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Civil Engineering (Paper - I)
01. Strain energy per unit volume that a material can
absorb without exceeding its proportional limit is
called: σ σ
(a) Strain hardening
(b) Shear modulus of material
(c) Bulk modulus of material
(d) Modulus of resilience σx = σ
01. Ans: (d) σy = 0 τxy = 0

∴σθ = 2 + 2 cos 2
02. The Lueders’ Lines in a material indicate that: 
(a) The material is failing in flexure i = 2 sin 2
(b) The material is failing due to fatigue σθ = τθ (given)
(c) The material is failing due to its crushing + 
2 2 cos 2 = 2 sin 2
(d) The material is failing in shear =
02. Ans: (d) 2 2 sin 2 2 cos 2

 = _ i
2 2 sin 2 cos 2
03. For structure steel, experiment indicates, the value sin 2θ = cos 2θ
of Poison’s ratio (µ) is: tan 2θ = 1 = tan 45o
(a) 1.3 (b) 0.01 2θ = 45o
(c) 0.75 (d) 0.3 ∴ Aspect angle φ = 45o
03. Ans: (d)
05. What is the total elongation of a prismatic bar of
04. A prismatic bar is subjected to axial tension. What length (L) and cross sectional area (A) and Young’s
is the aspect angle (φ) which defines an oblique Modulus of its material (E) hangs vertically under
section on which normal and shearing stresses are its own weight (W)?
equal? (a) WL/2AE (b) WL/8AE
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) WL/6AE (d) WL/4AE
(c) 60o (d) 90o 05. Ans: (a)
04. Ans: (b) Sol:

θ τθ σ

x + y x - y
(δlsw) P.B = 2AE
i = 2 + 2 cos 2 +  xy sin 2
x - y
i = 2 sin 2 -  xy cos 2

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2 Civil Engineering

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3 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

06. Select in which case of the following biaxial stress, 08. Ans: (d)
pure shear condition prevails: Sol:
(a) σx = 2σy (b) 2σx = σy

(c) σx = σy (d) σx = - σy d
06. Ans: (d)
Sol: When normal stresses acting on perpendicular
planes are equal in magnitude and opposite in di-
rection is known as pure shear condition.
For strongest rectangle b =
σy 3
h= 3d
b 3
σχ σχ ∴ h= = 1
2 2

09. The maximum shear stress caused due to a shear

force in a beam of rectangular cross-section is how
σx = - σy much more in percentage than its average value?
(a) 200% (b) 150%
07. A steel wire of 20 mm diameter is bent into a circu- (c) 100% (d) 50%
lar shape of 10 m radius, then the maximum stress 09. Ans: (d)
induced in the wire is (Take E = 2 × 106 kg/cm2): 3
Sol: For rectangular c/s τmax = 2 avg
(a) 1 × 103 kg/cm2 (b) 2 × 103 kg/cm2

(c) 4 × 103 kg/cm2 (d) 6 × 103 kg/cm2 τ max 3
τ avg = 2 = 1.5
07. Ans: (b)
Sol: d = 20 mm ⇒ τmax = ↑ 50% τavg
ymax = 2 = 10 mm
10. The diameter of the core of solid circular column of
R = 10 m = 10 × 10 mm 3 diameter “D” where stress induced due to a normal
E = 2 × 106 kg/cm2 concentrated load of any eccentricity with respect
E to the centre of the column is:
From bending equation, fmax = R y max
(a) 0.20 D (b) 0.25 D
2 # 10 6 # (c) 0.33 D (d) 0.5 D
= 10
10 # 10 3
10. Ans: (b)
= 2 × 103 kg/cm2
Sol: Condition for no tension is σmin = 0
P -M
A Z =0
08. The ratio of width to depth of a strongest beam that
can be cut out of a cylindrical log of wood with P M
A= Z
homogeneous and isotropic properties is : P Pe
1 π 2= π 3
5 4 4D 32 D
1 ∴ e= 8
3 2 D D
∴ Diameter of core = 2 # 8 = 4 = 0.25 D

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4 Civil Engineering

11. A beam of rectangular cross-section is 100 mm 14. A simply supported beam with rectangular
wide and 200 mm deep. If the section is subjected cross-section is subjected to a central concentrated
to a shear force of 20 kN, then the maximum shear load. If the width and depth of the beam are dou-
stress in the section is : bled, then the deflection at the centre of the beam
(a) 1.25 N/mm2 (b) 1.5 N/mm2 will be reduced to:
(c) 1.6 N/mm2 (d) 1.75 N/mm2 (a) 50% (b) 25%
11. Ans: (b) (c) 12.5% (d) 6.25%
Sol: S = 20kN = 20 × 103 N 14. Ans: (d)
τ max = 2 ` τ avg j
3 W

= 2 c bd m
3 S

= 2 c 100
3 20 # 10 3 m
# 200 = 1.5 N/mm
2 1 2

12. For no torsion, the plane of bending should: d

(a) Be parallel to one of the principal axes b

(b) Pass through shear centre of section

(c) Pass through neutral axis of the section 2b

(d) Pass through centre of gravity of the section

y 2 I1 12 1 #
12. Ans: (b)
^2bh^2dh3 16
∴ y =I = = 100 = 6.25%
1 2
13. Two beams, one of circular cross-section and other
of square cross section, have equal areas of cross 15. If the deflection at the free end of a uniformly load-
section. If subjected to bending: ed cantilever beam is 15 mm and the slope of the
(a) Circular section is more economical deflection curve at the free end is 0.02 radian, then
(b) Square section is more economical the length of the beam is:
(c) Both sections are equally strong (a) 0.8 m (b) 1.0 m
(d) Both sections are equally stiff (c) 1.2 m (d) 1.5 m
13. Ans: (b) 15. Ans: (b)
Sol: Sol: w kN/m
d a l
w, 3
B = 6EI = 0.02
w, 3
ACircle = Asquare ⇒ EI = 0.02 # 6 →eq -1
 2 = 2
4d a w, 4
⇒ y B = 8EI = 15 mm

w, 3 ,
⇒y B = EI # 8 = 15
a3 a3
M R square Z N.A Square 6 6 ,
0.02 # 6 # 8 = 15 (∵ From (1))
M R circle = Z N.A Circle = π d 3 = π 2a 3 = 1.18
32 d
32 π
n l = 1000 mm = 1 m

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5 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

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6 Civil Engineering

16. Two ratio of maximum shear stress developed in 19. If the depth of a rectangular section is reduced to
a solid shaft of diameter D and a hollow shaft of half, strain energy stored in the beam becomes:
external diameter D and internal diameter d for the (a) 1/4 times (b) 1/8 times
same torque is given by: (c) 4 times (d) 8 times
(a) (D2 + d2)/D2 (b) (D2 - d2)/D2 19. Ans: (d)
(c) (D4 + d4) / D4 (d) (D4 - d4) / D4 Sol: S.E due to bending U ∝ I
16. Ans: (d) d 3
U1 = I 2 = f d p = 8
T 16T U 2 I1
Sol: (τmax)solid = Z = (∵ b = constant)
p D 3 2
(τmax)Hollow = (∵ THollow = Tsolid)
_ D 4 - d 4 i
20. The phenomenon of decreased resistance of a mate-
_  max isolid
16T rial to reversal of stress is called:
⇒ D 3 D4 - d4
(a) Creep (b) Fatigue
_  max iHollow
= =
16TD D4
_D - d i
4 4 (c) Resilience (d) Plasticity
20. Ans: (b)
17. Strain energy stored in a member is given by
(a) 0.5 × stress × strain 21. The property of metal which allows it to deform
(b) 0.5 × strain × volume continuously at slow rate without any further in-
(c) 0.5 × stress × volume crease in stress is known as :
(d) 0.5 × stress × strain × volume (a) Fatigue (b) Creep
17. Ans: (d) (c) Plasticity (d) Resilience
Sol: S.E = U = 2 × stress × strain × volume 21. Ans: (c)

