallops, to the pure energy racing through the trees, XI: Justice: The Chimpanzee
moving through the chaos. He is the wind, shifting through space and time. He
is the battle to win the war; he is the journey: the road travelled and the Hands meet and fingers intertwine. Understanding is shared in a simple
obstacles ahead. He is the will, willing himself to triumph. touch, and the realization that what we choose to do from here on out will be
more important than we realize. This is the time to right wrongs, a time for
The Horse: strength, control, resilience, intuition, determination, victory change and balance. Things have become clear now.

The Chimpanzee: adaption, objectiveness, awareness, compassion, honour,

XII. The Hanged Man: The Opossum XVI. The Tower: The Scorpion

Why he is suspended, why he watches in reverse, only he understands. Beware. Watch each step and be forewarned: one must tread
His reality might not make sense, but sometimes life needs to not make sense, cautiously here. So pause, and calculate each step carefully, because one wrong
and sometimes views must be shifted in order to achieve clarity. And so he move and everything will collapse, bringing with it a world of chaos.
holds on and on until he finds his release.
The Scorpion: truth, conflict, destruction, caution, deceit, aggression
The Opossum: patience, introspection, focus, courage, opportunity, creativity

XVII. The Star: The Ibis

XIII. Death: The Raven
From the darkness, she rises up into the coming night, the brightest
Darkness slowly fades away, but a new dawn approaches, and as one star in the evening sky. She glows with inner light, radiating serenity and love.
world rests, a new world is awakened. The night is no longer, but this chapter With her beauty, she offers inspiration, shining with hope, tenderness and quiet
must close in order for a new chapter to begin. Be ready for the light. strength to the world below.

The Raven: self-awareness, adaption, wisdom, truth, loss, passage The Ibis: imagination, brilliance, transformation, success, enlightenment,

XIV. Temperance: The Liger

XVIII. The Moon: The Rabbit
Elements bend at her will, shifting under her control, flowing apart to
rush back together, mixing and blending to perfection. Temperance is change. She nears the water’s edge with hesitation. Peering into the dark blue
She works with intention, with control. She is transformation and moderation, waters, she glimpses into another world: a world of confusion, mystery and
weighing and morphing with precision, with focus, creating harmony and madness, where things may not what they seem. Does she stay above or dive
balance. into the unknown? Which is her reality?

The Liger: fluidity, power, synthesis, vitality, balance, control The Rabbit: creativity, conception, intuition, deception, mischief, apprehension

XV. The Devil: The Brown Hyena XIX. The Sun: The Rooster

Welcome to chaos, temptation and hedonism. The darkness moves, the Darkness has passed, and now he can step into the light and feel the
wildness intrigues, but the stripes confine. But what is the devil, really, but a warmth of the sun. He observes the radiant sunflowers that reach up to the sky,
collection of fears luring everything into the shadows. He may have power, but flourishing in the nurturing light. Negativity melts away as he feels that blissful
he is not all powerful. He is not invincible. So be strong, and conquer him. glow fill his being with energy and strength. And he will share its joy, for it will
follow him wherever he goes.
The Hyena: power, morality, cunning, dominance, secrecy, tenacity
The Rooster: renewal, awareness, dignity, triumph, fertility, confidence
XX. Judgement: The Siamese Cat Ace of Wands: The Ram

His deep, knowing eyes meet those that seek him, seeing right through This is a new day, a day filled with new choices and new opportunities.
all the masks to reveal the truth. He sees those inner thoughts, virtues, and Feel the glow of the sun fill this land with renewed energy. Now is the time to
transgressions; yet he knows that there is still time for change, for release, and take that chance, climb that mountain, and be inspired by all lies ahead.
for healing, if only it is searched for from within.
The Ram: passion, power, opportunity, determination, confidence, courage
The Cat: protection, fortune, freedom, observance, wisdom, healing

Two of Wands: The Giraffe

XXI. The World: The Asagi Koi Fish
He opens his eyes and takes it all in, every detail of the world around
She dances in a place on this earth where all elements unite in him. He can see it all: what lies next to him, what lies before him, and what lies
harmony. Welcome to her paradise. She is completion and perfection, bursting beyond. He will take charge and prepare, because no is the time to choose his
with experience and wisdom only gained with time. She radiates joy and path; now the world is his oyster. Now he is ready to leave his legacy.
fortune, blessing all that journey to be graced by her presence.
The Giraffe: creativity, insight, intelligence, vigilance, patience, balance
The Koi: progress, prosperity, success, balance, peace, opportunity

Three of Wands: The Cougar

XXII. The Happy Squirrel: The Little Pyromaniac
He has come a long way, and while he grows stronger with each
Looks are deceiving; so don’t look away for one second. And don’t passing day, there is still more to do and so much more to learn. But as he takes
underestimate that cute, fuzzy face. Though he may be vague and mysterious, pause to watch the sun rise, he knows that his time to shine is coming. All of his
there is madness in those eyes: a madness of someone that should never choices have led to this moment, and now he’s ready to welcome the new
handle a flame. And finally, watch your nuts. dawn.

