Project Proposal: Wireless Mobile Charger

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Project Proposal

Course Code: CSE-418

Wireless Mobile Charger

Jerin Tasnim
Student Id : 171311048
Section: B, Semester: 10th
Computer Science and Engineering
Varendra University

Submitted to
Jannatul Ferdous
Computer Science and Engineering
Varendra University

Wednesday, 05 August 2020


If we are using an electronic device perhaps a mobile phone and we need to recharge the
battery then we will probably have to get a charger and connect the phone to the wire. But what
if we could charge it without having to connect it to wire? Meaning power will be transferred
wirelessly. This is possible through a concept called Wireless mobile charger. Research and
studies have been done ever since the 19th century but it is only recently that this concept has
begun to be implemented. Currently engineers are trying to discover how to increase the
efficiency of power transmitted wirelessly and also methods that that are safe to human beings
and the environment and not with standing , methods that are cheaper and hence can be
commercially viable. Though still in the early stages, several electronic companies are
beginning to roll out devices that can wirelessly transmit power.

Wireless mobile charger is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Electromagnetic induction works on the concept of a primary coil generating a predominantly
magnetic field and a secondary coil being within that field so a current is induced within its
coils. This causes the relatively short range due to the amount of power required to produce an
electromagnetic field.

Aims and Objectives

The project seeks to eliminate the use of wires in the transmission of power from the source to
the device to be powered. Although it is based on electromagnetic induction, there are various
methods that are used. Some are less efficient than others and costly while others don’t allow
for a longer range of transmission. In this project, it is required to design and construct an
electronic device that shall transmit power within a small range. The device can then be used
to charge batteries. In the project a suitable method will be used to ensure that enough power
is transmitted wirelessly so that it can then charge batteries.

The major challenge will be in the coupling circuit which comprises of the coils where
electromagnetic induction occurs. The number of turns of the coil, inductance.


The project will be divided into the following specific objectives that will aid in
achieving the main objective design and assemble a power supply unit. Develop
transmitter and receiver coils. Design the receiver module and rectify the ac
voltage received on the receiver coil. Designing a battery charging circuit.

Circuit Diagram & Principle

Wireless Power Transfer Theory:

This chapter elaborates on the method of wireless power transfer that was selected
which is inductive coupling. The concept of transmitting power wirelessly is
based on electromagnetic fields, precisely due to electromagnetic induction. Biot-
Savart's law, which is similar to Coulomb's law, states that the magnetic field
intensity dHat r due to current element / d\ at r' is dR. It gives the relation between
the magnetic field and magnitude, direction, proximity and length of the electric
current by which it has been generated.
Where R is the full displacement vector from the current source to the field point,
Idl is the infinitesimal current source point in the wire. A magnetic field of B(r)
is produced by the copper coil. The magnitude of the magnetic field is affected
by r which is the distance from the center of the coil to the field point. The strength
of magnetic field B is proportional to the current I in the coil. Supposing two
copper laminated coils are placed within the near the field region while aligned
together side by side a magnetic field is generated. This however only occurs
provided the transmitter coil is powered and the current flowing through it
alternating current. This magnetic field that has been generated by the TX coil at
the point x which is on the RX coil is thus going to be given by:

Where N is the number of turns of the coil, I is the transmitter inductor current, a is the radius
of the TX coil while d is the distance of separation between the TX and RX coil. The magnetic
flux that will pass through the Rx coil will be given by:
This clearly shows that the voltage induced to the secondary coil depends on the current and
voltage in the primary coil, the frequency of the current and voltage in the primary coil, the
separation distance between the coils and the surface area of the coils. The resulting two coil
coupling system is depicted below.

Here C1 and C2 are tuning capacitors, L1 and L2 are coupled inductors with mutual inductance
M, R1 and R2 represent parasitic resistances (loss resistances in the inductors), d is the distance
between the coils and V1 and V2 are input and output voltages. The output power of the second
coil can be defined as:

Where the operating frequency of the system, RL is load resistance. Thus the overall efficiency
of the system depends only on the transmission frequency, mutual inductance, coils’ parasitic
resistances and load resistance Quality factor (Q factor) which is defined as the ratio of the
inductance to the resistance of the
coil determines the energy transmitted and overall efficiency of the system. A higher Q factor
means a lower energy loss and so better transmission efficiency. Usually Q factor has values
from 0 up to 1000 for WPT coils. It is define as

Where L is the inductance of the coil, R is its resistance and is the operating frequency of the
system. Obviously, Q factor increases when the operating frequency increases. reaches its peak
values, it will decrease as the operating frequency continues to rise. higher Q factor means a
narrower band-width, which results in dropped coupling efficiency and the need of a tuning
circuit. The maximum transfer efficiency is defined by:

Where k is the coupling factor between two coils, Q1and Q2are the quality factors of the
transmitter and receiver coils. Consequently, in order to reach the maximum efficiency,
developers should optimize the coupling and quality factors of their systems.
Circuit Diagram :

Transmitter circuit

Receiver Circuit
Wireless Mobile Charger Circuit Principle:

This circuit mainly works on the principle of mutual inductance. Power is

transferred from transmitter to the receiver wirelessly based on the principle of
“inductive coupling”.

Inductance is the property of the conductor, in which the current flowing in a

conductor induces a voltage or electromotive force in it or in another nearby
conductor. There are two types inductance. 1) Self inductance 2) Mutual

“Mutual inductance” is the phenomena in which, when a current carrying

conductor is placed near another conductor voltage is induced in that conductor.
This is because, as the current is flowing in the conductor, a magnetic flux is
induced in it. This induced magnetic flux links with another conductor and this
flux induces voltage in the second conductor. Thus two conductors are said to be
inductively coupled.

Time frame:
Phase Goals Deadline
Phase One Submit proposal 05.08.2020

Phase Two Initial Study 18.09.2020

Phase Three Requirement Analysis 28.09.2020

Phase Four Requirement Specification 18.10.2020

Phase Five Implementation 18.12.2020

Phase Six Complete project 28.01.2021


Phase Seven Book submission 18.02.2021


1. “A Text Book Of Electrical Technology”, B.L.THERAHA, A.K.THERAJA, S.

Chand & Company Ltd, Ramnagar, New Delhi-I 10055. Edition 2000, Volume-IV

2. “Hand Book of Electronics”, Dr.S.L.GUPTA, Dr. V.KUMAR Pragatiprakashan,


3. “Principles of Electronics”, V.K. METHA, S.Chand& Company Ltd, Ramnagar, New

Delhi-I 1005.


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