18. In plane stress problem there are normal tensile 22. If a circular shaft is subjected to a torque T and
stresses σx and σy accompanied by shear stress τxy bending moment M, the ratio of maximum bending
at a point along orthogonal Cartesian coordinates X stress to maximum shear stress is :
and Y respectively. If it is observed that the mini- (a) 2M/T (b) M/2T
mum principle stress on a certain plane is zero then: (c) M/T (d) 2T/M
(a)  xy = ` x +  y j (b)  xy = ` x -  y j 22. Ans: (a)
32 M
(c)  xy = ` x #  y j (d)  xy = ` x / y j d 3 = 2M
Sol:  = 16 T T
18. Ans: (c) d 3

Sol: σ2 = 0
23. The identical bars, one simply supported and other
x + y
2 = 0 = 2 - e x y o + 2x1
fixed at ends, are acted upon by equal loads applied
at the midpoints. The ratio of strain energy stored
x + y
= d x n + 2xy
 + y

2 in the simply supported beam and the fixed ended

beam is :
⇒d x n - e x y o = 2xy
 + y

(a) 1 (b) 2
2 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
⇒  xy =  x . y 23. Ans: (d)

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7 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

Sol: W W 27. Ans: (a)

case 1 case 2 l
We know WD = S.E
1 1 w, 3 w2 ,3 -
USSB = 2 W.g max = 2 .W. 48EI = 96EI M/EI M/EI

3 2 3
UFIXED = 1 . w. y = 1 .w. w, = w ,
2 max
2 192EI 384EI
2 3
y B - y A = Ax (yA = 0)
y B = c EI m^ , hc 2 m
U SSB 96 EI = 4 M ,
∴S =
Fixed w2 ,3
24. For ductile materials, the most appropriate failure
theory is : 28. The shear centre of a section is defined as that point:
(a) Maximum shear stress theory (a) Through which load must be applied to pro-
(b) Maximum principal stress theory duce zero twisting moment on the section
(c) Maximum principal strain theory (b) At which shear force is zero
(d) Shear strain energy theory (c) At which shear force is maximum
24. Ans: (a) (d) At which shear force is minimum
28. Ans: (a)
25. The stress below which a material has a high proba-
29. If a three hinged parabolic arch carries a uniformly
bility of not failing under reversal of stress is known
distributed load over the entire span, then any sec-
tion of the arch is subjected to :
(a) Tolerance limit (b) Elastic limit
(a) Normal thrust only
(c) Proportional limit (d) Endurance limit
(b) Normal thrust and shear force
25. Ans: (d)
(c) Normal thrust and bending moment
(d) Normal thrust, bending moment and shear force
26. In terms of bulk modulus (K) and modulus of rigid-
29. Ans: (a)
ity (G), the Poisson’s ratio can be expressed as:
Sol: In this case the arch will be subjected to normal
(a) (3K - 4G)/ (6K + 4G)
thrust only. No bending moment and S.F at any
(b) (3K + 4G) / (6K - 4G)
(c) (3K - 2G) / (6K + 2G)
(d) (3K + 2G)/ (6K - 2G)
30. If the area under the shear force diameter for a beam
26. Ans: (c)
3K - 2G between the two points C and D is “K”, then the
Sol: = 6K + 2G
difference between the moment at the two points C
and D will be equal to:
27. The deflection at the free end of a cantilever sub-
(a) K (b) 2K (c) K/2 (d) K2
jected to a couple of M at its free end having a uni-
30. Ans: (a)
form flexural rigidity EI throughout its length “L” dM
Sol: dx = F
equal to :
(a) ML2/2EI (b) ML2/3EI dM = F.dx
(c) ML2/6EI (d) ML2/8EI F.dx = k (given)
⇒ dM = F.dx = K
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8 Civil Engineering

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9 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

31. Given that for an element in a body of homoge- 36. A simply supported beam of span L carries over its
neous isotropic material subjected to plane stress; full span of load varying linearly from zero at either
εx, εy and εz are normal strains in x, y, z directions end to w/ unit length at midspan. The maximum
respectively and µ is the Poisson’s ratio, the magni- bending moment occurs at:
tude of unit volume change of the element is given (a) Quarter points and is equal to wL2/8
by: (b) Quarter points and is equal to wL2/12
(a) εx + εy + εz (b) εx - µ (εy + εz) (c) Midspan and is equal to wL2/8
(c) µ (εx + εy + εz) (d) µ (εy + εz) - εx (d) Midspan and is equal to wL2/12
31. Ans: (a) 36. Ans: (d)
Sol: E v = v =  x +  y +  z Sol: W kN/m

⇒ 1 = x + y + z
l/2 l/2

32. If a material has identical properties in all direc- RA = Wl/4 RB = Wl/4

tions, it is said to be:

(a) Homogeneous (b) Orthotropic Mmax = Mmid point = R A c 2 m - c 2 .w 2 mc 2 . 3 m
, 1 , , 1
(c) Elastic (d) Isotropic
= c w4, mc 2, m - w
32. Ans: (d) ,2 w,2
24 = 12

33. If the Young’s modulus of elasticity of a material 37. Consider the following statements about flitched
is twice its modulus of rigidity, then the Poisson’s beams:
ratio of the material is: i. A flitched beam has a composite section made
(a) Zero (b) 0.5 of two or more materials jointed together in
(c) -0.5 (d) -1 such a manner that they behave as a unit piece
33. Ans: (a) and each material bends to the same radius of
Sol: E = 2G (1+ µ) curvature.
E = 2G (given) ii. The total moment of resistance of a flitched
2G = 2G (1+ µ) beam is equal to the sum of the moments of
1 = 1+ µ ⇒ µ = 0 resistance of individual sections.
iii. Flitched beams are used when a beam of one
34. If a composite bar of steel and copper is heated, material, if used alone would require quite a
then the copper bar will be under: large cross-sectional area.
(a) Tension (b) Compression (a) i, ii, and iii are correct (b) i and ii are correct
(c) Shear (d) Torsion (c) ii and iii are correct (d) i and iii are correct
34. Ans: (b) 37. Ans: (a)
38. Consider the following statements:
35. Shear stress on principal planes is :
The theory of simple bending assumes that:
(a) Zero (b) Maximum
i. The material of the beam is homogeneous, iso-
(c) Minimum (d) Depends on axial forces
tropic and obeys Hooke’s law.
35. Ans: (a)
ii. The plane section remains plane after bending
iii. Each cross-section of the beam is symmetric
about the loading plane.

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10 Civil Engineering

iv. Young’s moduli are the same in tension and 41. Find out the wrong statement from the followings:
compression (a) The elastic section modulus of a section does
Of the above statements which are correct? not affect Shape Factor.
(a) i and ii only (b) i, iii and iv only (b) The Shape Factor is a function of the cross-sec-
(c) ii, iii and iv only (d) i, ii, iii and iv tional shape.
38. Ans: (d) (c) The Shape Factor represents the increases of
strength due to plasticization
39. If the diameter of a shaft, subjected to a torque (d) The Shape Factor of a section is a measure of
alone, is doubled, then the horse power “P” can be reserve strength available in the section after
increased to: initial yielding.
(a) 16P (b) 8P 41. Ans: (a)
(c) 4P (d) 2P Sol: It is a function of the cross section form or
39. Ans: (b) shape and is represented by S.
Sol: P ∝ T ∝ d3 Mp Zp
= S = My Z
e 2 o = c 2d m = 8
3 3
P2 T2 d
= =
P1 T1 d1 d Mp = Plastic moment My = Yield moment
P2 = 8P Zp = Plastic modulus Z = Elastic modulus
It is a geometrical property of a section. It
40. A flitched beam consists of a wooden joist 150 mm depends wholly on the shape of cross section.
wide and 300 mm deep strengthened by steel plates 42. Find the correct statement with regards to Plastic
10 mm thick and 300 mm deep one on either side of Hinge:
the joist. If modulus of elasticity of steel is 20 times (a) Plastic Hinges are reached first at sections sub-
that of wood, then the width of equivalent wooden jected to least curvature.
section will be: (b) The plastic hinge will not form at the point of
(a) 150 mm (b) 350 mm zero shear in a span under distributed load.
(c) 500 mm (d) 550 mm (c) Where three structural members meets, plastic
40. Ans: (d) hinge will form in all members irrespective of
Sol: their capacities of taking moment.
(d) A plastic hinge is a zone of yielding due to
shear in a structural member.
300 42. Ans: (c)
• The plastic hinges are formed first at the sec-
E10s 150 mm 10 tions subjected to the greatest deformation
m E = 20
= (curvature).

