Pilot Test: Scientific
Pilot Test: Scientific
Pilot Test: Scientific
Scientific Research
University of Technology
Petroleum Technology Department
Pilot Test
Pilot Testing
Homam M. Radhy A.
1. Abstract …………………………………………………………………………. 3
2. Introduction ………………………………………….................……………….. 3
3. Designing Pilot Tests ……………………………………………………………. 4
4. Pilot Testing Equipment ……………………………………………………...… 5
5. Interpretation of Pilot Test Results ………………………………………..…… 5
6. Testing for Tracer …………………………………………………………..…… 7
References ………………………………………………………….…………… 11
1. Abstract
The drilling fluid specialist uses the API diagnostic to detect potential problems and
identify their cause Alternative mud treatments then must be evaluated using small
samples This ensures that the mixture used will provide the desired results at the lowest
possible cost before treatment of the active mud system is started The units of measure
most commonly used when treating the active drilling fluid system are pounds for
weight and barrels for volume The units of measure most commonly used for pilot tests
are grams for weight and cubic centimeters for volume.
2. Introduction
Pilot testing of drilling fluids is testing performed on proportionately small-scale
samples. It is an essential part of drilling fluid testing and treating. Pilot testing
minimizes the risk of sending a fluid downhole that may be incompatible with the
formations to be drilled or that may be ineffective under downhole conditions.
Generally, pilot testing is concentrated on the physical properties such as rheology and
fluid loss; however, it is important that chemical properties also be evaluated. Most
chemical reactions require heat, mixing, and time to drive the reaction. Therefore, it is
necessary to have a means for heating and agitating pilot test samples. Problems such
as carbonates and bicarbonates are not readily detectable and require a complete mud
analysis and a pilot test series with heat aging to determine proper treatment. Without
heat aging, it is easy to overtreat the contaminant and create an even more severe
problem. A portable roller oven is a critical part of a pilot testing set-up at the rigsite.
A pilot test sample should be re presentative of the fluid being used. Pilot testing is thus
based on the fact that 1 g/350 cm3 of the sample is equivalent to 1 lb/bbl (42 gal) of the
actual mud system. (See Figure 1 which illustrates pilot testing equivalents.)
Figure 1
Pilot Testing Equivalents
To determine how to design a pilot test or test series, look at economics and potential
for problems down the road. For example, if you expect to encounter a pressured
saltwater flow (16 lb/gal) with a 15 lb/gal freshwater mud at 350×F, the parameters for
testing could be: (1) maximum volume of saltwater anticipated in the mud, (2) weight
up to 16 lb/gal with and without contaminant, (3) effects of temperature on mud (15
and 16 lb/gal) with and without contamination, and (4) dilution and thinner treatments.
Pilot test design requires calculating amounts of materials to put into the test samples.In
pilot tests, grams are equivalent to pounds and 350 cm3 is equivalent to one 42-gal
oilfield barrel. Material balance equations, as developed in “Engineering”, are used for
pilot test design. For example, to weight the 15 lb/gal mud to 16 lb/gal without
increasing the mud volume, one must calculate how much 15 lb/gal mud to dump and
how much barite to add to increase density. For simpler pilot tests, such as adding only
a few lb/bbl treatment, it is not necessary to account for material balance.
Rigsite pilot tests have distinct practical advantages over sending a mud into the
laboratory or having a laboratory mud prepared for pilot testing. Rigsite testing allows
actual material and mud to be used, which allows results to be readily available. quicker
(which is usually very important), and allows rig supervisor and mud engineer to
evaluate and review the pilot test results. Laboratory pilot tests and planning are both
important in preparing to drill a troublesome well. Both should be done long in advance
of anticipated problems. In this case, lab pilot tests are advantageous in that they can be
performed in advance, but then pilot tested again at the rigsite with the actual mud and
Gas Flows
Column Flow = 9.5 cc/min.
Nitrogen Makeup = 100 cc/min.
Splitter Flow = 50 cc/min.
Septum Purge = 3.5 cc/min.
Analytical Procedure
1. Upon receipt each sample bottle is weighed to the nearest tenth of a gram and
recorded in a sample logbook. The samples will be refrigerated at all times when
not being processed.
2. a. A 0.5 ml aliquot of each sample is diluted 1:1 by volume with the internal
standard solution (i.e., 2 ppm Iododecane and 1.0% Squalane in Toluene).
b. In the case of the concentrated drilling fluid solutions it will be necessary to
pre dilute them0.4 g of sample to 10.00 g with reagent toluene. Actual weights
are recorded to the nearest milligram along with the respective dilution factor.
3. 5.0 µl of the sample/internal standard blend is injected into the GC splitter via
the auto sampler and data acquisition is initialized.
4. After the internal standard and tracer have eluted the three-port valve is actuated
and the oven temperature allowed to proceed to its maximum setting.
5. From the ECD, the concentration of the tracer is determined using the 1 ppm
iododecane peak as an internal standard along with the response factor relating
area counts to concentration. The internal standard is used to correct for
variations in sample size reaching the detector.
6. From the FID, the concentration of the cutting fluid is determined using the
0.5% Squalane peak as an internal standard along with the response factor
relating area counts to concentration.
7. The measured tracer concentration is to be adjusted for any dilutions and then
reported as ppm tracer.
9. A three-point calibration curve of tracer in toluene and crude oil will be run
daily. Response factors will be calculated from the calibration curve and a
running log of the calculated response factors versus time will be maintained
1. Standard Procedure Ow Testing Drilling Fluids API R.P 1313 Dallas 1974
2. Drilling Fluid Tegineering Manual Magcobar Div. Dresser Industries Inc.,
Houston 1972
3. The ChevronTexaco and BP Drilling Fluid Manual