The Happy Squirrel: ??? The Cougar: power, confidence, patience, independence, drive, perseverance

Four of Wands: The Hummingbird

Confetti fills the glorious sky as they dance with delight. They have
journeyed through it all together, surviving a season of obstacles and turmoil
and now the sun can rise up to warm their hearts once again. They have made it
and it’s their time to celebrate.

The Hummingbird: love, progression, pleasure, renewal, healing, stability

Five of Wands: The Wild Boar Nine of Wands: The Asian Elephant

There is no time to hesitate, and little time to prepare. Tensions are on He has endured more than anyone ever should, but he knows that he is
the rise and outside forces are moving in. He needs to take action. He needs to meant for so much more. He yearns for something greater, and he knows it’s
take hold of his fears. Grab them and take control. Defeat them. Destroy them. within his grasp. Though he is exhausted and weak, he will remain strong at
He can do this. He can win. He is ready. heart, and he will continue to fight until his last breath.

The Boar: chaos, war, courage, cunning, determination, endurance The Elephant: endurance, strength, dedication, remembrance, protection

Six of Wands: The Caracal Ten of Wands: The Bactrian Camel

He is on top of the world and this is his moment. He basks in all of his He has travelled for what has felt like an eternity in this vast, barren
power and triumph: he has been victorious. Pausing as the sun slowly sinks into land, but the journey seems impossible; this victory may be lost. With more on
the earth, he soaks in the last glorious moments of light and warmth and smiles. his shoulders than one should ever have to bear, he is alone and exhausted. But
He has made it. he carries on with quiet determination, willing himself to the finish line.

The Caracal: power, strength, independence, bravery, proficiency, drive The Camel: perseverance, patience, toil, arrogance, vitality, focus

Seven of Wands: The Hedgehog Page of Wands: The Chinchilla

Be wary, dear travelers: the road ahead is dark with peril. There will be He may be small, but his enthusiasm is anything but! Full of energy and
doubts and there will be fears, but there is no need to run. It’s time to face a passion for life, he knows opportunity when he sees it. He is now prepared to
those doubts; it’s time to overcome those fears. Rise up. Find that inner welcome the world and have all the experiences he can get his young hands on.
strength, take a stand and fight for those beliefs. Believe. Be ready. Triumph will Bring on adventure! He is ready for it!
The Chinchilla: discovery, curiosity, communication, awareness, innocence,
The Hedgehog: confidence, courage, intelligence, resolve, passion, protection enthusiasm

Eight of Wands: The Black Mamba Snake Knight of Wands: The Cheetah

The wheels are in motion; everything has come together for this very Blink and you might miss him as he races through the land without fear
moment. This is not the time to stop and think. There is no time for or reserve. He is a force to be reckoned with: determined, experienced, brazen
contemplation. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to strike. and a little reckless, he is pure energy put into motion.

The Snake: energy, change, action, decisiveness, haste, foresight The Cheetah: focus, power, conviction, awareness, passion, courage
Queen of Wands: The Red Fox Ace of Cups: The Otter

Pure fiery energy burns within her. She will take on any challenge This is the first spark of wonder and delight. Don’t overlook it.
without hesitation, and she will always win with ease. She is as bright and as Welcome it. Cherish it. This is when the stars align perfectly. This is where
intense as the sun, bringing light and warmth to all that surrounds her with creative energies unite. This is the potential of creating something magical.
every graceful step. Greatness is born here.

The Fox: wisdom, adaption, passion, grace, bravery, determination The Otter: vigor, balance, joy, creativity, courage, inquisitiveness

King of Wands: The Highland Bull Two of Cups: The Seal

He knows how to carry himself like the king that he is: full of fiery Maybe they are strangers, or perhaps they are old friends. But an
passion and drive. He knows how to make an entrance and get all eyes on him. encounter like this cannot just be coincidence. They were meant to be in this
He’s a natural born leader, instinctively taking charge and knows an opportunity spot, to meet at this time, in this place. There is something here, and this is an
when he sees it, staying focused and journeying through until the end. opportunity that can’t be missed.