bcv = b + 2 mt • The plastic hinge is defined as a yielded zone

= 150 × 2 × 20 × 10 due to flexure in a structure
= 550 mm • The plastic hinge will form at point of zero
shear in a span under distributed load.
• When three or four members meet at a point,
plastic hinges are formed in all the members
irrespective of their plastic modulus.
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11 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

43. Choose the correct statement: 45. How many independent mechanisms can be formed
(a) Though equilibrium condition will always be for a symmetrical portal frame of single bay and
satisfied, a solution arrived at on the basis of single storied, statically indeterminate to first de-
an assumed mechanism will give a loading gree and subjected to a concentrated load on the
that is either correct or too high. beam portion and one at the beam-column junction?
(b) The load obtained using the assumed moment (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
diagram that does not violate the plastic mo- 45. Ans: (d)
ment condition will be either correct or too Sol:
(c) The strain at the onset of strain hardening is
about 30 to 40 times the elastic strain in struc-
tural steel.
(d) The load factor for a rectangular steel section
is 3.75, if the Factor of safety is 1.65
43. Ans: (a)
Sol: Static indeterminacy (Ds)
• A solution arrived at on the basis of assumed
Ds = Dse +Dsi
mechanism will yield a load carrying capacity Where,
that is either correct or too high. Dse = External indeterminacy
• A solution arrived at on the basis of a statical Dse = r- S, for a plane frame
moment diagram not violating the plastic Where,
moment condition, will either be correct or S = Number of equilibrium equations = 3
too low. r = Reaction components = 4
• The equilibrium condition however has to be Dsi = Internal indeterminacy
satisfied in both the cases. Dsi = 3C for rigid jointed plane frame
c = Number of cuts required for obtaining an open
load factor = FOS × Shape Factor configuration (or) Number of closed boxes.
= 1.65 × 1.5 DS = Dse + Dsi = 1
= 2.475 Number of independent mechanism (I) = N - Ds
For ordinary steel the elastic strain is about Number of possible plastic hinges (N) = 3
1 1
12 to 15 of strain at the beginning of the strain I = 3-1 = 2
46. What is the value of kinematic indeterminacy and
44. A fixed beam of 8 meters length is subjected to a statical indeterminacy of a fixed beam respectively?
single central concentrated load. If the plastic mo- (a) 3,1 (b) 1,2 (c) 2,0 (d) 0,3
ment value is MP, the ultimate load by mechanism 46. Ans: (d)
method is: Sol:
(a) M-P (b) 2MP (c) 1.5 MP (d) 4 Mp
44. Ans: (a) At fixed support, DOF = 0
Sol: W Kinematic indeterminacy = 0
WC = 8MP/8 Ds = Dse = r- S = 6 - 3 = 3
4 m 4 m

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
12 Civil Engineering

47. What is the value of Bending Moment in kN-m at 3 49. How many simultaneous equations, you have to
m from the left support of a three-hinged parabolic solve to find the support moments for a continuous
arch of span 10 m and rise 4 m which carries a uni- two spanned beams ABC of two consecutive spans
formly distributed load of 5 kN/m over the whole AB and BC of equal length carrying uniformly dis-
span? tributed loads of 5 kN/m with end supports are sim-
(a) 27.5 (b) 120 (c) 0 (d) 225 ple supported?
47. Ans: (c) (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 3
Sol: 49. Ans: (d)
5 kN/m Sol:
5 kN/m

4m L L

H A 10 m B H
The number of simultaneous equations to be solved
in the slope deflection method is equal to kinematic
wl 2
DOF = 3 (rotation at ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’)
In this case the arch will be subjected to normal
thrust only. No bending moment and S.F at any 50. The stiffness of a member of length (L), moment
section. of inertia of the section of the member is (I) and
Young’s Modulus of the material of the member is
48. Which method of structural analysis is a Forced (E) is :
Method of analysis? (a) 3EI/L2 (b) 4EI/L
(a) Moment distribution method (c) 2EI/L (d) 4EI/L2
(b) Slope deflection method 50. Ans: (b)
(c) None of these Sol: a) Far end fixed
(d) Both of these
48. Ans: (c) A Far end
Sol: Force method of analysis: θ=1

• Method of consistent deformation M 4EI
K    L
• Three moment theorem : Claypeyron
• Column Analogy method : Hardy Cross
b) Far end hinged:
• Elastic centre method
• Maxwell – Mohr equations M=3EI/L
• Castigliano’s theorem of minimum strain A B
Far end
energy θ=1
• Flexibility matrix method
K    L

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13 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

c) If farend is a guided roller 54. A propped cantilever beam, AB fixed at B is sub-

jected to the action of a couple of moment MA at
A B the end A. What is the value of reactive moment MB
Far end
will be induced at the built-in end B?
EI (a) MB = MA/4 (b) MB = MA
K= L
(c) MB = MA/8 (d) MB = MA/2
d) If farend is a roller 54. Ans: (d)
M Sol: M/2
Far end

K = 0
M 55. Choose the correct statement:
A B (a) At the point of contra flexure the shear force
Far end
L changes sign
(b) At the point of contra flexure the bending mo-
K= L ment is not zero
(c) At the point of contra flexure the bending mo-
51. What is the value of the bending moment at built-in ment is maximum
ends of a prismatic beam of length L, carrying sin- (d) At the point of contra flexure, the gradient of
gle concentrated load P at the middle? elastic line changes sign
(a) PL/4 (b) PL/8 (c) 3PL/8 (d) PL/2 55. Ans: (d)
51. Ans: (b)
Sol: P 56. The basic perfect frame is a:
A B (a) Triangle (b) Rectangle

(FEM)AB = −
PL 2 2
PL (c) Square (d) Hexagon
8 8
56. Ans: (a)
52. The deflection at the free end of a cantilever of
Length (L) and moment of inertia of its cross-sec-
tion (I) and Young’s modulus of the material is (E),
subjected to uniformly distributed load of “w” is:
(a) wL4/30 EI (b) wL4/8EI The basic perfect frame is a triangle.
(c) wL4/2EI (d) wL4/48EI
52. Ans: (b) 57. Method of joints is applicable only when the num-
ber of unknown forces at the joint under consider-
53. The slope at the end of the simple supported beam of ation is not more than:
length (L), subjected to concentrated load (P), mo- (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
ment of inertia of its cross-section (I) and Young’s 57. Ans: (b)
modulus of the material is (E) is : Sol:
(a) PL2­/16 EI (b) PL2/24EI • At every joint two equation of equilibrium,
(c) PL2/48EI (d) PL2/8EI ∑V = 0, ∑H = 0 are available and so at one
53. Ans: (a)

