2.4 - Geobrugg FLEX Head

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Geobrugg FLEX head:

Because its flexibility protects

the bar anchor.

The first choice on unstable drilling

surfaces together with self drilling
anchors – with the same benefits
as spiral rope anchors:

- bar anchors are put under less

strain in the head area and are
thus not weakened
- high-tensile steel wires with
min. 1770 N/mm2: extremely
advantageous ratio of load-
bearing capacity to weight
- demonstrably long-lifetime
thanks to well thought-out
corrosion protection concept
- despite the increased corrosion
protection requirements, the
benefits of the rope anchor
do not have to be sacrificed
- suitable for commercial self
drilling anchors
Geobrugg FLEX head:
Anchorage in loose subsoil –
if you only knew how!
A bendable anchor head is not Technical data
shock-sensitive Design load FLEX head Design load anchor Design load FLEX head and anchor
Rockfall does not stop at the anchorage. When soil type (safety factor at least 1.5 (safety factor 1.5 on rupture)
means dealing with unstable boreholes, our FLEX head in depending on connecting part)

combination with bar or self drillling anchors is a good Spiral rope anchor head TITAN 30/11** 170 kN TITAN 30/11 170 kN
d=14.5 mm
alternative. It absorbs tensile and bending forces according GEWI 28** 205 kN GEWI 28 195 kN
195 kN*
to the same principle as the head of the Geobrugg spiral IBO R32N** 150 kN IBO R32N 150 kN
rope anchor and can be installed on any commercial self Spiral rope anchor head TITAN 40/16** 345 kN TITAN 40/16 315 kN
drillling anchor. In mixed soil conditions, the bar and self d=18.5 mm GEWI 32** 270 kN GEWI 32 270 kN
drillling anchors can be adjusted on-site, thus allowing 315 kN*
IBO R32S** 185 kN IBO R32S 185 kN
extra flexibility.
Spiral rope anchor head TITAN 40/16** 345 kN TITAN 40/16 345 kN
d=22.5 mm 470 kN* GEWI 40** 420 kN GEWI 40 420 kN
Simple installation load at rupture
* as per Geobrugg wire rope anchor ** design load =
The FLEX head must be inserted up to the red mark for 1.5

installation depth in at least lightly reinforced concrete in

order to be able to bear the lateral forces. This protects the Standard design
corrosion-critical transition in the ground from air and FLEX head
moisture – ensuring a long lifespan. If extra corrosion depth marking

protection is required in the anchor area, the anchor head

can be designed as in the illustration below.

Reinforced concrete

Anchor rod

Borehole with

Extra corrosion protection Reinforced concrete

Protecting tube

FLEX head

Ribbed tube
Space (e.g. mortar) Geobrugg AG

Geohazard Solutions
Aachstrasse 11 • CH-8590 Romanshorn • Switzerland
Mortar column Phone +41 71 466 81 55 • Fax +41 71 466 81 50
GEWI www.geobrugg.com • info@geobrugg.com
anchor bar
A company of the BRUGG Group ISO 9001 certified

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