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Megan Williams Resume

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Skills Summary
I have been fortunate enough to have had multiple experiences with children and have absolutely loved every moment
of it. I believe that every child should feel as though they belong in a community and should be able to grow and
develop as an individual within a center or school. I am a very organized and clean person. I am very good with time
management and stay calm under pressure. I have a passion and love for children which makes me very self-motivated
when it comes to planning and preparation. I’m an active listener and have great people-orientated skills from many
years of customer service. Overall, I believe I am a very hard worker and will put 110% into everything that I do.

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)/Degree Completion – 26/11/21
I am currently completing my degree at the university of Notre Dame. I have completed 3 years of my degree and
have completed many school experiences and units that have helped shape me into the teacher I am today. I have
completed courses including, students with special needs units, childcare management, health and safety, learning
environments, as well as your core units such as English, math, science, humanities, physical education, and art.

St Hildas School for Girls – Junior School
2018 – Current
 Part time as an education assistant in the schools Extend Ed program (before and after school care), working
mainly in the early childhood room (3-5years old) but also work closely with the primary room (5-12years
o Work alongside the teacher and help with planning and classroom set up.
o Food preparation and services
o Support the teacher with teaching and activities during the program.
o Signing children in and out of the center.
 Worked in their holiday program as an education assistant (2018-current)
 Worked as a relief education assistant in Junior Kindy, Kindy and Year One (2019 – current)
McDonalds Innaloo – Crew Member
 Health and safety of food preparation and serving
 Customer service skills and management
 Front counter and drive through service.
Pizzaca Café – Waitress
09/2015 – Current
 Customer service skills and management of complaints
 Food preparation and service
 Management of bookings and table service throughout the night.

The Salvation Army – Volunteer Childcare Worker

09/2018 – 09/2019
 Looking after groups of 5-5 children, while their mums attended programs
 Planned and developed different activities for the children to complete during their time at the center
 Online training modules on how to work with children who have experienced traumatic events (mainly
focusing on domestic violence), work health and safety and emotional support for children.
 Babysit a family with a boy (year 7) and a girl (year 5) – casual and whenever help is needed.
 Look after my brother (year 7) who suffers with anxiety and social pragmatic disorder.
 Babysit for a family who has a 3year old daughter - casually whenever her mum needs extra support.
Rosalie Touch Association Junior and Youth Program – Assistant Coordinator
2018 – Current
 Coach, children between the ages of 7-16 in basic touch rugby skills and game play.
 Organise all the coaches for the program and organize the teams.
 Communicate with parents throughout the program – week to week.
Craigie Heights Primary School Touch Rugby Program:
12/09/19 – 27/09/19
 Ran a 3week intensive touch rugby program within their school sports department.
 Mainly worked with years 5 and 6 (boys and girls).
University of Notre Dame School Experiences:
Carlee Community School Experience
26/11/18 – 07/12/18
 First university classroom immersion practicum
 Acted as the pre-service teacher in a year 2 classroom
 Planned and ran a variety of different activities and assessment.
 Experienced my first school excursion has a teacher and managed my own small group.
Craigie Heights Primary School Experience
29/04/19 – 05/07/2019
 Acted as the pre-service teacher in two Kindy classrooms alongside two Mentor Teachers and two Education
 Planned and ran a variety of different lessons and assessments.
 Aligned all my teaching practices and philosophies with the Early Learning Years Framework and the AITSL
Professional Learning Experience – This was due to the 3rd year childcare school experience being cancelled
due to COVID-19.
28/04/20 – 03/07/20
 Virtual Simlab class lesson and parent interview
 Underwent multiple professional developments on each AITSL standard as well as professional developments
in Math and English.
Certificates/Training Completed
 St John of God Frist Ai d Trai ning – Comple ted on the 16 t h of August 2020
 Ast hma Austral ia Trai ning – Compl eted on the 14 t h of August 2020
 Ana phyla xis Tr aini ng – Com plete d on t he 14 t h of Augus t 2020
 Food Safe ty Trai ning – Compl ete d on the 29 t h of M ay 2020
 We ster n Aus trali a Certifi cat e of Educ ation – Compl eted 29 t h of De cem ber 2017
 Basi c Baris ta Trai ning Certifi cat e – Com plet ed 16 t h of Fe br uar y 2018
 W orkpla ce Behavi our Tr aini ng – 10 t h of September 2018
 Kee ping Chil dre n Safe Tr aini ng- 11 t h of Se ptem ber 2018
 TSA Human Re sourc es (Manual Ha ndling Induction) – 10 t h of September 2018
 TSA Human Re sourc es (Wor k Healt h a nd Saf ety Induct ion) – 10 t h of Se ptem ber 2018
St Hil das Sc hool for Girls – Juni or Sc hool:
Mc Ca be Str eet, Mosm an Par k W A, 6012
 Tris h Jac kovic h (Di rect or of J uni or School – Deput y Princ iple )
o Phone – 0409193645
o W ork Emai l – trish.j ackovich@s thil das. wa .e du.a u
 Julie Came ron ( De an of Past oral JK – 6)
o Phone – 0437571022
o W ork Emai l – julie. came ron@sthi lda s.wa.e du. au
Ros ali e Touch Ass oci ation:
Ros alie Par k, She nt on Par k W A, 6008
Just ine Spe nc er – Coor dinator
 Phone – 0405761343
 W ork Emai l – justi ne. spe nc er@plc. wa .e du.a u
Pizz ac a Café :
161 Gil der cliff e Str eet, Sc arborough W A, 6019
 Kara Biz zaca (Ma nager) – Phone: 0404126890
 M andy Bi zz aca (Owner) – Phone : 0409915210

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