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14 Civil Engineering

joint two unknowns can be evaluated. Case 1: If far end is fixed

• Method of joints is suitable only when two M/2 1
COF = M = 2
unknown forces at a joint.
Case 2: If far end is hinged
58. The degree of static indeterminacy of a rigid-joint- 0
COF = M = 0
ed space frame is where m, r and j are unknown as
member forces, r is unknown as reaction compo- Case 3: If far end is guided roller
nents and j is a number of joints: -M
C.O.M = M = - 1
(a) M + r - 2j (b) M + r -3j
(c) 3m + r - 3j (d) 6m + r - 6j
61. The moment required to rotate the near end of a
58. Ans: (d)
prismatic beam through a unit angle without trans-
Sol: Ds = (6m +r) -6j , for rigid jointed space frame
lation, the far end being simply supported, is given
m = Number of member forces
by (where EI is the flexural rigidity and L is span of
r = Reaction components.
(a) 3EI/L (b) 4EI/L (c) 2EI/L (d) EI/L
59. Castigliano’s first theorem is applicable:
61. Ans: (a)
(a) For statically determinate structures only
(b) When the system behaves elastically
(c) Only when principle of superposition is valid
Far end
(d) For statically indeterminate structures only θ=1
59. Ans: (b)
Sol: Castigliano’s first theorem applies to both elastic M 3EI
K    L
and inelastic material behaviour.
Castigliano’s first theorem use full in analyzing
62. If the sinking of a support of a fixed beam causes
statically indeterminate structures.
the beam to rotate in the clockwise direction, then
Castigliano’s Second Theorem
the moments induced at both the ends of the beam
• Useful for finding the deflections of statically
will be:
determinate structures.
(a) In anticlockwise direction and of equal magni-
• Applicable only when principle of super
position is valid.
(b) In clockwise direction and of different magni-
60. The carry over factor in a prismatic member whose
(c) In opposite directions and of equal magnitude
far end is hinged is :
(d) In opposite directions and of different magni-
(a) 0 (b) 1/2 (c) 3/4 (d) 1
60. Ans: (a)
62. Ans: (a)
Sol: Carry Over Factor (COF):
Sol: w
It is defined as the ratio of the moment at the far end ∆
to the moment at the rotating near end. L

]FEMgAB = − 6EI2∆ ]FEMg BA = − 6EI2∆

carry over moment at far end L L
COF = applied moment at near end

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15 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

63. The Muller-Breslau principle can be used to: • While the other elements may be positive or
(a) Determine the shape of the influence line negative, the elements lying on the leading
(b) Indicates the parts of the structure to be loaded diagonal are always positive.
to obtain the maximum effect
(c) Calculate the ordinates of the influence lines 66. Due to some point load anywhere on a fixed beam,
(d) All these are correct the maximum free bending moment is M. The sum
63. Ans: (a) of fixed end moment is:
Sol: The use of Muller - Breslau principle for drawing (a) M (b) 1.5 M
the influence line for the reaction, shear, and (c) 2.0 M (d) 3.0 M
moment at a point in a statically determinate beam. 66. Ans: (a)
Sol: P
64. To generate the jth column of the flexibility matrix: A B
(a) A unit force is applied at coordinate j and the
2 PL
PL 2 (FEM)BA =
displacements are calculated at all coordinates 8 8

(b) A unit displacement is applied to coordinate j

and the forces are calculated at all coordinates P
(c) A unit force is applied at coordinate j and the A B
forces are calculated at all coordiantes 2 2

(d) A unit displacement is applied at coordinate j The maximum free bending moment (M)
and the displacements are calculated at all co- PL
= 4

64. Ans: (a) PL PL
The sum of fixed end moments = 8 + 8
Sol: To generate the ‘j’th column of flexibility matrix,
= PL/4
we apply a unit force at co-ordinate ‘J’ only and
compute displacement at all the co-ordinates.

65. For stable structures, one of the important proper- 67. In the slope deflection equations, the deformations
ties of flexibility and stiffness matrices is that the are considered to be caused by:
element of main diagonal: (a) Shear force
(a) Of a stiffness and flexibility matrix must be (b) Bending moment
negative (c) Axial force
(b) Of a stiffness matrix must be negative and (d) Bending moment and shear force both
flexibility matrix must be positive 67. Ans: (b)
(c) Of a stiffness matrix must be positive and flex- Sol: In this method, it is assumed that deformations are
ibility matrix must be negative caused due to bending moment only and axial
(d) Of a stiffness and flexibility matrix must be deformation are neglected.
65. Ans: (d) 68. An ordinate in a funicular polygon represents:
Sol: (a) Shear force (b) Resultant force
• While the other elements of the flexibility (c) Bending moment (d) Equilibrium
matrix may be positive or negative, the 68. Ans: (c)
elements lying on the leading diagonal are Sol: The shape of the loaded chord is same as that of
always positive. BMD or funicular polygon.

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17 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

69. The number of independent equations to be satis- 73. The strain energy stored in a simply supported
fied for static equilibrium of a space structure is : beam of length “L” and flexural rigidity EI due to a
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6 central concentrated load “W” is:
69. Ans: (d) (a) W2L3/ 48 EI (b) W3L2/ 48 EI
(c) W2L3/ 96 EI (d) W3L2/ 96 EI
70. Independent displacement at each joint of a rig- 73. Ans: (c)
id-jointed plane frame are: Sol:
(a) Three linear movements
(b) Two linear movements and one rotation L/2 L/2 W 2 L3
(c) One linear movement and two rotations U=
(d) Three rotations
70. Ans: (b)
Sol: Independent displacement components or degree of 74. The strain energy of a structure due to bending is
freedom for different types of joints: given by:
(a) ∫ (M2 dx/EI) (b) 0.5 ∫(M2 dx /EI)
Type of Joint Degree of Freedom (c) ∫ 0.5 (M2dx/EI) (d) 0.33 ∫ (M2dx/EI)
Pin joint of a plane frame 2 (Translations) 74. Ans: (B &C) L

# M2
Sol: Strain Energy (U) = dx
Pin joint of a space frame 3 (Translations) 2EI

Rigid joint of a plane frame 3 (one rotation and

two translations) 75. A simple supported beam AB of length “L = 3 m”.
Rigid joint of a space frame 6 (3 rotations and 3 If the displacement at one-third length from the
translations) right hand support, at point D, due to load “W” at
1.0 m from left hand support, at point C is 5 mm,
71. Degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed then the displacement at C due to a load of 0.2 W at
plane frame is given by (where j is number of joints D will be:
and r is unknown reactions): (a) 1 mm (b) 2 mm
(a) 2j - r (b) j - 2r (c) 5 mm (d) 25 mm
(c) 3j - r (d) 2j + r 75. Ans: (a)
71. Ans: (a) WkN
Sol: D k = 2j–r , for pin jointed plane frames.
5 mm
72. A beam of length “L” fixed at A and B of uniform
flexural rigidity carries two loads “P” at one-third
interval of span length C and D respectively. The
maximum bending moment will occur:
(a) At C and D and will be equal to 2PL/9 A B
(δ c )
(b) Between C and D and will be equal to PL/9
(c) At A and at B and will be equal to 2PL/9
(d) Between A and C and also between B and D
will be equal to PL/9 Maxwell Betties theorem
72. Ans: (b) Virtual work done by the Ist loading due to
displacement caused by IInd loading is equal
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18 Civil Engineering

to virtual work done by the IInd loading due to 79. A simply supported beam of length L over hanged
displacement caused by Ist loading. to the right by L/2 at support B. The maximum re-
W × dc = 0.2W × 5 action at support B will be when the uniformly dis-
dc = 1 mm tributed load is loaded:
(a) Only in AB (b) Only in BC
76. A propped cantilever AB is fixed at A and simply (c) Entire span (d) None of these
supported at B. If a 1 kN concentrated load is acting 79. Ans: (c)
at B what is the vertical reaction at support A? Sol:
(a) 0 kN (b) 1 kN W kN/m
(c) 0.5 kN (d) 2 kN
76. Ans: (a) L/2 L/2
1 kN
A B A 1
ILD for RB
To get the max reaction at B, place the UDL over
entire span
77. The principle of virtual work can be applied to elas- Max reaction at B = Intensity of UDL × Area of
tic system by considering the virtual work of: ILD under the UDL.
(a) Internal force only = w : 1 # L # 2D
(b) External force only = wL kN
(c) Internal as well as external forces
(d) None of these 80. The element of flexibility matrix of a structure:
77. Ans: (c) (a) Are dependent on the choice of coordinates
(b) Are independent on the choice of coordinates
78. If one end of prismatic beam AB of length “L” (c) Are always dimensionally homogenous
with flexural rigidity “EI” with fixed ends is given (d) Both (a) and (c) are correct
a transverse displacement ∆ without any rotation, 80. Ans: (a)
then the transverse reactions at A and B due to dis- Sol: The elements of a flexibility matrix are not
placement is : necessarily dimensionally homogeneous a they
(a) 6EI∆ /L2 (b) 6EI∆ /L3 represent either a translation or a rotation due to a
(c) 12EI∆ /L2 (d) 12I∆ /L2 unit load or so a couple.
78. Ans: (No Ans)
Sol: B 81. In limit state design of concrete for flexure, the area
6EIδ of stress block diagram is taken as 9 where fck is
2 δ characteristic compressive strength of concrete and
Xu is depth of neutral axis from top of the section:
(a) 0.36 fck Xu (b) 0.42 fck Xu
12EIδ 2
(c) 0.446 fckXu (d) 0.56 fck Xu
3 12EIδ 81. Ans: (a)