The Bull: passion, authority, strength, energy, drive, confidence The Seal: creativity, affection, curiosity, joy, communication, discovery

Three of Cups: The Dusky Dolphin

Look around and be thankful: through thick and thin, this was a road
journeyed and conquered together. There were never any others better suited
for this perfect camaraderie. Rejoice. Now is the time of joy and celebration;
savour every moment of it.

The Dolphin: unity, communication, trust, freedom, pleasure, kindness

Four of Cups: The Sloth

Up here, only he exists. This is his headspace, his domain. Though he

yearns for something better, he does not like change. He is not ready to let go.
But if he would only open his eyes and look around, he may find that a better
way may just be around the corner.

The Sloth: solitude, withdrawal, steadiness, introspection, observation, fatigue

Five of Cups: The Marbled Salamander Nine of Cups: The Asiatic Black Bear

Rain falls softly as he finds solace in the shadows. He mourns for his Every obstacle, every struggle, every moment has led up to this. Victory
losses, and there have been many. But as the rain starts to fade, the sun slowly has finally arrived, and she will relish in every drop of it. She knows that
rises. And he will soon realize that sometimes we have to walk in darkness and happiness is fleeting, and that every tomorrow will bring new difficulties to
sorrow before we can move on to the sunlight. overcome. But today, today is a good day, and she will count every single
The Salamander: awareness, growth, adaption, faith, endurance, change
The Black Bear: courage, patience, strength, commitment, satisfaction,
Six of Cups: The Deer

Remember those days, when times were simple? Remember that time Ten of Cups: The Mute Swan
when there was no hate or prejudice, that safe place of love and of pure
innocence. Keep that time close. Remember fondly, and revisit those feelings of The sun fills the sky with warmth above and the cooling waters flow
joy once again. below, creating a perfect balance in this world. Everything has fallen into place,
and everything feels right. This is where a family can prosper; this is where love
The Deer: innocence, compassion, insight, security, love, wonder and joy can be found.

The Swan: balance, healing, love, serenity, happiness, unity

Seven of Cups: The Polar Bear

Though the deep darkness surrounds him, he looks up to the sky filled Page of Cups: The Platypus
with shimmering colours and the swirling light opens his eyes to endless
possibilities. What path he follows will be up to him. Not every light is as bright He is young at heart, brimming with energy and promise. He closes his
as the next, but each streak is a journey, creating its own path along the eyes and dives in to the unknown. There is no hesitation; he is filled with delight
expansive sky. and anticipation and is ready to flow with the universe and feel its magic.

The Polar Bear: fearlessness, independence, intuition, courage, patience, The Platypus: curiosity, peace, intuition, opportunity, individuality, fluidity

Knight of Cups: The Hippopotamus

Eight of Cups: The Magpie
Strong and fierce, yet gentle and calm, this knight is a powerful force.
The sky grows dark, and he has grown tired. He has been there for far Emotionally and creatively driven, he flows with the ups and downs of life, like
too long; times have changed and so has he. He seeks more in life, and though the journey through the waves of the ocean. He understands that he must
he is weary of change, he can no longer call this place his own. Taking one more adapt to the movements of the waters and be sensitive to its changes. Flow
look at this once familiar world, he rises up to leave it for the last time. with the tide, not against it.

The Magpie: insight, revelation, discovery, courage, bravery, opportunity The Hippopotamus: insight, creativity, grace, adaption, healing, freedom
Queen of Cups: The Leatherback Sea Turtle Ace of Swords: The Bald Eagle

She rises and falls with the tides and knows how to take maneuver all Sometimes we must reach the highest mountain to see the world
that lies ahead. She flows as one with the universe: together they are intuitive, clearly. Find that inner strength, breathe, focus, and take it all in. Let the world
divine, and pure. She is healing and magic itself - a link to the unconscious realm speak. What we find may not be what we wanted, but it may be what we
and a mystery that graces this world. She is a gift filled with wonder, artistry, needed after all.
and love.
The Eagle: clarity, courage, intelligence, drive, growth, control
The Turtle: wisdom, tranquility, maturity, love, permanence, empathy

Two of Swords: The Panther

King of Cups: The Humpback Whale
She may not see what lies ahead, but she can sense it. Though she may
The great waters part for him. He is the embodiment of harmony itself: be blind, it will not be her downfall. She knows there are other ways to see; so
loving, gentle and above all, benevolent. He is balanced in his judgements, yet she must trust her instincts before making the next move.
most understanding, patient, and kind, welcoming all that are in need of him.
The Panther: courage, caution, protection, renewal, independence, instinct
The Whale: healing, understanding, balance, knowledge, serenity,
Three of Swords: The Bleeding Heart Dove

Darkness creeps in as warmth fades away into cold. This is not where
anyone should ever be. This is not how anyone should ever feel. Eyes close as
breathing slows. Soon the pain will be over, but the spirit will remain strong.