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19 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

82. In limit state method, balanced design of a rein- 87. Concordant profile represents for a certain set of ex-
forced concrete beam gives: ternal loads to some scale, the:
(a) Smallest concrete section and maximum area (a) Bending moment diagram
of reinforcement (b) Williot-Mohr diagram
(b) Largest concrete section and maximum area of (c) Shear force diagram
reinforcement (d) Influence line diagram
(c) Smallest concrete section and minimum area 87. Ans: (a)
of reinforcement
(d) Largest concrete section and minimum area of 88. For prestressed structural elements, high strength
reinforcement concrete is used primarily because
82. Ans: (a) (a) Both shrinkage and creep are more
(b) Shrinkage is less but creep is more
83. The development length of bars of diameter φ, as (c) Modulus of elasticity and creep is more
per IS: 456-2000 is given by (d) Of high modulus of elasticity and low
(a) 4φσs/ τbd (b) φσs/ τbd creep

(c) 2φσs/ 3τbd (d) φσs/ 3τbd 88. Ans: (d)
83. Ans: (*) Sol: For high strength concrete modulus of elasticity is
high but low creep.
84. In prestressed concrete:
(a) Forces of tension and compression change but
89. For bars in tension, a standard hook has an
lever arm remains unchanged
anchorage value equivalent to a straight length of
(b) Forces of tension and compression remain un-
(where f is diameter of hook)
changed but lever arm changes with the mo-
(a) 8f (b) 12f (c) 16f (d) 24f
89. Ans: (c)
(c) Both forces of tension and compression and
lever arm changes
(d) Both forces of tension and compression and
lever arm remain unchanged
Anchorage values for standard U type hook is
84. Ans: (b)
85. Modulus of rupture of concrete is a measure of:
90. The relation between modulus of rupture fcr,
(a) Flexural tensile strength
splitting strength fcs and direct tensile strength fct is
(b) Direct tensile strength
given by
(c) Compressive strength
(a) fcr = fcs = fct (b) fcr > fcs > fct
(d) Split tensile strength
(c) fcr < fcs < fct (d) fcs > fcr > fct
85. Ans: (a)
90. Ans: (b)
86. According to IS: 456 - 2000, the maximum strain in Sol: fs = 3 fcr
concrete at the outermost compression fibre in the fcr > fcs > fct
limit state design of flexural member is:
(a) 0.0020 (b) 0.0035 91. Yield line theory result in
(c) 0.0050 (d) 0.0065 (a) Elastic solution (b) Lower bound solution
86. Ans: (b) (c) Upper bound solution (d) Unique solution

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20 Civil Engineering

91. Ans: (c) Sol: Limit state of serviceability

• Deflection
92. A reduction factor Cr to load carrying capacity of a • Crack width
long column is given by • Vibrations
(a) Cr = (1.25 – Le/24b) (b) Cr = (1.00 – Le/48b)
(c) Cr = (1.25 – Le/48b) (d) Cr = (1.5 – Le/48b) 97. For the deflection of simply supported beam to
92. Ans: (c) be within permissible limits the ratio of its span
to effective depth as per IS:456-1978 should not
93. The effect of creep on modular ratio is exceed
(a) To decrease it (a) 7 (b) 20 (c) 26 (d) 35
(b) To increase it 97. Ans: (b)
(c) Either to decrease or to increase it Sol: Span to effective depth ratio for simply supported
(d) To keep it unchanged beam to satisfy vertical deflection limit is d = 20
93. Ans: (d, a)
Sol: Modular ratio in WSM 98. Most common method of prestressing used for

m  3 factory production is
(a) Long lime method (b) Freyssinet system
Long term modular ratio
(c) Magnet-Blaton system (d) Lee-Macall system
m  E s  Es 98. Ans: (a)
ce c
1   Sol: Pretensioning method is also called long line
q → Creep coefficient method. It is suitable for short span and mass
94. For walls, columns and vertical faces of all structural
members, the form work is generally removed after 99. Shrinkage deflection in case of rectangular beams
(a) 24 to 48 hours (b) 3 days and slabs can be eliminated by putting
(c) 7 days (d) 14 days (a) Compression steel equal to tensile steel
94. Ans: (a) (b) Compression steel more than tensile steel
(c) Compression steel less than tensile steel
95. The maximum compressive stress in concrete for (d) Compression steel 25% more than tensile steel
design purposes is based on a partial safety factor of 99. Ans: (a)
(a) 1.15 (b) 1.50 (c) 1.85 (d) 2.20 Sol: Shrinkage deflection can be eliminated by putting
95. Ans: (b) tension steel is equal to compression steel.
Sol: For design the partial safety factor for concrete is
1.5 100. In the limit state method of design, the failure
96. In the design of prestressed concrete structures, criterion for reinforced concrete beams and columns
which of the following limit state will come under is
the limit state of serviceability? (a) Maximum principal theory
(i) Flexure (ii) Shear (b) Maximum principal strain theory
(iii) Deflection (iv) Cracking (c) Maximum shear theory
(a) (i) and (iv) (b) (iii) and (iv) (d) Maximum strain energy theory
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iii) 100. Ans: (b)
96. Ans: (b)

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21 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

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22 Civil Engineering

101. The design yield stress of steel according to IS:456- 106. Which one of the following statements is correct?
1978 is (a) Maximum longitudinal reinforcement in an
(b) 0.37 fy (b) 0.57 fy axially loaded short column is 6% of gross
(c) 0.67 fy (d) 0.87 fy sectional area
101. Ans: (*) (b) Columns with circular section are provided
Sol: Design of yield stress = 0.87 fy transverse reinforcement helical type only
(c) Spacing of lateral ties can not be more than 16
102. Pre-stressing losses in post-tensioned and pre- times the diameter of the bar
tensioned beams are respectively (c) Longitudinal reinforcement bar need not be in
(a) 15% and 20% (b) 20% and 15% contact with lateral ties
(c) 15% and 15% (d) 20% and 20% 106. Ans: (a)
102. Ans: (b) Sol: Maximum longitudinal reinforcement to an axially
loaded short column is 6% of gross cross section
103. In limit state of design, the maximum limit imposed
by IS:456-1978 on the redistribution of moments in
statically indeterminate beams is 107. Limit state of serviceability for deflection including
(a) 10% (b) 15% (c) 20% (d) 30% the effects due to creep, shrinkage and temperature
103. Ans: (d) occurring after erection of partitions and application
Sol: The maximum limit imposed on the redistribution of finishes as applicable to floors and roofs is
of moments in statically indeterminate beams is restricted to
30% (a) Span/150 (b) Span/200
(c) Span/250 (d) Span/350
104. At limit state of collapse in shear, in case of web
107. Ans: (d)
shear cracks, it is assumed that the concrete cracks
Sol: The deflection including the effects of temperature,
when the maximum principal tensile stress exceeds
creep and shrinkage occurring after erection
a value of ft equal to
partitions and application of fine shear should not
(a) 0.24 fck (b) 0.20 fck span
exceed 350 (or) 20 mm which ever is smaller.
(c) 0.16 fck (d) 0.30 fck
104. Ans: (a) 108. Flexural collapse in over reinforced beams is due to
Sol: Maximum principal tensile stress should not exceed (a) Primary compression failure
0.24 fck (b) Secondary compression failure
(c) Primary tension failure
105. Minimum clear cover (in mm) to the main steel bars (d) Bond failure
in slab, beam, column and footing respectively are 108. Ans: (a)
(a) 10, 15, 20, 25 (b) 15, 25, 40, 75 Sol: Primary compression failure is due to flexure
(c) 20, 25, 30, 40 (d) 20, 35, 40, 75
105. Ans: (b) 109. Approximate value of shrinkage strain in concrete
Sol: As per IS:456-2000 minimum cover is
As per old code (a) 0.003 (b) 0.0003
Slab: 20 mm : : 15 mm (c) 0.00003 (d) 0.03
Beam: 25 mm : 25 mm 109. Ans: (b)
Column: 40 mm : 40 mm Sol: As per IS:456-2000, the value of shrinkage strain in
Footing : 50 mm : 75 mm concrete is 0.0003 (or) 3 ×10–4.
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23 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

110. According to IS:456-1978, the modulus of elasticity 114. As per IS:875, for the purposes of specifying basic
of concrete Ec (in N/mm2) can be taken as wind velocity, the country has been divided into
(a) E c = 5700 fck (b) E c = 570 fck (a) 4 zones (b) 5 zones
(c) E c = 5700fck (d) E c = 700 fck (c) 6 zones (d) 7 zones
110. Ans: (a) 114. Ans: (c)
Sol: As per IS:456-1978, the modulus of elasticity of Sol: As per IS 815 (Part 3). For the purposes of
concrete is E c = 5700 fck specifying. Basic wind velocity the country has
been divided into 6 zones.
111. The lacing bars in steel column should be designed
to resist 115. The thickness of web for unstiffened plate girder
(a) Bending moment due to 2.5% of the column with clear distance “d” between the flanges shall
load not be less than
(b) Shear force due to 2.5% of the column load (a) d/200 (b) d/85 (c) d/100 (d) d/160
(c) 2.5% of the column load only 115. Ans: (b)
(d) Both (a) and (b) Sol: As per IS 800 : 1984 Clause 67.3.1. The thickness
111. Ans: (b) of the web plate shall be not less than the greater of
Sol: As per IS 800-1984 clause The having
of compression members shall be proportioned to d va, cal d 6y d
816 & 1344 but not less than 85 for
resist a total transverse shear ‘V’ equal to atleast
unstiffened webs. Where d is depth of web.
2.5% of the axial force in the member.
116. At a section along the span of a welded plate girder,
112. As per IS;800, the maximum bending moment for
where the web is sliced, the bending moment is M.
design of purlins can be taken as (where W is total
If the girder has top flange, web and bottom flange
distributed load including the wind load on the
plates of equal area, then the shear of the bending
purlins and L is centre distance of support)
moment which would be taken by the splice plates
(a) WL/6 (b) WL/8
would be
(c) WL/10 (d) WL/12
(a) M (b) M/3 (c) M/7 (d) M/13
112. Ans: (c)
116. Ans: (c)
Sol: As per IS 800-1984 clause 6.9.2. The maximum
WL Sol: Moment taken by splice plate = Moment taken by
bending moment in a purlin may be taken as 10
web plate
Where W is the total distributed load on the purlin
including wind load. t

113. The number of seismic zones in which the country B t
has been divided are
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
113. Ans: (b) B
Sol: As per IS 1893 (Part I)-1970. Based on the levels
Mw M
of intensities sustained during damaging past Iw = I
earthquakes, the zone map subdivided India into 5 t.B3
∴ I W = 12
I = M.I of entire plate

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24 Civil Engineering

119. Ans: (a)

I = = Bt + Bt # c B + 2t m G + ; t 12B E
3 2 3
# Sol: As per IS 800 : 1984, Battens shall be designed to

12 2
carry the bending moment and shears arising from
7tB3 transverse shear force ‘V’ of 2.5% of the total axial
I = 12
I force on the whole compression member.
M W = IW # M
M 120. The channels or angles in the compression chords
M W = 12 3 # M = 7
7tB of the steel truss girder bridges are turned outward
12 in order to increase

MW = 7 (a) Cross-sectional area (b) Section modulus
(c) Torsional constant (d) Radius of gyration
117. Given that the effective area of a tension member is 120. Ans: (d)
Ae and the yield stress is sy. In order to obtain the Sol: Channels or Angles in the compression chords of
ultimate strength of the tension member, as per the the steel truss girder bridges are turned outward
plastic design concept A e sy is to be multiplied by in order to increase the radius of gyration which
(a) 1.1 (b) 0.95 (c) 0.85 (d) 0.75 reduces the slenderness ratio of the member. Hence
117. Ans: (c) it increase resistance against buckling.
Sol: The maximum load capacity of tension member is
0.85 Acfy 121. The effective length of a structural steel compression
For compression member the load capacity is 1.7 Ac of length “L” effectively held in position and
σac. restrained against rotation at one end but neither
held in position nor restrained against rotation at
118. For a compression member with double angle the other end is member
section, which of the following section will give (a) L (b) 1.2L (c) 1.5L (d) 2.0L
larger value of minimum radius of gyration? 121. Ans: (d)
(a) Equal angles back to back Sol: As per IS 800 Table 5.2
(b) Unequal legged angles with long legs back to For compression member with one end fixed &
back other free.
(c) Unequal legged angle with short legs back to
(d) Both (b) and (c)
118. Ans: (b)
Sol: For a Double Angle section back to back it is
desirable to use unequal angles with the long legs
back to back to achieve a balance between radius of
gyration values about zz and yy axes.

119. Battens provided for a compression member shall Effective length = 2 × Unsupported length
be designed to carry a transverse shear equal to
(a) 2.5% of axial force in member 122. A column base is subjected to moment. If the
(b) 5% of axial force in member intensity of bearing pressure due to axial load is
(c) 10% of axial force in member equal to stress due to the moment, then the bearing
(d) 20% of axial force in member pressure between the base and concrete is

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25 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

(a) Uniform compression throughout Sol: In plate girders, intermediate transverse stiffners
(b) Zero at one end and compression at the other are provided to increase buckling resistance of web
end in Diagonal or shear buckling.
(c) Tension at one end and compression at the
other end 125. Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder
(d) Uniform tension throughout need to be provided, if the depth of web exceeds
122. Ans: (b) (“t” is thickness of web)
Sol: (a) 50t (b) 85t (c) 200t (d) 250t
125. Ans: (b)
Sol: Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder are
needed when the depth of web exceeds 85 kW.

= + 126. The range of economical spacing of trusses varies

from (where L is span)
(a) L/3 to L/5 (b) L/4 to 2L/5
(c) L/3 to L/2 (d) 2L/5 to 3L/5
σc 126. Ans: (a)
Sol: The spacing of the truss depends on the type truss
σT used, the truss span, the function of boilding, the
subsoil conditions etc.
1 1
A good thumb rule for the turss spacing is 5 to 3
of their span.