The Dove: communication, sacrifice, truth, hope, release, renewal

Four of Swords: The Koala Bear

The seasons have not been easy, but the storm has passed and for the
moment, the sky is calm. It’s time to take pause, to close those eyes and relish
this moment of peace. Let down your guard and breathe. This is the time to
focus, rethink, and plan. There will be more storms ahead, and you must be
ready when they arrive.

The Koala: reflection, peace, hope, focus, comfort, solitude

Five of Swords: The Mako Shark Nine of Swords: The Flying Fox

As the cloudy waters return to its eerie stillness, for the moment, there Life has not been kind. Even under the blanket of the night, he must
is calm. But this was survival at all costs, and there was a high cost for triumph. slip further away into darkness. He must escape. He has suffered so much, and
Has danger passed, or is there still peril in the darkness ahead? Is this what he is so tired, neglected, and weary. Perhaps one day he can open his eyes to a
victory feels like? better dawn.

The Shark: dominance, power, fearlessness, drive, cunning, endurance The Bat: repression, darkness, fear, death, rebirth, insight

Six of Swords: The Adélie Penguin Ten of Swords: The Bearded Vulture

Be still, little one, and conserve your energy. You have suffered more This is it. This is what the end feels like: to be trapped, to be tired, to be
than anyone should, but you have endured, and you will become stronger for it. powerless. Be brave; lay down your arms. It’s time to accept this defeat, learn
So rest your head, and let time heal your wounds. The journey is almost over, from it, and welcome its mercy.
and your destination is close.
The Vulture: sacrifice, death, release, resurrection, patience, foresight
The Penguin: perseverance, drive, fortitude, tranquility, adaption, resilience

Page of Swords: The Cayuga Duck

Seven of Swords: The Raccoon
This young page itches for action. He seeks answers and truths. He
He moves swiftly, hidden in the dark. He blends into the night like a knows of the obstacles ahead and eagerly awaits them. Skies will darken and
shadow. Moving quickly, he takes hold of as many treasures as he can. He the waters may get rough, but he is prepared and he is ready to face it all. He’s
gathers them together, only to run back into the blackness. ready for his journey.

Raccoon: curiosity, courage, confidence, secrecy, discretion, transformation The Duck: honesty, grace, persistence, dexterity, change, adventure

Eight of Swords: The Octopus Knight of Swords: The Greyhound

He is alone. Alone and helpless, with one is around, his resolve is Blink and you might miss him. Slow down and you may never catch up.
fading. He knows that he is trapped, restrained by forces that he does not He is the knight on a mission, cutting through the air like a sword. He is action
understand. And understanding is key, because he will not find his freedom itself, quick physically as he is mentally. So focused that nothing can distract
until he understands that there is always a way out. He just needs to find it. him, he moves with the wind, blazing a trail few can follow.

The Octopus: drive, adaption, potential, intelligence, resolution, communication The Greyhound: action, dignity, loyalty, intuition, determination, intelligent
Queen of Swords: The Osprey Ace of Pentacles: The Scarab Beetle

Quick and fierce, she perches high above the world, glowing in all of her Breathe in the sweet scents of life. This is a new day, filled with
divinity. She is as cold as her blade and equally sharp. No obstacle will block her opportunity and delight. Be inspired by the beauty of this world. All that
path. No crisis can slow her down. She cuts through all deceptions and lies; she flourishes began as a tiny seedling in this earth; so plant your seed and take that
is too smart for such trivialities. There is no one better to lead her people, and first step towards richness that is so rightly deserved.
none that can match her skill.
The Scarab: creation, transformation, rebirth, growth, fortune, vitality
The Osprey: truth, authority, foresight, wisdom, diligence, action

Two of Pentacles: The Kangaroo

King of Swords: The Gray Wolf
What goes up must come down, and sometimes life deals us many ups and
Look into the eyes of power as his very presence commands the highest downs. So keep your eyes open for what matters most. Catch it as it falls, hold it
level of respect. This is a king with intelligence beyond his years, one that lives dearly, and ride with it as it rises back up again. Life is full of change. You’re
by the strongest moral codes. His moves are calculated, each action made with ready for it.
purpose, made without fear or hesitation as he seeks out truth and justice
above all else. The Kangaroo: protection, adaption, balance, vigor, action, foresight

The Wolf: power, truth, knowledge, understanding, honour, discipline

Three of Pentacles: The Hazel Dormouse

It’s time to get to work! A mother guides her little ones as they build
their new home. Her children are young but eager and have much to learn.
Actions are followed and materials are passed through tiny hands, along with
knowledge, experience, and joy.