127. In case of plastic design, the calculated maximum
shear capacity of a beam as per IS:800 shall be
(where Aw effective cross-sectional area resisting
123. Economical depth of a plate girder is given by shear and fy is the yield stress of the steel)
(a) 0.55 Aw fy (b) 0.65 Aw fy
(a) (M/t w) (b) 1.1 (M/t w)

(c) 0.75 Aw fy (d) 0.85 Aw fy
(c) 1.2 (M/t w) (d) 1.3 (M/t w) 127. Ans: (a)
123. Ans: (b) Sol: The maximum shear capacity of beam column is
Sol: Economical depth of plate girder (d) (The depth at 0.55 Awfy where Aw is the effective cross-sectional
which weight of girder is minimum) area resisting shear.
For riveted plate girder, D = 1.1 .t w
128. Bearing stiffener in a plate girder is used to
124. Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented (a) Transfer the load from the top flange to the
by using bottom one
(a) Vertical intermediate stiffener (b) Prevent buckling of web
(b) Horizontal stiffener along the neutral axis (c) Decrease the effective depth of web
(c) Bearing stiffener (d) Prevent excessive deflection
(d) None of the these 128. Ans: (b)
124. Ans: (a)

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26 Civil Engineering

Sol: Bearing stiffners are provided at the points of 133. According to IS specification, the compressive
concentrated loads and at support to resist reactions strength of ordinary Portland cement after three
bearing stiffners are provided to avoid local bending days should not be less than
failure of the flange, web crippling & buckling of (a) 7 MPa (b) 11.5 MPa
web. (c) 16 MPa (d) 21 MPa
133. Ans: (c or d)
129. As per IS:800, for compression flange, the outstand Sol: For 33 grade OPC, the 3-day strength should not be
of flange plates should not exceed, if “t” is thickness less than 16 MPa and for 43 grade OPC, the 3-day
of thinnest flange plate strength should not be less than 21 MPa.
(a) 12t (b) 16t (c) 20t (d) 25t
129. Ans: (b) 134. Which of the following cements is suitable for use
Sol: As per IS 800 - 1984, clause 3.5-2.1 for compression in massive concrete structures such as large dams?
flange, the outstand of flange plates should not (a) Ordinary Portland Cement
exceed 16t, where t is the thickness of the flange of (b) Low Heat Cement
a section or of a plate. (c) Rapid Hardening Cement
(d) Sulphate Resisting Cement
130. Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to 134. Ans: (b)
safeguard against Sol: For the construction of mass concrete structures
(a) Shear buckling of web plate like dams, cements with low heat of hydration are
(b) Compression buckling of web plate preferred Ex: Low heat cement, Portland Pozzolana
(c) Yielding Cement, Blast Furnace Slag Cement, etc.
(d) All of these
130. Ans: (b) 135. The slump recommended for mass concrete is about
Sol: Horizontal stiffners in a plate girder is provided to (a) 25 mm to 50 mm (b) 50 mm to 100 mm
safe guard against compression buckling of web (c) 100 mm to 125 mm (d) 125 mm to 150 mm
plate. 135. Ans: (a)
Sol: Concrete for road construction 20 to 40 mm.
131. The most common admixture which is used to Concrete for tops of curbs, parapets, piers, slabs
retarder in cement is and wall 40 to 50 mm.
(a) Gypsum (b) Calcium chloride Concrete for canal lining 70 to 80 mm.
(c) Calcium carbonate (d) None of these Normal RCC work 80 to 150 mm.
131. Ans: (a) Mass concrete 20 to 50 mm.
Sol: Gypsum and Common Sugar are the admixtures
generally used as retarders. 136. The most common admixture which is used to
accelerate the initial set of concrete
132. Which of the following test is sued to determinate (A Gypsum (b) Calcium Chloride
the rate of wear of stones? (c) Calcium Carbonate (d) None of these
(a) Crushing test (b) Abrasion test 136. Ans: (c)
(c) Attrition test (d) Impact test Sol: Calcium Chloride is the most commonly used
132. Ans: (c) admixture to accelerate initial strength of concrete.
Sol: To determine the rate of wear of stones Attrition
Test is done using Deval’s testing machine.

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28 Civil Engineering

137. Which of the following cements contains maximum 142. Doglegged stairs are
percentage of dicalcium silicate? (a) Half turn stairs
(a) Ordinary Portland Cement (b) Quarter turn stairs
(b) Lowe Heat Cement (c) Straight stairs
(c) Rapid Hardening Cement (d) Three quarter turn stairs
(d) Sulphate Resisting Cement 142. Ans: (a)
137. Ans: (b) Sol: Doglegged stairs are half turn stairs.
Sol: Low heat cement contains high C2S and low C3S
content compared to OPC. 143. The type of windows provided on the stopping side
of a pitched root is called
138. Number of bricks required for one cubic meter of (a) Dormer window (b) Gable window
brick masonry is (c) Lantern (d) None of these
(a) 400 (b) 450 (c) 500 (d) 550 143. Ans: (c)
138. Ans: (c) Sol: Windows provided on the sloping roof are called
Sol: Nominal size of a modular brick = 20 × 10 × 10 cm. lantern windows.
Number of bricks required for 1 cum of masonry
= 1 / 0.2 × 0.1 × 0.1 = 500. 144. Sum of tread and rise must lie between
(a) 300 mm to 350 mm (b) 400 mm to 450 mm
139. Distemper is used to coat (c) 500 mm to 550 mm (d) 600 mm to 650 mm
(a) Compound wall 144. Ans: (b)
(b) Wood work 145. The function of king post in a king post roof truss is
(c) External concrete surface (a) To support the frame work of the roof
(d) Interior surfaces not exposed to weather (b) To receive the ends of principal rafter
139. Ans: (d) (c) To prevent the walls from spreading outward
Sol: Distemper is a powder made paint. So it is not used (d) To prevent the tie beam from sagging at its
for the external purpose. centre
145. Ans: (b)
140. Neoprene is suitable for use in
(a) Bearings of bridge (b) Floors of dance hall 146. The pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for
(c) Joinery work (d) Coating of floor (a) Coastal regions (b) Pain regions
140. Ans: (a) (c) Covering large areas (d) All of these
Sol: Neoprene is generally used for making bearings of 146. Ans: (a)
147. The lintels are preferred to arches because
141. Minimum width of landing should be (a) Arches require more head-room to span the
(a) Equal to width of stairs opening like doors and windows
(b) Half the width of stairs (b) Arches require strong abutments to withstand
(c) Twice the width of stairs arch thrust
(d) One-fourth the width of stairs (c) Arches are difficult to construct
141. Ans: (a) (d) All of these
Sol: The minimum width of landing should be equal to 147. Ans: (d)
the width of the stairs.

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29 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

148. The type of footing which is sued to transmit heavy 153. The type of bond provided in brick masonry for
loads through steel column is carrying heavy load is
(a) Raft foundation (b) Grillage foundation (a) English bond (b) Single Flemish bond
(c) Well foundation (d) Isolated footing (c) Double Flemish bond (d) Zigzag bond
148. Ans: (b) 153. Ans: (a)
Sol: English bond is the strongest bond. Hence, it is
149. In case of foundation on black cotton soils, the most generally used for load bearing constructions.
suitable method to increase the bearing capacity of
the soil is 154. Paints with white lead base are suitable for painting
(a) Increase the depth of foundation of
(b) Drain the soil (a) Wood work
(c) Compact the soil (b) Iron work
(d) Replace the poor soil (c) Both wood work and iron work
149. Ans: (b) (d) None of these
Sol: Generally, before the construction of foundations 154. Ans: (a)
on black cotton soil sand bed is laid to act as a Sol: Lead based paints are most suitable for wood works.
drainage layer. Drainage of water decreases the
swelling nature of this soil. 155. The role of super plasticizer in a cement paste is to
150. A queen closer is a (a) Disperse the particle
(a) Brick laid with its length parallel to the face or (b) Disperse the particle and to remove the air
direction of wall bubbles
(b) Brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face (c) Retard setting
or direction of wall (d) Disperse the particle and to remove the air
(c) Brick having the same length and depth as the bubbles and to retard setting
other bricks but half the breadth 155. Ans: (d)
(d) Brick with half the width at one end and full
width at the other 156. For a given environment, the most significant factor
150. Ans: (c) that influences the total shrinkage of concrete is
(a) Cement content of mix
151. Le Chatelier’s device is used for determining the (b) Total amount of water added at the time of
(a) Setting time of cement mixing
(b) Soundness of system (c) Size of the member concreted
(c) Tensile strength of cement (d) Maximum size of the coarse aggregate used
(d) Compressive strength of cement 156. Ans: (b)
151. Ans: (b)

152. The ultimate tensile strength of structural mild steel 157. A good brick, when immersed in water for 24 hours,
is about should not absorb more than
(a) 130 N/mm2 (b) 260 N/mm2 (a) 20% of its dry weight
(c) 420 N/mm
(d) 840 N/mm2 (b) 30% of its saturated weight
152. Ans: (c) (c) 10% of its dry weight
Sol: The yield strength of Mild Steel is around 250 N/ (d) 20% of its saturated weight
mm2 and its ultimate strength is around 420 N/mm2.