The Dormouse: discovery, devotion, commitment, resourcefulness, vigilance

Four of Pentacles: The Skunk

Don’t touch that. It’s mine. Every jewel surrounding him is a symbol of
his efforts that have paid off. These are his achievements. All of his hard work,
his investments, his security, his future, all of it lies before him. It’s his and his
alone. He does not plan on sharing any bit of it; so don’t get too close!

The Skunk: confidence, courage, self-esteem, contentment, discretion, defense

Five of Pentacles: The Kiwi Nine of Pentacles: The Moose

The world is crashing down all around them. Their dreams, their Welcome to his castle. Closing his eyes, he feels the warmth of the sun.
security, their very livelihood, everything is up in flames before their eyes, He can feel its glow filling him with pure energy. He takes in the air and feels the
clouding the sky with its destruction. But despite it all, they still have each wind surround him. He feels the water and earth at his feet, breathing with life
other. What has fallen will make way for new life; and so they push through to and sustenance. As he takes it all in, he knows that these are his victories. This
be there when it happens. is his kingdom. And he deserves every bit of it.

The Kiwi: truth, change, adaption, protection, endurance, communication The Moose: strength, confidence, determination, honour, dignity,

Six of Pentacles: The Alligator and Plover

Ten of Pentacles: The Zebra
Life is a journey of give and take, and when they work as one, they both
come out richer. So they will live this life together in understanding and She has journeyed far, overcoming many obstacles and comes to rest,
kindness. And they will both reap all the benefits, for they know that the scale and here, life is thriving. She has found her place in this land. She breathes in
will never be balanced with just one piece. the air, knowing that the world before her eyes is all hers. And above it all, she
knows that she will be able to share her experiences and successes with those
The Alligator: adaption, patience, awareness, power, opportunity, drive that she holds closest to her heart.

The Plover: unity, insight, tranquility, reflection, creativity, resourcefulness The Zebra: family, balance, encouragement, solidarity, freedom, peace

Seven of Pentacles: The Peacock Page of Pentacles: The Chipmunk

The ground is still white, but the seasons are changing. He has endured He is young, bright eyed and energetic. Full of potential, he is a page with a
the harsh climates and it has not been easy. Every day has been a challenge but plan, and he is ready to take on the world and embrace its richness. He has
he forges ahead. And now he has survived; he can finally take pause and reflect prepared for this moment and he now knows what he must do to achieve his
upon his next move as he can finally welcome the warmth of a new day. dreams. This is his time to shine.

The Peacock: rebirth, confidence, victory, patience, resilience, devotion The Chipmunk: preparation, control, courage, independence, trusting, adaption

Eight of Pentacles: The Beaver Knight of Pentacles: The Black Rhinoceros

Water ripples outward as he pushes through the wave; he has found Steady and resilient, he has come a long way in life. He is a rock:
his calling. He now understands the value of hard work and perseverance. He unmovable physically, unyielding mentally, steadfast and strong. A practical,
toils away, not for notoriety or bragging rights, but for his own personal pride grounded Knight, he knows what to expect, how to prepare, and how to get
and achievement. He is focused. He can do it. things done.

The Beaver: dedication, drive, guidance, success, integrity, community The Rhinoceros: determination, wisdom, strength, stability, awareness,
Queen of Pentacles: The Alpine Cow

She is the queen of the earth, tending to the ground that she graces
with every step. She is balanced in life, understanding the value of hard work as
well as the importance of simple pleasures. She is comforting and gracious,
supportive and understanding, and she welcomes everyone with a warm heart,
ready to nurture and listen at a moment’s notice.

The Cow: love, compassion, fertility, prosperity, serenity, generosity

King of Pentacles: The Silverback Gorilla

This king is a powerful force. Wise beyond his years, he is the ruler of
everything that lies before him. Though he enjoys his material wealth - he
knows that he has rightly deserved every drop of glory that has ever touched
his skin - more important is his spiritual wealth as he remains compassionate
and giving, dedicating himself to all those in need.

The Gorilla: wisdom, leadership, authority, generosity, protection, loyalty

The Animism Tarot is ©2013 Joanna Cheung at All rights reserved.

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