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31 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

157. Ans: (a) 162. In estimation of earthwork the measurements shall

Sol: A first class brick should not have water absorption be taken separately for what lead and height?
more than 20% of its dry weight. (a) 30 m, 15 m (b) 25 m, 2.0 M
(c) 20 m, 1.0 m (d) 40 m, 3.0 m
158. The approximate ratio between the strength of
162. Ans: (a)
cement concrete at 7 days and 28 days is
Sol: Lead → 30 m
(a) 3/4 (b) 2/3 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/3
Lift → 1.5 m
158. Ans: (b)

159. If X is the standard consistency of cement, the 163. In long wall and short wall method of estimation
amount of water used in conducting the initial which one of the following is correct?
setting time test on cement is (a) Short wall length in-to-in = centre to centre
(a) 0.65X (b) 0.85X (c) 0.6X (d) 0.8X length – one breadth
159. Ans: (b) (b) Short wall length in-to-in = centre to centre
length + one breadth
160. For complete hydration of cement the water/cement (c) Long wall length out-to-out = centre to centre
ratio needed is length + one breadth
(a) Less than 0.25 (d) Long wall length out-to-out = centre to centre
(b) More than 0.25 but less than 0.35 length – two breadth
(c) More than 0.35 but less than 0.45 163. Ans: (a & c)
(d) More than 0.45 but less than 0.55
160. Ans: (c) 164. Revised estimate is a detailed estimate and is
Sol: Water required for complete chemical reaction with required to be prepared under the condition when
cement particles is around 23%. (a) The original estimate exceeds or likely to
Water required for filling the gel pores of cement is exceed by more than specified in OPWD
around 15%. manual
Hence, for complete hydration of cement the water (b) The expenditure on a work exceeds or likely to
percentage should be around 38%. exceed the amount of administrative sanction
161. Approximate cost of building commonly estimated as specified in OPWD manual
by (c) There are material deviation from the original
(a) Service unit method proposal even though the cost may be met
(b) Comparison of costs at relative dates from the sanctioned strength
(c) Rough grouped quantities or elemental bill (d) Any or all such case prevails
method 164. Ans: (d)
(d) All of these methods
161. Ans: (a) 165. The Schedule of Rates is prepared based on
Sol: Approximate method of estimation (a) Analysis of rates
1. Service unit method (b) Experience
2. Plinth area method (c) General abstract of cost
3. Cubical rate method (d) Building cost index
4. Elemental bill method 165. Ans: (a)
5. Bay method Sol: Analysis of rates is done to prepare schedule of
6. Cost comparison method rates.

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33 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

166. In analysis of rates which is/are included from the 169. The earthwork quantities are calculated
following? (a) By mid-sectional method
(a) Cost of quantities of materials (b) By mean-sectional method
(b) Cost of labour and other miscellaneous (c) By Prismodial method
expenditures (c) All of these
(c) Contractor’s profit 169. Ans: (d)
(d) All of these
166. Ans: (d) 170. The detailed estimate of the cost of the project is
Sol: Rate analysis include done by
1. Cost of labour wages (a) Unit-quantity method
2. Cost of material (b) Total-quantity method
3. Overhead charges (c) BOOQ method
4. Location of silt (d) By first two methods
5. Constructor’s profit 170. Ans: (b)
Sol: Detailed estimate is done by total quality method.
167. In 1.0 cubic meter of 1:2:4 cement concrete, how
many bags of cement (approximately) is required? 171. Which of the following is a weakness of bar chart?
(a) 6.6 (b) 16.6 (a) Interdependencies of activities
(c) 26.6 (d) 36.6 (b) Project progress
167. Ans: (a) (c) Uncertainties
Sol: Given (d) All of these
1:2:4 cement = 1/7 171. Ans: (d)
Volume of wet cement concrete = 1.54 m3 Sol: Bar chart short comings
Volume of 50 kg cement bag = 0.035 m3 1. Lack of inter-dependencies of activities
1# 2. Critical path cannot be found
Volume of cement share in=
concrete 7= 1.54 0.22 m3
3. Project progress cannot be monitored
Number of Cement= bags 0=
0.22 4. Uncertainties in activity time cannot be analyzed
.035 6.33 bags
by bar chart
168. In case of approximate estimation, which one is 172. Cost slope
correct? (a) (Crash cost – normal cost)/crash time
(a) It gives a rough idea of the probable expenditure (b) (Crash cost/(normal time – crash time)
for project financing (c) (Crash cost–normal cost)/normal time
(b) It is used for administrative approval for the (d) (Crash cost – normal cost)/ (normal time–crash
project time)
(c) It is sued for valuation and rent fixation 172. Ans: (d)
(d) All of these
168. Ans: (d) 173. The PERT calculations yield a project length of
Sol: Uses of approximate estimate 50 weeks, with a variance of 9. Within how many
1. It gives rough idea of cost of project weeks would you expect the project to be completed
2. To get administrating approval with probability of 95%, take probability factor Z
3. To decide between completing projects equal to 1.65 for 95% probability
4. For valuation & rent fixation (a) 54.95 (b) 56.6 (c) 60 (d) 70
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35 OPSC_19_AEE_P1_Solutions

173. Ans: (a) 178. Free float is mainly used to

T -T T - 50 (a) Identify the activities which can be delayed
Sol: 1  s = Z , 3 = 1.65
without affecting the total float of preceding
T90 = 54.95 weeks activity
(b) Identify the activities which can be delayed
174. The probability of competition of any activity without affecting the total float of succeeding
within its expected time is activity
(a) 50% (b) 84.1% (c) 99.9% (d) 100% (c) Establish priorities
174. Ans: (a) (d) Identify the activities which can be delayed
Sol: Probability of completion of any activity in its without affecting the total float of either of
expected time is 50% preceding or succeeding activities
178. Ans: (b)
175. The direct cost of a project with respect to normal Sol: Free float is time with which activity can be delayed
time is without affecting completion of succeeding
(a) Minimum (b) Maximum activities.
(c) Zero (d) Infinite
175. Ans: (a) 179 There are three parallel paths in a part of a network
Sol: Minimum cost is calculated using normal time. between a bursting node and the next merging node
with only one activity in each path. The minimum
176. Slack time refers to number of dummy arrows needed will be
(a) An activity (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
(b) An event 179. Ans: (c)
(c) Both event and activity Sol:
(d) Critical event only A B
176. Ans: (b)
Sol: Slack is the time with which an event can be delayed
without delaying the project scheduled time. B

177. If the optimistic time, most likely time and A D

pessimistic time for activity A are 4, 6 and 8

respectively and for activity
(a) Expected time for activity A is greater than the
expected time of activity B 180. In the time-cost optimization, using CPM method
(b) Expected time of activity B is greater than the for network analysis, the crashing of the activities
expected time of activity A along the critical path is done starting with the
(c) Expected time of activity A is same as that of activity having
the expected time of activity B (a) Shortest duration (b) Least cost slope
(d) None of these is correct (c) Longest duration (d) Highest cost slope
177. Ans: (c) 180. Ans: (b)
4 + 6 # 4 + 8 36
Sol: TE for activity A = 6 = 6 =6 Sol: Least cost slope is used to ensure minimum increase
in direct cost.
5 + 5.5 # 4 + 9 = 36 =
TE for activity B = 6 6 6

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